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Memorable Locations on Campus

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You have traversed the grounds of our Cupertino High School. You have passed by hundreds of faces

and don’t think about where you are going unless lunch or brunch. Yet, there are still some places that stick with you. Memories are associated with different locations, good or bad, so let’s recap on some of them.


You have passed it and smelled it. The hall that intersects the 200 wing and the quad is on the way for most of

our classes. As a result, many avoid this area during passing periods because the smell is atrocious. But, even

with the scent, it is undoubtedly a spot we all remember, and not for a good reason.

This fake turf is located outside the science buildings and is often a spot to relax for most students, whether

during lunch, brunch, or class time. Most of us remember the first-year orientation and the story associated with

the turf. The belief is that if you roll down the hill, you are guaranteed good grades. While I cannot speak for my

own experiences, it worked for other students. Who knows if the turf does its magic. All we know is that some-

times it works and sometimes it does not. It is unfortunate when the “magic grass” does not do its job.


The true staple of every school around the world. The place where we get food and some use as a place to hang

out. We all have our opinions about the food served, but we can agree that sometimes the food is pretty good.

Aside from the food, the cafeteria provides easy access to the library for when you need to speed through that

last-minute homework. The cafeteria serves as a calm place to hang out, but there is always a spill of some sort

on the floor for some reason. Nobody knows what spilled or how it spilled. But, we know that something spilled,

and it is something new every day.


The area for meeting up with friends. The place for waiting in obnoxiously long lunch lines. The site to do any-

thing and everything at this school. Our quad is always bustling with activities, whether it be performances,

college fairs, or pop-up booths. The quad is unavoidable when navigating the school, making it a unique place

even if you don’t hang out there. With the constant activities and social environment, the quad will go down in

many students’ memories as a place you either go to hang out or avoid.

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