Issue 2 - November 2020

Page 31

Crewmate A 100% True Story About Betrayal and Deceit KEVIN JIA podcast assistant

Fshh. The sound of the engine room leaks all the way to the cafeteria. It’s been two weeks since we entered the Skeld and three dead bodies have already been found. We believe that there is a parasite on the ship that has taken over the body of a crewmate. I look outside into space, tiny specks of white lights scattered around the void. For a moment I could see Blue get sucked into the vacuum of space as he loses his breath. I look towards Red, “Do you think voting out Blue was the right choice?” Red tries to stay optimistic. “We can’t be sure, but he did act suspicious around the other crewmates. There are six of us left so we should distance ourselves from the other four.” We walk to the medbay room and Red fills up the beakers while I scan myself. Red gives the thumbs up as we head out to the security room to check for dead bodies on the camera. Red looks at the security cameras. “Yellow and Lime are together. If one of them dies we should be able toss the other out.” The lights flicker off and I lose sight of Red for a moment. “Stick together. If we separate and one of us dies, we won’t be able to figure out who the parasite is.” He grabs my arm and pulls me closer as we creep towards the electrical room to fix the lights. We walk into the electrical room where Lime is fixing the lights and Yellow is fixing the wires and turning on the ship’s shield power. Purple walks in too, looking around confused. “Have you guys seen Cyan? We were together in the upper engine room, but then the lights went out and he disappeared.” The four of us shake our heads. I begin to grow suspicious of Cyan and ask Purple if they were near a vent.

“I think there was a vent next to us while we were in the upper engine room,” Purple realizes. “I think Cyan is the parasite.” Red chimes in, “I think so too. We’re too small to fit in the vents, but if the parasite can morph into us, it can definitely shrink its size and crawl through the vents.” We all run towards the cafeteria to call the meeting, but as we begin to run, the doors close. As I walk around trying to find another way to get to the cafeteria I stumble upon Purple standing right next to Cyan’s dead body. Purple looks at me as he grabs his megaphone and calls a meeting. As we group up, I look at everyone and say, “I think it’s Purple.” I get bombarded with questions like. “Where was the body?” “Why do you think it’s Purple?” “It’s not me! I found the body before Cyan but I was in so much shock, I couldn’t call the meeting until I saw you.” Purple says in defense. It sounded very suspicious as if he was in so much shock, he wouldn’t even have called the meeting. We look at each other nodding as an agreement to vote out purple. Right as we toss out purple, the oxygen malfunctions and I split from the group to fix the oxygen in the admin room while the rest go to the oxygen room. I fixed the oxygen only to hear the loud megaphone indicating another dead body. It was Yellow this time. “I saw Lime kill Yellow! Lime was originally going to kill me but Yellow stood in front to defend me.” Red exclaims. “No! I was literally about to say that, but YOU killed him!” Lime panics. I recall all the things I have done with Red and how many opportunities he has had to kill me. The three of us vote, with Red and I kicking out Lime. “Thank god we’re done with this,” smiled Red. It was odd to see him smile but then I realized that what I saw smiling was not his face, but his suit.

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