Issue 9

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Volume 52, Issue 9

Friday, May 3, 2013

The voice of Prospect since 1960

Math teacher Martha Kelly ran the Boston Marathon on April 15. Read her story about the tragic bombings on....



Struggling within Help for students with mental illness increases, but still stereotypes exist By Maggie Devereux Editor-in-Chief

*Name has been changed for confidentiality

Mary Williams* began feeling depressed in eighth grade. As her feelings progressed, so did her desire to hurt herself. When she began to cut, she started with her arms and thighs, but eventually began cutting in visible places. It became her way to show people she wanted help. “I made some really bad decisions in that time,” Williams said. “I had a boyfriend; I broke up with him because I was going to kill myself. That happened a couple times. Not that [depression] ruined my high school time, it just made it a lot different than what I was hoping it would be. I was hoping to go out and have a lot of friends and participate in school and stuff, but that just didn’t happen. I just wanted to be at home and in bed.” Senior Nina Hermes can trace her depression back to when she was a child. At times, she placed impossibly high standards on herself, dealt with anxiety and had trouble making friends. Her feelings continued to worsen in middle school where she was bullied and her freshman year of high school when she felt she failed to live up to her expectations. “I have always just felt very, very alone since childhood,” Hermes said. “No one’s perfect, but I expected myself to be.”

It was freshman year when she began cutting to find relief. During her sophomore year, she began to cope with her depression through alcohol. While other kids began “social drinking,” Hermes did it to numb out anything she was feeling. More adolescents than ever before are struggling with mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, one in 5 children, either currently or at some point during their life, have had a seriously debilitating mental disorder. During their junior years, both Hermes and Williams did seek help. In November of her junior year, Williams entered Alexian Brothers adolescent inpatient facility, which at the time she didn’t know the name of due to the amount of medication she was on. She spent 12 days there, which began her road to recovery. Hermes began therapy sophomore year but didn’t open up and receive the kind of help she needed. Heading into junior year, her drinking problem increased and she developed an eating disorder. After her last final junior year, Hermes headed straight to the hospital and entered the inpatient program through Alexian Brothers for 10 days. That was followed by about a month of a partial hospitalization program, where she spent days in the hospital and nights at home. “I think [inpatient treatment] is one of the best things you can do,” Williams said. “It’s [with] kids who are going through the same thing as you. Sometimes people are like ‘oh that’s a bad thing, you’re putting them in there and they’re going to get ideas.’ But everyone is there for the same reason:


graphic by Ian Magnuson

End of year awards recognize excellence By Brian Park

Executive In-Depth Editor As the seniors get ready to graduate, those who have shown commitment to their classes, sports or activities will be given awards to recognize their hard work during the last four years. The senior medallions are given to seniors who have excelled in a subject all four years of high school, the Hannon Award given for leadership, and the Best of D214 Award given for fine arts.

Senior Medallions

Senior Medallions will be given out to seniors in 34 categories ranging from orchestra to mathematics to physical education at the Honors Assembly on May 29 in the fieldhouse. According to Associate Principal Greg Minter, who organizes the Honors Assembly, each of the senior medallion winners are decided by a group of teachers within the department relating to

their subject. “The winners represent what that division or department thinks of as being the top student or top person in that area over the course of four years,” Minter said. “It’s someone who’s shown exemplary academic pursuit [and] curiosity; it’s not just based on grades.” For example, the mathematics award winner will be selected by math teacher Maggie Mamsch and other 90s level math teachers. To be considered for the award, a student must have taken AP Calc BC, AP Statistics or possibly Calc III and they may have participated in math team. Additionally, the mathematics award winner will automatically be awarded the Deborah Korcek scholarship. English teacher Allyson Kreutzer has been a part of the decision-making process for the English senior medallion for seven years while teaching AP Literature, and the difficulty of making the decision varies from year to year.

“Sometimes there is a person who obviously should be [the winner]; it’s very clear,” Kreutzer said. “Sometimes I have a number of students who are all doing equally good work and then it becomes much more difficult to choose.”

Hannon Awards

The Hannon Awards recognized students from all across District 214 (D214) who have demonstrated leadership throughout an activity or sport all four years of high school. Organized by Rolling Meadows’ Student Council this year, the awards were presented at Maggiano’s in Schaumburg on April 24 fitting the theme of National Leadership Week the week before, but only administration members, invited award winners and guests could attend. Originally called the D214 Leadership Luncheon, it was

See AWARDS, page 3

‘On edge’ Yearbooks will be distributed on May 16. To find out what went on behind the scenes of the creation of this year’s book, see...

7 Features

Nightlife of the Prospect teenager

Nighttime activities are increasing in popularity among teenagers. To read about the dangers and tips for being safe turn to...

8-9 In-Depth

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May 3, 2013

MENTAL HEALTH: Fighting stigmas, seeking life changing help CONTINUED from front page

They’re there to get help.” While at the facility, Williams went through group therapy sessions, musical therapy, art therapy, had school for an hour and met daily with a psychiatrist. While some of the group sessions only included 16-17-year-olds, other sessions included everyone on her floor, including children, so she remembers the group would censor some of the conversations. One of saddest things Hermes remembers seeing in treatment was sick girls being forcibly discharged because their insurance wouldn’t cover their treatment. It made her sick thinking of the possibility of people dying because they couldn’t afford help. Luckily, Prospect’s support system has grown as the number struggling with a mental illness has increased. In the past four years, the number of Prospect students hospitalized due to a mental health issue has increased 300 percent (see graph). Education through health and psychology classes, programs like Signs of Suicide, support groups and the role of counselors have all become more important. “It’s essential [for the school to help], more so than it’s ever been,” social worker Doug Berg said. “Kids feel the most comfortable in their school; I think it’s sort of the first line of defense.” That first line of defense includes many different options because each student and each disorder are handled differently. According to guidance counselor Dr. Lynn Thornton, each counselor is paired with either a school social worker or psychologist.

Prospect Students Hospitalized for Mental Health Issues

graph courtesy of Cheryl Wood

Number of Students

When a student seems to be dealing with a mental illness, Thornton, who is paired with Berg, will usually involve him in the therapy process. From there, they work with the student to take the best steps to attaining help. If the illness is something Berg and Thornton feel cannot be supported solely within the school, they can recommend therapists, psychiatrists, hospital day programs or inpatient therapy. Students have used local treatment centers such as Alexian Brothers Northwest Mental Health Center, OMNI Youth Services and other private practices. Even with resources available, Hermes and Williams both felt asking for help wasn’t easy, as mental illnesses carry quite a stigma. Hermes felt getting help meant admitting a weakness,

something she was embarrassed of. “When we have something wrong in our heads, we feel like it’s our fault or like we did something to deserve this,” Hermes said. “A lot of people don’t understand it. I get that a lot, like ‘Oh, just be happy, just eat, just drink like a normal person.’ But whatever the reasons are, I know I can’t, and it’s taken me a long time to be okay with that, but I am now.” Berg also acknowledges mental illnesses carry a stigma. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy, two reforms were brought to light: gun reform and mental health reform. The media played the two hand and hand, as people begged for gun regulations to keep them out of the hands of the mentally ill. “The truth of it is that for a lot of people that are struggling with some of

those mental health issues, they’re not violent,” Berg said. “You really have somebody who has gone quite a ways down the road if you have somebody who is violent because of their mental illness. Unfortunately, that’s the stuff that gets portrayed in the media a lot because it is so sensational.” “There’s different types of depression, but no matter where it comes from, it’s not your fault,” Hermes said. “None of these mental illnesses are your fault. People are made to feel like they should be embarrassed about [a mental illness]. I know a lot of people that are, and it makes me really sad. It’s hard going through any kind of treatment, but it’s a lot easier than trying to live with it or manage it or solve it on your own.” Williams and Hermes have each connected with other teens who won’t talk about their illnesses because they don’t want to be labeled by society. They believe the media’s focus on negative actions by people who are mentally ill makes others hesitant to admit they need help, even though they see treatment as having played a vital role in their lives. It was during her inpatient stay that Hermes saw things getting better. The hospital had a little garden that one day she took extra notice of. She admits getting the help she did saved her life. “I actually saw life as being beautiful again, and that was amazing because when I was depressed, nothing mattered,” Hermes said. “I could actually appreciate the small things in life again. I could actually laugh and feel like I was happy. I hadn’t felt that for years.”

College Career Center serves students ter Institute of Technology’s visit to get information since it’s in New York. She also atJunior Patryk Klimek didn’t tended University of Evansthink about going to The Uni- ville’s visit and is attending UE versity of Illinois at Chicago next year. She’d already decid(UIC) for college until he at- ed to go there prior to the vistended a UIC college visit in it, but was able to ask the rep Room 116, the College Career last-minute questions without Center (CCC), sophomore year. having to call her. At the visits, which Klimek Klimek attended to find out what the school was all about, described as informational and UIC’s college represen- sessions, students ask the rep tative told him about tuition, about what they’re interested college life and admission re- in. They can also ask whatever quirements. He also attended they want to know about the their visit junior year and end- school, and the rep talks more ed up liking the school’s envi- about his/her school. According to CCC assisronment, staff and residents tant Penny Harney, topics like when he visited. Like Klimek, students of all available majors are covered. grade levels don’t need to know Also, the college rep may help about a college to attend a col- in deciding whether a student lege visit, which are offered gets accepted, so going to visits through the CCC (see “College demonstrates interest. “A lot of times, if you’ve visits”). These visits are set applied to that up during the school, the colsummer; college College visits lege rep that representatives visits helps in usually contact • Stop by the College making the decithe CCC. There Career Center to get a sion on whether are roughly 120 college visit permission you’re admitted,” college visits in slip Harney said. the fall and 30 in These visits the spring. • Get the teacher of the allow students to Fall visits are period you’re missing to get to know the geared toward sign the slip rep and keep in seniors as they touch via email • Go to the visit with decide where or phone. the completed slip to be to apply and fill “I actually excused from class out their appliknow what I need cations; spring to do to get into visits are aimed at juniors as they begin college the college, instead of going searching. Some visits garner online [where] it could be false three students while others information,” Klimek said. In terms of scholarship have 20. Senior Jamie Kowalczyk at- hunting and major exploring, tended two college visits this the CCC has many paper reyear, as she didn’t know where sources for students to explore she wanted to attend college as to read about tuition costs and a junior. She attended Roches- schools’ majors. Students can also get Naviance assistance

By Nabi Dressler

Executive News Editor

s PAYING A VISIT: Sophomore Kaila Mallicoat and junior Marta Zoltowski

talk to Matthew Engelien, Carroll University’s associate director of admission, in the College Career Center. These visits let students meet learn about certain colleges. photo by Ian Magnuson and help on writing college application essays. The CCC also has computers where students can check the status of pending applications, explore financial aid packages and do other college research. Klimek said as long as he makes up the work, teachers have always encouraged him to attend college visits and field trips, or career treks, another CCC service. Kowalczyk attended a behavioral health trek as a junior. She went to Alexian Brothers and listened to professionals in mental health, including a psychologist, pediatric psychiatrist and music therapist. For Kowalczyk, this career trek confirmed she wanted to major in biology and possibly do something related to behavioral health in the future. For a Roosevelt University

pharmacy trek, Klimek got to listen to real pharmacists and make his own Chapstick and other medications, the goal being teaching students the importance of attention to directions. Harney said these treks are also available to all ages and give students an idea of what career fields like video gaming are like. Students can find out about treks through their Naviance emails and by listening to the morning announcements. Klimek also attends sessions each week about college applications and has began to look at scholarships. According to Harney, January-March is generally when students go to the CCC for scholarship help. Students can also set up meetings with college counselor Diane Bourn. Juniors can fill out a college planning fold-

er, which asks for info including hobbies and test scores, prior to the meeting to help her look for prospective schools and majors for students. Kowalczyk believes students don’t take advantage of the CCC as much as they should, herself included. “I could’ve been in there a lot more, found out a lot more [and] had some more questions answered,” Kowalczyk said. Klimek said people may feel embarrassed to ask questions or think they know more about their college and career paths than they really do. “[The CCC] has helped me so much since sophomore year,” Klimek said. “If they weren’t there, I don’t think I’d know anything about how to actually apply to a college. They’re there for basically any question you [have].”

May 3, 2013



District blocks sites for bandwith By Kyle Brown Copy Editor

The Internet has revolutionized the way our school works: grades, attendance, correspondence and research are all conducted on the web. Nothing is any further than just a few clicks away, but what goes into making that system possible — and safe — for Prospect students and staff ? The entirety of District 214 is wired to the same server, which services over 12,000 students and 1,500 staff members. However, it is anything but cheap to keep thousands provided with internet. The district has a limited amount of bandwidth— think of it as an hourglass for data — and has to allot it among all devices connected to the server. The speed of the server’s internet all depends on the amount of bandwidth, but the district needs to purchase that bandwidth first. As a learning institution

s OVERLOADED: District 214 (D214) blocks numerous websites on school computers. D214 prohibits access to websites blocked under the Child Information Protection Act and Facebook, which has no “instructional value,” according to Technology Systems Supervisor Rudy Gomez. cartoon by Veronica Holloway

funded by tax money, District 214 doesn’t purchase Internet service for nothing. “Anything that we have on our network has an impact on teaching and learning,” Technology Systems Supervisor Rudy Gomez said. That being said, there are some corners of the internet

that are strictly off-limits, including websites blocked under the Child Information Protection Act (see “CIPA requirements”). According to Gomez, Facebook is the only website the District 214 server has blocked outside of CIPA. “Our district has of yet not

s maximum bandwidth

s MAXED OUT: The above graph shows internet activity across District 214 during a 24-hour period. During the school day, the server traffic reaches the bandwidth maximum of 2.51 gigabytes per second at multiple times. graph courtesy of

found a real, true instructional value for Facebook on our network,” Gomez said. The lack of “instructional value” is what separates Facebook from other social networking sites like Tumblr and Twitter, which are available on the district server. Another reason for blocking Facebook is the sheer toll it would take on the server if it were available to everyone. “If we have 13,000 students and 1,800 staff on Facebook every day, it’s going to chew up a large portion of our bandwidth, which costs money,” Gomez said. “We don’t get internet for free.” In addition to eating up bandwidth, Gomez feels that students aren’t fully prepared for having access to Facebook while in school. “The thing with Facebook, too, is we haven’t probably crossed the threshold of teaching and educating students on digital citizenship, and that’s being taught and being incorporated into many lessons,” Gomez said. Gomez defined digital citizenship as “how to communicate effectively and appropriately on social media; how do you recognize a potential danger.” As part of teaching digital citizenship, according to Instruction Technology Coordinator Carla Zvonek, the district Gmail accounts have an integrated search system that flags correspondence with content that is “suspicious, inappropriate [or] dangerous.” If an email is flagged for content, the district will open it and read it.

CIPA requirements Schools and libraries subject to CIPA are required to adopt and implement an Internet safety policy addressing: (a) access by minors to inappropriate matter on the Internet; (b) the safety and security of minors when using electronic mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communications; (c) unauthorized access, including so-called “hacking,” and other unlawful activities by minors online; (d) unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal information regarding minors; and (e) measures restricting minors’ access to materials harmful to them.

Info courtesy of

“The big reason [we read flagged emails] is to make sure that students are safe: that there isn’t any bullying going on, [that] students aren’t in a mindset that would be selfharmful,” Zvonek said. If someone has flagged emails over and over again, there is a possibility their information will be turned over to the dean, but Zvonek hasn’t had a problem with flagged content yet. “That’s not just a website; that’s our mail,” Zvonek said. “Because it is hosted at D214, then you pay for that hosting and everything else. It’s really for the purpose of teaching and learning.”

AWARDS: Seniors recognized CONTINUED from front page renamed to the Hannon Luncheon in 2003 after Hersey activities director Robert J. Hannon unexpectedly died. “This was his favorite day of the year because this was what he was all about— activities and the kids who are involved in activities,” Student Council Advisor Lyn Scolaro said. “You would walk into Hersey and he would be there morning, noon and night . . . We were really good friends— it was very difficult the day he passed away.” Open to all clubs and all sports, coaches and teachers can choose to

Hannon Award winners Tony Alberico- Tech/Theater Carolyn Brumm- Student Council Chloe Chidester- Theater Maria Dellania- Yearbook Maggie Devereux- Prospector Lauren Droske- Badminton Margaret Filipic- Service Club Melissa Garofalo- Badminton Miranda Holloway- Student Council Michael Lipinski- Tech/Theater Franco Longobardi- IE Speech Kennedy McNamara- LINK Eileen McTigue- Girls’ Soccer Allsun Molenda- FCCLA Patrick Pfohl- Theater Hannah Pope- Cheerleading Ali Preissing- Student Council Mark Sandel- Knight’s Way Madelyn Sobey- LINK Kaila Travis- Poms

nominate one student from their activity. Then, the nominees get an invitation over spring break. “I was shocked,” senior Margaret Filipic said, who was nominated for Service Club. “I wasn’t really expecting it and I didn’t know what the award was.” The six main schools of the district, along with Forest View Alternative School and Vanguard School, select 20 students each to receive the award. “It’s the student that without this student over four years, the activity would not have been the same,” Scolaro said. Each Student Council also selects one educator who has demonstrated leadership to be a special guest at the formal event. This year social science teacher Jim Adair was selected and Service Learning Coordinator David Jacobson was selected last year. According to Filipic, there was also a motivational speaker at the awards ceremony who was a graduate from Rolling Meadows. She was a slow athlete on her track team, but had the determination to train for a marathon. The Hannon Award is the most prominent award Filipic has ever gotten for her service, and she emphasizes the importance of serving the community. “I think a lot of people focus on themselves more,” Filipic said. “You need to focus on everyone around you because [it] affects their future.”

Best of D214 (Fine Arts award) The Best of D214 award is presented to two seniors from every school in

s BEST AND BRIGHTEST: (From left) Seniors Carolyn Brumm, Lauren Droske, Melissa Garofalo and Mara Leane stand with their Hannon Awards. Twenty seniors received the award for their leadership in activities. photo by Miranda Holloway

the district that would best represent their schools. This year seniors Caitlin Claytor and Ivy Fishman were selected from Prospect’s Fine Arts department to attend the awards luncheon hosted by the D214 Alumni Association on April 23 at Bristol Court to receive their awards and briefly perform. “I was really excited,” Fishman said. “It’s an awesome honor for two people in the whole school to represent Prospect High School.” According to Fine Arts Coordinator Jeremy Morton, Claytor represented the choral department and performed a song called “Astonishing” at the event, even though she is also part of the orchestra and band. Fishman

represented the speech team and performed one of her state qualifying speeches in oratorical declamation. “They not only are a strong performer, presenter, artist in general, but they’re a good leader,” Morton said. “They’ve been a strong presence in their program; they really represent the fine arts and [what] being a Prospect Knight is all about.” At the luncheon, a variety of acts were performed by the winners, including a showing of a fashion show, jewelry, still photography, singing, poetry reading, 2D art and 3D art. “It was just really nice to see the enormous amount of talent we have in D214,” Morton said.



May 3, 2013

CONNECTIONS: 1) Brian McPartlin speaks with former President Bill Clinton. 2) McPartlin speaks with Vice President Joe Biden. 3) McPartlin speaks with former Vice President Al Gore. 4) McPartlin speaks with Mother Theresa and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 5) McPartlin speaks with President Barack Obama. 6) McPartlin speaks with Pope John Paul II and former President Bill Clinton. McPartlin used to work in the White House as the Director of Advance. “It does take a lot of work and ethic to [get to the White House] but most importantly, it’s about getting involved,” McPartlin said. photos courtesy of Brian McPartlin


From White House to World Religions Brian McPartlin speaks to classes about becoming a ‘global citizen’ By Danielle Church News Editor

Junior Matt McPartlin’s dad, Brian McPartlin, has been to every continent, 30 plus countries and 48 of the 50 states. Brian didn’t get off the plane in Alaska, so although he’s been there, he’s never actually seen it. He also hasn’t been to South Dakota, though it’s on his bucket list so he can visit Mount Rushmore. Brian McPartlin has been all around the world because he worked in the White House as the Director of Advance. This means he would go to the country or state where the President would soon be traveling to and scope out the area to set up everything for the President’s arrival.


Once the President got there, Brian McPartlin would make sure everything ran smoothly and would focus on the safety of the President. He did this for former President Bill Clinton and occasionally does it for President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden whenever they call him. However, right now he works in the Private Sector which means he works outside of government for a private entity. The private entity he works for is Globetrotters, an engineering firm, because the CEO asked him if he could help to “reshape the business culture and philosophy of the company.” Since Brian McPartlin was the Director of Advance in the White House and he has traveled to so many places, social science teacher John Camardella asked him to speak to his World Religions classes on April 12. Brian McPartlin agreed to speak to Camardella’s classes because he believes it’s important to educate students and give them an “awareness of what it means to become a global citizen.” “[World Religions] is about just what it is like to travel to different countries

OF A LIFETIME: Junior Matt McPartlin shakes hands with Vice President Joe Biden. Matt has had the opportunity to meet public figures, including Biden, former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama because his dad Brian McPartlin used to work in the White House and currently works in the Private Sector.

and states,” Brian McPartlin said. “The Their trips included Denver for world is a much bigger [place] than the World Youth Day, a trip to Baltimore for little microcosm of Mount Prospect and the Conference of Catholic Bishops and Arlington Heights that we live in. It’s a trip to the Vatican with Bill Clinton a complex world out there and [has] a and former Secretary of State Hillary bunch of different people, cultures, re- Clinton. ligions and philosophies. You’re better “[The medal] is a wonderful treasure off when you can embrace those differ- to have,” Brian McPartlin said. “[Pope ences and try to learn about those dif- John Paul II] was a Pope who I have ferences than to just have those differ- great respect for and the leader of my ences in general.” faith, so to meet and have conversations According to senior Emilee McArd- with him at that particular time with le, trying to be more of a global citizen my President was very inspiring for is exactly the reason she took the class. me.” “I wanted to get a better understandBecause of his dad’s job, Matt has ing of how the also had the opworld works and portunity to meet Public figures Brian’s met why religion is some public figsuch a big aspect ures. He’s known • Mother Theresa of conflict and Obama since he • Pope John Paul II why it creates was a State Sen• Michael Jackson so much tension ator as well as • Jack Nicholson between differBill and Hillary • Oprah Winfrey ent groups of Clinton since they • Tom Hanks people,” McArdboth held him as a • Ron Howard le said. baby in Washing• Barbra Streisand Matt is curton D.C. • Ted Danson rently taking Besides meet• Former President Kim Hwang-Sik of World Religions ing public figures, South Korea and stayed for Matt has even had each class perithe opportunity to od his dad came to speak. He wants to be a part of the motorcade and help out follow in his dad’s footsteps because he security when the Obama administrabelieves his dad has had a job that is tion came to Chicago. He would check “definitely a job no one else really has” credentials, walk around and make and also because it will make him more sure everything was safe or “basically of a global citizen. whatever else” they told him to do. “I just think the experiences he’s had “It’s definitely something no one else are definitely something that I want gets to be a part of,” Matt said. “It was to achieve in my life,” Matt said. “His interesting just seeing all of the work world travel puts him as a global citi- that goes behind the scenes to make a zen and that’s something I want to be speech work.” involved in, traveling and seeing the Matt’s experience with the motorworld.” cade is another reason he wants to folSome of these experiences Matt was low in his dad’s footsteps after college talking about includes the people his and Brian McPartlin fully supports his dad has met. Because he worked with son’s decision as long as Matt believes it President Clinton, Brian McPartlin has is his passion. met many different public figures and “Nothing makes you prouder as a famous people (see “Public figures Bri- parent than to have your children dean’s met”). One of these public figures cide that you’ve led a relatively good includes Pope John Paul II. life that they would like to emulate,” At the commemoration of Pope John Brian McPartlin said. “But I wouldn’t Paul II’s fifteenth anniversary as the want [Matt] to do it because it’s just holy father in Rome, Brian McPartlin, something that I did. You have to enjoy as well as the rest of the White House what you do in life, no matter what you staff, were presented a medal by Pope choose to do. Otherwise you won’t want John Paul II as a thank you for all the to get up in the morning to go to work. successful trips they organized and Follow your dreams, follow your pasworked on with him. sion.”

May 3, 2013

The Staff

ASSOCIATE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Maddy Moloney NEWS EDITORS Nabi Dressler Spencer Ball Danielle Church Arun Machanickal OPINION EDITORS Anna Boratyn Chris Kivlahan FEATURES EDITORS Andi Hayes Ellen Siefke

Staff Editorial


The last couple of months have brought tragedy, suffering and heartache to Americans all throughout the country. Among the bombing in Boston, the Texas explosion and the Sandy Hook shooting, citizens have been forced to read headlines filled with terror and death. Although the public deserves to stay informed on the actions unfolding behind these events, harping on the turmoil is not productive for anyone. The events themselves are horrific enough, but public response can escalate the hurt of the situation. After the Sandy Hook incident, former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee used the tragedy to spread his political views on separation of church and state, blaming the incident on the lack of worship in schools. He said in a interview on Fox, “We ask why there is violence

in our schools, but we have We the Prospector believe systematically removed God in times of tragedy rather from our schools.” than focusing on what went He was not the only per- wrong, we should focus on son who exploited the trage- what went right. For example, media attendy to push across his ideology. The incident has sparked tion was dedicated to the sick a full-on debate across the na- motives of the Boston bombers rather tion over gun than the quick violence. and immediT h o u g h ate responses the intentions to rescue those are seemingly good— to pass who were Against For wounded in reform and to attempt to Voting results of the Prospector staff in the bombing regards to this editorial. in Boston. prevent other According tragedies from taking place— to the New the message can often get lost Yorker, all 170 critically wounded from the bombings in the debate. Rather than finding will survive the bombing peaceful solutions, there was because of the marathon’s finger-pointing and name emergency medical team’s calling, which did nothing quick response, organization to inhibit another attack or and communication with bring peace to grieving fam- surrounding hospitals. In the case of the Texas exilies, but instead turned a plosion, multiple volunteer disaster into publicity stunt.

IN-DEPTH EDITORS Khrystyna Halatyma Brian Park

2. As a sister, it is your duty to make sure you make her fix every noticeable panty line, food stuck in teeth or just plain fugly outfit BEFORE she leaves the house. 3. As a sister, it is your responsibility to provide Ben and Jerry’s after every break up.

ONLINE EDITORS Jack McDermott Erin McGovern

4. Never cop a robbery on your sister’s boyfriend, crush, best friend, husband, etc. Doing so will result in a wave of mega drama, and in this case, do not save the drama for your mama.

ADVISER Jason Block

Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 7185376 (ask for Katie Best), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to prospectornow@ All letters must be signed. Please limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the rights to edit letters for style and length.


1. Don’t tell mom. Or dad. Or anyone else. Like Vegas, what is said between the sisters stays between the sisters.

SPORTS EDITORS Aungelina Dahm Peter Fusilero

Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and significance to our readers and the community. We, the Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions.


firefighters gave their lives responding to the fire that injured over 200 others. Yet, the story most likely printed on the front page has more to with death toll rather than the honor of the firemen. For students at Prospect, the negative focus can hold true. When it comes to issues such as mental illness, many students are stalked down by the rising numbers of those with depression (see “Struggling within”). Blame is often pointed at the administration for the increase. However, the amount of work Prospect does to help students recognize their problems and recover goes unnoticed. Oftentimes, it’s easier to focus on the negative, but by doing so, the good goes disregarded, and you only receive half of the story.

The Rules of Sisterhood


Some material is courtesy of the American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Published by students in Journalistic Writing courses, the Prospector has won, most notably, the 200405 and 2006-07 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker and the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association in 2006.


Positivity in the face of tragedy

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Maggie Devereux Miranda Holloway MANAGING EDITORS Katie Best Ian Magnuson


5. If you wouldn’t let your daughter wear it, don’t let your sister. 6. Always give a bite. Nothing tastes so good that you can’t offer up one measly bite. 7. First dates equal complete range of each other’s closets. s SISTER SISTER:

(Left) Princess Madelyne and Princess Mary Pat hugging each other on Halloween in ‘00. (Right) Maddy and Mary Pat with the Easter Bunny this year. Mary Pat can be a hard sister to live with, but recently, we have been getting along better partially due to the fact that I leave for college in four months. all photos courtesy Maddy Moloney

Sisterhood not necessarily all doom, gloom By Maddy Moloney

Associate Editor-in-Chief Last week my sister barged in and took a picture of me while I was going to the bathroom. I will spare you the details of what happened next, but rest assured she was pinned to the ground in a headlock until the picture was deleted. My sister—let’s refer to her as Mary Pat for the sake of her privacy—is possibly the weirdest, most obnoxious person I have ever met. Living with her is is like living with a mixture of Kimmy Gibbler and a tornado siren. That being said, I am actually starting to LIKE my sister. Somehow, someway, her over-the-top party girl attitude has been rubbing me the right way lately. Maybe something about her has changed (doubt it) or maybe I’m getting sentimental about graduating. Regardless, I have made amends with Mary Pat after a 16-yearclothes-stealing and boob-punching-filled sister war. I urge those who are on shaky grounds with their sister to call a truce and attempt to, as my mother says, “bury the hatchet.” For some, it might just be getting to know

their sister as more of a friend rather than the other thing that came out of mom’s womb. Because if you don’t do it now, there probably won’t be another opportunity. There is a good chance you might never go on another disastrous family vacation or even live together again, shrinking your opportunities to reach atonement. By never getting to know your sister, you not only risk having awkward family reunions, but also lose someone who can relate to your childhood and knows exactly what you mean when you tell people your mom is wack. I get it, making amends can be uncomfortable. Nobody wants to be the first to wave the white flag. However, ending the war may be easier than you think. Start by making a truce to establish some trust. The best way to do this is by making some sort of deal. Last time my parents went out of town, Mary Pat and I declared a cease-fire. Because my parents will possibly be reading this, I cannot disclose the details of the truce, but we were both very happy in the end. Now we have equal amounts of dirt on one another, thus forbidding either

of us from tattling, and forcing trust into our relationship. Once you are forced to trust somebody because they hold your dirty secrets, you start to put a little more stock in to their wellbeing. For instance, when Mary Pat called me stranded outside of her friend Giana’s house in below freezing temperatures because Giana didn’t know how to get into her own house, I immediately came and picked them up. You might think this isn’t that big of a step, but four months ago I would have let her freeze to death. You need to take a bullet for your sister and any small act of kindness can help to eliminate tension. If all else fails and you are lucky enough to have a third sister, I suggest ganging up on the her, after all the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I’m not saying that once sisters become friends there won’t be any fights, I know for a fact that’s not true: I punched Mary Pat’s boob and she called me a not-so-nice word just this morning. Yet, despite this, I know that by the time I get home from school Mary Pat will have plenty of sophomore gossip to fill me in on. I can’t wait.



May 3, 2013

Don’t worry, be happy Watching people fall down makes me laugh because I’m a bad person and it excites me for reasons I don’t understand. Why else? Because I appreciate the little things. This might come off as hypocritical coming from someone who made his journalistic career out of getting angry at stupid people (and making incest jokes), but I also try not to take life too seriously. It’s not like anyone ever gets out alive. High school is the time adolescents are expected to make the kind By Chris Kivlahan of decisions they will carry with them for the Opinion Editor rest of their lives. As such, it’s the beginning of our transition to the soul-crushing adult world. But does it have to be? Life is a lot less serious than people like to pretend it is. Everyone is living the life they want. We might as well act like it. Life is comprised of choices. Big ones, small ones and incredibly average medium-sized ones. That’s all there is. These choices make us what we are and shape our lives. You might say factors outside your control have more to do with shaping your life–– maybe you’re not smart, pretty or privileged. You might as well complain you can’t fly or breathe under water. Even if you don’t enjoy your life, you’re still living the one you choose for yourself. There’s no use in complaining that, for example, you’re not good at baseball. At some point in your life, you were presented with the choice, “Become good at baseball or X” and you chose X. When the universe decided to offer you that choice, you were more interested in X than you were in being good at baseball. The thousands of choices you make each and every day are all driving you towards the life you’re leading now–– the one you want to live. If you’re living the life you chose for yourself, there’s no use in taking any of it too seriously. If you don’t like what you’re doing, just change your choices. Be good at baseball instead of picking X. Maybe the reason people like taking their lives seriously is because they think they’re important. Nobody’s important. Sure, there are outliers. Maybe one percent of one percent of people will do something like produce a great work of literature or cure cancer, but the odds are so overwhelming against that person being you or me that it’s not worth considering. This is not me saying you shouldn’t have goals. You should –– without them, life is barely worth living. But don’t make your life goal to be the president or save the princess. Unless you can (you probably can’t), don’t aim for saving the world. Have fun. Make people happy. Above all, make your biggest goal to find meaning in life for yourself and others. Put simply, I’m saying you should rearrange your priorities to put happiness above greatness. The greatest people are rarely the happiest. Now, I know each and every person reading this is thinking to themselves, “Sure that’s true for the other people, but I’ll be that one percent of one percent for sure.” The reason I can say with certainty that you are thinking that is because the American culture we are exposed to has molded us to believe that we are each the hero of our own stories. What we refuse to accept and what society refuses to show us is that in all likelihood we are not special–– we are waiting for a climax or heroic moment that’s never going to come. It’s almost certain we are each nothing more than a face on the street or a stranger in the coffee shop as a tiny part of someone else’s grand narrative. Don’t get me wrong. This is by no means me saying your life is meaningless. Quite the opposite, in fact. I am simply pointing out the inevitable truth that instead of looking for meaning on the large scale, trying to be a hero or trying to change the world, we need to look for meaning in our lives in the minute details. And it’s a hell of a lot easier to find meaning when you don’t take everything so goshdarn seriously all the time.

‘Fake’ geeks, real problems The fake geek girl is the ignorant imposter who hasn’t played every video game ever, who doesn’t know the history of comic books and who can’t rattle off Dr. Who doctors like they’re family. She couldn’t possibly understand the sheer effort and dedication that it takes to be a nerd; she’s just there for the attention. Obviously, true nerdiness is something that only the few and the proud can manage to achieve. No yucky girls allowed. Except that nerdom is a phenomenon built on inclusiveness. Not everyone has to have an encyclopedic knowledge of a fandom. Let’s face it: being the best nerd ever doesn’t really have many positive repercussions in the harsh light of reality. But this doesn’t stop nerd culture from being surprisingly sexist; aside from the obvious lack of female comic book writers and over-sexualization of female comic book characters, there are some serious undercurrents of misogyny in nerd culture. Comic book writer Tony Harris is known for his work on series such as Starman, Iron Man and Ex Machina. What should a man with this much graphic by Anna Boratyn power do with his time? Make inflammatory, sexist posts on Facebook. s MEMESOGENY: The “Idiot Nerd Girl” meme has been thrown around the inLike this one, (directed towards ternet since June 2010. It points out ways to tell if a nerdy girl is an “impostor”: women, of course). “We are LEGION. not knowing key nerd lore, mispronouncing words and generally being a poser. And here it is, THE REASON WHY ALL THAT, sickens us: BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW (expletive) Perez tweeted, “Does Felicia Day these things. ABOUT COMICS, BEYOND WHAT- matter at all?” and “I mean does she There’s a lot wrong with exclusionEVER GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH actually contribute anything useful ist thinking in nerd culture. Firstly, it YOU DID TO GET REF (reference) to this industry, besides retaining a assumes that girls can’t have interests ON THE MOST MAINSTREAM geek persona?” and hobbies of their own. It assumes CHARACTER WITH THE Eventually, he ended up they have to have some ulterior moMOST REVEALING COStweeting directly at Day: tive to be involved in nerd culture– in TUME EVER.” “Could you be considered other words, that being nerdy is an Also, this jewel; “Womnothing more than a glori- elaborate scheme to get nerdy guys to en, you are not welcome fied booth babe? You don’t like girls. Because that’s a valid way here. If you don’t have enseem to add anything cre- to spend your time. cyclopedic knowledge of ative to the medium.” I dislike posers as much as anyone the character you are playDay has gotten criticism else, but what I dislike more are soing, it doesn’t matter if you in the past for being a wom- called gatekeepers of culture. No one spent four months putting an heavily involved in nerd is qualified to decide who gets to be it together, it doesn’t matculture. Because according part of and who gets to be excluded ter if you’re just having fun By Anna Boratyn to the likes of Harris and from a culture. When people try to and learning more about Executive Opinion Perez, women don’t really keep the posers out, they isolate inthe culture, it doesn’t mat- Editor have anything to offer in dividuals who just want to be part of ter if you’ve been a fan for terms of nerd culture. Oth- something bigger. two minutes or two decades, YOU er than standing around dressed as So what do you do with posers, ARE NOT A REAL NERD.” slutty Zelda. male or female? Include them. BeHarris is taking a negative, reOn the contrary, an enterpris- cause really, who gets to be a geek? stricting stereotype and applying it to ing young nerd might play a role in Anyone. Absolutely anyone who all women everywhere. If that’s not Buffy the Vampire Slayer, start her wants to. sexism, then I don’t know what sex- own popular web series called “The Nerd culture has its roots in opism is anymore. Guild,” start an extremely popular position to intolerance. But it’s that There were also the recent she- multimedia company and Youtube same intolerance, turned inward, nanigans with actress and internet channel called Geek and Sundry and that’s causing nerd culture to fragpersonality Felicia Day and reporter be in Joss Whedon productions. ment. Ryan Perez. Incidentally, Day has done all of



not not: Doing stuff

HOT: GRADUATING Allegedly, I’m sentimental about leaving Prospect. But I just haven’t been feeling it. I’ve had some good times at Prospect, but I’m sort of extremely ready to move on. Or take a nap. I’m so done, guys. -Anna Boratyn

HOT: CHICAGO HIP-HOP Kanye, Common and Lupe started off the first revolution of Chi-town rap, but there is a whole new era. Artists such as Chief Keef, King Louie, Spenzo, and Lil Bibby have brought a new sound to ChIraq. Now their music is being blasting through millions of headphones all around the world. BANG BANG. - Peter Fusilero

AP classes that make you actually do stuff after AP testing are the worst. Nothing is worse than hearing a teacher say that you have to read another book or write an essay after AP testing, especially when you’re a senior and all you want to do is graduate. There is only one month left of school and seniors are starting to check out. We’ve already learned all the content for the class and everything else becomes busy work, so we might as well just watch movies or have a study hall every day. -Danielle Church

not: Hot The temperature is just not okay. Why do we have to go from straight extreme cold to extreme heat? I was under the impression that we lived in the Midwest. Guess not. But you can be sure that I will spend the remainder of my high school career complaining about this. -Anna Boratyn



May 3, 2013

Yearbook living on the ‘Edge’ By Spencer Ball

News Editor

To certain people, the ability to reminisce about the “good old days” is the only thing between them and a casket, aside from a few feet of dirt. According to Crest yearbook adviser Nicole Stoltz, a woman with malnourished nostalgia once called her saying she had lost her ‘94 and ‘96 yearbooks, and she couldn’t go on living without them. Luckily, Stoltz had some extra yearbooks lying around, but the woman never came to pick them up, so she either dropped dead or learned to live with it. On May 16 of this year, students will be able to prevent a doomed future of death by nostalgia by purchasing this year’s yearbook both themed and titled “On Edge.” The theme of “On Edge” was chosen because of its relatability to all students, as everyone has their own stressors, According to Stoltz, this year’s book features large improvements and additions in comparison to books published in the past. These range from far more interesting story angles to

incorporating social media. For example, there are multiple spreads that are designed to look like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest that include entertaining quotes posted on these media hubs by students. “I think the media pages will draw a ton of attention,” Stoltz said. “They are so cool in terms of layout, and there are things [students] find fun and interesting and can’t be found in other yearbooks.” Another aspect of “On Edge” for students to look forward to is that every single senior is featured in the book, aside from students who had moved or didn’t want to be in it. Stoltz also hopes that the greater initiative used when writing the stories inside the book will allow students to appreciate for what it truly is. “In yearbooks, students just want to see themselves and are not there to read stories,” Stoltz

said. “We included things that students would want to read instead of the [yearbook] being a photographic memory book.” While in high school, Stoltz partook in yearbook; her past experiences made her the winning candidate for an adviser position at Prospect at the beginning of last school year. Stoltz thinks her transition into the adviser position last year was tough on her and the yearbook staff, as they both needed to learn each other’s work habits and limits. However, the transition obviously wasn’t as detrimental as Stoltz figured. The graduation spread from the 2011-2012 yearbook has recently been chosen out of 5,000 books throughout the United States to be featured in the “Gotcha Covered Look Book” by Jostens, which is the largest yearbook production company, as well as the publisher of Prospect’s yearbook.

“On Edge” 2013

According to Stoltz, the “Look Book” is an annual publication in which the best spreads, covers and layouts from yearbooks throughout the country are all compiled into one book. Stoltz feels that last year’s book “The Way we See it”, which focused on how students perceive Prospect, was able to achieve this award for a variety of reasons, the first being the dedication of the staff. “[Instead] of choosing from a default template, we’d [design] the pages from scratch, trying to add our own little twist on everything,” Stoltz said. “We were very meticulous about every little detail.” However, seniors and Editors-in-Chief (EIC) Madelyn Sobey and Maria Dellanina believe that if it weren’t for Stoltz’s strong initiative, the yearbook wouldn’t have accomplished all that it did. “[Stoltz] came on and did a fantastic job by getting us out there to conventions and workshops that allowed us to understand the world [of] yearbook,” Sobey said. “Before, we didn’t understand how to go outside the box, but once we learned more at these conventions, we knew how to create a better book.”

“Make your

Move” 2009

“A Stroll Down Memory Lane” 2010

“It’s in the Details” 2011

“The Way w

e See it” 2012

Spring fashion updatedate By Lauren Miller Staff Writer

A self-proclaimed ‘girly-girl,’ Penner believes that she can never have enough sparkles. She would describe her wardrobe as big and colorful. So big, in fact, that she hasn’t repeated an outfit yet this year. Penner has her process to plan outfits down to a science. “I often plan out my outfits a week before, if not sooner,” Penner said. In order to keep track of what she wore, Penner keeps the tags on the clothes; if the clothing still has a tag then she knows she hasn’t worn it yet. She also mixes and matches tops and accessories for new outfits. On top of her already impressive feat, Penner has never worn sweat pants or yoga pants to school. Always being one step ahead of the game, Penner is ready for spring. She believes that the spring fashion trends will heavily incorporate combat boots, denim shirts and an abundance of accessories. As for final words of advice, Penner always believes in being different. “Make it [your outfit] as unique as you can,” Penner said. Oh, and don’t forget the sparkles.

With her faded denim shirt, black lace shorts and classic high-top shoes, Schillmoeller is anything but mainstream. Schillmoeller goes downtown to the Loop everyday after school for dance, which is where she gets much of her fashion inspiration. “Everyone down in the loop is just generally really stylish,” Schillmoeller said. “So just being around all those people inspires me to dress better.” According to Schillmoeller, what’s popular in the Loop is usually popular in the suburbs six to eight months later. Studded clothing, heavy combat boots such as Doc Martens and vintage tees are all in style in the Loop right now as spring trends. Also seafoam green and pale pink are the new stylish colors for spring, but on the opposite side of the spectrum, Schillmoeller believes that black leather will be ‘in’ as well. Schillmoeller would describe her wardrobe as colorful, expansive and lots of accessories. To top off her vintage look, Schillmoeller swears by bandanas, which she goes thrifting for, and rings, which she most often find at Nordstroms and Urban Outfitters. Hey, Aleks can we go thrift shopping?

Never without her Urban Outfitters purse and army jacket; Amanda Basalaj owns the fashion scene of PHS. Basalaj draws her outfit inspiration from YouTubers. In particular she watches Helen Anderson, otherwise known as Helen Melon Lady. While Helen Melon Lady’s outfits are street style, Basalaj considers her wardrobe to be very calm, but yet changing on a day-to-day basis. “One day I could be rocker, the next street style,” Basalaj said. ”I don’t try to label myself one particular thing.” A major ‘must’ in Basalaj’s wardrobe is her military jacket (see picture) that she wears ‘religiously.’ Some other outfit ‘musts’ for Basalaj include layering, flowy skirts and nothing too ‘over the top.’ Basalaj herself doesn’t really follow trends. Basalaj isn’t a big fan of neon because she thinks it’s ‘too flashy,’ but she knows that some form of neon whether it be shirts, nail polish or shoes will be prevalent during the spring and into summer. Above all trends Basalaj believes students should follow basic street style rule: wear whatever you feel you look good in and layer, layer, layer!

Colleen McDonagh — Senior

Amanda Basalaj — Junior

Aleks Schillmoeller — Sophomore

Katie Penner — Freshman

Spring has just blossomed in, and love is in the air. A love of clothes that is. The changing of the seasons has also brought about a changing of fashion trends as well. Fashion experts from predict strips, high low skirts and shirts, lace, ’peek-a-boo’ pieces (cutouts in shirts), and beading/studs will all be major trends for this spring. Four trendy PHS students have predictions for spring fashion as well...

Weird and different, two words not commonly associated with someone’s outfits, but Colleen McDonagh begs to differ. Along with weird and different, McDonagh describes her wardrobe as eclectic. Like many other teenage suburban girls, McDonagh shops at Forever 21 and Dry Goods. In order to find ‘odd’ clothing apart from the mainstream, look McDonagh scrutinizes the clothing racks. She pairs her varied items with basics and creates the outfits. McDonagh always wears a ring or accessory to tie the outfit together. The majority of inspiration for McDonagh’s bold outfits comes from Vogue and other magazines. Throughout the magazines McDonagh has seen stripes, especially black and white prevalent in the spring trends. She also thinks that colored and printed pants will be a trend as well. McDonagh’s main rule is to look for things that complement each other and to make it your own. “Its not really what the piece of clothing [you buy],” McDonagh said. “Its more how you make an outfit out of different things to make it your own.”



September 20, 2012

Knightlife students g

go clubbing

September 20, 2012





May 3, 2013

Sorority life builds family, balance sity and had the opportunity to talk to some of the sorority women. “Everyone I met was really nice,” In the Amanda Bynes comedy “Syd- Pope said. “There were girls I met that ney White,” the main character decides would talk to you, and they were real.” Making connections with other to join a sorority, the same one her members is important. Science teachmother was in during her first year of er Michelle Tantillo joined the sorority college. She expects to find friendship. In- Sigma Sigma Sigma (Tri Sigma) during stead, her physical appearance is picked her sophomore year at Illinois State University after a friend encouraged apart, and she is humiliated in front of her to go through recruitment with her. a crowd for not conforming. “When I got there and met the womWhile some Greek organizations fit the depiction in movies like “Sydney en, I had never, at that campus, felt so at White” and “Animal House,” sororities home,” Tantillo said. “It was like joinand fraternities are increasingly ser- ing a home, joining a family.” That sense of family helps, especialvice based and are social and support ly when a student is away from home systems for college students. According to the Office of Fraternity for the first time. “You’re going to have friends like and Sorority Affairs at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (UIUC), that no matter what but especially at the mission of Greek life is to instill Alabama, since the school is so big, it friendship, leadership, scholarship, ser- helps you find a group of girls that you vice and social advancement in respect really like,” Pope said. As part of this family, Tantillo saw to diversity for its members. As seniors look forward to leaving her sisters support her in her life in and for school at the end of the summer, out of the classroom. Tantillo was heavily involved in Resome have considered going through recruitment a way to transition into lay for Life in some of the first years it was held on college. ISU’s campus, “It will be nice to Recruitment 101 and her sisters have a big group of made teams girls, and Alabama Here are tips on going through and encouraged is really diverse,” recruitment from science teacher her. senior Hannah Pope Michelle Tantillo and ‘12 grad Katie “To have that said. “You wouldn’t Canonaco. sisterly support think it is, but it •Be yourself: “Don’t hesitate to dress of them startwould be nice to also a certain way, [and] answer questions a ing a couple of have girls who are far certain way,” Tantillo said. teams and being from home.” •Ask questions: According to Tantillo, there, that was The week before doing research and asking questions overwhelming classes start, Pope about a chapter can help determine to me in terms plans to undergo forwhich group is the best fit. of their love mal recruitment at •Don’t stress: “If you go in really and support for the University of Alstressed about it and you’re scared or me,” Tantillo abama, where 32 pernervous then you won’t be yourself and said. cent of women are you’ll be a little awkward,” Canonaco Most Greek involved with Greek said. life organilife, according to US zations have News and World Rephilanthropies port (see “Recruitthey work with on both national and loment 101”). Throughout the week, potential new cal levels. “They all raise money, but a lot of members will visit every sorority and narrow down their choices as the week them are really hands on, and they are required to do something for the comgoes on. ‘12 grad Katie Canonaco underwent munity,” Pope said. “One of the sororities reads to elementary school kids on a similar process at the University of Kansas in the fall, settling in Sigma Fridays to help them with their literacy, and other ones clean up after certain Kappa. “It’s really hectic and it’s a little events.” This friendship and support transtressful, but it’s fun for the most part,” scends just the college years for some Canonaco said. To prepare for the week and learn sorority members. Despite being a graduate, Tantillo is more about Greek life on campus, Pope attended a preview day at the univer- still highly involved in Tri Sigma, orga-

Miranda Holloway Editor- in- Chief


*Information on based on 2011-2012 report

Information courtesy of and

s HELPING HANDS: Science teacher Michelle Tantillo (far left) volunteers at the

D.C. Soup Kitchen with fellow Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority sisters. While building leadership, the women bonded by preparing food. photo courtesy of Michelle Tantillo

nizing national conventions, leadership “old row” and a “new row,” according to training events and is the go-between in Pope, with the old row being more trathe partnership between Tri Sigma and ditional. the national Character Counts organi“Even in the old row, there is going to zation. be stereotypical [girls] in some of them, She also estimates she has mentored but I didn’t meet anyone who was stuck around 400 Tri Sigmas over the past up,” Pope said. three or four years and is a member of a Canonaco says she has seen girls support team for many local Tri Sigma who have fit the stereotype, but overall chapters, including her there were more girls alma mater at ISU. It was like that defied it. During her time at “I’ve seen girls who joining a home, are so smart, so nice, ISU, Tantillo never felt pressure to change her joining a family.” so involved with our personality; instead, philanthropy,” Canona- Michelle Tantillo, she became more confico said. “It’s way differscience teacher ent than I expected.” dent in her abilities. “I learned a lot of As for the question leadership, I learned about who I am of hazing, Tantillo says that Tri Sigma and what I stand for and my values as and most other Greek organizations well as the organization’s values,” Tan- have a zero-hazing policy, and that haztillo said. “I learned to become very ing is against what a fraternity and socomfortable with who I am and my rority should stand for. choices and not feeling like I had to fit “They’re your sisters, and you have in with everybody else.” this core set of values and trust,” TanAlong with the support and opportu- tillo said. “If you have that friendship nities of Greek life, the stereotypes still with them, you’re not going to bully hold true at some campuses and within them or haze them.” some chapters. Another struggle comes in balancing “There are certain places that you’re the fun and commitment of sorority going to go ... and they’re going to fit with schoolwork. right into a stereotype,” Tantillo said. For Canonaco, this hasn’t been a “But if you just look at whoever is on problem. the campus you’re going to be at, you She balances school, a job and her can find ‘oh I’ve heard such and such commitments to Sigma Kappa without about this organization,’ and [find] that much issue. these women are very different” “It keeps you busy so you have to For example, at Alabama, there is an get everything done,” Canonaco said. “You’re on more of a schedule.” Pope and her roommates she is going through recruitment with are considering this with what they are looking for in a sorority. “We are all very determined,” Pope said. “I want to be a doctor, and I’m not going to have a sorority party stop me from being a doctor. . . We’re all looking for sororities that can balance. “We want to have fun, college is about having fun, but we are very goal-oriented, and we want to get done what we want to get done. We don’t want to be in college for 10 years because we were too busy having fun.”

May 3, 2013



Makeup not a made-up profession Students pursue careers in beauty

For McPherson, the idea first came up during her freshman year after a friend’s mom mentioned the possibility after a conversation with her own hair stylist. It was not until now, her junior year, that she has really followed By Ellen Siefke through with her passion. Since she, Features Writer too, was unsure of a possible career, Throughout childhood, girls often this choice has worked nicely for her. Although both would like to go into think of makeup and hair as something fun; they enjoy pretending to put eye- beauty, why they specifically enjoy shadow on themselves, making up crazy beauty differs. Wils likes that beauty careers are not hairstyles, etc. As girls age, makeup and too focused on the traditional types of hair become a more important part of classes and more on their lives, as many what she appreciThe big three of beauty girls have a daily ates. makeup routine The world of beauty involves many “When you’re doand take advantage different careers, but each can fall ing something you of hair products into one of three overarching categolove, [school work] like straighteners. ries, which in turn fall under the giant doesn’t matter,” For many teenumbrella of cosmetology, which is a Wils said. age girls, the incatch-all word to describe all the arMcPherson, on terest with makeeas of beauty. Here is a brief descripthe other hand, enup and hair ends tion of each. there, and they Hair: In this area of beauty, students joys the variation in beauty. don’t consider taklearn about different cutting, styling “There’s always ing their interest and coloring techniques, as well as different trends in to the career level. adapting to the newest trends in hair. fashion, and it’s not However, for seProfessionals may go on to open and always the same,” nior Brooke Wils manage their own salons. McPherson said. and junior Damira Makeup: Students in this field must “It’s not always goMcPherson, this learn to adapt to all clients’ requests, ing to be repetitive, casual interest will no matter how crazy, and they must so it’s just going to become the focus of be able to match different colors and change things up all their future jobs in shades of makeup to different skin the time.” the beauty industones. Professionals have the opporAs for preparatry. tunity to work with actors and actresstion, students inFor both girls, es for scenes and help manage the terested have the the decision to go looks for photo shoots. opportunity to take into the beauty inNails/Skin Care: Instruction for this classes at Empire dustry came after area is very visual, so students often Beauty School in uncertainty regardtake a hands-on approach to learnArlington Heights, ing their future caing. Careers include anything from similar to students reers. dermatologists to spa managers to taking classes at Wils has always nail artists. Harper or who are been interested in in Med Academy. hair and makeup, According to college and career counand after realizing she was unsure of her future her junior year, she began selor Diane Bourn, students can go to explore the idea of going to beauty through this cosmetology program by simply setting up their schedule with school. “I looked into beauty school, and I counselors to allow for the time rewas like, ‘You know what? This seems quired for both transportation and the really interesting,’” Wils said. “And classes themselves. Wils is taking advantage of this opthen I started really loving it, and now I can’t picture myself doing anything portunity; she leaves for Empire every day during sixth period and spends the besides it.”

Beauty on the road Senior Brooke Wils, as part of an opportunity with her class at Empire Beauty School, went to the American Beauty Show, a convention held in Chicago March 22-24. For Wils, it was a true learning experience. According to her, the convention included numerous shows that displayed different techniques for doing hair and also included presentations by some professionals about their experiences in the beauty world. Wils also had the opportunity to purchase some products to supplement the tools she uses in her class; she bought RedKen hair products, such as color. “It was a really cool experience,” Wils said. “It really made me feel excited about what I’m doing.”

s BEAUTY MANIA: The American Beauty Show showcases a variety of different

exhibits that explain different beauty techniques. Senior Brooke Wils and her class at Empire Beauty School went to the convention in Chicago. photo courtesy of Brooke Wils remainder of her day there. Her class is called Pre-Salon, and it is basically an introductory class that covers all of the different areas of beauty, which can include both hair and makeup. Students receive a kit with different tools and get to work with mannequins. It won’t be until next year that Wils and her classmates get to practice on real clients. She thoroughly enjoys her classes and her classmates, who are other girls from different schools around the district, such as Rolling Meadows. “I like how you get to start off early in high school, rather than later,” Wils said. “And you get a head start on what you want to do with your life.” McPherson will take classes at Empire Beauty School next year. There, she will be able to get a true taste of beauty school and start to familiarize herself with all of the aspects of the beauty industry. She holds an optimistic view, and thinks the class will go well for her. She looks forward to developing lasting friendships with her classmates. “I feel like you’re going to get pretty close with [your classmates] since there’s only 15 or 20 girls,” McPherson said. “You’re going to be with them the whole year, and I feel like since this is what I like to do, I’m going to enjoy it a lot.” For both girls, the future holds promise; they will become full-time students at Empire Beauty School after gradu-

ation and will move on to get their licenses and start practicing. In addition, both would like to go into hair styling, which can involve anything from cutting to coloring, and they are confident in their abilities. In addition to going to Empire, Wils will take business classes at Harper Community College so that she will be able to become a manager. She dreams of one day opening her own salon. As for McPherson, she is excited to take classes at Empire next year; an earlier orientation at the school left her impressed and anticipating the start. Although she would like to eventually open her own salon, for now, she just wants to concentrate on beauty school and finding a job. “Right now, I’m just going to focus on being a good hairstylist,” McPherson said. Although beauty may not seem like an ideal profession, the job outlook is positive. According to Beauty Schools Directory, there were 819,000 jobs in the beauty industry in the United States in 2010, and more than 128,000 will be added by 2020. McPherson understands the beauty industry is growing and looks forward to her future. “There’s always going to be a need for [beauty jobs], so you’ll always have opportunities,” McPherson said. “No matter what, you can always find your place.”

Who Knows You Better? The subjects Avi Chitman


Favorite ice cream flavor?

Least favorite subject?

Dream job?

Name of first pet?

Best track race?

Eri Bear



Physical therapist



The Boyfriend

Erin O’Donnell


4 Urn

Peanut butter fudge


Physical therapist



Stephanie Aubry



Physical therapist


The mile

The Best Friend


Mint chocolate chip

The Subject


The results





May 3, 2013

Netflix rediscovers rental industry Netflix revolutionizes television and film rentals with instant streaming videos By Kelly Schoessling

Executive Entertainment Editor

“[Netflix] has some of the odder [movies] that you wouldn’t find in other places,” Habel said. “They don’t have a bunch of newer [movies], but the advantage is that you can access a lot.” Netflix hasn’t only attracted customers. They’ve also made current business deals with producers. For example, producers of the political drama “House of Cards” recently made the decision to have the entire series available on Netflix’s instant streaming rather than having the season air on television. Explained by the series’ producer actor, Kevin Spacey, in an interview with GQ magazine, “This is the direction that storytelling is evolving, where you’re going to have the most interesting story lines, the most interesting characters,” Spacey said. Radon believes the situation is convenient and ideal, though she’s unsure about the profit for the companies. “I don’t know how companies can make a lot of money off of [‘House of Cards’] with-

When junior Lizzy Radon wants to watch “Weeds,” one of her favorite series from Showtime’s network, she doesn’t drive down to a video store. Instead, she simply logs onto her Netflix account and streams the entire series from the comfort of her own home. Radon isn’t Netflix’s only member, though. The online and shipping rental store has become extremely popular in the past several years. In 2003, Netflix had a total of one million members, but since the company has grown to 33 million. The online site includes several thousand movie titles for online streaming, as well as a total of 4 million DVDs in inventory according to The site was created in 1997 by Reed Hastings. According to an interview conducted by, Hastings manifested the idea after getting a $40 late fee from a VHS cassette he had previously rented. Hastings first had the idea of creating a mail rental service, but also to manufacture a subscription based service once the company had not gained popularity immediately. Though he started the service April 26 April 26 through “Hemlock Grove” “ParaNorman” m a i l , Hastings knew he would create an online streaming web- out the commercials,” Radon site, which is why he initially said. “It’s nice because I don’t named the company Netflix. The online streaming have to wait to watch [a new subscription cost and DVD episode] until the next week, mail service are both $7.99 a though.” Though Netflix provides month individually. Junior Rebecca Habel a variety of instant films prefers using Netflix online and television shows, it also reserves a large abundance because of the spectrum of genres present throughout the of titles for their mail rental service. site. Therefore certain movies

can not be attained through the website. Radon comments this system can be frustrating. “There’s actually a lot of [movies] it doesn’t have and if you’re in the mood for a movie and they don’t have it, it sucks.” Radon said. When Radon is searching for a particular movie, which isn’t on Netflix she visits her local Redbox (see Redbox exceeds origin) or Family Video. Family Video, a rental store located on 2338 E. Rd Arlington Heights, has managed to stay open and expand despite several other rental stores closing within the area. Customer Service April 26 Re presentative Emily “Safe” Rusvczak believes the store can credit its success to their treatment of customers. “If you have a problem with your movies, we’ll gladly get you a new copy,” Rusvczak said. “We’ll give you a credit to your movies if they don’t work, and we are very understanding with late fees. If there’s something that came up, or you couldn’t get [the rentals] back, we’ll easily work with you.” Rusvczak also believes their

Recent videos added to Netflix

DVDs coming soon to Netflix

April 30 “Silver Linings Playbook”

larger selection of movies helps their business. “We have a large assortment of older movies, so just by wandering around you can

I haven’t seen before, but I don’t know whether they’re bad or not. I ask [Family Video employees] and sometimes they know about [the movies],” Habel said. Whether movies I think as long can still be rented through stores or as people want it’s clear to interact with online, Netflix has created another human a phenomenon of revolutionized film being, we’re still going and series watching. According to Habel to be in business.” the overall success of - EMILY RUSVCZAK, Family Video the company comes Employee from the nearing ending supply the service has offered its come across a lot more [as customers. opposed to] scrolling.” Despite “It’s an incentive. They have the continuous closing of a lot of stuff [movies] on there rental stores, Rusvczak is you don’t normally see, and I confident Family Video will think that draws people into not be affected. [Netflix],” Habel said. “You actually have a human interaction [at Family Video],” Rusvczak said. “I think as long as people want to interact with another human being, we’re still going to be in business.” Habel also agrees the interactions at Family Video Redbox exceeds origin are priceless. “I like Redbox may be recognized as the fifth s e e i n g largest DVD rental store in the country, movies that but the machines success was a really a mistake. Redbox started as a high tech convenience store in the Washington Region in 2003. Redbox thought it would be profitable to have a DVD rental machine outside the shopping area. The store itself quickly went out of business, but the DVD rental machine continued to make profit. Since their creation, Redboxes have always been stationed next to grocery and convenience stores to gain as much profit in the market as available. Rentals at the Redbox are currently $1.20.

June 11 June 4

May 21

“Safe Haven”

“Promised Land”

graphic by Ian Magnuson

“Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters”

Information courtesy of

May 3, 2013 Entertainment


Fundraiser showcases skills, talent ‘Prospect’s Got Talent’ brings in array of students, performers By Andi Hayes

Features Editor Senior Inho Kook has always enjoyed being able to express himself through dance. So when his hip hop crew New Meta Prime suggested that they audition for Prospect’s Got Talent, Kook jumped on board. Despite being together for over a year, Kook and his crew have never had a performance before in front of an audience, so they decided Prospect’s Got Talent would be a good way to debut their talents. New Meta Prime practiced for hours on Saturdays as well as during Hip Hop Club meetings for their April 16 audition. The group was chosen for the show along with 20 other acts. A reason for Kook wanting to perform was that the show was also a way for his friends to know about the kind of dancing he does, whether or not he wins. “[We want to] show the audience that we’re not in it for the money, but we’re doing [Prospect’s Got Talent] to show them that dancing is a great hobby,” Kook said. While Prospect has usually

hosted a variety show to showcase talents like hip hop dancing from Kook and New Meta Prime, this year, the stakes have been raised. The Variety Show is no longer simply a showcase of Prospect’s talent; it is now a competition called Prospect’s Got Talent (PGT). The event will take place tonight, May 3, at 7 p.m. in the theater. Tickets are $5 and the money raised from them will go into helping pay for the competition of the National Forensics League in Birmingham, Ala. from June 16-21. While the variety show was just a showcase of talent, “Prospect’s Got Talent” will be judged by a panel of judges, who are staff members specially chosen to critique the acts. The panel of judges will be a surprise to the audience and performers alike to add to the excitement of the show. The judges will choose the first and second place winner and the crowd will choose the favorite. The crowd favorite can be the first or second place winner, or could be another act entirely. The idea of turning the va-

photo by Andi Hayes

s HIP HOP TO THE TOP: (From left to right) Sophomore Vince Carreon, freshman Elijah Mangaba,

senior Inho Kook and sophomore Jasper Huerto practice as hip hop crew New Meta Prime for Prospect’s Got Talent. New Meta Prime are one of many acts competing for a prize in the show. riety show into “Prospect’s Got Talent” and making it competitive came from senior Ivy Fishman, who will be MCing the event along with fellow national qualifiers, juniors Meghan Doyle and Josh Arshonsky and freshman Kit Fitzgerald (see “Say what?”). However, according to Fine Arts coordinator and event supervisor Jeremy Morton, the main purpose of Prospect’s Got Talent is to display all of the types of talent that Pros-

Say what? Money made from “Prospect’s Got Talent” will go to help the four students who qualified to compete in the National Forensic League national competition in Birmingham, Ala., where they will be performing their speeches or other selections chosen. These are their events: Original Oratory: Orators are expected to research and speak intelligently, with a degree of originality, in an interesting manner, and with some profit to the audience about a topic of significance. It will be performed by freshman Kit Fitzgerald. Duo Interp: This is a two-person category in which the selection may be either humorous or dramatic in nature. The performers must perform their selection without looking directly at each other or making any physical contact. It will be performed by junior Josh Arshonsky and senior Ivy Fishman. Humorous Interp: This is an individual category in which the selections are humorous in nature. Selections shall be cuttings from published-printed novels, short stories, plays, poetry, or any other printed-published materials. It will be performed by junior Meghan Doyle. info courtesy of

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pect has to offer for students who aren’t involved in any other shows at Prospect, to show whatever talent they have that makes them special. “It’s always fun to highlight and showcase individuals and ensembles that aren’t always highlighted in the specific performance opportunities we have at Prospect,” Morton said. Kook is excited to be in the show because he hasn’t had a chance at Prospect before to show his friends, family and school just what he does in his hip hop crew. “If we win, that’s great, but I just want people to know that I do dance and it’s a hobby... that I love,” Kook said. Junior Becky Kreidler is also performing and is excited to have people look forward to her act and make “Prospect’s Got Talent” more well-known to the audience. “I’m doing it for the performance aspect of [PGT] and to make it more well-known,” Kreidler said. “I feel like a lot

of people didn’t know about [PGT].” Kreidler, along with piano accompaniment from sophomore Allie O’Connor, will be playing a piece titled “Violin Concerto 3” by Mozart. Kreidler has been practicing the violin piece since December in order to prepare for her Concerto/Aria concert for orchestra last Wednesday (see “Orchestra concert shows off soloists” below), figuring she might as well audition for PGT since she worked so hard on her piece. Many acts have had to work hard as many were still working on their acts during the audition process. Fishman says she is really excited to see how all of the acts come together during the show to see how far they’ve come since she saw them last. “I’m excited to see the final finished product and the support for all of the groups and how it all turns out,” Fishman said.

Orchestra concert shows off soloists, duets

“Pain and Gain” review Next year’s Orchesis preview Pepperoni bread recipe (pictured below) Fall Out Boy review Chocolate sundae pie recipe “Awkward” review

photo by Andi Hayes

For a video of the performance from the Concerto Aria soloists and the rest of the orchestra concert from May 1, check out

s HIT IT MAESTRO!: Junior Courtney Wong practices for her duet for the orchestra concert on May 1.

New Releases

Videogames: April 14

TV Show April 23

Fashion: April 24

Music: April 30

DVD: April 30

Movie: May 3

Concert: May 9



May 3, 2013

Pandemonium rains on delayed season Baseball scrambles to make up games

Varsity team leaders Batting

AVG • Sr. AJ Compton: .385 • Jr. Sean Dela Cruz: .333 • Jr. Jackson Wrede: .323

By Kyle Brown Copy Editor

The first two weeks of the baseball team’s season were delayed completely as a result of some of the most hectic weather patterns in recent memory—freezing temperatures through most of March left the field frozen and impossible to prepare for a game. Just a couple weeks after the Knights played their first game, nonstop rain flooded the varsity field and rendered it unplayable once again. The boys’ baseball team has gotten out to a rough 2-13-2 start this season, but the team has a chance to redeem itself with a schedule fully loaded with makeup games in the next few weeks, playing a game almost every weekday, including double headers on Saturdays. “We’ll do our best to get all our conference games in, but unfortunately, most of our non-conference games won’t be able to be made up,” head coach Ross Giusti said. “Everyone’s just backed up right now.” While the varsity team is on a tight schedule to get all their games in before regionals start in mid-May, the other levels might have a chance of having their season extended. “It won’t [extend the season] for the varsity, but we are ex-

RBI • AJ Compton: 13 • Jackson Wrede: 5 • Jr. Grant Gerdes: 5 OBP • AJ Compton: .528 • Jackson Wrede: .462 • Sean Dela Cruz: .429


Strikeouts • Sr. Welby Malczewski: 25 • Sr. Zach Smith: 13 • Jr. Jordan Fedro

s EYE ON THE PRIZE: Sophomore Tyler Damasky swings during a 6-1 loss against Glenbard East on Wednesday, April 3. After a slow start, the team has worked on improving their hitting. “In the long run, we’ll start winning when our hitting gets back up,” head coach Ross Giusti said. photo by Ian Magnuson

ploring extending the season for the under levels because freshmen and sophomores lost out on even more games than the varsity [team] just because to get the under level fields ready, it’s more difficult,” Giusti said. Even with the conditions of the fields constantly in flux, the team has managed to play every day, nabbing indoor space when it’s available and even traveling to off-site facilities like batting cages whenever their games are cancelled. While the team’s record has

room for improvement, their strength in the games ahead will be their depth in the bullpen. “We have a very large pitching staff at Prospect and use most of them,” junior Jordan Fedro said. The main starting pitchers are Fedro and seniors Welby Malczewski and Zach Smith, but in total, there are up to eight players who are capable of starting with some of the sophomores who were called up to varsity. “We have a starting rota-

tion, but with the amount of starting pitchers that we have, we can go anywhere,” Fedro said. Even with a fortified pitching staff, the Knights are losing games to their breakdowns in fundamentals. “We’ve been struggling with the bats all year, and our record shows that,” Giusti said. “We just need to pick up the ball more. We’re making a lot of errors as well.” Fedro believes that the packed schedule ahead will play to the team’s advantage

ERA • Sr. Alec Backes: 1.40 • Sr. Zach Tuczak: 1.91 • Jr. Nick Rodriguez: 2.47 Wins • Welby Malczewski: 1 • Jordan Fedro: 1 Recent as of April 30 once they get in a groove. “Lately we haven’t been doing very hot, but I feel like once we start winning, we’re going to keep winning,” Fedro said. But Fedro and Giusti agree that this won’t be possible until the bats start connecting. “We need to start hitting more, and that’s going to be our strength later in the season,” Fedro said.

Speeding straight to success

May 3, 2013



Olson pursues life-long love for racing Executive Sports Editor At six years old, senior Brittany Olson drove her dad’s Harley down in Florida. In fourth grade, she started go-kart racing. At 12 years old, she received her first dirt bike and at 14 years old, she started drag racing. When she was 10, her father, Jim Olson, signed her up for Chicago Indoor Racing’s Junior Racing School. It is open for kids at a minimum age of seven, and by the time she graduated in eighth grade, she received a first place trophy. However, Brittany did not want to continue racing school. Her dad made her finish it though, but said that if she didn’t want to keep pursuing it after she completed the course, she didn’t have to. Once Brittany got onto the actual track, it was all she wanted to do and has been racing ever since. On March 29, Brittany completed the Rookie Experience of the Richard Petty Driving Experience. She completed eight laps in a real race car with a top speed of 162.38 MPH–unheard of for a driver of her age. Throughout her driving career, she has met professional drivers such as Helio Castroneves, Pippa Mann, Danica Patrick and many more. Most of the time, she likes to focus on meeting female race car drivers because they are competing in a male dominated sport. She believes women bring an important role in driving and sports in general. In second grade, Brittany played on a baseball team with all boys and one other girl. There wasn’t a girls’ softball league until third grade, which resulted in her familiarity with boy and girl stereotypes in sports. Similarly, the divide between boys and girls in sports carried into racing. One time when Brittany won a first place trophy, one of the boys

she competed against started crying because he didn’t want to lose to a girl. There are times when she has to wear a devil’s helmet which is made for guys. Her opponents can’t tell if she is a guy or girl during those times, so they race against her like they would anyone else. “If [they know] you’re a girl they go easier on you and that’s not fair,” Brittany said. E v e n though wome n were segr e gated in sports, Brittany believes that over the years women have gained more respect in race car driving. There are women that are becoming successful in the sport which paves the way for women in the future. If Brittany were to go into professional racing, she would have to get suits specially made for her. Suits for men and women are different because girls obviously have a different figure than guys do. Not only would she have to buy an expensive suit, but she would also need gloves, headgear, shoes and more. “If it was up to [Brittany], racing is what she would be doing for a living,” Jim Olson said. “Unfortunately it costs millions of dollars and I haven’t won the lottery yet.” Olson is going to DePaul next year to be a teacher, but knows deep down that she will always want to be racecar driver. “Racing has been a part of my life since I was young,” Brittany said. “I know that I’m never not going to do it.”

A Lit F U S E

with Peter Fusilero

VROOM VROOM: Senior Brittany Olson poses in a racecar at the 2011 Milwaukee Mile.


By Aungelina Dahm

s GIRLS ON WHEELS: Senior Brittany Olson meets racing idol Danica Patrick at the 2011

Milwaukee Mile. Brittany has met other professional racecar drivers such as Helio Castroneves, Pippa Mann and many more. photos courtesy of Brittany Olson

Accepting homosexuality in sports NBA center Jason Collins, who played with the Washington Wizards and Boston Celtics this season, came out with the boldest and bravest statement that could ever be said in sports: “I’m gay.” Collins has played in the league for over a decade and woke up each morning of his career convincing himself that he was straight. “I kept telling myself the sky was red, but I always knew it was blue,” Collins said in an interview with Sports Illustrated. When the public got ahold of the

confession on April 29, immediate support was tweeted directly to Collins’ Twitter account. “Proud of [Jason Collins],” NBA superstar Kobe Bryant tweeted. “Don’t suffocate who you are because of the ignorance of others.” Along with the sports community, former President Bill Clinton also praised Collins for coming out. Clinton knows Collins personally through his daughter Chelsea because of her friendship with him during their college years at Stanford. “It is also the straightforward statement of a good man who wants no more than what so many of us seek: to be able to be who we are; to do our work; to build families and to contribute to our communities,” President Clinton said in an interview with ABC. Collins’ statement is at the top of the biggest announcements in sports history because this makes him the first active athlete in the four major sports in the U.S. to come out as being openly homosexual. A first ever event like this in sports history needs to open the eyes of young high school athletes who are dealing with the insecurity of allowing their true feelings to be heard. With so much homophobia in high school sports, I understand why gay

athletes wouldn’t feel open about coming out. If a teammate of mine announced he was gay, it would honestly shock me at first, but it would never change my opinion about who they are on the inside. Unfortunately, I fear that I’m one of the few students at Prospect that would be supportive. There are so many ignorant high school athletes (mostly male) that believe homosexuality shouldn’t even be affiliated with sports because of the stereotype that they have come to know. ‘This is a man’s game’ and ‘you play ball like a girl’ were statements that were said back in the olden days. This is 2013. This is the turning point. The disrespect for being homosexual needs to stop–especially in sports. If the best football player, the best basketball player, or the best baseball player were gay, does that change how he or she performs? Does that alter how many touchdowns they score, how many threes they knock down or how many home runs they hit? The respect for the player on the field should be the same off of the field. It shouldn’t matter if they’re gay or straight. A person is a person and they shouldn’t be discriminated against because of who they are.

Friday, May 3, 2013


On ... Future Ohio State quarterback Braxton Miller and future Michigan quarterback Devin Garnder train at Prospect. Keep looking online to see Peter Fusilero’s video about it.

The only goal that really matters Girls’ soccer competes hard to maintain strong record, looks forward to regionals By Peter Fusilero

Executive Sports Editor Coming off a first place finish at the Knights invitational, the varsity girls’ soccer team currently stands at 11-4-2, the second best overall record in the history of the program. Despite a strong overall record, the team is fighting for a winning record in the MSL conference, with a record of only 4-3-1. Froats believes that their conference record is due to the fact that they play in one of the most competitive conferences in the state. “The MSL is one of the toughest conferences year in and year out,” Froats said. “When you look at the state finals there are teams from the MSL that are there. In year’s past it has been Conant, Barrington or Fremd. We have representatives all the time from the MSL.” Despite not being the number one team in the conference, they are still third place in the MSL East. Froats credits an accomplishment like this to the positive attitude and friendship that is within the team. “I think the team in general has done a nice job accepting everybody no matter what year they are,” Froats said. “The idea of the team is only as strong as the relationships developed within it.” With only four seniors on the team, Froats believes that their mindset has set the tone throughout the season. “I think the group of seniors are different from person to person, but overall I think they have the same goal and the same focus,” Froats said. “We’ve

2013 boys’ tennis stats • 6-5 overall • 3-1 in conference • 1-0 in East Division Top two players • Ben Fisch 13-6 (see below) •Carson Burke 10-5

gotten off to a great start because of their leadership.” According to senior Rachel Suarez, she understands that she needed to step up this year to help the underclassmen adjust to playing at a higher level. “I have taken a leadership role,” Suarez said. “I feel I am someone girls can come to and look to for help. I would say the leadership in each [senior] shows how we have played a huge role in our continuous victories.” Sophomore Rosie Pettenuzzo played with both Suarez and senior Eileen McTigue last year at the varsity level. Pettenuzzo believes learning from them was a big help. “Rachel is going to play college soccer after this season and Eileen is a great goalie,” Pettenuzzo said. “With them on the field, they help bring the team closer to our goal.” The team’s goal is to win regionals and advance to a sectional championship. “We have a great group of girls so I think we have a good chance to win it all,” Pettenuzzo said. “We want that to keep motivating us.” However, to even get to the regional final game, Froats knows that they need to have a strong regular season record to have a good seed. “If you have a good regular season record, you’re going to get a favorable seed,” Froats said. “That favorable seed will make it easier to go a little further in the playoffs.” On the other hand, Froats understands that having a higher seed doesn’t automatically grant a spot in the championship game. It’s about the effort go-

s READY, AIM, SHOOT: Junior Sarah LaCost dribbles the ball down the field look-

ing to score. The girls’ soccer team holds a record of 11-4-2 as of April 29. The Lady Knights have needed to step up their game in the MSL conference. photo by Ian Magnuson

Defense wins championships

The varsity girls’ soccer team has put up some impressive numbers this year. Led by goalkeeper Eileen McTigue, the defense has recorded eight shutouts this season and has only allowed 15 goals in 17 games. “I think we’ve gotten off to a great start defensively,” head coach Tom Froats said. “At the beginning of the season we focused a lot more on defense and now we are pretty strong.” ing into each game beforehand that will determine the outcome. “Soccer is a funny game because you can be a dominant team and end up losing,” Froats said. “It’s about us looking internally and thinking, ‘Did we do our best [and] did we give our best?” As for the rest of the games in the regular season, the team understands

that they are all learning experiences win or lose. “I think we need to realize every game we need to get better, every practice we need to get better, and if they have that commitment and focus to keep improving, everything else will hopefully take care of itself,” Froats said.

Swiss tennis star: a smashing success By Jack McDermott

Executive Online Editor After hearing his accented English, you wouldn’t know that exchange student and current junior Ben Fisch was born in America, and lived here for two years before moving to Switzerland, where he remained until he got the chance to return in late January. The American Field Service exchange organization (AFS) granted Fisch the opportunity after he sent in paperwork and an application describing his wants to learn about his birth country. “I always knew that I was born in the states, but I didn’t really know anything about my home country and now through the AFS I had the opportunity to come back,” Fisch said. The AFS chose what city Fisch would live in, what high school he would attend, and even found a residence through the family of junior Christina Santiago where he could live. All throughout this process, tennis was never a factor as to where Fisch would live, and Fisch didn’t even know if he would be

able to play tennis while here. “I wanted to come to the states to see something different, not for tennis, playing tennis here is just a bonus,” Fisch said. Being able to play tennis was not only a bonus for himself, but for the Prospect tennis team, with Fisch ranking among the best players Prospect has to offer. Back in Switzerland, there was no doubt that Fisch was a great tennis player, possibly being the number one player at his age group for his state, but after coming to America, he discovered slight differences in the sport that took some getting used to. In Switzerland, tennis is played on clay courts. This seemingly indifferent swap to the American hard courts makes the ball travel quicker and not bounce as high, making ball spin less of a factor and perfectly hit shots more likely to return. Another factor that Fisch has had to get used to is the Chicago weather. During this time of year in Switzerland, Fisch would always play indoors, but now he doesn’t get that freedom. The first match with decent weather that Fisch played all year was the game against Lake

Forest, most likely contributing to his success. Also, many practices have been cancelled and games moved, a complication that isn’t a factor when you play on indoor courts. Although these changes have affected Fisch’s play, varsity head coach Rick Huffman believes that Fisch has accommodated to the changes quickly. “[Fisch] has played a lot of tennis on clay courts so his style of play is a little different but the rules are the same and the skills are the same,” Huffman said. However, the court style and the weather aren’t the only new parts of tennis for Fisch in the States— the entire league system is different. As opposed to the system here, Switzerland does not have any school affiliated tennis teams, so the player gets to pick the opponent. “You decide who you want to play, whether you want to play some better players or worse ones. Here you can only play a school,” Fisch said. Now, Fisch’s opponents are pre-chosen and the level of difficulty he plays at does not depend on how he feels on any given day but how experienced the opposing school is. There is no high school tennis in Switzerland because it

is still a relatively new sport, becoming popular after Roger Federer, a Swiss pro-tennis player, won many Grand Slam titles including the Wimbledon seven times. “[Federer] is pretty much the greatest guy ever,” Fisch said. Federer paved the way for many young tennis players in Switzerland, like Fisch, to join tennis and now Prospect is able to reap some of the benefits with Fisch being one of the best players on the team. Fisch’s current record is 136, the best on the team. Five of those losses come from his first nine matches due to his need to adjust his play-style, but Huffman thinks it is a very respectable record. “Sure, [Fisch] has had a few loses but he has played some of the top players in the state already,” Huffman said. Fisch has adapted quickly to a new environment, a new version of his sport, and a new country all with a good attitude and a want to learn more about the sport he loves according to Huffman. “[Fisch] is a very personal guy, he is outgoing, he really enjoys tennis and the guys really like having him around,” said Huffman.

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