September 8, 2017
Senior adapts to new school, environment
New student moves from Greece to Mt. Prospect, learns to balance old life back home and new life in United States
George and Niki. Zois, on the othters nearby, and everything is er hand, has American citizenship within a very short distance, so but won’t be able to reconnect with we like it very much. We’re very his parents and Niki until next close to the highways, we’re very Tears fell like water breaking summer because of his enrollment close to the airport, so I think [Mt. through a dam. Senior Niki Lazar- in the military. Prospect’s] one of the best places to is’s lips trembled as she said goodKalliopi had already visited travel to.” bye to her family at the airport in Mt. Prospect back in June with Since George and Niki arrived Athens, Greece. Niki’s mom, Kalli- George when they were looking in mid-July, there was plenty of opi Lazaris, for a house, time to go out and explore their also crying, so she will new town. held her already be They took multiple trips to Chidaughter, somewhat cago and drove around Schaumwishing she familiar burg, Oakbrook and Rosemont to never had with the see what it was like. to let go as area when On Aug. 16, Niki got the chance she sent she comes to experience her first day as a seher daughin Septemnior at Prospect High School. Yet, ter halfway ber. Niki, from the moment she pulled up, it across the however, was already completely different world. didn’t come than her old school back in Greece. Niki’s to Mount Prospect and didn’t “It’s weird when you don’t know brother, 18-year-old Zois, her know what to expect the environanyone in such a big school,” Niki grandparents, uncle, and 5-year- ment to be like what she has seen said. “It’s exciting, but [it makes old poodle Jojo said goodbye too, in movies. me] nervous at the same time.” before 17-year-old Niki and her Luckily for Niki, Mt. Prospect As the day continued, she realdad, George Lazaris, became faces is just like any other ized that the facilities in the sea of other travelers, all set town seen in movies and organization of for different destinations. set in America accordthe school were differ“I was feeling really excited be- ing to her. ent too. There are a cause I really love travelling and I With every house lot more clubs and aclove airplanes,” Niki said. “It was made of different mativities students could my first big trip out of Europe, but terials and having a participate at Prospect. I [also felt] sadness because I had to front lawn, it was very The classes were even say goodbye to everyone I love.” unusual for Niki. In different. George and Niki came to the Greece, every house In Greece, the stuNIKI LAZARIS United States on July 15, 2017 be- was made of cement dents stay in one room cause of Epiros USA, a Feta cheese and bricks and there while the teachers importing company for which weren’t many front would move from class Niki Lazaris George works. lawns. George and Kallito class. Because the stuEven though the family said opi decided on a three-story yellow dents stay put, classes would stay goodbye back at the airport in house in Mt. Prospect, which is in with each other the whole day and Greece, it didn’t mean it’d be the a convenient location for all three were all the same age. Students last time they would be together. of them. would also stay after school for Due to not having American citi“We liked it very much, very, extra lessons in Greece, whereas zenship, Kalliopi will have to wait very much,” George said. “We many students at Prospect do not . until September to move in with have a couple of commercial cenBecause Niki is a senior, she noticed lots of differences between Senior Career Paths in Greece seniors here and seniors in Greece. Seniors in Greece choose from a list of career paths like the For seniors in Greece, there are one listed below for what they want to pursue in their life. Once four different pathways a senior the career path has been chosen, the senior then takes the redecides to take depending on what quired classes which they are then tested on at the end of the they want to study in university, year to be accepted into universities. which is college in Greece. They can either take a path in CAREER COURSES mathematics, psychology, economics or to be a doctor. Math, Physics, Chemistry For each pathway, the senior Mathematicians has to take certain classes and at the end of the year, the senior Ancient Greek, Latin, History Psychologists takes an exam based on the specific classes he or she had taken. Physics, Biology, Chemistry Doctors Universities then accept students based on their performance Math, Theory of Economics, Economics on that exam. Colleges in the UnitComputer Science ed States accept students based on
“I had to say goodbye to my friends and family one more time and this time was more difficult because it’s so far,” Niki said. “It was so hard.”
- Niki Lazaris, Senior
o h Wws no
Junior Shawn Wagner The Boyfriend
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Y et to u er?
UNKNOWN TERRITORY: Senior Niki Lazaris walks through Prospect’s hallway going from class to class. Four months ago, she was walking through her school back in Greece before she to Mount Prospect in July. (photo by Mackenzie Noelle) their GPA and standardized tests. “I speak English, but not at the level to go to school; I’m struggling a little bit to follow the contemporary leads because I can’t express [my thoughts and feelings] the way I want to,” Niki said. “The most difficult thing is being away from your friends and family.” The Lazaris family already went through a move when they lived in Cyprus for four years. In Cyprus, Niki met her best friend, Eleni, with whom she talks every day. Next summer, though, she plans on returning to Europe
P Favorite Musical? Hamilton
Junior Hamilton Natalie Byrne The Best Friend
Height? 5’4”
for a visit and to meet up with Eleni. Between the twists and turns of moving, Niki has experienced many emotions. From nervousness to excitement to every other emotion, it has been a ride like no other. Although she’s excited for her year at Prospect, a part of her will always stay in Europe. “I had to say goodbye to my friends and family one more time and this time was more difficult because it’s so far,” Niki said. “It was so hard.”
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