Issue 2

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Fingers crossed As postseason kicks off, different generations handle Cubs anxiety BY MIKE STANFORD Editor-in-Chief ubs hysteria is becoming unavoidable. Senior Carrie Weimann sees it whenever she refreshes her Instagram feed. Sophomore Ben Miller notices it on the T-shirts of an increasing number of people in the halls. Sophomore Grant Hiskes hears it daily in lunchroom conversations. Combined with the excitement is abundant optimism. According to a survey of 143 students, 71 percent of students think the Cubs will make it to the World Series, and 55 percent of those students think they will win it. Teachers, however, are more apprehensive — a sentiment rooted in their past experiences.

For former social science teacher and softball coach Jim Adair, the heartbreak started during the 1969 season. By mid-August, the Cubs had built a nine-game lead on the rest of the National League East Division. Over the next six weeks, the Cubs watched the New York Mets claw their way back up the standings by winning 38 of their last 49 games. According to an story, theories for the collapse abounded. Some blamed fatigue from playing more day games in the summer humidity than the rest of the league. Others pointed to a breakdown in team chemistry. Some even faulted a black cat that walked behind their on-deck circle at Shea Stadium in September. Regardless, the collapse was inexcusable to Adair. “Nobody blows a [nine]-game lead,” Adair said. “To be that late in the season and … lose it — that was one of the most massive chokes of all time.” English teacher Tim McDermott’s agony started 15 years later with the 1984 team. Led

Five outs from reaching the World Seby National League MVP Ryne Sandberg and Cy Young Award winner Rick Sutcliffe, the ries, the Cubs had not been so close to bringing the trophy home to Wrigleyville in more Cubs roared to their first playoff appearance than half a century. in 39 years only to lose Throwback to 1908 Then, left fielder Moises to the San Diego Padres Alou reached into the in the NL ChampionThe last time the Cubs won crowd to catch a foul ship Series. the World Series: ball when spectator “As any Cubs fan Steve Bartman infathat young, you think, Teddy Roosevelt was mously interfered. At ‘Oh yeah, they’re goPresident this moment, Kamining to win it sky swore loudly at the all,’” McDermott Henry Ford had just TV, prompting his resisaid. “There was launched the Model-T dential assistant (RA) to no doubt in my check on him. mind that, with The Wright Brothers Later in the the team they had, they were still working same inning, were going to take it on their first airplane shortstop Alex all that year, and, of info courtesy of USA Today Gonzalez made an ercourse, they didn’t.” ror on what should Social science teachhave been a routine double-play ball. In a er Jon Kaminsky found himself in the same fit of rage, Kaminsky broke a wooden chair situation as he was watching the 2003 NLCS against the Florida Marlines from his dorm room at Northern Michigan University. SEE CUBS, page 3

Prospect Gives Back mobilizes 350 student volunteers BY LEO GARKISCH Copy Editor Over 350 students and 30 staff members spent the morning of Oct. 1 volunteering at businesses and events around the Mount Prospect area as a part of Prospect Gives Back, kicking off District 214’s Redefining Ready month and Prospect’s Homecoming week. Students from 24 Prospect clubs and sports accumulated an estimated 1,200 hours of community service through the event. Assistant Principal for Student ActivitiesFrank Mirandola, who coordinated the event, called it a “smashing success.” “It was one of those situations where a lot of logistics go into it, but to see the payout, to see how many people benefit from what we have going on –– it’s been a pretty impressive day,” Mirandola said. The rain couldn’t keep the volunteers away from the 14 businesses and events at which they were scheduled to volunteer. At Lion’s Park, boys’ and girls’ volleyball players dressed as movie and TV show charac-

BLANKET BANANZA: Senior Riley De Luca, junior Nick Cima and sophomore Cora Vincent tie together a blanket in the cafeteria on the morning of Oct. 1. These students voluneteered for Prospect Gives Back, a school-sponsored day that included 1,200 hours of service. (photo by Elisabeth Rohde) ters ranging from Snow White to Hello Kitty for the Mt. Prospect Park District’s Fabulous Fall Fest. The athletes took pictures with, played games with and handed out candy to young children attending the event.

Boys’ volleyball coach Mike Riedy, who also helped at the festival, says that although the students weren’t formally recognized as being representatives of Prospect, the impact of their time and commitment was felt

by the kids. “It’s not necessarily a PR move for Prospect,” Riedy said. “It’s just a really nice opportunity for us to give back, and we’re not getting anything out of it other than the opportunity to help.” Riedy, a frequent volunteer for various charities and causes, was quick to praise Mirandola for organizing the event and thank his colleagues and students for their devotion to giving back to the community. “So many staff members willing to give up their Saturday, willing to come here on a three-day weekend was a testament to everyone that’s helping out,” Riedy said. “The fact that [the students] got up at 8:15 on a threeday weekend and are here just giving up [themselves] and not expecting anything in return, I think, is the epitome of what Prospect is all about.” People within the Prospect community weren’t the only ones proud of the students’ work. Former Mount Prospect Police Department officer Joe Ziolkowski, who officially SEE SERVICE, page 2

Rescue Heroes

Baby, Baby, baby, oh!

Mainstream memes

Firefighters and paramedics reflect on what it’s like to risk their lives for their jobs every day. To read more, turn to ...

Returning to teaching after having a baby can be a difficult transition for teachers. To learn more, flip to ...

Once innocent internet memes are now sparking political and social controversies in the midst of a tumultuous election season. To read more, turn to ...

pages 6-7

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October 7, 2016

Symphony chosen for ILMEA state



he symphony orchestra will be traveling to Peoria on Jan. 25 to perform as a featured ensemble at the Illinois Music Education Convention. The convention’s qualifiers include the best bands, choirs, orchestras and other music groups in the state. After going through a rigorous audition process last school year, Prospect was selected to join this elite group of ensembles. “To be recognized as one of the groups is a tremendous honor and a tremendous opportunity to showcase our students’ talents,” Orchestra Director Peter Weber said. The main portion of the audition process involved sending in a recording of a previous performance. Weber also had to receive two letters of recommendation from colleagues, one from Band Director Chris Barnum and the other from former Vernon Hills High School Orchestra Director Frank Lestina. Other requirements included a write-up of what the orchestra represents as an ensemble and a biography of Weber as an educator. When senior concertmaster Nickolas Konstantinou found out in the spring that the orchestra had been selected, he knew the upcoming year would be an intense one. He says many of the this year’s songs are more difficult than they have been in the past. Weber says that to him, the orchestra is

ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOW: The chamber orchestra participates in a performance workshop in New York City this past March. Under the direction of Orchestra Director Peter Weber, the Prospect Symphony Orchestra is preparing to perform at the ILMEA All-State Conference in Peoria in January. (photo courtesy of Peter Weber) a group that strives for excellence by playing high-level pieces of literature, so he is exploring a range of types of music this year. The pieces he selected for the convention performance include the dark-toned “The Montagues and Capulets” by Sergei Prokofiev, which is balanced with the upbeat, modern “Escapades” by John Williams. According to Konstantinou, the orchestra has played mostly traditional music in past

years. He and Senior trumpet player Adam Mead agree that playing a wider variety of music is exciting. “‘[Escapades]’ is fun because I get to use mutes, which is something we don’t normally get to do,” Mead said. Mead says he appreciates exploring the new sounds and styles Weber has added to the ensemble’s repertoire and expects them to present mental and physical challenges.

His favorite piece the orchestra will be playing is Arturo Márquez’s “Danzón No. 2,” which he says has a Latin feel that he normally doesn’t get to play. Konstantinou, on the other hand, says he enjoys “The Montagues and Capulets” because of its rich, dark tone. “I honestly prefer the dark stuff,” Konstantinou said. “It reaches a deeper emotional level.” Mead attributes the orchestra’s rise to such an elite level as being largely due to changes implemented by Weber when he first started leading the group in 2014. He says as the group’s expectations were raised, its mental attitude started to become more focused and talking during rehearsals has been minimized. “A few years ago, [the program] was kind of slacking — not the kids, just the attitude,” Konstantinou said. “But now everyone is serious about it. It’s an amazing change.” Weber says that each year he has tried to set the bar higher, saying this year’s upcoming performance raises the standard even more, hoping it will set a new benchmark for the orchestra’s definition of excellence. “I’m just trying to get kids interested in being passionate about music and focusing on excellence,” Weber said. “Hopefully that skill will translate to other things in their lives.”

SERVICE: Sports, activities devote morning to community

Prospect students are helping the wider community than St. Paul because we run programs for everyretired later in the day at 6 p.m., body around here, too.” spent his final hours on the job Local businesses were also running the department’s booth at the Fall Fest and said that the grateful for the hours the students students’ work wasn’t going unno- put in. Cheerleaders, poms members and dancers spent their mornticed. ings traversing through downtown “There’s a public perception that a lot of teenagers are self-cen- Mount Prospect, delivering surtered and care about themselves, veys for the Mount Prospect Chamand it’s great seeing these kids out ber of Commerce and posting “We here early on a Saturday morn- are Prospect” signs in the windows of various shops. ing,” Ziolkowski said. “They’re out Dawn Fletcher Collins, Execuhere willing to help out kids, not still sleeping or watching cartoons. tive Director of the Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce, says that It’s great. It gives me a good feeling that there’s good people out there.” fostering relationships between Across Northwest Highway, students and local businesses is St. Paul Lutheran School Princi- mutually beneficial. “We know full well that many pal Jennifer Heinze was thrilled students who graduate out of Prosto have Prospect FCCLA students clean her church and school, call- pect go away to college and come back here either to work or start ing their efforts “such a blessing.” their own busiHeinze says Spreading the good ness,” Collins that St. Paul has said. “The good Here are the businesses being doing a lot thing about that of work for others and events served by PGB: is our business in need through- • Fabulous Fall Fest community is out the commu• Northwest Community very welcoming nity and that in Hospital and supportive of the meantime, our students dotheir own school • Northwest Compass ing that, and they has not been get- • Bird Shack ting cleaned. She • Rec-Plex Basketball Camp want to know the students who will appreciates that • St. Paul Lutheran Church then become our Prospect shares • Byte Me Computers business leaders. a similar agenda • Octoberfest So we want to and that the stu• Mt. Prospect Garden Club create a culture dents were willof engagement ing to volunteer • Race for Youth 2K • Cappanari’s Ice Cream now.” their time. For senior “It is also • Mt. Prospect History Carley Walka value in our Museum er, the morning church and our • Pickett Fence Realty spent huddled school that we under an umgo out and help the community,” brella with her poms and orchesis Heinze said as students cleaned the school’s lockers, cubbies and cab- teammates was an important one. inets. “Some of the teens are help- Walker, who hasn’t done much voling clean off toys and that kind of unteering in the past, says that the thing for the programs that we run experience was fulfilling enough to open her up to potentially do more for the community, so indirectly, community service in the future. CONTINUED from front page

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Junior Keilyn Howard, on the other hand, has experience volunteering through the Northwest Special Recreation Association, where she says she “gives ability to people with disabilities,” and feels everybody should commit themselves to volunteering. “Volunteering is super important because I think that as humans, we are obligated to do things for others,” Howard said. “We need to be able to help each other out, and so I think volunteering allows you to do that.” A member of the speech team, Howard spent the morning dusting off artifacts at the Mount Prospect Historical Society and tying blankets to be delivered to patients at Northwest Community Hospital. She says she’s glad the event will help show the community how great Prospect students are and what they’re capable of. After what many found to be a successful and fulfilling day, Collins says it’s just the beginning. She says that once word gets out about Prospect Gives Back, it will allow her and Mirandola to move forward and look for other ways Prospect can serve the community. One idea was creating a service where students would rake leaves for local elderly residents. The bottom line is that Mirandola believes the program was a major step towards changing the trajectory of Prospect’s partnership with the community. “The impact of this event is twofold,” Mirandola said. “One is people are directly impacted through our service –– from Prospect students and staff helping the community. But also the impact it has on Prospect students, and for them to go ahead and reach out and see the power of people helping people, and how that really can make a significant difference in others’ lives –– it’s been pretty impressive in multiple capacities.”

RETURNING THE FAVOR: Junior Meghan Meredith, dressed as Snow White, hands candy to a child at Fabulous Fall Fest on Oct. 1 as a part of Prospect Give Back, a program where over 350 students and 30 staff members volunteered their time to various businesses and events in the Mount Prospect community. “Volunteering is super important because I think that as humans, we are obligated to do things for others,” junior Keilyn Howard said. “We need to be able to help each other out, and so I think volunteering allows you to do that.” (photo by Elisabeth Rohde)

“High school students, because they are not really used to Cubs failure, are against the cinder block wall. His RA probably really excited and thinking this then gave him the only write-up he would is a great thing,” Adair said. “Older peoreceive in college. ple are like, ‘Eh, we’ll hope for the best.’” “I was inconsolable,” Kaminsky said. In spite of this, teachers see the signs “And then, like all true Cubs fans, for that this could be the year. Although he game seven, non-Cubs fans would come “can’t get emotionally invested yet,” Kaup to you and be like, ‘There’s still a minsky thinks the Cubs are the best team game seve–’ ‘They’ve lost.’ ‘But they’re in baseball right now. McDermott agrees, a good team. They have a good pitch—’ and Adair even believes they are the ‘Nope. They’ve lost.’” most talented Cubs team in his lifetime. While losing can Behind this mix be difficult on its of nerves and excite“It goes back to being burned own, these constant ment looms the prosso many times. It’s hard to disappointments pect of the ultimate have been made throw 100 percent onto them prize, the end of the even more painful 108-year-drought. because everybody knows by the manner in Kaminsky believes which the Cubs have that if a bad thing is going the magnitude of a lost. World Series title to happen to one team in “We … lose it on could not be overbaseball, it’s going to be the a mistake. That’s stated. one of the things Cubs.” “The Cubs winthat the Cubs have ning would be bigger always done,” Adair Tim McDermott, than any event in said. “As you’re Chicago,” Kaminsky English teacher watching the games, said. “I can’t think of you’re waiting for anything that would an implosion.” be [close]. First African-American presiAdair is approaching this year’s play- dent from Chicago, probably in Obama’s offs with that sense of dread. McDermott words as well, pales in comparison to the feels the same trepidation and believes Cubs winning the World Series.” this is a mentality unique to Cubs fans. Whether the year ends in celebration “It goes back to being burned so many or sorrow, Adair knows that 2016 will be times,” McDermott said. “It’s hard to the next chapter of Cubs lore. He hopes throw 100 percent onto them because ev- the electric atmosphere will finally lead erybody knows that if a bad thing is go- to a storybook ending. ing to happen to one team in baseball, it’s “That’s what’s different about this going to be the Cubs.” season, and that’s what generates so While Adair believes students are much excitement,” Adair said. “Everyaware of the predicament, he does not body believes. Everybody believes the think they will fully be able to under- Cubs have a really, really good team. Are stand until they experience it for them- they going to win a World Series? God, I selves. hope so.” CONTINUED from front page



The Crosspector

CUBS: Decades of agony cloud playoff outlook

October 7, 2016



October 7, 2016

Accomplished grads return to Prospect BY DAVID FANG Executive News Editor As the culminating event of Homecoming week, on Oct. 7, Prospect’s distinguished alumni will return for a day to talk to classrooms and inspire students. The distinguished alumni for 2016 are 1989 graduate

Traci Knudson, 1989 graduate Jeanne Whalen and 1979 graduate Darlene Marcel. The selection begins after the school has received around 10 nominations from community members. The nominees are taken up to review. Once the field has been narrowed down, the final candidates are taken to Principal Michelle Dowling, who makes the final decision.

When making selections, several criteria are evaluated. This includes evidence of contribution to the community and to their profession. Honors, awards and presentations are also taken into account, and the nominee must have been out of high school for at least 10 years. Lastly, McDermott says he wants each year’s distinguished alumni to be able to connect well the student body and to be in-

spirational role models for students. “We are trying to find people that will touch a variety of different career paths,” McDermott said. “We don’t want everyone that comes here to be an actor or everyone that comes here to be a journalist. We want these people to go into classes and inspire students.”

Pulitzer finalist returns as a distinguished alumnae As distinguished almnae and Pulitzer Prize finalist Jeanne Whalen returns to Prospect on the Friday of Homecoming week, she will be able to reflect on her positive experiences here and people who impacted her life. One of whom was Ed Swick, her Russian teacher. She says that without his influence, she would not have spent the 18 years that she did overseas. “He just had such an influence on a whole generation of people at Prospect,” says Whalen. “He just gave us a real love for the language and a real interest in Russian and the Soviet Union. He just really changed the course of my life.” Her path to her travels started after graduating from Prospect in 1989. Whalen attended Cornell University as an English major and Russian minor. Whalen was a staff member for the school’s newspaper, the Cornell Daily Sun, where she gained valuable experience as a journalist. During the summers, Whalen found internships at local publications like Chicago Magazine and Advertising Age where she would handle mostly basic editorial duties. Despite being able to find work experience during college, her transition to the workforce was not as seamless as she had hoped. Whalen recalled that the job market at the time was quite tough. Whalen was able to find an unpaid internship at the CBS affiliate WBBM-TV news channel where she would help the political correspondent, Mike Flannery, with

his stories each day. After about 3 months, Whalen found her first paid job and returned to Advertising Age as a reporter. There, her reporting focused on the fast food beat, where she would report on fast food chains and their marketing strategies. She says that this experience was a great as an introduction to the journalism industry. “I had a great boss and great co-workers, and I learned a lot of about business journalism that way,” Whalen said. “It was a really good experience getting my feet wet in journalism.” Despite enjoying her time at Advertising Age, after 2.5 years, Whalen decided to act upon her desire to live overseas. Whilst working overseas, Whalen mainly resided in Russian speaking nations and former Soviet republics. Starting in Kyrgyzstan for a year working for United States Agency for International Development, she then moved to Moscow to write business news for the Moscow Times. From Moscow it was off to Azerbaijan to be a freelance writer for the Financial Times. Whalen was then asked to return to Moscow, this time for the Wall Street Journal, but was hesitant. “It was kind of a hard decision to go back to Moscow, but in the end I did. And I’m so glad I did,” Whalen said. After a five year stay in Moscow, the publication moved Whalen to London, where she remained for 10 years. There she wrote about the pharmaceutical industry, Europe-

Marcel cooks up some inspiration Three years ago, baker and TV host Darlene Marcel received an invitation to try out for a spot on the TV show, “American Baking Competition”. She first declined repeatedly, thinking that she would have had no chance. Despite her doubts, Marcel was accepted on the show, signifying that she was among the top 10 amateur bakers in the country out of the 5,000 that had tried out. By the end of the show, Marcel had transformed from doubting that she would even get a spot to surviving six episodes of cooking competition and placing as the first runner-up. “It was one of those moments that feels surreal,” Marcel said. “But it just goes to show that if you follow your passion, and you’re really good at something and you go outside your comfort zone, ... anything is possible.” Marcel says that as someone who typically works for herself, it was an honor receiving the outside recognition for the work that she has done. According to Marcel, her experience on the show was not a cakewalk. Competitors were sequestered away in hotel rooms and many worked for sixteen hours each day between filming, spending time hand-writing recipes and practicing for the next show. During this time, they were not even allowed Internet access for fear of cheating Her performance on the show had drastically changed the course of her career. After high school, Marcel did not attend college. Instead, she harnessed

ON THE AIR: Distinguished alumnae Darlene Marcel presents as lifestyle expert on the show “Atlanta and Co.” (photo courtesy of Darlene Marcel) her creativity and love of art and worked a variety of different jobs. She was an event decorator, a culinary instructor, a project manager for a construction company and designed a handbag and jewelry line that sold internationally. After her appearance on the show, Marcel started to gain public traction as a baker. Since then, she has done catering and earned a position as a lifestyle expert on Atlanta and Company, a daytime talk show in Georgia. She currently does a segment which includes cooking, decorating and

crafting. While attending Prospect, she continually followed her passion for creativity while taking her favorite classes, including art and home economics. Outside of school, she did this by working in fashion and in restaurants in Randhurst Mall. All of these contributed to her influential high school experience. “I have such high regard for Prospect High School and everything I learned there and all the teachers that were there and all the people I went to school with,” Marcel said.

MOSCOW: 2016 distinguished alumnae Jeanne Whalen interviews a Russian Oil worker in 2003. During this time, Whalen worked in the Moscow bureau of the Wall Street Journal. Whalen is one of three distinguished alumni along with TV host and baker Darlene Marcel and CEO Traci Knudson. (photo courtesy of Jeanne Whalen) an healthcare and general news stories. It wasn’t until about three years ago when she was moved to New York City. She currently works as both an editor and a writer for topics of health and science, where she has seen success. For example, in 2015, she and four others crafted a series of pieces that examined the industry-wide, health care trend of price gouging and compared American and foreign healthcare sys-

tems. For this series, she and her colleagues were selected as one of three finalists for the Pulitzer prize. For Whalen, Prospect enters her mind whenever she visits her mother who lives a block away from the school. “Whenever I go home, … I see Prospect, and still feel very connected to it, and I’m really psyched to come back,” Whalen said.

Tech CEO returns to motivate classes NogginLabs CEO and distinguished alumae Traci Knudson started school at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she earned a Bachelors of Science in Accounting. Once out of college, she worked as an accountant with Amoco Oil and Helene Curtis Industries. During this time after her work at Helene Curtis, she shifted from accounting to the finance field and worked for several years as a plant controller for the company Favorite Brands before it declared bankruptcy. Despite this setback, Knudson regards the ordeal as a learning experience for someone on the financial side of a corporation. From there, she became the CFO of iExplore, a travel company that was built up during the dot-com bubble. Around 16 years ago, Knudson joined her husband’s current company, NogginLabs. A year after she joined, she bought out her husband’s original business partner, and the couple has owned and managed the technology company ever since. NogginLabs is a custom software development company that specializes in building learning and training applications. Since their start, they have created training programs for large corporations like Nike, Ralph Lauren and McDonald’s as well as for nonprofits like the American Red Cross. Knudson attributes much of success she has had in her company and in life to the great experiences she had at Prospect. She says that high school set her up to succeed later in life.

CONNECTIONS: Distinguished alumnae Traci Knudson (right) works with Jim Drummond, an employee and Prospect Alum. (photo courtesy of Traci Knudson) “I am so honored to be selected,” Knudson said. “When you look back at past recipients and current recipients, they are impressive people, and I am humbled that I would even be considered in this group. It is huge honor and a huge testament to Prospect and the experience it gave me.” While at Prospect, Knudson swam for four years and was selected as the captain her senior year. In addition, like Whalen, Knudson was on the yearbook staff and remembers the pride they took in crafting the culminating product at the end of the year. She also fondly remembers being a member of the debate team and the trips the team took to Colorado and Washington, D.C. She also notes how debate has prepared her for the work that she does now and how it gave her the ability to speak in front of people and influ-

ence others. When Knudson works with employees and clients or speaks at conferences, she feels her debate mindset and experience coming through. Through her own experiences at Prospect, Knudson wants to project some of her own messages to the students. As someone who was involved in three contrasting activities in high school, Knudson advocates being diverse in what you choose to do in life. In addition, she hopes to tell students to be proactive in their life choices “[Don’t] be a person that lets things happen to them. You need to go out and make it your life no matter how old you are,” Knudson said. Whether you’re high school, college, a kid, my age or older. “Be someone … who takes charge, [is] creative and looks for opportunities that make your life different.”

October 7, 2016


StuCo brings positive change staff

Managing Editors Grace Berry Diana Leane Copy Editors Riley Langefeld Leo Garkisch Associate Editors-in-Chief Flynn Geraghty Caley Griebenow

the week. They attempted to organize out-of-school Powderpuff games but felt frustrated after the event was shut down. Yet throughout these efforts, attendance at the recent Bonfire Bashes has been low, according to Ray. Therefore, this dissatisfaction towards a lack of activities is unjustified. Students who were legitimately disappointed about a lack of activities had the chance to promote and attend the bash.

This year the bash’s new additions included inflatables, games and food trucks. There were huge sets of Kerplunk, Twister, Jenga and Connect Four. These games also provided students with an outlet to compete while doing so in an inclusive manner. The food trucks, which were the only services students needed to pay for, included Kona Ice, The Slide Ride, Cupcakes for Courage and Toasty Cheese. The trucks were advertised on the announcements the week before to excite students, according to Ray. There was a new train ride

available, too. Additionally, Student Council added a brunch for the Homecoming court and honor guard on Friday, Oct. 7. With regards to the Homecoming dance, the lounge that was added last year will be expanded to both gyms one and two. The lounge also has a new feature: a live music feed. This way, if students are waiting for a certain song while in the lounge, they will know when it comes on and can go to the main gym. Although these changes were subtle, they helped brighten the atmosphere and unite the school in a week all about oneness.

Staff Editorial

Editor-in-Chief Mike Stanford

Student Council expanded on the annual Bonfire Bash this year. Formerly known as the Bonfire Dance, they changed the name and added activities to encourage more students to attend, according to Social science teacher Kristen Ray, Student Council’s Assistant Advisor. The Bonfire Bash has been a tradition for many years that followed Knight Games, a former Homecoming activity. Ray believes students stopped attending the bash in a form of protest after the games were cancelled. Following this, students sought other ways to reintroduce a competitive celebration back to


Online Copy Editor Erin Schultz Social media Editor Jack Ryan Online Editor Amanda Stickels Online Sports Editor Wyatt Dojutrek News Editors David Fang Ben Dojutrek Opinion Editors Ayse Eldes Katie Hamilton Broadcast Editor Claire Strother Entertainment Editors Cassidy Delahunty Cole Altmayer Sports Editors Jack Ankony Paul Evers Staff Writers Jessica Darcy Despina Kokoris Marisa Flack Visuals Editors Elisabeth Rohde Adviser Jason Block Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and significance to our readers and the community. We, the Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions. The Prospector is published by students in Journalistic Writing courses. Some material is courtesy of MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 7185376 (ask for Mike Stanford), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, prospectornow@ Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to prospectornow@gmail. com. All letters must be signed. Limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the right to edit letters for style and length.

E v e r y year, when each sophomore honors and regular World Literature class watches BY AYSE ELDES the 1999 sciExecutive Opinion fi thriller Editor The Matrix, sophomores observe protagonist Neo suddenly jerking awake in a slimy pod of goo. He pushes out of the surrounding liquid and finds himself in a whole new world. Millions of rows of people are stacked like embryos, sleeping in pods, being harvested for their energy, with tubes connected to almost every part of their body. This is what Neo later finds out to be the real world. This iconic scene in The Matrix excellently illustrates a shocking revelation of a reality beyond what one ever knew. The character has a choice to pick between knowing the existence of the real world or continuing to live inside a computer program he knows to be fake. Much like Neo, each one of us has a choice to make when it comes to being aware of the world. Even though current events like the conflict in Syria, the heat wave in India, racial issues in North Carolina and pipeline investigations in North Dakota seem insignificant in our everyday lives, it’s important for Prospect students to be aware of them. Among the student body, reading the news may not be a common occurrence at Prospect. However, taking a look at the New York Times daily feed once a day before class can definitely introduce new ideas to someone. In fact, as I write this article, I’m watching continuous New York Times notifications pop up on my screen about how the US has just decided to end Syrian ceasefire talks with Russia. Reading other people’s opinions on topics can introduce new perspectives on those topics. For instance, with the election season now at the center of the national focus, many different opinions are portrayed through the news. Even though I’m an outright Hillary supporter, after reading columnist Frank Bruni’s article about the sympathy he felt for Donald Trump during the first presidential debate, it was an opportunity to discover someone’s reasoning behind an opinion that contradicts with mine. Although news sources offer information about current events and topics we all think about, some people really just don’t care. A study done by the National Geographic found that nine in 10 young Americans couldn’t find Af-

BACK PAGE: Irrelevant events usually rule the spotlight when it comes to our newsfeeds. However, it’s vitally important to be aware of current events that go on outside of our daily lives. ghanistan on a map of Asia. It’s more shocking to know that 51 percent of young Americans had a difficult time correctly identifying New York on a map. This study showcases how much a person can actually be ignorant of common facts when isolated from information sources. When Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson was asked in an interview about the crisis in Aleppo, he asked the TV host what Aleppo was. A person who is running to be our next president obviously must have foreign affairs knowledge to fulfill their job. Although there may not even be 100 Prospect students old enough to vote, being aware of political activity is key to understanding the things that will shape the next four years of our lives. Making sure that the leader of our country has basic knowledge about foreign affairs is a good idea. We also ourselves need to be aware of these things too. Not only foreign policy decisions, but changes made to college tuition, taxes, infrastructure, economic reform and gender equality will be influenced by whomever runs this country. For instance, Hillary promises to make debt-free college available to everyone. If this is really implemented, it can change every student’s college decisions. However, this change can be

drastic and unpractical to be made. Learning about promised changes and concepts in policy and leadership allows us to make informed decisions and rise above low-level attempts to win us over with empty political rhetoric. Author and historian John Green explains this best though his well known YouTube Crash Course channel. Green roleplays the following conversation between his past self and present self to explain the importance of being aware of everything around you. “Mr. Green, is this going to be on the test?” “Yeah, about the test. The test will measure whether you are an informed, engaged, and productive citizen of the world. “The test will last

your entire life and it will be comprised of the millions of decisions that when taken together make your life yours and everything — everything — will be on it. I know, right? So pay attention!” The test that Green is talking about is life. The lessons you learn in Human Geo, World History or AP Government aren’t just preparation for an exam. They’re things that will prepare you for a greater test — the test that will save you from finding yourself in The Matrix, stuck in a bubble, awakening to a world you didn’t know existed.



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October 7, 2016

Digging deep to find roots I

story of, “Your mommy in Chinever liked Chinese food. na loved you very much, but she The weird sauces and the couldn’t take care of you. That is constant pressure to use how you ended up here with us.” chopsticks to pick up tiny grains of All I knew was that when I was rice just never appealed to me. three days old, I was found outside The closest thing I came to aca police station and hostually enjoying Chipital in a small box with nese food was Panmosquito bites all over da Express. When I my face. told people this, they However, it wasn’t would look at me and until I became more masay, “That doesn’t ture that I started wonmake sense. You’re dering more about my Chinese.” Usually, I background. I started would laugh and nod BY AMANDA wondering and asking my head, but I’ve al- STICKELS questions like “Where ways wanted to say, Online Editor did I get this feature?” “I may be Chinese, “Are my birth-parents but that doesn’t mean actually this short?” “Did I have I feel that way.” any biological siblings?” And of My family is American, and so course, the question that haunts am I; I just don’t look like it. My most adopted children that don’t mom adopted me from Gaozhou know their birth parents: “Why?” City, China, when I was 11 months I’m not really sure why I startold. Because I was so young, I have ed thinking about my adoption no recollection of or emotional atmore lately. It wasn’t like I was uptachment to the country but this set in my life or family. I love them summer I got an opportunity to both, and thinking about where I connect more to my birthplace. came from made me feel guilty that Through my adoption agency, I wasn’t thankful for everything I Chinese Children Adoption Interhad. national, my mom and I had the These questions were more chance to travel back to China for like a teacher during a graded disa Heritage Tour, which takes adcussion: they don’t say anything. opted kids from China and their Sometimes, you even forget they’re families on a tour throughout the there, but they are there, and they country. are important. When I first heard about the These questions along with tour, I wasn’t even sure I wanted the opportunity to explore China to go. It sounds crazy, but being pushed me to decide to go on this adopted was never something my once-in-a-lifetime trip. family talked too much about, and We arrived in Beijing on June now I was supposed to go back to 13 and met the 55 families joining China and find some kind of perus. They categorized us into five sonal connection? I felt about as different groups based on the adopChinese as my clothes; I was made tee’s age, and we were off. (Check there, and that’s it. out to see I’ve known my whole life the

MADE IN CHINA: (Above) During a visit to my orphanage in Gaozhou City, China, my mom and I met one of the ladies that took care of me when I was there. (Bottom) Immediately, I started crying, and she hugged me and wiped away my tears. She told me that she remembered me always running around. tourist area, and I think my mothmore of my trip to China). er was probably the only white Throughout the trip, I saw peoperson there, so we had our own ple riding their bikes down the personal translator named Tom. street and students walking home The day after we arrived, Tom from school, and I would think to took us to the orphanage. We myself, “That could be me.” walked there because it was close It was unreal seeing what my to the hotel, and my heart was beatlife could have been if I weren’t ading out of my chest. I didn’t know opted. I wouldn’t be me. Every exwhat to expect. perience that I have gone through After about three minutes of to make me who I am would not walking, we came up to this buildhave happened. Sure, I would look ing with a large open gate in front the same, but who knows what my of it, and there it was. personality and interests would I commented about how large it have been? was, and Tom explained that half These thoughts made me more of it was the orphanage and the thankful for my life, not because I other half was used for marriages live in a country where the toilets and other governmental purposes. aren’t holes in the ground, but beWe met with the director of cause I am who I am thanks to my the orphanage and talked to him. birth parents. The director Slowly, I understood more wasn’t and more why they made the dethere cision to give me up f o r when adoption. Even I was, the translabut I tors told asked us that him if China I felt about as any of the is very staff would ashamed Chinese as remember at the my clothes; I was me. He said amount made there, and he didn’t of children know. put up for that’s it. A f t e r adoption because that, we went of the One-Child Policy, upstairs to which forbade families from where the kids were. having more than one child unMost of the children til 2015 when it was abolished. i n orphanages now have The translators explained that disabilities like cleft lip since the because of gender inequality, a lot One-Child Policy ended. It was abof girls were abandoned because solutely heartbreaking to see the many families preferred to have a little kids on the hardwood cribs boy. that lacked mattresses, which acThe more I understood, the cording to my mom, were the same more I wanted to say thank you to ones I was in when I was there. my birth parents, but I knew that We then saw Tom talking to one could never happen since there of the nannies, and he asked my were no records of who they were. mom to show her a picture of me However, I got my chance when as a baby. we arrived in the city where I was Tom said she took care of me, born. and I dropped my camera and Gaozhou City is a “small” farmstarted crying. She pulled me into ing city of 1.7 million people in her arms and started wiping my the Guangdong province, and no tears. one speaks English. As we walked I honestly could not believe down the streets, there were chickwhat was happening. I was so overens in cages that people were trycome with gratitude and happiness ing to sell. It was definitely not a

for her and what she did for me. After five minutes of crying and not knowing what to do with myself, we learned her name was Zhou Lan Ying, and I wrote her a letter expressing my gratitude, which Tom translated for me. She said that she was so happy to see one of her kids grown up and living a happy life. After we parted ways, Tom said she was the closest thing to a mother I had in China. It made me feel that my life has come full circle. Everything that has and will ever happen to me started in that very place. For that, I will be forever grateful. I think what everyone expected me to get out of the trip was a greater connection to China than just my looks. While I did learn a lot about the culture, I don’t feel any more Chinese than I did before the trip. The most important thing I got out of all of this was love. I didn’t realize it, but before this trip, I was harboring feelings of being unwanted and not being good enough. Looking back, I see this in play throughout my entire life. I’ve always been my own worst critic and always had to be the best at anything or else I felt like a failure. Trying to live up to the expectations of myself and others would leave me exhausted. In China, the translators and everyone else there made it a point to tell us that we were wanted and to not look at ourselves as abandoned, which really stuck with me. It helped me realize that I don’t have to be “good enough” for other people. I’ve always just assumed that my birth family didn’t want me or found some fault with me, and that’s why they put me up for adoption. Seeing my birthplace up close helped open my eyes to the possibility of my birth parents wanting a better life for me. The trip helped me release these feelings of not being good enough. I don’t look at China as a place that didn’t want me anymore; I look at it as the place where my life began.

Kaepernick national anthem protest deserves respect frankly, is pissed. Why couldn’t he be a peaceful black athBut isn’t it a disrespectful gesture? Why lete, like lovable Mr. Cub? We don’t need the national anthem? Why the flag? Couldn’t more Muhammad Alis or Tommie Smiths! Kaepernick find some other meNot another loud, radical, overdium for his protest? sensitive, rap-listening, troubleWhen, let me ask, has this maker challenging the status country ever felt comfortable quo! with or respected a black man There is no situation more speaking his mind? Dr. Martin fit to accurately reflect today’s Luther King, Jr. made the hisAmerica than that of 49ers quartory books because he was a terback Colin Kaepernick and disruptive, controversial figure his refusal to stand during the who changed things for the betsinging of the national anthem. BY LEO GARKISCH ter. But a large portion of this He has found the Achilles’ heel Copy Editor country doesn’t want anything to of the country that chokes on its do with change because it would pride, trips over its patriotism, be at a disadvantage to their own power and and is now lightheaded at the sight of its own would, God forbid, give the black man, the blood –– black blood. And America, quite

black woman a say. But we don’t even have to reach that far back into the history books to find a comparable reaction to Kaepernick’s expression of his beliefs. We don’t even have to leave the football field. Remember when, after losing the Super Bowl, Cam Newton didn’t return some questions from the media with an ear-to-ear grin, and everyone lost their minds? And the response is far harsher when the troublemakers spit out the “R” word –– race. Maybe check out some of the comments on Saturday Night Live Weekend Update anchor Michael Che’s Instagram pictures if you disagree. Kaepernick’s defiance rekindles a powerful old flame –– civil disobedience. It’s the reason King was able to succeed. Ghandi,

Time magazine’s second most influential person of the 20th century, used it to free India –– a country of a billion. Unions use it all the time to leverage aggressive, lucrative agendas. Bottom line: civil disobedience works. People are supposed to be angry. That’s one of the reasons he chose such a prominent stage. He could have shot out an angry Tweet. He could have advocated violence. Instead, he has hit the hardest without saying a word. Kaepernick has recaptured the spotlight, using our attention to speak up for millions of Americans whose voices aren’t loud enough for the rest of us to hear. He should get some credit for that.

October 7, 2016



Stigma bleeds into difficult decisions People must consider recieving judgements, stares, remarks when deciding to get tattoos by parents they will give her a judgmental look because she is a teenager who has a tattoo. olling up to the tattoo shop, in a Similar to Fulk, Response to Intervenrun-down town in Indiana, junior tion faculty member Lauren Collins also has Ann Fulk opened the door and dealt with stigmas surrounding tattoos. saw something comparable to a circus. She Collins was 17 years old when she got her walked into the shop with confidence and first tattoo; since then, she has gotten three was determined to get a tattoo. Looking other tattoos, one being anatomical heart up she saw that her tattoo with a banner around it, a lightartist had green hair, there ing bolt, a star and half a senwere three snakes crawling tence that says “In that moment” around in the back of the from the book Perks of Being A store, and in the center of the Wallflower. The other half of that shop there is a big strip pole, sentence is on her best friend, so along with her artist telling when they stand next to each her she used to own two tiother people can see it straight gers before they were taken across. away. “I have a lot of different tatYet after all of these exotic toos, some meaning something Ann Fulk’s tattoo sights, Fulk wasn’t scared off to me and some don’t mean anyfrom getting her tattoo. Her thing to me,” Collins said. dream of having a small lavender colored According to Collins she has heard peorose overpowered the culture of the tattoo ple say that people with tattoos will not get a shop . job and be successful in life, even though she Fulk wanted the tattoo because it depicts is a teacher and varsity cheerleading coach. her belief of loving everyone and the idea “There is definitely a stigma [with tatthat anyone is able to start their life over. toos] that you’re not going to get a job, you’re “The rose means love, and lavender is going to be fired, that you’re a dead beat or mine and my grandma’s favorite flower,” a thug, or something negative,” Collins said. Fulk said. “My grandma is my best friend “I also think there’s a stigma that a tattoo and I love her. I’ve had a rough past, and has to be really meaningful, and it doesn’t, it this [tattoo] was a reminder that I could start could just be something you like.” new again and that I am still recovering.” Senior John Zach has also become aware Unlike the meaningful thoughts that go of the stigma surrounding tattoos since he into getting a tattoo, a stigma clouds this has two tattoos himself. Hearing people talk idea of getting a tattoo do to people’s misconabout tattoos like they are only for people ceptions on the who are immature or rebellious has caused issue. Fulk and Zach to become aware of some of When Fulk the comments they might hear from people. got her tattoo she “When you see someone with a tattoo, became exposed you always wonder what it’s about,” Zach to negative comsaid. “I think every tattoo has a story, which ments and glancmakes someone more interesting.” es. Fulk says One weekend, Zach impulsively decided John Zach’s tattoo when she walks

BY JACK RYAN Executive Social Media Editor


Lauren Collin’s tattoos

BLEEDING INK: Forty-five million people have at least one tattoo according to statistics- People who have tattoos must face a stigma surrounding them, but many look at the brighter side of having tattoos. “When you see someone with a tattoo, you always wonder what it’s about,” Zach said. “I think every tattoo has a story, which makes someone more interesting.” (photos courtesies of John Zach, Ann Fulk and Lauren Collins) [on your body]. I think they’re really pretty, to get a tattoo. He said to his mom that he [and] it’s art on your body.,” Collins said. wanted to get a tattoo, and right then and there they drove to a tattoo shop so Zach “People do all kinds of crazy things with pierced ears, belly buttons, dyeing their could get one of a diamond. hair, and tattoos is just another… extension According to Zach, he has always liked of your style and your personality and what tattoos, and because he had a rough past in is important to you.” middle and high school his impulse decision to get a tattoo was much needed for him. “It just seems like things are getting harder for a lot more people, and I think people are getting tattoos for the same reason I did–a reminder that things aren’t always going to be that bad.” Fulk, Zach, and Collins have all faced both positive and negative interactions due to having tattoos, but at the end of the day Stop by for a large Downtown AH they are happy with their bodies selection of toys for and how tattoos make them more Open Tues. - Sat.: unique individuals. everyone! 11 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. “I think it’s like decoration


To y , C o l l e c t i b l e a n d C a n d y S t o r e


Taking care In-Depth

October 7, 2016

Senior set on fashion BY FLYNN GERAGHTY Associate Editor-in-Chief


enior Grace Peisker was in third grade when she was invited to a friend’s house for a playdate. She remembers she and her friend spent the afternoon sketching out outfits for dolls, ranging from rock stars to princesses. “[Those drawings are] still so vivid in my head,” Peisker said. “After that day, [my mom and I] were driving home from the playdate and I said, ‘Oh, my god. We had so much fun. I want to go to college for that. That’s what I want to do for the rest of my life.’ And ever since then, it’s all been about fashion.” While some seniors are still undecided on what they want to pursue as a major, Peisker has been certain that she wanted to go into fashion ever since that day. Currently, Peisker is doing everything she can to get herself involved in the fashion industry, including doing an internship and creating a fashion-dedicated Instagram account. Peisker is not only doing all of this because she likes it, but also to impress her dream school, the Fashion

PASSION FOR FASHION: Senior GracePeisker uses her Instagram, @gracecarolinedesign, to show off all of the cool things she is working on when it comes to fashion. Peisker strives to provide her followers with unique content that they wouldn’t be able to find in anywhere else. “I have more of an edge,” Peisker said. “I’m a girl who is from suburbs who wants to go to New York and study fashion. That’s what makes my Instagram interesting.” (photos courtesy of Grace

Institute of Technology (FIT), which is currently the number one fashion school in the United States according to So, an internship seemed like a logical step. “I knew I wanted to do an internship this fall,” Peisker said. “So, I started with the district, and I was like, ‘Hey, can you hook me up?’ But, they were going to place me in a retail store. I was like, ‘No, no, no. I want a real fashion experience, and I want it in the industry.’” In order to get the experience she wanted, Peisker thought a little outside the box, asking past teachers and other friends for connections to anyone in the fashion world. Eventually, she was able to get in contact with fashion designer Thierry Roger and was able to set up an internship with him. For Roger, being contacted by someone like Peisker was new for him. “I do have interns all the time, but she was the first time I [had gotten] a senior from high school,” Roger said. “But, she is very, very into it … When she contacted me, she sent me a lot of pictures of drawings and ideas that she had. I think she has great potential as a designer … I think she definitely wants to learn. It’s different for me because most of the time I have students from fashion schools. So she doesn’t have that knowledge. She’s very fresh, but I can see she’s willing to learn. So I will try to teach her as much as [I can].” Roger says he loves being able to act as a teacher to students like Peisker who might one day be able to make it big in the fashion industry. “I love it,” Roger said. “I’ve been doing this work for a very long time and you grow every day. You learn every day, so, I enjoy passing on any knowledge I have to someone young who wants to learn, and hopefully, they will be able to use it for their future.” When Peisker walked in on her first day interning for Roger, hardly anyone was there. However, the action quickly picked up as models and photographers came flooding in. “I found myself at a real photoshoot,” Peisker said. “It was crazy. He let me style all these models. Their jewelry, their shoes, their

makeup, their hair. It was an experience. It was amazing to get in there. I was shaking so many hands. It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. I loved it.” As the photoshoot got underway, with models posing for various photographers, Peisker decided to post a video on her side Instagram account, @gracecarolinedesign. “It was an experience that I had wanted to see,” Peisker said. “I had seen so many things like it on Instagram or like, ‘Behind the Scenes on Vogue.’ But this was actually me experiencing it. I wanted to post that on my Instagram to show that this what a real ‘behind the scenes’ looks like.” Peisker started this account this July and it already has over 130 followers. She was inspired by other Instagram accounts like @manrepeller which she believes have drastically unique ideas. “There are some bloggers that I really like, but at the same time, they show the same things,” Peisker said. “Nothing is really creative or innovative. I really appreciate innovation. That’s why I really like Manrepeller, because they’re extremely innovative. They’re always something different and new. The really creative people in the industry are not always the people who have the most followers, but are the people that are trying things that are different and new and are documenting that for others to see.” Peisker feels that one of the things that sets her apart from everyone is her small town background. “I have more of an edge,” Peisker said. “I’m a girl who is from the suburbs who wants to go to New York and study fashion. That’s what makes my Instagram interesting.” Peisker not only uses the account to show off who she is and what she’s doing, but also form connections in the fashion industry. “I’m following Parsons [School of Design],” Peisker said. “I’m following FIT. I want to make myself noticeable to them. I want to seem like I’m a valuable student to them. And I can put this on my college applications, like, ‘Hey, this is what I’m doing. This is my take on fashion.’ I want to use [my Instagram] for networking. I want to use it to meet people, to connect with people.” Peisker thinks having an Instagram can not only show what she’s doing now, but also show how far she has grown. “As I go on to do more interesting things, I want to document that, so I can see for myself and also so I can say, ‘This is where I started and this is where I am now,’” Peisker said. “Hopefully, one day I’ll be in New York and I can say, ‘You know, I was a small suburban girl, but this is how far I’ve come.’”

Students find perspe experience working BY RILEY LANGEFELD Copy Editor For as long as she can remember, junior Kaitlyn Rouse has considered her parents’ store, Runner’s High ‘n Tri, a second home. With her parents working there constantly, she spent countless hours of her childhood alongside them in the while they sold shoes and running gear to their patrons. According to her father, Mark, she often slept in the dressing rooms when she was an infant. Last year, her role in her parents’ business took a more serious turn when she became a paid employee of the store. Having worked and actively helped out at the store since she was eight years old, it was a logical transition when she wanted a job. Kaitlyn is one of a few Prospect students who work for their family businesses. Despite being a non-traditional environment, working with families has given these students new perspectives on their families and their work. “It’s a lot more tight-knit, and it’s a more comfortable environment,” Kaitlyn said. “There’s more of that personal level there as opposed to a normal job.” Mark opened Runner’s High ‘n Tri in 1990, hoping to combine his passion for running and his desire to create his own enterprise. The store is located in downtown Arlington Heights and has been active with the local running community for years. In the extensive time that Kaitlyn has spent there, she says that she has learned a great deal from working with her parents, and that the experiences she enjoys are unique to the store. “One part [that I love] is definitely

helping people,” Kaitlyn sa though it’s small — helping p their shoes and everything — ing them with achieving thei Kaitlyn’s work in the sto impacted her perspective o running as a member of the country team at Prospect. H ence with the sport, inspire part by her parents’ runnin store, has also informed her employee. “A lot of people think that ested in running because of m store,” Kaitlyn said. “I guess grew up with it, that kind of it. But that’s something that ly grew i on my ow the extra experienc can help m better to p come in.” Mark that Kai vides a viewpoint forms the approach in the sto ing to M is one of benefits o family bu “[The ence] has ally good we get a l from Kai gives us perspectiv school stu we migh older adults,” Mark said. Furthermore, Mark feel familial approach allows th their business more effici with an innovative process. “I think it runs a lot mor because it is our family. We g to hash out different ideas we’re not here,” Mark said. “ fact that it’s a family dynami to be more creative and res quickly to different things ju we talk about it a lot and liv


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time.” Kaitlyn says that she has seen a new perspective of her parents and their family through this work. “I see the more professional side of my parents while we’re there,” Kaitlyn said. “When we’re spending time together outside of the store, they can be a lot goofier. When they’re in that professional environment, it makes me see that they know what they’re doing. They’re good at their jobs. And it’s kind of interesting to see that different side of my parents as opposed to what I’m used to [at home].” Senior Hanna Bondarowicz shared some of Kaitlyn’s experiences during the past summer when she worked at her father’s construction company, SMART Construction Group. She worked five days every week helping with bookkeeping and finances in his office. Bondarowicz feels that her experience was particularly interesting because of how her work affected her personally. “It’s kind of cool to see how things are happening when it actually pertains to you because then it means a lot more,” Bondarowicz said. “When I was paying these bills and dealing with money like this, it was also the money that provided for my family.” Bondarowicz enjoyed being able to talk to her father about his work on a casual level when they weren’t in the office. She felt that she better understood what he did because of the time she spent working for him. “It made me respect him a lot more because I see how much work he puts into his business,” Bondarowicz said. “I guess that [before] I didn’t understand how complex running your own business is.” Bondarowicz believes that her experience taught her about the realities of supporting a family and gave her a new respect for the role her father plays. “We’re kind of sheltered as kids, and we’re so blessed,” Bondarowicz said. “We take that for granted. Our parents do so much for us. And when you see how much they work to provide for you and your family — it changed my appreciation for my dad and what he does.”


Heroes happy to serve BY CASSIDY DELAHUNTY Executive Entertainment Editor For paramedic and firefighter Scott Skindingrude, there is no regular day when working for the Mount Prospect Fire Department. Between ambulance calls, training and fires themselves, his day-to-day schedule is never the same. Skindingrude sees this lack of predictability as just one of the many reasons he finds it rewarding and challenging to be a firefighter, even after about 25 years of service. “We get a call, and we just meet a person. We don’t know much about them, and we [have to] try to adapt to whatever issues they’re facing at that time,” Skindingrude said. “Some people have big problems and some people –– their problems aren’t so big. … We need to be able to adjust to that.” While he says that one of his favorite parts of the job is working with kids, Skindingrude also takes pride in how he handles life-ordeath situations. “[If] someone’s had a heart attack, and you intervene, and you save that person’s life, … it’s very fulfilling,” Skindingrude said. “You have a direct impact on people’s lives. They are calling you because they need you. They need help, and we’re able to intervene, and [that] sometimes makes the difference between life and death.” While Skindingrude thinks he has had a relatively accurate view of what it means to be a firefighter for most of his life, Mt. Prospect


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SOUND THE ALARM: Firefighters Pete Morris (left) and Scott Skindingrude (right) pose with some of the instruments on a fire engine. Both Skindingrude and Morris are paramedics with the Mt. Prospect Fire Department. (photo by Cassidy Delahunty) Fire Department paramedic Pete Morris knows the stark difference between how most people perceive the work of a firefighter versus the reality. “When they go to those fires on [TV shows] and they show the guys running in, and they can see everything in a room –– you can’t do that,” Morris said. “When we go in, there’s smoke to the floor, and you can’t see your hand in front of your face.” Even for experienced firefighters like Skindingrude and Morris, a lot of situations their job puts them in can be frightening. According to Skindingrude, even police officers find the responsibilities of firefighters a bit daunting. “[Police officers] wouldn’t want to do our job. They feel it is very dangerous, and they want nothing to do with it,” Skindingrude said. “But most of us don’t want anything to do with their job either. … Most of our job, we can plan out what

To read ab out why Mount Pr ospect po lice officers en joy their job, go to.. .

could happen. Policemen … stop a car, and they have no idea what’s going to happen next. I have a lot of respect for them, and I appreciate the fact that they do [that] for us.” Morris agrees that being a firefighter is a heavy load, but one worth taking on. “When the public has a problem, who do they call? They call us,” Morris said. “We have to go out there, and we have to be able to try and problem-solve just about anything. Not only do we have to be firemen and paramedics, but we [have] to be a little bit of plumbers and electricians and jacks of all trades.” Despite his many years of experience being a “jack of all trades,” Skindingrude has trouble picking one experience to call his most memorable moment on the job. “Every day is a new experience,” Skindingrude said. “The whole career is a good memory.”


At the conception of tipping, tip stood for, ‘to insure promptness.’

is the generally accepted percentage of your bill to tip. Information courtesy of




October 7, 2016

Staff balances teaching, parenthood would just be so spent.” According to Principal Michelle Dowling, it is important to honor the requests he week before first semester final of teachers in terms of the duration of their exams in 2011, English teacher Jill absence, so when they return they can be a Corr was not thinking about the productive member of the staff. tests she was going to give her students, nor “Ultimately we want our staff to be hapwas she was not thinking about all the gradpy and to feel like they’re valued,” Dowling she was going to be doing. Instead, she ing said. “If you have happy staff members was getting used to a completely new conthat’s going to reflect in how they work with cept: being a mom for the first time. students.” Corr’s son, Charlie, was born Jan. 19. The P.E. teacher and sophomore girls’ volDistrict offered her eight weeks off since she leyball coach Carrie Black also believes delivered Charlie via cesarean section, but six weeks is not enough time for maternity she chose to use her accumulated sick and leave, but she says eight weeks is more reapersonal days to take all sonable. of second semester off for She ended up takMaternity and maternity leave. Howeving 12 weeks off for the er, the excitement and joy paternity leave around birth of her daughter five that came with Charlie’s years ago. She also took the world birth was accompanied four years off from coachby questions. Who would ing volleyball. To her, • US ranks as the 10th worst watch Charlie when she coaching and teaching country for maternity leave returned to work? How while being the mother with 84 days unpaid much time could her husof a young child was too band take off? • The top country for much on her plate. District 214 allows maternity leave is Croatia Both Corr’s and new mothers and fathers Black’s opinions differ (up to 406 days paid!) to take up to six weeks with Italian teacher and • Albania, Australia, and the paid leave, or they can diving coach Antonino UK are a few countries that take up to 12 weeks off, Bondi. He believes six offer up to a year paid for the last six being unweeks off is enough time new mothers paid. A new mother can for a father to take off take eight weeks paid if • Iceland and Norway offer when a baby is born, but the baby was delivered the most time to new he agrees that it varies by a cesarean section. If between families. When fathers - 91 and 70 days a teacher chose to take his son was born in paid, respectively more than 12 weeks off, March of this year, Bondi that would qualify as a only took two weeks off *information courtesy of The leave of absence, which for paternity leave. His Huffington Post must get approval by the wife was offered 10 weeks Board of Education. paid for maternity leave, Corr firmly believes six weeks is not and she ended up taking a total of 12 weeks enough time for new mothers. She says that off. since a six-week-old baby is constantly up “I wanted to get back to work so I could during the night, work is very difficult for provide for my family,” Bondi said. “I knew any new mom. This is why Corr was motimy son would be taken care of.” vated to take all of second semester off after When Corr, Black, Bondi and Charlie was born. their significant others re“If a teacher comes back at six weeks, I turned to work, they don’t know how productive they could be all had to figure out after getting up multiple times during the who would watch night,” Corr said. “You

BY CALEY GRIEBENOW Associate Editor-In-Chief



THREE PEAS IN A POD: English teacher Jill Corr’s children Emily, Charlie, and Sophia play together in a wagon. After the birth of her son Charlie in 2011, Corr took all of second semester off to dedicate herself to being a new mom. . “I love seeing my kids’ little successes like riding their bike[s] without training wheels,” Corr said. “Same for my students – I want to see them succeed.” (photo courtesy of Jill Corr)

o h Wws no

Senior Jeremy Potratz The Boyfriend

Senior Allie O’Connell The Subject


Y et to u er?

Senior Grace Bauer The Best Friend

FAMILY MATTERS: P.E. teacher Carrie Black poses for a photograph with her husband Wes and their three-year-old son Wes and five-year-old daughter Maddy. After giving birth to Maddy, Black not only took 12 weeks off of school for maternity leave, but she also took a break from coaching volleyball. (photo courtesy of Carrie Black) their kids during the day. Black and Bondi both have family live in the area who are able to help out. Black’s parents and in-laws watch her two kids while she and her husband work. Bondi’s parents are also available to watch his son both during the day when he teaches and sometimes while he coaches. Corr’s family does not live as close by, so she and her husband arranged for him to be home three days a week. The other days, her three kids go to daycare, which strains the family financially because it costs almost as much as their mortgage. Putting just one child in day care could cost $75 a day; the cost continues to go up for each subsequent child. But the dent in Corr’s wallet isn’t the only thing taking a toll on her. Spending time away from her kids when they were quite young was difficult for Corr because she wanted to be present for all of their milestones. “It sounds silly, but when they’re at daycare I worry like, ‘What if I miss them walking or talking?’” Corr said. “And I have to remind myself [that] they’re probably napping. I think it helps my kids in the long run.” Balancing teaching and being a mother presents its challenges, but Black also had to navigate how to fit coaching into her schedule. Initially, she found it “very, very difficult.” There are some days, like when Black’s volleyball team has a game, that by the time she gets home, the kids are asleep. “That’s obviously hard. I want to see them,” Black said. “It’s hard to find the energy some days to deal with kids all day and then go home and take care of my kids, but I

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do always look forward to seeing them.” Bondi found the transition to being a new father much easier. “Since the teaching and coaching aspects of my life were well-established before my son was born, it’s wasn’t too difficult to adjust and make time for my son,” Bondi said. Bondi will continue to be the girl’s’ diving coach in the fall, but he plans on no longer being the water polo coach in the spring, so he can spend more time with his family as his son gets older. He wants to continue coaching diving because he is proud of building up the team to 12 members, as it was much smaller in the past. “I want to be committed to my athletes because I know they’re committed,” Bondi said. “I’m excited for what they can accomplish.” For Black, her coaching hiatus was beneficial because she needed more time with her kids, but she also felt the urge to return. “[When I wasn’t coaching], it was like something was missing,” Black said. “Sports have always been such a big part of my life. I knew I wanted to come back to it [at some point].” While Corr says it’s a full plate for any teacher to balance, she wants to continue to be a devoted mom and teacher because she wants to influence both her kids and students. “I love seeing my kids’ little successes like riding their bike[s] without training wheels,” Corr said. “Same for my students – I want to see them succeed. I want to show my kids that mom can be a mom and have a career. It’s possible.”

The Office Jersey Mike’s




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The Office Jersey Mike’s

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The Office







October 7, 2016



Tech director pursues passion Snoble said. “It is genuinely impressive to me how talented many of these people are. I work with people who are 30-plus-year veterenior Jimmy McDermott saw tech ans of this industry who are not as detail-oridirector Dave Snoble once a year ented and talented as some of the kids who when he did the lights for show are here.” choir’s End of the Year Show. He rememSnoble considers his job at Prospect bered seeing him every year and hearing an “after-work hobby”. During the day he about some of the projects he had done. works for his company Production Manage“I heard from murmurings that he was ment Media Group (PMMG). His production just a really amazing guy and really cool,” company does lighting, sound and set design McDermott said. “They were right. I mean, for concert tours and other corporate and he has some of the most amazing stories, and public events. he’s just such an awesome guy.” Snoble has always had an interest in the McDermott has always been performing sound and lighting of productions, but he in shows at Prospect, but once he found out went to college to study radio and television. that Snoble was hired to be He worked in the radio and Artists tech the new tech director, he derecord industry for 10 years cided that he wanted to be director Dave Snoble before he decided to go back behind the scenes instead. has worked with into the world of live proSo during his junior year, duction in 2008. This includhe helped with the sound. ed him on radio and proJason Derulo This year he became the gramming and production Panic! at the Disco student tech director. of radio shows as well. Britney Spears Snoble has worked at “What I like most about Plain White T’s Prospect for two years. He my job is no day is ever the Kanye West does not teach any classes same,” Snoble said. “There The Black Keys and only comes to Prospect [are] always new technolKelly Clarkson after school when crew is ogies that are coming out setting up or rehearsing that are changing the way a show. When the crew we do things.” is working he usually is at Prospect until Snoble has been hired by many artists for around six. He helps lead the stage crew their sound and lighting on their tours or with the sound, lights, sets and stage managthrough specific shows. He has gone on tour ing for each production in the theater. This with Jason Derulo and Owl City and has includes the Orchesis shows, plays, the muworked with other artists like Panic! at the sical and Prospect’s Got Talent. Disco, Linkin Park, Britney Spears, Plain District 214 Fine Arts Coordinator JereWhite T’s, Kanye West, the Black Keys, the my Morton had asked Snoble after the End White Stripes, Kelly Clarkson, My Chemical of the Year show two years ago if he knew Romance and BrainDead. anyone that could be Prospect’s tech direcWhile he has loved being on tours and tor. Snoble responded that he’d love the job. working with so many artists, Snoble says it McDermott was very excited that Snoble can be overwhelming. got this job and believes Snoble has helped “We’ll set something up and it runs for the crew grow tremendously. He appreciates four hours and then it all gets taken down how much Snoble invests in the students and put on a truck and moved to a different and admires his leadership style. city and done all over again,” Snoble said. “It’s kind of hard to see from an outsid“In terms of craziness, that stuff is crazy er’s perspective, but the work he’s done in because of the turnaround. You’ll be in Chia year to take the crew and put them on top cago one day and Dubuque, Iowa the next is insane,” McDermott said. “He’s run the day and just move your way throughout the leanest, fastest and most efficient crew I’ve country. It’s very stressful. It’s very tiring, ever seen.” and it’s very fast.” Snoble loves his job at Prospect because PMMG has also done work for iHeartof the time he spends with the students. Radio because Snoble used to work as a “I like to see students who have a passion production manager there. Once he left, he for things and have an interest in learning secured consulting jobs with iHeartRadio the art of theater and technical design,”

BY GRACE BERRY Print Managing Editor


LIGHTS!: Tech director Dave Snoble, center, is posed with his team and junior Kat Sinnott, left, and alumnus Garrett Strother, right. This picture was taken over the summer at the Brookfield Zoo summer light show. (photo courtesy of Dave Snoble) including their coverage of Lollapalooza. He helps with some of their concerts now too. Although, Snoble is most proud of the work he has done for the Brookfield Zoo. Every year, Snoble’s company does the lights for the summer and winter shows at the zoo; they have been doing this for almost a decade. “The zoo has played a strong role in my life. My grandparents met there, but also both my parents grew up around there,” Snoble said. “They would tell me when they were kids they didn’t set up alarm clocks in their rooms because the lions would wake them up at the right time every morning. That’s the best alarm clock in the world, being woken up by a lion’s roar.” His grandmother is still alive and during one of his summer shows at the Brookfield Zoo, she came to at least one show every weekend. Snoble loves these productions, so he works very hard on them. “It’s fun to watch people’s reactions when they see cool stuff that we’ve done like the lights or lasers,” Snoble said. “When you do a concert tour or when we’re touring with someone, you get people that are into that one particular band. … With the zoo, it’s everybody. It’s black. It’s white. It’s old. It’s young. To watch children’s faces light up with glee as they see [the show], that makes it all worth it.” At the end of the 2015-16 school year Snoble asked current junior Kat Sinnott if she wanted to work for him. “I was like ‘Yeah, I want to get paid. I want a job,’” Sinnott said. “And to do a job that is probably what I want to do for the rest of my life — yes. That’s not even a question.”

She has been working with Snoble’s company all summer and helped design the Christmas light show this year for the zoo. “When I hired Kat, I knew that Kat was talented just from my experience of working with her here, but it’s always been a mission of mine to challenge her because I knew she had a passion for this industry,” Snoble said. “She came up with some really cool stuff [for the zoo show], and what I like most about it is it’s not typical of what we’ve done in the past. So it brings us something different, which I think will go over well.” Sinnott loves working at Snoble’s company and is grateful for the opportunity. She works Friday nights and usually one or two other weeknights. She helps program lights and organize setups from previous shows. “[Snoble] has taught me a lot,” Sinnott said. “Without him I would have never gotten this job or anything close to it.” McDermott believes it’s impressive how much Snoble has done for Prospect and his company, and looks up to Snoble and the dedication he puts into everything he does. “He’s an amazing guy,” McDermott said. “You’d never know that he does all this cool stuff with all these different companies and flies all over the country to do all this stuff. … He’s so casual about it.” Snoble said he loves every second of his job, even if it gets overwhelming sometimes. “I’m behind the scenes for a reason,” Snoble said. “I don’t like the attention. People have said ‘Why don’t you put your company name all over the place?’, and it’s because it doesn’t matter. We’re not the stars. If someone is genuinely interested enough in what we do, they’ll find a way to get a hold of us.”

Q: How did you first get into art? A: In elementary school, I had an art teacher who I really liked. They taught me a lot of things, and then … when I was in high school, I started taking 3D art, which kind of developed into its own thing. And then lots of summer [events and classes] created this love of art. Q: Could you ever see yourself making a career out of art? A: I can’t see myself not doing something with art in my career because I would not be happy at all. I think that maybe I’m going to try to do something along the lines of teaching. I’m not 100 percent sure, you know? I want to sell my art, and I think that’s a viable option. I know I could sell my artwork. I just have to come up with a nice happy balance of art and work. Q: What does making art do for you personally?

Toni DiPrima- Senior

A: It’s very cathartic. If I’m stressed out, I can whip out a painting fast. There’s been times when I’m in a specific mood and I will come up with an idea and I’ll do a painting within four hours, which a lot of people cannot do. … It’s a very emotional experience for me. I’m not one to try to make everything very detailed; I focus on the brushwork and the texture and how that makes people feel.

To see Toni DiPrima's full portfolio, go to



October 7, 2016



n an age where even the most innocuous of opinions and the most braindead of jokes can go viral over the internet, one realizes two things: reputation is as fragile as glass, and innocence is fleeting. One good “roast” can turn a hero into a villain, a man into a boy, or even a prominent Internet meme into an icon for something shameful and hideous. The meme in question is Pepe the Frog, a cute little cartoon amphibian whose nigh-infinite variations can display emotions ranging from smug satisfaction to childlike bliss. But these days, according to the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, Pepe’s only got one thing on his mind: white supremacy. Take as much time as you need to comprehend that. According to an article uploaded to Clinton’s campaign website on Sept. 13, “Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the ‘alt-right.’” The alt-right are a group of extreme right-wingers who have recently been more relevant in the world of politics due to Clinton’s rival, Donald Trump, paying this fringe group of radicals an unusual amount of lip service for a mainstream candidate. Many of them use the Internet as a battleground for their nationalist and ethnocentric ideals, stalking internet forums and social networking sites and waiting for opportunities to sow controversy and hysteria. However, the Clinton campaign’s accusation of Pepe’s altright nature is not strictly true. Like many other internet firestorms, it all started with a bored Twitter “troll,” which is internet slang for someone who angers, lies to or annoys others simply because they’re entertained by the reactions they get. This troll

R.I.P. Harambe 1999 2016 Pepe isn’t the only meme that has caused a recent stir in the mainstream media. After the death of famed Cincinatti zoo gorilla Harambe, the internet exploded with tributes to the late primate, ranging from comedically sincere to purely ironic. Harambe has even appeared on some polls for the presidential election. The Cincinatti Zoo closed their Twitter because of the memes.

THE FROG PRINCE: Student holds up sign that displays the association between Donald Trump and Pepe the Frog. Recent connections between the alt-right movement and the Trump campaign have brought an unusual variable into the presidential race: memes. (photo by Cole Altmayer) went by the name of “Jared Taylor Swift,” and he decided it would be funny to lie to Daily Beast journalist Olivia Nuzzi about being a “prominent white supremacist”. Swift deceived Nuzzi into believing that there was a recent movement among white supremacists to reclaim Pepe the Frog from the mainstream, and the easiest way to do that was to turn him into something horrible: a Nazi. Pepe has been associated with awful things ever since his rise to meme status, but most of the people in the “mainstream” aren’t familiar with his nitty-gritty on notorious imageboard 4chan, which is infamous for a distinct lack of moderation and a tendency to be countercultural. This makes it the perfect home for all things offensive and distasteful. Swift took this ignorance and used it to spread misinformation through his trolling of Nuzzi, basically just for kicks. And thus, the concept of Pepe the Frog as an alt-right icon was born. It’s all nonsense, but intriguing nonsense, and intriguing nonsense is printable. Nuzzi’s article was later quoted in the Clinton campaign’s Pepe statement, and public reaction took everything from there. The meme’s formerly positive nature was soiled by Swift’s need for a laugh. He wanted to see something as trivial as a meme that’s revered on the dark corners of the Internet blown up to a national stage, nothing more and nothing less. Swift’s intentions were beyond the alt-right, or any agenda in particular. The Clinton campaign, however, saw this resurgence of Pepe as opportunity for a political attack against the alt-right. This all begs a question that no one ever thought needed to be asked; should Internet memes ever be seriously discussed in something as important as a presidential election? English teacher Jill Corr, who also teaches media analysis, sees

mainstream media. The only varithe whole emergence of the altant of Pepe they know is the “bad right as the media paying a lot of Trump one.” attention to a group that ultimateMuch of the younger generaly means little. According to Corr, tion feel very obviously pandered the alt-right is a vocal minority; to when memes are used in this the only reason they seem so imway. Another issue that’s unique portant is because they can shout to Internet memes is that they inthe loudest. herently bring a very “exclusive” “There’s a lot of attention paid feeling along with them. Many into small, seemingly insignificant ternet communities, such as 4chan things, and [Pepe the Frog] just and Tumblr, have different meseems like one of them,” Corr said. mes from each other. Lots of them Social science teacher Brock serve as inside jokes that tie these Collins shares a similar view, but internet communities together. also elaborates that memes aren’t When this community is ina total lost cause when it comes to truded upon by the big, bad “mainserious debate. Offhand jokes can stream,” havoc ensues. lead into conversational tangents all the time, and something as recognizable as a meme is a great conversation starter for all kinds of people. However, when they are used in the way that Pepe was, as a tool to ensure a “us vs. them” and “red vs. blue” perspective, they become nothing but an empty attack. “I think it’s the beginning of a conversation,” said Collins, “but I don’t think it should be used as the focus of a conversation.” According to Collins, there is not a lot of nuance and debatable is“I think [memes can sues that can be conbe] the beginning of veyed in something a conversation, but I “When it that’s supposed to be I don’t think it should becomes not seen as a joke. just an inside However, it’s also be used as the focus joke, and very important to note of a conversation.” everyone that the use of memes in Brock Collins, history is in on it, mainstream and widely teacher [people just] publicized forums, such don’t find it as politics and advertising, funny anymore,” Corr said. can be seen as a way to pander to Junior Nathan Black equates a younger generation. These are such attempts to the “dad joke,” the exact people who view, make the phenomenon where a hapless and laugh at Internet memes on a father makes a terrible joke and, of daily basis; people outside of this course, nobody laughs. Dad isn’t in demographic aren’t internet-savvy the position to be funny. It’s weird enough to understand the extent to and lame when he does it, simply which memes like Pepe are spread because he’s Dad. about and used. Advertisers and now politiThis is why Pepe’s status as a cians are collectively making the alt-right icon caught on fast with equivalent of awful “dad jokes.” cable news and other forms of

It’s hard to imagine anyone was convinced to vote when Clinton said the younger generations should “Pokémon Go to the polls.” It’s a Herculean task to successfully bridge the gap between the political world and the chaotic and fast-moving culture of the Internet. “Especially since [memes] originate on the internet, [you have to] understand the full context behind them,” said Black. “That’s why you can’t bring them into advertising very well, because it’s ‘just an internet thing.’” However, some memes do eventually break into the mainstream consciousness. Once the meme gets fully welcomed into the mainstream, it becomes a day of mourning for the Internet. That meme has reached the point of no return; it has gone from an “inside joke” to a less funny “outside joke.” This occurs more often on the Internet as each day passes; memes die a lot faster now. People joked about the Numa Numa Guy for months, while “Damn Daniel” died in a week. One possible reason this happens is because the line between what is an Internet meme and what is just a mainstream joke has blended. “It’s kind of tragic,” said Black. “It’s a melancholy feeling. It’s like your meme just died.” The nature of memes itself is not the only cognitive dissonance that is experienced between the mainstream and the Internet underground. If the Pepe article and the controversy around it prove anything, the mainstream media cannot comprehend “trolling.” Everything that lead up to this alt-right Pepe the Frog outrage was carefully planned to create as much controversy as possible, which leads some people, such as Collins, Corr, and Black, to believe that it isn’t really worth our time. “[Swift] was trying just to cause a innocuous controversy that doesn’t really exist,” said Collins. “So, in that sense, do I really think that Hillary Clinton’s website should have this on it? Probably not.” In the end, the article on Clinton’s website is just another attack, something we see every day over the course of an election cycle. The simple, succinct and recognizable nature of memes makes them a prime candidate for rhetoric that can be used against a political opponent; especially when that opponent, Donald Trump, and that meme, Pepe the Frog, are tenuously connected. “Sometimes just mentioning something negative, and it is usually always negative, gets all this attention [that it doesn’t really deserve],” said Corr. “It just seems like it is such a detraction from the actual issues.”


Tessa Wrede, freshman Favorite meme: Harambe

Peter Jaffe, sophomore Favorite meme: Hugh Mungus

“He is the hero of the nation, and is the most epic gorilla ever.”

“Because [Hugh Mungus] is a hero!”

Sripadh Puligilla, junior Favorite meme: Pepe the Frog “Pepe is love, Pepe is life. Pepe is not a hate symbol!”

Jake Donoho, junior Favorite meme: John Cena “I believe in him, I love him, and I can’t even see him.”

October 7th, 2016



Experience propels girls’ volleyball BY WYATT DOJUTREK Online Sports Editor

Leading The Way


ighting to win the MSL East opener against Rolling Meadows, the varsity girls’ volleyball team was down six points in a must-win second set. The Knights stormed back, scoring 39 of the last 54 points to beat the Mustangs who were led by All-Area selection senior Maddie Sellergren. Head coach Laura Gerber was proud of how her team was able to pull out the comefrom-behind victory. “It takes true focus, and [we] played really well,” Gerber said. “We changed our defense, picking up balls that were dropping, and that was a big win for us.” According to senior and right side hitter Maggie Porwit, the team’s middle hitters –– sophomore Mandy Withey and junior Meghan Meredith –– were huge factors in helping the Knights beat the Mustangs. Withey had eight kills, while Meredith led the team with three aces in the match. Even though this is Withey and Meredith’s first season on varsity, Porwit believes that the two have been playing well in their positions. “[Withey and Meredith] are doing extremely well putting blocks against these really big hitters with lots of varsity experience,” Porwit said. The Knights have fared well against the MSL East this season, boasting a 5-3 record in the division, and 16-6 overall. The team currently stands third in the East. However, Porwit believes the team has much higher goals as the season progresses. She thinks the team can win the East as well as win their regional match. Porwit says that a key factor to the team’s success has been the team’s front row players as well as its outside hitters, led by third-year varsity players Kaeli Myers and Mary Mazurek. “[Myers and Mazurek] have been doing a terrific job at putting the ball down and just keeping everything alive,” Porwit said. “It’s really rare to see them make many errors.” With Porwit’s leadership, as well as her All-Area selection status from last season, she was offered a volleyball scholarship to play at Washington University in Saint Louis next year.

The Knights took first at the Sandy Pifer Invite Sept. 25 at Prospect going 5-0. Here are the team leaders:

“My goal is to become the best leader I can when I’m at Prospect.”

KILLS: 1. Maggie Porwit- 30 2. Kaeli Myers- 25 3. Mandy Withey- 18

Maggie Porwit, senior

DIGS: 1. Valerie Thomas- 30 2. Kaeli Myers- 28 3. Maggie Porwit- 15 ACES: 1. Valerie Thomas- 3 2. Paige Gerber- 2 3. Emma Cogan- 2 BLOCKS: 1. Meghan Meredith- 9 2. Maggie Porwit- 8 3. Mandy Withey- 7 SPIKE IT: Senior right side hitter Maggie Porwit jumps up to spike the ball against Wheeling on Oct. 4. Porwit, who received a scholarship to Washington University in Saint Louis, strives to be a leader for the team. “My goal is to become the best leader I can when I’m at Prospect,” Porwit said. (Photo by Elisabeth Rohde) Even with eight first-year varsity players this season and with three third year varsity players, Gerber thinks that the Knights can play well against any team in the MSL East. The team defeated second ranked Wheeling 25-20 and 25-19 on Oct. 4, and was two points away from forcing a third set against the first place Hersey Huskies. As the Knights try to overtake Wheeling and Hersey in the tight MSL East race, the Knights are only down two games to Hersey and one to Wheeling. Porwit says the team has been working with the first time varsity players to improve their skills. “Most of the girls who came up didn’t play club volleyball, and it was hard to adjust the level of play that a lot of the experienced varsity players are used to,” Porwit said.

Porwit wants to use her senior season at Prospect to help lead the team to a conference championship and focus on improving her skills after the season ends. She will be playing eight months of club volleyball after the season. “My goal is to become the best leader I can when I’m at Prospect,” Porwit said. “When I’m at my club, I play with six Division I players, so leadership isn’t part of the gig.” Porwit has also led the Knights against teams out of the conference and at meets as well.Porwit led the way with 30 kills as the team went a perfect 5-0 when they hosted the Sandy Pifer Invite on Sept. 25. (For full stats, see Leading the Way) The team defeated the number one team

in the MSL West, Palatine, with each set being decided by two points or less. According to junior defender Valerie Thomas, while the team has been bonding on the court, the team has also bonded on the bus before the game even begins. “On the bus or even at practice, we all talk with each other as a team [about] what we need to do in order to win against an opponent,” Thomas said. “Bonding is a huge factor in volleyball.” Gerber thinks that the team coming together as a whole has really improved the chance of the team having success the rest of the season and into the playoffs. “Truly I think they can beat Hersey and Wheeling for sure,” Gerber said. “We really have the potential that can win the East.”

Girls’ tennis looks past record, creates strong friendships BY PAUL EVERS Sports Editor

ACE: Senior Katie Cooper hits a shot on Oct. 4. The Knights are currently 2-6 in dual meets. “Despite our record, we have had a ton of success,” McColuagh said. “Our early season schedule, six of those losses were to the top four teams in the MSL.” (photo by Elisabeth Rohde)

Rides in the district’s white buses to events are pretty common for activities, but sometimes interaction on the bus is uncommon. For the varsity girls’ tennis team, rides involve a lot of interaction, according to junior Anna Cooper. “It’s a ton of fun on tournament days when we have minibuses and we can jam out to music and we’re all singing and screaming at the top of our lungs,” Cooper said. “That’s how we become close.” Something the team does together on the bus happened after a dual meet against Rolling Meadows. Though Cooper lost, the team won for a 5-2 victory over the Mustangs. “We were on the bus, and we were just singing super loud,” Cooper said. “I was losing my voice. It was ridiculous. It was one of the first experiences of all of us bonding together, and I just thought it was a ton of fun.” Currently, the Knights are 2-6 in dual meets and placed sixth of eight teams in the Prospect Power Eight tournament on Sept. 17. Varsity head coach Mike McColaugh says that while the team’s record seems to indicate a tough season, he sees the team’s performance differently. “Despite our record, we have had a ton of success,” McColaugh said. “Our early season schedule, six of those losses were to the top four teams in the MSL. We played [them] right off the bat, nobody in our area has

had a tougher schedule than us.” What McColaugh called a tough early schedule, the Knights still managed to have fun as a team. McColaugh says that the girls have really deep bonds and are really close off the court. “They are very comfortable around each other,” McColaugh said. “They’re very relaxed. They’re very fun. They’re upbeat. I think a lot of that goes to the atmosphere that we try to create in our program, but a lot of that is just the fact that these girls have just awesome personalities. They were friends before tennis, and they’ve grown even stronger over the years.” Senior Hannah Haeberle says that the team talks outside of practice. This is important because it means they’re not just friends during the season, but also in the offseason. Senior Katie Cooper says the team members have known each other for a long time, many even before they were on the team together. The girls make an effort to spend time together even when they aren’t at practices or meets. “A lot of times, if we don’t have practice or even over the weekends after tournaments, we’ll go hit by ourselves without our coaches,” senior Katie Cooper said. “We have hung out over the summer. We’re all actual friends, not just teammates.” Working to improve together, McColaugh has seen his players grow continually throughout the year, which he says is goal of every season.

RALLYING: The girls’ tennis team seniors pose with head coach Mike McColaugh. “We have hung out over the summer. We’re all actual friends, not just teammates.” (photo courtesy of Elisabeth Rhode) “They’ve really learned how McColaugh said. “I think they’ve to compete,” McColaugh said. all kind of taken turns at times, “They’re getting better and bet- mostly through example more so ter at learning how to compete. than words. Our skills are improving.” It’s kind of a leaderKatie also says that the team ship-by-committee type of thing has improved a lot since last sea- this year more than anything son. McColaugh stressed that else.” much of the improvement he has For the rest of the season, seen doesn’t come during the postseason play began with the season. MSL tournament, which will “Overall, [I’ve] seen a highend Sat. Oct. 8. er skill level,” McColaugh said. Going forward, McColaugh “Some of our kids have worked wants the team to stay commitpretty hard in the offseason to ted to the atmosphere that the increase their skill level because program creates as the season that’s the nature of tennis. Our winds down. season is very short, so most “I think the [atmosphere is of the gains that the kids see in a] mix of the competition and their ability happens during the trying to win but never losing offseason.” sight that this is a fun activity While the team has improved, for a lot of girls,” McColaugh sophomore Ellory Whitebloom said. “This is going to be a sport says there is no defined leader that they can play for the rest of on the team. McColaugh takes a their lives. Throughout the prosimilar stance as well. gram, we try to make it a place “I don’t know that we have that kids want to be, where they any one strong dominant leader, don’t dread going to practice and I would say that the leadership they look forward to seeing each on this team is still evolving,” other every day.”


FRIDAY, October 7, 2016

Knightly Banter


The Prospector sports editors weigh in on topics in the NFL each week. Follow them on soundcloud and twitter @KnightlyBanter to interact with the editors.

The football team beat Buffalo Grove 24-15 on Sept. 23. For coverage of tonight’s homecoming game vs. Hersey visit:

Making a splash Girls’ swim and dive team bonds, gets ready for postseason meets BY JACK ANKONY Executive Sports Editor The varsity girls’ swim and dive team swam against rival Hersey on Sept. 15 at the new Prospect natatorium. Senior captain Janae Dawson says that going into the meet, the team knew many members of the Hersey team, making the rivalry even more intense. Hersey and Prospect have combined to win the MSL East in each of the past 10 seasons. In the end, the Knights came up short, losing 135-51, but according to head coach Alfonso Lopez, the team swam some of their fastest times of the season. In the 50-yard freestyle, senior Gracie Dix placed second, swimming a 26.22, only losing by .19 seconds. The 200-yard freestyle team

of sophomore Katie Mueller, Dawson, senior Samantha Berkley and Dix swam a 1:47.84 to grab second place. Dawson and Dix said that going into the meet, the team was stressed out because of the big match up, but Lopez helped them calm down and focus with his words of encouragement. “All our coach wants us to do is put ourselves into it and leave it all on the pool, which we did [against Hersey], and we all came together as a team,” Dix said. This message from Lopez has reflected on the attitude of the swimmers throughout the season. He stresses having fun while still focusing and trying hard. “Sometimes we’re going to go out there and have fun and not so much worry about our times or if we win or not,” Dix said. “But we’re going to try our hardest.” As of Sept. 29, the Knights’ record in dual meets in the MSL was 4-1. Although Dawson says the goal of winning the East appears to be out of reach, the team is still

Lincoln Way West Invite Results The Knights won the Lincoln Way West Invite for the 4th year in a row on Sept. 17. • Senior Megan Schmit 2nd in 1m dive 331.95 • Senior Katie Wills 5th in 1000-yd freestyle 13:18.93 • Juniors Katie Kenny and Mary Dembowski, seniors Samantha Berkley and Gracie Dix 4th in 400-yd medley relay 4:32.51 • Senior Gracie Dix 3rd in 50-yd freestyle 26.72 • Senior Gracie Dix 5th in 100-yd freestyle 59.89 • Senior Kate Colehour 5th in 500-yd freestyle 6:06.07 • Senior Samantha Berkley, sophomore Katie Mueller, seniors Janae Dawson and Gracie Dix 3rd in 200-yd freestyle relay 1:48.56 • Junior Katie Kenny 4th in 200-yd backstroke 2:25.09 • Junior Mary Dembowski 6th in 200-yd breaststroke 2:48.08 • Seniors Kate Colehour, Janae Dawson, Samantha Berkley, junior Kaitlin Sattley 3rd in 800-yd freestyle relay 9:07.29 Senior Natalia Radon, senior Mallory Malone, and junior Connie Vuong (photo by Erin Schultz)

Athlete: Kevin Shane Year: Junior Sport: Soccer

Q. A.

What has been the most memorable game of the season? Beating Elk Grove and Grant Whitebloom rapping on the bus ride home. We beat Elk Grove 1-0 on a goal scored by Nick Mho. Elk Grove, Fremd, and Schaumburg are kind of at the same level as us in terms of skill so beating a team that is of even skill level to us really helps us in the MSL standings. We are 1-3 in the East.

Q. A. Q. A. Q. A.

PLUNGE: The varsity girls’ swim team dives into the pool on Aug. 31 in their meet against Palatine. The Knights won the first ever meet at the Prospect pool. “[Being the first meet at Prospect] was pretty historic,” Head swimming coach Alfonso Lopez said. “But I think they were so focused on the goal of trying to win the meet that they didn’t let the new atmosphere affect them too much.” (photo by Erin Schultz) working hard in anticipation of regionals and beyond. The season meets that the team targeted, according to Lopez, are the Buffalo Grove dual meet on Sept. 29, the Rolling Meadows dual meet on Oct. 5 and the Hersey Jamboree at Prospect on Oct. 1. Lopez says that these meets are good tests for the Knights because some of the top competition in the area are in these meets. “We prepare the same way for everything,” Lopez said. “You don’t try to put too much emphasis on any meet, otherwise sometimes you can psych yourself out.” Lopez explains that the team’s depth has been one of its strengths this season. He thinks because of this depth, the girls are more competitive, which makes the team better in terms of trying to win spots to swim towards the end of the season. Some of this competitiveness has come from sophomores Katie Mueller and Amanda Baenke who have added a lot of depth to the team overall, according to Dawson. When it comes to helping these younger swimmers, Lopez believes that Dawson and senior sisters Kate and Emma Colehour have been great leaders. Lopez explains that Dawson sets herself apart by leading by example and approaching practice with a positive attitude. “As captain, my actions in-

fluence others, so I have to make sure I’m always ready to go and in a good mood,” Dawson said. “[I] shake off my bad swims and pick up my team when they’re down.” In order to unite the swimmers, Dix says that the team has organized several bonding activities. The girls have pasta parties, bonfires and have taken trips to go apple picking and to a pumpkin patch. Dix believes these activities help the team members grow more comfortable with one another, which translates well to the pool. This year’s team is first to swim at Prospect’s pool. Dawson says that having the new pool has been a relief because it is easier and more convenient for everyone to walk down the hall to the pool instead of driving to Wheeling every day. “[Having the pool] has been awesome,” Dix said. “It’s been so much fun. It keeps us in a good attitude because we have a lot more space.” Lopez believes the pool has helped the team have more productive practices because they have eight lanes, as opposed to six at Wheeling. According to senior diver Meghan Schmit, having two diving boards has been a big help too because they need as much board time as possible in order to improve. This season, Schmit’s best score at a dual meet was 220, and her best at the Lincoln-Way West

How would you describe this year’s team? When we play well, we are really good. We just need to find consistency, and if we can we can actually do something at regionals in October. Our strengths are that we pass the ball really well, switch the field often, and we finish when we get chances in front of the goal. What message does Coach Elkins emphasize the most to the team? He always tells us that everyday is a chance to get better. We have definitely fulfilled that. We are a better team now than we were at the beginning of the year. We have improved on our communication. We have bonded as a team a lot which helps on the field to know where we are, pass better, and really just play better overall. How have you seen yourself improve as a goalkeeper? By being more vocal and commanding the ball in the 18 yard box. That prevents a lot of shots. I try to be a leader for the team before games we get in a huddle and Aaron Whiteman says something motivational, and I try to chip in at the end too to really get excited before we start playing.

Invite was 331. At dual meets each diver gets six dives, as opposed to eleven at invites. “It has also been really nice because at Wheeling we would have to dive in-between the swimmers and hope not to hit them,” Schmit said. The pool has also caused an increase in girls wanting to join the diving team. Last year the diving team had four divers compared to the 16 girls it has this year. “It has made us better,” Schmit said. “There is definitely more talent on the team, and with more people coming in, it has motivated us to get new dives and keep our spots at whatever level you are competing on.” As a whole, Dawson believes the Knights have improved their mental attitude tremendously since the start of the season. At the start of the year, the team would sometimes dread practice, but now they have been able to focus more on what they are trying to accomplish. This mental strength is something Dawson believes will help them down the road as they get into regional and sectional meets. “[Our mental strength] has helped us perform better because when our attitudes are better, we are more likely to perform well and encourage each other,” Dawson said. “That helped us a lot.”

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