Annual Report

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Loaves & Fishes The Power of Community 2012 Annual Report

Dear Friends,

MISSION Loaves & Fishes provides food and leadership in the community by uniting

Most of you are familiar with our mission and our vision. You may be less familiar with the five core values that Loaves & Fishes abides by: Community, Compassion, Dignity, Hope, and Service. These values guide us in making decisions and in sustaining our organization. Robert Bundy, award-winning writer, may have said it best: “If there are no common values, there can be no image of the future.” Our core values establish how we will fulfill our mission, and we are proud to present our annual report which embodies The Power of Community. This past year, Loaves & Fishes served 64% more people than the previous year. With the assistance of the individuals, businesses, faith communities, foundations and partners featured in this report, 17,803 individuals were able to visit 112,468 times and receive 3,156,358 pounds of food; moreover, we responded to 1,500 requests for our Pathways to Empowerment programs. Our significant growth demonstrates that our neighbors are in great need, and this annual report honors those who have responded to this need by contributing funds, time, food, and/or services to our community.

to be self-sufficient.

Often when people think about “community,” they focus on individuals living in a specific area or groups who share the same age, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. The community at Loaves & Fishes shares a cause that transcends barriers. Our clients, donors, and volunteers have diverse backgrounds and belong to different communities; yet, we are able to collaborate towards ending hunger in our collective community.


A house is not a home without a family, and a county is not a community without dedicated neighbors. Your commitment to Loaves & Fishes has been crucial in building a stronger future for everyone in Naperville and DuPage County, and The Power of Community Annual Report reflects how you have changed lives.

and mobilizing resources to empower people

Ending hunger in our community.


Charles P. McLimans Executive Director/CEO

Barry Horek Chair, Board of Directors

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Table of Contents Highlights of FY 2012.............................................................................................. 3 Donor Highlights...................................................................................................... 6 Donor Listing...........................................................................................................10 Volunteer Listing....................................................................................................12 Financials...................................................................................................................14 Board and Staff........................................................................................................15

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Highlights of Fiscal Year 2012 July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Our New Facility – Making a Difference One Year Later This marks the first complete fiscal year that Loaves & Fishes has occupied our new facility at 1871 High Grove Lane. Much more than a mere change in address, this building heralded a major service transformation. The enlarged, enhanced, and customized space now allows Loaves & Fishes to offer access to essential programs that provide a holistic service model so that people in need can overcome their major challenges to self-sufficiency. The most obvious physical changes were evident in our grocery center, where a cramped area with limited display space became a lightfilled grocery store featuring spacious aisles filled with a wide assortment of perishable and non-perishable foods. Greatly increased cooler capacity allows us to source, store, and provide a healthy array of fresh and frozen foods. The new Loaves & Fishes is so much more than a food pantry. Two versatile meeting rooms and a private interview room provide space to host Pathways to Empowerment initiatives, transforming lives with centralized access to critical educational and social services. Clients can meet with respected service partners onsite to gain competencies that prepare them to succeed. During this past fiscal year, we served more than 4,500 families – 2,556 of them for the first time. The staggering amount of people in need is heartbreaking, but we are heartened that we don’t have to turn people away due to inadequate facilities, thus ending hunger for many more local families. Loaves & Fishes is grateful to those who contributed the vision and resources to make this necessary facility a reality to better meet the needs of Naperville and DuPage County residents.

Loaves & Fishes provided families

3,156,358 pounds of groceries in FY2012. We share

60,000 pounds of groceries each week.

40,000 lbs.


112,468 fy 2011

fy 2012



Total Persons Served*


48,350 children

43% 54,285 adults

We made 3,248 deliveries to home-bound elderly/disabled residents.



9,833 seniors

*Number of individuals x number of visits = Total Served

Individuals Served (Unduplicated Count)

17,803 4,542 6,065 220

Individuals Households

Increase over FY 2011

+64% +53%

Students K-12 receiving breakfast and/or lunch assistance (34,671 Total)


Infants (0–12months) receiving baby food, formula and diapers (1,823 Total)


truckloads in FY2012

20,000 lbs.

To get an idea of what that looks like, the largest 53’ semitrailer holds 40,000 pounds, so this is 1-1/2 semitrailers of groceries each week!


Highlights of Fiscal Year 2012 July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Our new facility has provided the space; however, it is the continued generous support of our community which has enabled Loaves & Fishes to respond to increased need. In addition to the generous donors who contributed funds which purchased food and provided programs, Grocery Partners in our community contributed muchneeded items through our increased Food Recovery efforts. These continual gifts of fresh food have allowed us to expand our offering of fresh fruits and vegetables for our clients. Through the work of our Nutrition Advisory Council, our Smart Check labels now assist our clients in choosing items low in sugar, salt and fat, and high in fiber. Day-to-day operations would not be possible without the work of over 1,000 dedicated volunteers. This past year, volunteers donated 66,253 hours, which is the equivalent of more than 31 full-time employees. Over and over, clients express their gratitude and appreciation for the kindness and support shown by our compassionate volunteers. The implementation of a new software program in October 2011 has allowed us to streamline the volunteer process and maintenance of volunteer records.

Pathways to Empowerment Pathways to Empowerment initiatives provide holistic complements to the grocery support. Programs meeting a gamut of needs, from English as a Second Language classes, to Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, money management guidance, job search coaching, and mental health counseling help our clients to address barriers to selfsufficiency. Partnerships with respected service providers such as the College of DuPage, Samaritan Interfaith Counseling Center, and Community Career Center allow us to bring these services on site and make them accessible to clients. The addition of new programs at the end of fiscal year 2012, such as our Veterans’ Assistance program, have generated enthusiasm and support.

EmpowerING LIVES 1,500 individuals requested support through our on-site Empowerment Programs. Loaves & Fishes partners with community service providers to assist clients with: Public Benefits Assistance Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)

Veterans’ Assistance Benefits assistance, employment, and job retraining (Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs) Job Readiness Individual Job Search Support

Computer Training (People’s Resource Center)

English Language (College of DuPage and Literacy DuPage)

Mental Health Counseling Consultations (Samaritan Interfaith Counseling Center and Fox Valley Institute) Family Nutrition Nutrition Education (Benedictine University and Northern Illinois University)

Urban Farming (Master Gardeners, University of Illinois Extension)

Financial Literacy All My Money classes (William Beck Associates)

Tax Return Assistance (IRS – VITA: Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)

Strategic Plan To better serve and ensure our continued growth and response to the long-term needs of our community, Loaves & Fishes adopted a Strategic Plan reflecting the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations and Results (SOAR) that we plan to achieve over the next five years. SOAR, based on appreciative inquiry, was the guiding methodology for our planning. Over six months, the board and staff of Loaves & Fishes engaged stakeholders in conversations about the important place that ending hunger and empowering lives has in our community. The seven aspirations, along with corresponding goals and objectives found within this plan, are our organization’s translation of the hopes, dreams, and priorities of the people and community we serve.


Strategic Plan Overview 1. Provide the broadest array possible of healthy and diverse food options. 2. Continuously serve all clients in a dignified and customerfocused manner. 3. Provide best-in-class operations. 4. Build and maintain a strong and responsible financial position. 5. Be a regional philanthropic leader. 6. Empower more low-income households to achieve selfsufficiency. 7.

Generate broader community awareness and support for people experiencing food insecurity.

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Highlights of Fiscal Year 2012 July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Events Thanks to the generosity and creativity of our community, a variety of events have helped to increase awareness and support for Loaves & Fishes. Day Without Hunger, our annual spotlight on hunger, sponsored by the City of Naperville Special Events and Cultural Amenities Fund and BMO Harris, successfully united our community and raised awareness of our mission. On Flag Day, June 14th, we gathered for a flag ceremony to honor our veterans. This kicked off a fun-filled afternoon that gathered community members, clients, volunteers, and organizational representatives together for a community barbeque and local entertainment from the Hix Brothers student bands and Brother John. We netted over $6,000 for our programs! In the fall, The Rotary Club of Naperville assisted our organization (for the fourth consecutive year) by donating one-third of the proceeds from Soup’s On! Other events in which Loaves & Fishes was a beneficiary included the Exchange Club Ribfest, Naperville Jaycees Last Fling, Giving DuPage Human Race, Shakespeare in the Park, Dan Gibbons and Lion’s Club Turkey Trots, Knox Presbyterian Bike Ride, and Naperville Area CROP Walk. Many other cause marketing events sponsored by area businesses raised awareness and support. A variety of food drives were sponsored by area faith communities, businesses, schools and individuals. Food for Fines sponsored by the Naperville Public Libraries, as well as Stamp Out Hunger, sponsored by the postal service, engaged our community and raised awareness, as well as provided support for our mission. 





4 1.

Human Race



3.-5. Day Without Hunger 6.

Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot


Shakespeare in the Park



Jewel Dairy Run





9. Exchange Club Abraham Lincoln Award presentation to Charles McLimans

10. Nicor Community Service Day 9

11. ConAgra Foods pack-out


2012 Donor Highlights All of you—individuals, organizations, corporations, faith communities, grocery partners, and foundations—have played a key role in fulfilling our mission. We are pleased to highlight a few donors and share the stories of their involvement with Loaves & Fishes.

Corporation BMO Harris “BMO Harris continues to support Loaves & Fishes because it feels good when you help someone in need.” This was the response of Chris Michalski, Market President at BMO Harris Bank and Loaves & Fishes board member, when asked why

Neil McManus and Jeff Nyman volunteer at Loaves & Fishes

BMO Harris continues to support our organization. We have had the opportunity to work alongside many business partners throughout our growth into one of the most effective and efficient nonprofits in DuPage County. BMO Harris helped make our expansion possible by holding our mortgage, and in Fiscal Year 2012, reducing the interest rate on our loan. This reduction allows Loaves & Fishes to direct more money to our community. Also, BMO Harris helped make Day Without Hunger a success by sponsoring the event, which welcomed nearly 1,000 guests. Chris explains that “[BMO Harris] employees are deeply committed to the communities we live and work in. Giving back is important to us and is part of our culture which aligns exactly with one of the core values of Loaves & Fishes. We both believe in the



Naperville Jaycees assist with Harvest Sunday

The J.R. Albert Foundation supports education and nutrition


community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

power of community to change lives.” By partnering with corporations like BMO Harris, Loaves & Fishes is creating an economically stronger community. An average family receives $528 of groceries per month. From the funds saved throughout the year, our neighbors reinvest into our community by paying utilities, rent, and for consumer goods. BMO Harris has helped change lives by volunteering and financially supporting Loaves & Fishes, and we recognize all of our corporate partners that continue to have a positive impact. 

Faith Communities Cornerstones of Faith Continue Tradition of Giving Because Loaves & Fishes was founded by a faith community, we recognized four Cornerstones – Foundation of Faith communities when we moved into this facility. Our founding parish, St. Raphael Catholic Church, is joined by Congregation Beth Shalom, Knox Presbyterian Church, and Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church. All four faith communities play prominent roles in the life of Loaves & Fishes, sharing their time, talent, and treasure. We are grateful for their longstanding commitment to feeding the hungry and empowering their lives toward self-sufficiency. Each Cornerstone of Faith Community supported Loaves & Fishes in a unique way during the past fiscal year. A special relationship with a St. Raphael School class has developed into a longstanding annual tradition involving visits between the classroom and Loaves & Fishes, culminating in a grocery shopping trip. Additionally, numerous St. Raphael parishioners volunteer regularly, maintaining that close connection to the food distribution program founded in the parish’s basement closet 28 years ago. Last year, Sam Qunell, a Congregation Beth Shalom bar mitzvah, created a successful fundraiser. By selling logo bumper stickers, t-shirts, and tote bags featuring a Loaves & Fishes logo created by the Coexist artist, Sam raised more than $3,600 to end hunger. For the past several years, Knox Presbyterian Church has sponsored an annual Metric Century Bike Ride fundraiser. Cyclists gather to ride a scenic 62-mile route southwest of the city to support the work of Loaves & Fishes. Thanks in large part to Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, more than 1,800 students were equipped with school supplies to begin the school year. For more than 10 years, a volunteer from Our Saviour’s Mission Council has organized the purchase and collection of schoolbags filled with all the basics to equip students for a year of academic success. Loaves & Fishes is grateful for the thoughtful generosity of our Cornerstones of Faith Communities. 

Food Drives Harvest Sunday As more and more low-income families face the need to ask for food assistance, the community contributions through food drives are an increasing relief. Community food drives have con-

tributed as much as 50% of needed items distributed through the pantry, including specialty items such as birthday bags for young children. St. Raphael has been organizing an annual food drive since 1986. Harvest Sunday began as a joint effort with other sister churches in the area and still provides an inspiration today for area organizations, such as the Naperville Jaycees, businesses and faith communities. Harvest Sunday is one of the most successful food drives in the community, providing over 15,000 pounds of groceries to Loaves & Fishes in the spring of 2012. Barry O’Donnell, youth pastor at St. Raphael, noted that the youth groups of his church are responsible for this huge success. Small groups of freshman and sophomore youths are each assigned a particular geographical area within the parish. Equipped with handout materials, they canvass the neighborhood, going door-to-door to encourage the community to contribute food items. The following week, these young volunteers go back to pick up the donations from each household – an effort that can take half of the day. The rewards of this effort have been consistently impressive, and it has become a fun and exciting time for everyone. 

Foundation J.R. Albert Foundation When speaking about our new facility, it is important to remember that our increased capacity would not have been possible without donors that believe in our mission. For instance, the J.R. Albert Foundation, Inc. made a three-year pledge to Loaves & Fishes that provided The Community Room. This space enables us to provide public benefit assistance screening, computer classes, and tax preparation to clients. As Trish Robb, Executive Director of the J.R. Albert Foundation, explains, “When we first met the people of Loaves & Fishes in 2009, we knew we had found an organization that J.R. Albert would have liked. Mr. Albert was a two-time survivor of cancer, to which he credited his study of nutrition and healthy living. When he died in 2007 at age 91, he asked that his estate be used to teach people how to live, and eat, to create health and wellbeing.” Loaves & Fishes works hard to offer nutritious food options for our clients; moreover, our Nutrition Advisory Council (comprised of nutritional experts and licensed dietitians) initiated “Smart Check” labels that direct clients to foods high in fiber and low in sodium, sugar, or fat. Trish continues that “Loaves & Fishes provides the food people need with dignity and compassion. But it is the effort they make to go beyond the food, to address the issues that keep people from creating successful, healthy lives for themselves and their families that we at the J.R. Albert Foundation have been most happy to support.” We appreciate the support of all our foundation donors that help expand the quantity and quality of our services. 


Grocery Partner Caputo’s Fresh Markets Clients of Loaves & Fishes enjoyed more fresh fruits and vegetables than ever before thanks to important partnerships with our local community grocers. These generous donors have recognized the value of contributing fresh produce and other grocery items that might otherwise be discarded. Our partnerships with these steady and valued contributors can supply well over 150,000 pounds of groceries per month to our low-income families. This year, Loaves & Fishes recognizes Caputo’s Fresh Markets, a committed top-level partner since May of 2011. Caputo’s, at the northwest corner of 111th and Rt. 59 in Naperville, offers a diverse assortment of international, traditional, healthy, and organic foods. The atmosphere is friendly and inviting, and the customers regularly take advantage of the great savings offered every day of the year. Marcus Padilla, store director, continues to be very supportive of the food recovery efforts for Loaves & Fishes, and was quick to suggest ways that his customers and employees could also get involved in helping others. “Caputo’s has been extremely cooperative and helpful in this process,” says Cary Gilkey, operations manager. “They will often help us with a supply of produce bags, too, which we always need for sorting.” In addition to their consistent generosity and support, Caputo’s continues to find new ways to help our neighbors in need. This upcoming year, the store plans to provide a holiday meal box and other donations through the contributions of their customers, who are reminded to give generously as they shop. Thank you, Caputo’s, for your valued partnership and your commitment to a better, hunger-free community! 

Individual Mary Adams and Paul Sweeney Loaves & Fishes is fortunate to collaborate with dedicated individuals every day. Thanks to the commitment of our donors and volunteers, we have been able to successfully increase our capacity and assist more people. Our supporters continuously exceed expectations and put forth extended efforts on our behalf. Mary Adams and Paul Sweeney are admirable examples of this type of support. After moving to the Naperville area about four years ago, Mary and Paul found Loaves & Fishes. Since that time, they have donated funds towards our mission (they provided the Program Director’s office) as well as time (Mary regularly volunteers Tuesday mornings in the warehouse). When asked why the couple continues to support Loaves & Fishes, Mary responded that “I am struck every time I go out on the floor how much Loaves & Fishes’ distribution looks like a regular grocery store . . . our clients are people that we see every day out in the community – our neighbors and children that go to school with our kids.” Our neighbors experience many 8

emotions before visiting our pantry, such as fear, embarrassment, and depression. Our Client Choice method, which is made possible through generous donations and enthusiastic volunteers, restores our clients’ self-respect and dignity. When asked how Loaves & Fishes actualizes “community,” Mary and Paul believe it is a combination of our clients (especially those that volunteer after becoming self-sufficient) and our volunteers (whose passion creates a positive atmosphere). We are grateful for the opportunity to work with all of our donors and volunteers, like Mary and Paul, who help us progress towards ending hunger in our community. 

Organization The Rotary Club of Naperville The motto of the Rotary Club of Naperville (Rotary), Service Above Self, only begins to describe the transformational effects of this organization on Loaves & Fishes, especially in the past year. Rotary has four chapters: The Rotary Club of Naperville (Noon), Sunrise Rotary, Downtown (4:44) Rotary, and Rotary South. Bill Garlough, a longtime club member and past president, conceptualized the enormously successful Soup’s On! fundraiser in 2008 to provide visibility and funding to three local nonprofit organizations, including Loaves & Fishes. In just five short hours, this perfectly executed event raises critical funding and awareness to galvanize the community against hunger and homelessness. As soon as the event is over, planning begins for the following year, and it shows in the steady growth in attendance and business participation. Last year’s fundraiser realized a record $45,000 donation for Loaves & Fishes that was used to help meet unsurpassed demand for services. Fundraising is just part of Rotary’s major contribution to Loaves & Fishes during the past year. Numerous Rotarians have extended their service commitment to volunteer roles on the Loaves & Fishes board of directors. Rotarian board members include Garlough, Wendy Hayum-Gross, Tom Kallay, and Chris Michalski. Rotarians who sit on the Loaves & Fishes Community Advisory Council include Mary Ann Bobosky, Dan Casey, Ray Jones, Dave Kelsch, Ray Kinney, Marlin Reishus, Frank Slocumb, and Norm Zienty. Executive Director/CEO Charles McLimans is a proud Rotarian who was recognized as 2012 Rotarian of the Year. He has served in numerous leadership roles during the past several years and has been appointed President for the 2014 club year. Loaves & Fishes thanks and recognizes all Naperville Rotary Chapters for their generosity and commitment to Service Above Self. 

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Marcus Padilla, Caputo’s

Mary Adams and Paul Sweeney

Wendy and Jeff Gross work at Soup’s On!

Tracey Zweig

Photo courtesy of Naperville Magazine

Volunteer Tracey Zweig Many volunteers have one particular activity or function that they enjoy performing at Loaves & Fishes. Perhaps they do client intake, sort and stock groceries, assist with distributions, or serve as a community ambassador. Dynamic Tracey Zweig does all of the above and then some! Tracey began volunteering in 2008 at Tuesday distributions and quickly added more responsibilities. Before long, Tracey was involved in establishing the Volunteer Action Committee (VAC), which she now chairs. She is also a Tuesday Distribution Leader, directing volunteers in performing their duties. If there is a special initiative, chances are Tracey has been part of it. Whether serving on the committee that created the Culinary Comforts cookbook, refining Client Choice and adapting it for Home Delivery clients, planning and executing the move to the

new building, or organizing volunteers for this year’s Day Without Hunger, Tracey has joyfully accepted these and many other challenges, always exceeding expectations. Tracey is extremely popular with both clients and staff for her ready smile, kind heart, and high energy. She balances her volunteerism with parenting and a part-time job, even encouraging her employer’s involvement. “Tracey has a heart of gold. Her energy and positivity continually humble me,” said April Fitzhugh, volunteer manager. “She has an effortless ability to make anyone around her feel welcome and significant. Loaves & Fishes is blessed to have her as a partner in accomplishing our mission.” 


Donors Visionary $10,000+

Lisle Community Service Corporation

Tim & Betsy Nyman

J.R. Albert Foundation

William McDaniel Charitable Foundation

Daniel Overton & Peggy Lundberg


Mercedes-Benz of Naperville

Kenneth & Kathleen Risden

The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation

Micole Foundation

River Glen Presbyterian Church

DuPage County Board

Naperville Noon Lions

Rotary Club of Naperville Sunrise

Tim & Susan Ellerbusch

Naperville Presbyterian Church

John & Amy Ruth

Exchange Club of Naperville

Naperville Township

Dan & Alice Sisbarro

The Grainger Foundation

Brian & Lise Nauman

Ronald & Dawn Struxness

Knox Presbyterian Church

Walter & Patricia Nobles


George & Julie Mann

Phoenix Leather Goods


Jack & Renee Moore

Patricia Schultz

Mary Trowbridge

City of Naperville

Shinto Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar

Brian & Margaret Tuttle

Naperville Jaycees

Ss. Peter and Paul Church

John Vasicek

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

Weist Foundation

John & Sandy Wunderlich

Partners in Recognition, Inc.

Whole Foods Market

Rotary Club of Naperville Charities

Provider $2,500–$4,999

St. Raphael Catholic Church



Larry J. Alania Photography

Peggy & Ron Beata

Charles & Melanie Andrew

Dr. Jay Bergamini

Anonymous (2)

CA, Inc.

John & Ginger Aymond

Congregation Beth Shalom

Ned & Linda Bacon

Cyrus Shank Company

Julie & Greg Baker

Leader $5,000–$9,999

Michael & Nancy Drevalas

Bank of America


Fair Oaks Ford Lincoln

Michael & Jennifer Barad

BMO Harris Bank

H.B. Fuller Company Foundation

The Beck Family

Brian & Nancy Bolliger

Derek & Rebekah Funkhouser

William & Irene Beck Foundation

BP Foundation

Give with Liberty

Melissa Beck-Cox

Cargill Foundation

Grace United Methodist Church

Jack & Jody Bender

Church World Service

Jeff Gross & Wendy Hayum-Gross

Bethany Lutheran Church & School

The Compass Church

Hoy International

Dr. Wayne & Aida Blaszak

ConAgra Foods



Crane Fund for Widows and Children

Justin Kilchenmann

Bluco Corporation

Bill & Patti Donahue

Zachary & Kristin Larson

BNSF Foundation

Bill & Karen Garlough

John M. & Alicia G. McCareins, Ph.D., J.D.

Chad Bohnstedt

Grace Pointe Church

Charles P. McLimans

Ken & Natasha Bonomo

Michael & Toni Havala

Naperville Evening Kiwanis

Michael & Victoria Boomgarden

Barry & Mary Horek

Naperville Masonic Temple Association

BP Fabric of America

David & Terri Huddleston

Naperville Rotary Charities

Breen Family Foundation


Naperville Woman’s Club

August & Carol Bulfer

Kraft Foods

Mark & Kris Nerud

Vann Bush

Kevin & Clara Kridle

Jill Nielsen

Cadence Health

Mary Adams & Paul Sweeney Tellabs Foundation The Tie Bar Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot Foundation Tom & Karren Wcisel


Empowerment Circle

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Casey’s Foods

Dominic & Joyce Imburgia

Peter & Laura Priehs

Ed & Kathy Channell

James & Barbara Jacob

James & Mary Jane Pulsa

Robert & Lenore Chemers

David & Kathleen Johnson

Questors Class-Grace United Methodist

Joan Chow

Colleen Johnston

Darren & Miriam Qunell Family

Thomas & Maryann Ciccarelli

David & Nicole Jones

Blanche Raab

Clevenger Oil Company

Ray & Marilyn Jones

Norma Rambow

Jeffrey & Nancy Couch

Kevin & Anita Kappra

Brian & Janelle Rebel

Dr. Don & Tracey Cowart

Ken & Susan Koranda

Marlin & Margaret Reishus

Frank & Deborah D’Ambrose

Florian Kordas

Steve & Laura Reitman

Dennis & Debra Dean

Loraine Kraft

James & Lois Rempel

Vince & Cindy Delack

Philip & Lynn Langheim

Nat & Kathleen Rosenberg

Michael & Jane Donnantuono

Jin & Joo Lee Family Foundation

Richard & Grace Rothrock

The DuPage Community Foundation

Craig Leinauer

Kevin Ryan, D.D.S.

Barbara & Bryan Eckert

Robert & Elizabeth Littel

James & Kathleen Schlesser

Emerson Network Power Energy Systems

Dale & Susan Mancuso

Corey & Tonya Schmidt

Energy Services Air Conditioning & Heating Company, Inc.

Eleanor Mares

Ursula Schroeder

Brett Martin

Michael Schulte

Andrew & Susan Fitch

Michael May

Paul & Linda Sneed

Mary Fogelsong

McDonald’s Corporation

Kathy & Hal Spinka

Tom & Debra Anne Fogelsong, Jr.

Raymond McMullen, D.D.S.

St. Margaret Mary Parish

John & Cheryl Fontaine

Meson Sabika

St. Timothy Lutheran Church

The Fox Family

Chris & Julie Michalski

Doug & Debbie Stanley

The Gardner Family

Mike & Cari Minik

John & Noreen Stauffer

Jerry & Harol-Deane Garren

Mary Ellen Moran

Hal & Donna Stembridge

Bryan & Rebecca Garrett

Thomas & Debbie Moravecek

Scott Stenmark

David & Margo Garza

Bernie & Sue Moser

Janet & Gerald Strack

Stacy & Heath Gerdes

James L. Moser Foundation

John & Joyce Stuart

Donald & Arletta Giehler

Naperville Church of Christ

T.G.I. Friday’s

Giving DuPage

Naperville Evangelical Covenant Church

Robert & Trude Terreberry

Glancer Magazine

Naperville Knights of Columbus

Burt & Mary Thomas

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Naperville Newcomers and Neighbors

Sandie Thomas

Andy & Tracey Gorrell

Dr. Richard Merrion, Naperville Wellness Group

David & Norma Thompson

Kent & Susan Green

National Philanthropic Trust

Kevin & Sharon Thomsen

Jack & Diane Hammel

Navistar, Inc.

Larry & Theresa Tinker

Ron & Phyllis Haskell

New York Life

John & Bernice Tulloch

Frank & Melissa Hayes


Michael & Susan Valaik

Robert & Mary Hedrich

Alex W. Nielsen Foundation, Heavenly Pennies

Vicki & Julien Verboom

Marc & Rita Hernandez

Thomas & Christina O’Hara

Bob & Kathryn Walsh

Peter & Rachelle Hickey

The Parejko Family

WEBIT Services - Eric Rieger

Chris Hoekstra

Paul & Anne Marie Pemberton

Wells Fargo

Dr. James & Elizabeth Hoffman

Larry & Nancy Peterson

Lloyd & Susan Wennlund

Arie & Sharon Hoogendoorn

Eric & Lesly Peyton

Ben Wiersum

Brent Houck

Matt & Andrea Pfeiffer

Thomas & Shauna Winters

Ed & Dorothy Hoy

Physicians Health Care Org, Inc.

Wayne & Cathleen Yakich

Laverne Iacomini

Pretzel and Stouffer

Michael Zink


Grocery Partners These food donation partners contribute on a weekly basis to Loaves & Fishes, providing most of the fresh foods distributed to our families. Caputo’s Fresh Markets

Green Earth Institute

Casey’s Foods


Trader Joe’s


Mayneland Farm

Wagner Farms

Garden Fresh Market

Naperville Area Humane Society


Great Harvest Bread Company

Oberweis Dairy

Whole Foods Market–Naperville


Monthly Work Groups Angan

Naperville Evening Kiwanis Club

Blue Cross Blue Shield-United Way

Naperville Bank & Trust

Community United Methodist Church

Notre Dame Club of Greater DuPage

Euclid Masonic Lodge No. 65

Wesley United Methodist Church

Grace Pointe Church

Individuals with over 40 Volunteer Hours (January 1 through June 30, 2012)


Joanna Abbattista

Melissa Beck-Cox

Joanne Champagne

Robyn Farm

Mary Adams

Linda Bedel

Lisa Childers

Michael Fenton

Matthew Adamson

Barbara Beecham

Mary Christensen

Sheila Ferguson

Tahany Ammar

Penny Beerntsen

Steven Collins

Colleen Fissinger

Darlene Anderson

Irene Birzetis

Anne Cornuelle

Hugh Flanders

Eloise Andrews

Gina Bognar

Nancy Couch*

Paul Flatman

Larry Appelson

Jayne Boyle

Judy Curley

Steve Folan

William Archer

Chelsea Brown

Gina Cuttaia

Richard Fowler

Joanne Arford

Jenifer Brucks

Elizabeth Cytryn

Sue Frydryk

Rose Armbrust

Mary Ann Budzynski

Daniel Darby

Dave Gagliano

Wayne Avery*

Ed Bulak

Ed De Paepe

Deborah Gaither

Joe Ayres

Carol Bulfer

Emily Diamond

Kathleen Galassini

Linda Bacon

Barb Burken

Janet Dick

Sheryl Geltner

Nancy Bankemper

Bobbie Callock

Phyllis Dixon

Mark Getzin

Tina Baranouski

James Cannon

Adam Doden

Linda Glenn

Renee Barron*

Pat Carmignani

John Dovale

Fred Goldenson

Suzanne Barry

Dick Carney

John Dunham

Adrienne Golinkin

Peggy Beata

Debbie Cassady

Bob Elazan*

Marion Golovach

Ron Beata

Reena Chackanad

Lynn Erickson

Randy Greene

community • compassion • dignity • hope • service

Cynthia Grier

Sheila Lynch

Srinija Pernankil

Ron Steck

Tom Haddock

Judith Lyons

Andrew Phillips

Marge Steinhoff

Shirley Haddock

Chris Mair

Jan Piatak

Petra Steinmetz

Dwayne Hall

Karine Malec

Terry Piatak

Eric Storm

Jennifer Halvorson

Nancy Malinowski*

Jill Pietrzak

Helmud Strohschein

Quinn Hampton

Wally Malinowski*

Jerry Pietrzak

Dawn Struxness

Larry Hatch

Rita Mannion

Peg Pinkerton-delaHoz

Eric Swanson

Sue Hatch

Michael Markowicz

Ashley Plescia

Russ Swanson

Melanie Hinds

Tom Masen

Janice Podolski

Lawrence Sykora

Kate Hopkins

William Masters

Ron Podulka

Valerie Talsky

CeCe Hotter

Jenny Matthews

Sandy Quinn

Eileen Tarantino

Marsha Howting*

Lynn Matthews

Diane Quinn Erickson

Tom Tarpey

Lucy Hoy

Patti Mau

Keith Quintavalle

Margie Tarpey*

Nancy Huck

Elizabeth May

Rohini Raghuram

Terry Termini

Mark Hull

Anne McCoy

Surendra Ravi

Barb Toepp

David Humphrey

Marj McIntosh

Christopher Reck

Risa Tormos

Michelle Iskowitz

Jerry McIntosh

Margaret Reneker

Lloyd Tressel

Steven Jacque

Susan McNeal-Bulak

Paul Renn

Tom Tyo

Larry Johnson

Betty Menze

Margaret Rice

Greg Umentum

Graham Johnson

Nicole Michener

Linda Rings

Tracy Urben

Sarah Johnson

Sylvia Miller

Mike Riordan

Plinio Velez

Greg Jones

Sue Morrison

Walter Rittle

Daniel Viar

Kathleen Kauper

Sarah Mulloy

Teetee Roberts Brown

Betsy Way

Thomas Kelly

Paulette Murphy

Marge Rossman

Tom Wcisel*

Michael Kiefer

Betsy Nardi

Janice Ruggerio

John Webb*

Tom Klann

Linda Nolten

Ann Russell

Patricia Wehrli

Rob Kostelny*

Mary O’Brien

John Ruth

Fred Wehrli*

Alan Krema

Dylan OConnell

Brenda Ryan

Betty Weiss

Gerald Lahti

Bonnie O’Donnell

Anna Sarovich

Snezana Wensits

Karen Lantz

Gerard Oleskowicz

Robin Schoene

Kara White

Jeremy Leanderson

Helen Olsen

Susan Schumann

Loren Whitehouse

Linda Lewis

Deirdre O’Neal

Gayle Schweinert

Darren Wiggins

Patrice Lia*

John O’Neal

Carl Shaffer*

Cheryl Wild

James Lia*

Joseph O’Toole

Diane Shamet

Ginnylynn Wohlfeil

Nancy Lindberg

Dianne Ottney-Avery

Sharron Sims

Patricia Young*

Andrew Lindsay*

Lynn Owen

Joyce Skortz

Bob Young

Alex Lints

Prashant Parikh

David Slavik

Mary Ann Zakrzewski

Audrey Lisk

Christine Parisi

John Slusarski

Joe Zver

Barbara Llewellyn

Marcia Parrill

Lyn Smith

Tracey Zweig*

Keith Loftus

Lanny Paschke

Angela Splan

Sue Lotter

Thomas Pelc

Kathy Stack

*October 2011 Award Honorees 13


FY2012 July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 Public Support and Revenue In-kind contributions Individual donors Organizations/Corporations Faith Communities Government Fundraising events/Other Total

Operating Expenses1 Program Costs Administrative/Fundraising Total



Sources of Funding

$8,473,854 $6,134,825 446,879 621,115 687,503 549,032 181,477 192,666 226,935 119,088 7,216 56,047 $10,023,864 $7,676,936

2012 2011 $9,435,453 $ 6,821,615 304,073 216,201 $9,739,526 $7,037,816

 In-kind contributions


 Individual donors


 Organizations/Corporations 7%


2012 2011

Cash & cash equivalents Pledges receivable Total Current Assets

$775,325 118,953 $894,278

$715,330 116,333 $831,663

Deferred financing fees Pledges receivable

$ 6,316 164,500

$15,663 156,333


Net Property & Equipment Total Assets

 Faith communities


 Government 2%  Fundraising events/Other


Operating expenses

2,674,194 2,769,516 $3,739,288 $3,773,175


2012 2011

Accounts payable Accrued payroll Deferred contributions Building mortgage (current portion) Total Current Liabilities

$30,337 10,414 - 55,621 $96,372

$25,248 8,927 16,461 46,986 $97,622

1,260,896 1,357,268

1,579,690 1,677,312

Building mortgage (long-term portion) Total Liabilities Total Net Assets3 Total

2,382,020 2,095,863 $3,739,288 $3,773,175

1 Excludes retained earnings allocated toward operating reserves, capital reserves and program expansion.



Net property & equipment includes accumulated depreciation.


Total net assets includes unrestricted and temporarily restricted.

 Program costs


 Administrative/Fundraising 3%

Community Advisory Council Dave Kelsch (Chair)

Michael Donnantuono

Marlin Reishus

Nicki Anderson

Middy Fierro

Vince Rosanova

John Ball

The Honorable Bob Fieseler

Frank Slocumb

Mary Ann Bobosky

Ray Jones

Dawn Struxness

Chuck Bokar

Ray Kinney

Linda VanHorn, PhD, RD

Dan Casey

Ken Koranda

The Honorable Gary Vician

The Honorable Mike Connelly

Dale Mancuso

The Honorable John Zediker

Laura Crawford

Alicia McCareins, PhD, JD

Norm Zienty

Volunteer Action Committee

Nutrition Advisory Council

The Loaves & Fishes Volunteer Action Committee provides leadership in efforts to recruit, train, engage and retain our valued volunteers. Volunteers are the “heart” of our business, giving Loaves & Fishes the manpower needed to get the job done in every facet of the organization.

The Loaves & Fishes Nutrition Advisory Council (NAC) was formed over the summer of 2011 to support efforts to provide wholesome and nutrient rich food choices for our clients. Our NAC members are a talented and experienced group of health care professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge to our community and to Loaves & Fishes.

Tracey Zweig (Chair) Andy Lindsay (Vice Chair)

Bonnie O’Donnell

Toni Havala, MS, RD, LDN (Chair)

Tamera Keller

Jim Lia

Carl Shaffer

Nicki Anderson

Richard Merrion, DC

Patrice Lia

Moe Shahpar

Kelly Brasseur, MS, RD, LDN

Julie Michalski, RN

Nancy Malinowski

John Webb

Angela Dennison, NPV

Julie Moreschi, MS, RD, LDN

Susan McNeal-Bulak

Pat Wehrli

Dick Kaleba

Board and Staff Staff

Board of Directors Barry Horek, Chair

Harol-Deane Garren, Emerita

CPA, Retired partner, Ernst & Young

Retired Teacher

Wendy Hayum-Gross, Vice Chair

Ron Haskell

Mary Kay Cosmetics & NCC LCPC

Law Office of Ronald L Haskell

Bill Garlough, Secretary

Mike Havala

Charles McLimans

Development Associate

Jody Bender

Alkalee Cole

Community Relations Director

Jane Macdonald

Senior Program Director

My Chef Catering

Capital Markets Advisor

Alice Sisbarro, Treasurer

Tom Kallay

Development Director


Nicor Gas/AGL Services

April Fitzhugh

Brian Bolliger

Tom McGough

Volunteer Manager

Immediate Past Chair

ConAgra Foods

Jane French

Charles McLimans, Ex officio

Chris Michalski

Executive Director/CEO

BMO Harris

Peggy Beata

Jack Moore

RLP Images

Marketing Executive

Kevin Burns

Matt Pfeiffer


Pfeiffer Law Offices, P.C.

Tracey Cowart

Tom Winters

Cowart Chiropractic


Matt Chicola

Executive Director/CEO

Megan Selck

Web & E-Communications Manager

Cary Gilkey

Operations Manager

Rachelle Hickey

Communication & Events Manager

Warehouse Assistant

Elizabeth Hoffman

Executive Assistant/HR

Lori Nalefski

Program Assistant

Gerard Oleskowicz Traffic

community compassion dignity hope service

Ending Hunger

Empowering Lives

1871 High Grove Lane • Naperville, IL 60540 • PH: 630.355.3663 (FOOD) © Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry 2012 – All Rights Reserved

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