Prospector Issue 5 2011-2012

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Volume 51, Issue 5

TheVoice of Prospect since 1960


In honor of the holiday season, The Prospector asked preschoolers what they were thankful for. To read their responses, see...

Opinion, page 6

801 West Kensington Road Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 * University turmoil The chaos of the Penn State scandal was brought home when ‘11 grad and Penn State freshman Lauren Matthews experienced the protests firsthand. To read her account, turn to... Features, page 11

More than just a word When people think of cancer, they think of a life-threatening disease with disastrous consequences. However, there is more to the illness than those six letters. To learn more, check out... In-Depth, pages 7-9

Swimmers’ stamina Though it can be a demanding sport, the boys’ swim team is able to find the determination to persevere through their grueling season. For more, see... Sports, page 15

Where to go for the H2O Photo illustration by Ian Magnuson

Water fountain differences explained By Meghan Doyle and Jenny Johnson News Editors The Career and Technology Education (CTE) hallway flooded several years ago when a student accidentally rammed a cart into a water fountain and knocked it off the wall. The water came streaming out, filling the hallway and damaging the pipes. Though most water fountain experiences are not

quite as exciting as this one, most students at Prospect have used a drinking fountain at one point or another. Junior Anna Trybula appreciates the fountains for the days when she doesn’t have money to buy bottled water from the cafeteria. Though the convenience is nice, many students have a preference as to which fountain they drink out of, typically based on the water’s taste, temperature and pressure flow. Water fountains can differ by as little as the brand of the fountain to the quality of the water. Senior Bridget O’Carroll prefers the fountain in the girls’ locker room, while senior Michelle Bergeron and

sophomore Elizabeth Konopacki like the fountains by the bathrooms in the choir hallway. “It’s actually cold water, and it doesn’t spray in my face,” said Konopacki, who uses those fountains during summer band camp. Senior Johnny Youkhana, on the other hand, favors the fountain by social science teacher Brad Rathe’s room. “A lot of water comes out — not like the ones that fade away,” Youkhana said. These differences have an explanation. Science teacher John Kenney said when a water pipe is added to the main pipe, the power of the pressure decreases, especially since the piping is narrow, which

ultimately weakens the flow of water. “I don’t like the fountains with low [pressure,]” senior Lauren Maratea said. “The ones you have to stick your whole face in just for a drink — not good.” According to Building and Grounds Supervisor Oscar Acevedo, a construction project started around eight years ago to renovate the older school buildings. Part of the project was to make all water fountains compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This change accounts for the differences in brand; Elkay fountains, with the

See WATER, page 2

P.E. curriculum changes for next year announced By Matt Bajkowski Sports Editor As the first quarter of the school year ended, rumors began to circulate about changes being made to P.E. next year. As course recommendation day, Nov. 8, has proven, these changes are anything but rumors. According to Assistant Principal Jovan Lazarevic, who is also in charge of the P.E. department, starting next year, students will have the option of choosing from three classes for P.E.: exercise physiology, dance or a regular gym class. As all elective choices, other than the those mentioned above, have been eliminated, many students will be taking a regular gym class next year. What students do in their regular gym class will depend on their fitness

score at the end of this year. Students who score under 70 will participate in three cardiovascular days a week. Twice a week, these cardio days will have to be running, but for one cardio day each week, students will have an alternative option, like P-90X or an aerobics class. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students will get to participate in an elective of their choice. These electives vary from team sports, like basketball and football, to activities like martial arts and gymnastics. Teachers who taught these classes in the past will continue to teach them on these days. Students who score a 70 or above will get the choice to participate in sports or other activities different from the car-

See CURRICULUM, page 3

pDANCING THROUGH LIFE: Junior Caitlin Claytor follows along as dance teacher Kristin Burton leads the dance class through their routine. The dance elective is one of the few elective gym classes that will still be offered with the P.E. curriculum changes starting next year. (Photo by Ian Magnuson)


WATER: Students sound off on fountains


Friday, December 16, 2011

Water fountain key Best overall fountain Best tasting fountain

CONTINUED from front page

From the tower to the fountain Before students can drink from the water fountains, the water must be purchased by the village of Mount Prospect from an organization called the Northwest Suburban Municipal Joint Action Water Agency (NSMJAWA). According to Mount Prospect Director of Public Works, Sean Dorsey, the city of Chicago provides the NSMJAWA with water from Lake Michigan, which is filtered at the Jardine Plant near Navy Pier. The water reaches the fountains after being stored in a number of different storage tanks, including underground ones, as well as the water tower in downtown Mount Prospect, which can hold up to a million gallons of water. Altogether, Mount Prospect’s water storage tanks can hold up to nine million gallons of water.

push bars on the front and sides, are newer and ADA compliant, whereas Halsey Taylor fountains, with the push button and more elevated basins, are older. Students seem to prefer the Elkays over the Halsey Taylors because of the annoying press buttons. “My thumb gets tired,” Konopacki joked. The Elkay fountains are more costly, as one fountain is around $700; however, Prospect still plans to replace all Halsey Taylors with Elkays in the future, according to Acevedo. The fountains that will not be replaced are the recessed fountains in the small gyms, the fieldhouse and the wrestling rooms. Those fountains also have spittoons, where athletes are aloud to spit in while practicing. According to Acevedo, the older fountains do not have a built-in air compressor, leading to warmer water, which can hinder some students, like freshmen Matt Nedler and Harmony Yo u n g q u i s t , from drinking out of those fountains. Other fountains to be avoided include the one in the social studies hallway, as sophomore Kelly Cunningham said it “sprays straight up.” Sophomore

Best pressure fountain Fountains to avoid at all costs

p MAPPING THE FLOW: The Prospector ranks school water fountains by marking the top two in each category: overall best fountains, best pressure, best taste and fountains to avoid. At left, the Mount Prospect water tower stores a million gallons of water for public and private use. (Graphic and photo by Meghan Doyle and Jenny Johnson) Daniel Onichuk is wary of the fountain in the CTE hallway, but not because he fears a flood. Onichuk said he has heard rumors about the questionable sanitation of the fountain, es-

pecially during summer football practices, as the doors leading to the bathrooms are usually locked. Acevedo said he has not heard anything about the rumors.

Despite sometimes awkward (and wet) situations, students have no problem voicing their opinions on the water fountains at Prospect, and, in fact, they may make the best suggestions.

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Enthusiasm ignites middle school leaders J. Kyle Braid Scholars attend Carpentersville Middle School to present leadership skills. While teaching team-building and acceptance, they built overwhelming spirit from the students.



Friday, December 16, 2011

‘Tis the season to be

Graphic by Emmy Lindfors; photos courtesy of Dave Jacobson

By Emmy Lindfors Managing Editor Sophomore Elaine Tomko walked into a very crowded Wal-Mart early on Dec. 3. It wasn’t Black Friday-size sales drawing the crowds, but buses carrying little underprivileged kids. Tomko participated in Woodfield Area Children’s Organization’s (WACO) Shop for a Kid event with 31 other Spanish Club members. Spanish Club participated

in the event last year, and with the positive feedback Spanish teacher Leigh Sapp received, she knew Prospect should participate again. WACO’s Shop for a Kid event was just one of the many activities students were able to participate in this holiday season. In the Service Learning Office, the bulletin board is filled with sign up sheets for various events. The events take place before winter break, so students have the opportunity to participate. Before receiving their shop-

pHOLIDAY CHEER: Sophomores Elaine Tomko and Samantha Kestler show an Alvin stuffed animal to their Shop for a Kid child on Dec. 3. Spanish Club members who participated were given $75 to shop for an underprivileged child and family. (Photo courtesy of Dave Jacobson)

ping cart with the child in it, the students at the event were told they had $75 to shop for each of the children and their families. They also needed to wrap the presents and bring the children to the break room to give them snacks before sending them back on the bus. While Tomko was originally crabby about waking up early (she needed to be at there by 7:15 a.m.), once she received her child with Spanish Club member sophomore Samantha Kestler, she was ready to shop and practice her Spanish. “At the end, [my kid] had a big smile on his face,” Tomko said. According to Service Coordinator Dave Jacobson, students are anxious for the holiday events. Events this year for Service Club also included packing over 800 bags of food at Village Hall in Mount Prospect and hosting a holiday party for about 30 residents at the Moorings Retirement Home. But the most anticipated event is the holiday house walk hosted by the Mount Prospect Historical Society. “[Students] come up to me saying, ‘When are we doing the

house walk? When are we do- Olsen said. ing the house walk?’ They keep As Olsen greeted people, coming back each year ready,” she noticed how many famiJacobson said. lies came out to enjoy a stroll At the house walk, which through the homes and that took place the house walk on Dec. 4, was more of Future Spanish speakers students a community At Woodfield Area were placed event. She was Children’s Organization’s in historieven able to Shop for a Kid event, cal houses see some of Spanish teacher Leigh on South her co-workers Sapp brought along her two Emerson from the Moordaughters, 10-year-old Lexi Street and ings and her and 4-year-old Sofia. given a friends’ par“It was cute,” Sapp said. para g raph ents. “Sofia was sitting there, to recite off Both Jalooking around, and she’s a note card cobson and like ‘Why don’t I get a kid? I about the Sapp believe want a kid.’” house or the events are While all the kids had room they very successbeen claimed then, Sapp were in. ful with not hopes for her daughters to Senior only helping participate in the future. But Jenna Olmake people’s since Lexi and Sofia don’t sen worked days but also know Spanish, Sapp plans as the with seeing to be the translator for them greeter for students beand still let them do all the a house. come more shopping. She was well-rounded supposed individuals. to welcome “I love witpeople into the home and point nessing our students smile out interesting aspects of the with joy as they care for the inside of the home, like the an- needs of a child and interact tique Ferris Wheel and carou- with them using the skills they sel figures from the 1800s. have practiced in class,” Sapp “There were so many cool, said. “It’s magical.” ornate details [in the house],”

CURRICULUM: Change in P.E. aims to improve fitness CONTINUED from front page -dio options, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but will still have their elective choices on Tuesday and Thursday. Lazarevic said there were many reasons that led to these changes. One of the larger reasons was that students were not working on improving their fitness scores, and, in many cases, not meeting the required fitness score they needed to be in their current classes. After looking at all the fitness score data, Lazarevic found that 27 percent of students had fitness scores that did not meet the requirements their advanced classes had in place. “These kids wound up getting into these classes and then trying to compete in a class they didn’t have the score to be in,” Lazarevic said. Lazarevic found many of these kids were not fully participating in their classes and had no desire to put in more effort. Students who took open electives,

like power gymnastics, dance and martial arts, were getting even lower fitness scores, with around 14 percent getting a fitness score of 72 or above. With this data in mind, Lazarevic came to believe that kids were “taking these classes to get out of the requirements of P.E., including physical fitness.” Also, Lazarevic and other teachers hope to have more time to include cognitive, or lecture, days when teachers will be able to talk about other topics related to fitness. These days will focus on nutrition and fitness consumerism, like what to look for in finding a personal trainer or buying exercise equipment. Another reason Lazarevic sees the changes as necessary is to balance the P.E. schedules and make the classes as similar format as possible. This should help to smooth out the scheduling problems created when a class is only offered one period a day. The changes should also keep some periods from only having two gym classes while oth-

Dancing for a higher fitness score With the changes to the P.E. curriculum next year, dance is one of the three choices a student has for a gym class. Students will still be able to take Dance 1, 2 and 3, but there will be a cut off based on fitness scores. Dance teacher Kristin Burton said the cut off has yet to be determined, but will be the average score of all the students currently participating in dance classes. Since the changes have a higher emphasis on fitness, dance classes will consist of 3 dancing days a week with 2 days for cardio, one of which will be a run day. Students can still sign up for dance, but they won’t know if they have been accepted until the fitness score cut off is determined.

pKA-RA-TAY: Juniors Ryan Kemper and Max Rhode practice their defense moves in Martial Arts. Martial Arts is one of the many electives that won’t be available to take as a class next year, but students will have the option to enjoy these electives on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Photo by Ian Magnuson) ers have nine. “We want [P.E.] to be more consistent like the rest of the building,” Lazarevic said. “In algebra, when you are learning to solve an equation, everyone in algebra is learning to solve an equation at the same time.” While trying to add more consistency to P.E., Lazarevic said he knows not all people work out in the same way, and therefore, P.E. classes will offer many options to stay fit. To most students, though, it doesn’t matter if they are getting more out of their gym class. Some students find it unfair that they are now being forced to run more because of their fitness score when it never mattered before. Junior Mikie Deutsch doesn’t agree with the changes and saw no reason to change anything. “I guess [change] is good for the people who actually have 70s,” Deutsch

said. “But the majority of people don’t have a 70 or higher.” Juniors David Dattilo and Mark Sandel also agree with Deutsch and find the new system unfair because people that are less fit don’t get the amount of choices that others will get. Of all the reasons why students don’t like the changes, the most stated complaint was the new amount of running being introduced. But no matter how much students dislike the changes, Lazarevic sees these changes as a way for students to get the most out of their 50 minutes of P.E. a day. Instead of getting a lot of one activity, students will be able to get smaller bits of many activities. “[The changes] are just something to get us back to some of the basics,” Lazarevic said. “We want to be talking about what being fit really is.”



Friday, December 16, 2011

AP European History welcomed back By Maddie Conway Editor-in-Chief Social science teacher Craig Bianchi currently teaches AP U.S. History, but his first experience teaching an AP class at Prospect was with AP European History. Bianchi remembers his first year teaching the class being really fun, both because the subject — the history of Europe from 1450 to the present — was interesting and because the group of

Another option for AP Euro Though AP European History is being brought back into the social science curriculum as a senior elective next year, a few students have already been preparing to take the AP Euro exam this May. For the past two years, social science teacher Jon Kaminsky has helped a few students prepare for the test by teaching AP Euro as an independent study class. Kaminsky described the independent study version of AP Euro as very student-driven, since the primary focus of the class first semester is reading from an AP textbook outside of class. Kaminsky also gives the students online quizzes and other resources to aid their studying, and second semester students also practice writing AP essays to prepare.

students enrolled generated stimulating discussion. Bianchi hasn’t taught the class in several years, however. Prospect stopped offering AP Euro in 2002 when the district decided which class to require as part of the sophomore curriculum and chose AP World History instead of AP Euro, according to Social Science and World Language Division Head Gary Judson. But Bianchi will soon get the chance to teach AP Euro again, as Prospect is bringing back the class for the 2012-13 school year. The change comes as the district phases AP Euro back into the curriculum, in part to increase AP enrollment district wide. According to Judson, AP Euro will be offered primarily to seniors, although some sophomores or juniors may have the option to take the class in rare cases, though it can’t take the place of a required class like World or U.S. Judson anticipates only one section of the class next year because it’s new, though if students show more interest, it could expand. Bianchi recommends the class to students who enjoy history, especially if they had success in AP World or AP U.S. in the past. “If you like history or you like Europe, this is a great course for you,” Bianchi said. Junior Sean Brennan is signing up to take AP Euro next year. Brennan decided to take AP Euro over the other offered social science classes both because he has heard that Bianchi is a great teacher and because he likes history. “History is a class I don’t want to give up,” Brennan said.

p REUNITED AT LAST: Social science teacher Craig Bianchi is excited to teach AP European History next year. The class is being brought back as a senior elective. (Graphic by Ian Magnuson) Bianchi likened AP Euro to a combination of both previous history classes; it overlaps some with AP World’s study of modern Europe but also gets into more detail of the region, as AP U.S. does with North America. Overall, Bianchi described the class as a “happy medium” between memorization of facts and drawing conclusions from information. He said students will probably have to master specific facts more than they might have in AP World but will still see the trends and patterns in that information to make an argument. In terms of course load, Bianchi estimated that homework for AP Euro

would be about the same as AP U.S.’s, which averages to about an hour per night. Judson said he expects there to be “high student success” with AP Euro because most students will be prepared after taking AP history classes in the past. Bianchi agreed that students will be prepared for the rigor of AP Euro because the AP exam is similar to the AP World test. Ultimately, Bianchi is looking forward to the course being offered next year. “It will be good to teach AP Euro again,” he said.


Friday, December 16, 2011

The Staff

Winter break—or not


COPY EDITOR Carly Evans ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR Maggie Devereux ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Jane Berry Andrew Revord NEWS EDITORS Meghan Doyle Nabi Dressler Jenny Johnson OPINION EDITOR Kiley Walsh FEATURES EDITORS Anna Boratyn Khrystyna Halatyma IN-DEPTH EDITORS Katie Best Zak Buczinsky Maddy Moloney ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS Tallyn Owens Tim Angerame Kyle Brown SPORTS EDITORS Jack Mathews Alyssa Zediker Matt Bajkowski Jordan Fletcher ONLINE EDITORS Miranda Holloway Tess Bauer Heather Dove PHOTO EDITORS Ian Magnuson Ali Preissing ADVISER Jason Block Some material is courtesy of the American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Published by students in Journalistic Writing courses, the Prospector has won, most notably, the 2004-05 and 2006-07 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker and the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association in 2006. Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and significance to our readers and the community. We, The Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions. Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 718-5376 (ask for Emmy Lindfors), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, prospectornow@gmail. com. Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to All letters must be signed. Please limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the rights to edit letters for style and length.

Staff Editorial


In “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, Juliet asks “What’s in a name?” She is talking about a rose and Romeo, however, if Juliet were talking about winter break, she’d find that what’s in the name is not really a “break” at all. Most high school students across the country receive a two-week winter break around Christmas time. Break should give students a chance to forget about school and focus on spending time with friends and family around the holiday season. Winter break should also be chance for students to take time for a mental holiday from the stress high school puts on them. Unfortunately, winter break turns into reading an entire novel, completing review packets for finals or, for some classes, writing an entire essay. All grades get homework over break, and some seniors might still have college applications to finish on top of it all. We, The Prospector, believe winter break should be just that — a break.

When teachers give stu- ing school earlier because dents a big assignment to then teachers wouldn’t have complete for each class, it’s to worry about students realways on their minds. No membering material over matter if they’re sledding break and could just start with friends or shopping fresh in January. However, with family, they’re think- until the district makes that ing, “I should really finish change, finals will have to that book.” be after. And the maLeading up jority of the to winter break, time, it doesn’t Prospect has get done until For Against had 77 school the day before days since returning to Aug. 23, when school. school started, That means and only seven they’re spend- Voting results of the Pros- days other than ing their en- pector staff in regards to this weekends off tire break with in between. The editorial. homework loomlongest break ing over them was the Thanksand don’t really get a chance giving four-day “break,” to relax. which is really a long weekIt is understandable that end. teachers don’t want their If teachers don’t give students to lose two weeks students time completely of learning when finals are free from school over winter three weeks after winter break, then they crash and break ends. burn right after first semesThe only way to solve this ter finals. problem would be to have fiCome February, students nals before break, but that will be counting down unwould mean starting school til June, or at least spring about two weeks earlier. break. Teachers will be Having finals before wondering why students break would be worth start- have no motivation.




It’s because by that point, students have been in school for over five months straight — without a chance to slow down and get their life back together. And because they lack motivation, Prospect High School will be the definition of burned out. By using winter break as a complete mental holiday, students have 17 full days to not even think of the words “project,” “essay” or “homework.” 17 days also happens to be exactly the amount of days after winter break until the first day of finals. So here’s the deal-- students get their 17 days free from school, and then teachers get their 17 days of students completely focused on rocking their finals. Sounds fair enough. Untimely enough, this issue of The Prospector came out the day before winter break, so all homework, projects and packets have already been assigned. So all that can be said is teachers, consider this for next year, and happy holidays. Students, enjoy winter break — oh, wait.

Lessons on leadership from Penn State scandal “With great power comes great responsibility” was what Uncle Ben always told his nephew, Peter Parker, who later became Spider-Man. Perhaps legendary Penn State University football coach Joe Paterno should have listened to that advice. Fortunately, it is never too late for people to start listening. Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was indicted on Nov. 3 for 40 counts of sex crimes against young boys. Soon after, Penn State fired Andrew Revord Paterno after a public Associate outcry against him Editor-in-Chief for failing to protect Sandusky’s victims. While Paterno hadn’t legally done anything wrong — he reported what he heard about Sandusky to Penn State’s athletic director — he could have gone a lot further by directly contacting the police and using his influence to have Sandusky removed. As a football coach, Paterno was a leader. But being a leader doesn’t just mean having a successful team. It means doing the right thing, regardless of whether you’re obliged to or not. In that respect, Paterno lost his credibility as a leader. P.E. teacher Brent Pearlman reformed

Steppin’ up Senior Kathleen Kennedy was a Junior Leader last year. She wasn’t used to taking leadership roles upon herself until P.E. teacher Brent Pearlman asked if someone could lead the Biggest Loser event. Kennedy volunteered because she felt someone had to do it and no one else was standing up. Since then, Kennedy said she has become more of a leader both in and out of class. Last year, Kennedy persuaded a sophomore to join the girls’ track and field team, who joined late. Kennedy took it upon herself to help her get up to speed and find her place on the team.

pPASSING IT ON: P.E. teacher Brent Pearlman lectures his Junior Leaders class. Pearlman has redesigned the class to develop leadership both in and out of school. (Photo by Ian Magnuson) the Junior and Senior Leaders classes a few years ago. Before that point, the class only focused on training students to help run P.E. classes, according to Pearlman. He made the classes more focused on leadership as a whole — not just in gym class or school. Pearlman teaches that people have different leading styles, and everyone has to find his own. Now, chances are, you may never be Spider-Man or a successful head football coach. You might not even be a Prospect Junior or Senior Leader, but you still have the capacity to be a leader. Paterno wasn’t the only one who failed to use his abilities to lead and do what was right. After getting his powers from a radioactive spider bite, Peter Parker first used them to become a television star, which won him admiration, but it didn’t make him a leader. One day, Parker refused to stop a fleeing thief even when he could have. The thief would later kill Uncle Ben. Now Parker finally understood his

uncle’s lesson and became Spider-Man, swearing to use his abilities for good. Spider-Man may be fictional, but we still look up to his character. However, we don’t admire him just because he has super powers, but because he uses his abilities to do what’s right whenever he can, inspiring others to do the same. That’s what makes him a leader. Being a good leader has nothing with the title; Paterno was respected as a football coach. However, he didn’t use his leadership for good when it came to the Sandusky scandal. History is full of people who may have been effective leaders as far as implementing ideas went but didn’t use their leadership for good. Former President Richard Nixon had good leadership skills, but his ethics were questionable, and he used his abilities and influence for self-gain. Monsters like Adolf Hitler even used their leadership to commit mass murder. What makes true role models — true leaders — unique is that they will do what’s right at any time and by doing so, inspire others to do the same.

We don’t admire Spider-Man just because he has super powers, but because he uses his abilities to do what’s right whenever he can. That’s what makes him a leader.



Friday, December 16, 2011

What are you looking forward to this holiday season? “I’m looking forward to seeing the lights and going shopping in downtown Chicago. - Senior Kara Kendall

What are you thankful for? I once asked my friend’s 2-yearold cousin if she remembered my name. She was momentarily puzzled, but she then shouted out with a little bit of spit, “Ju-Ju Poo!” Yeah, that’s me, Ju-Ju Poo Walsh. Kids just say the darnedest things, right? Anything that comes out of their mouths is purely silly and just a bunch of jumbled up words. Kiley Walsh I used to alOpinion Editor ways assume this until one day I took a visit to the Prospect preschool room to ask a few of the kids what they’re thankful for. And, for the most part, I was impressed. While some of the kids fell to my old expectations, like a little boy’s response to being ask what he is thankful for was him screaming, “Christmas!” in my face, a few exceeded them tremendously. “[I’m] thankful for my mom,” 4-year-old Grace Bott said. “I like the song she sings to me every

night.” As stunned and impressed as I was with this quick response from a 4-year-old, it kept me thinking. While there are so many tangible, materialistic items that provide temporary happiness, such as a new iPhone, there’s a bigger picture of what to be thankful for. Sometimes it’s hard to search deep down for something that makes you truly happy, but if we were thankful for a song our mom sang to us when we were 4 years old, there’s no reason why we can’t be now. Most moments worth being thankful for are the irreplaceable ones with friends or family that can only be shared with those who are closest to us. I know I’m just as guilty as anyone else, but when I think of being thankful, I want my initial thoughts to be the opportunities I’m given, the people I’m surrounded with and the memories I have. In the teenage defense, back when we were 4 years old, life was so much simpler. We went to school, maybe had sports practice for one day a week and spent most of our time with our

families, especially our parents. But now that we’re older, there’s so much that goes on each day, so many opportunities to be thankful, that we lose sight of those that are most important. Bott was also excited to give her mom the Thanksgiving book she made for her in class. But as teenagers, if we asked to make a book for our moms, we would be rejected and laughed at. The main way to show thankfulness, especially when it’s not the holiday season, is to do more of the little things. Going out of your way to say “hello” to someone at school, asking teachers how their days are going instead of them asking you or giving your parents an unexpected hug can make a big difference. We may be able to take harder classes, complete more difficult tasks and even be more mature than children in a preschool class, but when it comes to appreciating the ones we care about most, we can’t compete. So as the holiday season sets in, think deeper than you would and ask yourself: What are you thankful for?

“I’m looking forward to spending [Christmas] with my family and giving gifts and enjoying the holiday season.” - Sophomore Mary Godby

“I’m really excited to spend time with my family that I don’t get to see a lot.” - Freshman Kyle Schneider

A TRUE GIFT: Social science teacher John Camardella plays with his daughter, Peyton, during the holidays (left). Camardella with his wife, Lindy, and daughter Peyton stand for a family holiday photo. Camardella and his family view the holidays as a time to spend time with family, not about giving gifts. Camardella and his wife give each others letters instead of giving gifts. Camardella said this allows them to catch up with each other because of their busy lives. For Peyton, they will buy some books and games that develop her mind. (Photos courtesy of John Camardella)


Photos by Kiley Walsh

“I’m excited for hanging out with family, getting to know people, and waiting for Santa to come. - Junior Will Slusher

A different kind of Christmas What Social Science teacher John Camardella, as a fourth grader in 1992, gave his mom for Christmas was different from most gifts. Camardella’s teacher at the time, Mrs. Rodriguez, sometimes had a few problems with him. So as a gift on Christmas, Camardella wrote a letter to his mom saying how sorry he was. This may seem strange to anyone who celebrates Christmas with gifts under a tree, but this is how the Camardella family has been celebrating holidays “forever” — by writing one another letters. “[My wife and I] have literally never ever given each other a birthday or Christmas gift,” Camardella said. They believe that if the holidays are really what they’re supposed to be about—being relaxed and spending time with

your family—then they’re going to celebrate it with “something that’s real.” The letters they write for each other can be anywhere from three to seven to however many pages of writing they need. With such busy schedules, it gives them a chance to catch up on what’s really going on in each other’s lives. Camardella said he won’t feel more loved from his wife because she bought him a coat or new shoes. “The whole point is, what are you buying gifts for? I’d rather write a letter to tell her how I feel,” Camardella said. But this tradition isn’t only present with Camardella’s immediate family. “[It’s] the same with our friends,” Camardella said. “Our relationships are built off

everything except materials.” Although, he admits that sometimes they’ll buy each other gifts, but only if they are books. For his 2-year-old daughter Peyton, Camardella believes in buying books or some games, such as Ker Plunk, that can ultimately challenge and develop her mind. While Peyton still troubles with writing letters because she is still practicing drawing circles and lines, the Camardella family chooses this tradition because it works for them. “Birthdays and holidays are nice, [but] we just write letters.” While it feels nice to be especially thankful and giving during the holiday season, Camardella says, “We try to live it more on a daily basis.”



Friday, December 16, 2011

Competing for a cure The hard work paid off when the event raised $7,801 for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, the most money the event has raised since it started four years ago. Proceeds from these events not only go to cancer research, but they also go to support patients in treatment. The money raised helps with a wide range of activities like transportation for patients to and from treatment to a closet of wigs at the hospital for womBy Maddy Moloney en going through treatment to pick out. In-Depth Editor Relay For Life also focuses on donating money to the experience of cancer patients as well as As a student at Prospect, it’s hard not to notice all the research. Every spring, Prospect hosts Rethe philanthropy the school is involved in. Whether lay For Life and has raised over $100,000 for the it’s Knights’ Way’s Pay it Forward, a blood drive or American Cancer Association with numerous Adopt-a-Child, Prospect is always striving to give Prospect sports teams creating their own reback to the community. lay teams to help fight cancer. Spread throughout the school, every department Girls’ tennis, badminton and girls’ track takes part in giving back. However, cancer is a driving and field have all been found camping out force behind the athletic department’s humanitarian- around the track. However, one of the most ism. involved teams in Relay For Life in girls’ socBetween Coaches vs. Cancer, Volley For the Cure cer with 10 years of experience. and Relay for Life, athletes step up their game, not Varsity coach Tom Froats said the team only for the competition, but also for the fight against does it not only becancer. cause they enjoy it, Coaches vs. Cancer but also because of the Adding it up was held on Dec. 2 and impact it makes. One both the girls’ and boys’ year, the team raised basketball teams played Volley For the Cure $7,801 over $8,000 through to raise money for the online donations from American Cancer Society. Coaches vs. Cancer $2,500 relatives of the players. It was sponsored by In total, Froats said the the National Association Relay For Life* $3,000 team has earned over of Basketball Coaches $30,000. after the head coach of Total $13,301 Junior Dana Kozinski, the University of Misa member of the girls’ socsouri’s men’s basketball Overall, Prospect athletic teams have raised cer program, raised monteam, Norm Stewart, was over $13,000 within the last year to support ey for Relay For Life by diagnosed with cancer, the fight against cancer. asking her neighbors pledged to donate a dol*For girls’ soccer only and family members lar for every 3 points his for donations. team scored. Kozinski said “I wanted it to be a it was a fun extime where people could enjoy basketball and remem- perience because it was for a good ber their loved ones and contribute to something that cause and a bonding experience might save them in the future,” school psychologist for the whole team. and Knights’ Way sponsor Dr. Jay Kyp-Johnson said. “I was doing it because it Both Coaches vs. Cancer and Volley For the Cure had meaning to me; I have raise money through T-shirt and raffles ticket sales. people in my family [who For Coaches vs. Cancer, Kyp-Johnson was in charge have had cancer] so I of over seeing the event. want to help support Kyp-Johnson had groups of staff members run the them,” Kozinski said. raffle. Prizes included a $100 cash prize, a $50 cash “The game goes beprize, a lobster basket, two assorted chocolate baskets yond the competiand a “dorm room essentials” kit. tion.” By the end of the night the event had raised $2,000. Kyp-Johnson received an email later in the week from Elk Grove’s associate principal for student activities asking for more T-shirts to sell. “It’s the cooperation that I dreamed about,” KypJohnson said. “Even if we don’t make tons of money, a lot of people have put their heads together to help.” Kyp-Johnson’s idea was to get everyone involved: Knights’ Way ran concessions, Guitar Club performed the national anthem, the band played and Orchesis performed the half-time show. Students aren’t the only demographic targeted to get involved; Prospect uses Volley For a Cure to directly involve the community with their fight against cancer. Reidy believes it creates a sense of community to a cause near and dear, which is why his players have chosen to continue the event for the past four years. Riedy follows a “no forced charity” approach and sits down with his varsity team each August and asks them if they want to continue. “There wasn’t one person who didn’t want to do it,” senior volleyball player Danielle Siwik said. “We were all in favor of it.” JV volleyball coach Daria Schaffeld believes because athletics takes up so much time of players’ lives, there is not a lot of time left over to give back. “It’s kind of more for that we’re helping a cause and putting our money and effort towards other people,” Siwik said, “even if we don’t know somebody specifically with breast cancer.” Siwik is a member of the varsity volleyball team, and both her aunt and grandmother have been affected by breast cancer. Once she graduates, she hopes to return from college to attend next year’s Volley For a Cure game in order to support the cause.

Athletic department works together to raise money for cancer research, cure

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by H



Dov e

The ribbon is made up of pictures from various fund raisers for cancer, including Coaches vs. Cancer and Volley For the Cure.

This issue, In-Depth takes a look at a disease that has influenced many students at Prospect— cancer. For a closer look, turn to pages 8 & 9.



Celebrating in the rush her mom. was younger, the very first songs Even though the winter holidays she learned to play were Christmas are celebrated by many diverse fami- songs: “Silent Night” and “Joy to the lies, the themes are all similar. World.” Senior Lauren Nopar’s father is With the lighting of the Menora Jewish and her mother is Methodist, come the “candle races” for the By Khrystyna Halatyma she celebrates Hanukkah along with Nopar family. Features Editor Christmas. Nopar said they have had the traThe family isn’t very religious, dition since she was 7 years old. It Junior Taylor Arndt’s aunt and but Nopar goes to temple with her fa- all started with a conversation about uncle usually have a simple gift to ther twice a year and to church with which candle on the Menora would give — money. They do, however, find her mother for Christmas day. burn out first; now it’s a tradition to a creative way to give it. When it comes to comparisons, see which candle will beat the others. One year, the money was individuNopar doesn’t necessarily prefer “Most people don’t celebrate [two ally rolled and placed into pasta. To one over the holidays]; my family get it, Arndt and her little brother other but is sort of unique that had to sift through the pasta using likes Christway,” Nopar said. straws to push out the money. mas because “It’s nice to have Another year, her aunt and uncle that’s the something to differshowed up with different colored time of year entiate me from evping pong balls. The object of this she gets to eryone else.” present was to examine every ball, see most of Arndt and Nopar look for a latch to open it, then either - Senior Danny Frasco her family. aren’t the only ones find money or nothing and move on “I like who have busy holito the next one. Christmas just as much as anyone days. “My family is crazy, but I love else,” Nopar said. “I get excited for Senior Danny Frasco has about 20 them,” Arndt said. it in October or November. It’s some- cousins, and the whole family gathArndt’s mother is the youngest of thing I can celebrate with each fam- ers at his aunt’s house for Christmas eight, and during the holidays Arndt ily.” day. has to visit many cousins. Nopar goes with her parents to In fact, there are many Frascos No matter what the religion, gift Michigan to celebrate Christmas at Prospect, senior Sam Frasco and giving is a large part of the winter with her grandmother, along with sophomores Kristen and Bobby Fraholidays. Every year, instead of getfamily members she doesn’t get to sco. ting over 10 gifts for all her cousins, see as often. Frasco can only describe the scene Arndt and her family do Secret Sister bonding time of Christmas day with his family in Santa and White Elephant has been limited ever one word: loud. instead. since Nopar’s 19-year-old With around 20 cousins visiting Arndt has gotten one of sister, Katie, went to Mich- from out of state or college, the famher favorite hats from igan State University last ily has a lot to catch up on. First up is White Elephant, which year. dinner with a separate table for the has a chimney hat “It’s definitely a big “big kids” because they’re so loud. with Santa legs stickbonding time for my fam“We’ll sit there and make fun of ing out of the top. When ily,” Nopar said. each other,” Frasco said. “[We’ll] the button in the front While singing Christ- have a good time.” is pressed, Santa’s legs mas songs is easy because After everyone is fed, the next trastart moving to a Christthe words are in Eng- dition on the list is games. mas song. lish, singing songs One of the biggest games in the The Arndt famabout Hanukkah is Frasco family is “spoons,” which is a ily also does an harder, mostly be- card game where the players get four all-girl cookie excause the Nopars don’t of a kind and have to sneak away a change in December. know Hebrew. spoon from the center of the table. With about seven famiHowever, not wantThe person with the most spoons lies attending, Arndt ing to miss the wins. They also play “Apples-to-Apand her mom o p p o r t u n i t y, ples.” are going they take the While Frasco’s family has parties to bake six few Hebrew often, Christmas is different. At a batches this words they party, some cousins might be missing year. know and because of college or other events A r n d t create their getting in the way, but on Christmas said baking own songs. everyone is there. Frasco loves “just that many W h e n being together.” pSANTA’S FAVORITE: Junior Taylor Arndt wears cookies is N o p a r “[Holidays] are a lot of fun,” one of her favorite hats,–– which she got from her also a bondplayed piano Frasco said. “It’s all I know, [but] I annual family White Elephant present exchange. ing experiwhen she wouldn’t have it any other way.” (Photo by Ian Magnuson) ence with

Families celebrate holidays differently

“[Holidays] are a lot of fun. It’s all I know, [but] I wouldn’t have it any other way,”

Friday, December 16, 2011

Make your own paper snowflake By Miranda Holloway Executive Online Editor

With only an 8” by 10” piece of paper and a pair of scissors make winter break white. Step 1: Make a square out of the rectangular piece of paper by folding up one corner, lining up the edges, and cutting off the extra paper on the side. Steps 2 and 3: Fold this square into a triangle. Then fold it into a triangle again.

Step 4: Imagine the triangle in thirds. Fold the right third over to the middle and crease. Step 5: Fold the other side over and crease. The left side should be a straight edge.

Step 6: Cut off the top points. Do this on an angle. This makes the points, so the bigger the angels, the bigger the points.

Step 7: Make cuts on the sides of the snowflake. Be sure not to cut the corners. You can cut on the top to make more dramatic points.

Step 8: Unfold and viola!

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By Khrystyna Halatyma Features Editor Junior Tony Alberico got his first drum set as an eighth grade graduation present. He tried to learn the basics by himself with YouTube, but, after a couple months, Alberico turned to El Ray Music Center for lessons. “Music is a way for me to express myself,” Alberico said. Alberico’s sister, Jillian, was one of the biggest influences for his involvement in music. Jillian, 24, is just out of college and plays the guitar and bass. Along with his sister, Alberico’s love of music is fueled by his friends. Although they don’t have an official band, they prefer to have jam sessions in Alberico’s basement, with him on drums, junior Matt Bajkowski on guitar, junior Kyle Brown singing or on saxophone and junior Sean Brennan on bass. “[Jam sessions] have to be at Tony’s house because he’s the drummer,” Brennan said. “You can’t move a drum set.” Jamming is a way for the friends to express themselves. Once everyone is in Alberico’s basement, someone suggests a song. After listening to it, they play the first few notes and put their own spin on the rest. The group doesn’t play a specific genre, instead playing based off of what song they feel improvising with. One of their favorite songs to play is “Maggot Brain” by Funkadelic.



Friday, December 16, 2011

With everyone in the group involved with other extra-curricular activities there are a lot of scheduling conflicts. So even though the jam group only meets about once every two weeks, they have fun with it. “We’re chill,” Brennan said. “We don’t take ourselves seriously.” While jamming, Alberico plays the bass and drums, but he is also learning to play the djembe, an African drum, and the didgeridoo, an Australian instrument. Although Alberico never joined the school band because of the large time commitment, he does find a different way to be involved in the school by being a part of tech crew. Alberico first joined his freshman year after hearing about it on the announcements, and has since upgraded to being stage manager. Before shows, he helps with construction. During performances, Alberico oversees set piece movement on stage and damage control. Being in his third year of stage crew, Alberico says it, along with his love of playing instruments, has helped him consider his future. “I really don’t know what to do with my life except music,” Alberico said. Alberico has specifically decided he wants to be a sound engineer in studio music. “If I’m not at school, working or hanging out with friends, I’m usually playing music,” Alberico said.

pSTATE SHAME: Penn State students both riot and observe in the wake of the Penn State controversy. The riots were viewed negatively in the media and by prospective students. (Photo courtesy of Alexa Lucas)

Penn State aftermath According to witnesses, rocks Matthews neither watched nor and bottles were thrown, firecrack- participated in the riots, but her ers were set off from the roofs of roommate Alexa Lucas watched buildings and both a lamp post and them. a van were knocked over. The crowd Matthews described the general was estimated at 5,000 people, and atmosphere around the campus the police pepper-sprayed some in as “shock.” Several teachers took the crowd, according to the BBC. time out of their classes to ask how “I feel like sometimes, when I everyone was coping with the news. say I go to Penn State, people just Matthews cried after finding out kind of give me a look,” Matthews about the scandal. said, “Where before they’d be like “It’s a school pride issue to have ‘Oh cool! Penn State — that’s awe- your school ridiculed on Twitter some,’ whereas now they say, ‘Wow. and Facebook by people you know, . . Penn State? What’s that like?’” when they don’t go here and don’t Matthews is constantly asked know what happened.” about the scandal. Sophomore People ask if she football player Anrioted, and what drew Inserra, who she thinks about has an interest Joe Paterno. in joining Penn Someone asked State’s football what it feels like program, was put to go to school off by the riots, bewith rapists — a cause they made it generalization seem like “Penn -’11 graduate Lauren Matthews Matthews says is State’s out of conunfair. trol.” “It’s stressful,” Matthews said. According to Matthews, football “You don’t want to say the wrong is extremely important at Penn thing and have someone start a de- State. During football weekend, bate with you over something you Penn State becomes the third most don’t have control over.” populated place in Pennsylvania. The riots after the news of PaterOver his 61-year career at Penn no’s firing have only further dam- State, head coach Joe Paterno “baaged Penn State’s image. Matthews sically built the entire football prohopes most of the damage was done gram,” according to Matthews. by the scandal and not by the riots, Inserra says he’s still a fan of which she felt unfairly represented the football program, despite rethe school. cent events. “The media made it seem like According to Matthews, despite the students were really insensi- the scandal, the school helped maintive about it, when in fact it was tain its image by firing Paterno. only 300 students actively rioting “I think the university did what and about 700 watching,” Matthews it needed to do to maintain its repusaid. Penn State has 95,833 students. tation,” Matthews said.

Students deal with fallout of scandal By Anna Boratyn Features Editor ‘11 graduate Lauren Matthews, a freshman at Penn State University, gets strange looks when she tells people where she goes to college. Penn State students rioted after head football coach Joe Paterno was fired on Nov. 9 for not going to the police about the alleged sexual abuse of several children by former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky on school property (see “Sandusky’s scandal”). Rioters chanted, “Say it ain’t Joe ” and “We want Joe back.”

“I feel like sometimes, when I say I go to Penn State, people just kind of give me a look.”

Sandusky’s scandal Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has been charged with more than 50 counts related to sexual abuse over a 12 year period. Currently, the official allegations target only Sandusky, the school’s athletic director, and the vice president. The athletic director and vice president have been charged with perjury and failure to report a 2002 sexual abuse complaint, so far.

Information courtesy of Associated Press

Who Knows You Better?

This issue, the Prospector interviews technology teacher Frank Novak’s twin sophomore daughters, Emily Novak and Jenny Novak, to see who knows Frank better. What does he want for Christmas?

4 A new car

Who is his favorite Disney character? If he could be any animal, what animal would he be?


What What was was his his first first job? job?


Has he ever received a detention?

W I N Wall-E N E R A shark

The Daughter


Sophomore Emily Novak

A computer programmer Never

A new car

The Subject

Peace, quiet and a clean room Grumpy

Goofy A shark

Technology teacher Frank Novak

A computer programmer Twice

The Daughter

A giraffe

Sophomore Jenny Novak

4 A computer programmer 4

At least once

Friday, December 16, 2011

Putting the Electric ‘ in Electric Man



Tech crew overcomes difficult environment, builds spectacular sets By Tim Angerame Entertainment Editor John Meyers Jr.’s production of his self-written “The Electric Man: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla,” a play based on the life of inventor Nikola Tesla, credited for developing the alternating current electrical supply, has gone underway this past week. Meyers came up with the idea 15 years ago and wrote the script 3 months ago. But while the actors are were memorizing their lines and preparing their costumes, the tech crew was preparing the set and rigging the lights, sound and electricity needed to run “The Electric Man.” “They are the unsung heroes of any production,” Meyers said. The tech crew, which consists of usually nine to 10 people, doesn’t have any set roles, and gain experience in all fields under tech crew director Matt Erbach. These fields include sound, lighting, construction and painting. Junior Hannah Trezise, a painter in her first year with Prospect’s tech crew, said that anyone, experienced or not, can learn from tech crew, and choose the field that they’re most comfortable with. Trezise said Erbach, who’s worked with Prospect’s tech crew for seven years and 15 overall with tech crews in general, frequently teaches them new

techniques, such as how to work with tools. “You keep learning,” Trezise said. “Even if you know how to use stuff.” The tech crew meets during show seasons from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. or earlier. Meeting every day can be difficult for crew members with difficult schedules, but junior Jackie Surletta says “you just learn to work around it.” Surletta says the crew works every day “to make everything look perfect.” The play required a two level set, which the crew had to figure out how to support and make safe for the actors. Trezise said the crew had found difficulty in constructing the bases and hand railing of the set, two key safety aspects to the set. Senior Max Colon, who mainly works with light and sound, has been in tech crew since he was a freshman. Colon and the other members of tech crew were surprised to learn that Prospect’s auditorium wasn’t even designed as a theater, but rather designed and built as a multipurpose room. According to Colon, there is no catwalk that would provide easy access to the stage lights, unlike a normal school theater. Instead, they have to use a 15foot ladder to service the lights. Colon said that because of this extra work, preparing the lighting for the Orchesis show took two full days, as opposed to the “30 seconds” that it would take to service each light on a catwalk. Also, there is no orchestra pit, so the first few rows of seats have to be sacrificed to make room for them. Along with that, the crew doesn’t have a large storage room for

h ew ’s tec Tech csround board is hat

’s lig h c r ew . Their The tec af t spirit L X 7 48/96 from ss cr Sound an ETC expre and cannot is ic s d ba , booth. b oa r 0s. It is sound t ‘9 e th te la m o fr the d tha e lights utdate move th board is so o aved on ht es The lig ve to b ave any idea ows ha h h u s !” o t y h g li things? s. “ D o k is d th y d ese oppies. n fi flopp to rd it is g to fl how ha sked, referrin a h Er b a c

p ELECTRICITY IN THE AIR : Tech crew members (Back row: Nick Fowler, Tony Alberico. Front row: Matt Erbach, Mike Lipinski, Jackie Surleta, Hannah Trezise, Mike Mariani and Melissa Sztuk) pose in front of “The Electric Man” set they created. They’re responsible for set creation, lights and helping to make sure the shows run smoothly. (Photo by Tim Angerame)

props, as they store them in the theaters crew finds harder to build structures wings, or in the prop shop, an unused on than a completely flat surface. For classroom where space is critical. Tak- example, set plans may look great on ing apart and storing the props makes blueprints, but may have to be changed the tech crew lose time to prepare for drastically to work with the floor, acthe next show. cording to Colon. “This auditorium The tech crew wasn’t really meant for has considered fund theater productions, raising to give the musicals or really even theater a well dedance shows,” Colon served makeover, said. but since the costs Another problem tech would be astronomicrew has to deal with is cal, they would just that the aging theater is like to upgrade the -”The Electric Man” director falling into disrepair. lights and sound The seats are falling systems for now. John Meyers Jr. on tech crew apart, as yellow caution Other schools tape lines a few seats in in the district have the front row. The main stage’s wood upgraded to LED lighting, while acfloor is also starting to rot, making cording to junior Mike Lipinski, Prosbumps, waves and hills that the tech pect is using a light board from around 1997, which, although basic, would cost around $10,000. Despite the obstacles the auditorium poses, the tech crew usually pushes forward and does whatever is needed to get the job done. Meyers said the crew had built the most amazing set that he has ever seen. Junior Jacob Molli, who plays Nikola Tesla’s brother, Daniel, even says “It’s sad because we get the recognition, but [those] guys ... the work [they] do is amazing.”

“They are the unsung heroes of any production.”


Friday, December 16, 2011

‘Goat’ strays from pasture



pCAN I HAZ CHEEZBORGER?: The Billy Goat Tavern (above) meanders far from the traditions set in its Chicago predecessor with their menu selections (right). The Billy Goat Tavern recently opened in Randhurst Village. (Photos by Zak Buczinsky)

New ‘Tavern’ doesn’t live up to classic expectations By Zak Buczinsky In-Depth Editor The new “Mummy” movie was an action packed, comic, adventure film, but how the directors of the new “Mummy” came up with that concept, I will never understand because the original “Mummy” was the kind of horror movie that was meant to keep you up for hours. It seems unfair to judge a remake off the original, but when a remake begins to change the concept of an original, the remake doesn’t even deserve the original’s title. The new Billy Goat Tavern that has appeared in the new Randhurst shopping complex has completely altered the definition of the Billy Goat from a restaurant based around a fun environment to another everyday restaurant with a quiet atmosphere and polite servers. The entire concept of the Billy Goat is that it is supposed to be a fast-moving place where the servers dish out cheeseburgers as fast as they dish out witty remarks and insults. At the original Billy

Goat Tavern, the servers have an almost unmatchable energy, and they are constantly suggesting the double cheeseburger by bellowing across the restaurant, “Cheeseburger! Cheeseburger!” The Billy Goat should be loud, chaotic and overflowing with energy, not another passive and boring place for people to just load up on food. What makes the new Billy Goat all the more boring is the fact that it sells fries. At the original Billy Goat, asking for fries with your meal is like demanding ketchup on a Chicago style hot dog. A disgruntled server will give you a curt, “No fries — chips!” Then they will walk away, probably muttering some random insult at you under their breath. Despite the boring atmosphere of the Billy Goat, it wouldn’t be all that bad of a restaurant if the only problem was its quiet atmosphere, but the new Billy Goat has some issues that would give any restaurant a poor rating. The new Billy Goat is littered with TVs. I understand one or two TVs in a restaurant, but the new Bil-

ly Goat has a disturbing display of at least six TVs all positioned right next to each other, showing different channels. If people really wants to watch TV while they eat at the Billy Goat, they are going to have a hard time paying attention to one football game while there are three different games being broadcasted on the six different TVs sitting right next to each other. Another issue with the new Billy Goat is how fast the food is cooked. The Billy Goat is known for its lightening fast food that is ready almost the second you order, but at the Randhurst version of the Billy Goat, even though the food is made faster than your average burger restaurant, it takes far longer than the original. But some people would argue that the atmo-

sphere of the restaurant doesn’t matter and all that is really important is the taste of the food. Despite how different the new Billy Goat is from the original, they are definitely using the same recipe as the original because their double cheeseburger tastes just the same. Even though the food still tastes good, the new Billy Goat hardly deserves the name of “The Billy Goat Tavern.” All the new Billy Goat is just a face of the first restaurant. The new Billy Goat has the same sign, pictures on the wall and even the same cup design. Just like “The Mummy,” the new Billy Goat Tavern should have it name changed to something more fitting. “The Slowly Mummified Burger Tavern” sounds acceptable.

As seen on TV... The Billy Goat Tavern was made world famous in an early “Saturday Night Live” sketch. The main actor in the sketch, John Belushi, is played Pete Dionasopolis, the owner of the Olympia diner. At the original Billy Goat Tavern, the servers are rude and fast-paced. The skit satirized the tavern; however, completely denying the customers any food other than cheeseburgers, Pepsi, and chips. As the customers discover in the sketch, their requests for Coke is met with a short, “No Coke, Pepsi!” and their requests for fries are met with, “No fries, chips!”

Many Prospect students and alumni love to crack jokes about our near and dear two-year community college, Harper. It’s the recipient of clever nicknames such as University of Southern Palatine and University Closest to Lake Arlington. Get it, because UCLA is an actual college! None of the teasing Harper gets has any bearing on it’s integrity as an educational institution. As far as community college goes, it’s actually a pretty good school. In fact, half of the students who complete their gen eds at Harper have a better chance of, oh, I don’t know, not living in a refrigerator box after graduation from four years at a big university. Because, according to the College Board, the average two-year college costs less than $3,000 per year as opposed to the nearly $10,000 dollar average for public universities. Needless to say, some people, like the borderline insane study group on NBC’s “Community,” aren’t exactly in it for the financial stability. The study group includes a disbarred lawyer, a former high school football star who was injured while doing a keg stand and a high school dropout who did so because she thought it would impress Radiohead. Each member of the study group has some comical, albeit pathetic, back story as to how they ended up at Greendale Community College, a fictional school in Colorado. “Community” boasts one of the most underrated comedic casts in all of prime time. They’ve got “SNL” legend Chevy Chase, Joel McHale, who has been making me laugh until I cry on “The Soup” for the past five years and comedian and professional hot person, Donald Glover, who learned the ropes from Tina Fey as a writer on “30 Rock.” Despite a cast of talented actors and painfully clever writing, “Community” is in trouble. They were removed from NBC’s midseason schedule, meaning they went off the air after their Christmas episode, which aired on Dec. 8, instead of returning in January like other Thursday night shows, such as “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation.” NBC has yet to release a definitive return date, but “Community” will return to air the rest of the third season. “Parks and Recreation” suffered a similar fate last season, only it was benched for the first half of the season only to return in January to its strongest season yet. However, since “Community” has always struggled in the ratings, this sort of mid-season hiatus puts them at an even greater risk of not being picked up for a fourth season. NBC is notorious for attempting to cancel shows, such as “Chuck” and “Friday Night Lights,” only to have their devoted fan bases fight back and not only stop the show from being canceled, but even earn them two more seasons. “Community” is a show about a college, and although most community colleges such as Greendale are traditionally two years, creator Dan Harmon has stated that he only needs one more year so the study group can graduate and be given a proper ending.



Friday, December 16, 2011

Youth is talent for girls’ gymnastics By Alyssa Zediker Executive Sports Editor

p BALANCING LEADERS: Senior Lauren Johnson practices her routine on the balance beam. Johnson is the only senior on a team made up of mostly underclassmen, but all members are held to the same standard. (Photo by Ian Magnuson)

Senior Lauren Johnson joined the girls’ gymnastics team her freshman year, but she was the only freshman on varsity; however, her sister, ‘08 graduate Lindsay Johnson, was on the team, so she did not feel alone. Now that Johnson is a senior, she is once again the only one in her grade on the team, but she still does not feel alone because she is close with the other girls. This season, more than half the varsity gymnasts are underclassmen, with two juniors, two sophomores and two freshman. The positive of having a younger varsity team is that even when seniors leave, there are still experienced gymnasts left to lead. While the team is young, athletes like Johnson have been competing in club leagues for years, and according to head coach Randy Smith, club leagues give the girls prior experience and skills that are necessary to qualify for state. “Any coach will tell you this: It is impossible to take a team of freshmen that have no gymnastics experience and get them to a state,” Smith said. Freshman varsity gymnast Maddie Boldt has participated in gymnastics since she was 2 years old, starting with the “mommy and me” classes and then participating in club when she got older. According to Smith, when gymnasts get older, their bodies start “breaking down,” but with the younger gymnasts, he feels they are less likely to get hurt. There is not an age requirement


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for varsity gymnastics, and the level of skill is the only determining factor, which is why he brings freshmen up to the varsity team. Last season, the JV team had more seniors than varsity did. With the young gymnasts, however, Smith feels immaturity can work against the team because they don’t have the same experience that a senior would, both in gymnastics and high school in general. The coaching staff compensates for this fact by holding the girls to high standards; a freshman with no experience will be held to the same standards as Johnson or sophomore Gianna Scala, who is in her second year on varsity. “[The freshmen] learn right away [that the gym] isn’t a place for social hour; it is not a place to goof around,” Smith said. “It is a real, controlled environment where you can have fun.” Johnson wants the team to break records, but she also wants to team to have fun throughout the season. Johnson and Scala went to state together last year, and this season they want to return, but they are also pushing the other girls on the team to try their bests so the team can qualify as a whole. Scala wants the rest of the team to experience the fun she had at the state competition, too. “We are going to go all out; we are going to work hard every single practice; we are going to be a team; we are going to support each other,” Johnson said. The team currently has one loss to Palatine by .95 and defeated Buffalo Grove 141.9 to 127.2 with the help of Scala who earned the team’s top All-Around score of 37.20.

The leading transition In previous seasons, senior Lauren Johnson has seen those who graduated as her role models. Now she feels she has transitioned into the role model position herself. At the beginning of the season, Johnson made it a point to get to know each gymnast so they would feel comfortable with her. “I think [being the lone senior] really makes her step up and be a leader for everyone,” sophomore varsity gymnast Gianna Scala said. As this is her senior year, Johnson wants this to be the team’s best season and she feels the team has a good chance of going to state. A personal goal for Johnson would be to break the vault record. “[Gymnastics] is just a part of me. It’s fun, it keeps me active [and] I love the people I’m near — my teammates are awesome,” Johnson said. “We are there to support each other all the way.”

“They know what they have to work for a lot of these girls have put in 10 plus years of effort, so they want the pay off, “ Smith said. “They want to know where they’re headed; these are more than just part time athletes.”



Friday, December 16, 2011

No break for swimming

You Don’t Know

JACK Rivalries add to sports’ excitement

pCOMMITMENT: Senior Matt Rendino swims at the varsity swim meet against Rolling Meadows on Dec. 9. The team’s long hours of practice over winter break require determination from its swimmers. (Photo by Maria Chiakulas)

By Jordan Fletcher Sports Editor Freshman Michael Morikado has been apart of Illinois’ Alligator Aquatics for a couple years and enjoys playing water polo when he can, but nothing has worked him more than his first Prospect commitment: swimming. Morikado made the varsity team this year and said it’s tough to balance the new intensity of swimming with the stress and homework that high school demands. Morikado said it is a huge commitment he is not really used to. “The key is being able to adapt and learn to balance your time wisely,” Morikado said. Varsity swim coach Alfonso Lopez said the hardest part with swimming for young athletes is maintaining an interest while also keeping that balance of time. Morikado’s newest experience with the team, however, will be winter break. The team has a practice or invite every day except Dec. 18, Christmas and New Year’s Eve over the winter break. “I’ve never had to be busy every day on the break; it’s usually a time to relax for me,” Morikado said. The first week of break includes 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. practices, followed by a 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. practice on Tuesday

Boys’ swim stats Record: 2-0 Wins Against: Schaumburg (Dec. 3) 98-87; Rolling Meadows (Dec. 9) 117-63 Invites: Rolling Meadows Invite (Dec. 10) finished 9th out of 12 with a score of 87.5

and Thursday while there’s an 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. practice Wednesday and Friday. The second week of break is identical to the first, aside from a wake up call two hours earlier. The swim practices are all held at Wheeling with a bus at Prospect before and after each practice. Swim practices consist of more sprint-related exercises because of limited time in the pool. According to Lopez, they are all high-intensity with little rest. The team usually does speed strength through a 55 set of 100 yards. The team has taken a new approach to weight practices and now focus on a “circuit-based training,” which keeps the swimmers in constant motion while in the weight room giving them a variety of weights with a high intensity. “When I think I’m pushing them too hard, they surprise me and show me that they can do it,” Lopez said. Senior Matt Rendino, a returning varsity swimmer, said the swim program requires more hours of time than any other sport he has played. Rendino, also in Prospect’s soccer and track programs, thinks the work load adds to the commitment of being on the team. According to Rendino, some swimmers fail to be committed and can become intimidated after a couple practices. “Some try it, but when they fail or don’t like it, they just quit and decide, ‘Well, I guess swimming isn’t worth it,’” Rendino said. Morikado, though he’s new to the team, wants to stick with it and just give it some time. “My biggest concern being a freshman is whether or not I can get used to the new experience of always being busy,” Morikado said.

12 skills of swimming The varsity boys’ swim team practices over winter break, and they even have practice on Christmas Eve. At that practice, the boys complete in several relay races. The races are based off the song “The 12 Days of Christmas.” The competition has 12 separate competitions that each lane must complete. One example of the mini-competitions is when the swimmers complete two 200yard laps. For senior Matt Rendino, waking up early on Christmas Eve to go practice is worth it, but the competition makes the work feel lighter. The rules and expectations of the team also require that after missing 80 percent or more of a week’s set of practices, the player will be warned; another will result in a parent meeting, and a third week will result in dismissal from the team. According to Rendino, the numbers generally decrease during break, but for those who go, their commitment and determination will be tested, and they will become better swimmers from sticking with it. “It’s more than just practice at that point,” Rendino said. “It’s trying your best every day and being there for your team, who most likely share your dislike in getting up by 9 [a.m.] for two weeks straight.”

KIVLAND: School mourns respected coach CONTINUED from back page

and the way he acted and the way he was a teacher,” Ginnado said. “He was a really great teacher, too, and not just of tricks but of the sport and of young people.” The respect he earned from his athletes and the influence he had on them allowed him to push them to their very best, leading teams and individuals to

Crowning Achievements Gymnastics awards: 3 District titles (‘74, ‘81, ‘83) 3 MSL championships (‘04, ‘05, ‘08) 6th place state finish (‘06) 3 individual state champions (Jim Tangney, Tim Millar, Svet Slavka) Girls’ Golf awards: 3 MSL championships (‘01, ‘02, ‘03) Regional championship (‘03)

several championships. “He was able, as they say, to get a kid to run through the wall for him,” McClure said. His kids were able to trust him so much because he made a point to learn everything about the sport he was coaching. For example, when he started coaching girls’ golf, he would go out to all the golf courses and study them for the team. “You could never doubt Kivland’s

Santa Kiv Kivland used to dress up as Santa Claus every year before Christmas break and hand out presents during gym classes. “Kids look[ed] forward to it,” girls’ athletic director Jean Rezny said. “And the year we stopped it, they were kind of devastated.”

knowledge,” McClure said. “And the kids knew that Kivland knew what he was talking about. He was good, and you were going to be good if you were an athlete for him.” His desire to know every sport he coached was not only a testament to his love of coaching but also for his natural curiosity for learning. “He was a lifelong learner, which is what education is all about,” Rezny said. “He really believed that he could learn something new, and whatever he did, he believed he could put his whole self into it.” So while he was well-known for his coaching success, his passion for coaching and Prospect itself are what he will always be remembered for. “He truly bled blue,” McClure said. “If you were to punch him in the arm, blue would come out. He was a Knight from his freshman year in high school to the time he passed away.”

When Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith was hired in 2004, one of the first things he said at his press conference was that he doesn’t care if they lose every other game as long as they beat the Green Bay Packers. With this statement, Smith won over Bears fans everywhere because storied rivalries like that one have a huge impact on both players and fans. Rivalry games add a whole new dimension to sports. Instead of just focusing on the fundamental skills, the players have to think about the added pressure, possible post season implications and deal with all the added adrenaline that goes with it. Some of the most intense rivalries come from high school sports. High school sports bring rivalries to a higher level because the rivalry crosses multiple sports. While rivalries in professional sports play each other once or twice a season, high school rivalries can consist of players that were just butting helmets on the football field going head-to-head in a wrestling match or guarding each other on the basketball court just weeks later. When athletes know they lost to them earlier in the year, they will be even more motivated to beat them the next time around. This adds another element of emotion to the games. Even though the fans usually make for an intense atmosphere during rivalry games in the major leagues, the players rarely know each other off the field. But high school athletes often times also know each other on a personal level as well, from growing up just blocks away or playing on a club team together. When Prospect plays Rolling Meadows in any sport, there is a good chance some of the opposing players used to go to school together. Senior basketball player Sam Frasco said he always looks forward to playing Hersey in basketball because he knows there will be a very energetic atmosphere. Plus, he knows most of the kids on their team on a personal level because he had played little league baseball with them before high school. In these cases, bragging rights can almost be as important as adding a win to your team’s record. “We will joke around before [the game], but when were are playing we want to win as much as possible because we always feel like we have something to prove to each other,” Frasco said. In high school, rivalry games often involve the schools closest to each other so the players know everyone in the stands and feel they have to do their best to make an impression. This is one reason head coach John Camardella especially emphasizes playing as a team before these games. “It’s a pride issue more than anything,” Camardella said. “We have to remind them before hand that it is a team game.” The Knights play Hersey on Dec. 16, and even though the Huskies have a losing record, rivalry games are always extremely competitive. “Games like this — you have to throw records and stats out the window and just play physical,” Camardella said. Both teams know whenever they play each other, the result will have some kind of result on their pursuit to win conference. Rivalries add even more excitement to sports, and no one needs to look farther than their own high school to take part in the elation.

SPORTS Friday, December, 16, 2011

The boys’ swim and dive team won their meet against Rolling Meadows 117-63 on Dec. 9. For full coverage of their Dec. 13 meet against Maine South, look...


Gymnastics coach’s work remembered By Kyle Brown Entertainment Editor

pSTILL GOING STRONG: Wrestling coach Gary McMorrow demonstrates how to pin an opponent. McMorrow has coached wrestling for 40 years, and after retiring from the head coach position in 2008, he stayed on to lead the freshman team. (Photo by Ian Magnuson)

Weighing in for 40 years varsity head coach spot was opened again the following season, and this time current varsity coach Tom Whalen took the job. Whalen had been an assistant for McMorrow years before, and McMorrow said he highly recommended him for the job, but not because he wanted By Jack Mathews to step down. “I understood why I had to [give up Executive Sports Editor the position], but I didn’t step down When former voluntarily,” McMorrow said. “[Whavarsity wrestling len] asked me if I would continue to coach Gary Mc- coach with him and told me he might Morrow retired not take the job if I left the program, from teaching so I always joke with him saying I in 2008, he knew should have said no, and then I would he would not be have been able to keep my spot.” Whalen said he told McMorrow able to hold on to the varsity head he thought it was important that he coaching job for stayed along because they had worked Gary McMorrow much longer. But well together for several years. While when Prospect working together, Whalen said the bigopened the job up the next season, as gest skill McMorrow taught him was they normally do when the varsity how to work with all types of high coach no longer teaches full time, no- school athletes and parents. But despite his decades more of exbody took it, and McMorrow was allowed to stick around for one more perience, McMorrow insists he learns season — a season that would include from Whalen as well. “He teaches me; I teach him,” Mchis first-ever state champion at ProsMorrow said. “We’re both always pect, Matt Boggess. McMorrow, who was a three-time learning, but I’d say after 40 seasons All-Conference wrestler at Prospect I have most things down pat by now.” Coaching wrestling is a big comand three-time regional champion at mitment, but as the Western Illinois Unifreshman coach, versity, is now enterMcMorrow does not ing his 40th season as have to be in charge a wrestling coach and of fundraising and has been coaching the managing equipfreshman squad since ment. that memorable seaMcMorrow startson. ed coaching wres“I was really lucky tling as an assistant that I was able to stick at Hersey for 11 around [as varsity years before coming coach] one more year - Wrestling coach Gary Mcmorrow to Prospect where because I coached for he is now in his 29th 25 years [at Prospect] season. with no champion,” McMorrow said. “The kids don’t believe me when I For Boggess, being McMorrow’s first state champion was just icing on tell them I’m only 40 years old,” McMorrow said jokingly. the cake for his historic season. But even after 40 years of coach“I’m definitely not the easiest person to work with, but [McMorrow] was ing, eight years of wrestling in high always patient with me,” Boggess said. school and in college and one hip reMcMorrow coaches the freshman placement, coaching wrestling is still squad now at Prospect because the McMorrow’s passion.

McMorrow coaches wrestling to success over long career

“If I didn’t love [coaching], I wouldn’t still be doing it, because it is a big commitment.”

Solid start This season, the varsity wrestling team is 4-1 as of Dec. 10. Head coach Tom Whalen attributes the solid start to his team’s conditioning and work ethic but said the team is young and still learning what it takes to compete with the better teams in the state. According to senior Mike Etchingham, the team thinks they can win the MSL East along with becoming regional champs if they maintain focus. So far the team is undefeated in conference and has only lost to Barrington, one of the top teams in the state and the winners of the Dick Mudge Tournament that was hosted by Prospect on Dec. 10. Prospect finished 6th at the tournament out of 15 teams.

“If I didn’t love [coaching], I wouldn’t still be doing it, because it is a big commitment on both time and my body,” McMorrow said. “Never did I feel like he was bored [while coaching]; you could just tell he loved every minute of it,” Boggess said. Even after being around wrestling his whole life, McMorrow said he is still learning and becoming more technical. According to McMorrow, wrestling has changed a lot since he was in high school because it used to be all about cutting weight and wrestling at the lowest weight possible because that is where they would be strongest. Now, McMorrow said the sport is much more skill-oriented. As for the future, McMorrow doesn’t have a date for retirement from coaching, but for someone who counts his age in years he has been coaching wrestling, it does not look to be too soon. “Only God knows [when I will stop], but as long as I am still physically able to get on the mat and demonstrate good technical knowledge, I will continue,” McMorrow said.

Patrick Kivland was dedicated to the learning process at Prospect from the day he walked in his freshman year in 1961 to the day he retired from coaching in 2010. In his time at Prospect, Kivland coached gymnastics for 42 years and also coached girls’ crosscountry, girls’ golf and most recently, the girls’ diving team. On Nov. 15, at age 64, Kivland died of pulmonary fibrosis, Patrick Kivland a rare lung disease he was diagnosed with this past March. His life was prolonged several months most likely because of his dedication to physical fitness. “He stayed around as long as he did because his heart was so strong because he was in such good shape,” driver’s education teacher and close friend Karie McClure said. Not only did he work out, but he also maintained a healthy diet his whole life. According to the girls’ athletic director Jean Rezny, his body was in such good condition that he was able to donate multiple organs when he died. Kivland’s love for fitness wasn’t just shown through his own body, but in his teaching and coaching as well. “He was very loyal, committed and dedicated not only to physical education, but also whatever sport he coached for Prospect,” Rezny said. “Gym 3 was his home away from home; he’d spend extra time with any student if she wanted extra help.” “He was one of those rare breeds who went above and beyond for any kid,” McClure said. While his time, effort and dedication to coaching earned improvement in his kids’ abilities, it also earned him reverence and gratitude from those he coached. According to McClure, his wake on Nov. 20 was “packed with former athletes, former teachers [and former coaches] for seven hours straight.” Although former trampoline specialist and ‘79 graduate Mark Norwell was unable to attend Kivland’s wake, he managed to visit him in the hospital before he passed away. “He was just ecstatic to see me,” Norwell said. According to Norwell, Kivland was “the biggest influence of any of the teachers [he] had in high school,” so for Norwell to get a chance to say that to him meant a great deal to the both of them. Kivland inspired Norwell so much that he wanted to follow in his footsteps and become a coach himself. “He gave me a love of the sport and he made me love coaching in the long run,” said Norwell, who coaches snowboarding and wakeboarding. “His joy and enthusiasm for coaching really rubbed off on me.” Like Norwell, former high-bar specialist and ‘79 graduate Phil Ginnado still takes from the lessons Kivland taught him when coaching his son and daughter’s hockey team. “I look back to the things he taught us

See KIVLAND, page 15

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