Issue 1 - October 2021

Page 26



dealt with this problem, Chan and there for one another.” It was amazAbassi said talking to coaches and ing, she said, to watch how “just a With Simone Biles’ voluntary with- being with supportive teammates tiny bit of encouragement and little things teammates did for each other drawal from the Olympics, more light helped. However, when recalling the first were able to improve someone’s day.” has begun to shine on the mental health of athletes. As high school stu- time she tried talking with a coach, To both, teamwork is a core aspect of dents start to consider pursuing pro- Abassi said, “it’s always hard to admit their respective sports; it was essenfessional athletic careers and enter that you’re struggling with something, tial to help your teammates, Abassi more competitive environments, the especially to someone who you want said, “because when it comes down to it [...] you’re mental health of athletes becomes a to always see you at your best.” However, only as good as JUST BEING IN THE more relevant topic. the worst player WATER HELPS MELT Hasti Abassi, a junior on the varsity she said, “if you just get into the habit of it AWAY ALL OF THE STRESS on your team.” team for water polo at Cupertino High, High school says she felt that “as you get more [...] it’s really easy to GOING ON IN MY LIFE... talk to your coach.” sports and club competitive, you start becoming more [IT] MAKES ME CALM Although the comsports have very and more critical of yourself. And no AND PEACEFUL. petitiveness of sports different d ifferent dynamRYAN CHAN matter how good you perform, you alics, though both ways think, oh, there’s this one thing I can negatively impact athletes’ mental can affect an athcould have done better.” Keeping a healthy balance be- health, both Abassi and Chan saw lete’s mental health. On high school tween physical health and mental playing water polo as an “escape” sports, Abassi commented, “People health can sometimes be taxing; from academic stress and their social watching you during your game has Ryan Chan, a sophomore who swims life. Though playing sports makes him a positive impact because you have support from your friends who come and plays water polo for the varsity feel frustrated at times, Chan said, “just being in the water to see you.” However, there was also team at Cupertino High, says, “It’s imhelps melt away all of the stress going a challenge in having to play with portant for me to on in my life... people who had a larger diversity of recognize when IT’S ALWAYS HARD [it] makes me calm skill levels. Said Abassi, “I feel like to stop pushing TO ADMIT THAT YOU’RE and peaceful.” They it’s a different form of communicamyself so that I STRUGGLING WITH SOMEboth believed that what tion with everyone in comparison to won’t burn out THING, ESPECIALLY TO made their sport so en- club.” Though high school and club and cause my SOMEONE WHO YOU joyable was being in a sports may seem similar, the two may mental health to WANT TO ALWAYS SEE team, especially ones impact an athlete’s mental health difworsen.” Both YOU AT YOUR BEST. with supportive team- ferently because of the different kinds athletes noted HASTI ABASSI mates. Said Abassi, of pressure. Said Chan, “The way I that wanting to “It’s amazing to see play [inclub] is different because I be at their best how all of our team- feel like I should be at my best at all for everyone unmates come to support that one per- times.” Both find less pressure placed knowingly burned them out. When asked about how they son [who’s having a bad day] and be on them during high school games


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