2 minute read
willow schmidt
from [proof] Winter 2021
by [proof]
schmidt interview by neela rao
Passion and creativity are necessities when it comes to expressing yourself through art. During the global pandemic, it can be hard for artists to stay motivated to create, but Willow Schmidt, junior at Paly and founder of small business Eclectic Outlet, has had no problem putting herself and her art out there, even during this unexpected time.
Willow Schmidt recently began her own small business selling handmade jewelry, sun catchers, and more. When asked what inspired her to start selling, she said she “started it as a way to pass time, but eventually became inspired by [her] own stuff, and wanted to share it with others.”
Willow began selling products through depop, a free fashion marketplace where anybody can sell products and ship to customers worldwide. With more than 100 sales, Willow has been quite successful on depop, but recently she decided to make her own website. When asked why, she explained that “depop was taking a lot of revenue and I was losing money.” With her own website she can keep more of her profits, and customize the website and create discount codes for her customers.
Initially, Willow described that she felt like she was working a lot as her business began to grow. Now, she has a busy but manageable schedule and works an average of about 5 hours a week depending on how many sales she gets.

During this pandemic, it has been hard to continue creating as an artist. With less motivation and a lot of pain in the world, it can be difficult to find the time and inspiration to create. Willow Schmidt is a great example of somebody who has not only continued creating, but actually expanded her art to more than just herself by sharing it with others. We can all be inspired by Willow’s motivation and commitment to her craft during this last year, and appreciate the fact that in the midst of a chaotic time, she is helping spread positivity with her artwork.
You can find out more at her website, www.eclecticoutletusa.com, or Instagram @eclectic_outlet.
One of the most important things to Willow when it comes to having a business is keeping her products as environmentally friendly as she can. She decided to focus on helping the environment when it comes to her business because “to me, all the other political movements that I support and have very strong opinions of don’t matter without a planet to live on.” Not only does she make a goal of sustainable packaging and products, but Willow also donates 20% of her profits to the Environmental Defense Fund at the end of each month. Willow donates part of her profits because she believes “Even if it’s a small contribution, it feels good knowing it might lead to change”
