A pr emier e r eal estate company having a long list of satisfied customer s. T heir pr ojects have alw ays set new tr ends in the r eal estate mar k et of the D elhi-N CR. 3c lotus 300 is a latest housing development pr oject that has been launched at a decent location of N oida city. T he development w ill be built by the 3c gr oup; 3c lotus 300 is located in the Sector 107, N oida. A w ell located place, Sector 107 is easily connected to the main happening ar eas of N oida city w ith var ious modes of tr anspor tation viz Autos, City & L ocal Buses, M etr os etc. You can connect to D elhi and other par ts of the N CR w ith D N D Expr essw ay. N ear by located Yamuna Expr essw ay connect the r esidents of lotus 300 to Agr a and D elhi. T he near by localities of 300 have Schools, H ospitals, M alls, M ultiplexes, U niver sities and commer cial distr icts 100 % Pur e D eal
Best D eal
98110042 72
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gr een ar chitectur e
F ew F lats L eft
high-end luxur y
3c lotus 300 N oida is available w ith a r ange of 3BH K & 4BH K apar tments of classy designs. T he ambiance of these apar tment s is ver y spacious w her e you can have mor e utility ar eas. You can enjoy a lar ger level life in these apar tments. T hese 2BH K & 3BH K apar tment s ar e pr iced ver y affor dably allow ing you to lead a happy life.us 300 Sec 107 N oida.
Best D eal
3c lotus 300 is a latest housing development pr oject I t is a w ell situated r esidential pr oject having all the facilities of day to day need in an ar m's r each. Ever ything of your need is either w ithin its ar ea or in near by localities. You'll lead a tr uly comfor table lifestyle at 3c lotus 300.
3C L otus 300 heralds an era of new world luxuries combined with suburban living. Stay inspired in a league that spells class and exclusivity. No wonder, those who live a distinguished life deserve an equally stunning ambience.
3c Group T he 3C Company br ings together the unpar alleled occur r ence of thr ee nationally acclaimed pr ofessionals fr om the fields of Ar chitectur e - M r . Vidur Bhar adw aj, Constr uction - M r . Sur pr eet Sur i and D evelopment - M r . N ir mal Singh. I t w as their far sightedness that has led them to be pioneer s of envir onment fr iendly cr eations. L ed by these thr ee highly qualified and exper ienced specialists is a team of 400 pr ofessionals w or k ing tow ar ds the cause of r educing the car bon footpr int on the ear th. T oday w hen, a lot of major player s in the constr uction and development industr y ar e still accumulating their r esour ces to develop envir onment fr iendly constr uction solutions 'T he 3C Company' has alr eady set ver y high standar ds and cr eated benchmar k s in the concept of GREEN CON ST RU CT I ON for other s to follow . Pledged tow ar ds r educing the car bon footpr int on the ear th, the company has been cr eating buildings that ar e tr uly sustainable in for m, function and use. T hese sustainable developments not only use far less natur al r esour ces and ener gy in the pr ocess they ar e built but ar e also mor e dur able and r equir e