Volume 50, Issue 9
Friday, April 29, 2011
TheVoice of Prospect since 1960
ROSPECTOR 801 West Kensington Road, Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
Breaking the bank
Battle of the smartphones Androids and the iPhone are some of the most popular smartphones in the market today. For a comparison of the two and an opinion on which is better, check out...
Features, page 7
A whole new world Sociology classes host exchange with city school By Gina O’Neill Copy Editor
Graphic by Ian Magnuson, Heather Dove and Alyssa Zediker
With decision day looming, seniors search to answer the $100,000 question: ‘How can I pay for college?’ By Deanna Shilkus and Tallyn Owens Managing Editor and Entertainment Editor Even though Beloit College (Wis.) was the most expensive school senior Meagan Beattie considered attending, her decision to go there was not without good reason. Last December, doctors diagnosed Beattie with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Subsequently, she was forced to write off several of her prospective colleges, including Augustana, which offered her a significant amount of money but lacked the student services Beattie would need to be successful in college. Beattie is the first of three children to go to college, and she noticed the strain her college choice had on both family’s finances and her younger sister’s love for horseback riding. Because horseback riding is expensive, Beattie’s family had to cut back to accommodate Meagan’s college expenses, prompting her to feel guilty about her college choice. The Beatties are only one of the millions of families across the country feeling the pressure of financing their children’s education. With National Decision Day — the deadline to have decided on a college — quickly approaching on May 1, seniors everywhere are grappling with two essential questions: not only where to go to college but also how to afford it. With tuition costs rising, college-bound seniors are on a tight budget, and families are feeling the crunch to find financial aid and
scholarships to help cut down on tuition costs. Students are forced to reconsider their financial options, sometimes leaving their dream schools out of the picture. According to CNN, over the past decade, tuition has risen at an annual rate of 5.6 percent at public schools and 3 percent at private schools. Some seniors look to options other than a four-year university because of tuition expenses. Senior Nicole Muscarello recently decided to attend Harper Community College in the fall. Part of her decision was based on wanting to fulfill her general education requirements first, but she was also thinking about her financial future. Her parents left the college decision up to her, and Muscarello felt it was better to go to Harper over Illinois State University because it would not leave her with thousands of dollars in loans to pay back once she graduates. College and Career Center (CCC) Assistant Kate Moody said Harper is a great option for those students looking to save money. Tuition is only about $3,000 a year. While some students, like Muscarello, decide on Harper, others, like senior Robby Pittman, are left choosing between four-year public universities and comparing financial aid packages before deciding where to attend. Pittman is currently deciding between the
See FINANCES, page 2
On the way to Kelly High School on the South Side of Chicago, senior Caroline Halvorsen was freaking herself out. The more she talked with her friends about walking into a whole new environment on the bus, the more nervous they became about potentially wearing gang colors or how the students would be “sizing them up.” By the end of the bus ride, they were “expecting the worst.” “I thought [the students] would judge us,” Halvorsen said. “When we walked in, people were greeting us [and] talking to the class, and everyone was smiling. Instantly, [I thought], ‘Wow, we were overreacting — times 10.’ I felt guilty.” Sociology teacher Jason Cohen organized Prospect’s first exchange with Kelly High School, a public school, hoping this change in thinking would occur. On April 12, 30 Prospect students from Sociology 1 and 2 spent the day shadowing students at Kelly. On April 15, Kelly students came here to do the same. Cohen had wanted to do an
exchange like this for some time in his sociology classes but never had enough of a response from other schools until this year. When one of his students heard of his desire to do an exchange, she connected Cohen with her boyfriend’s sister, ‘97 Prospect graduate Melissa Sucheki. As a sociology teacher at Kelly, Sucheki wanted to do the same kind of exchange. Stereotyping is one of the issues Cohen and sociology teacher Kristen Ray cover, so he created the trip to see how students’ perceptions of others would change, hopefully reversing some of the negative stereotypes they had. “It really got to a point where I wanted the students to start getting more of a real experience [with] things that we’ve talked about in class,” Cohen said. What Cohen, Halvorsen and the Kelly students found was that even though there was an environmental and ethnic difference between schools, the students were more or less the same. “I wanted the students to see that it wasn’t necessarily that everyone’s different everywhere,” Cohen said. “Even though the community might offer different situations for each group, they’re still teenagers. They’re still going through many of the same issues.” “It really kind of put a lot
!A DAY IN THE LIFE: Thirty students in sociology classes went to Kelly High School in Chicago on April 12 (above) as part of an exchange program organized to expose students to life in a city school. Kelly students then visited Prospect on April 15. (Photo courtesy of Jason Cohen)
Fame, fortune and... charity?
Body art
Movie magic
After the tragedy in Japan, celebrities have used their fame to help those in need. To read more on fame and charity, see...
While some students stick to the more traditional route of piercing their ears, others alter their bodies through tattoos. For more on students and body art, check out...
It’s one thing to watch movies, but it’s an entirely different thing to make them — which is just what Film Club is doing. To learn about the new activity, turn to... Entertainment, page 12
Entertainment, page 11
InDepth, pages 89
See KELLY, page 10
2 NEWS FINANCE: Seniors factor in cost for college decisions Students aren’t left figuring out their finances alone, however. Prospect plays University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- a large role in helping students make paign and Indiana University at Bloom- their college decisions. For counselors, a large part of their ington. job is to help students choose a college U of I’s estimated total cost is between $28,000 and $33,000 for state resi- that suits them as well as find them dents, but at Indiana — where Prospect financial aid. Moody said counselors students receive out-of-state tuition — bring students into the CCC and explain the cost for the 2011-12 academic year all of the resources they have to offer. Moody thinks it’s important to give is $39,000, according to the universities’ students all the options they can in orwebsites. der to make it affordable to go to school. Originally, Pittman was looking at “We tell students that it is important colleges for their music departments. not to be discouraged by the sticker After he narrowed it down to two collegprice of a school,” Moody said. “A lot of es, he wasn’t sure how much financial aid the government would give him. times, there is money to be [given out] Then Pittman received a scholarship from those schools.“ Some parents, too, are willing to be from Indiana. Before, Indiana was more expensive, but the two colleges now cost more flexible with the price of a school for their children’s education, includthe same. ing Beattie’s father, William. He views a He is currently leaning toward U of I and most likely would have chosen college education as an investment like to go there if he had not received the any other, saying that people have to scholarship from Indiana. Pittman is budget for it and figure in what money they have for other items. especially looking “It’s necesto save money for sary,” William graduate school in SCHOLARSHIPS ONLINE said. “The whole the future. family adjusts, Daniel Mann, Financial Aid Pittman didn’t and it’s an investDirector at the University of Illinois at receive much fiment the whole Urbana-Champaign, recommends nancial aid to help family makes. Fastweb, a website designed to offset the cost of We’re like any oth-,+!(/$#&.2($0'(!)$.)!/.)%2!)#!%./$! either of his two er family — we all student’s individual academic choices, even with have to live within 4*.&0-/.)0#,!.,+!'%2(#,.&!.))205*)%(3! the scholarship our means, and He also suggests that collegefrom Indiana. The now our means bound seniors start the search Indiana scholarinclude a college for scholarships over the summer ship is only a quareducation.” because many of the scholarships ter of the tuition, For Pittman, featured on websites like Fastweb and he is relying his parents calhave deadlines near the beginning of on his parents to culated a certain the year. pay the rest withsum of money to To register for an account on out much help give to him to help Fastweb, go to fastweb.com and from the Free Appay for college, but enter the necessary information. plication for Fedwith the increase eral Student Aid in tuition over the (FAFSA). years, they had to FAFSA is usually filed in January and is a government-based process that readjust their savings. Garrett Pittman, Robby’s father, feels looks to provide money for college to the price of a school didn’t have to afeligible students and families. fect Robby’s college decision. Based on factors such as a family’s “I really like that Robby is approachincome and savings, the government ing college and looking at it with the estimates what they think is a suitend in mind,” Garrett said. “We treat able amount of money for the family to contribute to tuition costs. Then the [paying for college] as an investment in potential colleges look at what the gov- his future.” However, price is still often a factor ernment has issued and see if they can offer them grants — money that doesn’t in deciding where to attend college. One have to be paid back — and loans so that of the main issues Moody sees with stuthe family will feel comfortable pay- dents who are looking for or even struging the rest of the tuition, according to gling to find financial aid is the cost of their first-choice school. FAFSA.com. Unlike Robby, sometimes students have to find other schools to go to beFINANCIAL ASSISTANCE cause they just can’t afford the rise of tuition costs. !!!!!"#!$%&'!()*+%,)(!-,+!-,.,/0.&!.0+1! More specifically, U of I has seen a the College and Career Center (CCC) tuition increase of nearly 7 percent in offers multiple resources, including the wake of the state budget crisis, and information on scholarships and the Director of Financial Aid Daniel Mann Free Application for Federal Student has seen the increased tuition affect enAid (FAFSA). rollment and aid distribution alike. In the fall during senior guidance, According to CNN, students at fourcounselors meet with seniors year public institutions received an avto introduce them to the college erage $6,100 in grant aid and federal tax application process, FAFSA, benefits for 2010-11. At private schools, scholarships and Naviance so they the same aid averaged at $16,000. can be prepared when they need to According to Mann, pell grants — complete all the applications. federal loans that do not have to be reDistrict 214 also offers a junior paid — and need-based aid have stayed Financial Aid night and a senior constant. However, the largest increase Financial Aid night every year that he has seen is in the amount of borcover topics on what to plan for when
CONTINUED from front page
it comes to paying for college. It also offers a FAFSA completion night for parents who need help with the application. In terms of scholarships, the CCC mails home a booklet in December of all local and community scholarships students can apply for while giving them a list on Naviance for more ('%/0-/!(/$#&.2($0'(3
call 847-255-2526
421 W. Prospect Ave. Mt. Prospect, IL
Friday, April 29, 2011
Big 10 expenses for Illinois residents (tuition only) U. of Michigan Ann Arbor Michigan State U. of WisconsinMadison U. of NebraskaLincoln U. of Minnesota
Penn State Ohio State
U. of ;1:#
Purdue Indiana U. Bloomington
U. of Illinois UrbanaChampaign
!"#$%&'()*(+,,*(-&./01"23(&.01",#4&1.('15"462*(10("62$6'4&76(2'%11829(:6)2&462 rowed loans. In addition to the university’s enrolled students, Mann has also noticed a number of admitted students choosing a different school because of the high tuition and lack of aid. But like Moody emphasized, the total tuition cost in the end really depends on the package the school and government give out, so some students might not end up having to pay a large sum. According to U.S. News and World Report, the average annual tuition (plus expenses) at a private nonprofit fouryear college is about $35,000. The net cost with financial aid is under $20,000. For a public four-year school, the tuition (plus expenses) is under $20,000, and the net cost is just under $10,000. The guidance the school offers as well as financial aid is the most impor-
tant part of the decision process. Throughout the process, Moody has seen many students choosing Harper because they want to save money, and some students get their financial aid packet back from a university and see they can’t afford it after all. Moody has also noticed a slight increase in the number of scholarship applications this year and believes it is due to the economy. Though there are more students looking for scholarships and applying for them, the CCC is not offering any more this year than usual. But ultimately, the CCC’s goal is to help students with college searches. “We definitely see students who have great have financial need,” Moody said, “and it really is gratifying to see someone [who doesn’t have enough money] be able to find [it].”
Friday, April 29, 2011
On the road again
Photo by Ian Magnuson
Stanley, DeLuga head to Rolling Meadows, Wheeling for Associate Principal positions By Maddie Conway Executive News Editor Lee Stanley, Assistant Principal for Student Services, is no stranger to change. Raised in a military home, Stanley has lived in six different states since growing up, and that constant movement didn’t stop when she started teaching 28 years ago. Since then, she’s taught across the country, and her daughter, now a college student, has attended 11 schools — all because of her love for change. Lee Stanley Now, after her fourth year at Prospect, Stanley is on the move again — this time, however, to a job a few miles away. Next year, Stanley will work at Rolling Meadows High School as its Associate Principal for Instruction. And while Stanley is looking forward to meeting new people and learning more at another school, she will always appreciate her experience at Prospect with both the students and staff. She’ll especially miss, she said, working with people who are so accepting of her fondness for change. “I acclimate very quickly,” Stanley said, “but I know for other people, change is really hard, and if they’ve been in one place for their whole lives or in the same position for a very long time, sometimes someone new coming in can be pretty scary.” Despite that, Stanley said the other teachers and administrators were
nothing but welcoming when she joined the Prospect community. Stanley said everyone has not only been receptive to her ideas but has also helped her improve them. Because the rest of the Student Services team was willing to try new things while Stanley was willing to talk about and tweak ideas, Stanley said they’ve found great success working together, which is what she will miss most when she leaves Prospect. Counselor Colleen Carroll agreed Stanley’s positive attitude has helped Student Services. Carroll said Stanley helps them use their time effectively — just what they need “to do as much as [they] can for kids” while creating a fun atmosphere at the same time. But Prospect isn’t the only place where Stanley has tried to make a difference. With teaching experience everywhere from Wisconsin to North Carolina, Stanley has made her mark in education around the country. District 214’s focus on college readiness skills then attracted her to Prospect, and in her time here, Stanley helped introduce students to Naviance, an online program to help students with their college searches, among other programs. At the end of the day, Stanley knows her mission as an educator — one she will carry with her to Rolling Meadows and beyond — and one both she and her daughter remember when they move somewhere new. “We always say that we hope we made a difference while we were [in a new place],” Stanley said, “and we always say that we hope we made it a little better while we were there.”
By Jane Berry News Editor English and Fine Arts Division Head Erin DeLuga sat down her staff after school on Monday, April 18, for an impromptu meeting. She told them she was leaving to become the Associate Principal of Instruction at Wheeling High School. The English and Fine Arts department rose and clapped afterward, even with the bittersweet mood in the air. “They were Erin DeLuga all so happy for me,” DeLuga said, “which was a relief because I was a bit worried about how they were going to react.” According to DeLuga, it all happened so fast. The first interview was Tuesday, April 12, and the second was that Thursday. She was offered the position that day. “It was all a whirlwind,” DeLuga said, “but the whole staff handled it so well.” All the teachers came up to congratulate DeLuga, but English teacher Matt Love decided instead to “boo” her. “For selfish reasons, I’m very disappointed because she has made an excellent division head,” Love said. According to Love, DeLuga is a fierce advocate for the teachers in her department, understands
what the teachers do in the classroom, encourages her staff and is a very skilled observer. DeLuga said what she will miss most at her new position is getting to teach creative writing, British literature and practical writing. She had not thought about it until, during her creative writing class, one of her students brought up the fact that she would not be teaching next year. She also said it will be saddening to leave the department because the teachers have all gotten to know each other, respect each other and have shared so many fun times together. One late start Thursday, for example, during DeLuga’s first year, the department took an old broken copier into the parking lot and, like in the movie “Office Space,” beat it to a pulp. Even teachers from other departments came to take a swing at it. The team has bonded so much that Love even body-checked DeLuga in the main office after she announced she was leaving and then exclaimed that he felt better. “I think that the English and Fine Arts Department is a family,” DeLuga said. “We really do run that way.” According to Love, DeLuga’s leave will be sad for the team, but she has more than earned the position. As far as DeLuga’s future goes, Love is hopeful. “I hope she fails miserably in her first two months and comes back to Prospect,” Love said.
AP testing moves from Forest View By Andrew Revord News Editor Prospect has a reputation for high achievement. It has the highest percent of AP students of any of the District 214 schools, about 23 percent, according to Assessment Supervisor Jo Holtby. While Associate Principal Michelle Dowling believes having too many students taking AP tests is a good problem to have, accommodating all the students raises issues, so students will now take their AP tests at Prospect instead of Forest View Educational Center. Holtby said providing room for all the Prospect students at Forest View isn’t the only issue with testing there. High numbers of students from all the district schools inevitably create more noise, which creates risk of tests being invalidated. While Dowling said there have been no invalidation incidents so far, it still concerns her. “Why do we want to push the enve-
lope when we have another option?” Dowling said. Traffic can be high on testing days at Forest View, as well, creating a risk of accidents and limited parking space, so some students have arrived late to their tests. Also, freshmen and some sophomores cannot drive yet and have to rely on others for transportation. “Trying to get them to testing on time does put a burden on some households,” Holtby said. Because the College Board insists that tests are stored at students’ respective schools, Prospect also had to transport its AP tests to Forest View and back to Prospect every year. Holtby has tried to have the AP tests here for about two years. She thinks Prospect can do a better job of controlling the noise because she can choose where students test. The wrestling room and computer labs are two of those places. Because Dowling was apprehensive at first about testing at Prospect, Holtby
and Assessment Center Resource Assistant Janice Sokolik took a year to purchase more tables and tried to find spots for students to test. Senior Brendan Moriarty, who is currently taking five AP classes, agreed having the tests at Prospect will help with transportation but is unsure if students’ scores will improve. In addition, he thinks students will have an easier time finding their rooms on test days because they are familiar with Prospect. “Everyone knows how long it will take you to get to Prospect,” Moriarty said. “Most students don’t need to go to Forest View regularly, so they don’t know the routes as well.” Students who take the tests are still able to leave after testing as long as they
Photo by Ian Magnuson leave immediately or after lunch in the cafeteria. Holtby and Dowling are still looking for the best environment for students to take the AP tests and think it’s worth trying to have them taken at Prospect. “We felt that we had an option — that we could actually do this and that it was a win for everybody,” Dowling said. “We’re going to give it a shot.”
Take a second chance on me
The Staff
COPY EDITOR Gina O’Neill ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Sharon Lee Riley Simpson NEWS EDITORS Maddie Conway Jane Berry Andrew Revord OPINION EDITORS Whitney Kiepura Katie Best Nikki Gallup FEATURES EDITORS Megan Maughan Carly Evans Allie Fleming IN-DEPTH EDITORS Emmy Lindfors Jenny Johnson ENTERTAINMENT EDITORS Kevin Mallin Tallyn Owens SPORTS EDITORS Maggie Devereux Nick Stanojevic Miranda Holloway PHOTO EDITORS Ian Magnuson Walker Brewer Ali Preissing CARTOONISTS Quinn Blackshere Katie Maigler ADVISER Jason Block Published by students in Journalistic Writing courses, the Prospector has won, most notably, the 2004-05 and 200607 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker and the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association in 2006. Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and sig!"#$%!$&'()')*+'+&%,&+-'%!,'(.&' community. We, the Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions. Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 7185376 (ask for Deanna Shilkus), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, prospectornow@gmail.com. Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to prospectornow@gmail.com. All letters must be signed. Please limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the rights to edit letters for style and length.
Staff Editorial
EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Kate Schroeder Neel Thakkar MANAGING EDITOR Deanna Shilkus
Friday, April 29, 2011
Former Prospect student Matthew Nellessen appeared in court on March 25, awaiting a four-year sentence for violating his parole. Judge Thomas Fecarotta Jr. had seen Nellessen numerous times before for myriad offenses, including marijuana possession and robbery charges. This time, Fecarrota took a chance on Nellessen, sentencing him to time served, which freed him from custody and recommitted him to probation. “I have already stuck my neck out on the line once for you,” Fecarotta said in a Chicago Tribune article, granting Nellessen leniency. “If you take another swing, trust me, you are going to go for a very long time.” Six weeks later, Nellessen — along with three accomplices — now finds himself accused of the first-degree murder and armed robbery of his father, George Nellessen. The prosecution alleges
that April 12, Matthew and most readers, a commenter his friends duct-taped the on The Daily Herald’s web55-year-old to a chair, de- site named Poole wrote, manding George’s signature “Judge Fecarotta instead on a check for $100,000, his extended Nellessen’s probasocial security number and tion and let him back on the the money and cards from street. The murder occurred his wallet. after that dubious decision.” Their complaints make On April 14, a witness discovered George’s body sense. If Fecarotta didn’t spare Matthew in his home on of four years North Wilshire of jail time, Lane — about George’s murtwo miles from For Against der would have Prospect — as most likely been Matthew fled avoided. the scene in We, The Proshis father’s car. This caused a Voting results of The Prospector pector, believe staff regarding this editorial that Feracotta’s soft lockdown critics are only at Prospect as playing a game of “What well as other area schools. To some, this ordeal is if ?” in this scenario. What if an inevitable occurrence Feracotta noticed that all of in our sometimes violent Matthew’s previous crimes world. Murder is all around were nonviolent and did not us, from cop shows on TV to suggest a future of murder and robbery? What if Fevideo games. Others might accuse Fe- racotta made his decision carotta of letting loose a vio- based on that logic? But that’s what Feracotta lent criminal, which eventudid. As a judge, he made a raally led to George’s death. tional decision based on the Echoing the sentiments of
evidence at hand and his gut feeling. He took a chance on Matthew that didn’t pan out. Yes, this misguided leap of faith is support for those who believe that people should stick with popular choices and never take chances. While this tragedy most likely resulted from a failed act of trust, students and judges alike should keep taking chances on each other. It’s these gut decisions that provide bases of trust between people; they show pure empathy that humans seldom portray. Since grade school, teachers have continually told students to trust their instincts on a test. They tell them the dangers of second-guessing themselves and picking “B” instead of their gut instinct’s answer. Even if the correct answer is “B,” it’s no reason to doubt their decision making and ability for compassion. It’s what makes us human.
White castle needs green thumb Within the panes of Hogwart’s greenhouse, Wolfsbane and Belladonna reside — two magical plants that have yet to be found outside of the world of Harry Potter. As unlikely as it is for muggle students to find either of these plants, it’s just as unlikely for them to find a greenhouse within Prospect’s property lines. The closest Prospect has to a greenhouse is the uninhabited courtyard, and although it has been improved by the Botany Club, it is essentially locked and unused. By building a greenhouse, like one found at either Barrington or Glenbard North High Schools, the science classes could grow plants and flowers to be used in all levels from freshman biology to seWhitney Kiepura nior AP Environmental Executive Science. Opinion Editor AP Environmental Science teacher Mollie David explained how students would be able to study the impact of road salt and acid rain on roadside plants, a large unit in the AP course. At this point in the curriculum, students are only able to read about the impacts of these chemicals. If Prospect could build a greenhouse, students could see “the direct impact growing in front of them,” David said. “Ideally, the science teachers would put a mini-greenhouse in between Rooms
COMMON GREENS Greenhouse plants can be anything from common fruits and 6%7%).5&%(!)#!+%/#2.)06%!8#9%2(3! Some of the plants most commonly grown indoors are: ! :!;*,8#9%2( - Green Peas - African violets - Zebra Plant - Boston Ferns - Cattleya Orchid - Geraniums - Lavender
324 and 322, connecting the two biology labs, “ biology teacher John Kenny said. “The greenhouse would be a small place for students to grow a few of their own plants for experiments, and it would give the biology teachers the proximity needed for the greenhouse to be beneficial.” If Prospect built a greenhouse, the largest problem in addition to the cost would be determining where it would be built. For the best amount of sunlight, the greenhouse should face south, but that would place the greenhouse at the end of the field house — too far away from the labs. Another choice, which the math department would find inconvenient, would be to take one of the southern-facing third-floor math rooms and turn that into a greenhouse. It would, however, lack direct overhead sunlight without changes to the roof. The final option would be to locate a greenhouse right where the band hallway meets the larger academic wing. Although some heating, ven-
Photo graphic by Heather Dove, Ian Magnuson and Alyssa Zediker
tilating and air condition (HVAC) units would have to be moved, the addition to the fine arts wing would be the most realistic option. It’s close enough for the science teachers to access, and it would not require an architect to draw up plans to renovate a math room. But without a strong student, parent or teacher effort, the greenhouse will only exist in theory. This is a lost opportunity for students. With the addition of a greenhouse, Prospect would be able to have a botany class instead of just a club. This class could pursue more in-depth learning about plants versus biology, which is the study of all life. But the impact of the greenhouse would go beyond high school. Students would gain valuable hands-on learning experiences in plant propagation and management skills for small business if some plants were sold (see Common greens). These experiences could possibly lead to a career course of horticulture. Despite all complications, building a greenhouse would be a way for students to get another type of hands-on learning. Although they wouldn’t get to work with Mandrakes and Devil’s Snare, growing sunflowers and tomatoes opens new opportunities — admittedly a bit less magical.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fall of feminism
When substitute teacher Jean Chiaramonte asked feminists in my second period Honors World Literature and Composition (HWLC) class to raise their hand, my hand shot up. But, after glancing around and realizing that two other people were tentatively raising their hands, I took it down to a half-raise, afraid of standing out. Low feminist turnout was repeated through the whole day — Chiaramonte and Michael Andrews both found very few feminists in sophomore HWLC classes based on the inAnna Boratyn formal polls they Staff Writer took. In Chiaramonte’s first period HWLC class, no students counted themselves as feminists. The survey has been done for three years, and every year, the numbers are similarly low. Though this phenomenon is disappointing, a lack of students proclaiming their feminism doesn’t signify a lack of feminism. Many students are feminists but are either too afraid or ignorant to admit it. After every poll, Andrews reads the dictionary definition of a feminist — a person who believes in equal rights and opportunities for men and women — and receives many more declarations of feminism.
Hot - Criminal Minds:
If you like crime shows, this show will blow your mind. Literally. These criminal profilers get into the heads of the world’s most dangerous serial killers and terrorists. Plus, the characters’ witty oneliners and nerdy interludes don’t hurt much either. -Katie Best
What’s your opinion of the Royal Wedding? “I really could care less. I’m not ‘anti,’ but I really don’t care. It’s something that we don’t have in the states. It’s mysterious because we don’t have a monarchy and stuff like that, or at least whatever they have over there.”
!BY ANY OTHER NAME: Fewer students call themselves feminists, despite their support of women’s rights. (Cartoon by Anna Boratyn) This phenomenon signifies that high school girls subconsciously support women’s rights but will be less powerful in the future because they won’t have an idea like feminism to unite them. Madalyn Bryant, a sophomore HWLC student, didn’t raise her hand during the poll in fear of what feminism entailed. But now that Bryant knows more about feminism, her position has changed. “I would consider myself a feminist in that I believe men and women should have equal rights,” Bryant said. Sophomore Ellen Blunck, who is in HWLC, said that the stereotypical feminist is often portrayed as someone who acts and dresses in a masculine way — someone who wants women to be just like men. Many students wouldn’t even think twice before saying that they believed in women’s rights. Yet those same students — like those in my class — were terrified of being
labeled man-hating crazies. According to HWLC teacher Karen Kruse, many students also don’t raise their hands because they feel that inequality between men and women no longer exists. “The idea that women are not equal is kind of a foreign concept,” Kruse said. “All the things that women have gained, I haven’t experienced,” Blunck said, citing examples like women’s suffrage and the continuing fight against job discrimination. But Andrews believes otherwise. “You’re old enough to have an awareness of what’s around you and have an opinion,” Andrews said. “You’re intellectually capable.” Much of our generation advocates equality of rights and opportunities among men and women. Our generation is also afraid of being labeled feminist. But what’s in a name? A feminist by any other name is still a feminist — even if they don’t know it.
Hot or Not
-Psychology teacher Daria Schaffeld “There should be two royal people there. There shouldn’t be one royal and one not because she’s a peasant and he’s [royal]. He could’ve picked a better person than her anyway — someone who actually has some royal blood in her.” -Senior Greg Franzen “I don’t know anything about the royal wedding. Well, it’s a wedding, so that’s awesome, but the fact that it’s royal, I don’t know — do royal people even matter anymore?” -Junior Julia Wolfe “I saw it on TV and didn’t really care much else about it ... I don’t really think it’s a big deal; it doesn’t really relate to this country.” -Sophomore Marc Pontello
Not - Analog clocks:
When I spend all my time hanging out with friends, playing hockey and being a part of three music programs, I can’t find the extra space in my schedule to check the time. It’s not that I’m lazy, it’s just that it’s really hard to do when you’re always in a rush. I can’t be expected to read both the hour hand and the minute hand, can I? And when you throw in that second hand, it all becomes too much for me to handle at once. -Kyle Brown
No balance on gym scales I have struggled every semester with fitness testing in PE. After my sophomore year, I stopped putting forth effort because no matter what I did, my score was still pitiful. I’ve had lovely 12-minute walks, getting about 10 laps (hey, at least it’s in the double digits), and the strength test was equally as disappointing. I could never seem to master the art of the grip test, pathetically scoring barely in the mid 20s. But the worst Nikki Gallup part of fitness testOpinion Editor ing was taking a single step on a scale and seeing three innocent numbers that spelled out my doom: my weight. This year, the strength testing is done by calculating the students’ Body Mass Index (BMI) in order to find the
correct weight for a chest press. Then the BMI and the chest press weight are factored into an equation to get the final score. I am not alone in my discomfort, and for some students, there is an issue of privacy at stake. It is the PE teachers’ responsibility to help students feel as comfortable as possible while being weighed, but some teachers neglect this responsibility. Since this new way of strength testing is, according to PE teacher Timothy Miller, more accurate than the previous way, all of the teachers should have a common method for how to handle weighing the students to ensure success. Sophomore Lexi Botts said that some PE teachers are disrespectful toward
Hot - Any city but Chicago:
OK, we take pride in our city, but let’s be honest ... it’s about to turn to May and I’m wearing the same coat as I was wearing in October. -Nikola Stanojevic
the students’ weights. “[The teacher] comments on your weight and how you should gain weight or lose weight,” Botts said. “[He says] you’re too skinny or you’re too heavy.” The teacher she was referring to maintained that he, and no other PE teacher, would say this to a student. These negative comments are not beneficial to anyone — they only hurt a student’s self esteem. The teachers aren’t the only ones who hear these comments; it’s all the students in the class gathered by the scale who can hear them. The rest of the class is supposed to be far away from the scale, but some teachers are less strict about the distance than others. This clearly violates the HIPAA Privacy Rule, which protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information. Martial arts teacher Aaron Marn-
=>%6(:1"24($#"4(10(?4.622(4624&.@(:#2( taking a single step on a scale and seeing three innocent numbers that 2$6886/(154(,*(/11,A(,*(:6&@%4BC
“They’re royalty so I guess they deserve it. I think it’s great that [Kate Middleton] gets to marry a prince, and she’s not even royalty. I think it’s cool.” -Freshman Cheyenne Foster
stein provides an excellent example for how teachers should be weighing the students. Like all classes, his students go into a private room with the door open to be weighed. However, Marnstein tells any other students to stay about five feet away from the room. If students don’t want to see their own weight, they can step on the scale backward and only Marnstein will know the number. If the students don’t want Marnstein to see the weight, Marnstein offers to step on the scale himself and show the students his weight. Marnstein’s stepping on the scale not only helps build trust, but it also helps the students realize that the three numbers are just that: numbers. “[The weight] doesn’t define you,” Marnstein said. “It’s just a snapshot of you at the moment.” If weighing procedures could all be the same, a single step onto a scale would be the best part of testing. It requires the least effort for the best amount of information, though it might encourage students to run a few more laps.
Friday, April 29, 2011
From teaching to trusting Student, staff bond enhances learning By Allie Fleming Features Editor As he walks to math class every day, junior Kevin Somogyi sees his math teacher, Martha Kelly, standing at the doorway. Smiling, he holds out his fist for Kelly before crossing over to the classroom. Somogyi said this is their daily routine before the learning begins. Little traditions like Somogyi’s help smooth and nurture relationships between students and teachers. For history teacher Frank Mirandola, the strength of these relationships was a major reason in his decision to come to Prospect. Not only does he believe the staff gets along well with each other, but he also feels the student-to-staff relationships make it an enjoyable place to work. For example, history teacher and boys’ basketball coach Brad Rathe said this atmosphere allows him to be more laid back, making it easy for his students and his athletes to get to know him. Just like Rathe, senior Rick Petricca gets along very well with his teachers. “I try to get along with all my teach-
ers because I see them every day,” senior Rick Petricca said. Petricca said when he has a good relationship with a teacher, the grade result is very successful. For example, as a freshman, he was in Cambria Myers’ English class, and he had her again junior year. Having known her awhile in a classroom environment, he said he was not hesitant to go in for help numerous times on his research paper, which landed him a good grade. However, when he does not get along with a teacher, he tends to avoids them. If he needs extra help in a class where he does not get along with the teacher, he will fail to seek the help needed. Recognizing that fact, teachers do their best to prevent bad relationships. “I refuse to have bad relationships with my students and athletes,” math teacher James Hamann said. Just like Hamann, Rathe is proactive in avoiding or, if necessary, fixing bad relationships. For example, if a student is disrupting the class multiple times in a row, Rathe takes action. First, he talks to the student one-on-one. He will try to get through to them and explain they are disrupting his teaching. If that does not work, he will then remove them from class or make a call home to parents. Most interactions, however, are more positive. Psychology teacher Jay Heilman said when a student or athlete of his improves, he can’t help but beam with
excitement. When one of his basketball players makes a basket in a game or when a student finally gets that A on a test, he tries to make that person realize how great it is by expressing to them how proud he is or telling them what they did right. However, Heilman feels that it is easier to start a relationship with an athlete rather than a student because an athlete chooses to be involved in the sport while a student may need to take the class he is teaching. Therefore, Heilman needs to be extra motivating to his students. He said he just acts like himself and hopes the students accept him and his teaching. But close relationships also develop in other activities. Petricca said he is very close with choir director Jennifer Troiano because of the amount of time they spend together. He has been in a choir class with her since freshman year, and this year he sees her twice, sometimes three times, depending on the day because of his participation in the music department. He also said that in Madrigals, there are only fifteen other people, leaving more time for one-on-one interaction. Heilman and Rathe both agree with this because they each only have about fifteen athletes but over 140 students. In either case, Hamann said he enjoys coming into work every day because of his students. “I get my fuel from the kids’ improvements,” Hamann said.
“I would take all the students to Dairy Queen and buy them all blizzards.” Sophomore Bailey McGuire
“I would bring in mini basketball hoop and have a tournament. I would give the winner extra credit.” Junior Nico Witanen
IF YOU WERE A STUDENT FOR A DAY ... “I would start both a Twitter and Facebook account and spend all day on it at school. I will see why everyone is living a digital life.” Social science teacher John Camardella
Having trouble thinking of the right way to ask a date to prom? Don’t know whether to do something romantic or just ask? Take this quiz to find the best solution. Compiled by Kate Schroeder
START HERE: Yes Are you new friends or old friends?
OK, let’s be honest ... It’s time to make a move. Or ... Casual
Do they have a good sense of humor?
Under six months?
How long have you been dating?
Are you planning on a long-term relationship or just casual?
Over six months?
Try to ask them when you have a chance to be alone in a casual setting, like over lunch (treating them to lunch would be a nice touch). Over the phone can work, but it is less personal than asking in person. What should be avoided at all costs is asking over Facebook or text. It’s prom; you need to be a little more classy than that.
Do you want to start one?
Long-term No
No Just ask in person
Do you have a relationship?
Just Friends?
Yes Make them laugh Break out your funny side! Bring back an old inside joke or do something a little embarrassing to make them smile. Walk into their class singing or bake a cake and write “prom?” on it. Then, push their face into the generously frosted dessert. No matter what hilarious stunt you pull, make sure you know that person’s sense of humor so you don’t hurt his or her feelings.
Do something sweet
Be a romantic
!!!!!".<%!)$%!)0=%!)#!-,+!>#*2!0,,%2! softy to ask your potential date in a way that will make his or her blush. Write “prom?” down their walkway .,+!&%.6%!.!5#*4*%)!#?!8#9%2(!0,! their car. Fill their room with their favorite color balloons and spell out “prom?” with their favorite bitesized candy on their bed. What ever you choose, make sure it is simple not over the top or it might seem creepy.
Come on cupid, take out that 5#9!.,+!.22#91!+07!+%%'!.,+!-,+! your inner Romeo and Juliet. Spell out “prom?” with candles on their front lawn and come out with a bouquet of roses. Bring out the bells and whistles and make a slideshow of pictures of you and that special someone to your favorite song, playing it on the morning announcements or while watching your favorite movie together.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Smartphone showdown By Tess Bauer Staff Writer Senior Joe Huber had a problem: he had broken his phone and iPod around the same time. Apple’s iPhone was the perfect solution, combining a phone and an iPod into one. “That’s the reason I got an iPhone — so I could kill two birds with one stone,” Huber said, “so I saved myself [some money] and bought them together.” Huber’s iPhone has had some competition, though. The smartphone market has been dominated by Apple and more recently by Android. Apple and Android have gone head to head, each trying to unveil the shiniest and newest gadget to consumers. For Huber’s girlfriend, senior Laura Hudec, the choice was clear when she went to get a new phone in September.
Hudec said the HTC Desire, an Android phone, “was the only good one U.S. Cellular had” at the time. She had wanted the HTC Desire for a while but didn’t get it until U.S. Cellular offered it. Both Huber and Hudec like their phones, but for people who love technology, it has turned into an iPhone versus Android debate. The iPhone boasts more applications with 350,000 while the Android has around 150,000, according to the official iPhone and Android websites. However, even though Android has less than half the number of apps, for most consumers, it is more than enough. Hudec said she has all the apps she needs on her Android with games like Angry Birds and apps like StumbleUpon to help her search the web. Hu-
Service providers
Info courtesy of smartphonebasics.com Cartoon by Riley Simpson ber uses his iPhone for everything. It’s his music source, Internet source and phone. Cost wasn’t an issue for Huber or Hudec, but keeping the cost down for smartphones is hard on manufacturers. Hudec’s phone was good for her, and she only paid $70 after mail-in rebate. Androids range in price from free with a new contract to over $49,000 for The Chairman. On the other hand, Huber, who bought his iPhone 4 the day it came out on June 24, 2010, paid around $200. He
Androids outshine the iPhone They can be blue, white, red or black. They can have a full keyboard, slide keyboard or be completely touch-screen. They can be the size of a TI-83 calculator or smaller than the original iPod. They can update Facebook statuses and navigate the way through Chicago. They are smartphones, but not just any smartphones — they are Androids. These wonders of the technological world grace the pockets and purses of consumers Carly Evans worldwide. Features Editor According to phandroid.com, Android supports 28 percent of the phones in the United States, which beats the iPhone share of 21 percent. Yet, the debate of which is better, the iPhone or the Android, continues to pit technology fanatics against one another. For me, there is no doubt in my mind. Everything about Androids — from their adorable widgets to their sturdy exterior — makes them top dog of the cell phone industry.
My love affair with Androids began freshman year when I got the famed “Google phone” from T-Mobile, which is supported by the Android market. Prior to the piece of technology that forever changed my life, I had “pay-asyou-go” phones — real classy. The core of the debate between iPhones and Androids centers on their application markets. Apple can take all of the credit for developing the concept of applications, but the award for the best overall content certainly goes to Android. The iPhone may have more applications than the Android market, but the content on the Android market is more versatile. It is true that more than half of the applications are the same or similar; however, where the iPhone basically has one application for everything you may need, Android has dozens of variations of that application, making it easier to find what you are truly searching for. For example, the iPhone has the application Meebo, which is an instant messaging application. Meebo supports AOL instant messenger, Yahoo! messenger and Facebook chat. The Android market not only has Meebo but has different variations of it. There is an application just for
simple conversations on Meebo as well as the complete application. Androids’ appearances vary as well where iPhone has the same brick-like shape it has always had. Android offers phones with full keyboards, but for those who aren’t a fan of touch-screen keyboards, the iPhone won’t work for them. It may seem trivial, but the iPhone only offers two different colors. Whether you want a simple black phone, an edgy red phone, a bold blue phone or just a plain, classy white phone, Android has it. Color may not seem like a huge deal, but it is another way that Android adjusts to the needs of the consumers and allows them to personalize every detail of their phone. Android is clearly doing something right because every cell phone carrier has at least one Android-supported phone while iPhone limits itself to two carriers. Android even has a better logo: A little green bug-like robot will always be cuter and cooler than a bitten apple — always.
gave his original iPhone 3G to his mom after getting the iPhone 4. Huber would have paid $300 if he had wanted a 32GB iPhone 4. Without a two-year AT&T contract, the price more than doubles. For people who want an iPhone but aren’t willing to fork over the money, there are more reasonable deals. A 3GS 8GB iPhone is just $49 through AT&T. Also, there is a major difference in the operating systems. Androids have multiple phones on the market with different hardware: older versions might have Android 1.6, and newer versions have Android 2.2. With the different kinds of hardware, it can be confusing for consumers to find out what features they may or may not have and what kind of upgrades their Android can receive. However, Apple has one operating system: iOS (internetwork operating system), with each iPhone generation having a different version. Upgrades are free through Apple and come out annually. Android has released 16 new smartphones in 2010 alone, according to androidcompare.com. On the other hand, Huber may be one of those people camped outside of an Apple store because he is hoping he will have saved enough money to buy the iPhone 5, which is rumored to drop in September. With carriers like Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, AT&T and Verizon, Android has its hand in all the major mobile phone companies. Apple phones have only Verizon and AT&T. Hudec got her phone through U.S. Cellular while Huber was already under contract with AT&T, so getting an iPhone wasn’t a problem. With so much debate over Android versus iPhone, it’s hard to decide which one is better. It depends on the needs and wants of the consumer. Huber and Hudec like to tease each other about their competing smartphones. “Well, we all know the iPhone is better,” Huber said. “No, we all know the Android is better,” Hudec replied.
Who Knows You Better? This issue, the Prospector interviews freshman Jack Tuttle’s girlfriend, freshman Ally Scaccia, and older sister, junior Megan Tuttle, to see who knows Jack better. What is Jack’s least favorite movie?
! TheofWizard Oz
What is Jack’s jersey number for football?
What is Jack’s pet peeve?
The Sister
W W I I N N N N E E Hair in the R R Junior Megan Tuttle sink
Who is Jack’s math teacher?
! Wintermute
What is the last movie Jack saw in theaters?
! Harry Potter 7
The Wizard of Oz
21 Hair in the sink
Dear John
The Subject
! Freshman Jack Tuttle
in the ! Hairsink
Freshman Ally Scaccia
Wintermute Harry Potter 7
The Girlfriend
Harry Potter 7
Friday, Apri
‘Perfection’ inevitably achieved Tattoo shop works to keep clean and safe By Kyle Brown Staff Writer Perfection Dermagraphics in Des Plaines is not what someone would expect a tattoo shop to look like. For one, its interior looks more like a dentist’s office than anything else. The walls are a sterile white, and it has a quaint waiting room out front with a few comfy chairs and a reception desk. Beyond that, the studio rooms bring back memories of pulling teeth with its bright !SQUEAKY CLEAN: Perfection Dermagraphics, fluorescent lights and dentist’s chair. located in Des Plaines, is the only tattoo shop in The store was designed to look like this the Northwest Suburbs. Senior tattoo artist Stephen on purpose — not because they fill and check Knight keeps the shop spotless even with no state for cavities in back but rather “because regulations in place. (Photo by Kyle Brown) we’re extremely serious about being safe,” Senior tattoo artist Ste“[The health inspection] was the most phen Knight said. Part of being safe in disgusting thing I’ve seen in my entire life,” the tattoo business is Knight said. The Cook County officials had a blue ensuring the equipment they use is sterile. If ev- checkoff sheet with a list of vague criteria erything is sterile and they were supposed to be looking for. Perfecsingle-use only, the odds tion passed this test, but the officials never of infection, like staph, checked to make sure the facility was taking measures to stay safe. are eliminated. Stephen Knight “They were more concerned about wheth“Anything that can be er or not we had a self-closing bathroom disposed of is disposed of,” Knight said. “Obviously, [with] hard- door,” Knight said. “When they came in, I ware like tattoo machines, we don’t throw had my whole studio room set up as if I was in the garbage, but they need to be properly going to tattoo so they could see how we do it. [The inspectors] didn’t care; [they] didn’t [stowed away] and disinfected.” All tattoo shops get their equipment from want to see that.” According to Knight, Perfection became tattoo supply companies who sell their supso frustrated that they actually demanded plies in different forms. Perfection buys their equipment pre-as- the inspectors take a look at the items on the sembled and ready for use. They also make blue sheet. Knight said the officials then stopped the sure the company disinfects the equipment “so we don’t have to worry about having an inspection and told him: “I don’t care what you guys think. I only care about what’s on autoclave (see Autoclave) on the premises.” If the shop does use an autoclave, they this blue sheet. If it’s not on this blue sheet, need to have sterilization records to show then I don’t want to talk about it.’” Since the state doesn’t do that their equipment is anything to regulate what in fact sterile. The shop AUTOCLAVE is done inside tattoo shops, needs a lot number of they can’t do anything to enwhat was sterilized, a Autoclaves are machines sure all the artists are propdate, an indicator and a used to disinfect equipment, erly trained either. pass/fail strip to ensure especially medical tools and “All the health and safety that the autoclave did tattoo equipment. In its most stuff is voluntary,” Knight its job. basic form, the autoclave said. “With every studio, is a pressure cooker. Water “If you don’t have there’s guys [who] do it and is heated in a pressurized any [sterilization reguys [who] don’t. The guys environment to create steam. cords], then you have to [who] don’t will do things Autoclaves are usually made take the [tattoo artist’s] like have a certificate they of steel and have various word,” Knight said. /#,-7*2.)0#,(!?#2!2%=#60,7!.02! got online for their BloodAccording to Knight, prior to pressurization. borne Pathogens Training the state of Illinois has through the Red Cross of no regulations on what Indiana, mind you. tattoo shops have to do “The class takes about 40 minutes to take, in terms of safety, although they did try. and you learn nothing. But it’s good enough “[The state] failed miserably,” Knight said. “They gave up, as a matter of fact, be- to put on your wall, and then clients they cause they didn’t have enough information don’t know any better.” For now, little can be done to make sure to be able to perform health inspections.” every artist knows exactly what they’re doIllinois tried to issue regulations for tattooing because there was a blood shortage, ing when they put the needle to their clients’ and the Federal Government says people skin except for proper training. The typical apprenticeship to become a cannot give blood if they have had a tattoo or body piercing in the last year unless the state tattoo artist usually takes one to three years regulates the places where these procedures to complete, yet there are schools that charge $12,000 up front and claim to be able to teach take place. County health departments were then people how to tattoo in two and a half weeks. “Everybody’s trying to get a piece of the commissioned to do health inspections, pie,” Knight said. “It’s a billion-dollar induswhich, according to Knight, were not effectry right now. Are there schools? Yes. Are tive at all. they good? No.”
Illustration by Nikki Gallup
il 29, 2011
A picture worth a thousand words toos.com, most people don’t regret getting their tattoos: in 2008, 84 percent of people did not regret getting their tattoos while 16 percent did. Most Prospect students who were interviewed said they were happy By Sharon Lee with their tattoos, although a few had to overcome parental and Emmy Lindfors opposition. Associate Editor-In-Chief and When senior Nikki Camp Executive In-Depth Editor approached her parents saying she wanted to get a tattoo of the Senior Brandon Thompson phrase “You are my sunshine” started to feel nervous and a on her upper back this past year, little jittery right before his her mom was “all for it” while conference title match. The feel- her dad, Sam Camp, was “antiing quickly subsided, however, tattoo.” when he remembered the tattoo “I think that at an early age, on his side of a tiger wrapped kids need to realize that it’s a around the phrase “Eye of the life choice, and Tiger.” there’s no turn“It symboling back,” Sam TOP FIVE ized the mental said. “It’s with focus and edge TATTOO DESIGNS you forever.” over my oppoSenior Kayla nent [in wres1. Stars Jones’ mom Keltling],” Thomp2. Floral tattoos ly Cain was also son said. “It 3. Scripts and lettering uncertain about gave me focus 4. Animals/birds her daughter on the prize.” 5. In loving memory tattoos getting a tattoo. With that, “It is Thompson went simply too early Information courtesy of into the match in life to make and after a long permanent destruggle, came out with the cisions when so much life is prize – the conference title. still ahead of them,” Cain said. Thompson said his tattoo is “Tattoos are sometimes considextremely meaningful to him ered trendy, fad-ish and just ‘the because of his dedication to thing to do.’ So were giant mallsports. He thought about getting bangs and bad perms in my day the tattoo toward the end of his … thankfully those weren’t perfootball season, and after a long manent fixtures but something process of talking to his close that [has] changed over time.” friends and family about his Not all parents have resertattoo idea, he finally got it the vations, however. Senior Jeff week before wrestling season Jennings’ parents actually sugstarted. gested the idea of getting a tat“I wouldn’t get a tattoo if it too to him over spring break last meant little to me,” Thompson year. With parent permission, said. “When I see my tattoo, it’s Jennings was able to get his tatawesome. I don’t regret it for a too at 17 instead of 18. His dad second.” went with him and even got one According to vanishingtat-
Students get meaningful
of his own. Shelley said she constantJennings got a tattoo of the ly questioned herself about word “music” in Chinese sym- whether she wanted something bols on his chest because music permanent on her body before is what he has “dedicated his stepping into Perfection Dermalife to” and is what he is plan- graphics, a tattoo shop in Des Plaines (see ning on doing with ‘Perfection’ the rest of his life. inevitably Jennings said getachieved). ting the tattoo was “Some on the “spur of the people get moment,” and he tattoos just didn’t really think to have it,” much about it beShelley said. cause he felt there -senior Brandon Thompson “Why would was enough meanyou want to ing to it. Senior Kiley Shelley also permanently write something got a tattoo that is meaningful on your body if it doesn’t have to her, but in a different way. meaning behind it?” Cain also expressed concerns She got a tattoo of a heart with “10/3” in it, which symbolizes with her daughter getting a tatthe date her dad died as well as too because of its permanence. “Neither Kayla nor I know her mom’s birthday.
“When I see my tattoo, &492(#:621,6B(;(/1.94( "6@"64(&4(01"(#(26'1./BC
what her future holds, but it kills me to see people her age, if not younger, marking their bodies in a manner that effectively closes doors of opportunity to them in the future,” Cain said. “We can all complain about the bias and shout that ‘you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover,’ but that is not real life.” Because of these concerns, Thompson acknowledges that it is important to approach tattoos in a broader perspective than just in the present. “I think a lot of people get tattoos short-minded, and they like it in the now, but they don’t really look towards the future,” Thompson said. “I got one thing, and it means everything. Mine will last me forever.”
Senior Brandon Thompson got “Eye of the Tiger” with a picture of a tiger wrapped around his side. Thompson wanted the tattoo because it symbolized “mental focus and edge over [his] opponent.” Brandon Thompson Senior Kiley Shelley has a tattoo of the date her dad died as well as her mom’s birthday on her arm to honor the both of
Kiley Shelley
s o o t t a T d n a s r e Teach Four teachers at Prospect believe there is not a problem of having a tattoo, nor has any regretted getting one. They also all agree that tattoos are serious and should be thought out. See what teachers have and the reasoning behind it:
Lance Burmeister “I got a Tasmanian devil on my ankle. I agreed to go get one at my former brother-in-law’s bachelor party, so we went down to Harvard, Ill., which is where a bunch of naval guys are based at. I ended up getting the Tasmanian altered because it had a sailors hat and was bending an anchor, and I didn’t really want that. I guess I’m like the Tasmanian devil because I am a person who will get the job done and won’t let anything stand in my way.”
Senior Jeff Jennings has two tattoos, one on his arm of the Chinese symbol for time, and the Chinese symbol for music on his chest. Jennings’ tattoos symbolizes his dedication to music through the years. Jeff Jennings
Michelle Rosenheim “I have a tattoo on my inner ankle of a bird that’s singing. I just like how birds are free; plus, birds have little legs, and I guess I’m known for that. I also love to sing, and that symbolizes the musical notes coming out of the bird.”
Paul Hennig “I have four stars. That represents the highest rating you can get [in a movie]. Movies are my hobby. It helps me unwind.”
Elizabeth Joiner “I have one on my wrist, and it’s the date of my [son’s birthday] and my wedding anniversary. Then I have one on my arm, and it’s of three birds because there are three of us [in my family], and they are my birds.”
Photos by Emmy Lindfors and Ian Magnuson
Information compiled by Jenny Johnson
10 FEATURES KELLY: Exchange connects students, broadens horizons sues going into to Kelly. ... There was a fear of the unknown — going into the of us in our place in terms of going city and seeing what would happen. “From a Kelly standpoint, it was a there and just stereotyping,” Halvorsen said. “It was typical of what we were fear of coming into a place where they learning — just stereotyping — and wouldn’t be wanted — that [Mount Prospect is] a very snobbish area, [thinking] then feeling stupid for doing so.” ‘You’re from the suburbs; we’re not, Over 80 percent and we’re not goof Kelly’s students ing to be accepted are Latino, and the DAYTIMES in a place like this.’ school’s location Kelly High School students give And I think they in the city can be new meaning to the phrase “party were pleasantly surdaunting compared all day and all night.” A reoccurring prised.” to where Prospect problem at the Chicago public Kelly senior is located. Halvorsschool is what they call “daytimes,” Alexus Gomez paren admits she took a party during the day. ticipated on the exextra precautions “They get a text or plan a time change, expecting when deciding what to leave school and cut all day,” Prospect students to to wear and whethsenior Caroline Halvorsen said. be stuck-up. er or not to bring “[They] go to someone’s house and “I thought people electronics. have a big party.” were going to stare All Kelly stuBesides during the day, Kelly at me,” Gomez said. dents have to pass students were in awe when “They did, but it through a metal deProspect students said only about wasn’t dirty looks tector to enter the 20 students constitutes a party; like at Naperville. school, and Cohen at Kelly, their parties consist of [Prospect] is more told his students around 200 people and a DJ, and diverse [than Nanot to bring a purse everyone’s invited. perville], and people or a cell phone on The consequences are much are not stuck-up the trip. different, too. In all of sociology here that I’ve seen.” Sucheki warned teacher Melissa Sucheki’s years of And although Cohen of probteaching at Kelly, she’s only heard Gomez pegs the lems in the past of one student getting a drinking students as “pretty with exchange stuticket. According to Halvorsen, if much the same,” dents bringing cell the cops come to Kelly parties, she noticed a differphones, as Kelly has they don’t get in trouble. They just ence in how much been conducting go home. the students cared exchanges — but about school. She not in sociology — and Kelly senior Edfor over 20 years. Sucheki told Cohen of gang activity gar Garcia were both surprised on how clear the hallways were. At Kelly, it’s and a “high theft problem” at Kelly. “[Prospect students] were really a struggle getting to class on time bescared going down there for fear of the cause of how packed the hallways are. “All these gangs are hanging out in community,” Cohen said. “They didn’t know what the students were going to the halls,” Garcia said, “[and] it makes be like, [and there are] a lot of gang is- it really hard to get through.” Garcia’s favorite part of the day at
Friday, April 29, 2011
CONTINUED from front page
!COMING TOGETHER: Prospect and Kelly High School sociology classes pose at Prospect during a oneday exchange on April 15. The exchange served as a tool to break the stereotypes the students had about each other. (Photo courtesy of Jason Cohen) Prospect was in AP Psychology where the class was speed dating based on mental disorders. He had to pretend he had avoidant personality disorder, meaning introverted with low confidence, while he interacted for 30 seconds each with others who had different disorders. “I thought it was cool; everyone was so into it,” Garcia said. “Everyone was actually doing the work, and they played the role they were supposed to.” “I feel like you come to school to actually do what you’re supposed to do, as opposed to in Kelly, people don’t,” Gomez said. “They just come because they have to.” Kelly senior Eric Amaya felt Prospect was very welcoming but noticed the school was “clique-y” unlike Kelly, where more people are friends with each other. Whenever there’s a party, anyone can come — even if they don’t know who’s throwing it (see Daytimes). Yet Amaya agrees about Prospect students’ dedication to their schoolwork. “[Prospect students] seemed more engaged in wanting to learn rather than kids at our school, who are like, ‘Ugh, I’m at school,’” Amaya said. When it comes to technology, Gomez has never done a project on the computer involving iMovie. Cohen noticed
Kelly’s lack of resources, like a library the size of a classroom, limited books and overcrowding — about 40 kids per classroom and not enough space. Despite these physical differences, Halvorsen still feels that the students were so similar that it was easy to get along with them. Her host student skateboarded, like some of Halvorsen’s friends, so she introduced them and saw that they bonded quickly. “I thought, ‘Wow, he would have fit into our group of friends if he went here,’” Halvorsen said. “[With] personalities, we all fit together.” Cohen attributes the similarity to the fact that all teenagers are going through the many of the same issues: relationships, academics, involvement in programs and lack of opportunities. “[Prospect kids] went [to Kelly] with an attitude based on the perceptions of stereotypes,” Cohen said. “Once the students got to know the Kelly students, they realized [Kelly students] might be of different economic group or status, but they’re just students.” “There were a lot of differences, but in the end, it doesn’t matter,” Halvorsen said. “We’re all just students trying to get through high school.”
Teaching students how to ‘fight like a girl’ By Megan Maughan Executive Features Editor Last year, PE teacher Aaron Marnstein introduced Prospect to Girls Fight Back, a presentation for girls and their mothers educating them about dating violence and violence against women in general. However, because of the seminarlike atmosphere of the presentation, the speaker, Erin Weed, reminded everyone that Girls Fight Back did not replace an actual self-defense class. This year, Marnstein has taken it upon himself to take Weed’s advice and offer an actual self-defense class to girls and their mothers through an organization called Fight Like A Girl. Though Girls Fight Back had great feedback last year from girls and their parents, because of the cost, the District 214 schools decided to bring it back on a two-year rotation. Not wanting this year’s seniors to be left with nothing, Marnstein decided to bring in Fight Like A Girl for Prospect students only.
On May 15, Prospect will hold ses- year’s seminar was missing. “The information the girls are sions hosted by Fight Like A Girl in the wrestling room. Girls and their moth- taught is going to stick with them better ers will work hands-on with instruc- if they’re actually practicing it,” Boldt tors, practicing how to use various de- said. “Participation makes a big difference. ... They’ll be more comfortable usfense techniques. Marnstein said this training is espe- ing [the techniques] if they have to.” Still, Marnstein knows that college cially important for senior girls since they are going away to college. He said isn’t the only place where danger could by having their mothers attend the be waiting. He cited the recent murder in Arlington class with them, Heights as an inthe whole family dicator that people can become more can be susceptible aware of violence to violence anyagainst women where. and be better pre“You can be pared to handle it. robbed anywhere; “In college, -PE teacher Aaron Marnstein you can be raped you’re unsupportanywhere; you can ed,” Marnstein said. “Parents are putting a lot of trust be assaulted anywhere,” Marnstein in their sons or daughters, but they said. “Just because we live in a good don’t know what other people are going neighborhood doesn’t mean we’ll always be safe.” to do.” In the future, Marnstein would like Diane Boldt and her daughter, ’10 graduate Emily, went to Girls Fight to build on the self-defense programs to Back last year. For Boldt, the seminar reach out to everyone; instead of limitwas an opportunity for her to ing it to just girls and their other female be able to talk to her daughter family members, he would like to have about self-defense in a com- programs involving boys and dads. According to Fight Like A Girl, one fortable environment. “It opens up communica- in six high school girls are assaulted by tion lines for moms to be able their boyfriends, and 80 percent of sexto talk to their daughters ual assaults are committed by someone about situations they were in the girls know. Marnstein said the only and say, ‘It can happen, and way to lessen these statistics is to make this is how I dealt with it,’” everyone aware of them and teach people how to defend themselves. Boldt said. “Knowledge is power,” Marnstein Though Boldt thought the seminar was helpful, she said said, “and this is the type of knowledge Fight Like A Girl is what last that people need to have.”
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When: Sunday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 pm Fee: $40 per person. You can get a sign-up sheet from PE teacher Aaron Marnstein in Room 172 and return the payment to him by May 11. Where: Prospect High School wrestling room
Information courtesy of Aaron Marnstein Boldt also believes that self-defense is important information for girls and boys and hopes the class will still be available when her daughter in eighth grade attends high school. “It doesn’t just stop with the girls,” Boldt said. “You need to educate boys, too, because they can also be attacked but also because they need to know what kind of behavior isn’t acceptable.” Marnstein said the name Fight Like A Girl is a lesson in itself and a stereotype that women need to break in order to protect themselves. “When someone says, ‘Oh, you fight like a girl,’ it’s meant to be an insult because the stigma is that girls are weak,” Marnstein said. “The way in which [the organization] uses this name is to empower; we’re turning the meaning from a negative to a positive. “The slogan for Fight Like A Girl is: ‘You have one life ... fight for it!’ So we’re going to turn this name around, and we’re gonna own it.”
Friday, April 29, 2011
Speaking out for charity Celebrity philanthropy : publicity stunt or genuine action? Bono: the timeless rocker most famous for his trademark sunglasses. Muhammad Ali: the legendary boxer who floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. Madonna: the iconic diva of the 1980s. Jim Carrey: the funny man of the 1990s. Although these four may have different personalities and areas of expertise, they are all involved in something bigger than themselves, coming to the rescue of people around the world (see Charitable donations). With the recent tragedy in Japan, celebrity charity organizations are benefitMeghan Doyle ing from the Staff Writer additional exposure. Celebrities who sponsor charities set a great example of service and dedication for their fans and the public — whether or not they donate for publicity or from their hearts. The giving spirit started back in 1984 when Bob Geldof, the lead singer of the Irish punk rock band The Boomtown Rats, brought together the biggest collaboration of British music artists for the first charity effort in the music world. An all-star cast recorded and sold “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” to bring in nearly $14 million for hunger relief in Africa. Bono, Phil Collins, Paul McCartney and David Bowie were all part of the star-studded lineup.
Anyone with a student ID will receive a 10 percent discount on any order!
This pioneering effort bloomed into fundraising projects such as Band-Aid, Live-Aid, Farm-Aid and Live 8, all including talented artists using their fame to raise money for those in need. Finally, the U.S. is starting to see celebrities step up and be part of something bigger. Even though these people can’t always be counted on to give from the heart, as long as money gets from their bank accounts to the people that need it, the sincerity shouldn’t matter. Not only can celebrities raise money, but they can also raise awareness. 2.2 million people have joined in the worldwide struggle for human rights with Amnesty International. Concerning the recent disaster in Japan, American celebrities have stepped up to the plate. Lady Gaga sold prayer bracelets for $5, several stars sent their love and prayers via Twitter — encouraging their fans to get involved with relief efforts — and Universal Music artists such as Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj and Bon Jovi are coming together to record a digital-only album for the Japan relief effort, available on iTunes. Though the money may get to the disaster site too late to make a dent in the damage, the cliché still holds — it’s the thought that counts. It was a pleasant surprise to see all of these names expressing such heartfelt feelings for those suffering despite the fact that their actions may just be ways to further hog the spotlight. Bieber also decided to cut off his renowned locks for not only a new ‘do but also for a chance to auction off the hair and donate all the proceeds to the Gentle Barn Foundation, an animal rescue organization. Although this is a great way to raise money for deserving organizations, some stars can overestimate themselves — it’s just hair. Despite that fact, the “hairloom” sold for $40,688 on eBay to GoldenPalace.com, who often attends celebrity charity auctions, according to The Huffington Post. The buyer claims they will take the hair with them to Bieber’s concerts to raise even more money for charity. Whether it’s genuine or not, it’s inspiring to see the rich and famous helping out those in need and also helping out organizations that can make their donations go even further. “Celebrity is currency, so I wanted to use mine effectively,” Bono said in an interview with MSNBC’s Brian Williams. “I love this work I do. It’s a privilege to serve the poor.”
‘Boys from Brazil’ an absurd, intriguing film By Neel Thakkar Editor-in-Chief
Graphic by Heather Dove
CHARITABLE DONATIONS Rocker Bono: Debt, AIDS and Trade for Africa (DATA), MusiCares, Make Poverty History, ONE Campaign, RED, Live 8, Millennium Promise Alliance, Millennium Villages Project, the HollyRod Foundation Boxer Muhammad Ali: The Holly Rod Foundation, Project A.L.S Singer Madonna: Millennium Villages Project Actor Jim Carrey: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Comic Relief
Toward the end of “The Boys From Brazil,” we find two old men — played by 71-yearold Laurence Olivier and 62-year-old Gregory Peck — lying atop each other on a living room rug in rural Pennsylvania. Though it’s hard to tell from their feeble movements, the randomly emerging blood stains on their bodies and their pained facial expressions indicate they’re fighters, not lovers. A pack of attack dogs, a gun and, later, a photographer, complete this ridiculous tableau. If only there were a shark — then both Peck and Olivier could have jumped over it, like the character Fonzie fatefully did on “Happy Days” just the year before. For that show, the shark jump marked its descent into absurdity; so it is with “The Boys From Brazil,” which spins a suspenseful, entertaining story for two hours, only to have it come a little unraveled at the end. The movie, set in Paraguay in the late 1970s, centers around exiled Nazi and war criminal Dr. Josef Mengele — who in real life was known as the “Angel of Death” at Auschwitz — and his plot to establish a Fouth Reich through a series of 94 assassinations. Opposite Mengele, who is played masterfully by Peck, is Olivier’s character: Nazi-hunter Ezra Lieberman (based on real-life Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal, who helped catch Adolf Eichmann). How exactly Mengele’s assassinations will bring about world domination is the mystery, especially considering that his targets are not world leaders but instead geriatric civil servants — postmen, principals, teachers and the like. After receiving a tip from a young American Jew (played by Jessie Eisenberg look-alike Steve Guttenberg) about Mengele’s plans, it falls to Lieberman to take up the case. Though it’s accessorized with elements from science fiction — most notably cloning and creepy Hitler babies (if nothing else, this movie will forever alter your conception of the Hitler Youth) — “Brazil” revolves around the building tension between its two stars, Olivier and Peck. The versatile Peck, best known for his Oscarwinning role as Atticus Finch in “To Kill A Mockingbird,” is transformed here from Southern gentleman to fiery, disturbing German. Olivier, who won the Best Actor Oscar for his 1948 portrayal of Hamlet, masters the split personality of his character — he is at once a crumbly, kindly old Jewish gentleman and a steely, fearless prosecutor of justice. Even as the movie hops around a half-dozen countries, the match of wits between Liberman and Menegele remains the movie’s center of gravity, as each aims to foil the other from afar. That this intricate game ends with an awkward physical confrontation is one of the few defects that makes “The Boys From Brazil” a flawed — but still gripping — classic.
Actress Angelina Jolie: California Community Foundation, ONE Campaign, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Goodwill Ambassador, Daniel Pearl Foundation, Direct Change, Global Action for Children, Jolie-Pitt Foundation, Millennium Promise Alliance, Millennium Villages Project Singer Beyonce Knowles: The Entertainment Industry Foundation Program’s National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance (EIF/NCCRA), Love Our Children USA
Information courtesy of 4seasons.homestead.
!SWIMMING WITH THE SHARKS: Dr. Josef Mengele (Gregory Peck) checks off the names of assassi nated men on his list of targets. Mengele is an exiled Nazi living in Paraguay as he tries to bring about the Fourth Reich.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Film Club: reeling with imagination By Katie Best Opinion Editor A superhero who can win any awkward challenge he or she is given, a claymation and an “Insidious” spoof all have one thing in common. No, it is not the letter “o.” These three topics are current projects of Prospect’s Film Club, which juniors Vrajika Thakker and Katie Maigler started this year. In Film Club, students can write, direct, act and film their own original short movies. According to Thakker, Film Club gives students a chance to “let their creative juices flow” and “get out of their comfort zone.” Thakker originally started Film Club because she likes filming and being in movies. Thakker has acting and writing experience through her participation in Speech Team and this year’s winter play, “A Midsommer Night’s Dreame,” and she thought people would be interested in joining a club without having to be cast in a play or be in a speech event. Junior member Mitch Ransdell loves that Film Club gives him an opportunity to get involved and focus on what he wants to do, such as “cinematography, direction [and] anything along those lines.” “[Film Club] is a great way for [students] who want to work with film to get involved,” Ransdell said. After Thakker’s friends said they
would be interested in participating in the club, Thakker and Maigler, who was named “Vice President,” started to focus on finding a teacher to sponsor the club and they found that sponsor in Media Technology teacher Tim Schaap. “[I chose to sponsor] because I hoped that [Film Club] would grow and spill over into my Media Tech class,” Schaap said. “They are very similar in the sense that the kids love to film and create.” Before they start filming their movies, Film Club members must first brainstorm and create story ideas and scripts. Two of their current projects are “KARL,” a superhero spoof, and “Surreptitious,” the aforementioned “Insidious” spoof. The club has also brainstormed other ideas, but according to Thakker, they “can’t be revealed right now.” “[The brainstorm] is great because everyone just builds off each other’s ideas,” Ransdell said. “It’s like a feast of ideas.” After the mass brain storming sessions, the writers begin to work on the scripts for story ideas. Since the club is still new, there are not specific deadlines for projects, but Thakker is hoping to have the films done by the end of the year in order to have a film festival (see Film festival de Prospect) From there, actors and actresses are cast while the script writers assume directing duties. Costume and makeup designers are usually members of the cast. According to Thakker, the club
!LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION: The members of film club get in character (above, right). Film Club member junior Max Rainey attempts to fit in one of the club’s costumes unsuccessfully, having one arm stuck in the dress and the waving a pompom (above, left). Founders juniors Vrajika Thakker and Katie Maigler embody their characters, Karl and his best friend before filming “KARL” (below). (Photos by Ian Magnunson) is hoping to get access to some of the school’s costumes from plays and musicals, but as of right now, club members are bringing costumes from home. For example, Thakker’s “KARL” costume which consists of a wig, suspenders and a stuffed stomach made of shirts and other clothing items that could be found. When they finish filming, a team of editors will put the clips together. As of right now, filming locations for projects, such as “KARL,” will be various locations at Prospect. While Film Club is off to a good start, they have run into a few roadblocks l i k e Schaap’s Bass Fishing Club meetings, which clash with the Film Club’s meetings. Also, with Schaap being out of town, the club’s access to film and cameras has been limited, so they have had to
buy their own equipment by “pitching in some loose change.” Despite the challenges, Thakker is optimistic about recruiting members and making her club a success. “Everyone is creative in one way or another, so what better way to show your creativity than working on films?” Thakker said. “And let’s be honest here, everyone secretly dreams of becoming a famous superstar one day. Instead of just secretly dreaming about being a famous actor, Film Club gives kids the opportunity to star in their own movies and achieve t h o s e dreams.”
FILM FESTIVAL !!!!!@0&=!A&*5!0(!$#'0,7!)#!$.6%!.!-&=! festival in order to display all the work done this year. But according to Film Club creator junior Vrajika Thakker, the festival may not happen this year because of school ending soon and lack of pre-meditated scheduling. Since the chances of a full Film Festival happening this year is slim, Thakker said Film Club’s sponsor, Media Technology teacher Tim Schaap suggested showcasing their movies in the cafeteria during lunch periods. However, Thakker has big plans for next year, claiming she wants “to go full out.” This would entail a day– or possibly
even a weekend– where students can both purchase tickets and vote for )$%02!?.6#20)%!-&=!)#!90,!.!BC2#(/.23D! A “Proscar” would be very much like an Oscar, and there would be an awards ceremony for the winners where )$%!-,.&0()(!/.,!5%!60%9%+3! This event would gives members of Film Club a chances to see their peers wins awards for the work they have +#,%!90)$!(/20')!920)0,71!./)0,71!-&=0,7! .,+!-&=!%+0)0,73! “This is all just a dream of mine,” Thakker said. “I certainly hope we can achieve it by the time I graduate next year, but if not, I hope future generations of Film Club can keep it
Friday, April 29, 2011
for Riley All graphics by Ian Magnuson and Heather Dove
Goes to the movies
!RATED R FOR RECLINER: The front row in every theater is made of the most comfortable reclining chairs I’ve ever touched. But the theaters don’t stop there. The top row has more than five feet of leg room. Each theater has one or two box seating areas complete with a table and four seats. The regular seats are more comfortable than most. AMC Randhurst 12 opens today.
New Randhurst movie theater gives more, asks for the same My perfect movie-going experience is simple. I want my popcorn buttered and salted, just like the rest of the world. But I like it the way ma used to make it (by pushing buttons on the microwave). Ice should think twice before jumping into my large regular Coca-Cola drink. The squeaky chairs are the best because I like to squirm in my seat to the tune of Foreigner songs. Sticky floors are a turn-off, although the sticky floors might be the result of a “turn-on.” But most importantly, I want the most for my value. In other words, for the $10COKE HEAVEN? ish admission ticket at the old AMC Randhurst 16 — plus the $10-ish bill for We’ve seen Freestyle Coke concessions — I wanted a pleasant eveMachines at local restaurants like the ning at the show. !CONCESSION STAND HERO: The AMC Randhurst 12’s revolutionary concession stand is good (not great) Pei Wei. They now But I never felt like I got enough out more of a marketplace. Instead of standing in one line waiting for service, ordering snacks and make their debut at the new AMC of the Randhurst 16. Personally, I have waiting for the food, you can move at your own pace in Randhurst 12’s marketplace, ending at a Randhurst 12 Theatre — it’s the third nothing against the soon-to-be-vacant bank of cash registers. Waiting has become a think of the past. or fourth Freestyle in AMC theaters theater. In fact, the place was a pensieve so far according to AMC Director of We reached theater No. 9, which read of movie memories (I saw almost every said on our tour of the theater on April Public Relations Ryan Noonan. For the Oscar-nominated film there the past two 25 (for those of you playing at home, “’Iron Man’ at 7:15 p.m.” on top. It didn’t inexperienced, Freestlye Coke Machines I’ve been to Randhurst 12 twice in two prepare us for the comforting surprise years). have touch screens with about 106 waiting in the theater. But I always favored Arlington The- weeks). +0??%2%,)!8.6#2(!#?!(#+.3!"$.)!+#%(,H)! At normal theaters, you stand in line We scanned the aisles of red seats. aters for its cheap ticket prices and even begin to describe the combinations and wait to order your popcorn and your They looked as comfortable as Egyp#?!8.6#2(3 aforementioned squeaky seats. “I think somebody tried to do the I got the most for my value of $5.25 at drink at the concession stand. Then tian cotton, and we had only seen them. when you finally get to the register, you But we didn’t just sit in a row of seats. math once,” Noonan said, “but it Arlington. sounded obscenely high, so I didn’t But Randhurst is plotting a come- wait for the cashier to prepare your At the Randhurst 12, each theater has at commit [the number of combinations] to back. Today marks the opening of the snacks. For Noonan and Randhurst 12, least two booths on the sides of the aumemory.” ditoriums. brand spankin’ new AMC Randhurst 12, this was too much waiting. The machine is even hooked up to the The concession stand is a circle, with Four chairs. Three friends plus me. in the same place it’s always been — just Internet so the Coca-Cola Company can revamped. Over the past few weeks, the one portion devoted to beverages and One table. It was too perfect. monitor the syrup levels. Noonan called the booths “box seattheater has graciously been presenting the two Coca-Cola Freestyle machines On the inside, the machine looks like (see Coke heaven?). Another part is all ing,” another new feature in AMC thefree showings of older movies like “The a darn computer. Instead of canisters Dark Knight,” “Inception,” “Iron Man” food: popcorn, hot dogs, pizza and moz- aters. Some auditoriums have two seats and syrup bags, LED lights and hard and others. AMC Director of Public Re- zarella sticks (which Noonan recom- instead of four. drives make up the Freestyle’s belly. “It’s a nice little date night,” Noonan lations Ryan Noonan called the shows “a mended). In the middle is a candy bank; However, since the machine has only it’s a circular island of tooth-killing joy said. soft opening.” one spout through which all the types of Personally, I think it’s more of a risk On Monday, April 18, I obviously — my teeth love the stab of original Re(#+.!8#93!I!7%)!.!2%7*&.2!A#<%!90)$!,#! ese’s Cups. for sticky floors. chose “Iron Man.” ice, but couldn’t help but taste a bitter Lastly, a line of cash registers make We actually only experienced the box Upon entering the expansive lobby, I first noticed the 30-plus movie quotes in waiting to pay a fleeting thought. I would seating. There are three other types of have been out of seating in theater No. 9. huge letters above mal movie theater seats. the marketplace in Sure, the box seating was perfect, but the box office. They Oh, and these seats are just for the !""#$%&'()*"(+,under a minute if there were more heavenly options. have the usual old regular 11 theaters. Wait, isn’t it the new it hadn’t been for I don’t think anyone likes sitting in AMC Randhurst 12? ones — “You had The new AMC Randhurst 12 Theatres all the “oohs” and the front row at a movie. Most people tip me at ‘Hello’” from The Enhanced Theater Experience 0(!)$%!-2()!=#60%!)$%.)%2!0,!)$%!,.)0#,! “ahhs.” their necks 180 degrees just to see the (ETX) is like AMC’s IMAX. The ETX is “Jerry Maguire” area to be LEED (Leadership in Energy “[The conces- screen. At Randhurst 12, the recliner a huge auditorium that seats 223 people. and “Toto, I’ve a .,+!E,602#,=%,).&!F%(07,G:/%2)0-%+3! sion stand] is a does all the work. feeling we’re not in “It has enhanced picture and sound,” Overall, it uses 21 percent less energy ‘your option’ heavThat’s right. The theater has reclin- Noonan said. “It really is a tremendous Kansas any more” than other theater in the nation. en,” Noonan said, ers. Darn comfortable recliners. If I theater experience.” from “The Wizard Recycled materials make up the “You can walk wasn’t paying to see a movie, the leather of Oz” — and great carpets, countertops, For ETX shows, a $3 surcharge — $4 around at your of the recliner would soak me up, sort of quotes from recent energy-saving faucets for 3-D movies — is added to the ticket own pace. In a way, like in “Killer Mattress.” movies like “The and urinals in the price. That’s much cheaper than IMAX it is [the first of its “I’m not a huge front row guy,” Noon- shows, which can cost up to $20. Hangover” and bathrooms. kind].” an said, “but I might be if I get to sit in Next to most “Tropic Thunder.” At the end of our tour, I asked NoonT e c h n i c a l l y, something a little laid-back like [these an if the prices for Randhurst 12 were environmentally-sound What did my there are three or recliners].” appliances is a sticker friends first notice? jacked up for the increase in seating, that advertises AMC’s four other AMC The top row of seats is in its own concession, environmental (see LEEDThe alcohol behind new direction (see theaters in the time zone. There’s almost five feet of leg ing the way) and overall atmosphere the counter at Macpicture). country with this space between the seat and the next row quality. Guffin’s, a full-ser“Every opportunity mini-marketplace of seats. vice bar at the theHe told me that the theater would folwe can get to of a concession Now, since the seats in each theater low the standard pricing for industry. In ater, complete with showcase how stand. fill up on a first-come, first-serve basis, other words, everything at Randhurst 12 its own flat screen we’re helping the Also interest- what if you’re too late to snag a booth? will cost the same as Randhurst 16. TVs. environment, we want ing is the variety Or even a recliner? Or the seats at the top Yes, those over So ... more options at an overall better to do it,” AMC Director of food and drink that could easily accommodate someone theater? 21 with proper of Public Relations in the marketplace twice as tall as Shaquille O’Neal? wristbands can Sounds like more for your value to Ryan Noonan said. — they serve SeIt’s OK. The regular seats are more me. order draft beer, attle’s Best Coffee, comfortable and supportive than norbottled beer or any other alcoholic beverage and take it with juices and other healthy drinks and ice them throughout the theater. Note: Mac- cream. But variety seems to be a motto OPENING WEEKEND Guffin’s is separate from the theater’s at Randhurst 12. “I think the overall mesconcession stand. The new AMC Randhurst 12 opens today, just a few Banners hang from the ceiling, each sage is options — options hundered feet from the soon-to-be-closed Randhurst 16. with a famous movie character: Iron for our guests,” Noonan Tomorrow, the theater will display two cars from “The Fast Man, Maximus Decimus Meridius from said. “We’re all about and the Furious” movies to promote the fourth sequel in the “Gladiator” and Jack Dawson from “Ti- giving our guests as franchise, “Fast Five.” According to the theater’s media contact many options as we can tanic,” among others. Amanda Wehr, the cars — a 1970 Chevelle and the 1987 Buick 1970 Chevelle from “We want people to look up and go, ‘I so they can choose what they GNX — are on loan from the Volo Car Museum in Volo, Ill. =G#24(#./(G5"&152C( know that movie [character]!’” Noonan want.”
Friday, April 29,
Experience earns excellence
Veteran seniors lead baseball team to new heights
Moving sophomores up two years ago turned out to be good for the team this year, but the program does not feel a move like that is necessary every year and has no sophomores on the varsity roster this season. This can partly be attributed to the abundance of senior talent the team has now. What to do is determined when all the coaches get together for an %,+!#?!)$%!>%.2!=%%)0,7!)#!-7*2%! #*)!9$.)!$#&%(!,%%+!)#!5%!-&&%+3!!!!!! “We rely heavily on the under level coaches to update us on how teams and individuals are doing so we can foresee what our varsity roster will look like down the road,” Giusti said. Although eight of the nine regular starters are currently seniors, the younger players get playing time on varsity and also have summer league games to gain experience. Despite the loss of most of the lineup after this season, Giusti is not worried about how his team will fare next season. “We have had several [juniors] who have already seen a lot of action and will certainly be big contributors,” Giusti said. “Plus, they are observing a senior group that knows how to get it done.” One of those players is junior Jack Landwehr, who is batting .500 and has a 5-2 record as a pitcher. Landwehr is the only junior who starts on a regular basis and says he looks forward to being one of the leaders of the team next season. “Next year will be my third year on varsity,” Landwehr said, “I hope to be a main contributor again and help take the team as far as possible.”
By Jack Mathews Staff Writer Two years ago, several sophomores were moved to the varsity baseball team to provide extra depth. Two years later, they are the leaders of the team that is in first place in the MSL East and ranked fifth best in the area by the Daily Herald. “Our team has kind of been built for this year because six [senior players] have been on varsity since they were sophomores,” head coach Ross Giusti said. From a physical standpoint, this team’s depth of quality pitching has been a big part of Prospect’s success
BASEBALL’S SEASON Team record 11-3 (3-0) HR leaders Jack Landwehr-2 Peter Bonahoom-1 Steve Dazzo-1 Luke Bergman-1 Anthony Charnota-1
RBI leaders Landwehr -20 Brian Bauer-10 Matt Molini-10 Dazzo-9 Strikeout leaders Landwehr -52 Ben Menich-40 Dazzo-16 As of April 26
! A SWING AND A HIT: Senior Luke Bergman bats during Prospect’s 64 loss against Conant on April 25. Bergman is one of the eight seniors who are regular starters for the team this season. (Photo by Ian Magnuson) and 11-4 record this season, but Giusti also credits their success to the experience, leadership and confidence that his seniors have displayed this year. Seniors Matt Molini, Ben Menich, Brian Bauer, Peter Bonahoom, Steve Dazzo and Joey Siers are the six who have been on varsity since sophomore year. “I think [their experience] will be even more noticeable in the playoffs because some of these kids have been involved in 15-16 playoff games for us,” Giusti said. The Knights have done well in big games and have won all three of their conference games this year, including a 9-4 win over Hersey, their biggest com-
petition in the East and reigning conference champions. “We’ve been playing together for three years now, and that experience always helps, especially in big games because we are more relaxed and we have been there before,” Molini said. The Knights hope their success continues into late May when the playoffs start. Last year, the Knights were eliminated early in a tournament game by Fremd, but they are looking to go much further this year and feel they can make a much deeper run. “I think with the talent we have and the way things are going for us, we should be able to do big things,” junior Jack Landwehr said.
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Friday, April 29, 2011
@ Knight Sustaining the “sweet science”
Adair’s adjustments !COACHING CONFIDENCE: Head coach Jim Adair coaches girls’ softball to a 122 win against Hersey on April 20. Along with winning games, Adair’s goal this year has been to make the team excited about playing softball. (Photo by Miranda Holloway)
First- year varsity softball coach Jim Adair changes coaching tactics By Miranda Holloway Sports Editor In his nearly 20 years as a softball coach, Jim Adair has always been able to go home and relax after a game. This year, however, Adair continues to work after the games. Adair now goes home to collect statistics to send to various local newspapers so they can report them the next morning. That’s not all of the responsibilities Adair has taken over though. “As a varsity coach, you have to worry about all the other teams and the stupid uniforms and this and that and buses and umpires,” Adair said. “It’s a lot more stressful.” Since moving up to the varsity level this year after coaching both the freshman and JV teams, Adair has had to change the way he approaches coaching. On the lower levels of softball, Adair did not consider conference standings a high priority, but for the varsity team, it determines the eventual playoff seeds.
SEASON SO FAR Games played: Prospect def. Libertyville 14-8 Prospect def. St. Viator 10-0 Glenbrook North def. Prospect 2-1 Prospect def. Mundelein 1-0 Downers Grove def. Prospect 11-3 Hoffman Estates def. Prospect 9-6 Barrington def. Prospect 7-4 Prospect def. Hersey 12-2 Rolling Meadows def. Prospect 3-2 Buffalo Grove def. Prospect 2-1 Games to look forward to: @Hersey
@Rolling Meadows 4:30 5/11/11
Information courtesy of DailyHerald.com
“We just don’t remember freshHANDLING PRESSURE man records. I always remembered them when I was a coach, but what Along with Adair’s attitude ideas, people do is say, ‘How successful is individual players have developed your program?’” Adair said. “They their own methods for handling want to know, ‘What did your varsity their nerves during a highwin lately?’ There’s more pressure. pressure situation. I’m more nervous — I don’t want to Junior Amy Graham, who plays do anything to screw up and hurt the #*)-%&+1!J*()!).<%(!.!+%%'!52%.)$! team.” and reassures herself before a As a result of the added pressure tough at bat or in the possibility to win, Adair has dropped some of #?!.!<%>!-%&+0,7!'&.>3!;%,0#2!K0<<0! Surico, on the other hand, tries to the plays he used to work on with his anticipate her next move. freshman girls — such as trick plays “I try to just stay focused on the — because the level of the varsity '&.>!0)(%&?1!.,+!0?!IH=!0,!)$%!-%&+1!LI! opponents is higher. think of] what I’m going to do with “[The varsity level players] throw the ball when I get it,” Surico said, the ball better,” Adair said, “so if “That is what keeps me in the you are trying to get them to make [right] frame of mind.” a throwing mistake by doing something base running-wise, they are not going to really fall for that.” play doubleheaders on Saturdays. To make up for the lack of trick To stay prepared at a more adplays, Adair now has the ability to vanced level, Adair, while still put more skill into basic plays. stressing the basics, focuses on the Instead of bunting to simply ad- more technical aspects of the game vance a runner and give the inexpe- and puts his players in more gamerienced players a chance to bunt, he like situations. need his players to bunt to a certain “The only way to get better at part of the field and hit the ball ei- fielding ground balls sometimes is ther hard or soft, depending on the to field 50 ground balls,” Adair said. situation. By practicing in these situations, “If you are trying to bunt on the the girls are more confident in game freshman level and you bunt so a situations, and it takes some of the runner can go from first to second, pressure off, according to senior varyou are just lucky if the girl bunts sity player Nikki Surico (see Hanit,“ Adair said. “Whereas varsity- dling pressure). wise, they want it at a certain spot “We have been in a lot of close — down the third games, and we base line, up the have been playfirst base line, ing tough defense hard bunt, soft without letting bunt.” runners on base As a varsity score,” Surico coach, Adair now said. “We have worries about come together re-varsity softball coach Jim Adair not only his own ally well in clutch team’s status besituations.” fore the game but the status of his Prospect is competing in one of opponents as well. the toughest conferences in the area, “I have a notebook where I look at according to the Daily Herald. Elk the sports page every day and write Grove is ranked No. 1 in their circudown which teams beat who,” Adair lation area, Conant is in fifth, Fremd said. “So if I turn to the Palatine is eighth, Barrington is 10th and Palpage, I’ve already got a listing of 15 atine is 11th. Palatine games: how they did, who Therefore, the girls have been put they beat, which kid on their team in many of these clutch situations had four hits or three hits, who their (see Season so far). pitcher is [and] does she strike out a “You have to put out a consistent lot of people.” effort every play, every pitch,” Adair By doing this, he has a sense of said. “You have to expect that the what is to come and which players ball is going to be hit to you.” will require the most attention. Putting in this effort on every “When you are on the JV and play can be tiring when playing such freshmen level ... the focus is devel- competitive teams, but Adair also oping players,” Adair said. “When wants to keep fun and love for the you are on the varsity level ... every game in every player. game is really important, and that is “I want to bring new energy to stressful.” the kids and some new enthusiasm A fast-paced schedule can be an- and get them excited about softball,” other main cause of stress for girls Adair said. “We are looking to win at the varsity level. some games and have some fun. WinThe girls have up to three games ning is fun. Losing is not that fun.” during the school week and usually
“You have to put out a consistent effort every $8#*E(676"*($&4'%BC
“Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!” yelled Howard Cosell as George Foreman inched back toward his corner. Meanwhile, Joe Frazier jumped off the canvas seconds later and kept fighting despite the fact that Foreman was known as one of the hardest punchers in boxing history. And neither fighter was done just yet — Frazier stood up from a total of six knockdowns before the referee stopped the fight in Foreman’s favor. The bout took place in 1973, but it lives on forever as the “Sunshine Showdown.” These types of fights make boxing great. And yet, in recent years, the sport’s popularity has fallen like LeBron James in the final seconds of a game. Instead, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has grown heavily in popularity to replace it. But boxing is still a terrific sport, and teenagers need to realize it. Everyone tosses out Muhammad Ali quotes like they know him, yet we don’t even watch the sport he played. Let me be the first to acknowledge that modern boxing has many redeeming qualities. The loss of uniformity when it comes to title belts can be aggravating, and the high cost of Pay-Per-View makes all of my dead presidents cringe. But there are still many reasons why boxing deserves some love. For one, it is a much more talented sport than it is stereotyped to be. It is not two barbarians just punching each other brainlessly, and anyone who has watched boxers train would know that. Barbarians don’t have the footwork of ballerinas and the strength of an ox. The sport also has plenty of young talent that could develop into stars. Amir Khan and Andre Ward are just two examples of possible stars, and one of them may knock off Floyd Mayweather Jr. and Manny Pacquiao both in fame and boxing titles. And the cost of watching a fight can be offset by watching in groups. Get your dad, grandfather or anyone else who might enjoy the bout and chip in so that it won’t cost as much. The most underrated aspect of boxing is the unpredictability. Boxing is the reason the phrase “puncher’s chance” exists. In the aforementioned Foreman vs. Frazier fight, Frazier was a heavy favorite but was destroyed and lost. In 1990, Buster Douglas fought Mike Tyson, when he was actually one of the most dominant athletes out there and not a pigeonobssessed, cameon-making bankrupt soul. Douglas was a 42-to-1 underdog but still took out Tyson in the 10th round. Someday, another “Rumble in the Jungle” will happen, as will a “Thrilla in Manila.” And we have the chance to either be on the right or wrong side of history. Even though George Foreman was a great fighter, I want to see him proved wrong. He once said, “Boxing is like jazz. The better it is, the less people appreciate it.”
A farewell It has been a fun ride writing this column over the last year. I would like to now will it to my boy Jack Mathews, who will be writing it next year. I just hope he will remember the difference between who Bryon Russell is and who Karl Malone is. I had a little trouble with that one.
SPORTS Friday, April 29, 2011
On Prospectornow.com... The girls’ badminton team battled last year’s state champions New Trier at the Hinsdale South Invitational Saturday. Look online to see how the girls handled the competition as well as updated coverage on girls’ track and water polo.
Graphic by Ian Magnuson
Weight room problems stack up as maintenance, repairs slip By Maggie Devereux Executive Sports Editor As a thrower on the girls’ track team, weightlifting is one of the most important parts of senior Samantha Sturm’s practice schedule. While Sturm uses mainly free weights to do squats, the leg press machine is very important because whenever her back is hurting, she uses it so that she doesn’t fall behind. Last week, however, when Sturm went to use the one working leg press, she discovered it was covered in caution tape — a common sight in Prospect’s weight room. “I complained to my coach, and he’s like, ‘Well, what do you want me to do?’” Sturm said. “I asked him to fix them.” Knowing full well that her coach couldn’t fix the leg presses, Sturm has had to make adjustments to her lifting routine, like many athletes who use the weight room. She now has to do squats with less weight and more repetitions. “I feel I’ll be just as fine; it’s just disappointing,” Sturm said. “I mean yeah, there’s the cable weight [leg press], but it’s not as much of a workout. I definitely think they should have had [the first leg press] fixed by now.” Since the first leg press broke in April of last year, the weight room has slowly been falling apart. Both leg presses, three bikes and two ellipticals are currently broken. With the administration struggling
to find a reliable company to maintain the equipment, different machines have been gradually experiencing the wear and tear of everyday use. According to Assistant Principal and Physical Education Division Head Jovan Lazarevic, much of the equipment in the weight room is outdated. Due to their age, many of the parts needed to fix the machines are no longer manufactured by Magnum Fitness Systems, the main supplier of most of the weight room equipment. Because they are no longer in stock, many of the parts the school orders have to be custom made to fit the machines. “There’s a huge process that goes with it, and unfortunately we deal with middle men and not the company itself,” Lazarevic said. “I know it’s a frustration, but unfortunately we don’t have any control over those consulting groups that we work with. Whenever they can send us people, they send us people.” The “middle men” Prospect uses are companies that come in, look at the machines and then order the parts from Magnum. First, they check if the part is in stock. If not, the company takes pictures to send to the supplier so that new parts can be manufactured. The school becomes dependent on the associated company not only to order the parts but then deliver them and install them in a timely fashion. The unreliable service has left many
CLEAN UP, CLEAN UP, EVERYBODY DO YOUR SHARE Repairing old equipment and purchasing new machines is only one of Assistant Principal and Physical Education Division Head Jovan Lazarevic’s goals. Another key part of maintaining the weight room is designing a system to take better care of it. In order to do this, he has asked that different classes get involved in helping ).<%!5%))%2!/.2%!#?!)$%!-),%((!/%,)%23! Junior Leaders have gone into the weight room a few times to take inventory of the equipment. Prime Time Knights (PTK), which is part of the Sports and Entertainment Marketing
class, and Lifestyle PE classes have .&(#!7#,%!0,)#!)$%!-),%((!/%,)%2!)#!$%&'! clean up loose weights. Lazarevic also said that coaches and teachers have helped out in letting him know what equipment is needed in the weight room. If sports teams pitch in for the cost of the weight room, Lazarevic hopes that they’ll also play a bigger role in taking care of the room. “If we get groups [and] sports [teams] to pay for part of [the cost], they’ll be a little more vigilant because then it’s really theirs,” Lazarevic said.
machines in the weight room unusable for months. According to head football coach Michael Sebestyen, the football team uses the weight room every day except Sunday: three days for varsity and three days for sophomores. One of the major components of their lifting routine is the leg press, and now with both of the machines broken, they can no longer perform their normal routine. Even when one of the leg presses still worked, it slowed down the team’s lifting by about 30 minutes. Sebestyen also acknowledges that, more importantly, broken machines present a safety concern. “[If a machine] is broken but not designated that way or something wrong with it has not been taken care of and is about to break, someone could hurt themselves,” Sebestyen said. In order to address these concerns, Lazarevic and Associate Principal Greg Minter are currently looking at two new middle-man companies to replace the old one. They decided to hire a new company after the last one’s “poor service record.” “We find companies that say they are going to do the work, but they don’t follow through,” Minter said. Minter hopes that one of the two new companies will be able to work not only in repairing broken equipment but also in tuning up some of the other machines so that they don’t break. Once they choose a company, Minter and Lazarevic will work with them to decide which machines can be repaired and which ones need to be replaced. Lazarevic requested funding from the district for next year and they are also looking to get funding from the booster club (see Funding fitness). Funding from the district will be used to buy seven or eight new cardio machines and ellipticals. The old or broken cardio machines will be replaced. Also, if funding allows, Lazarevic would like to purchase a new universal system that includes the lateral pulldown and seated row weight sets. “Our goal right now is to get things as fixed up as we can that are worth fixing, but [we] really [want] to start the next school year with everything functioning properly, with a lot of new
FUNDING FITNESS According to Associate Principal Greg Minter, the funding for the weight room comes from various places. The Athletic Booster Club bought many of the machines for the weight room. However, it has been Prospect’s responsibility to pay for maintenance, repairs and cost of new equipment over the last nine to 10 years. Minter has used building funds to pay for these expenses. For next year, funding for new equipment will come from a few places. The district is funding the purchase of about seven new cardio machines after Assistant Principal and Physical Education Division Head Jovan Lazarecic requested funding from the “Instructional Capital Equipment Fund.” Every three years, the district gives the PE department $20,000 from this fund to purchase equipment over $1,000. Minter and Lazarevic are also hoping to get funding from the Athletic Booster Club this year. Another idea Lazarevic has is to get different athletic teams who use the weight room regularly to fundraise money to assist with the cost of the -),%((!/%,)%23 equipment in there, having a preventative maintenance program and a go-to person when something does go down,” Minter said. “I think we’re on the track to do that.” When the machines are either fixed or replaced, it will ultimately be up to athletes and students who use the machines to keep them in good condition. According to Lazarevic, another one of his main goals has been designing a system to monitor the treatment of the weight room and possibly prevent future damage (see Clean up). While the current system is on “an honor system,” Lazarevic feels more supervision that stresses the user’s responsibility to take care of the machines will better prevent damage. “Sometimes [students] just think someone else is going to [take care of] it for them,” Lazarevic said. “And their mom doesn’t live here.”