Brexit means one up for builders in mumbai ppt

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Brexit Means One Up for Builders in Mumbai

Theresa May, the new British Prime Minister may give reason to builders in Mumbai to continue to attract investments from British Indians. The leader intends to keep Britain as relevant to foreign investors as it had been while it was a part of the EU. Brexit may indeed make Britain more dynamic and prosperous than it had been while it was shackled with legislation from Brussels. Britain is dynamic and indeed may prove to be better off outside the EU. Possibly one reason for Brexit was that the people of Britain sought to forge a stronger relationship with their former colony across the Atlantic and to distance themselves from their European neighbors. Mumbai property Although many in Britain since Brexit have testified that immigration from the EU was the primary reason for leaving the European Union, it may amount to one and the same thing; Britain wanting to embrace the US and turn their back on a continent which has a rapidly growing population of immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa.

Anglo-Saxon wanting to remain Anglo-Saxon may be an important reason for why the British chose to leave the EU. Closer ties with the US, a nation where the elite are undoubtedly of Anglo-Saxon origin and whose founders once hailed from Britain, may have been desired by many of those who chose to leave the EU. The British had always felt distant from their neighbors across the English Channel. Indians in Britain may indeed have it better in Britain now than they did in the past, although certain policies which make travel to Britain more difficult are being put in place, Theresa May’s government is almost certain to pay far greater attention and weight to India than her predecessor David Cameron. India and Britain share ties and a history, despite the history of the two nations being one sided in favor of Britain, the future certainly augurs better for India than it does for Britain. Now Britain can freely choose to make trade deals without incumbrances from the European trading bloc.

Service apartments in Mumbai This should bode well for top builders in Mumbai as their demands matter more than they would have earlier when Britain had to negotiate trade deals through the EU. Builders in Mumbai may feel confident that British businesses will acquiescence to their demands more easily now than they would have when Britain was itself being dictated terms by the EU. As the EU is itself in dire straits and in some danger of falling apart, to secure its future prosperity, Britain needs to pay far greater attention to countries such as India and China, both of whom it had in the past dictated terms to. Many luxury apartments in Mumbai may be purchased not only by Indian’s in Britain but in the future by Anglo-Saxon Brits themselves as the relationship between India and Britain is transformed from one that was earlier advantageous to Britain to one where the Brits become far more dependent on India for economic prosperity.

Certainly, Britain is more technologically advanced than India and is also wealthier, yet New projects in Mumbai don’t differentiate between nationalities and may in the future be bought either by NRI’s in Britain or by white British themselves. In a sense, Britain has backed itself into a corner; it now has little choice than to seek trading partners outside Europe for future economic growth and to ensure they remain a dominant power on the world stage this century. Almost certainly British influence will decline, yet trade deals with countries such as India may allow them the status of a major power for many decades to come. The Indian government should realize that the British now need India more than India needs the British and formulate trade deals keeping in mind this new dynamic. In the future investments into India from Britain may flow into new projects in Mumbai which shall further increase the cosmopolitan nature of Mumbai while cementing its status as a top destination investment destination.

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