CFI REPORT On November 17 2020 I very proudly took over the role once again of being the CFI for HDFC. I feel extremely privileged and humble to be of service to HDFC and RAAus in this important position for our Flight Training School. Firstly I want to acknowledge the dedicated and stirling job that Steve Smith has done over the last four years in his role as CFI. Its a job he didn’t really want to have but he immediately accepted it when the club needed him most. Subsequently, he has faithfully carried out all of the tasks required of the CFI and many more because he always holds the club at the forefront, regardless of how he feels. For this service, Steve, we truly thank you.
Ray Lind, CFI
All members of HDFC have a role to play in the continuance of safe, sensible and responsible flying. This includes the careful handling of our two outstanding aircraft while still on the ground. Some serious and expensive damage has been done in recent times by carelessness or lack of knowledge on how to manoeuvre the aircraft while inside or outside the hangar. Please ask one of the instructors if you’re not sure of the correct procedure or just out of currency and you don’t feel confident. Remember its always wise to have someone else assist you when moving an aircraft so that an extra set of eyes can watch out for the wing tips and the rudder.
Propwash January 2021 | hdfc.com.au