KUNI to change ‘ineffective’ ways By Mike Hammersley Copy Editor
Senior KUNI President Heather Harnvanich isn’t ignorant. She hears the people talking; she hears the claims that KUNI, an anti-drug and alcohol club that stands for “Knights Under No Influence,” isn’t effective or doing its job well enough. “I think it’s mostly we felt ineffective, like knowing that people wear the shirts to drink and be ironic, that’s kind of hurtful to what we want to promote,” Harnvanich said. “So hearing those kinds of things, hearing, ‘Well, KUNI’s a joke,’ feels like a change is necessary.” So she and KUNI sponsor Nicole Warren decided to do something about it. According to Warren, KUNI is trying to “revamp” itself by making three basic changes. The first and most important difference will be the change in KUNI’s mission. “We’re still promoting no drugs, no alchohol, but we’re not limiting ourselves to that anymore,” Harnvanich
said. “It’s less of informing people that drugs and alcohol, like doing that stuff is bad, because, well, people already know that.” Instead, KUNI will be endorsing the notion that there are other, safer options to choose for Friday nights than drugs and alcohol. They will be sponsoring events at Prospect for two hours on Friday nights starting on March 5 so that students can be occupied and less
See KUNI, page 4
Breaking the stigma
P nwheels for Jake
Organization brings teen depression out of the dark
Jake Miller loved pinwheels. Ever since his therapist gave him one when he was two, he never let go of it. He played Buddy Baseball with a pinwheel in one hand, showered with a pinwheel and slept with a pinwheel. For him, the pinwheel topped everything; he would rather have a pinwheel than any toy. Jake Miller “The pinwheel made him happy and made him feel secure because it was something to hold on to,” Jake’s dad Jamie said. So when Jake passed away in the hospital on Feb. 15 from seizures, his sister Sarah, who is now a senior, and her cousin decided to create a Facebook group in memory of Jake. In the description, they encouraged everyone to put pinwheels as their Facebook pictures. It has only been two weeks since they created the group “Pinwheels for Jake,” but more than 600 people have joined, many of whom posted pictures of Jake and left words of sympathy and support. “There were so many people who loved him,” Jake’s mom Jodi said. “It’s incredible.” To read more about Jake’s story turn to page 7
Inside this issue
inclined to use drugs or alcohol. Their top two ideas for these events are an open mic night and a game night. “A lot of colleges have open mic nights, and people can go and express their talents. I thought that would be an interesting thing for kids to do on a Friday night,” Warren said. “Maybe for two hours on a Friday night, we’ll bring all our games like Taboo and Catch Phrase and Monopoly,
and we’ll have all the games set up and everyone can just play games. But we’re still trying to come up with better suggestions as well,” she said. Step two of the new look for KUNI involves modifying their T-shirt distribution. As opposed to the current system in which they simply require students to listen to a short speech, sign a pledge and grab a shirt, the new procedure is modified to ensure those who take the KUNI pledge want it for the right reasons. Starting next year, KUNI will begin charging $2 for each shirt. “[The change] is to separate people who just get the shirt because it’s free and just wear them to parties and defacing the shirt. It’s not what we’re promoting; they’re trying to be ironic and funny,” Harnvanich said. “We’re trying to take that away by charging people so the people who actually want the shirt and commit to it can go buy it.” The profit made from selling these shirts will be donated to the Brian
By Megan Maughan News Editor
14-year-old Erika lost her one-and-a-half-year battle with depression to suicide in 2004 and, in her honor, Erika’s Lighthouse was founded. According to Executive Director of Erika’s Lighthouse Peggy Kubert, Erika’s Lighthouse’s main mission is to increase awareness of teen depression, and is specifically geared towards educating students, teachers and parents about depression. A big part of the mission of Erika’s Lighthouse is to try and get rid of the assumptions that people have about depression. “We try to break the stigma that surrounds depression so that students don’t feel like only ‘weirdos’ or ‘freaks’ get it, but it’s common and they can ask for help,” Kubert said. “The stigma really can make teens feel ashamed and hinder them from getting help, so we want schools to know that it’s OK to talk about it.” Erika’s Lighthouse came to Prospect to educate teachers on teen depression and taught teachers how to deal with a student who may have depression. “We want [teachers] to feel comfortable saying, ‘Hey, I noticed you’re having a hard time with class; do you want to talk about it?’ or be able to steer their
Members of Erika’s Lighthouse present in the theater on Monday and Tuesday. The organization works to raise awareness and educate about teen depression to bring it “out of the dark.” students toward help,” Kubert said. There are some signs that teachers can look for to try and recognize a student with depression (See Warning signs in school on page two) and sometimes teachers can be the first step to getting that student help. “Chances are very likely that a teacher will have a few kids in the classroom [with depression], so it’s important that teachers understand depression and don’t try to diagnose or look for it, but recognize some kids [who] are having a hard time,” Kubert said. According to school psychologist Jay Kyp-Johnson, Prospect’s counselors keep track of the grades of the students they are assigned to, and they keep an
See DEPRESSION, page 2
Choosing winners
Questionable vaccine
Depression discussion
The season in review
From “Up in the Air” to “Avatar,” two Prospector staff writers go head to head with their picks for the Oscars. To read the dueling columns, see...
Gardasil, the three shot anti-cervical cancer vaccine, has recently caused several patients to faint, making some teenage girls question the safety of the vaccine. To find out more, turn to...
According to CNN.com, 86 people in the U.S. commit suicide daily, and countless more suffer from depression. To bring depression out of the shadows, read about the causes and more, go to...
A look back on the basketball seasons, from off-the-bench contributions for the boys and the girls’ second straight regional title.
Opinion page 5
In Depth pages 8-9
Entertainment page 12
Sports page 14
Friday, March 5, 2010
DEPRESSION: Schools help get illness out of the dark CONTINUED from front page
Johnson said. Kubert thinks that addressing teen eye out for students whose grades start depression in schools is so important dropping suddenly, or if they start to because school is a big factor in a teenhave behavioral problems. However, ager’s life, and depression can greatly according to Kyp-Johnson, teachers are affect their school life. usually the first ones to notice some“It’s hard for a student to show up thing is wrong. every day when they’re just not feeling “Some teachers will right and not feeling come to us and say, Warning signs in school well,” Kubert said. ‘You know, my student “You’re trying really doesn’t seem to be act-Unexplained drop in hard to lead a normal ing like themselves performance life but depression lately,’” Kyp-Johnson -Overly invested in achieving is so physically and said. “Other teachers good grades emotionally draining may feel close enough -Loss of interest in activities and you just feel deto say, ‘Hey, are you -Turning in poor quality work feated.” OK?’ and see if the -Low tolerance for frustration/ Kyp-Johnson student wants to talk gives up easily thinks that depresto them, or the teacher -Complains of being tired and sion is especially will ask the student to fatigued hard for teenaggo talk to a counselor.” -Unmotivated/can’t finish ers because of high Kyp-Johnson said work school. that the school’s main -Changes in attendance “You just have so purpose is for “screen-Apathetic much to do and so ing” to find students -Disrespectful much pressure on with the symptoms -Aggressive you for your grades of depression, and and for college, and then tell students’ INFORMATION COURTESY OF ERIKA’S especially in high parents to bring them LIGHTHOUSE school there’s so to their doctor first to much social presmake sure it’s not just sure,” Kyp-Johnson a physical illness so that they’re not said. “I think it’s much harder to be jumping to conclusions. The school mentally healthy these days.” psychologists and social workers will According to Kubert, one of the refer students to a clinical psychologist, hardest parts for teachers is underbut students can still regularly see the standing how draining depression can school psychologists. be and how much it affects students’ “[Students can come in] once a behavior and work. She said it’s impormonth, once a week or just come in and tant to explain that it’s not just a bad have a talk to kick things around,” Kyp- mood, but that “depression can change
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Unlikely victims In the US, there are over 30,000 suicides per year, or about 86 per day, according to CNN.com. There remains an almost insignificant, yet tragic, demographic that is rarely seen: child suicides. A small percentage, 1.3 out of 100,000 children ages 10 to 14, will successfully commit suicide every year. Musical prodigy Brandenn E. Bremmer was found dead in his home. He had taught himself to read at 18 months and graduated high school at the age of 10. But at the age of 14 in 2005, he killed himself with a gunshot to the head. His mother, Patricia Bremmer, said that her son showed no signs of depression. Another recent case of young suicide was Hope Witsell who was a victim of “sexting” and died at age 13, in October of 2009. She sent a topless photo of herself to a boy she liked, and it ended up being spread throughout her middle school and a student from a hard worker who gets good grades to a student who’s struggling to pay attention and keep their grades up.” Kubert thinks that talking about depression in schools isn’t only hard because of the stigma, but also because it’s a scary illness to talk about. “Talking about depression is very frightening,” Kubert said. “It’s hard to think and talk about an illness that can make kids feel like they want to die.” Kyp-Johnson said that sometimes the problem isn’t that students are in denial or unwilling to talk about it, but they don’t realize they might have it because they’re just not looking for it. “People can’t just put their finger on it and say, ‘Oh, that’s the day I started being depressed,’” Kyp-Johnson said. “It kind of sneaks up on them and set in and one day they might realize that things are just bad, but other times it takes an outsider to notice it.” Kubert and Erika’s Lighthouse came to Prospect on Monday and Tuesday of this week to talk to students about depression. Through presentations such as the one at Prospect, Kubert hopes that parents, teachers and students feel comfortable reaching out to someone who might need help. “You don’t have to figure it out for them,” Kubert said. “You can just reach out to a friend or a student and get them someone who can help them so that they can figure it out.”
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With different levels of depression, come different treatment options. It is important to learn as much about the type of depression as possible before picking the treatment that is best, and to remember that some treatments take time and that it isn't realistic to expect everything to be back to normal the next day. When choosing the best treatment, plan to use therapy along with medication because the social connections that you build are important to overcome depression. A treatment plan won't work without lifestyle changes, which include as getting enough exercise, eating right, reducing stress, having a good social network and getting enough sleep. After making a few key lifestyle changes, it is important to talk to a doctor and therapist. Your doctor could recommend anything from Adapin to Zoloft, but your therapist will have several alternative ways to fight depression. Some of the more common alternatives are talk therapy, herbal remedies, vitamins, yoga and acupuncture. - Jane Berry
If you know that someone is thinking about suicide, you shouldn’t talk to them about it; you should just let it pass.
If you know that someone is thinking about suicide, talk to them about it. If done in a caring way, this can actually help prevent suicide.
If you become depressed, you will stay that way for the rest of your life.
MC/Vi accep sa ted
Depression treatment
If depressed, you should be in a sheltered environment for the rest of your life.
ecial p S y l i a D y Every Da
to the neighboring high school. After being bullied by other girls in her school, she went to a school counselor. But her parents were not informed of her serious condition, and a few weeks later, she hanged herself in her bedroom. “There could be a number of students that you would never think that [are] depressed,” school psychologist Selby Roth said. “Just because someone is depressed doesn’t mean they’ll show symptoms of being withdrawn or having their head down. Someone could be the happiest person in the world, but behind that smile is someone who’s hurting. Even though I may work with a population of students that may be diagnosed depressed, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there aren’t students walking around that kind of put up a good front.” - Whitney Kiepura
Depression can be cured through will power, a bit of alcohol or anything that makes one happy. Depression does not affect me.
Treating depression successfully allows people to go back to their normal lives. Depression is often cured. Depression is a medical condition. Alcohol will make it worse, and it cannot be controlled through will power. Studies have shown that half of all college students suffer from a form of depression.
Depression only happens when something bad in your life happens.
Depression isn’t just having a bad day. It is being sad and feeling hopeless for long periods of time.
Your personality will change with antidepressants.
The medications only change certain chemicals in your body, not your personality.
Depression is something that you make up for yourself.
No one should be blamed for a mental condition.
Depression will go away on its own.
Depression is a mood disorder that often cannot be fixed unless there is therapy or medication.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Economic turmoil sends babysitters into recession
ing with babysitters is AP World teacher David Schnell. While Schnell and his wife, Natasha, don’t hire many babysitters during the school year, they do normally hire a babysitter one or twice every two weeks in the summer for their taken its toll. “I think everyone is just a lot more daughter, Sawyer. During the school year, though, the cautious on what they spend money on, need for a babysitter isn’t in that high including babysitting,” Blunck said. By Katie Best Although of a demand. Staff Writer there is babysitEspecially since ting, other child many parents, At some point in their lives, almost care services Schnell includall people have watched over their sibhave been afed, have the lings, family friends’ kids or neighbors’ fected as well. ability to ask kids. Whether it is being locked in the Take Prospect’s their parents or “dungeon” (which is actually the basepreschool, for in-laws to watch ment) by a four-year-old begging for a example. the children. sleepover or being showed “shimmy” While the It’s cheaper and moves by a nine-year-old boy, babysitclass only takes grandpa and ting is a common source of income for 16 children, grandma get many Prospect students. they do need to - Senior Gretchen Frank to spend more But with the recent economy, babypay a fee of $150 time with their sitters, most being high school students, for the first segrandchildren. haven’t been in high demand. With peo“I think people are starting to real- mester and three class periods, and $100 ple losing their jobs, businesses shutize that going out for dinner and movie for the second semester and two class ting their doors and companies cutting isn’t just that; you’re paying an extra periods. And compared to other child salaries, parents just don’t have the $50 for someone to watch the kids,” Schmoney to pay for a teenager to watch nell said. their children Many babysitwhile they are out. ters have trouble Local job opportunities According to sitfinding kids to tercity.com, more watch. Senior than 17 percent of If you are a babysitter that is looking Gretchen Frank, employers are befor a job, there are a few options. while only babying forced to fire Besides the usual shoveling snow, sitting one to two babysitters due to dog-walking, and cutting the grass, times a week, has the bad economy, there are local businesses with slots been affected by and 27 percent of that need to be filled. the economy as those parents are well. having to work Local Open Jobs: Although more than one job 1. Restaurant Team Leader at Steak N’ Frank only babyjust to keep up Shake sits for roughly with taxes. 201 East Euclid Avenue three hours each With this situaMount Prospect, IL time, the job oftion putting many fers and pay citizens into a fren2. Merchandise Associate at Marshalls aren’t as high as zy, babysitters and 1127 Mount Prospect Plz it used to be. nights out haven’t Mount Prospect, IL “With the dibeen at the top of vorce rate gotheir lists. 3. Server at Applebee’s Neighborhood ing up and the While the econGrill and Bar economy, people omy may not be 111 E. Algonquin Road just really can’t up to par, Social Arlington Heights, IL afford nannies or Science teacher daycare recentMichael Sebe4. Retail Salesperson at Ann Taylor ly,” Frank said. styen claims that Loft While Frank it hasn’t affected 23 South Evergreen Avenue Space has had some him that much. C-6 luck with baby“I think my wife Arlington Heights, IL sitting in the and I have tried to recent economy, make more of an 5. Team Member at Chipotle Mexican freshman Ellen effort to go out,” Grill Blunck hasn’t Sebestyen said. “It 7020 N Mannheim Road been as lucky. helps with making Des Plaines, IL In 2008, our marriage more Blunck babysat INFORMATION COURTESY OF than just about nearly every day, WWW.SNAGAJOB.COM Matthew.” charging $6-10 an While he does hour or more dehire a local babypending on how many kids there were. sitter named Nikki, they also send MatOne family she babysat for continuthew to daycare while both parents are ously payed her close to $30 for only two at work. hours. But when Matthew is sick, finding a Ever since the economy has dropped, babysitter is not only expensive but it Blunck only gets called to babysit for also is more difficult to find during the particular families about once or twice day, forcing Sebestyen or his wife, Jenevery month. nifer, to stay home from work. Despite being close to the families Another teacher that has been dealshe used to babysit for, the economy has
“ With the divorce rate going up and the economy, people just really can’t afford nannies or daycare recently, ”
care services, the preschool is a pretty good deal. Lisa Curtain, who runs the preschool said that, “It’s cheaper than, say, hiring a caretaker while their parents are at work.” And it is compared to a caretaker who averages fives days a week, starting at roughly $179 for five months and an Au Pair (a foreign nanny) who averages about $6,700 for the year. “Now people losing their jobs have a cheaper alternative for their children,” Curtain said. With a cheaper alternative to professional child care takers, babysitters and preschools may stand a chance if they keep pulling through. “With the economy declining, most of the businesses will decline as well,” Blunck stated.
Friday, March 5, 2010
KUNI: Giving options, heading in the right direction CONTINUED from front page
Adair Scholarship fund, which was set up by social science teacher Jim Adair in honor of his late son Brian. The scholarship will provide financial assistance for families who are facing some sort of substance abuse in the local community. “So that way, we will be helping a staff member, helping someone at our school; we know where the money’s going, and it helps what we’re trying to promote, too,” Harnvanich said. The third and final major change in KUNI will be the option of free drug testing for students. Last year, KUNI received a grant that will pay for snips of students’ hair to be sent to California and tested, and those whose results are drug-free can receive a “True Blue” T-Shirt. “We aren’t going to make it a requirement for KUNI because there are students out there who have tested with drugs and alcohol before,” Warren
said, “and they may be at a point where they realized it’s not for them, but they need an outlet to make sure they stay on the right path, and we can help you do that.” Although the club has been viewed by some as a “mockery,” according to Warren, KUNI believes that these changes are a major step in the right direction. While students’ views on the organization may not change overnight, Warren is optimistic about the new strategies. “Especially for a club like this where we probably have a dozen loyal KUNI members that come to meetings and events, and with 12 to 13 people, it’s really hard to change everyone in the school’s outlook on something,” Warren said. “Even if we can provide an outlet for a handful of students, it’s better than publicizing ourselves and what we stand for and having people make it a mockery and joke about it.”
Brian Adair Scholarship Program Since last fall, social science teacher Jim Adair has offered a scholarship program in honor of his late son Brian. According to Adair, the program is intended to “reach out to a certain population at risk,” specifically those with substance-abuse issues. To keep the fund going, after deciding to charge $2 per T-shirt next year, KUNI will donate 75 percent of the profit to this scholarship, which currently has around $5,000 to $6,000 from donations. The program specifically focuses on sending at-risk teens to Upward Bound, an 11-day trip to northern Wisconsin that is focused on outdoor skill and is sponsored by District 214. Upward Bound is modeled after Outward Bound, the national program that Brian completed. According to Adair, it was one of his “crowning achievements.” Going on Upward Bound has several incentives: Once the student has completed the trip, the $175 fee will be paid by the scholarship program. If the student gets a grade of B or higher for the trip, they will receive a $100
Visa gift card. Also, Adair will sponsor a Drug Evaluation Scholarship, which comes from the same fund. Drug evaluations can be quite expensive, and this scholarship will pay for the costs for which insurance does not. There are few requirements for each of these programs. Applicants must provide basic personal information, the date of the Upward Bound trip that they attended and information on their drug evaluation for the Drug Evaluation Scholarship. Originally, Adair was going to donate the money to KUNI, but he thought that that would not accomplish his purpose. “If you look at KUNI, it’s kids who either aren’t going to drink or use drugs or are in it to get a T-shirt and will use drugs anyways,” Adair said. “My son would have never joined KUNI.” Adair is glad that KUNI will donate this money, but he wants to ensure the money will get used as well. “I don’t want [the money] to sit around, not doing any good,” Adair said. “If it sits there, I’ll find some other way to help these students.”
The wei
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It’s weird, it’s wacky...
rde st
. In February, a New York fortune teller was accused of stealing a fortune from one of her clients. The so-called victim was told that if she continued to put $100 bills into a jar of spit and water, then the psychic’s blockages would be removed. Hoping for a change in fortune, the woman proceeded to do just that. After the session was over and her fortune hadn’t changed, the fortune teller proposed a second meeting. While there, the woman agreed to spending thousands of dollars more at a Polo Ralph Lauren. The trip was allegedly a ritual, but, following this “ritual,” the woman felt like she was being scammed. She decided to file a lawsuit.
Paperboy’s Verdict: I can’t decide what I am more flabbergasted by: how incredibly dense the client was or how impressive the fortune teller was. Anyone who can lose thousands of dollars in a spitfilled jar deserves the loss of every penny. To top that off, she went back for seconds, where she took the next few thousand bucks to realize that maybe “it’s a scam.” It is also important to give credit where it is due. The fortune teller was brilliant, asking them to reconvene later. Overall, the lawsuit is ridiculous, and if I were the fortune teller I wouldn’t give back a cent.
Wha tm “bac ade n k in ews day? the ”
47 Year
s Ago
Senior Dee Modjeske received the Daughters of the American Revolution award. The award included a pin and certificate. She was chosen based on her dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. Faculty said she proved her dependability when she planned the All-Knight parties her junior and senior year and served as cochairman of the 1962 Knighttimes.
24 Year
s Ago
Pat Baudendistel was chosen as the new English/Fine Arts division head after serving Prospect for two years as a teacher and peer coach, otherwise known as an instructor for other teachers, and several years teaching English at Forest View.
19 Year
s Ago
Donkey basketball, a biannual event at Prospect, was cancelled because of low ticket sales and Animal Rights Members protesting against it because of the cruelty involved. Donkey basketball literally consisted of participants playing basketball while riding donkeys, and had been going on since 1978. Many students expressed contempt because the inexperienced riders would often mishandle the uncooperative animals, pushing, punching and kicking them. At various times, both people and donkeys have been injured with broken ribs, arms, legs and wrists.
When t h freshm e seniors we r en thre e years e ago Kristin Stanford, ’94 Prospect grad, was featured on the Discovery Channel show “Dirty Jobs”, where host Mike Rowe goes to work with someone who makes their living doing the most unthinkable yet important jobs. Stanford received her debut after emailing the host of the show to tell him about how she is “pooped on, bitten and examines vomit daily” when working with endangered snakes.
OPINION 5 Religious freedom begins at birth Friday, March 5, 2010
The Staff MANAGING EDITOR Kate Schroeder COPY EDITOR Mike Hammersley ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Kelly Rose McAleer Neel Thakkar NEWS EDITORS Karolina Chwala Alex Cannella Megan Maughan OPINION EDITORS Gina O’Neill Emmy Lindfors FEATURES EDITORS Sharon Lee Beth Rowe IN-DEPTH EDITORS Keelan Murphy Deanna Shilkus ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Marlo Koch SPORTS EDITOR Riley Simpson PHOTO EDITORS Jen Bielat Danny Cubberly Mika Evans Ian Magnuson Amanda Mlikan CARTOONISTS Quinn Blackshere Nicolette Fudala ADVISER Jason Block Some material is courtesy of the American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Published by students in Journalistic Writing courses, the Prospector has won, most notably, the 2004-05 and 2006-07 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker and the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association in 2006. Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and significance to our readers and the community. We, the Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions. Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 7185376 (ask for Kate Schroeder), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, prospectornow@ gmail.com. Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to prospectornow@gmail.com. All letters must be signed. Please limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the rights to edit letters for style and length.
Staff Editorial
The separation of church and state has withstood the test of time, even when the agreement was battered by the debate over the ability to teach creationism and bruised by the pledge when it states “one nation under God,” even if it was put in place to seem strong against the Soviets. Therefore, it’s important that the separation stays strong in local areas. Local issues provide something that a nationwide issue does not always have: a distinct name and face to match to the offender, and when a family is brought into an issue, it’s hard to turn their pleading faces away. This is the case for the Reyes family — John Reyes and Rebecca Reyes, who are divorced, are disputing over the religious affiliation of their three-year-old daughter. According to the Chicago
Tribune, Rebecca is Jewish This affair shouldn’t be and John is Catholic. After about the mother’s religious they were divorced, Rebecca affiliation or the father’s, filed a restraining order on but about how law should John after he baptized his not affect one’s religious daughter in the Catholic practices, no matter how Church without her consent, young the person is. and persuaded their judge to We, the Prospector, feel not allow the daughter to be that every person has a right exposed to any to make their other faiths beown informed sides Judaism. decision about After that, their religion, John brought his and that law daughter to Holy should not deName Cathedral ter that decilast month, and sion from takFor Against ing place. now faces a possible $500 fine At Prospect, Voting results of the and six months Prospector staff in regards students are to this editorial. in jail. free to pracThe problem tice whatever with this situation is that a religion they please, and law shouldn’t be made about the Worlds Religion class what religion the daughter is offered next year exposes exposed to, as she should be students to different faiths exposed to many. Although and helps them learn those she is only three, suppress- beliefs. “Knights for Christ” ing her right to choose her provides students the opown religion now will im- tion to practice that faith at pact her later. school, with no association
to the actual school. This is a perfect example of the separation of church and state: freedom to practice religion without interfering in state laws, or school rules in this case. If a mother is allowed to suspend those rights, that means religious tolerance is being thrown out the window. Not only is the daughter not allowed to go to church, but she’s being forced to go to temple. If Rebecca is already prohibiting a choice when her daughter is three, there’s no chance that she will let her daughter choose when she gets older, especially after everything Rebecca’s going through now to block out Christianity. And if the state is following along with Rebecca’s decision, the separation of church and state might have fought its final battle, too bloody to recover.
Gardasil: no pain, no gain Shots: a five-letter word that torments people, including me. Shots cause an instant, sharp pain, and even though the pain ends after a few minutes, sometimes people are left with a sore or tired arm. When I was younger, I was a terror for the doctors when I had to receive a shot. My dad and/or my mom would have to hold me down, then the nurse would give me the horrible sharp object. They would have to avoid my kicking and screaming as they would pry my arm away from my body. T h e n the cold disinfectant wipe w o u l d hit and I knew that the needle w o u l d soon be going into Emmy Lindfors my skin, Opinion Editor so I began to freak out even more. I had watery eyes, tangled hair and was red in the face as I stomped out of the office. The only possible way I could be relieved of the torture was if they had stickers of Ariel, the Little Mermaid. When I went to my doctor recently, she brought up a threedose shot, Gardasil. According to gardasil.com, the shot protects against four types of the human papillomavirus, HPV, which causes 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases as well as two types of genital warts, which cause 90 percent of genital wart cases. Right after I heard the words “three-part shot,” I tuned out immediately; no way did I want to have that. I didn’t
care if they were spread out — not be pleasant. The shot could they were still shots, and it will easily cause an “instant sicknot matter if you call them “in- ness” for me. It’s very rare that jections.” I do get sick, so I don’t want a My mom decided not to give shot to make me sick, nor do it to me since I had already I want to faint. Thankfully, I faced three shots and a finger haven’t fainted before, and it’s prick that day. But that didn’t not on my Buried Life list. mean it was off the table. My Sophomore Julie Hale* was mom decided to look into the one of the girls who fainted afshot and see what it was all ter receiving the vaccine. Five about instead of accepting my minutes after receiving the doctor’s description of “it pre- shot, Hale began to feel dizzy. vents cervi“ I cal cancer.” turned pale Tur ns and that’s out there the last are some [feeling] I pretty nasty remember. side effects I was just to it. Ackind of laycording to ing there,” gardasil. Hale said. com, posAccord~ Dr. Susan Schy sible side ing to the effects inCDC, as of clude pain, swelling, itching, May 1, 2009, there were 24 milbruising and redness at the lion doses of Gardasil distribinjection site, headache, fever, uted in the United States, and nausea, dizziness, vomiting 8 million girls received the vacand fainting. cination. Of those injections, As much as I want to protect there were 13,758 reports of myself, I have no clue how my unfavorable events following body will react. I could walk the vaccination, like fainting out the door and be fine, or I or nausea, in the United States. could experience one or more Of those 13,758, a measly 3 perof the side effects, which would cent were serious. The FDA
“ The whole goal is
to rescue girls from cancer. If we can... it’s a great thing
reported that only 13 percent of the 13,758 events involved a loss of conscience. What it all comes down to is that 1,788 girls out of 8 million fainted, so there is a .02 percent chance of one fainting. So all the fainting hype was pretty much like the hype for Tower of Terror. There are all these stories that make you unsure if you still would like to zoom down an elevator shaft multiple times. As well as having to wait in line and see elevator cars drop a few stories over and over again. Yet in the end, it turns out to be OK, maybe even fun, and you want to get in line again or aren’t dreading that next dose in two or four months. Gynecologist Dr. Susan Schy has administered Gardasil, and the only side effect that she has seen is a sore arm after injection, a feeling that she says is similar to the feeling after a tetanus shot. Schy recommends Gardasil to the girls in the shot’s age range of 9-26. I would rather have a shot and a sore arm than have to battle cervical cancer. “The whole goal is to rescue girls from cancer,” Schy said. “If we can ... it’s a great thing.”
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tattoo taboo thing of the past W h e n on what they do with their bodies is not my best friend anyone’s place, a concrete reason for Paige Ulrich in- possessing that tattoo is important. If people are going to express themformed me that she selves with a pair of cherry red lips was going to get a tattoo, I was a little skeptical. smacked right in the middle of their Paige is known for making outrageous lower back, that’s their perogative, but claims like “I’m giving up food for lent” what’s the point? We as a newspaper try not to write or “I’m getting a sugar daddy” and not following through. But when she sent stories that have no purpose; if it’s me the picture of the raw, flesh-toned a column, we ask why that opinion sparrows piercing her lower back, I should matter, and with any other story, we ask, “How does this relate to our auknew that this was no joke. At first, I was dience?” It’s the same with a tattoo, except it’s taken aback. Why would she perma- only relating to why it should matter nently embed her- to the owner. For example, Paige dons self with two birds the tattoos because a sparrow symboltwo weeks after izes being able to leave at any time and her 18th birthday completely start over, something that without talking to she covets. Another example is senior Susie Lelme first?! Tattoos are ev- lo, who has the quote, “This above all; to erlasting imprints. thine own self be true,” scripted on her Gina O’Neill They act as fuel for ribs. Lello says that the T in “true” is Executive judgment, and be- a Chinese symbol for strength, and that Opinion Editor cause they can’t be the idea for the tat came about through erased, the state- various life experiences. “It’s really important no matter what ment that they make has a lasting impact on how others view the tattoo own- to trust yourself over anyone else,” Lello said. ers as well as how they One “tiny” exview themselves. ample of this was So it was frightenA tattoo in remembrance during Lello’s time ing to find out that playing soccer. She Paige had followed Senior Denis Luebke had heart didn’t know if she through this time; surgery when he was 15 years old. was “playing for I didn’t want othHe needed the surgery because myself ” or playing ers judging my best he had a genetic “defect” in his for others, espefriend, and I didn’t heart called tachycardia that made cially after there want her to regret her it “beat weird.” was pressure from decision later. When Luebke first found out he coaches and other Yet, after a while, I needed surgery, he was kind of people. realized that having a confused, but he decided to deal “It comes down tattoo isn’t much difwith it instead of wasting his time to a point — do I ferent from what I’m worrying or wanting to give up. love this, or am I dodoing right now. Because of this surgery, Luebke ing it to make other I’m expressing also plans to get a tattoo over people happy?” Lemy opinion through his heart, maybe of “a big wound llo said. words in a newspaper that’s not perfectly healed” to For that reason instead of through a remember that he made it through and other situamark on my body. surgery. tions throughout Like a design or her life, Lello dequote etched in one’s cided to get a tattoo skin, I let the justified that expressed the necessity of doing type of The Prospector speak for me, things for yourself and trusting yourand it can never be “un-printed.” So I figured out that it’s hypocrital self along with it. Senior Denis Luebke would agree for me to discriminate against those with Lello in that people have to make with tattoos, and I fully accepted Paige decisions for themselves, and this came and her birds. decided to However, while judging people based into play when he
Senior Susie Lello’s tattoo, which states “This above all; To thine own self be
Beth lives without Facebook
“Beth Lives Without” is a new column that will be written every issue. BLW follows Beth Rowe, features editor, as she subjects herself to misery, humiliation and other forms of torture as she tries to cut the cord with daily addictions we all use every day. Her first day’s entry will appear in print, with the subsequent day’s journal entries available online on Prospectornow.com. Feb. 16, 2010
Beth Rowe Features Editor
I cannot believe I was actually looking forward to this. I thought it would be good for me. Maybe I would find a new way to entertain myself. Maybe I would even get ahead in
homework. Maybe I’ll like this. Well, as a four-year Facebook addict, I am unashamed to admit to you all that no, I am not loving my decision to give it up for a week. Unfortunately, I was home sick today. I have no idea what I am dealing with except that I have a pounding headache and outstanding dizziness every time I get up. Naturally, being home with nothing to do, the natural thing would be to turn to Facebook. Sure, no
get his tattoo. “If you’re going to do it, do it for yourself, not for anyone else,” Luebke said. Luebke’s tattoo, which reads “keep breathing,” is on his wrist under his palm, facing him so that he can always see it. “It’s there as motivation; it’s a personal mantra, “ Luebke said. “It’s kind of like, ‘Don’t give up, keep living your life.’” Luebke’s parents, as well as Lello’s — her parents paid for the tattoo, and her mom went with her to get it — approve of their
tattoos because they are meaningful. “I gave it a lot of thought, and I will do the same with all of them,” Luebke said. “I want [my tattoo] to be relevant through my whole life.” Luebke plans to get more tattoos, such as a wound over his heart to remember his survival through surgery (see A tattoo in remembrance) and a chest piece with the quote, “In the end we all are one.” “The message the line sends is to remember that we are one collective unit as humans,” Luebke said. Roots would entwine around Luebke’s shoulders and chest and all connect to the “w” in “we,” serving as the base for the “tree.” When a tattoo has a strong message, it resonates with others and within ourselves, and it won’t lose its pitch later in life, like some tattoos sung on a whim. When the girl who got the tattoo that had “sexy” in sparkling letters imprinted on her thigh turns 70, the words will be a wrinkly contradiction. When the man who has the workings of a skull drawn on his face goes to get a job, the coroners probably won’t even take him. So when thinking about a tattoo, it’s
important to consider how it will hinder the future or possibly help it. One of the reasons Lello placed her tattoo on her ribs is that she didn’t want it to be visible when interviewing for a job. Although crosses and symbols of Christianity are meaningful to some, the Catholic church actually deems it a sin to have tattoos because it’s obstructing one’s body permanently, and the body is like a temple that Jesus made (I learned this in school
of religion, and it always stuck with me). Even though people are showing their devotion to God, they are “sinning” at the same time — immortal irony. Even so, those tattoos represent their rights in an image, as well. Freedom of speech includes tattoos, especially if pictures are worth 1,000 words. Judging people based off their body art is almost as unjust as what the administration at Stevenson did to The Statesman. The Statesman is Stevenson’s school newspaper, and after writing stories about controversial topics, the administration made it mandatory that they see every issue before the student body gets to see it, which is called prior review. This year, after The Statesman wrote a story about National Honor Society students who drank and committed “unhonorable” acts, the administration refused to let them run the story. After a whirl of controversy, the administration refused to let the whole issue run, and in response, seven staff members quit, leaving The Statesman a lonely four writers. If the Prospector was ever placed under prior review, maybe I’d get a tattoo in rebellion.
one is online to talk to, no one is posting new status updates (except for those lucky college kids who have mornings off), but it is optimal time for Facebook creeping (yes, we all do it). How else am I going to find out that so-and-so and what’s-his-face broke up after a meaningful, two-week-long relationship? I know — it’s heartbreaking. So, naturally I looked for other means of amusing myself. I watched Ferris Bueller’s Day Off for the 47th time (still funny, by the way). But when TV began to switch exclusively to daytime talk shows, I had to return to the computer. My fingers lingered over the keys, and the almost intrinsic instinct to type in www.facebook.com nearly overtook me. Instead, I went to www.lamebook.com, a website that makes fun of people who post stu-
pid things on Facebook (a prime example being me). Good start, Beth. And if you’re wondering if my homework situation has improved … well, it’s currently 9 p.m. and this is what I’m doing. So, what do you think?
On Prospectornow.com... Find out how Beth fares for the rest of the week without her self-proclaimed addiction facebook.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Remembering Jake
By Sharon Lee Executive Features Editor
Senior Sarah Miller’s mother Jodi knew something was wrong when her baby Jake wasn’t hitting his milestones. He didn’t roll over, he didn’t smile and he didn’t cry — not even for his food. When Jodi and her husband Jamie went to their physician, he told them not to worry because all babies develop differently. However, when Jake was four months old, Jodi noticed that Jake started to act differently. One day, Jake stuck out his hands as if to flex them “like he was strong” while sitting in his high chair. Jodi didn’t know it was a seizure then, but she knew something wasn’t right so she videotaped it when it happened again and took it to the hospital to show the neurologist. From then on, Jake spent many hours at the hospital as doctors tried to diagnose his condition. He was tested for a
degenerative disorder, which was what doctors originally believed was the problem; he had surgery to remove muscle and nerve in his leg. However, this turned out to be unnecessary surgery because it didn’t lead to his diagnosis. After a simple blood test, it was discovered that Jake had a rare condition of Chromosome 15q Duplication Syndrome, one of the only known causes of autism. In fact, it accounts for 4 percent of the cases of autism. (See 15q Duplication Syndrome). It was this condition that led to his death on Feb. 15 at the age of nine. Even after Jake was diagnosed, the geneticists did not know enough about the condition at the time to provide much direction for Jake’s parents. Because they weren’t getting anywhere with professional advice on Jake’s condition or future outcome, they went online to try to find out more about the condition. After a long search, they
Sarah’s letter to Jake My baby Jake, From the moment you were born, I knew we had a stronger bond than most siblings have. It was like you could read my mind, and I could read yours. For being non-verbal, we sure communicated in different ways ... you taught me more about life than any other person in this universe can or ever will. And as you struggled in the hospital for those 23 days, you still stayed strong and fought ... and while I know that you are physically gone now, I know you are mentally here. You mean the world to me, and it is so extremely difficult for you not to be sitting here with me all the time, but I know you can still hear me and watch over us. You deserve only the best, so I hope you are having an amazing time in heaven, running, laughing and playing with an endless amount of pinwheels. Rest in peace Jake. Sarah loves you forever.
found a list server of parents of children with Jake’s condition. Together, the parents started a board of directors that Jodi served on. Parents also started a website for the group that “intended to provide some guidance for parents and family members to move past the initial shock of a child’s diagnosis and get oriented to what the next steps should be.” Every other year, the group holds international conferences to get together and inform parents. The parents created a “Smiles Stories” book about their children to inspire newly diagnosed families about “the beauty and wonder of raising a special needs child, which is sometimes hard for new parents to feel — that they have a gift in these precious children.” The group started to find professionals who were interested in studying the condition and formed a professional advisory board. “It started with about 65 scared families looking for someone to talk to,” Jamie said. “Now there are close to 500 families who are a part of the group.”
Jake’s life After being diagnosed, Jake struggled with many of the symptoms of autism like seizures, cognitive disabilities, low muscle tone, speech and language problems and sensory disorders. He had a lot of different therapies, including horseback riding therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. He was nonverbal, but communicated by using gestures, some sign language, a computer device and picture communication symbols. He spent 40 hours at school and therapy a week from the time he was three and on. “He worked harder than a lot of adults do and still remained happy and bubbly,” Jodi said. Jake’s seizures were controlled with various medications until he turned nine. He started having so many seizures in a row that he ended up in the emergency room and was hospitalized in the intensive care unit on Jan. 23. The doctors couldn’t stop the seizures
with any kind of medication, with disabilities, which they so they put him in a medicated are hoping to start in May. coma to help rest his brain for To jump start the foundaseveral days. tion, they are going to have a big When they started to wake fundraiser at Sarah’s uncle’s him up from the coma, he restaurant, “Bergstein’s New started having more seizures, York Delicatessen” in Chicago so they had to Heights, on put him in a Jake’s birth15q Duplication coma again. day, which is Syndrome Jake battled May 4. the seizures “We’ll be - A syndrome which results for 23 days, there for othfrom duplications of but the docer parents,” chromosome 15q11-13 tors said there Jodi said. - Problems that characterize was nothing “And through this syndrome include: they could do IDEAS we will - Seizure disorders to stop them, continue to - Low muscle tone and he lost the help further - Speech/language battle at 6:10 research and disorders in the mornknowledge of - Small size for age ing on Feb. 15. the condition - Attention deficit Before Jake and how to INFO COURTESY OF IDIC15.ORG passed away, diagnose kids 20 of his famquicker withily members spent the night out having to put them through in the hospital room and sang so much.” him songs like “I Will” by the Through the newly formed Beatles, which was Jodi and Ja- foundation, the Millers plan mie’s wedding song and one of to help special needs children Jake’s favorite songs. to obtain necessary equipment “Jake loved his family and and therapies. music. Everyone from the “As rare as it is, there are hospital was in and out of the other kids that we’ve helped, room, singing to him,” Jodi and other kids and families said. “And when he passed that have helped us,” Jodi said. away, he was surrounded by evSarah, who was inspired by eryone who loved him. He was Jake to go into special educareally peaceful.” tion in college, works with a During the 23 days that Jake little boy from Park Ridge with was in the hospital, friends and the same condition. She does neighbors helped the Miller Applied Behavioral Analysis family by taking care of the (ABA) therapy with him for house and sending love and four hours a week, teaching support in every way possible. him the same social and speech Jake received get-well cards skills she practiced with Jake. and 300 valentines from his So far, Sarah has worked with schoolmates while he was in three kids with the same condithe hospital. tion. “The community has risen Jake also impacted his to the occasion,” Jodi said. school, Riley Elementary “But we’ve had support from School NSSEO Cross-Categorthe community since Jake was ical Program. Jodi and Sarah a baby because everybody loved created a literacy program him. He was an inspiration to for nonverbal kids that Sarah everyone he met and touched got an award for in eighth many lives and hearts.” grade called Leap into Literacy. Books were donated and Inspiration from Jake the Millers, along with many people from the community, Although Jodi believes adapted the books. A computer there is an increase in awareprogram was used to include ness of Jake’s condition in the universal picture communicacommunity because of Jake’s tion symbols, and words were story, there isn’t enough out color coded to teach parts of there yet. language. To raise awareness, the Mill“Jake was a great kid,” Jodi er family is planning to consaid. “In his short 10 years, he tinue their work with IDEAS probably impacted people as if (IsoDicentric 15 Exchange, Adhe lived 100 years. That’s how vocacy and Support) to further inspirational and special he research and to also start a new was and his legacy will continfoundation that helps children ue to live on forever.”
Friday, March 5, 2010
The story behind the smile: A personal account of one student’s depression I always perplex the professionals. As my mom and I sit on the uncomfortable leather couch or ugly soft chairs, the questions come out hesitantly. “How are your grades at school?” “Do you have a group of close friends?” “What do you usually do on weekends?” “My grades are great. Yeah, I have a lot of friends and some best friends. On weekends, I usually hang out with them and have a sleepover. I like reading. Homework on Sundays.” They usually look to my mother and are surprised to see her nod her head to confirm that yes, her daughter is well-adjusted and social. As I gaze at their certificates from medical school and college lining the walls, their stare sweeps over me, and I know what they see. They see a teenage girl with a bright smile. I am the anti-stereotype of depression. But you can’t judge a book by its cover. I’ve become so adept at hiding my depression that my dresser should be covered with Oscars. I know how to cry quickly and quietly in the bathroom stall and how to smile and giggle when all I truly want to do is go home and sleep/read/collapse. I bet if I walked up to you right now and told you that secret, you would laugh in my face. Last year, I had to tell some of my teachers, and if school counselor Rachel Brill hadn’t been there to back me up, there’s almost no way they would have believed me (more on that later). When I was younger, I was full of smiles and sunshine. I had dark moments that I learned to hide, but the depression didn’t hit hard until I hit puberty. What does depression mean? Well, for me, it means a lot of things. I also have an anxiety disorder, which can trigger it. When I become overwhelmed by something such as math homework or college applications, I just shut down. I have been known to have suicidal tendencies. Some days I’m so overwhelmed with dark thoughts that I can’t talk to anyone or even pretend to be OK. I just let the misery have me and wait for it to pass. Getting through the school day is tough, too. Half the time I want to fake sick and go home because I don’t feel like I’m in the mental state for school. But I work through it. On days like these I usually keep to myself at school. I never take the day off school — my mom would never let me, and would it really help to sit around at home? Nah, I’d just wallow. I can’t help it any more than you can help being grumpy sometimes. Some days depression is numbing like novocaine; other days, it’s overwhelming like fireworks exploding in your face, one right after the other — no break. It does take a toll on the people around me, too. I grew up never confiding in anyone (I knew this was not ‘normal,’ and felt selfconscious about it), and then when I tried to talk to my friends in middle school, it blew up in my face. These days I’m constantly questioning how much and what to tell my best friend. Sharing is tricky because she is my support system, but she’s just a teenager like me; she can’t handle my issues any more than I can. And forci n g
her to hear her best friend talk about how much she hates out. Not that I cared to. life is ... pretty depressing. So I try to be honest but limit I went to a school counselor in one of my more lucid what I say at the same time. I tell her about the mess moments and told him how I felt. He called my mom at inside my head, and she listens without judging or sug- work, although I was crying and begging him not to. I gesting I just “not think about it” like others tend to do. ended up visiting most of the school counselors at one It’s very lonely. I feel isolated from everyone. I can’t point — kind of shopping around, figuring out who I was tell them I’m depressed, because from past experience, comfortable talking to. they’ll treat me like some fragile inpatient, think I’m craI landed in therapy again, much to my relief, and was zy gossip to their friends; tell their parents/ almost hospitalized for being a danger to teachers; etc. It’s not like they can help me myself. Therapy is tricky; you have to tell Celebrities with much, anyway. I don’t want them asking afyour therapist how you feel, and if you say Bipolar Disorder ter me (“How are you feeling today?”) like you feel suicidal they take it VERY serioussome sick patient, though I have heard that - Ludwig van Beethoven ly. Especially when you yourself can’t tell psychologists refer to depression as a dis- - Mark Twain the difference between a passing fantasy ease, sort of like cancer. and a plan. They always ask “Do you have - Sting I don’t discuss it with my parents — - Theodore Roosevelt a PLAN?” Apparently, having a plan to kill again, it’s just such a downer that I feel - Vincent Van Gogh yourself is a major red light. guilty ever bringing it up. Besides, it’s not - Winston Churchill After that, I had to come clean, at least like they can exactly understand. My dad’s to a few of my teachers, if I was going to generation knew next to nothing about INFO COURTESY OF finish the year off without failing any mental disorders, let alone my grandpar- MENTAL-HEALTH-TODAY.COM classes. Brill, the counselor who helped me ents’ generation! through a lot of bad days junior year, came I pretend it doesn’t exist with my family because I with me to talk to my teachers. Turns out I was lucky she don’t want a repeat of last time, where one person asked came with, as some openly expressed their skepticism, accusingly, “What do YOU have to be depressed about?” as I knew they would. I put on such a good show — witty All I could do was whisper, “I don’t know” in shame. banter in class, smiles at teachers, skipping in the hallMy mom tries to keep me grounded — I hate that I nev- way, etc. It’s not all acting — I am a pretty happy person. I er know which feelings are normal and which are abnor- just happen to be weighed down by depression. mal, and she reminds me which is what. I’m so conscious It sucks to live with depression. I feel that as a person, of myself that I forget all teenagers are hormonal and I’m more mature and maybe more able to handle obstahave breakdowns or cry for no reason once in a while. cles that life might throw my way in the future. Maybe But that could also be the anxiety disorder talking. I’m stronger. But I also struggle with my own set of morThere is no choice in this. There was no ‘big event’ als. Is it moral for me to marry and condemn someone to that set the depression off, at least in my case. I have a living with me forever? Mood swings, self-hate, suicide chemical imbalance. I am in therapy, and I take medica- fantasies and all? Should I have kids when I risk passing tion for it. The first time my psychiatrist suggested medi- depression down to them? How could I ever have babies cation was freshman year. Back then, I was so afraid that knowing that someday they might feel as miserable as I the pills would somehow change me and turn me into a do? different person that I pretended to take them. EventuMy thoughts are constantly racing, and I always imagally, I fessed up that I wasn’t on them for real, and my ine the worst possible scenario almost without conscious doctor and mom were ticked. effort. The key is distraction: if I feel a bad mood coming Everything came to a head dur- or start to be consumed by dark thoughts, I open a book ing January of junior year. At that or take a nap. I remove myself from the situation and time, I had been out of therapy think about something else until the “bad stuff ” passes. since the end of freshman year. I know someday, with medicine and therapy, I will be Suddenly, around the time of fi- free of depression. But I’m afraid. Yes, the depression nals, something inside me just sucks, but it’s a part of who I am and who I have been. snapped and gave up. Life takes ef- I’m scared that losing that part of me will change me fort, and I didn’t even care to see somehow in a way I can’t control, just as I feared the pills the results. I wasn’t eager to have would change me. a job or get married someday, and Sometimes I’m in a mood like that Evanescence song: I didn’t care about college or high “I want to stay in love with my sorrow ... here in the darkschool now. I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. ness I know myself.” I’m afraid to be happy because I’m Suicide was all I thought about. Every time I got back an expert at depression — and what if something awful a quiz with a bad score, every time I got in trouble or for- happens later in my life and I just relapse? got to turn in an assignment, it just seemed to reinforce Much to my therapists’ relief, I have learned to reach my belief that I sucked at life and wasn’t meant to live. out when I need help. When I was little, I thought depresFor God’s sake, I was almost 17 and a half and I didn’t sion was a big dirty secret. As a young teenager, I thought have my license — the thought of driving absolutely par- it was my weight to carry alone — that telling anyone alyzed me with fear. I was already failing at life. else would just spread my misery and infect them. But When you’re thinking these thoughts on an hourly now I know that everyone needs a support system — and basis, your perspective changes. I quit doing homework you have to be there for your friends as well, because debecause I figured I would be dead by the end of the school pression is a common disease, and you never know who year, so grades hardly mattered anymore. may have it. I would literally come home from school and nap or But if you want to know who has it — who wrote sit in my basement spacing out until 11 p.m.; then I’d go this column — on the Friday this issue comes out, I will upstairs, exhausted, and lay in bed listening to music un- wear a grey-and-black patterned shirt with a flowy, kneetil fatigue took over. I was so tired in the mornings and length pink skirt to school. I will identify myself this at school because of this, but it was a vicious cycle that I way because I am not ashamed – I know I am strong and couldn’t break. that my depression is not a weakness or character flaw. Depression messes with you physically, too; I had no However, I will write this column anonymously because energy, and I felt so weak. I didn’t care about the books, my family is a different story. It is my personal choice music or people I used to love. I was disinterested in ev- not to confide in my extended family (who will read this erything and sabotaging my relationships with friends article) because they will not understand. because I needed everyone to keep their distance — I Plus, I find that it’s really nice to have people in my didn’t deserve these friends, and they shouldn’t have to life who see me as the girl with the smile. Even if that’s put up with me. They had to get away before I sucked only the half of it. them in. I was drowning in misery with no way to get
“Life takes effort, and I didn’t even care to see the results.”
IN-DEPTH Friday, March 5, 2010
out of the shadows Three types of depression
The seventh Erika’s Lighthou annual se & Rally Walk- Rock a-thon is on May 23. If yo u like to par ti would cipate or suppor t the ca bring depressio use to n out of the darkness, vis kaslighthouse.o it erirg
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depression? What causes
depression. ficial cause of There is no of it can just happen af ter at ss of a Many think th t, such as a lo sed no a horrible even r or being diag family membe Although that is true, e. with a diseas genes also l factors and ta en nm ro envi n cause ca es le. Gen play a large ro to neurochemical n a predispositio eaning that the levels ,m abnormalities e and serotonin, two rin of norepineph s in your brain, are not er neurotransmitt . al norm eone ten tell if som Experts can of through an MRI. The on thinking, has depressi n shows how ai br e th of scan behavior appetite and sleep, mood, e person. om an averag are different fr ransmitter deficiencies, ot Because neur te different images. ea cr ill w I R M mitters the hen neurotrans not w ll te They can es ed, but this do e cause of aren’t balanc th ientists know that they are sc at mean th ns ea m y el er m depression; it right direction. headed in the and
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From dimple to dimple: a simple smile changes everything
Some years back, there was a severely depressed man who wanted to commit suicide. The man left a note in his apartment that explained that he would go to the Golden Gate Bridge and kill himself if no one smiled at him along the way. Sadly, no one did, and he jumped off the bridge. This true story, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, shows that a simple smile to someone could end up being the difference between life and death. In 2006, suicide was the third-leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 24, according to nimh.nih. gov. With new programs developing, such as Erika’s Lighthouse, (see Breaking the stigma, front page) severe depression problems and suicide are starting to come
2. Dysthymic Disorder An extremely common, milder form of depression which lasts for two years or more. People with this problem tend to be chronically unhappy for much of their lives, but their depression is not severe enough to qualify as a major depressive episode. This usually begins somewhere between childhood and young adult life and is more common among women. It sometimes has been called depressive personality or depressive neurosis because of chronic unhappiness and pessimism seem to be a part of the individual’s personality and view of life.
3. Bipolar Disorder AK A Manic-Depress ive Illness Bipolar depressio ns have two poles — highs and lows. A person may go into deep depr ession, and at other times may su ddenly develop an abnormal and potentially dangerous mood elevation. Between the episo de bipolar patients of s of mania, ten low self-esteem an suffer from d experience significant dif ficult ies careers and person with their al relationships. Medications and psychotherapy ar e treatments for this illness. - Current estimato rs indicate that .5 to 1 percent of the ad suffers from manic ult population -depression. - Equally common among men and women - There is strong ev ide bipolar illness is inh nce that er caused by some un ited and kn imbalance in the br own chemical ain.
To W it e Lo ve Arms ris on mo vem a non-proHer e n to pres t dedica te fit an d fi enting hop d peoplen ding help foer depressstruggling w self-injion, addictio ith n, suicideury an d .
out of the dark and finding ways to be fixed. Many research organizations, such as the American Journal of Pyschiatry, the Emotional Fitness Institute and smilelifework.org, have recently published articles prove how much a smile can change someone’s day. Selby Roth, a school psychologist, believes that a smile in the hallway may make students feel they are being noticed and actually aren’t invisible. Because Roth knows people deal with their personal problems differently, people may not be able to see if someone is dealing with depression behind a happy face. “On any day, any person should [smile at people they pass] because smiling at someone is something so powerful,” Roth said. From the Emotional Fitness Institute, a similar story was published regarding a close encounter to suicide. A woman was having a hard time, so one day she went for a walk and smiled at a man passing by. A few moments later, she found herself in a conversation with the man that she smiled at. They spoke for an hour before the man thanked her and walked away. Two days later, she met the same man on the street and he told her that he had been on his way to commit suicide when she smiled at him. While it took a smile from a stranger for this man to change his mind, an anonymous senior has dealt with depression all of his high school life. Because he
struggles with everyday life and its taunting situations, he finds that “people who are considering suicide [need] to find someone they can trust to help them through [their sadness] instead of having someone smile at them to change their mind.” According to the American Journal of Psychiatry, at least 1,300 people have jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in pursuit of suicide since it was constructed in 1937. Only 28 of those people survived their jump. Mr. Hines, a man who was tempted to plunge from the same bridge that so many others have encountered, told his story a few years ago. When he came very close to stepping off, Hines stood at the edge for 40 minutes, debating whether or not his decision was right. He claims that a number of people who walked by him were oblivious to this life-and-death situation. “If someone had smiled and said, ‘Are you okay?’ I know I would have begged them to help me. I would have told them everything and asked for help. I would not have jumped,” he said. He jumped and on the way down, he changed his mind. As he was falling, he thought to himself, “I want to live. Why am I doing this?” Severely injured but very much alive, Mr. Hines was able to save his life before it was too late.
- Deanna Shilkus
Friday, March 5, 2010
Seniors Elaina Grott, Greg Sinnott and Brian Zielnicki congregate in the library. Despite its reputation as a study center, many students use it as a venue for after-school socialization as well as work.
Hangin’ around the hallways
sophomore Annie Nobles spends her third period open in the commons. She uses the time to do homework and eat breakfast as well as help her friend deliver mail. The aspect she likes the most is that it is quiet and that she can get her assignments finished. The library atmosphere is too loud, contrary to the true purpose. By Maggie Devereux “People just fool around in there,” Staff Writer Nobles said. And people fool around after Teenagers all have their favorite school, too; with nowhere to go, some spots to hang out: a restaurant, movie students just wander the halls and theater, mall or maybe just a friend’s commons with little to no purpose. house. Freshman Caitlin Claytor and sophWherever that place may be, they omore Marguerite Incardone can often feel comfortable surrounded by friends and free to be themselves. In school, it be found at school before orchestra rehearsals. Orchestra doesn’t begin until seems as if the concept is the same. Students of all grade levels find 6 p.m., so they find time to kill in between. t h e m s e l ve s “We usually at school just hang out in the as much as Prospect’s hangouts music hallway home. It’s no because we are surprise that According to the 2009-2010 Handbook, music people,” they chose to Prospect is divided into four areas. The Claytor said. hangout in two main areas are quiet areas and open There they do places for the areas. homework, talk same reason and “catch up” afas outside of The following are quiet areas: ter a busy day of school. 1. The academic building school. Whether 2. The “circle hall” north of the theater While hanging it be the li3. The physical education and industrial in the halls for brary, comeducation hallways three hours may mons or 4. The field house foyer when not in use not sound fun, hallways, all by physical education classes Incardone said, have our fa5. The music hallway “They don’t just vorite spots sit there.” on campus to The following are open areas: Instead, they just hang and 1. The cafeteria. The cafeteria foyer will get work done and get a break not be used for eating or drinking when order food to eat from all the the while they wait, school work. cafeteria is open. At no time should so the time goes One of the students be sitting on the floor of the by rather quickly. busiest hangfoyer. They don’t long outs is the 2. The commons area (no food or drink in for home and library. In this area). Use of the commons may friends because fourth lunch, be limited at the discretion of any school most of their anyway, the official. friends are with neon orange 3. The circle drive lawn west of the drive, them, so there “FULL” sign and the lawn on the north side (front) of really isn’t anyis no surthe building. where else to be. prise. Many “This is where students everybody is,” flock to the said Claytor. “This is our home away library throughout the day, too. It is a great place to borrow a textbook or use from home.” No matter if the student is waiting a computer. Junior Chris Jensen spends around for an activity or is just hangsome lunches in the library because it ing around school, it is still against the is quieter than the cafeteria. rules not to be at your assigned activity His friends disagree. When Jensen after 3:20 p.m. That leaves the hall secusaid he liked using the library to get fority guards with a tough job of keeping cused, they all laughed. the halls clear. Jensen, like many others uses the “We start trying to kick them out library mainly as a place to talk with about 10 after,” Bill Brennan, hall secufriends when they have nothing to do rity guard, said. and nowhere to go. People that use the Brennan and other security guards library to socialize are the reason why have to make sure the commons is
Students find ‘home away from home’ at Prospect
clear for the activities that need the space due to a lack of open gyms. While they are pretty tolerant, Brennan and other security members “try to get everyone to their assigned place.” This eliminates students trying to hang out long after school hours. With students filling the commons, library and random hallways like the band wing during and after school, sometimes there seems to be no reason
behind the choice. For Nobles, she chose the commons the first day of the semester and hasn’t really changed since. For students after school, they tend to be the same ones repeated day after day. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, students pick random spots for their “hangouts.” “They like to hang out here,” Brennan said. “But they usually just get in trouble.”
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FEATURES Friday, March 5, 2010
New kid on the block Company adjusts to new director, finds progress, fun, success By Tallyn Owens Staff Writer
In one way or another, everyone has witnessed the odd fascination and curiosity of a new student. Everybody has some memory of the buzz upon the unfamiliar entry to the classroom, followed by critical eyes watching the newbie’s every step. Whether it was the new student in third grade or the Catholic school import during middle school, everyone has experienced the strange and rather exciting antics of a new kid. For all intents and purposes, Stephen Colella is the choir department’s very own new kid. At the beginning of November, Colella took the position as Company’s new director, but he was just one of three they’ve had so far this year. After Company’s choreography camp over the summer, then-director Patrick Rodden reluctantly resigned due to salary and benefit cuts. In the time following Rodden’s departure, another director was brought in, but after a dispute over the contract for her previous job, she too had to leave the program. This is where Colella comes in; after a fellow teacher-friend of Colella’s saw the posting online, he was nearly as eager to apply as Prospect was to fill the position. He got the job and started the week following his interview in late October. The reason Colella was so eager to be a part of Prospect’s performing arts circle was because he said their reputation throughout the district and area was fantastic. “I got here and it took me only two or three weeks to realize what makes [Prospect] so good,” Colella said. He said that the integrity of the program was so strong
changes. Senior Terese Geraghty has witnessed these changes first hand being a part of Company since her sophomore year. As a three-year Company member, she could only describe this year’s shift in leadership as a roller coaster. After Rodden’s departure, despite confusion and hard feelings from the other girls, Geraghty said “You just have to keep moving forward; that’s all you can do.” Geraghty described what she felt to be the hardest part of the transition as the waiting process after Rodden had left. The wait for Colella seemed to be worth it, because as soon as he arrived, Geraghty said that she could instantly sense that he was down to business. Geraghty said that despite Colella being very musically sound, he was still new to the world of show choir but inPHOTO COURTESY OF STEW SMITH tegrated himself to it quite Company members surround their new director, Stephen Colella (center). Colella’s last-minute addition to the choir program quickly. “You can’t explain show helped the group finish in the top three at their first two competitions of the season. choir to anyone; it’s really an because of the all-encompass- made it easy. “Alive!,” which Colella ob- experience. It’s not like a musiing support for the programs She finds him to be so suc- tained upon his entrance, has cal, not like a play, and he adthroughout the school, includ- cessful within the program five numbers. justed well.” ing faculty, administrative and despite the difficulty because Colella ended up changing Geraghty also said that alparental support. of his ambition and natural three of those five before the though the older members had He said that all aspects of desire to see the kids succeed. Feb. 11 preview show. a harder time adjusting after the choirs were fantastic, and According to Troiano, when Colella said that to avoid Rodden left, it wasn’t hard for that the quality of the vocals Colella took over Company putting additional stress on her in one particular sense. and combos made the program he simply inspired them to be Company’s 44 members, he “I’ve had different directors sound great in every aspect. great. made it a point only to change each year. It might have even Colella also gave a tremenShe also said that his sense the parts of each number they been easier for me,” she said. dous amount of praise to fel- of humor, genuine personal- had yet to learn. Although Company’s sealow choir director Jen Troiano, ity and high energy made the He admits that despite his son is half over, Colella realwho he claims is the reason his transition easy on the entire best efforts, learning new rou- izes that there’s still much to transition went so well. He program. tines was a difficult process for get done. said that she’s organized and “I’ve known him for three the girls, but nonetheless, they “Company is a full-time job. focused on making sure that months and I feel like I’ve prevailed. It’s so much work. It’s great, all kids get the best from the known him all my life.” TroiaAfter the changes were though.” experience. no said. made, Colella says that the They kicked off their com“She knows what she’s doEven after the dust of each girls practiced “all the time,” petition season at the Fort Ating. She’s been here [for seven director coming and going had as they had but a month and kinson Showcase in on Feb. 13. years], and she’s good,” he said. settled, Colella knew he had half to learn three numbers. The girls took second runnerFor the two directors, this work to do. Colella describes Company up. feeling is mutual. Troiano said “I inherited Rodden’s show, as “a really great group of girls. Fort Atkinson was the first that the process of finding a and I didn’t like it. So I changed Very talented, very smart.” of Company’s four competinew director was hard for the it,” he said. He attributes this to their tions that span their season It entire program but Colella Rodden’s original show, success despite the variety of spans from February to midMarch. Their performance at Fort Atkinson was gratifying for the group after the whirlwind Fort Atkinson Showcase Brodhead Invitational Chicagoland Showcase Homestead Classic they’ve been though, and ColelFort Atkinson HS Brodhead HS John Hersey HS Homestead HS la is proud and optimistic for Fort Atkinson, Wisc. Brodhead, Wisc. Arlington Heights, Ill. Fort Wayne, Ind. future performances. “I knew deep down we February 13th February 27th March 6th March 13th were going to win something. Results: 2nd Runner Up Results: Grand Champions They’ve been through a lot as a group.”
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ENTERTAINMENT Oscar gold stained by ‘Avatar’ blue Friday, March 5, 2010
2010 Academy Awards Nominations Best Picture A Serious Man An Education Avatar The Blind Side District 9 The Hurt Locker Inglorious Basterds Precious Up Up in the Air
Best Director James Cameron “Avatar”
The 82nd Oscars are here, and they are already off to a better start than the 81st. The hosting combination of Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin should be hilarious together, and the race is much closer than in previous years. L a s t y e a r , anybody c o u l d predict all of the Nick Stanojevic w i n n e r s except Staff Writer for Best A c t o r, which was a toss up between Mickey Rourke and Sean Penn. This year, no clear favorite exists for most of the awards, making the Oscars the most exciting event of the year (yeah, my family isn’t big on Christ-
mas). First, allow me to debunk the myth that “Avatar” was the year’s best film. Call me a traditionalist, conservative or just dumb; but “Avatar” was not the best movie of 2009. It’s a popcorn flick that stretches for more than two hours and 40 minutes, essentially defeating its own purpose. There is nothing wrong with movies that take forever: epics like “The Godfather” and “The Deer Hunter” come to mind. “Avatar,” however, avoids being a drama with a legitimate plot and script — it’s nearly as bad as the “Transformers” script: the character development feels forced. “Avatar” is just “Dances with Wolves” plus a lot of technology and blue. For $15, I needed to be completely blown away. So, instead of blue aliens spoiling the biggest award, Jason Reitman’s
“Up in the Air” should win Best Picture. It was a favorite to win since the summer when, suddenly, its publicity was lost amidst the blue people. “Up in the Air,” however, succeeds where “Avatar” fails. The movie is a lot like its lead, George Clooney: mature and mysterious, but at the same time humorous. It also helps that Clooney gave a terrific performance and that his fellow cast members, Vera Farmiga and Anna Kendrick, delivered solid performances. “Up in the Air” is perfect for its time, a film about unemployment and downsizing about employment and downsizing — who would have thought that simplicity could work? In the acting categories, Jeff Bridges is the favorite to win Best Actor for his performance in “Crazy Heart,”
but Clooney delivered a better performance. Clooney played a unique role that will likely never be duplicated. I had never seen a character whose job it is to travel around the country and fire people. For Best Actress, there is almost no doubt that Sandra Bullock should run away with the Oscar. Bullock is receiving a large amount of praise for her performance in “The Blind Side,” and rightfully so. With that said, Bullock’s performance was not “legendary” as some critics are saying. If your family is like mine, you are as excited as Forrest Gump is slow. Regardless of who wins, let’s just hope that these Oscars are better than last year’s. All I want is the winners to deserve their victories, unlike last year. Yes, I am looking at you, “Slumdog Millionaire.”
Kathryn Bigelow “The Hurt Locker” Quentin Tarantino “Inglorious Basterds” Jason Reitman “Up in the Air” Lee Daniels “Precious”
Best Actor Jeff Bridges “Crazy Heart” George Clooney “Up in the Air” Colin Firth “A Simple Man” Morgan Freeman “Invictus” Jeremy Renner “The Hurt Locker”
Best Actress Sandra Bullock “The Blind Side” Helen Mirren “The Last Station” Carey Mulligan “An Education” Gabourey Sidibe “Precious” Meryl Streep “Julie & Julia”
Best Supporting Actor Matt Damon “Invictus” Woody Harrelson “The Messenger” Christopher Plummer “The Last Station” Stanley Tucci “The Lovely Bones” Christoph Waltz “Inglorious Basterds”
Best Supporting Actress Penelope Cruz “Nine” Vera Farminga “Up in the Air” Maggie Gyllenhaal “Crazy Heart” Anna Kendrick “Up in the Air” Mo’Nique “Precious”
Blue “Basterds” equal Oscar win This is my weekend. This is Oscar weekend. And this Academy Awards season is special — it’s not because of the five extra films nominated for Best Picture or the fact that the Oscar show itself will be spectacular ( S t eve Martin and Alec Baldwin hosting?! To gethRiley Simpson er?!). The Sports Editor special thing is that, for the first time since I was five and learned to speak fluently in Oscar, I have no idea which movie I want most to win the top prize. The top five contenders — “Avatar,” “The Hurt Locker,” “Inglorious Basterds,” “Precious” and “Up in the Air” — are the cream of the crop
for nominations. “Precious” is the heartwrenching drama of an abused inner-city girl who is raped repeatedly by her father and beaten physically and psychologically by her mother (a harrowing performance by Mo’Nique that should earn her an Oscar, finally severing her from “Welcome Home, Roscoe Jenkins”). Other than the deep screenplay and amazing cast, “Precious” is an unbalanced movie. But it still has a chance thanks to the writing and acting. Jason Reitman seems to be an infallible filmmaker. He makes great movies via amazing writing, acting and direction. “Up in the Air” follows this mold, with Reitman co-writing the sharp Oscar-nominated screenplay and directing it to perfection. The acting, though, is the strongest part of “Up in the Air.” George Clooney
honestly deserves an Oscar for his elite performance . Unfortunately, he probably won’t win, thanks to “Crazy Heart’s” Jeff Bridges’ long overdue acting win. At the moment, “The Hurt Locker,” the gritty Iraqi war drama, is the favorite to win. Honestly, I was disappointed. Yes, it was perfectly made by Best Director-nominee (and probable winner), Kathryn Bigelow, but it didn’t reach me on the same level as “Inglorious Basterds.” Quentin Tarantino struck again with his twisted WWII fairy tale about Nazi-killing Jews. What “Basterds” has that “Locker” doesn’t: agonizingly intense conversations that are better than any action scene, especially when they involve Best Supporting Actor shoe-in Christoph Waltz’s cleverly diabolical Col. Hans Landa. The last entry is by far the most bodacious piece
of film-making in a while: “Avatar.” While some people are less-than-thrilled with James Cameron’s epic, I loved this movie. Yes, the script is a little clunky, but that’s the only fault. The rest is a magical feast of breathtaking art integrated with seething emotion. So as the days wind down, I still have yet to make my pick for Best Picture. Will I go with the terrific performances and writing in “Up in the Air” and “Precious?” Or perhaps the intensity found in the favorite “The Hurt Locker.” There’s always the spectacle in “Avatar.” But then again, it’s always the small details that make a movie that much better than the rest. In this case, it’s probably the pleasantly surprising narration by Samuel L. Jackson’s found in “Basterds.” You see, it’s the little things that win Oscars.
For the full version of the Oscar columns, including analyses of all 10 Best Picture nominees and most of the Academy Awards categories, look on Prospectornow.com
Friday, March 5, 2010
DeGeneres brings the people’s voice to ‘Idol’ stand on stage and try to please an entire room full of people,” she said. And it’s true. Having hosted “The ElWhen I first think of “American len DeGeneres Show” since 2003, she’s Idol,” I picture screeching wanna-be no stranger to show business. stars trying to impress one critical BritBut at the same time, Ellen’s ish executive, one relaxed “dawg” and strengths stem from her lack of experione perky cheerleader-turned-singer. ence in the musical field. That picture changed when Kara Before Ellen arrived , the “Idol” judgDioGuardi joined Simon Cowell, Randy es had done a decent job of representJackson and Paula Abdul in the eighth ing different groups. season. She could be a little weird, The corporate executives that prolike when she performed at the finale vide the record deal for the winner had in a bikini, but since she co-produced their spokesperson with Simon; Randy “Good Girls Go Bad” for Cobra Star- and Kara had their input as producers; ship, my total obsession at the time, she and as a singer herself, Paula (in theowas good enough for me. ry) brought the performers’ point of But since former judge Paula Abdul view to the judging table. left the show, “Idol” and its judges has But even with the original trio, howchanged even more. How can “Idol” ever, “Idol” was missing one group. even exist without Paula and her crazy Where, may I ask, was the audience’s antics, fights with Simon and inability perspective? to clap correctly? Prior to this season, it basically That’s where Ellen didn’t exist. A lot of the DeGeneres comes in. Simon’s comments On Prospectornow.com... time, When FOX anwere too cruel to connect nounced that she Check out what Ellen and the with, and while I could would be replacing understand Randy’s and “American Idol” contestants Paula as the fourth Kara’s opinions, they’re are doing right and wrong judge, there were also from professional on the new “Idol” mixed reactions. songwriters, which most blog by Maddie Ellen isn’t a singer, of the show’s target audiConway and after all; how can she ence is not. Emmy try to tell the contesAnd Paula’s were too Lindfors. tants how to perform vague to take seriously when she never has at all. You have to give herself ? “Idol” alher credit for attempting ready has one judge to be a voice of positivity, but I swear, that insults the contestants without if I hear another comment about how getting up on the stage himself — yes, a contestant looks “beautiful tonight,” Simon, I mean you — do we really need then I might just have to turn off the TV. another hypocrite? Last season, then, was seriously But we had yet to see what Ellen lacking in the ability to connect with would bring to the “Idol” stage until she the show’s viewers at all. It’s no wonder finally debuted on the show. that its ratings started to slip. And just in her first few episodes, ElBut with how Ellen has been on len proved that she was the right choice “Idol” so far, that’s definitely going for Paula’s replacement. If anything, to change. Ellen not only showed her she proved that she should have been a unique voice as a TV personality but judge to start. also her ability to connect with viewers. She has had experience in the public Ellen exhibited her value as the eye, after all: “I do know what it’s like to people’s voice in just being what Paula
By Maddie Conway Staff Writer
‘Oblivion’ is a movie about movies By Kelly Rose McAleer Associate Editor-In-Chief
The film “Living in Oblivion” is not your typical movie. The average person would find the movie lacking a plot, but “Living in Oblivion” was not made to entertain its viewers; instead, focusing on the struggle to make a low-budget film, it explains life behind the camera. The director and actors are represented, but the guy who
holds the boom mic, the assistant director, the sound mixer and a man whose sole job is to focus the camera are, too. Proper plot or not, “Living in Oblivion” has entertainment potential in its perspectives. Director Tom DiCillo communicates a director’s struggles best through close-ups on the director in the movie, Nick. When I think of a director, I think of Steven Spielberg sitting next to a camera, watching a scene unfold, nodding and
never was: straightforward. While Paula earned herself a reputation for being unable to say anything mean — and of any value — Ellen showed that she could be direct with her opinion without being as rude as Simon. Host Ryan Seacrest might have said that Ellen knows how to “sugarcoat,” but she wasn’t afraid to tell a contestant that, “I’m tired as it is, but that almost put me right out.” While Paula’s comments were taken with a grain of salt because she always insisted on saying something nice, Ellen cuts to the chase when judging — and even manages to be funny. When contestant Antonio “Skiiboski” Wheeler left her feeling a little weirded out, Ellen wasn’t frightened to let him know that he “frightened” her, telling him, “Seriously, um, don’t frighten your audience ... sexy and scary, it’s a fine line.”
And in addition to making me laugh, I definitely agree. And with ratings of Ellen’s debut reaching nearly 28 million viewers compared to the 25 million of the same episode last year, others seem to think so, too. And why not? Her commentary is both entertaining and a representation of those 28 million. When Simon is replaced next season, his replacement should be as easy to identify with as her. Not to mention, those big bulky glasses she’s been wearing are pretty snazzy — really, what more does America need? Ellen may not have the background in music that Paula had, but that actually makes her opinion more valuable to the “American Idol” stage. Ellen has brought something fresh and new to “Idol” — something that the show should have had all along: what WE want.
Top 24
Ellen says:
Maddie says:
Tim Urban
“None of it worked... [Tim] couldn’t hit those high notes.” “I thought it was a good song choice except when you started screaming part of it.”
Lee DeWyze
“No duh, he couldn’t hit those high notes!” “It was a good song choice — only he wasn’t screaming any of it.”
Haeley Vaughn “A HOT mess? There was nothing ‘hot’ “If it was a mess, about how she ruined it was a hot mess.” ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand.’” PHOTOS COURTESY OF FOX
yelling, “CUT! That’s a wrap!” But as DiCillo shows, there is a lot more to it than that. While Nick directs, everything is going horribly wrong, and the close-ups show every bout of anxiety on his face. The composition also shows how most of the crew is huddled around the camera with Nick. It helps enforce that the crew has one mission: to get the take done. But the real focus is on Nick and how he can’t do his job unless his crew is in high spirits and motivated.
Theoretically, Nick is the Head Honcho, but the close-ups help the audience see how helpless he really is. Cut editing also s h i n e s through. The struggle to film the first two scenes are revealed to be dreams of Nick and lead actress Nicole. DiCillo shows this not only by alternating blackand-white and color scenes but also with cut editing. As each
dream ends, the end of the scene is cut to abruptly to the dreamer waking up in bed. There is no fuzzy camera work to represent waking up (ugh), simply a cut about as abrupt as awakening from a dream. Simplicity at its finest. Subjective camera angles help this film retain its purpose as a movie about making movies. Showing the scene from the view of the camera,they allow the audience to see the scene play out just as the crew does. Viewers don’t have to look at the scene from some other awkward angle. These traits help DiCillo keep the film’s focus in the audience’s minds: to observe the struggles of a cast and crew with some humor and frustration along the way.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Boys find help off bench By Brian Thomas Sports Editor
Leading the team ... So.Mike LaTulip
Rebounds: Sr. Jack Redding
344 150
Sr. Joe LaTulip
Sr. Jack Redding
Sr. Joe LaTulip
Jack Redding
Joe LaTulip
Going into the season, everyone knew about the big three: seniors Joe LaTulip, Jack Redding and Nsenzi Salasini. Everyone knew what they were going to bring to the boys’ basketball team. What everyone was unsure of was who else was going to step up for the Knights; who else would be able to produce and help the team win? “We knew that we had three guys that we could count on going into the season,” head coach John Camardella said. “But if we had a fourth option, that would open up our offense and give us a lot of options.” It didn’t take long for the Knights to find the answer. In their’ seasonopening St. Patrick’s tournament, sophomore Mike LaTulip came up big. Coming off the bench, he averaged 11.3 points per game and proved himself to the team. He helped Prospect win the tournament and was one of four Knights named to the All-Tournament team. He then found himself in the starting lineup for the boys’ home opener against Buffalo Grove on Dec. 4. In that game, he scored 20 points in a 6460 win. “After the St. Patrick’s tournament, there was no doubt in my mind that he was ready to start,” Camardella said. “To get the start for the home opener for a big conference game like that was just crazy,” Mike said. “It was a little nerve-wracking at first. The stands were flooded with fans, but after a while, I realized that it was just basketball. Minus the crowd, everything was the same and I just played my game.”
After Mike’s performance, he se“When Joe went out, we needed ancured a place in the starting lineup other ball handler and another scorfor the rest of the year. ing option,” Camardella said. “Pope Throughout the year, he has done stepped in for us, did a great job and nothing but contribute to the Knights’ handled the job extremely well.” success. Mike averages 14.3 points Gerdes stepped up when Joe got per game and shoots 45 percent from hurt, taking his spot in the starting the three-point line. His biggest nights lineup and performing well for the came at Buffalo Grove on Feb. 5 and at Knights. St. Viator on Feb. 16, when he put up In his first start for the Knights, 29 points each time. Gerdes scored six points. He started “Mike’s emergence this year has six games and averaged 3.5 points been the biggest surprise,” Camardel- per game. Gerdes helped the Knights la said. “We all knew win four out of that he was good, but six games, four of On Prospectornow.com... we never thought which were conferthat he would be this ence games. Look for coverage of the boys’ good. He has been “Eddie really did run through the regional, great all year.” a great job filling in beginning with Wednesday’s At the start of the for Joe,” Camardella game vs. Niles North, and also season, Mike didn’t said. “I told Eddie coverage of the girls’ know just how imto just be himself. loss to Barrington portant he would be He didn’t have to try in the sectional to the Knights. to be Joe or replace semifinal. “I was unsure of him. He did exactmy role coming in,” ly what we needed Mike said. “I just from him.” wanted to help con“I just wanted to tribute to the team do my best to help as much as I could and help them win, the team,” Gerdes said. “I brought a win, win.” hard work ethic and just wanted to Mike was not the only one to step keep things balanced and in control.” up big for the Knights this year. SeMatkovic contributed well as the niors Sam Pope, Eddie Gerdes and Knights’ sixth man and averaged 3.4 Kevin Matkovic have all made contri- points coming of the bench, highbutions. lighted by his nine points in a win Pope played a lot of big minutes against Rolling Meadows. and earned a starting spot in the “Everyone on the team knew middle of the year. As a starter in how to play their role,” Camardella six games, he averaged 8.1 points said. “We had a great fourth option per game. He helped the Knights win in Mike and a lot of good role playsome big games, but none bigger than ers that did their job. They helped against Hersey on Jan. 16, when he the team a lot and they are a great exscored 13 points, and Rolling Mead- ample of why we were able to win our ows on Jan. 29, when he added 14. third East title in a row.” Pope got his chance to start after Joe hurt his knee at Wheeling on Jan. 8 and missed the next six games.
Reachable records: All-time highs that could be toppled in next few years Girls’ Basketball Records
This Season
Boys Basketball Records
This Season
Most points (game)- Craig Anderson- 49- 2002
Sophomore Mike LaTulip- 29
Most points (game)- Gabrielle Cottrell- 37- 2004
Junior Sarah Winans- 21
Most points (season)- Keith Dunn- 586-1992
Sophomore Mike LaTulip- 344
Free throw percentage-Gabrielle Cottrell - 86%- 2003
Senior Lexi Glennon- 78%
The unbreakable record
The unbreakable record
* Most 3-pointers (game) - Ryan Porter - 10 - 2002
* Most rebounds (game) - Lisa Young - 28 - 1976
Girls successful despite tough competition By P.J. Kennedy Sports Editor
When the girls’ basketball team came into the season, they had very high expectations because of the returning players from last year and the talent they saw in the team. Last year, the Lady Knights won the MSL East and the regional championship. Coming into this year, they had two returning starters and a new season ahead of them. The girls started the season on a nine-game winning streak, which included winning the Lyons Township tournament. Kelly said, “Our goal was to compete for the conference championship. We knew it would be tough with the competition of Wheeling, Hersey and Elk Grove, but we knew we had the capability to beat anyone.” That goal was reachable; unfortunately, it did not come true. Wheeling won the conference, and Elk Grove had two Division I athletes, which included senior McDonald’s All-American Ashley Capotosto. Kelly believes
her team had one of the toughest schedules. “Our conference may be one of the best in the state, and our out-ofconference schedule was very tough also.” The girls competed at the DundeeCrown tournament and started off beating Rockton Hononegah 64-62 and then defeating St. Charles North. The North Stars of St. Charles North were an extremely talented team and the Lady Knights went on to win 51-39. Unfortunately, they lost their next two games to Fenwick, the team ranked fourth in the state, and then to Johnsburg 51-68. Not only did they play at an exceptionally high level this year and win the regional championship, but they also played well enough to advance to the sectional semifinal at Libertyville, only to fall short to Barrington with a final score of 42-30. The girls finished their season with a final record of 19-9, but have the nets from Stevenson’s gym and the regional title. Some of the girls
that helped lead the way to a successful season were senior Lexi Glennon (8.0 points per game), senior Rachel Hunt (8.0 points per game) and junior Sarah Winans (9.5 points per game and a 48 percent shooter from the field this year). According to Kelly, any of the players on the team could have played in a game at any time. She personally believes that all the players, even those who didn’t see the floor a lot, were capable of contributing to the team. “I try to give them the confidence they need to play; I can’t say I’m surprised to see certain players on the court — the players might be surprised, but I’m not.” Throughout the season, the girls’ team had a fair amount of success and have had another successful season because they completed one of their main goals, according to Kelly. “One of our main goals was to compete, and that’s what we did.”
Junior Sarah Winans drives to the basket against Buffalo Grove. The girls’ ended their season with a loss to Barrington in the sectional semifinals.
Friday, March 5, 2010
By Neel Thakkar Bring ‘em back!
Senior Joseph Lakner swims in the 100-Yard Backstroke in the Wheeling pool on Prospect’s Senior Night.
Senior Joe Lakner swims the 100-Yard backstroke at the Wheeling High School pool on Prospect’s Senior Night. The boys’ swim team, under new coach Alfonso Lopez, qualified two swimmers to state: Lakner and senior Tyler Bengsten.
Grad goes back to school Lopez admits to never planning tin was surprised at just how much on becoming Prospect’s coach. the team improved. “My goals were not to come “For a first-year coach, he was back and coach; I didn’t really a great coach, and we definitely got think about that at all,” Lopez said. a lot better,” Martin said. “It was ... something that just kind Bengsten, in spite of qualifying of happened.” for state as a sophomore and juAccording to players, the coach- nior, also said that he feels that the ing change improved the team team improved greatly due to the greatly despite results that coaching transition. were similar compared to The betterment of last year. With Mortensen the team, however, did By Nick Stanojevic last year, the team finished not come easy. With Staff Writer third at conference, fourth Mortensen, the team usuOn Nov. 23, junior John Behnke at sectionals and qualified ally had one morning and his teammates waited nervous- three swimmers for state practice a week and never ly at the swimming pool in Wheel- in the 200-yard medley reorganized lifting sessions. ing High School to meet their new lay. Once Lopez arrived, the coach, Alfonso Lopez, who teaches This year, the swimAlfonso Lopez team had to practice or lift at Cooper Middle School. Lopez ming team finished fourth every morning, something took over after former coach of 11 at the conference tournament and unheard of during Mortensen’s years Dick Mortensen left to coach fifth at sectionals. Additionally, the tenure. Hersey in order to spend more team qualified two swimmers for But, according to Behnke, the time with his son. state, seniors Joe Lakner and Ty- changes were worth it. “I really didn’t know what to ler Bengsten. “They helped us get through the expect,” Behnke Despite the plateaus that we hit,” Behnke said. said, “but the girls weaker statisDespite the more rigorous rouliked him a lot, tics, Bengsten tine, Lopez managed to stay on the State Results so I thought he said that the good side of players. Behnke said would be good.” team improved that he believes that not everyone On Friday, Feb. 26, seniors Senior Ed Marand that two saw eye-to-eye with Mortensen, Tyler Bengsten and Joe Lakner tin, on the other seasons should and Martin agrees. swam at the state tournament at hand, remembers not always be “Mortensen was much more Evanston Township High School. feeling “excited” compared us- strict; Lopez is kind of more laid Bengsten took 24th in his 100because Lopez ing numbers. back and would let us discipline Yard Breaststroke, his highest swam for Pros“We lost two ourselves and just go about giving placement in his three years at pect. individual state us the workouts,” Martin said. state. Lakner took 39th in his In 1998 and qualifiers, but “I felt like he showed more 100-yard backstroke. 1999, Lopez swam you can’t really compassion, and it seemed like he for the varsity compare two cared more about how we did in evteam. In 1998, years because it ery race,” Bengsten said. Mortensen joined depends on who The season was not perfect for the coaching staff. Mortensen re- has more talent at the pool and who the team, though. One of the bigmembers Lopez as a natural leader. wants it the most,” Bengsten said. gest disappointments for the team “He swam for me in high school Despite his hesitation in com- was not winning the MSL East this [his] junior and senior year. He paring two seasons, Bengsten season; they finished second. The was a good leader then, and now agrees with his teammates that the players said that it had been their I know him as a friend, and he is coaching change worked. main goal. well-respected throughout the con“I think we progressed more Luckily, the team did not get ference,” Mortensen said. as a team due to the coaching, discouraged about Hersey. The because I feel he Knights placed ahead of Hersey at [Lopez] trained us both conference and sectionals. better and is a betOverall, the team feels that this ter coach overall,” season was a success, but it did Bengsten said. not come easy was not completely “So, near the end smooth. Now, expectations are set of the season, our high, but the team is losing its guys were getting two state qualifiers to graduation. faster than the Behnke predicts an unpredictable rest of the teams.” season. Martin was “We’re losing the main part of just “looking to our team, which is our seniors, get better” with and we had a lot of fast seniors, so a new coach in I don’t know ... it will be unpredictcharge. Even Mar- able.”
PHS alum finishes first season as swimming head coach
The great thing about the Winter Olympics — besides the U.S.-Canada hockey games, maybe — is the chance to get to know all those sports you forgot about four years ago. For two or three weeks in February on alternating even-numbered years, it’s fun and exciting and a little bit funny to become obsessive or deeply invested in the fate of the American curling team or bobsledding squad — made up of people you wouldn’t otherwise recognize if you saw them at Sam’s Club two months later. Unfortunately, in this aspect the Winter Games are the unloved stepchildren in comparison with the event-laden Summer Games. The Vancouver Games boasted only of 82 events; the Beijing Games featured 302. Of course, there’s a lot more to do on dry land and water than on ice and snow. Still, there are many more sports that could make future Winter Games a lot more fun. Here are some of those that were included at one point, but have been dropped since: Bandy: Played as a demonstration sport (a sport included in the Olympics to be tested; it doesn’t contribute to the medal count) in the 1952 Games in Oslo, bandy has since been left out of the Olympics. A variant of hockey, bandy is played with an bright-orange ball instead of a puck. Right now, the American team is largely group of Minnesotans retired from college or professional hockey (Minnesota has America’s only bandy rink), but the sport is big in the Nordic countries and in Russia. The good news: Russia is the host of the next Winter Games, and President Vladimir Putin is said to be strongly in favor of including bandy. Skijöring: The first sentence of its Wikipedia entry tells you all you need to know: “Skijoring ... is a winter sport where a person on skis is pulled by a horse, a dog (or dogs) or a motor vehicle.” Basically water-skiing on snow (or cross-country skiing with an animal doing the work), this sport was a part of the 1928 Games (as a demonstration). Synchronized Skating: The Summer Games have synchronized swimming — isn’t it only fair that the Winter Olympics get synchronized skating? The event was included as a demonstration event in the 2002 Salt Lake City games, but hasn’t made an appearance since. Maybe North Korea, famous for its displays of massive coordinated displays and winner of just two Winter Olympic medals, could excel in this category. Ski Ballet: Apparently, ski ballet is possible. In fact, it was included as a demonstration event in 1988 and 1992, and included a 90-second routine — accompanied by music — of, Wikipedia says, “flips, rolls, leg crossings, jumps, and spins performed on a smooth slope.” If you thought figure skating was hard, wait until you see this. Speed Skiing: Included as a demonstration in 1992, speed skiing is simple to understand: get from the top of the hill to the bottom in a straight line as fast as possible. No tricks, no jumps, no turns. Just speed, and lots of it: athletes can reach speeds of 125 miles per hour, and the record is 156 miles per hour. To get a sense of just how fast that is, consider that even skydivers don’t normally reach such speeds. Bavarian Curling: Also called ice stock sport, Bavarian curling (as you might’ve guessed), is a version of curling popular in Germany. The key difference is the shape of the stone, which appears to have a bottle (or bottles) sticking out of it (go figure). Curling is already one of the Winter Olympics’ most notorious sports; it could only help to add the Bavarian version. Besides, it was made in Germany. You know the Germans always make good stuff !
Sports Friday, March 5, 2010
They Said It “Who wouldn’t want to hit a teacher in the face with a dodgeball?” - Member of the female staff team Carrie Stevens on this year’s dodgeball tournament
L L A B E G D D ! A I N MA
Adjustments in tournament attract students; teachers look to dominate prospective student teams
“We just thought it would be a good way to get more people to come to the assembly and [have it be] more student-run with more student involveFrom dirt bike racing to wakeboarding, cliff diving to skate- ment,” Rosenheim said. “If you have an audience boarding, extreme sports have made their way into the hearts you feel more excited, you feel like you are doing of sports fans around the world. Not nearly as much, though, as something cool and it’s fun to be featured in the the newest extreme sport dipping and diving throughout of the spotlight sometimes.” This change in the bracket system was thought to halls of Prospect. That’s right: The dodgeball tournament is on be one of the main reasons there was such a large its way, and that’s right: dodgeball is an extreme sport. Co-sponsored by Student Council and the Underground, the turn out in student participation. “It increases interest in the tournament. It tournament will be held on Tuesday, March 9. This year it will consist of 20 highly competitive student teams with as many makes the teachers the villains,” Frank Miranas six students (excluding alternates) per team. This is also dola, social studies teacher and “chief justice” of The Supreme Court, said. “We almost double the turnout of last realize it is the draw; you want year’s competition. Where does the money go? to beat the teachers.” With some new changes to the “Who wouldn’t want to hit tournament, the Underground and After paying the $30 entrance fee for the a teacher in the face with a Student Council hope to bring up 2010 dodgeball tournament, many teams dodgeball?” gym teacher and student participation along with might wonder to where all the money is member of the First Ladies the enthusiasm for the event in going. Student Council fundraises this Carrie Stevens asked. general. money and puts it “right back into the Stevens decided to join “[Student council] said in the school in whatever shape or form it can.” the tournament for the first past that [the dodgeball tourna“We want bigger things and that’s where time this year because she ment] used to be awesome, and the money goes to,” Michelle Rosenheim, thought that it “sounded then advertisement kind of went assistant student council advisor and like a fun thing, especially down and the event itself wasn’t social studies teacher, said. “That’s what having a women’s brackas good of a fundraiser,” Michelle these organizations do; it’s for whatever we et.” But there is no question Rosenheim, assistant Student need.” in her mind that the staff Council advisor and social studies For example for homecoming next year team is going to win. teacher, said. Student Council hopes to get a “really “I don’t think that it is So as a result, this year there awesome DJ.” For next year they want going to be any type of comwill be two brackets, one for boys to have an entertainment system so that petition. I think that we and one for girls. there is music playing in the halls the week will probably dominate all “It’s not that boys are better leading up to homecoming and a light of the student teams,” Stethan girls by any means, but just system for the dance. vens said. the fact that it would entice more Rosenheim agrees that girls to play if they thought that the all-staff teams are gothey weren’t going to be pummeled by some varsity’s right arm,” Rosenheim said. “I don’t know ing to be hard to defeat. “These guys are pretty big,” Rosenheim about all the other girls, but if I had to play against some of said. “I think that there is going to be good comthese senior athletes, I wouldn’t want to play.” “I don’t think we would have done it if there wasn’t a wom- petition.” Win or lose, Rosenheim, Mirandola, Stevens en’s bracket,” Andrea Wehrle, senior and member of Team XX, and Wehrle all believe that the dodgeball tournasaid. “We would have gotten beaten terribly.” Also, another bonus of being a part of the tournament is ment is just another fun opportunity to get involved that the winners of each bracket will have the chance to com- in school events. “I think it is going to be fun getting ready, being pete against either The Supreme Court (the male staff team) or able to play our friends and getting into the competiThe First Ladies (the female staff team). The First Ladies will play the winner of the girls’ bracket at tion,” Wehrle said. “It’s a fun opportunity to get a bunch of friends togeththe end of the dodgeball competition. The winners of the boys ‘bracket will get to play The Supreme Court during the pep as- er while getting involved in school in an competitive environment,” Mirandola said. “Just jump right in and dodge, sembly on April 1. dip, duck, dive and dodge!”
By Kate Schroeder Managing Editor
Best Dodgeball Team Names 1. French Toast Mafia
2. Soph Serve
3. Da Situation
4. The Trader Joes
Sr. Laura Burnton Sr. Liesl Eurich Sr. Danielle Kern Sr. Kasey Krum Sr. Maddie Lazarz Sr. Kristy Marhin Sr. Annette White Sr. Emily Salzman
So. Tom Cortesi So. Patrick Drucker So. Eric Johnson So. Conlan Mueller So. Ryan Popp So. Matthew Rendino So. Nick Riveness
Sr. Abby Homuth Sr. Jenna Milos So. Marisa Milos So. Maggie Partridge Sr. Grace Przyborski Jr. Kelly Villano
Jr. Brian Bauer Jr. Russell Cecala Jr. Anthony Charnota Jr. Alec Gura Jr. Scott Scanlan Jr. Brendan Van Egeren
Voted on by the Prospector
Social studies teacher Tim Beishir and member of the staff team The Supreme Court prepares for the dodgeball tournament. The tournament will take place on Tuesday,