2 minute read

A Letter to My Freshman Self



OHey, freshman Taruna! I know you are anxious and excited about high school, and trust me, you have every reason to be. But, perhaps I should prepare you for what you are about to experience. Trust me, it’s the exact opposite of whatever you were expecting.

I guess I should fill you in on the most shocking news; a deadly pandemic transpires, causing lockdowns that steal the last three months of your freshman year and most of your sophomore year. No, I’m not joking.

I know this sounds dramatic, but the pandemic probably changed the trajectory of your life. From the lockdowns, you learned self-perseverance. You learn how to maintain friendships from the four walls of your bedroom. You pushed through the mental health struggles that came from isolation and hopelessness. You finally realize that there is a light at the end of every tunnel, as corny as it sounds. Every time you doubt yourself, you remember that you make it to the other side.

I won’t sugarcoat it: Junior year will hit you like a bus. You’re going to hear all your upperclassmen friends say the same, and you’ll think to yourself, “I’ll be the ex- ception!” No, you’re not. Like many others, you lost most of your work ethic over the pandemic. Give yourself some grace, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Also, stop trying to read the AP US History textbook. You’ll convince yourself that you can read those 40-page chapters and will not realize how laughable that is until January of 2022. Heimler will save you.

While we’re talking about junior year, let’s get something straight; getting in two more hours of SAT prep is not worth giving up your “Hamilton” tickets. At the end of high school, you are not going to care about your SAT score or how good your grades were. You’ll reminisce on the friends and memories you made. Prioritize putting yourself out there, talking to new people and creating unforgettable moments. Four years go by in the blink of an eye.

And for the love of anything holy, trust the process. The world does not end just because your journey takes a slightly or radically different course. Losing one…or two council elections, failing a test or having strained friendships is NOT the end of the world. I know you don’t believe me, so I’ll give you an example. The week before the nation is put on lockdown, you bomb your interview with the Editors-in-Chief of the Prospector and get rejected. But now we’re here, writing for the final issue of the 2022-2023 school year. Needless to say, everything works out.

No matter what happens, I’m proud of you for overcoming every obstacle that hit you. High school can be a rollercoaster, but enjoy the ride while it lasts


Excitement for 2 weeks off starting March 13th, 2020!

Awkward breakout room silence...

Enjoy your senior night :’)

Adopt your first underclassman

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