RHJ Multifamily Digital Aug-Sept 18

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Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine


August - September 2018


What's inside: What is the #1 Reason Renters Move?

Apartment Job Openings Continue at High Levels 7 Drivers Affecting Multifamily Growth Going Forward Do You Have a SmokeFree Policy that Adequately Protects Residents?


Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

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Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine


Table of Contents Welcome to RHJ Multifamily Magazine

Over the last year Rental Housing Journal has seen an enormous amount of growth in reach. We have expanded beyond our regional journals for property managers and apartment owners with our publishing partnership with National Real Estate Investors Association and the launch of the quarterly national publication, Real Estate Journal, and annual Real Estate: Opportunities in Investing (ROI) publications. Additionally, we’ve added featured departments online: RHJinvestor.com and RHJblog.com.

RHJ Multifamily is a bi-monthly digital publication specifically for apartment owners and property managers nationwide. The editorial content will include market trends, best practices, legal commentary and other pertinent information from many of the most successful and knowledgeable sources in the multifamily industry. Thank you for reading and, again welcome to RHJ Multifamily magazine. Will Johnson, Publisher

Featured Articles

4. What is the #1 Reason Renters Move? 7. Apartment Job Openings Continue at High Levels 10. Pet Friendly Companies Help Engage, Retain Employees 12. Stick to the Facts in Documentation at Your Property 14. 7 Drivers Affecting Multifamily Growth Going Forward 21. Do You Have A Smoke-Free Policy That Adequately Protects Residents?

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Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

What is the #1 Reason Renters Move? J

obs in locations with strong economies are the main reason renters move, according to a survey of more than 10,000 renters from across the country. Sydney Bennett, Senior Research Associate at Apartment List, said in an interview the company decided to do the research because, “We're a rental platform. We're kind of helping people move all the time, and we got curious. We wanted to talk to our renters and better understand when they're making these moves.

even a new city across the state can be a big life change, and we wanted to know if they're moving because they had a job offer there that kind of retracted them away from their current city? Or, if it was because they're ready for a change, and they just kicked up and decided on a new city and started looking for jobs there,” Bennett said.

“Jobs are kind of the main driver of the places people want to move. Regardless if they picked it based on the location, or they got drawn by a specific job, is is places “Moving to a new state, or with strong economies that are

where people are moving. “I think one interesting finding is that a lot of these cities with fast-growing economiesbut not what you think of as traditionally the strongest job markets - are where people are picking up and moving to. Maybe without a job already lined up. So, places like Phoenix, and San Antonio, and Las Vegas that have good job markets, but they also are cheaper than New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles that may have jobs. But, but maybe not jobs that pay enough to afford the rent in those cities,” she said.

Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine


Renters move to stretch their money

So places like Phoenix and Las Vegas “we see renters moving because a lot of times people, especially people that might be in more lowwage or mid-wage jobs, decide to pick up and move to those places, even if they have a job where they live, because they can stretch their money further.

Commuting impact on renters move and prices

“We've done some other research around commutes as well,” Bennett said. “I definitely think there's a trade-off there” when people move to a new city. “If they live in Phoenix, they can live 30 minutes from work. If they're going to stay in LA, they're going to commute an hour and a half, and maybe even still pay more. “And, so, I think there are definitely people where that commute affordability balance weighs in. People moving for jobs to the most expensive cities may have been recruited by companies there, she said. “So they had a company recruit them. Or they found a job that happened to pay enough to make the move worth it. Maybe the company paid for their relocation. And so, those are the types of people who are willing to relocate to New York or San Francisco or Boston.

Renter moves planned earlier in the year take longer

“We can use our data to see when people start searching versus when people actually end up moving. What we do see is that, overall, people who start looking earlier in the


Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

you have less tenant turnover, vice-versa,” she said. people will maybe want to So, renters searching in stick around for a couple years Resources: January are more likely to instead of moving every year. Making Moves: Why Some Renters Chase Jobs & Others Chase Locations spend a few months looking than someone who starts “And so, you're better able Methodology: looking in June, and is trying to pick an apartment in your The online survey was conducted from last August through April of 2018 with responses to move right in that summer budget if you know where from 10,000 renters. Homeowners or people you'll be working, and in your living with their parents were excluded, season. along with college students. right location. About Sydney Bennett So, there's kind of a ramp-up "I think, if you were moving Sydney is a Senior Research Associate to summer. without a job, you might try at Apartment List, where she conducts research on economic trends in the housing Good news for property and find somewhere to stay for market. Sydney previously worked on a a few weeks while you search, Senate race in Nevada, and has a BA managers as a mover is because if you get a job U.S. in Economics and Political Science from UC probably going to be a across town, you might want Santa Barbara. to live somewhere completely About Apartment List renter different. It's hard to pick an Apartment List is a fast-growing online The survey holds some apartment without knowing apartment rental marketplace on a mission make finding a home an easy and good news for landlords and what your salary will be, and to delightful process. The company currently property managers. without knowing where you'll has over four million units on the platform and has reached more than 66 million users live," she said. in over 40 cities since launch. Apartment “I think if you're a property List uses a business model that only charges manager in one of these fastproperties for listings that have been rented. growing places, it's a good How did the renters sign for you,” Bennett said. move survey work? year tend to take longer.

“Most people moving to a new place end up renting, at least for a while, during that transition period. So, I think it's a good sign if you have a healthy growing economy that people want to move to - not just because they have a job that drives them there. “And, we also see that, in these places that have a lot of these location movers, they're more likely to want to stay, which can also be a good thing if you're a property manager. If

“We surveyed renters, and then we whittled the pool down,” she said. “So, we looked at renters who are new to where they're living.

“So, for example, if you grew up in Houston and you still live in Houston, we excluded that from our population. And then, we also removed any students, because looking at colleges is a very different process than jobs. You may go to a college somewhere you don't want to live because of the school, or


Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine


Apartment Job Openings Continue at High Levels A

partment job openings continued at high levels as openings for leasing consultant positions topped the 1,000 mark In the April edition of the National Apartment Association Education Institute (NAAEI) Apartment Jobs Snapshot. This comes right before the most recent numbers of employment increasing by 223,000 jobs in May, well above the estimate of economists, and a drop in the unemployment rate to 3.8 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The number of openings in the apartment industry was in line with a recent release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which reported that job openings across the country were at their highest levels ever recorded.

total real estate job openings, with 40 percent of those, or 201 apartment job openings.

Top openings in leasing consultant positions were driven by openings in Dallas, DC, LA, Houston and Atlanta, according to the report.

San Diego had 302 real estate job openings, with 42 percent of those apartment job openings, or 126.

Seattle, Phoenix lead top apartment job openings out West

Seattle/Tacoma area had 503

In Phoenix, 575 total real estate job openings, with 42 percent, or 242 apartment job openings.

In Portland, 281 real estate job openings, with 34 percent, or 74 apartment job openings. In Salt Lake City, 70 real estate continued on page 6


Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

demand across the country, notably in Florida markets.

Background on NAAEI monthly apartment job report The new jobs report which began in 2018 focuses on jobs that are being advertised in the apartment industry as being available, according to Paula Munger, Director, Industry Research and Analysis, for the National Apartment Association’s Education Institute. job openings, with 26 percent of those, or 18 “Our education institute is a credentialing body apartment job openings. for the apartment industry. They hear often that one of the biggest problems keeping our Columbus tops in property manager industry leaders up at night is the difficulty in finding talent, attracting talent and retaining openings Columbus, Ohio topped the property manager/ talent,” Munger said. “Labor-market issues are community manager listings with the highest happening in a lot of industries, certainly with concentration of those available jobs at 24 the tight labor market we have.” percent. Projected state-wide employment So NAA decided to partner with Burning Glass growth in those jobs from 2016 through 2026 Technologies. “They have a labor-job posting is project at 5.6 percent. database that is proprietary,” she said, and The Nashville MSA had the greatest percentage they can “layer on data from the Bureau of of apartment jobs compared to total real estate Labor Statistics (BLS). We looked at that and jobs, with multi-national firms and local and thought we could do something that is really going to help the industry and help benchmark regional players vying for the same talent. job titles and trends as we go forward.” This month’s snapshot highlights the property RHJ manager/community manager position, in

and other services. ing customers 24/7 access to forms generation, archives, property man2. Rental and Lease Forms -oUnlimited e n t a l Haccounting, using Journal agement data- base,R basic use of a full line of state specific rental vendor ordering and other services. and lease forms. All Rentegration.com 2. Rental and Lease Forms - Unlimitforms are created by attorneys and/or use ofhousing a full lineassociations. of state specific rental localed rental and lease forms. All Rentegration.com 3. Simplified Accounting - Owners forms are created by attorneys and/or and local managers can track income and exrental housing associations. pense for each unit,Accounting property and compa3.1. Simplified Access - Rentegration.com- Owners is a web ny. Perfect for mid and small size property based, multi-user offering and cusand managers cansoftware track income 1. Access Rentegration.com is a web managers and independent rental owntomers 24/7 to forms generation, expense foraccess eachsoftware unit, property and based, multi-user offering cusers, who neither have the need or budget archives, property management datacompany. Perfect for mid and small 1. Access Rentegration.com is a tomers 24/7accounting, access to forms generation, base, basic vendor ordering for larger, more expensive software. web based, multi-user software offersize property managers and indepenarchives, property management data1.other Access Rentegration.com is a and services. ing cus-accounting, tomers 24/7 access to forms dent rental owners, who neither have base,web basic vendor ordering based, multi-user software offergeneration, archives, property manthe need or budget for larger, more ex2. Rental and Lease Forms - Unlimited and other services. ing customers 24/7 access to forms agement data- base, basic accounting, use generation, of asoftware. full linearchives, of stateproperty specific rental pensive manvendor ordering and other-services. 2. Rental and Lease Forms Unlimited and lease forms. All Rentegration.com

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STATE SPECIFIC FORMS FOR a few simple clicks of the mouse.

auto populated from thea database. together. For example, customer The can fees, andall create eviction forms with modules are integrated and work agement data- base, basic accounting, apply use the rent- roll function to identify use of a full line of state specific rental 2. Rental and Lease Formsservices. - UnlimitValue - Large property management few simple clicks of thecustomer mouse. forms are created by and/or a5. together. For example, can vendor ordering andattorneys other all delinquencies, applya fees, and creand lease forms. All Rentegration.com ed use of a full line of state specific rental companies that use Rentegration.com Standards National Tena use theColor rent-forms roll function to for identify local2.rental housing associations. ateValue eviction with a few simple Rental and Lease Forms - Unlimit- Large property management forms arelease created by and/or 5. and forms. Allattorneys Rentegration.com for only forms generation will save all delinquencies, apply fees, and cre-time clicks of the mouse. ed use of a full line of state specific rental companies that use Rentegration.com 3. Simplified Accounting - Owners Color Standards Tena forms created by Exclusive attorneys and/or • Logos areover provided on the CDmethods. in for all threeNational forms: local rentalare housing associations. and money other Mid ate eviction forms with a orfew simple Industry Partner of all black, reversed to white, in PMS 280 Blue/PMS 7543 Gray spot and lease forms. All Rentegration.com forms generation will save time and local managers can track income and ex- for rental housing associations. 5. only Value -size Large property manageand small property managers and clicks of the mouse. Please see below for specific use examples. 3. Simplified Accounting - Owners forms are created by attorneys and/or and • Logos areover providedother on the CDmethods. all three forms: Mid pense for each unit, property and compamentmoney companies that use inRentegraindependent rental owners can manage 3. Simplified Accounting Owners all black, reversed to white, or in PMS Blue/PMS • No other colors are acceptable for use 280 for the logo. 7543 Gray spot and managers can track income and ex5. Value -size Large property manage- and local rental housing associations. and small property tion.com for forms generation ny. Perfect for mid and small size property Please see only below for specific use examples. of the their entire business atis allowed. a managers fraction and managers can track income and • No altering of the logo If you have a special circumstance pense for each unit, property and compament companies that use RentegraBlue PMS 280/Gray PMS 7543 independent rental owners can manage Exclusive Industry Partner of: will save time and money over other managers and independent rental own3. Simplified Accounting Owners • No other colors are acceptable for use for the logo. cost of other software and forms. provided on the CD, please call NTN NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 1. expense for each unit, property and tion.com for only forms generation ny. Perfect for mid and small size property entire business at allowed. asize fraction of the methods. Mid and small properers, who neither have need or budget and managers canthe track income and their •• No altering of not the be logo If you have a special circumstance Logos should putis over a busy background. company. Perfect for mid and small will save time and money over other managers andfor independent rental ownof other and providedsoftware on the independent CD, please callforms. NTN NATIONAL ty managers and rental HEADQUARTERS 1. for larger, more expensive exeach unit,software. property and cost sizepense property managers and indepenmethods. Mid and small size properers, who neither have the need or budget owners• Logos can should manage businot betheir put overentire a busy background. company. ownPerfect midneither and small dent rental ers,for who have ty BLACK W managers independent for larger, more expensive software. ness at a fraction theCA, costCO, of rental other State rental available in:and AK,of AZ, DC, DE, size property managers andlease indepenthespecific need or budget forand larger, moreforms ex- owners can their entire busisoftware andmanage forms. FL,dent GA,rental IL,software. IN,ownKS, ers, KY, who MA, neither NC, NJ,have NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX,BLACK UT, VA, WA & WV. W pensive ness at a fraction of the cost of other the need or budget for larger, more exARIZONA, COLORADO, software andCALIFORNIA, forms. pensive software.


OR-RTG-20 Oregon



TENANT(S): ______________________ ___________ OR-RTG-24 Oregon _________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________ __________________________UNIT: ______________ CITY: _________________________________ __ STATE: ________ ZIP: ___________ ______


= (E)Excellent (VG) Very Good


(G)Good (F)Fair (P)Poor

IN Out _________________________________________________ DATE:________ LIVING AREAS _______________________________________________ UNIT: _________ KITCHEN ________________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: _________ Walls Walls

OF PET(S) Windows




Light Fixtures


Light Fixtures



TENANT(S): ______ __________________ (Date) and Doors/Woodwork __________________ ADDR . ESS: ____________ (Time) ____________ __________________ (Time) ____________ CITY: __________________ Locks__________________ The entry will occur UNIT: ____________ ______ ___________ STATE for the following purpose __ : ________ ZIP: ______ ____________ : Rating CeilingsScale = (E)Exc ____________ ellent (VG) Very __________________ ___________ ____________ Good ______ ______ (G)Goo ______ d ______(F)Fair __________________ Electric Outlets ____________ (P)Poor IN Out __________________ ______ LIVING AREAS __________________ In Out ______ KITCHEN In Out Walls


Counter Tops

Cabinets Tenant(s) that the above pet(s) are the only pet(s) on the premises. Ceilings the additional pet(s) are not permitted unless the landlord gives ten Sink mission. Tenant(s) agree to keep the above-listed pets in the premises Electrical Outlets owing terms and conditions: Floor Garbage Cans

landlord or their agents unit and premises located at (Address) __________________ will be CHECK-IN/CH __________________ ECK-OUT CON __________________ DITION REP ____________ ORT


Carpet/Vinyl/Woo d ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Breed _______________ Size ____ Name ________ Disposal ___ No____ License Number: ______________ Doors/Woodwork


Pursuant to RCW 59.18.150, this is your WA-RTG-20 Washing 48 hour entering the dwellin notice that your ton g


Ice Trays

____ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ ___ No____ Floor License Number: ______________ Shelves/Drawer




Refrigerator ____ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ ___ No____ Rods License Number: ______________

eposit Required:$






WA-RTG-40 Washingt


TENANT(S): ______ __________________ ______ ADDR Out CITY: ESS: ______________________________ ______________________ DATE:______ __ __________________ __________________ ____ UNIT: ______ __________________ ___ _____ STATE: ______ ____ ZIP: ______ ___

Windows s) shall be on a leash or otherwise under tenant’s control when it is outside the Antenna/Cable dwelling TV unit. Blinds/Drapes ) shall promptly pick up all pet waste from the premises promptly. Fireplace ) are responsible for the conduct of their pet(s) at all times. ) are liable for all damages caused by their pet(s). Cleanliness ) shall pay the additional security deposit listed above and/or their rental ent as a condition to keeping the pet(s) listed above. ) shall notBEDROOM allow their pets to cause any sort of disturbance or injury to the 1 BEDROOM 2 nants, guests, landlord or any other persons lawfully on the premises. Walls ) shall immediately report to landlord any type of damage Walls or injury caused by . Windows eement is incorporated into and shall become part of Windows the rental agreement exe Blinds/Drapes etween the parties. Failure by tenant to comply with any part of this agreement Blinds/Drapes nstitute a material breach of the rental agreement.

between the hours









Towel Bars


Method Ice Traysof Service

Sink & Vanity






: Personal Service :

rentegration.com Floor




* Add onerawer additio



nal day for compli


Light Fixtures

Post and Mail:



ance if served by

post and mail.


www.Rentegration.com 503-933-6437 Rods

______________ Floor

Light Fixtures



Electric Outlets

Smoke Detectors


Fireplace Plumbing


Cleanline ss Heating


Towel Bars


Electric Outlets

Sink & Vanity


Hot Water

Smoke Detectors



Fan (Exhaust)

Windows ©2009 NO PORTIO


may be reproduced without written





©2011 NO PORTION of this form








Light Fixtures




Electric Outlets Ceilings

Garbage Cans

TV Antenna/ Essential Cable

Locks N of this form may be reproduced without written permission. Ceilings


Counter Tops

Light Outlets Electrical Fixtures

______________________________ Floor Tenant ______________________________ Light Fixtures Tenant

Electrical Outlets

Fan (Exhaust) Doors/Wo odwork

Floor Locks


N of this form may Floor be reproduced without



Electric Outlets



written permission.

Light Fixtures


Light Fixtures

Light Fixtures


Essential Service









Electrical Outlets


Electric Outlets

Smoke Detectors

Hot Water

Smoke Detectors

Blue PMS 280/Gray PMS 7543

Smoke Detectors


N of this form may

be reproduced without

written permission.


OR-RTG-20 Oregon



TENANT(S): ________________________ ____________ OR-RTG-24 Oregon ______________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________ ________________________UNIT: ______________ CITY: ________________________ ___________ STATE: ________ ZIP: _________________ PET AGREEMENT


Rating Scale = (E)Excellent (VG) Very Good

(G)Good (F)Fair (P)Poor

IN Out TENANT(S): ____________________________________________________ DATE:________ LIVING AREAS ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ UNIT: _________ KITCHEN CITY: _________________________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: _________ Walls DESCRIPTION OF PET(S) Windows




ADDRESS: ____________

Ice Trays



_____________________ _____________________ ________________________ DATE:_ Out CITY: _______ _____________________ _____________________ ___ UNIT: _______ ____________________ __ STATE: __________ ZIP: _________



Pursuant to RCW 59.18.150, this is your WA-RTG-20 Washingto 48 hour n notice that your landlord the dwelling unit and


______________________________ entering

___________ STATE: ________ Floor ZIP:

Carpet/Vinyl/Wood 3) Type _______________ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ Rating Number:= (E)Excellent (VG) Disposal Vaccinations: Yes____ No____ License Scale ______________ Very Good (G)Good TENANT INFORMATION

Additional Security Deposit Required:$ IN Out TENANT(S): ____________________________________________________ DATE:________ In Doors/Woodwork LIVING AREAS Counter ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________ UNIT:Tops _________ KITCHEN AGREEMENT CITY: _________________________________________ STATE: __________ ZIP: _________ Locks Cabinets Tenant(s) Tenant(s) certify that theWalls above pet(s) are the only pet(s) on the premises. Walls Ceilings understands that the additional pet(s) are not permitted unless the landlord gives ten DESCRIPTION OF PET(S) Windows Sink Stove/Racks ant(s) written permission. Tenant(s) agree to keep the above-listed pets in the premises Electrical Outlets subject to the following terms and conditions: Blinds/Drapes Floor


DO NOT change the color Blue PMS 280/Gray Partner PMS 7543 Exclusive Industry of:

TENANT(S): _______

____________ Rods ____________ 2) Type _______________ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ ____________ Floor UNIT: CITY: Vaccinations: Yes____ No____ License Number: ______________ ____________ ____________Shelves/Drawer Light Fixtures


State specific rental and lease forms available in: AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA & WV. Walls ON REPORT

Refrigerator 1) Type _______________ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ TENANT(S): ________________________ Vaccinations: Yes____ No____ Rods License Number: ______________ ____________ OR-RTG-24 Oregon


WA-RTG-40 Washingto


OR-RTG-20 Oregon ADDRESS: _______





Refrigerator 1) Type _______________ Breed _______________ Size ______ Age __ Weight ___ Color ____ Name ________ Garbage Vaccinations: Yes____ No____ Rods License Number: ______________ Cans

Windows 1) The pet(s) shall be on a leash or otherwise under tenant’s control when it is outside the Ice Trays

WA-RTG-40 Washingto

or their agents will premises located at CHEC be ____________ (Address) _____________________ K-IN/CHEC _________ K-OU 48-HO _______ T COND UR _______ NOTI _______ ITION _________________ CE OF _______ REPO ENTR_______ RT Y _______

on Light Fixtures TENAN (F)Fair T(S): ______________ TENANT(S): _______ between the hours of (P)Poor

(Time) _____________________ ___ DATE:________ _____________________ _______ CITY: ___ CITY: Locks_______ _______ _______ ______UNIT: _______ entry _______ BEDROOM 3 ______________The __________ UNIT: will occur _______ for _______ ______________ the followin _______ _________ STATE: ______ _______ _____________________ _______g_purpose: STATE: Rating CeilingsScale = (E)Exce ZIP: _______ Walls ______________ __________ __________ ZIP: _________ llent (VG) Electric Outlets Windows

LIVING AREAS Blinds/Drapes






and _______(Date) _______ _____________________ Doors/Woodwork . SS: ______________ ADDRE_______ _____________________ ______________(Time) Out ADDRE In _______ Out_______ SS: ______________

Very Good _____________________ _______ _______(G)Good _______ 48-HO (F)Fair _____________________ _______ UR (P)Poor _______ NOTI _______ CE OF _______ _ _______ ENTR_______ Y In _______________ Pursuan t to RCW 59.18.15 Out KITCHEN In Out 0, this is your 48 hour WA-RTG entering the BEDROO notice-20 Washington


DO NOT alter in a



Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

Pet Friendly Companies Help Engage, Retain Employees E

mployees at pet friendly The pet friendly companies are highly bonded to their job and more companies study also engaged in their work when shows employers offer pet-friendly 90 percent of employees in pet benefits to workers, according friendly workplaces feel highly to a new study. connected to their company's The recent study by Nationwide mission. Insurance and the Human They are fully engaged with Animal Bond Research Center their work. shows more than three times as many employees at pet They are willing to recommend friendly workplaces report a their employer to others. positive working relationship The plan to stay at the company with their boss and co-workers, for at least the next 12 months. significantly more than those in Pet friendly companies and non-pet friendly environments. workplaces are defined in the study as those that allows pets in the workplace (regularly or

occasionally) and/or offers a pet friendly employee benefit, such as pet health insurance.

The study also shows that employees in pet friendly companies are more likely to stay with a company long term. The findings held true even among non-pet owners in both pet friendly and non-pet friendly workplaces.

Pet friendly companies engage, attract employees

"The results of the Nationwide/ HABRI study clearly indicate a significantly higher level of employee engagement,

Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

retention, attraction and presentism among employees that work in pet friendly work environments," Scott Liles, president and chief pet insurance officer for Nationwide, said in the release about the study.

"In consideration of the discernable cost of employee turnover, adding pet friendly benefits, such as allowing pets in the workplace or offering pet health insurance as a voluntary benefit, can provide significant savings to a company's bottom line." "Pet owners increasingly think of their pets as members of the family," Steven Feldman, executive director of HABRI, said in the release.

"When employers offer pet friendly benefits, it sends an important signal that the company cares about every member of the family, even the ones with four legs." With more than 700,000 insured pets, Nationwide is the first and largest provider of pet health insurance in the United States. Nearly half of all Fortune 500 companies, and more than 6,000 U.S. companies overall, offer Nationwide pet insurance as a voluntary employee benefit, according to the release. Nationwide and Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), a not for profit organization, commissioned Lieberman Research Worldwide (LRW) to conduct a 20-minute, online survey between December 15-21, 2017, among a sample of 2,002 U.S. full-time employees in businesses


that have 100+ employees. Employees surveyed were between 18-64 years old, spent a majority of their time working in an office environment, and were not employed in a research-sensitive industry. Statistical confidence intervals are given throughout the study and are reported at the 95% and 99% confidence level. As a member of The Insights Association in good standing, LRW conducts all research in accordance with Market Research Standards and Guidelines

strongest diversified insurance and financial services organizations in the U.S. and is rated A+ by both A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's. The company provides a full range of insurance and financial services, including auto, commercial, homeowners, farm and life insurance; public and private sector retirement plans, annuities and mutual funds; banking and mortgages; excess & surplus, specialty and surety; pet, motorcycle and boat insurance.

Nationwide, a Fortune 100 company based in Columbus, Ohio, is one of the largest and



Rental Housing Journal − Multifamily Magazine

Stick to the Facts in Documentation at Your Property By Ellen Clark


hen dealing discrimination, property is key. The the week focuses on you need to know.

with accusations of documentation at your Grace Hill training tip of documentation and what

Documentation is extremely important when dealing with accusations of discrimination. Should you or your community ever be accused of discrimination, you must be able to defend your decisions, policies, and practices, as well as demonstrate that all persons were treated equally regardless of membership in one of the protected classes. Accordingly, your documentation should offer a full accounting of facts, including events and actions that were taken, all people involved, and specific dates and times.

As you document, it is important to be mindful of what you write. Even a well-intentioned note you jotted down to jog your memory or that you thought might help you provide more personalized customer service could be problematic. Remember, discrimination doesn’t have to be intentional for it to be illegal. When filling out any type of documentation used at your property: Do not include physical descriptions of customers, such as straight hair, or dark skin. Do not include references to things that may be related to national origins, such as strong accent. Do not include references to things that may be related to a resident’s disability, such as uses a wheelchair or doesn’t hear very well.

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Do not include descriptions of family, such as small children, or twin daughters, or new baby. If you find yourself writing something that would identify your customer as a member of a protected class, think again. The seven classes currently protected by the federal Fair Housing Act are race, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, disability status, and familial status. Some states, cities, and municipalities have expanded fair housing protection to include additional protected classes such as sexual orientation, ancestry, marital status, age, source of income, or military status. While it’s important to know if there are additional protected classes in your area, it should not change your policies and practices. All persons should be treated fairly and equally. A good rule of thumb for documentation is “just the facts.” Avoid documenting any opinion or observation that is not a fact of the situation at hand. Omit unnecessary references and notes, and just stick to the facts.

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7 Drivers Affecting Multifamily Growth Going Forward T

he drivers affecting multifamily growth in the next two to five years involve several issues that were discussed by leading experts from Yardi Matrix in a recent webinar. The Yardi Matrix 2018 U.S. Multi-Family Market Update was presented by Jack Kern, Director of Research and Jeff Adler, Vice-President of Yardi Matrix, who discussed what they see upcoming in the If you are an asset manager, ∙ The domestic economy is strong and accelerating, as multifamily market in the next what is your key issue going to be? Adler said. Some of his wages are rising steadily few years. key takeways about multifamily and the labor market is very tight. “The apartment markets are growth from the webinar which not in bad shape but localized. can be downloaded here. ∙ Inflation has shown signs

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of increasing, which will allow the Fed to increase short-term rates. It will also allow longer term rates to drift upward without an immediate inversion of the yield curve.

∙ Demand for multifamily units remains strong, although the strongest demand is emerging in secondary markets with lower costs of living. Job growth is faster in secondary markets than primary markets.


is really good but it's shifting to the yield curve, very much so,” lower cost cities and the home Adler said. ownership rate I think is, and will continue, to gradually rise.” 2. Labor market is

1. The economy is accelerating


“Wage pressures are increasing. Unemployment is down at 3.9%. Pressures are increasing and I would tell you that in fact the wage improvements of the younger workforce is actually higher than what we're seeing in the headline numbers because we have retiring boomers,” Adler said.

∙ A few markets may be on the brink of short-term over supply in the next 18-24 months.

“The U.S. economy is in very good shape,” Adler said. “Gross domestic product (GDP), employment is up, and growth is actually accelerating. You see that obviously, in pressures in the labor market as well as in the market for money, such as interest rates. Oil prices are up, $70 a barrel. I think they could even get to 80ish, which is kind of a different call for me, but only for about 18-24 months, then there's a supply response, it kind of comes back down.”

When it comes to multifamily growth the market "really faces an increasing set of crosswinds,” Adler said on the webinar. ”The demand picture in jobs and population

Kern added, “The economy was pretty strong, and we were thinking oil prices were contributing to it, especially in the industrial base.Now, we're at $80 and the economy “Then we see it all over is really strong and getting the economy that there are labor shortages in certain stronger.” places among certain trades, Adler added, “You see it particularly at lower end less happening in Houston and in educated roles, which is oil-related cities. Occupancies actually helping that earning are up. Wages are rising 2.5%. group get some wage growth The labor market is really tight back. and people are being pulled off the sidelines. Inflation is rising “Labor force participation has at 2-ish but I don't see it going stopped declining,” Adler said. the 2.5. Short-term rates are up. I would very much watch “It has started somewhat rising and the same thing for

∙ Tech hubs are emerging in formerly non-tech metros, as well as often overlooked metros.

“Where's the new supply coming? How shielded are you from new supply pressures? What are you going to do at the site level to get your costs down, your sites buttoned up to be able absorb this influx? If you're an operations manager you've got to be at the top of your game, particularly in places where a lot of the supply is coming because you're going to be challenged.

“That's basically dampening the effect of what's actually occurring. We're able to have good times longer because if you were just looking at 4-5% wage growth, you'd throw a lot of alarm bells off. The demographics are actually helping us to keep this expansion going, so it's kind of good news.


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productivity. This is a rolling six-year average so it's at 0.7% but again it's moving up, which is again, positive trends for overall economic growth and productivity growth at 1.3.

in the next five. We've laid them out:

3. Multifamily growth facing crosswinds

“I kind of view this as this is an 18- to 24-month kind of thing. There's stuff that has to get absorbed, there's new stuff that's coming that has to get absorbed,” Adler said. “It has to get re-stabilized. You're talking about a good two years, a good two years of riding this stuff out. It is very localized in where it's coming. They're beautiful buildings. It is going to be great for the economy overall and the country overall. These are revitalized downtowns. But if you're owner of existing assets, you're going to struggle. You have to focus on cutting your costs.”

Denver, Seattle, Charlotte, Dallas, Phoenix and Miami

4. Development capital is available and sharpshooters game

“Multifamily capital is abundant, When it comes to multifamily both equity and debt and “The key issue we're going to growth, these cities are in for the cap rates are steady, have to watch here is the fact "a little bit of a rough ride,” he which means the spreads are compressing,” Adler said. that population growth overall said. isn't increasing because of “The new supply deliveries lack immigration. The labor Kern added, “I think on our are absolutely weighing down force participation will see last call we felt that the supply on the market and very tightly a somewhat positive. It's was coming but it wasn't fully submarkets within those. The really going to come down to evident just yet. Now, it seems level of new supply is flattening. like it's much more evident.” productivity.”

“The multifamily market really faces an increasing set of crosswinds,” Adler said. “The demand picture in jobs and population is really good but it's shifting to lower cost cities and the home ownership rate I think is and will continue to gradually rise. “Our take on this is about 10 basis points a year in the secondary cities and that's a little bit of a headwind. Financing costs are up. Bottom line, if you're in the multifamily business, you've really got to focus where your NOI increase outruns the increased cost of debt,” he said.

“Overall when you look at it on a market level, I think ‘Hey, with the exception of five of six cities, that's not so bad.’ However, I do expect the ride to be rocky “There are a handful of markets and we're seeing this now and that are at risk of oversupply or I think we'll continue that,” Adler the next two years, not so much said.

“The discussions I've had with a lot of market participants and financiers is that development capital is there,” Adler said. “It's now at the point of whether the developers themselves want to take on the squeeze of increasing construction costs and decreasing rents and whether they're going to build just for fees and keep themselves in business. My view is as long as the capital is there, stuff is going to continue to get built. It doesn't appear as if there's a drop off in 2019 but more of a leveling at 280,000 to 300,000 a unit. The key issue is it's new supply. This is with or without a mild recession. You just run it out and if you want to make money in this business, you're going be focusing on places where the supply isn't, that's pretty much it. That becomes a sharpshooter's game,” Adler said.

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“As an investment officer, it's about being a sharpshooter, finding the places that there's a lot of capital to deploy. Everyone I have spoken to, almost bar none, has a lot of money to put out. The question is, how do they put the money out without shooting themselves in the foot?

“You're trying to achieve very high quality at less cost. The question is how much less and how much you want to play? You can see that as an investor, this is an interesting way of thinking about this because it's based upon at what stage do you want to enter into a city in its development as a tech hub in terms of the quality of the “They don't want to come labor and the cost of labor? back with having these bad investment decisions. You've “Then as an investor, you can got to dig harder, you've got look and say aha, if I think about to dig deeper, and you've got where I want to play, either high to focus on where the supply quality at moderate cost is Salt isn't and where places have Lake, Orlando, Minneapolis, intellectual capital and where Sacramento, Phoenix or do there's creative work going on,” I want to really throw the dice Adler said. and go off of Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, or Detroit where 5. Secondary cities and it's very low cost, very high quality, but maybe perhaps intellectual capital hubs underappreciated. It may take a “We took the Amazon 20 as a little more of a longer timeframe jumping off point and we added to come to fruition. a couple of other markets to round out this notion,” Adler “The longer an expansion runs said. “Then we began looking out, the better the returns to secondary cities are. But, you at that approach.


do need to understand that if you're in a secondary city, you're going to see a sharper correction in values and you need to make sure you're not caught in a liquidity trap in that moment.

6. Development of intellectual capital hubs

∙ “When I think about cities, you really think about it in four quadrants. ∙ Public and private partnerships that bring things together ∙ A business friendly environment

∙ A community and amenities that attract talent particularly creative, artistic and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) ∙ An educated workforce.

“The tech hubs are emerging in both formerly non-tech metros and traditionally overlooked cities,” Adler said. “ It's really about the development of intellectual capital hubs and the cost advantages associated with them as jobs and companies move those jobs to places that have a lower cost of living. The longer this expansion goes on, the more established that infrastructure becomes. “I think the tax reform will only accelerate this. The good


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news for investors is that this is a slow pitch and you really have an opportunity to decide at what stage of development, with multiple points of entry, you want to play in one of these emerging hubs and so it does take some time. “One thing we noticed in our 27-year study is that property values in the secondary markets are more volatile. No question about it. So your capital structure has to be prepared for that level of potential volatility in a downturn. But with that, actually returns are actually better in secondary cities than primary cities. “The development of a tech city takes time. Maybe, you could argue, that time will be compressed because the playbook is now quite well known and it is quite well known. “But for Austin, it took a long time for the infrastructure, the tech infrastructure to coalesce before suddenly it went crazy right before the GFC and it has really taken off since then. That allows you as an investor to basically have multiple different entry points.

“I had never thought about Phoenix as a high tech city. And yet, Arizona has become, because of regulatory environment, a center of autonomous vehicles. Notwithstanding the tragedy that occurred with the fatality there, that is a step back, but it's a step back but not a knockout blow. It'll come back. I also found really interesting this whole notion of the autonomous trucks, which I think is really going to take off. All of that is happening in Phoenix as well as advanced manufacturing. There are clusters in Phoenix that you just never thought Phoenix was a high tech city and yet, around Tempe and other areas of technological talent, things are happening,” Adler said.

Some cities a suprise for “Inside of our service, Yardi multifamily growth Matrix, you can drill into this and visualize the cities and drill “Some cities that quite frankly further into micro markets,” he surprised me when we were said. doing this work.

7. Lack of business culture, rent control and whackadoodle responses

Adler said it is unfortunate that rent control has become an issue. “You're seeing this obviously in California with Costa Hawkins, the proposed repeal of a law that would enable localities to put local rent control in place - it's unfortunate. “But you have pressures that have built, particularly in California where there has been job growth, there's been wealth creation because of intellectual capital, and there has been a very restrictive ability to build, both in northern California and in southern California. “The political culture being what it is, rather than look at free market approaches to resolving these issues, it is

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‘Let's go blame those dirty tech hub. That change in business climate took a little bit capitalists.’ of the bloom off the rose. No It can for a short time benefit one is going to leave and the people in place. It is in the long sky isn't falling but it's a chip run horrific from a creation away at what had been a very and balancing of a functioning pro-growth environment and effective marketplace. I have had been really rewarded in an spoken to a lot of people about expansion in their economy,” Costa Hawkins and I've been Adler said. in California and talked to a lot of people in and out of the Summary multifamily industry. If there is a chance for it not to succeed, it's only growth because single family rentals Adler said in his multifamily are included. But I would say growth summary that if you are it's a 50-50 thing, I've heard not in the right places “where people say 60-40 either way. NOI growth is outdistancing It's even money. In the Wall the movement in cost capital, Street Journal, there was an you could be exposed to value article by Laura Kusisto about a headwinds, let's put it that way.” bunch of folks in Santa Monica, landlords just selling out and He added 5 things to watch for that would indicate a recession moving to Las Vegas. is coming: “The question is, ‘How do localities respond to economic ∙ Hourly earnings growth goes from 2.5% to 4% growth’ and the concentration of wealth. Unfortunately, if ∙ Cyclical sector share of you don't have a positive GDP goes from 24% to business culture, a positive 28% of GDP business climate, you get these ∙ GDP deflator goes from whackadoodle responses,” less than 2% to 2.5% Adler said. He cited the Seattle tax that was imposed on the top ∙ Operating capacity utilization rate goes from companies of $275 a person 76% to 80% that they employ, “which again, was kind of whackadoodle. ∙ The yield curve inverts – That's why business climate 10-year treasury less than and long-term business climate fed funds rate is so important.” “I don't see any of things happening yet,” Adler said.

“Seattle had been just rocking in terms of growth and a great “We're at a stage of the real


estate cycle where it truly is a sharpshooter's game. That we're looking for places where intellectual capital is developed or emerging, where you can have a good entry point, and where you're basically attempting in the short to medium term to be insulated from supply. “If you're in the path of supply and you can't avoid it, just get prepared, get your cost structure under control, get your operations tight, particularly as an asset or property manager, and basically ride it through. “I think if you were looking for lessons, you would probably go to the folks in Washington, DC who have been through this sort of cycle for a number of years and have worked on ways to survive through that cycle. “I think the multifamily asset class is a great place to be. I think every market goes through challenges and evolutions and I think multifamily will continue to do it. It is a great market to be in but at this stage, you've got to know where to put your capital. That means you're going to have to dig harder and dig deeper in order to uncover opportunities,” he said. RHJ


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Do You Have A SmokeFree Policy That Adequately Protects Residents? By Ellen Clark


Even with no-smoking policies in place in many apartment complexes, research indicates that many of the nearly 80 million Americans who live in multiunit housing experience secondhand smoke infiltration in their living unit that originated from elsewhere in or around their building.

ave you thought about your smoke-free policy or no-smoking policy and whether it adequately protects residents who need a smokefree environment? The Grace Hill training tip of the week focuses on this issue and new HUD rules for smoke-free For tenant in apartment policies in public housing. buildings and condominiums, More and more rental secondhand smoke can be a properties across the country major concern. It can migrate are adopting smoke-free from other units and common policies with the goal of areas and travel through improving air quality, reducing doorways, cracks in walls, the fire risk, and lowering electrical lines, plumbing, and maintenance costs. ventilation systems.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that all multi-unit housing in the United States adopt smoke free policies in order to protect residents from the very serious health hazards caused by drifting tobacco smoke. “There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke, and even brief exposure can cause immediate harm,� the CDC says.

What the CDC says about smoke-free multifamily housing


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“Multiunit housing residents are particularly susceptible to involuntary secondhand smoke exposure in the home. Environmental studies indicate that secondhand smoke constituents can infiltrate units where no smoking occurs (eg, units whose residents have adopted smoke-free home rules) from units and shared areas where smoking is permitted,” the CDC says.

In December of 2016, HUD published a final rule requiring Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) administering lowincome, conventional public housing to implement smokefree policies.

community with smoke-free policy

While this rule applies to public housing (except dwelling units in mixed-finance buildings), the materials that HUD has assembled to help PHAs comply with this rule may be very helpful to any community that is thinking about, or in some stage of implementing, a smoke-free policy.

The rule went into effect in February of 2017, but there is an 18-month implementation period, meaning that all PHAs must have a smoke-free policy in place by July 31, 2018. “Nearly 7 million U.S. multiunit This rule applies to all public More rental properties across housing residents live in housing except dwelling units the country are adopting government subsidized in mixed-finance buildings. smoke-free policies. If you are housing, including one of those properties, here approximately 2 million in The rule says that each PHA are some great resources public housing either owned must implement a smoke- HUD has put together to help or operated by a government free policy banning the use of PHAs implement smoke-free housing authority. The prohibited tobacco products in policies that may also be potential for secondhand all living units, indoor common helpful to you. smoke exposure in public areas, PHA administrative or subsidized housing is of office buildings, and outdoor Implementing HUD’s Smokeparticular concern because a areas within 25 feet of any Free Policy in Public Housing large proportion of these units building on public housing includes strategies for grounds. are occupied by people who communicating with residents, are particularly sensitive to examples of smoke-free secondhand smoke, including Note that the rule does not policies and enforcement children (45%), the elderly prohibit residents of PHAs plans, tips for training staff, (41%), and the disabled (25%). from smoking. In fact, PHAs helpful information for can establish outdoor launching a smoke-free policy, designated smoking areas and guidance on responding to Public housing must beyond the required 25 feet requests for accommodation. have smoke-free policy perimeter to accommodate residents who smoke. PHAs Smoke-Free Housing: A Toolkit by end of July may also establish additional for Owners/Management All Public Housing Agencies smoke-free locations, or they Agents of Federally Assisted (PHAs) administering lowcan even make their entire Public and Multi-family income, conventional public grounds smoke-free. Housing provides fact housing must have a smokesheets, brochures, and other free policy in place by July 31, resources to help guide PHAs HUD rules could 2018. and multifamily owners and

help any apartment

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property managers through ∙ Communicate the health and economic impact of the process of implementing secondhand smoke in smoke-free policies. multi-unit housing. Change is in the Air: An ∙ Engage with building Action Guide for Establishing managers, property Smoke-Free Public Housing owners, policymakers, and Multifamily Properties residents and other among other things addresses stakeholders to adopt how PHAs have approached smoke-free multi-unit smoke-free policies for housing policies. residents with disabilities. ∙ Plan and implement a successful smoke-free There is more available on multi-unit housing policy. the Healthy Homes section of HUD’s website. Take some ∙ Identify resident rights and time to look around – you responsibilities, as well might find just what you are as options for providing looking for! services to help smokers quit. Also, the American Lung Smoke free policies improve Association worked with health experts around the United States to develop an online Smoke free policies in multicurriculum on how to unit housing implement a smoke free policy in multifamily housing Preventing chronic disease, properties like apartments and public health research and condominiums. policy

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Smoke free apartment house registry Read Ellen’s full blog post here. Ellen Clark is the Director of Assessment at Grace Hill. Her work has spanned the entire learner lifecycle, from elementary school through professional education. She spent over 10 years working with K12 Inc.’s network of online charter schools measuring learning, developing learning improvement plans using evidence-based strategies, and conducting learning studies. Later, at Kaplan Inc., she worked in the vocational education and job training divisions, improving online, blended and face-to-face training programs, and working directly with business leadership and trainers to improve learner outcomes and job performance. Ellen lives and works in Maryland, where she was born and raised. About Grace Hill For nearly two decades, Grace Hill has been developing best-in-class online training courseware and administration solely for the Property Management Industry, designed to help people, teams and companies improve performance and reduce risk. RHJ

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