1 minute read
2.4 Construction
Real Estate Investment describes technology-based platforms which change the trading method of real estate. They can be online matchmaking platforms, such as crowdfunding, peer to peer or mezzanine platforms. These platforms use or build their platform as a service and offer their services for different kinds of investment possibilities. This sector supports the marketplace, property management, construction and valuation sectors. Investment should be one of the PropTech sectors. Because the main business areas of the real estate industry are; Investment, Development, ManagementandTrading.Thesebuildthelifecycleofbuildings.
There are 8 companies which are operative in the real estate investment sector. They offer 9 services and 2 products. The business areas are; platform as a service, crowdfundingandconsulting.
Source: PropTech Academy, PropTech Switzerland, 2021