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The new sporting event that replaced Powderpuff



The decades-old tradition of Powderpuff has been retired in favor of the Tinolympics — a multi-event class competition that lasts several weeks and includes teams from all four classes.

The games of the first Tinolympics feature capture the flag, competitive cheer, tug-of-war and rowing. The CHS Associated Student Body sanctions the games, which are happening throughout second semester.

ASB’s athletics commission created Tinolympics to replace Powderpuff, a class competition where girls play flag football and boys cheer, after receiving negative feedback from the event in 2022.

“We thought Powderpuff wasn’t a good representation of the sports and inclusivity our school offers,” said Baran Abbasi, an ASB athletics commissioner

The commission began planning for Tinolympics in October. The months of planning involved many steps from selecting events and dates to organizing supplies and finalizing rules and logistics. Once completed, the commission presented its plan to the ASB class, which voted to accept.

Tinolympics was promoted through class Instagram accounts and school-wide announcements, giving all students the opportunity to join their class team and participate in events of their choice.

Many students enjoyed participating in the events. Justin Yu, member of the junior class’ capture the flag team, described the fun he had with his team, which was fueled by their competitiveness.

“We didn’t have a plan or anything, so it was pretty much just free for all,” said Yu. “However, it ended up working out because we ended up winning the whole thing.”

Abbasi found hosting Tinolympics rewarding after seeing the school’s involvement in it.

“[Seeing] other people enjoying an event we spent a lot of time and effort planning made me especially happy,” said Abbasi.

So far, the juniors have won capture the flag and competitive cheer, and the seniors have won tug-of-war. The juniors have 215 points, the seniors have 150 points, the freshfolk have 65 points and the sophomores have 50 points

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