18 minute read





Pursuing Passions



Korea. With this experience, Seo was able to get the gear he needed to go off on his own. The microphone he uses is the Passion: a strong liking or desire for some activity, object, or concept. For senior Justin Seo, his passion is making music. In four months, Seo has already produced seven singles, mostly in the Rhythm and Blues genre. Said Seo, “I just wanted to produce music since I was young and I wanted to start it before it was too late, because I’m a senior now.” Inspired by artists such as South Korean rapper Dok2, Seo started working on his passion, using beats from Youtube due to inexperience with beat production. Later on, he began learning how to produce by starting off on GarageBand which was preinstalled on his MacBook Pro, and moving on to Logic Pro X, trying various different types of software with plans to transfer to another software called Ableton. MXL 990 condenser microphone with an Audient iD4 audio interface. He got the idea to buy this equipment after seeing the Youtube videos of those he watched using them as well. Producing music has also improved his mental health. Said Seo, “2020 was a very hard year for me, I always felt depressed [...] and had a panic disorder, which made the days difficult. But when I heard music, I really loved it, so I kept making music and it’s been more healthy for my mental state.” Said Seo, “I think most of my music is R & B and boom-bap, but it’s not like autotune and stuff. I feel like hip hop and the music is a trend and you need to follow the trend.” Seo enjoys listening to R & B type beats rather than artists who use autotune to amp up their voices, and gets inspired to attempt and create his own type of R & B music. Along with collaborating with his friend on his first single, they have also worked together to produce more songs, with “I think most of my music is R & B and boom-bap, but it’s not like autotune and stuff. I feel like hip hop and the music is a trend and you need to follow the trend.” Seo first got introduced into the music industry by one of his middle school friends, who also produces music. Said Seo, “He helped with my first single. I didn’t know anything about mixing, mastering, or even recording. He’s the one who got me into music, if it weren’t for him I don’t think I would be doing music right now. And he did some features on my SoundCloud songs. His name is LUVE.” Seo learned the basics of music production from his friends who had the experience, even gaining the chance to record his first single “WE BE ROCKIN 30” in their studio in his friend applying for a school that primarily focuses on music production. Seo however, does not plan on pursuing music production as he is thinking about majoring in Computer Science. When asked about advice he’d give to those who want to or are currently getting started in the music production field, Seo responds that he is unable to due to the different variety of genres that others may want to pursue that are different from his. However, he recommends those who are looking for any personal advice to contact him through social media, with his Instagram being @o_ttiz and O’ttiz on Soundcloud


Practicing Persistence



Said Jiang, “That way I don’t sound too much Sitting with his laptop and his pair of headphones, like any one artist. But there’s also a chance I’m junior Steven Jiang opens up FL Studio, a music production not unique at all. That’s for the listener to decide.” software, to start a new project. Music has long been Jiang’s “An ongoing struggle I have is when I am working on hobby. He started his journey in music as a member of his a song and think it is really cool, only to hear another song middle school band, specifically playing the clarinet. He re- that makes me realize how much my song can improve,” calls thoroughly enjoying it, which led him to partake in Cuper- said Jiang. “However, this pushes me to work on my skills tino High School’s band as well. However, since 2018, Jiang even more, so I can reach that level.” His motivation is drivhas explored en by the enjoyable a unique mu- song-writing prosical avenue cess and the rethrough music production. “It took me two years to make warding feeling he experiences when Jiang has always anything worth listening to, noticing others’ contentment when been interested in electronic music, and channels such as Proximity but I am pretty happy with the songs I have put out since then” they enjoy his music. Jiang recalls first being discovered in early 2020, although his music has been and Airwave available for the past Music TV are two years. Firefly no strangMusic, a music-reers to his YouTube feed. lated YouTube acSaid Jiang “One day, a video appeared count that has amassed over 200,000 subscribers, featured in my recommended. It was someone breaking one of his songs. This was the first time any of Jiang’s music down how he produced one of his electronic tracks, had ever gained recognition. Since then, he has been rewhich sparked my interest.” This became Jiang’s leasing music through labels and getting his songs featured changing moment, marking his start as a producer. on YouTube channels. He has also been connecting with Jiang’s early days in GarageBand consist- other artists through Discord servers throughout last year. ed of him creating loops, sections of a music track Said Jiang: “Persistence,” when asked about the cut so they can be seamlessly repeated. Since then, most significant mental tools necessary to succeed in this he has progressed to creating full-length songs. field. “It took me two years to make anything worth listening to, Said Jiang, “A good song is memorable and makes the but I am pretty happy with the songs I have put out since then,” listeners feel something.” His biggest inspiration is a producer stated Jiang. In the future, Jiang plans to release more music. by the name of Ahxello, although multiple artists and genres Through music production, Jiang has purinfluence Jiang, given the diverse styles of music he listens to. sued his passion and continues growing both as an artJiang enjoys combining exciting sounds ist and as an individual as he progresses. His journey is from his favorite songs, such as a drum rhythm a real example that if someone continuously demonfrom one or a unique sound from a different track. strates tenacity, their efforts will not go to waste


Overcoming Challenges



stories in a catchy tone has shaped the sound of his music the most. To make his songs, he will normally get a One of the most interesting develop- beat and hum a flow, then he writes out lyrics for this flow, ments in recent years is the entrance of rap mu- which he then raps. After this, his songs are complete. sic into the mainstream. Although rap is an incred- Overall, despite his difficulties with funding, he has ibly large genre with different styles, artists make been fairly successful in getting his music out to others. music that represents their own style and thoughts. He runs his own instagram page, @lilsibo with almost 400 From hard hitting bars and rhymes to melodies followers. To those who look out for his music, the best of that border other genres such as R&B, the growing his music is still unreleased, and some of it will be coming landscape is one of the most diverse of any genre. on the 10th of February on his debut album Unchained. CHS For student Sibi those who are made his de- looking to find but in rap in December “The biggest challenge success in rap music, he recwith his single named Alright and has for me is that I don’t have ommends to listen to criticism, but to be been passionate in music enough funding to publiwary of those who only want making ever since. One of the songs on cize my songs, but I try to to be hurtful with their comments. He his most recent albums, promo as much as possible.” recommends those who Alright from are receiving the album Unthese kinds of chained, even comments to racked up always keep over a thousand streams within days of its release. their head up Even with this initial success, Sibi has found and continue to pursue what they are passionate about his rise to success much more difficult than he has and achieve the potential that they know they have originally thought it to be. He says that “the biggest challenge for me is that I don’t have enough funding to publicize my songs, but I try to promo as much as possible.” Even faced with these difficulties, he still has found success. As of the start of February, his channel has racked up over 2 thousand views in total. Every artist starts off with inspirations, and Sibi has cited Juice WRLD to be the biggest influence on his music. He has said that the way that late rapper conveyed


social media assistant

For nearly 10 months, coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought great despair to people worldwide. Surpassing over 3 million coronavirus cases and 36,000 deaths, California is actively seeking solutions to ease the rising issues and encourage more people to take COVID-19 tests. In addition to COVID-19 testing, public health departments, as well as multinational technology companies, are proposing effective, sophisticated solutions. Monitoring patients’ past health records and providing them with further health protocols, contact tracing serves as a both ideal and convenient tool of repressing the uncontrollable virus spread.

Contact tracing refers to official health procedures, identifying people who may have been in close contact with an infected person. It serves as an efficient model of monitoring peoples’ health and any possible signs of COVID-19. In communities supporting the method, hospitals send and update the list of patients who have recently been diagnosed with COVID-19 to the official health department. After being notified, authorized health care services treat the infected and trace their contacts to warn them about the situation. The identified contacts are instructed with self-isolation, health screening, and treatments to remain immune to the virus. `The contact tracing itself is also an anonymous and confidential process; contact tracers will not ask people for their money, social security number, immigration status, or other private information. Health department officials’ primary goal outside has shown excellent efficiency. According to ABC7 News, San Francisco has reported about 83 percent of coronavirus cases through the contact tracing solution. The advising calls are not only confidential but also quick. After a positive test, a vast majority of people within the individual’s vicinity are contacted within 24 hours for further steps. With the absence of contact tracing, COVID-19 cases would skyrocket because the health de - partment cannot track each test and organize all contacts. Many critics still question the

method of

covid-19 contact tracing requirement

COVID-19 contact tracing, believing that they evoke privacy concerns and are solely an ineffective method of easing the case growth rates. With the rise of online networking, cloud-based services seem to jeopardize online safety and bring potential harm with every identity marker that appears

“The contact tracing itself is also an anonymous and confidential process; contact tracers will not ask people for their money, social security number, immigration status, or other private information.”

is to intervene in an essential part of the disease transmission pathways.

Following the simple process of receiving calls from contact tracers and refraining themselves from going on online platforms. Since technology is widely used to expedite the contact tracing process, users speculate false information and transmission glitches that confuse the public. However, countries have been working discreetly

to ensure their prototypes are functional and consistent. For instance, South Korea utilizes an advanced smartphone location tracking feature to map the transmission chains and patterns. Locating people with CCTV footage, transactions,

or even online apps release live public notices and inform people about anonymous individuals who may have been positive. Also, China released an online platform to mark

locations and share COVID-19 positive patients’ anonymous information for the public to take premeditated initiatives.

Apple and Google, the two prominent technology companies, partnered on a COVID-19 contact tracing technology, utilizing the Bluetooth feature and marking “traces” whenever smartphones come into close contact. If a cell phone owner is ever diagnosed with COVID-19, the “traces” are then sent to the public health officials to notify the public immediately. The convenient system is also an anonymous process, protecting user’s privacy and liberty.

California has also implemented a contact tracing program—California Connected—to limit the spread of COVID-19. The program pairs health care workers with COVID-19-positive patients and ensures the close contacts have access to medical services and testing. Under California Law, California Connected is a destined program that will not share personal information with other outside entities. In all, these developing technologies share a similarity: automated labor tasks that yet maintain a voluntary and anonymous process.

Some people also consider COVID-19 contact tracing pointless because the number of cases is rising continuously despite the proposed method to moderate the virus spread. Nevertheless, the contact tracing solution has been fending off the spread of the virus because it ensures people follow the health protocols and isolate themselves from the public. For example, with nearly 24 million people, Taiwan has reported just eight deaths from COVID-19 to date. Their response to the pandemic—developing digital systems and implementing sophisticated solutions—has been both useful and consistent. The Taiwanese government utilized contact tracing to integrate people’s health profile with their travel history. If an individual shows symptoms to COVID-19, the government sends them an SMS for further directions. Eventually, the government orders them to go under a 14-day quarantine for being overly exposed to the public. During the self-isolation period, the government expects a call once or twice each day from the individual to make sure it is upheld. If people fail to follow the official mandate, they are expected to pay a fine of $33,000, issued for an offense. Taiwan’s contact tracing directive may sound overly harsh, but their strict COVID-19 —as observed by the number of infected persons there—has proven to reduce further infections.

As seen in various countries, digital technology surely curbs the spread of harmful viruses. From in-person health care services to convenient technology processes, more countries are familiarizing themselves with the contact tracing solution and developing new, unimagined methods to the table.

“California Connected is a destined program that will not share personal information with other outside entities.” covid-19 contact tracing requirement OPINIONS | 17



opinions assistant

Controversy over Donald Trump’s recent bans on social media has recently arisen.any argue that the companies could not ban his account due to his content as it violated the First Amendment. Private companies such as Twitter or Facebook do not violate the First Amend-

ment by limiting or banning accounts on their platform. The First Amendment pertains to the government and not private companies.

According to a Congressional Research Service report, federal law does not offer much recourse for social media users who seek to challenge a social media provider’s decision about whether and how to present a user’s content. Lawsuits have been widely unsuccessful as in the past, courts have ruled that the First Amendment does not apply to private companies and only for government actions. These private companies also have a second layer of protection because Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act allows companies to limit access to objectionable material. Section 230 provides sites with immunity and enables these companies to restrict access to content that the provider or users deem “obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable.” Section 230 caters specifically to private companies, as courts have considered Facebook and Twitter as interactive computer services.

Furthermore, it states explicitly: “No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be held liable on account of any action voluntarily taken in good faith to restrict access.” The court’s consideration leaves no leeway for legal action as long as Section 230 is applicable. In addition, these legal barriers have caused courts to overturn past lawsuits and cases. As a result, social media platforms are virtually untouchable as they can to make their own decisions to restrict access to users. Censorship claims can not apply to private companies anymore because of the layers of legal protection they have as well as case precedence in court.

“The right to free speech extends to individuals and applies to government intervention,” Paaige Turner, Ball State’s Dean of the College of Communication, Information and Media, said. “These companies are private entities, and they have the right to modify, adjust the products that they’re offering to the community.” The First Amendment states: “Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.” However, even government action is not unfettered. The government also can please reasonable restrictions based on the time, place, and content. For example, the use of

“The First Amendment pertains to the government and not private companies.”

HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS speakers at night or the blocking of medical faFirst Amendment. Thus, social media sites would be treated as state actors who are required to follow the First Amendment when they regulate can also exercise free speech rights. It is their platform, so they have the right to use their own platform as they wish. Government interference VIOLATED THE FIRST AMENDMENT cilities due to protests are not allowed. protected speech. Furthermore, if Congress passed an immunity statute and private parties decided to do would only make matters worse. The distinction between the government’s control over data and priHowever, the something that could trigger a con- vate companies’ control over inforgovernment stitutional review, state action can mation is vast. Private companies has less con- also be taken. Once that happens, are protected by multiple legal bartrol over what people can do and these private companies will be un- riers and are essentially exempt from say compared to private companies. der the government’s influence, and lawsuits concerning the users’ Right The companies do not fall under any the First Amendment can be applied. to Free Speech. The government can government action, so the Right to Lower courts have ruled that Face- not even consider private companies Free Speech in the First Amendment, book, Google and other private in- as state actors, so they have no influwhich applies to government action, ternet platforms are not state actors ence over the corporations’ actions. can not be used. Before signing up because they can not be state actors Private companies are almost unfor an account on these various so- just because they have platforms that touchable compared to the governcial media platforms, users also sign provide forums for public expression. ment because of legal precedent and the Terms of Service contract. Twitter This ruling is consistent with the Su- barriers. and Facebook do not violate their us- preme Court’s ruling in Manhattan ers’ free speech by suspending the Community Access Corp. v. Halleck, accounts of people who violate the which declared that public access television was not a state actor. Paaige Turner also states that they are at a crossroads in deciding whether social media is a private corporation or a public entity: “At some point, if we were to perhaps pursue a road where the government regulated social media, we’re probably looking at an amendment to our constitution.” Government interference could potentially infringe on the private companies’ rights to free speech. Technically, these compaterms of service. The nies are private entities, so they are Terms of Service also provides the social media companies with legal immunity as users agree that their account can be banned or disabled should they violate the Terms of Service. Lawsuits are almost futile because these companies have the right to modify and adjust the products they are offering and ban accounts to their own volition. Some have insisted that Congress should step in to moderate social media sites, as involving government regulation would constitute allowed to publish, organize, and state action that could implicate the edit protected speech because they

“Before signing up for an account on these various social media platforms, users also sign the Terms of Service contract. Twitter and Facebook do not violate their users’ free speech by suspending the accounts of people who violate the terms of service. ”

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