FTC’s New Click-To-Cancel Rule Coming This Year
Beginning as soon as March or April 2025, the FTC will enforce a new rule that requires businesses to make canceling a subscription to their product or service as easy as signing up. For example, a company can’t force you to call a service agent on the phone to cancel a subscription if you signed up in 10 seconds Put Your Business On The Map Apple Business Connect is a free tool for businesses to manage and update information across Apple Maps, Siri and Spotlight. It enables businesses to control details like hours, contact information and photos, create promotional “Showcases” and access insights on customer interactions, improving visibility and accuracy across all Apple device users.
“Money” Is The Most Dangerous Word In Your Inbox
Someone is after your money, and no, it’s not your teenager. ZeroBounce, an e-mail company, Google “Unfiltered”
Google Image users are report ng a noticeab e uptick n hyperrea ist c A -generated p ctures n search resu ts r ght next to real ones However many of these mages aren t abe ed as AIgenerated ead ng to concerns about misinformation For examp e mage searches of baby an mals are r fe with AI-generated images Compan es, including Goog e are work ng on better ways to abel AI-generated photos, but unti then pay attent on when you re scro ling and ver fy images if you p an to reuse them
the New Year! Ah another year dawns upon us and were ushering t in w th noth ng but optim sm and a zest for the vast opportun ties ahead As we we come th s fresh start were not ust a ming for success but a touch of w t and w sdom too Its a l about starting strong, and for our dear friends that means d v ng headf rst into the intr gu ng wor d of AI learn ng its ns and outs for a brighter tomorrow Speak ng of ded cation, let’s sp l the beans on what our fantastic emp oyees are tru y seek ng when comm tted to the r beloved company Stay tuned for a year f l ed w th innovation growth and a spr nkle of wit!
Thismonthlypublication sprovdedcourtesyof JosivKrstinovski, PresdentandCEO ofKRSITConsulting. Our Mission:
don t care if t costs me
money am
every s ng e cl ent of ours has the abso ute best secur ty and solutions in place If not then I am not do ng my ob Pla
and s
... continued from Cover AI is also highly customizable. Because it tailors recommendations to your inputs, it offers personalized plans for your goals based on your habits and preferences (but sensitive data should be avoided). AI can also help you set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound –making tracking progress easier and increasing your chances of success.
How To Write Your New Year’s Prompt With AI
If you’re ready to try using generative AI tools for your resolutions, start by crafting a clear, thoughtful prompt. Here are some prompting best practices to get you started:
1 Tell A about yourse f: You don t need to share your l fe s story but te l AI some goals you might ike to achieve your strengths and weaknesses and what you’d ike help with This context helps AI customize its deas spec f cal y to you.
Examp e Prompt: “P ease help me create a New Year’s resolution Here is nformation about me that you can use to suggest he pfu reso ut ons [insert your strengths chal enges, hopes goals etc ] ”
2 Define your focus areas After introducing yourse f ask AI to suggest a l st of five to 10 New Year’s resolut ons If you only want ones re ated to fitness or work then say that If you re open to other ideas you can ask AI to th nk outs de the box when coming up with suggestions
Examp e Prompt: “With the nformation I gave you p ease suggest a l st of resolutions I may find usefu this year relating to fitness and my career ”
3 Rev ew and ref ne AI suggest ons: You can provide more informat on to AI and get d f the wording or goal to match
Example Prompt: “Can you rewrite X resolution to be met within six months?” Or “Can you adapt th s reso ution to focus on small business owners?”
4 Create SMART goa s Once you know your reso ution(s) ask AI to create SMART goals to help you meet them!
Example Prompt: “Please suggest SMART goals to he p me achieve my New Year s reso ut on ”
5 Track progress: Once you have your reso ution you can even use AI-dr ven apps or features (l ke reminders n productiv ty apps) to stay accountable Regular tracking helps you stick to your goa s and makes progress visib e even w th a simple check- n
e Coway Airmega App-
If you’ve never had success with New Year s resolutions or you want to shake things up this year, let AI he p you create some of your best resolutions yet!
So you feel you missed out on some great Holiday Deals... No need to pout! Because this year is all about positivity and good vibes!...And a little something extra in your pocket. ::wink::
Do you have some friends who cou d benefit from a consu t with us??
Let s chat about the r unique situation and how our team can lend a helping hand - completely on the house!
Don t forget about your trusty vendors too We can gab about joining forces to offer top-notch serv ces and swap referra s Best part? It won't cost a penny!
And hold onto your hat Here s the fun part cold hard cash! Score $300 for each pa who chats w th us and if they become a client? Boom, $1000 in your pocket! Who knew making connections could be so rewarding?!
Cartoon Of The Month
“Man I hate leg day.”
To Get Started And Get a Chance at this opportunity, Call Our Office At: 201.402.1900 Or Visit:
The Coway Airmega 300S is a powerfu a r purifier built for large spaces clearing up to 1 256 sq ft n ust 30 m nutes – perfect if you ve got pets allerg es or just want fresher a r Its HyperCaptive F ltration System catches 99 999% of tiny part c es ike al ergens and odors making t great for both homes and offices With the IoCare app you can mon tor indoor and outdoor a r qual ty, schedule runt mes and contro the purifier’s sett ngs plus get handy a erts when it s time to change or clean fi ters Smart features like Eco Mode Smart Mode and a custom zab e timer (one four or eight hours) make it energyefficient and adaptab e so you get fresh a r w thout fuss
Apps You Should Take Off Your Phone Right Now
These days our phones are jam-packed with apps However, apps are more than clutter – they re data col ectors Apps from Chinabased app developer ByteDance, such as TikTok CapCut and Lemon8 track extens ve details: your IP address, biometrics messages credit card numbers peop e and p aces in your videos information about the content you post and more T kTok s data privacy is so bad that it s banned in many countries and on government dev ces n several others, inc uding the US the EU Austra ia and Canada
Wh le harmful apps are the obv ous ones to nix, experts a so suggest you delete any app you aren’t us ng regu arly To ensure the app stops co lecting and sharing your data you must deactivate or de ete your account first Log in to each app and find the page where you can delete your account then un nstal it from your phone
Today s emp oyees des re more than a paycheck; they want purpose – a meaningfu connection to the r work that enriches the r l ves As John DiJu ius speaker and author of The Employee Exper ence Revolut on, puts t, “Work makes up a arge part of nearly every human being’s ife If we don t find value in what we do professiona ly t wi l trickle into other areas of our ives.”
Purpose-driven work not only increases engagement but also supports retent on and welbe ng At a recent industry conference D Ju ius explained three crucial elements in attract ng and retaining rock-star emp oyees cu tivat ng purpose creating an ungameable recruitment process and de iver ng a memorable onboarding exper ence.
The Power Of Purpose
To create a cu ture of purpose trust and mean ng DiJu ius says “ emp oyers must make sure every employee understands how their ob impacts customers lives ” Th s can be stra ghtforward for customer-facing emp oyees, but it s harder for those in less v s ble positions, such as warehouse or assembly- ine ro es to make the customer serv ce connection Medica device company Medtronic does this through its annua gala where
overwhe mingly obv ous It w ll e ther turn them on to your company or off – and that s the po nt “We are not for everyone, nor do we want to be ” DiJul us says
Use the nterview process to scare away wrongf t prospects dentify potent a rock stars and make the potentia rock stars want to pick YOU Interv ew experiences should showcase what your company stands for For example, greet candidates with a coffee offer them a reserved parking spot and nvo ve employees n the interv ew process These deta ls convey your company culture and help candidates feel l ke they be ong
Creating The Ultimate Onboarding Experience
The first day at a new job can e ther affirm a hire’s dec s on or make them question it Even for remote employees purposeful ntroduct ons and engaging act vities matter
DiJu ius offers onboard ng best practices:
Reorientat on Hold regular orientat ons for al staff, connect ng newcomers with current emp oyees and updating them on any company changes Gamify The Exper ence: Send new hires on a • •