Prospector Issue #10 2009-10

Page 1

Start of new reign Changes in homecoming schedule will give king and queen longer rule By Jane Berry News Editor

When senior Ivaylo Valchev, then Student Council President, proclaimed seniors Alofalbi George and Maria Dolomas to be King and Queen of Knightimes 2009, he was only repeating what had been said countless times in the past. But never have those words been completely true. By the Friday of homecoming week, everything is over except for the dance. According to Student Council, the main problem with that is that some of the student body does not go to the dance, so the king and queen reign over nothing. Next year, that schedule will change with coronation held on Monday of homecoming week. “For 18 years I have laughed at that line [since the king and queen do not reign over homecoming] … and we haven’t really done anything,” Student Council adviser Lyn Scolaro said. With this change, the king and queen will reign over the entire week with special privileges reserved for them, including the possibility of getting reserved parking spots, special tables to sit at, a catered lunch with a royal subject and decorated lockers. “We want to find ways throughout the week to show that being king and queen is something really special,” Scolaro said. According to Scolaro, the goal for next year is to bring homecoming to the “next level,” so the day of coronation will not be the only change. After school, the Tuesday before homecoming week, there will be a T-shirt and banner painting party. This year, Student Council hopes to sell the colored shirts and fabric paint. On Wednesday, there will still be Knightgames, but there will also be the bonfire dance. “In previous years, the [bonfire] dance has been canceled due to inclement weather, which was a disappointment for the kids,” Scolaro said. The only other difference would be an earlier start for Knightgames so there is time for the dance when the games end. “We really want the week to encourage school unity verses class unity,” said Michelle Rosenheim, Student Council assistant adviser. “By having the dance right after the games, it really brings the school together again.” Lunchtime activities will also be only two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday, featuring karaoke and a student band. Band auditions will be before homecoming week with the top two bands performing Thursday during lunch hours and at the banner and T-shirt painting party. The week will close with a pep assembly, parade and the soccer and football games. Student Council is open to everyone participating; Students should e-mail Scolaro to be included on the list to be informed for future planning meetings. “It’s your homecoming week — you should be involved,” said Keerthana Hogirala, next year’s Student Council president. Next year, students can contribute their ideas at regular “production party” meetings. “We really want student contributions,” Hogirala said. “It’s not fair to be upset when you don’t take the opportunity to join in.” Student Council hopes to involve as many people as possible so everyone is happy and safe. “This encompasses everything we believe in,” Scolaro said. “It’s the Knights’ Way; it’s the right way; it’s the Prospect way.”

Photos by Ian Magnuson and Kate schroeder, Center photo courtesy of

Top left: A group of kids pose at the Lee DeWyze concert on Friday, May 14 with handmade DeWyze shirts. Bottom left: The water polo team stands for a picture at the welcome home Lee DeWyze parade Friday, May 14 before heading to their game. Top right: The Prospect Marching Knights lead DeWyze into the parade. Bottom right: Crowd eagerly waits for DeWyze to preform at Arlington Park Racetrack.

Because we beleeved

By Kate Schroeder and Maddie Conway Editor-in-Chief and Executive News Editor

Their little feet balanced on the cement curb of Northwest Highway. Their pint-size hands held handmade “Welcome Home, Lee” signs. “Vote For Lee” T-shirts adorned their bodies. They were jittering with excitement. Lee DeWyze’s biggest supporters, a group of five elementary school girls, waited eagerly to greet DeWyze during his welcome home parade on Friday, May 14. “It’s awesome [that I will go] to high school where Lee did. He’s cute!” said Sarah Thomas, a third grader at Fairview Elementary. Lee DeWyze, former Prospect student turned “American Idol” Season 9 winner, recently returned

to his hometown of Mount Prospect for the Top 3 homecoming celebration on Friday, May 14. 
There, he visited Mt. Prospect Paint, the paint shop where he used to work, St. James Catholic School and Forest View Alternative School. He attended a welcome home parade led by Prospect cheerleaders, poms and marching band and ended with a sold out concert of 41,369 at the Arlington Park Racetrack. But his success on the show is not solely due to the “Idol” judges praising his musical talent and teenage girls admiring his blue eyes; it is from the dedication and support that the Mount Prospect community, including its youngest residents, has shown him throughout his long journey. The day of the parade, the five el-

ementary school girls, Sarah Thomas, Ella Beyer, Paige Finley, Claire Finley and Abby Lenzini, spent the entire day preparing for their hometown idol’s return. During school at Fairview, the girls’ classroom teachers played YouTube videos of DeWyze from past “American Idol” shows, including “Fireflies” by Owl City, the girls’ favorite DeWyze performance. Also, after indoor recess, all the students with “Vote For Lee” shirts gathered to take a picture and lead a “Vote For Lee!” chant. According to a mother of the one of the girls, “They [had] been talking about Lee coming to town all day.” Abby Lenzini even wore a handmade necklace to the parade that she had made at a friend’s

See DEWYZE, page 3

Inside this issue Before ‘American Idol’

A plethora of phobias

The final season

Prior to winning “American Idol,” Lee DeWyze was making a splash on the local music scene. In 2008, the Prospector did a spread on his early musical career. For a reprint of the story on this now-famous rocker, turn to...

Fear can come in multiple forms, from the fear of spiders to the fear of balloons. To read personal accounts of fears, an explanation of the difference between a fear and a phobia and more, turn to...

With every season’s end comes a lot of emotion. This is especially true for senior athletes finishing their last seasons before graduation. For an inside look at the end of senior athletes’ seasons, turn to...

Entertainment Pages 14-15

In-Depth Pages 10-11

Sports Page 17



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Home sweet home

‘81 grad, now a published author, returns to Mount Prospect for book signing graphic by ian magnuson

By Maddie Conway Executive News Editor

When ‘81 Prospect graduate Nancy Woodruff first moved to London in 1997, she expected to meet a more diverse group of people, but little did she know that there would be someone with a connection to her hometown living just a few doors down from her in Britain. When Woodruff met ‘74 graduate Mary Jane Kupsky in London, however, the two Nancy discovered that they had not only grown up in the same state; they had both graduated from the same high school, which caused an instant connection. “When you run into somebody with similar experiences, it’s very exciting,” Kupsky said. “There’s a kind of shorthand when people have a shared experience. It makes it very comfortable.” That connection to Prospect is still important to Woodruff, especially on Saturday, April 24, when the now-pub-

lished author came back to her hometown for a book signing at Borders on Elmhurst Road. Although Woodruff loved living across the ocean and now resides in New York City while teaching writing at New York University, Woodruff got her start in Mount Prospect, so it will always feel like home. While growing up and attending school in Mount Prospect, Woodruff built a foundation of close friends and connections with whom she Woodruff still has strong relationships today, including her husband, ‘81 graduate Mark Lancaster, and her best friend, Karen Walsh, who currently lives in Northbrook, Ill. “[Prospect] was great,” Woodruff said. “Socially, it was great [with both friendships and teachers]. I have great fondness for Prospect.” For Woodruff, her experience living in Mount Prospect contrasts with the times she has spent living in New York and London, which she described as

Woodruff’s works Woodruff’s latest novel, “My Wife’s Affair,” went into stores on April 15, 2010. The novel is from a husband’s perspective on the infidelity of his wife, Georgie, after she moves to London in order to play the lead role in a stage production of “Shakespeare’s Woman,” which tells the story of an actress whose troubles to balance her family and work begin to mirror Georgie’s situation, as well.

Nancy Woodruff’s first published novel, “Someone Else’s Child,” was first released when Woodruff was living in London in 2000. The novel tells the story of a homeschooled 15-year-old boy, Matt, who has difficulty making friends but is able to find friends with three teenage girls — until he is in involved in a car crash that results in two of their deaths. When his last living friend’s mother, Jennie, reaches out to support Matt in this difficult time, Jennie finds herself with a choice between supporting Matt and her daughter. Information and photos courtesy of

more diverse than the Chicago suburbs. people only care about themselves, and “[In Mount Prospect], it was either Mount Prospect is not like that,” she that you were Catholic or Protestant, said. “When I was writing, I was always and that was pretty much the only dif- writing about all these nice people doference between anybody,” Woodruff ing all these nice things for each other, said. “It was like there was no diversity and that doesn’t make for very compelwhatsoever, and I felt like I was much ling fiction; you have to have a conflict, older before I got so I had to break to meet people away from the A role model from different world view I had backgrounds.” in Mount Pros‘81 grad Nancy Woodruff’s success At the same pect a bit.” in becoming a published author is time, Woodruff When Woodalso able to offer some inspiration to also finds New ruff returned to aspiring writers who are in her shoes York to be less Mount Prospect now at Prospect, as well. closely knit than in April, both To senior Laura Winters, an AP her hometown. members of Literature student who would “love” to “[New York] her family and be an author and has wanted to write is completely friends attendsince she was in the first grade, the different,” she ed the signing, success of a past Prospect student is said. “People including the also a positive influence. are definitely Prospect teach“It’s really great to have successful not as warm and er she considers role models come from the school,” friendly as they an inspiration, Winters said. “It’s really helpful to are in Mount now-retired envision your own potential success to Prospect, and Ruth Van Withave someone who’s literally been in I really miss zenburg. the exact same place you came from.” that.” Van WitzenAnd ultimateburg taught ly, that friendliWoodruff in ness carried over into the inspiration English and also advised her when she for some of her writing, even if her two was on the yearbook staff. novels are emotionally heavy pieces Van Witzenburg remembers Wood(see “Woodruff ’s works”). ruff as a “creative” student with a lot In an interview with the Daily Her- of potential, and for Van Witzenburg, it ald, Woodruff said, “I was not inclined was “exciting” to see a past student fulto write about malicious people because fill that potential. I had a very happy childhood in Mount Woodruff ’s mother, Mary, who still Prospect with two great parents. In- lives in the house in Mount Prospect stead, I have wanted to explore the lives in which Woodruff was raised, also atof nice people who occasionally make tended the signing at Borders. bad mistakes.” Like Van Witzenburg, Mary found it Indeed, Woodruff started out setting “exciting” to see her daughter come to her stories in Mount Prospect, especial- be successful and come back home from ly when she was younger. But despite New York to share that success, as well. that, of those that have been published, While surrounded by people she had neither take place there. known all her life, Woodruff could re“[Mount Prospect] has influenced spect the town where she grew up. my writing in that it gave me a great ba“It’s just great to see the same people sis to start from and an appreciation for all in one place,” Woodruff said. “When people who care about others and be- you’ve moved around a lot in your life, have well,” Woodruff said. “I didn’t re- you develop a real appreciation for peoalize till I left that that isn’t something ple who have just stayed in one place that you find all over the world.” and lived there for forty or fifty years. It “There are a lot of places where was great to see them all.”

38 Year

s Ago

What m ad “back e news in the day?”

Today, Mount Prospect is home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, but in 1972, an Ecuadorian family moving in was a big deal. The Bustamantes and their five children came from Quito, Ecuador to 213 School Street in Mount Prospect. According to Mr. Bustamante, one of the family’s main reasons for moving was so that their kids could get a better education.

3 Years PROS



The iconic “Save Darfur” shirts have become something of a fad since they first appeared. But only three years ago, few at Prospect had heard of them until social studies teacher Dave Schnell started selling them in the commons. The proceeds went to the Save Darfur campaign, which raised awareness of the situation in Darfur.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

DEWYZE: Community rallies support for ‘Idol’ CONTINUED from front page

Other side of the table Ken Dix, husband of Katie Dix and owner of Capannari’s ice cream in Mount Prospect, met “American Idol” finalist Lee DeWyze three years back at Guitar Center. When Ken heard music throughout out the store, he thought it was coming from over the speaker, but when he turned the corner, he saw someone playing the guitar. After standing and listening to a few songs, Ken struck up a conversation and found out that the guitarist was named Lee DeWyze and that he also lived in Mount Prospect. Ken thought DeWyze was talented, and later that evening, he went to see one of his shows, asking DeWyze if he would enjoy playing at Capannari’s “Concert in the Park” series that summer. Since then, Dix and her husband have gone to see DeWyze play at different venues, including Fitzgerald’s in Forest Park and a couple pubs in the city. The Dixes also made him a judge in their ice cream idol contest, which was spun off “American Idol.” DeWyze judged local talent ranging from five to 55. Little did he know that he would be on the other side of the table two years later.

Before “American Idol,” DeWyze frequently sang at Capannari’s for their “Concert in the Park” series, where house out of a picture of DeWyze, a botguest artists come and perform at Catle cap and hot pink pre-wrap. pannari’s during the summer for their Katie Dix, owner of Capannari’s customers. The Dixes had also gone to ice cream in Mount watch DeWyze at numerous venues in Prospect, believes his early career. When they heard that that for the chilDeWyze was going to be on “American dren of Mount Idol,” Ken Dix, husband of Katie Dix, Prospect, the exstarted sending perience of have-mails to everying an “Amerione he knew (see can Idol” finalist “Other side of the about DeWyze that “I’m amazed by the from their hometable”). camaraderie that has she had kept at home. town is a “once “He actually Soon, the T-shirts come up with a lot of in a lifetime opshut down our were added, and from people [and] brought portunity.” AOL account one there, the display was so many people to“It’s a childtime because they filled with more and gether,” Olson said. hood memory were thinking he more DeWyze-themed “It’s just kind of a that they will forwas spamming items, including phopositive feeling. No ever have,” Dix because he sent tographs and covers of matter where you go said. “So when it to hundreds of in town, somebody is DeWyze’s two CDs. they are 30, 40 friends and cortalking about it.” The display has elephoto by Kate Schroeder or 60 years old, porate clients of The talk about ments with the smallElla Beyer, Sarah Thomas, Paige Finley, Claire they can talk ours at Capanna- est details to support DeWyze throughabout, ‘Boy, there Finley, Abby Lenzini and Annabelle Lenzini wait ri’s, saying ‘Hey, I DeWyze — even by out Prospect was no was this beautito greet Lee DeWyze at the welcome home Lee have a buddy who including his favorite greater than the day ful spring day in parade on Friday, May 14. Above: Abby Lenzini is going to be on color of paint. When of his homecoming. photo by Ian magnuson 2010, where we holds up her homemade Lee DeWyze necklace. “American Idol,” Olson read an article On Lee DeWyze all headed over Junior Sarah Pekar holds up a sign and if you can explaining that he Day, Friday, May 14, and watched an “American Idol” parade support him, that would be great,’” Dix liked a shade of or- reading “Lee will you go to prom with 112 students were go through here.’” said. called out during ange called tangelo, me?” at the Lee DeWyze concert Prospect grad Liz McGrath and Ken has kept up with his e-mailing she bought a quart of on Friday, May 14 at Arlington Park school as opposed to her two friends, Mary Swisher and and has sent out “Vote for Lee” e-mails the color, and Schiller Racetrack. DeWyze performed 10 the 38 students the Lori Miller, have also shown support every Tuesday night. In order to do this, painted a sign reading songs at the concert, including “Use day before. Accordto DeWyze by sporting “I Love DeWthe Dixes had to call their AOL provider “Lee DeWyze” in tan- Somebody” by Kings of Leon and “Lips ing to Attendance Ofyze” T-shirts to the parade. The group and tell them that they were not spam- gelo; it now sits in the of an Angel” by Hinder. fice secretary Mary of friends frequently makes the 22.1 ming, but simply trying to get as much center of the display. Burkhardt, May 14 mile trip to the Blues Bar in downtown support behind DeWyze as they could. Another piece on display represent- was very stressful. Mount Prospect from Cary, Ill. to watch While Capannari’s, along with other ing Prospect’s contribution to support“Lots of kids were leaving, saying DeWyze’s permembers of the ing DeWyze is the dark blue “I Voted right on the sheet that they were going formances on community, has For Lee” bracelet sitting in the case, to Lee,” Burkhardt said. “American Idol.” shown its sup- which seniors Josh Philippe and Denis The students also displayed their Similarly, Caport for DeW- Luebke have sold at school for their en- DeWyze pride by buying Lee DeWyze Tpannari’s has yze, individuals trepreneurship project. shirts from the attendance office, sporthosted weekly inside Prospect ing them every Tuesday and on May 14. After their original two projects for viewing and vothave gone out of the class, which involved computer and Over 1,000 T-shirts had been sold before ing parties of their way to show event planning businesses, did not work the concert. “American Idol” their backing of With the sea of neon green, blue and out as well as they had hoped, Philippe for DeWyze. DeWyze as well — said they turned to the excitement black DeWyze shirts around school and Every Tuesand in more ways around DeWyze for the Mount Prospect day night, Cathan calling in on a new product idea. community, Dix feels pannari’s projTuesdays to vote, Because both Tlike she has never ects “American too. “seen anything quite shirts and buttons Idol” on the side photo by Kate Schroeder Just by glanc- were already being like this” after living of their build- Prospect cheerleaders lead the beginning of the ing at the display sold, they decided to in Mount Prospect ing, the same welcome home Lee parade Friday, May 14. Along case located in sell the bracelets. for 42 years and feels place where they with the cheerleaders, Prospect poms squad and the entrance to that it is catching on Their first order host their movie the library, stu- of marching band helped lead the parade. in the community. the bracelets, nights over the dents can see a which totaled to “[At the parade] summer. Recentrepresentation of the different ways 1,500 and sold for there were moms ly, they have had to move their party in which Prospect and the community $1 each, sold out out there with their indoors to different places, such as St. have come together for Mount Pros- in three days, with photo by Kate Schroeder babies in strollers, Raymond’s church, due to the sun setpect’s own Idol. senior citizens on the some students buyLiz McGrath, Lori Miller and Mary Swisher ting later in the evening. On its busiest In the case, newspaper articles, T- ing as many as five sidewalks with their pose with their “I love Lee” T-shirts before night, the event gathered up to 300 DeWshirts, signs and even a hat that feature or 10 bracelets at walkers and canes yze supporters from around the comDeWyze’s name are on display, includ- one time. Since then, the beginning of the welcome home Lee trying to stay out of munity. ing his past yearbook pictures from his Philippe and Luebke parade on Friday, May 14. The three the way of running Dix believes these viewings and vottime at Prospect. teenage girls,” Olson have begun selling friends traveled from Cary, Ill. to see their ing parties have played a role in the Library and Technology Assistant a second order. All hometown American Idol. said. “You have peolarge amounts of votes DeWyze receives Diane Olson first had the idea to make profits of the braceple my age listening every week. the display honoring DeWyze in antici- lets are split between charity and the to [DeWyze’s music] too; my kids are “The whole point of Capannari’s dopation of DeWyze’s potential Prospect two students, with half of the sales be- listening to it. Running to the parade, I ing [parties] the whole six weeks is to visit. really laughed, because I felt like I was ing donated to Music Saves Lives. generate this kind of unified commuAlthough he did not end up visiting The other elements of the display 45 years younger, that I was running to nity support for him,” Dix said. “That the school while in Mount Prospect, also represent DeWyze’s support. To Ol- a Beatles’ concert or off to get Mick Jagwas our main goal, and I think that was Olson started putting the display to- son, who “vaguely” remembers DeWyze ger’s autograph again.” accomplished.” gether on Wednesday, May 12 with the from his time spent in the library as a To Dix, the support from the commuDix also believes the parties “add assistance of Head Librarian Chris- freshman, the excitement surrounding nity has really brought the village of to the excitement” of having someone tie Sylvester and the library’s teacher his place in the competition has helped Mount Prospect together and made the from her hometown on “American Idol.” aide, senior Nick Schiller. The display bring the community together. community of Mount Prospect shine in “If you celebrated in your living started with several newspaper articles the national spotlight. room with your entire family, it would “We will be forever known as the be really fun, but if you’re celebrating home of the ‘American Idol’ Lee DeWwith 300 people in the community, it’s A trip to see Lee yze,” Dix said. just that much more exciting,” Dix said. Even after the end of the show, Dix Along with the parties, Capannari’s believes that Mount Prospect will conAs the Mount Prospect community’s excitement has sold buttons, wrist bands, T-shirts tinue to “resonate with each other the about Lee DeWyze’s success on “American and personalized ice cream pints (also sense of community.” Idol” continued to rise, English teacher Nicole known as DeWyze cream) saying “we “I really do believe that it set the Warren and her boyfriend, Shawn Stoltz, always beleeved” with a picture of ground work,” Dix said. “Not that we DeWyze holding a pint of their ice traveled all the way to Los Angeles to see weren’t a great community to begin cream. They even sent out 10 different DeWyze, a friend of theirs. While in California, with; we were, but we all have this new flavors of their ice cream to the top six Warren not only spent time with the “Idol” sense of pride, and I think it will probcontestants with personalized “good finalist; she also saw Ryan Seacrest’s star on ably stick with us for a really long time. luck” lids. the Walk of Fame, met Michael “Big Mike” Whatever [DeWyze] does, we will be on The Dix family has felt such a strong Lynche and was even mistaken for Taylor Swift. the coattails of that because we can alpassion to rally support for DeWyze beTo read about Warren and her weekend in ways say that ‘we knew him when ... .’ cause of their close relationship with Hollywood, see Whatever successes Lee is going to get, the “American Idol” finalist. photo courtesy of Nicole Warren we too will shine in those.”



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Boundary arguments District decides Wheeling border changes irrelevant By Deanna Shilkus Managing Editor Freshman Ted Marzolf had a tough choice to make when he was in eighth grade at South Middle School. Since second grade, he knew that when it was time to go to off to high school, half of his friends would go to Rolling Meadows while he went to Prospect. He felt it would be difficult to part from friends he had known for a long time. He had to decide whether he was willing to make the difficult part or find friends who would go to Prospect. So when he eventually got to high school, Marzolf lost contact with 90 percent of those friends who now go to Meadows. With Marzolf losing all of his friends due to the split, there is a reason to want to change current boundaries. In April, District 214 rejected a requested boundary change for Wheeling High School. Parents of Wheeling students, who are residents of Prospect Heights and live in the neighborhoods of Lake Claire Estates and The Shires (see map), petitioned that John Hersey High School is a better school for their children because Hersey has higher test scores, but most importantly is closer in location to their homes. Because Marzolf lives in the boundaries that go to Prospect, he had to split from his friends. However, the Wheeling parents were OK with their kids

Wheeling High School changing schools and splitting from their friends. District 214 Superintendent David Schuler told the Daily Herald that the boundaries would not be redrawn for Wheeling boundaries the two high schools because “there was not a compelling enough argument Hersey boundaries to change [them].” The district board will only consider changing school boundaries when Lake Claire Estates a high school has opened or closed or when there has been a significant The Shires change in enrollment. Any significant change includes an increase in enrollment around 350-500 students. While this upset many Wheeling parents, there could be concern map courtesy of District 214 of this same situation happening to A map of District 214 boundaries shows students’ homes that are in other District high schools, including inside the Wheeling boundaries, but are closer in location to Hersey. y High School se er H hn Jo Prospect. Principal Kurt Laakso thinks that any kind of boundary changes could surrounding high schools, the lines grow up and go to a high school with a happen to any school. As of now, he keep kids together as much as possible diverse culture. In a couple of years, Levin will have doesn’t know of any interest or concern so they don’t have to be split up. However, South still splits between another daughter go to Wheeling. Levin to change the boundaries for Prospect. “This informs me that the bound- two high schools because of the num- is in the same boat as other teachers at aries are appropiately set for the com- ber of students enrolled. According to Hersey. According to Levin, there are munity and administrators in District Schuler, if all South students went to several employees who teach at Hersey 214,” Laakso said. “It’s very important one high school, those students would and have kids who go or will go to Wheeling. that boundary changes are not recom- put the enrollment level over the top. “If I didn’t want [my kids] to go to When Marzolf made the transition to mended lightly. They have to be very high school, he didn’t feel as torn apart Wheeling, I would just move,” Levin seriously considered.” Laakso believes that this most like- as he had expected because he tried said. “I wouldn’t have the district ly wouldn’t happen in the near future to choose more friends who he knew change the boundaries for me.” If this kind of situation did happen because there has been only a slight would be going to Prospect with him. Janet Levin, a teacher at Hersey to Prospect, Schuler doesn’t quite know increase in enrollment over time at Prospect. The school’s enrollment is High School, has a daughter who goes where the lines would be redrawn or to which high school kids who live in relatively similar to other schools in the to Wheeling. Levin didn’t choose what neighbor- Arlington Heights or Mount Prospect district. The most important factor for chang- hood she moved into in 1993 based on would go, but he feels that it shouldn’t ing boundaries is how the existing el- what high school her kids would go to, matter. The border dispute doesn’t repementary and middle schools around but the neighborhood where she still resent Wheeling parents celebrating a high school play a role in keeping lives happened to be one inside of the their kids’ school. “We need to do a better job of celeWheeling boundary lines. boundary lines consistent. As a parent who knew that her brating our six wonderful high schools,” The district works closely with the elementary and middle schools to make daughter would go to Wheeling, Levin Schuler said. “They are all unique and a sure that, because they feed into the felt it was good that her daughter would good place to learn.”


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OPINION Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Arizona falls for stereotypes

The Staff MANAGING EDITOR Deanna Shilkus COPY EDITOR Gina O’Neill ASSOCIATE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Sharon Lee Riley Simpson NEWS EDITORS Maddie Conway Jane Berry Andrew Revord OPINION EDITORS Whitney Kiepura Katie Best FEATURES EDITORS Megan Maughan Carly Evans Jenna Mastrolonardo IN-DEPTH EDITORS Emmy Lindfors ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Tallyn Owens SPORTS EDITORS Maggie Devereux Nick Stanojevic Miranda Holloway PHOTO EDITORS Ian Magnuson Mika Evans CARTOONISTS Quinn Blackshere Nicolette Fudala ADVISER Jason Block Some material is courtesy of the American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. Published by students in Journalistic Writing courses, the Prospector has won, most notably, the 2004-05 and 2006-07 National Scholastic Press Association Pacemaker and the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association in 2006. Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Prospect High School Prospector is to report news as well as explain its meaning and significance to our readers and the community. We, the Prospector, hope to inform, entertain and provide a school forum for the unrestricted exchange of ideas and opinions. Advertising For ad rates, call (847) 7185376 (ask for Deanna Shilkus), fax (847) 718-5306 e-mail or write the Prospector, 801 West Kensington Rd., Mount Prospect, IL 60056, Letters to the Editor Drop off letters to the Prospector in the box in the library, in Rm. 216 or email letters to All letters must be signed. Please limit letters to 400 words. The Prospector reserves the rights to edit letters for style and length.

Staff Editorial

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Kate Schroeder Neel Thakkar

The American stereotype of an illegal immigrant goes something like this: Hispanic, male, young, poor and uneducated — similar to Enrique, whose eponymous “Journey” is required reading for sophomores. This generalization has some merit: according to a Pew Hispanic Center report from last year, 76 percent of illegal immigrants are Hispanic; 47 percent of those aged 25-64 have less than a high school education; their median household income is $36,000 (the American average is $50,000); and men ages 18-35 alone make up 35 percent of all illegal immigrants (the American average is about 15 percent). Of course, there is a difference between stereotypes, which are good for little except cheap laughs and immediate generalizations, and the law, which is supposed to be blind to such matters and be concerned only with the truth.

It is a distinction the which promises “equal proArizona state government tection of the laws.” seems to have missed. It is in light of this fact In a piece of sweeping that we, The Prospector, legislation passed on April must add our reluctant con23, police officers in Arizo- demnation to the growing na are now required, when fury against Arizona’s imthey have “reasonable sus- migration law. picion” of someone’s imWe do so reluctantly bemigration status, to cause — for demand his or her all of the Arimmigration paizona law’s pers; indeed, even crippling legal immigrants flaws — othcan be charged with er states will a state crime if they start havdo not have their For Against ing to tackle documents when their immiVoting results of the questioned. gration probProspector staff in regards On its own, “realems on their to this editorial. sonable suspicion” own as well. isn’t necessarily There is, bad. But considering the after all, little debate that prevailing stereotype of il- the current system of imlegal immigrants, “reason- migration doesn’t work: the able suspicion” is bound to population of illegal imbe brought upon those who migrants is pegged at 11.2 have committed no crime million, and their growing save for looking the part. presence undermines the Such actions are violations, efforts of those who arrive if not in law then in spirit, here legally, waiting years of the 14th Amendment, to do so.



What is debated is how to address the problem. Ideally, the federal government would come to a compromise, but that seems increasingly unlikely: Republicans have been swept up by the tide of Tea Party conservatism while Democrats rely on Hispanic voters. The last significant attempt at solving the problem came back in 2007 when the Congress, with both parties split, refused to pass President Bush’s proposal, which would have given illegal immigrants a path to citizenship. The states, then, have no choice but to assume the burden the federal government has failed to bear. That does not exempt them, however, from weighing just as carefully the consequences of their decisions. Some actions, as Arizona has shown, are worse than doing nothing at all.

After party sails with seniors Seniors, this is your last year. Juniors, calm down. There are still tickets for postprom. You’ll be here next year, and then you can laugh at the next little junior class and their dates. Because of the limited space, Prospect announced a hierarchy for buying post-prom tickets. Seniors bought tickets first, followed by juniors. If upperclassmen brought d a t e s f r o m o t h e r schools, they had Whitney Kiepura to wait Executive for all Opinion Editor o t h e r Prospect students to buy first. This is the first year that these regulations have been in place because of an awkward situation last year. Previously, if students wanted to go to post-prom, they just got on a bus and were driven to Navy Pier. Assistant Principal Greg Minter explained that last year the administration had to turn away 12 to 15 prospect students because there was no longer room on the buses. But at the same time, there were roughly 80 students on those buses that weren’t from Prospect. These students left behind were understandably quite peeved. This year, seniors had to come in on Saturday, May 15, to buy tickets at 11 a.m. But many got there at 8:30 a.m. or earlier, because many feared they wouldn’t be able to get on the boat. The juniors could then come at 1 p.m. until 2 p.m.

Graphic by Quinn BlacksheRe

Post-prom becomes a tug of war for tickets, between seniors who are taking non-Prospect dates, and Prospect juniors. to buy the remaining tickets. for this problem is to just get a But despite all the fuss, there larger boat. However, Minter are approximately 45 tickets explained that the Mystic Blue left over. Many now wonder if is one of the largest boats at all the hair-raising was even Navy Pier, holding close to 600 worth it. Although there are people. extras this Anothyear, with er probPost-Prom across 214 increasing lem is that class sizes, the boat Hersey’s prom ticket comes and hopeis under with post-prom included. Instead fully an contract. of going on a boat, these Huskies improving So even if hop on buses to Dave & Buster’s in e c o n o m y, a larger downtown Chicago. Hersey rents numbers boat was out the whole building for one night, will likely found, so there isn’t a space crunch. The rebound. it might party stops at 5:30 in the morning. N o t take years Elk Grove and Rolling Meadows many peoto finally both have post-proms on a boat ple want use it. Evdeparting from Navy Pier. EG goes to spend ery few on the Odyssey, while RM sails with only half years — it the Spirit of Chicago. the night depends Not all schools feel they have with their on the the need of an after party. Both date. They boat — Wheeling and Buffalo Grove are would say organizapost-prom-less. “good-bye” tions reat midnight new their but then contract party for another four hours? to keep specific dates for their Not cool. All seniors, even events. When their contract with dates from other schools, is up, they have a chance to should be able to buy tickets renew it. Otherwise, the time for themselves and their dates spot goes to the first person on before Prospect juniors. the waiting list. The most obvious solution The problem of splitting up

dates clashes with the fundamental idea of prom. It’s a last night, a last dance and a last time where people will be able to party with their friends before they’re sitting through the graduation speeches. This year’s extra tickets were an exception. This year all seniors and their out-of-school dates are going to post-prom. Ever since spring break, more and more of the senior class lost interest in school. It’s the classic case of senioritis: the classes don’t matter and it’s all about enjoying the time with the kids they’ve grown up with. They’re counting down the days until they disperse across the U.S. Buying tickets first is the last time this class will be prioritized. Juniors will be slighted, but this is their first year being an upperclassmen so they can accept inferior treatment for one last time. By having one of the more entertaining and popular post-proms (see “Post-Prom”) there’s bound to be a greater demand. Juniors will be left on the dock in the upcoming months, but senior year they’ll finally set sail.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Graphic by emmy Lindfors

Difficult selection process creates successful choir

Hot or Not

The choir program can be compared to baking cookies. Start off with a large batch of dough, shape the cookies and then use a cookie cutter to make them perfect. Just like the cookies, the choir program chooses people that fit the ‘cookie cutter’ mold and have similar characteristics. According to Company director Stephen Colella, there are a few qualities he and choir director Jen Troiano look for when making the final cuts for all the choral and show choir groups. “We look for someone with good Katie Best pitch, a good ear for Opinion Editor music, [whether] they can read music and their level of musicianship,” Colella said regarding the placement of students in the different choirs (see “Choirs”). “[With the show choirs], we look for people who are more vocally in-depth and if they are good enough dancers,” Colella said. “Commitment is also a huge thing. They have to be able to have fun.” While many students who I have talked to believe the choir programs simply choose the best singers and

dancers, others believe blood lines and that Mixed Company is comprised of image play a part when choosing the both males and females. Since dancing students in the groups. By the way, I am is involved, the males in the choir need in no way, shape or form involved in the to be able to lift their female counterchoir program. parts for certain dance moves. Despite the words of others, it seems And let’s face it: scrawny freshman like both Colella and Troiano know and lanky upperclassmen are going to what they are doing. They went to col- have a more difficult time lifting their lege for music, so they aren’t going to partners. Naturally, wanting stronger, make rash decisions based on a whim. more athletic guys is understandable. Now, back on track (or baking tray, So in this case, the cookie cutter-esque in this case) with the cook cutter mold. mold is good. The cookie cutter mold has require“The choir department as ments: you must be a good singa whole doesn’t have an er, a decent dancer, and comimage, [but] Mixed Co. mitted to the craft, you must ... yeah.” Werner said. blend and get along well “You aren’t going to be The choirs of with the other group memable to do all the singProspect bers. ing and dancing under One person who fits a certain level of perthis cookie cutter-esque formance.” Choirs: mold is self-proclaimed If someone has to Treble, Concert, Varsity, “Choir Golden Boy,” spend “x” amount Honors, Knight Voices, Jazz junior Nate Werner. of hours a week and Madrigals He is the classinging and sic example of dancing unShow Choirs: the choir mold, der hot stage Company and Mixed with the cookielights, it Company cutter mold bemay be more ing just what the difficult for choir needs to stay people who on top of the competition. aren’t extremely fit. In his freshman year, Werner stayed While it is harder and in Concert Choir — the less experimore competitive for girls in the enced of the mixed choirs — for a mere choirs, the need for guys surpasses this two days before being placed in Varsity and makes it easier for them to make it choir. Sophomore year, Werner made in choir. not only Mixed Company, but also “the According to senior choir member most elite of the choirs:” Madrigals. Scott Diebel, “it’s easier being a guy While Werner has had success in and making it into choir because we are choir, he does admit that Mixed Com- in demand. With girls, there are a lot of pany has more of an image. And while other factors that go into the overall seI do believe it has an image, the image lection.” isn’t bad. “You could probably go into Mixed This image is partially due to the fact Company not knowing how to dance

Since Beth Rowe and Kelly Rose McAleer are graduating, Jane Berry and Katie Best will be taking over ‘Hot or Not,’ bringing the Prospector the “Berry Best” of pop culture. Check out the rest of this month’s ‘Hot or Not’ on

The Hot

Ray-Bans: Can I say the word ‘sexy’ in print? Because RayBans are the definition of sexy. They add just the right amount of nerdy and hot, and in sunglasses, they take ‘cool’ to a whole different level. You could look up the word ‘Ray-ban’ in the dictionary, and you would probably find an extremely sexy guy wearing these beautiful

creations. Not to say girls don’t look good in them as well; we do. I actually own a pair of black-rimmed RayBan glasses. These glasses definitely deserved a spot in the ‘Hot’ section of “Hot or Not.” (Best) Shrooms: I promise they are not what you think. These ‘shrooms’ are Willy Wonka’s gummy mushroom creation. And boy are they good. If you like gummy bears or Swedish Fish, these things will blow your taste buds. They come in a sour flavor, too. So next time you hit Jewel (Walgreens doesn’t sell them, to my dismay) hit the candy isle and pick up a bag. Plus, seeing your parents’ reactions when you tell them you are eating shrooms is something that can make any one’s day. (Best)

The Not Laying down on the horn: So, I was sitting in my journalism class contemplating what I was going to eat for dinner and what topic I was going to discuss in my hot or not article — both very crucial topics, when ... HOOOONNNNKKKKK! Who the heck?! I don’t know who did it … or why … but it was not funny. I do not enjoy people coming in from lunch and laying down on the horn. In fact, I would appreciate it if we put a stop to it. It’s definitely unnecessary. (Berry)

very well as long as you’re good at taking instruction and willing to learn,” Werner said. “Troiano looks for people she can work with and teach.” According to Diebel, Troiano wanted to make last year’s choir show involve a rock ’n’ roll theme to attract more guys. The idea was to promote show choir to make it “cool” and “rekindle the dying flame of show choir.” But to be honest, with “Glee” hitting televisions across the world, show choir seems to have become more popular. Another rumor I’ve heard regarding the choir programs is the issue of blood lines. I’ve heard having an older sibling who was involved in the music program will get you into the choir program once the directors see your name on the try-out list. For the most part, I think having an older sibling will help in the long run, but a last name alone isn’t going to get people in. The younger sibling needs to have talent, too. One person who has had two older sisters in the choir programs is freshman Therese Coughlin. This year, Coughlin made Company, and next year, she will be in Mixed Company and Honors Choir. A singer should have talent in order to make the choir program, not just the last name or bloodline. However, since the younger sibling trying out would have had an older sibling in the choir program, the directors would know the family. By knowing the family, the directors would have a better idea on what type of family she or she comes from. In every program, there is a specific cookie cutter mold that is like an unwritten rule. In the choir program, the cookie cutter mold was a mystery to me until I wrote this article, and let’s just say, I’m glad I took a bite out of it.

Highlighter yellow shirts:When people wear highlighter T-shirts, especially yellow ones, I have to close my eyes when speaking with them because it is so bright. Lets be honest folks, it is annoying. Neon yellow shirts have never been socially acceptable nor will they ever be. It is time that everyone faces the fact and moves on. It is not attractive to be a walking billboard, and I can think of at least ten other heinous things I would rather encounter others doing. I think DeWyze is very talented, but I find the shirts with the “Vote 4 Lee” plastered across the front obnoxious because I have to wear sunglasses to read the shirt. (Berry)



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Living in a weight-obsessed world Teens struggle with self-image, try to break unhealthy eating habits By Megan Maughan

Executive Features Editor

*Names have been changed for confidentiality Senior Clara Parker* first became self-conscious about her weight when she was in second grade. Her teacher weighed and measured the height of the kids in her class at the end of the year, and Parker weighed 63 pounds. “I remember being uncomfortable with that,” Parker said. “It seemed unnatural to me at the time, even though I was only in second grade and didn’t really know what was right.” Even though she was wary about her weight, Parker said that she didn’t do anything about it since she was so young. The first time she started taking action was in eighth grade. In order to try and improve her body and self-image, Parker occupied herself with cross country, track and other activities to keep herself active. Though she didn’t suffer from anorexia or bulimia, her eating did not keep up with the intensity of her physical activities. By eighth grade, Parker was 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 88 pounds. “There’s this picture of me with my family from Disney World, and I’m wearing this huge windbreaker, and when you see my legs, they look like arms,” Parker said. “When I look at [the picture], it’s disgusting, but sometimes I wish I was that skinny again.” Parker is just one teenager who struggles with her weight and body image, but according to the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), over one-half of teenage girls and one-third of teenage boys use unhealthy weight loss methods, such as skipping meals or throwing up. As many as 10 million females and one million males in the U.S. suffer from eating disorders. NEDA Helpline volunteer Jenn, who was not allowed to disclose her last name due to NEDA policy, believes that although “disordered eating” is not technically defined as an eating disorder, it is a “precursor and can eventually become

an eating disorder.” Jenn said disordered eating is when someone is “focusing too much on the calories and how the food is going to make you gain weight instead of being focused on getting your body the fuel it needs to survive.” “When it turns from wanting to be healthy to just wanting to lose weight, then it becomes an issue,” Jenn said. Jenn and Parker both feel that teenagers’ friends and the people they surround themselves with are a big influence on how they view themselves. “Even if someone makes an innocent comment like, ‘I’m fat,’ and isn’t serious about it, someone else might take it seriously and think ‘Well, if she’s fat, then I’m huge,’ and that can be a start of weight paranoia,” Jenn said. Parker’s own self-image took a toll when she met a girl in seventh grade who was “really tall and skinny” and soon became her best friend. “Just having a best friend who’s taller and prettier than you is hard because you’re always comparing yourself to her,” Parker said. Freshman Leah Caden* also felt selfconscious around her friends, which caused h e r

to struggle with her weight and self-image. “I’m one of the bigger ones out of my group of friends, and most of them are really small and skinny,” Caden said. “I thought I’d fit in with them better and be able to relate to them more if I was thin.” Since Caden felt that she couldn’t skip meals without her mom knowing, she still ate but would purposely throw up afterward. During her period of bulimia, Caden not only didn’t lose the amount of weight she wanted to lose, but her self-image also got worse. “I felt even worse when I was bulimic than I did before,” Caden said. “I felt depressed all the time and guilty every time I overate, and I just felt really terrible about myself.” Parker’s parents noticed her dramatic weight loss and had an “intervention.” Since they were afraid that she had bulimia, Parker wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom by herself or leave the table until everything was cleaned up so that her food had time to digest. She wasn’t allowed to go anywhere by herself, even the mall with her friends, because her parents didn’t trust her. Even after her parents’ intervention, Parker didn’t start gain-

WARNING: Eating disorder health risks

Bulimia Nervosa:

—Electrolyte imbalances that can lead to irregular heartbeats and possibly heart failure and death —Inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting —Tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released during frequent vomiting

Anorexia Nervosa:

—Abnormally slow heart rate and low blood pressure —Reduction of bone density —Muscle loss and weakness —Severe dehydration, which can result in kidney failure. —Fainting, fatigue, and overall weakness —Dry hair and skin, hair loss is common. info courtesy of neda

Eating disorder warning signs ­­ —Dramatic weight loss. —Denial of hunger. —Consistent excuses to avoid mealtimes or situations involving food. —Withdrawal from usual friends and activities. —Evidence of purging behaviors, such as frequent trips to the bathroom after meals and signs and/or smells of vomiting. info courtesy of NEDA

ing weight. She said she was eating healthy but was “still really small and wasn’t doing anything to gain weight.” However, Parker’s parents weren’t the only ones who were starting to notice her weight. She remembers some of her eighth grade teachers looking at her like “they knew something was wrong,” and her favorite teacher approached her. She told Parker to come to her with anything because she would keep it confidential, and she said “I worry about you.” “I’ll never forget that one day she said, ‘I see you sitting in the back of my classroom, and you look like you’re withering away,’” Parker said. “That upset me so much.” Caden was able to keep her disorder a secret but overcame it after about a month. After about four weeks of consistently throwing up in the evenings, one day, Caden stumbled upon a bulimia article in an old magazine that she owned. After re-reading the stories of the girls with bulimia and how it ruined their lives, Caden decided to tell her mom about her disorder. Her mom then helped her overcome her bulimia, and together, they created ways for Caden to become more comfortable with herself. Caden now keeps a food log to track what she eats to make sure that she isn’t over-eating or under-eating and exercises weekly. Eating better and exercising regularly has not only made her healthier, but has also greatly improved her selfimage. “I feel so much more confident now,” Caden said. “I can

go up to people and talk to them without feeling self-conscious about my body.” Unlike Caden, it was hard for Parker to overcome her eating problems, and though she feels like she’s doing better with keeping her health in check, she still struggles today. “I am scared of getting an eating disorder,” Parker said. “I know this is bad, but sometimes I wish I could just get one, get skinny, and then get rid of it, but I know it doesn’t work that way.” Caden said that people think eating disorders have to last for a very long time and result in a “stick thin” person, but she feels that isn’t the case. “And it’s not all about wanting to lose weight,” Caden said. “It’s also about just wanting to feel better about yourself.” “You would think that you have the power over your mind and body to stop over-eating or under-eating or working out too much, but you just have this image in your head of what you want to attain,” Parker said. “Somewhere, it turns from being healthy to being too thin, but when you look in the mirror, you still see this weight that’s not even there, but you think it is.” Jenn said that one of the most unhealthy practices of teenagers isn’t always just unhealthy eating habits, but also their comparing habits. “[Teenagers] see people they think are perfect and think, ‘I want to be like that,’ instead of thinking, ‘I want to be happy and healthy,’” Jenn said. Though Parker agrees that the initial trigger for an eating disorder manifests from an outside source, she feels that it mostly grows and prospers from oneself. “It starts when you see an outside influence and you just wonder about it,” Parker said. “You know, you’re getting in the shower, and you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and you think, ‘Did I always have that extra fat?’ and you just can’t stop thinking about it. You get worried.” Jenn said that the point when weight concerns become a disorder is when the victims allow themselves to become ob-

Who Knows You Better?

This issue, the Prospector asks a senior student’s girlfriend and best friend questions about himself to see who knows him better.

The subject

Scott Diebel

Least favorite animal?

Biggest fear?



Favorite lunch spot?


Favorite class?

Favorite vacation spot?

AP US History



The Best Friend

Mike Hammersley




AP US History


Molly Blunck




AP US History






The Girlfriend





Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Decided on home Students plan to begin their careers right away instead of attending college no use to her. Therefore, instead of groaning through general education courses, When junior Linda Pacino was just Pacino will spend periods six through a little girl, instead of fixing her Bar- eight of her senior year at Empire bies’ fashion by dressing them up, she Beauty School in Arlington Heights and beautified them by doing their hair start working right after graduation. Pacino was accepted into the school, and makeup. Ever since then, she has known that she wanted to be a cosme- and while tuition is gratuitous for her because the school covers it, she has to tologist when she grew up. Pacino is one student deciding to spend about $6000 of her own money go against the norm, taking the non- on supplies like makeup, clippers and traditional educational track after high combs. At Empire, she will take classes school by jumping right into her career on hair, makeup and nails and later try out her skills on actual customers. instead of going to college. “It’s like a real salon; students work “I always knew that I never wanted to go [to a four-year university],” Paci- on real people who walk in,” Pacino said. “It’s cheaper [for customers].” no said. “That’s not me.” However, Pacino reassures that stuThe grand majority, 97 percent, of dents will practice on manneProspect seniors last year leapt quins first and work their way right into college: 67 percent up to “the floor.” to a four-year university and After she finishes her time about 30 percent to a two-year at Empire senior year, Pacino university, leaving a measly plans to continue her beauty three percent to the military, work at a salon and “get the vocational schools or unknown feel” for the job while taking destinies. businesses classes at Harper College and Career CounCollege so that she can one day selor Diane Bourn said that Linda Pacino run her own salon, focusing on although a high percentage hair with “makeup on the side.” of students at this school are Pacino has to acquire 750 more hours capable of going on, “college is not for working and interning at salons after everyone.” For that three percent who predict- high school because a cosmetology liably will not go to college, Counselor cense begs 1500 hours, and Empire will Cathy Hill urges each student to have provide her with 750 her senior year. Much like Pacino, senior Richard a plan, as “everybody needs some vocaNajduch is not attending college next tion.” For Pacino, she knows her vocation year, but instead working right away as and is set on continuing straight into a mechanic. To prepare for this career, Najduch the workforce after high school. The idea of college right after high school took two years of Auto at Prospect and isn’t appealing to Pacino because she has been fixing cars since freshman year. Najduch has a job set up for the describes herself as “not the type of person who likes to sit through classes.” summer at European US Car Services “I can be more successful doing in downtown Chicago and works as a something I want to do that’s fun,” Pac- “helper” right now. Pacino already has practice in primpino said. “Taking classes won’t matter.” Pacino feels that learning more ing, as she held a job at a salon this past about subjects like history, which won’t year, so she feels ready to dive right into her career after high school. She affect her career aspirations, will be of

By Gina O’Neill Copy Editor

Photo illustration by Ian Magnuson

Becoming a cosmetologist, which includes styling hair, is one option for students not going to college. also does her friends’ hair and makeup Because of how set in stone Pacino’s habitually, recently fixing her friend plan is to her, she wasn’t as “stressed” Cara’s hair and makeup for prom. about the ACT. Opposite to Pacino, however, Naj“You don’t need a number to tell you duch chose not to attend college because if you can or cannot do hair,” Pacino there are “no schools around here that said. do body work,” which is what Najduch Najduch, however, felt that since he wants to specialize in. didn’t do as well as he wanted to on the According to Najduch, he would test, it affected his decision to want to only want to go to a trade school, and become a mechanic. the best school that focuses on Bourn stresses that albody work is in Arizona and though students might know would cost him $40,000: money that college isn’t for them, it is that would come straight from still crucial to care about the his pocket. ACT in case college starts to Because of this, Najduch seem appealing. didn’t apply to any schools, “You really never know even Harper College. where ... your thoughts are goNajduch doesn’t plan to take ing to be at the end of senior any businesses classes either year,” Bourn said. “Give youras he does not want to start his Richard Najduch self as many opportunities as own auto shop. possible.” “I don’t want to be a businessman,” Even though they are taking a differNajduch said. “I just want to work.” ent direction than most of the school, In order to be a certified mechanic, Pacino and Najduch are not fazed beNajduch only has to take three days cause their friends are going to college. of classes concerning welding, paint- Pacino feels that most of her friends ing and car fixing, and after that, work are going to school to party, anyway. solely follows. Pacino strongly believes that her Both Pacino’s and Najduch’s parents choice to not go to college will be bensupport their kids. Pacino’s parents eficial to her, especially based on her “love the idea” of her starting her ca- goals to start her own salon and her reer right away after high school. personality. “[My mom] knows I like doing hair; “Life starts after high school,” Paciit’s a way I can express myself,” Pacino no said. said.

Retirement full of relaxation

I had to or questions people had asked me,” Laschober said. “I could not leave until all of them were checked off.” As time progressed, Laschober began to become more comfortable with her new position and specifically loved Hut, Jamba Juice and Panda Express. running the lunch lines. Around 2 p.m., Laschober prepares “It’s always interesting to see to make her trip home. When the boys,” Laschober said, returning home, she “puts her “they’re so ravenous and hunfeet up for a good half-hour” gry so they are interested in and then starts her routine at whatever we have.” home. Laschober says in leaving Laschober has been wakthis job, she will be “more oring up at the crack of dawn to ganized, more efficient and work in a cafeteria for the last friendlier.” 24 years, and her time at ProsOne of Laschober’s closest pect is coming to an end; she employees, Sue Ellen, is takSarah Laschober ing Laschober’s retirement will now be retiring. Although Laschober’s time very personally. Ellen says the last few years has been hectic, she that Laschober is like family to her. Elhas been optimistic. When Laschober len has been working for Laschober for first began working as manager, she 18 years. tended to stress herself out. “[Laschober] is a great boss,” Ellen “I would leave little notes of things said. “Her vision has turned this entire

Staff members leave after cherished time here By Carly Evans Features Editor

Every morning, Sarah Laschober’s alarm clock rings at 4:15 a.m. After going through her morning routine, Laschober arrives at Prospect at approximately 5:30 a.m. She strolls into the cafeteria and prepares for her day by taking a seat in the office at the back left of the cafeteria, checking her e-mail and opening the lines for breakfast. Being the Food Services Manager, the majority of Laschober’s day consists of sorting through piles of paperwork, planning out menus, keeping record of all the food sold that day, along with ordering various food items and planning à la carte items such as Pizza

Retiring staff member Phil Koehl

Faye Prather

cafeteria around.” There are various reasons why Ellen will miss Laschober but “most of all her inspiration, compassion and the parties at her house,” Ellen laughs. Now that she will have more time on her hands, Laschober has various plans for what to do with her time. She says she will start off by “trying to read a book without falling asleep.” Also, she will “maybe sleep in until 7:30 a.m., but actually more like 6:30 a.m.” Along with sleeping in and reading, Laschober plans to do many outdoor activities such as gardening and hiking. Laschober is most excited about the purchase of her summer home in Michigan. Overlooking her time at Prospect, Laschober says of her retirement, “It’s bittersweet. I’m glad I’m retiring, but I’ll miss everybody, students and staff. I can see why people go into education: it’s very rewarding.”

Years at Prospect


Participation in clubs or activities

Favorite part of Prospect or event

Final words


Social Worker

Prism Club and Winter Play

Winter Play

“It’s been fun, and good luck!”

Spanish Club

Spring Musical


Spanish 2 and 3 teacher

“I’m going to miss the kids and teaching the subjunctive!”



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Orchesis gives dancer inspiration By Sharon Lee Associate Editor-in-Chief

Senior David Thill practices for an Orchesis performance. Thill has been a member of Orchesis since his sophomore year and has decided to major in dance at Ohio State University.

As a freshman, David Thill knew Orchesis was a dance group, but that was the only knowledge he had of the program. So when then-Assistant Principal Eric Hammerstrom mentioned the February Orchesis show at a Principal’s Advisory Council meeting, Thill decided to attend despite some misgivings. “Frankly, I was expecting a lot of ballerinas,” Thill, now a senior, said. However, he was in for surprise. The Orchesis show changed Thill’s entire view of dance, which led to his bold decision to try out for Orchesis. “Before Orchesis, I never realized how cool and different dance could be,” Thill said. Thill had never been exposed to “serious” dance before. In

middle school, Thill took after his older brother and became active in theater. According to Thill, the director would always incorporate dance into the musicals. However, Thill discovered that dancing in Orchesis was quite different from dancing in musicals. “Dancing in musicals is sort of its own kind of dancing,” Thill said. “It’s a little less intense than dancing by itself because when you’re doing a musical, you have to think about singing, acting and dancing and being more of a triple threat.” Thill had taken only a few dance classes at Metropolis in Arlington Heights before Orchesis. According to Thill, dancing in the musicals was one of his strongest points. When Thill became interested in Orchesis, he asked different people what they thought about his trying out for the program. “I was really nervous because of the fact that I would be one of only a few guys,” Thill said. “But I thought that shouldn’t be the only thing that’s holding me back.” Thill had worked with Orchesis director Kristin Burlinski on the spring musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie” at the end of his freshman year, so he decided to approach her about trying out for Orchesis his sophomore year. Burlinski was more than happy to help him through the process. During his audition, he tried out with two members who had already been on Orchesis. Ac-

“ I was really nervous because of the

fact that I would be one of only a few guys, but I thought that shouldn’t be the only thing holding me back. ”

~ senior David Thill on his first Orchesis audition

cording to Burlinski, the other two members both forgot the dance but Thill just kept going. “He did such a great job and his score was high enough, so he made it,” Burlinski said. After joining Orchesis his sophomore year, Thill started to become less involved in theater and more involved with dance. Just having Orchesis as a class every day during eighth period helped Thill gain experience and become more serious about dance. Throughout his three years on Orchesis, Thill frequently went into the dance room during lunch to practice. If he had a question about whether or not he was doing something right, Burlinski would help him. With Burlinski’s assistance, Thill became more accustomed to the fast-paced learning environment. “A lot of times, I’m a slow learner,” Thill said. “Especially when we have guest choreographers, they teach so fast that [the experiences] have helped me to learn faster. With the opportunities and ex-

posure to dance that Orchesis provided, Thill became much more serious about dance at the end of his sophomore year and looked into the possibility of becoming a dance major in college. Thill said Burlinski helped him greatly, specifically by helping him figure out how he could go to college for dance. “I helped him one-on-one,” Burlinski said. “I helped him with applying to colleges and giving him my knowledge when I was applying for dance school, things that have helped me and programs I thought he would do well in.” Because of his experience in Orchesis, Thill was accepted to Ohio State for dance this winter. Thill continued to dedicate himself to the Orchesis program for the remainder of his senior year. “He is one of my most dedicated members,” Burlinski said. “He is so hardworking and never gives up. He will practice until he gets something.” “I would definitely say [Orchesis] was the best choice I made during high school,” Thill said.

Photo by Emmy Lindfors

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Phobia psychiatry Moskavoic said that if a person reacts with extreme symptoms of fear, it would be diagnosed as a phobia. When he diAssociate Editor-in-Chief agnoses his patients, he looks for symptoms such as increased It started as a playful tackle in the ocean. Soon, seven-year- heart rate or breathing, overwhelming panic and displays of old Jessica Gersten was held under the water by the weight of flight-or-fight reactions to indicate a phobia. The key way to tell if it’s a phobia is to watch the way a perher older sister. “She wouldn’t get off of me; I thought I was drowning,” Ger- son reacts to it. “A phobia is more of a reaction with physical symptoms of sten, now a sophomore, said. What seemed at first to be a light-hearted incident soon led feeling in danger or that there’s a trap to the person’s survival to Gersten’s fear of drowning in deep water. During the sum- or well-being” Moskavoic said. “The person does everything mer, Gersten often goes to the pool with her friends to hang they can to get away from it. It becomes almost obsessive.” There are different therapies for phobias, according to Koout. When her friends go to the deep end, Gersten’s fear forces zak. The most widely used therapy is systematic desensitizaher to stay at the shallow end or tan by herself. Although Gersten describes her fear as a phobia, Psychia- tion, which is a way of overcoming a phobia by taking things trist Jacob Moskavoic said a phobia is a fear that interferes with step by step. For example, if a person had a phobia of flying, this type of one’s daily living. Because Gersten does not display an “irratiotherapy would help the person nal fear” of water, as shown by get used to the idea of flying and her ability to stay in the shallow being in an airplane. A therapist end of a pool, she simply has a would first have the person look fear of water, not a phobia. at a picture of an airplane. Then Many people run into the the therapist would gradually misconception that fear and work up to where the person phobia are synonymous. Se~ Psychiatrist Jacob Moskavoic could get in an airplane and not nior and AP Psychology student be scared. Claire Kozak said people use Eventually, the person the term phobia more often than they should. Phobias are less common than people think would feel more comfortable with being in an airplane and they are; usually, if a person believes they have a phobia, it is would be able to fly without any fears. Moskavoic said he treated a patient who had to fly to just a fear. According to Moskavoic, everybody has some kind of fear. Europe but had never been in an airplane and had an overThese fears may not qualify as phobias, unless it really affects whelming fear or flying. “I gave her some medication — a tranquilizer — to help the person’s ability to function. her overcome her fear, and she was able to travel with no symptoms,” Moskavoic said. “With this type of empty medication, it is more for the anxiety and not specifically for the fear Phobias hypnotherapy treatment itself.” According to Moskavoic, it is very likely that a fear can develop into a phobia. He said it depends on to what extreme You can use hypnotherapy treatment to lessen they become overwhelmed by the fear or preoccupied by it. the effect of phobia and even cure phobias by If this does happen, Moskavoic recommends the person to understanding the nature of both hypnotherapy control their anxiety through relaxation techniques. and the phobia. You have to know the reason of “They can read something about how to condition themyour fear. selves, like a self-help book,” Moskavoic said. “If they can’t do it on their own, they need professional help.” To use hypnotherapy for phobias treatment, the For Gersten, her fear affected her life more so when she was individual must be in a deep state of hypnosis to younger. be taken back in time where forgotten memories “Now that I’m older, I realize that somehow, I need to get are recalled. This procedure is known as over it,” she said. regression. Once the conscious mind is aware of the repressed memory, the person can deal with the past event with more understanding and in turn, cure the phobia.

By Sharon Lee

27 p are ercent o afra id o f stude f sn n ake ts s

“ [A phobia] becomes almost obsessive. ”

Info courtesy of

Pop goes the balloon By Emmy Lindfors Executive In-Depth Editor When junior Becky Schulz was six, she and her mom went to a party store to gather decorations for an upcoming event. While being in the store, an employee was blowing up balloons for a display when one suddenly popped. Schulz has been afraid of the sound of the balloon popping around her ever since that day in the party store. At first, Schultz’s friends and family found it funny that she was afraid of balloons popping, but when her friends saw how scared she was, they began to believe her and take it seriously — even if her sister still teases her with balloons. For her birthday parties, if Schulz gets balloons, she picks the “better material kind,” like the ones filled with helium, since she feels it’s what the balloons are made of that determine how likely they will pop. Schultz tends to get the helium ones that take a longer time to deflate will tend to not pop. “Once I hear a balloon pop, I have to leave the room because I’m afraid another will pop,” Schulz said. “I get antsy and can’t concentrate ... all I can think about is another balloon popping.”


percent of students are afraid of heights


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percent of studen ts say they ar e germop hobic

All Graphics by Emmy Lindfors



Tuesday, June 1, 2010



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Night lights not just for kids? In a survey of 200 students, we investigated how afraid students are of the dark: -29 percent say after they see a scary film -34 percent say when they’re alone -14 percent say when they’re outside -30 percent say they are never afraid of the dark -7 percent say they’re afraid of it all the time












Better to live life fully than to dwell on irrational fears The roar of a roller coaster and the whoosh of wind that lifts my hair off my shoulders as it zips me up, down and upside down is thrilling. Standing on the peak of a bridge is no biggie, and vegetables present no leafy threat to me. Going to new places, trying new foods and acting as I never have before all excite me; living on the edge and knowing that there’s a possible risk involved in my actions makes me want to continue — a minute sense of fear could never stand in my way. I act this way because I want to squeeze every drop out of life that my tiny hands can — I love life and all it has to offer. But that’s just the problem. When people cherish something too greatly, it becomes precious but, at the same Gina O’Neill time, ephemeral. The Copy Editor realization that they can lose that thing brings about shock and fear, and that’s what happened to me. The summer before my sophomore year, I was enjoying life just a little too much, and with the recent passing of my grandmother and great grandmother, a fear developed. A fear that would keep me up at night, clutching my skull, breathing heavily. I was afraid of something inevitable, and that scared me even more. I was afraid of death. I knew it was coming, but the uncertainty of when, how, and all the 5Ws and an H were kill-

stop, and I would hear nothing as my body ing me inside, no pun intended. I wasn’t just afraid that a car would hit me failed me. I was reduced to child-like ways of tending or lightning would strike me down. In fact, I felt safer when I was outside being active; I was to it because I felt like a weak child compared to this monstrous fear. I stayed up until the dewy ready for life’s risks to challenge me. The prominence of death in my family re- air and sunlight gave me refuge. I woke my parcently reminded me of death’s existence, how- ents up at night and recounted my fear, shaking. ever, and my utter objection to it made me fear I took huge breaths to keep air circulating — to it. This fear bloomed this past summer; why make sure I was still functioning properly. The fear disrupted my life, deprived me of should I have let its gnarly grip end all the fun I was having? How could I have allowed its dirty sleep and affected my mental health. It was claws to rip me from all the fun I would have paralyzing. And embarrassing. No one understood it — I later? I set high goals for myself, and the thought hardly understood it — so I braved it in the confinements of my mind, of not being able to achieve them not allowing it to esdrove me close to insanity. percent of students have cape to anyone besides During the day, I could somemy parents. times block my fear out, but when necrophobia — also known as Right when I started people asked me to do something the fear of death. to feel that this fear the next Tuesday, I felt like I was lywould plague my haping to them by accepting — not be- Based on a survey of 200 piness for the rest of cause I didn’t want to, but because students my life, my mom conI wasn’t sure I’d still be there on fronted me, saying that Tuesday. I wasn’t sure of anything I needed to accept it and get help. My previous anymore. It was at night when the fear truly seeped embarrassment had prevented me from seekinto me, blackening every ounce of faith I had. I ing out help, but I was desperate at this point. After I went to see a therapist, I found that felt that my body would shut down while I was sleeping even though I was perfectly healthy. I was literally giving myself panic attacks every Every time I tried to fall asleep, images of me night. I was taking shallow, drawn out breaths in a coffin sprang in my mind like fungus, and that provided me with substantial oxygen but no matter how hard I kicked at the mushrooms, tricked my brain into thinking it wasn’t enough. Because I feared death, my body started fearing they always grew back. The worst part was my loud heart beat; it it, too. Amazingly, after practicing normal breathwas like a war with my eardrum, and each night, I fought against hearing its pounding. For some ing exercises and accepting my fear, I was able silly reason, I feared it would instantaneously to overcome it. At night, when I waited to be


too scared to sleep, I told myself, “Breathe in, breathe out,” like a doctor would to his labor patient, and I made myself believe I would be OK. I realized that fearing death can prevent me from experiencing life to the fullest, as I love to do. My fear suddenly seemed a huge contradiction: if I love life so much, I shouldn’t spend it thinking about death. I accepted that there is an unknown instead of fighting it. I accepted that death is frightening but can’t be changed. I accepted that fear exists, but that it can’t take over my life. Acceptance is the key to getting over fear and, ironically, death. So now, I’m not embarrassed that I feared death. I feel proud that I can easily slip into sleep, not wondering at all if I am going to wake up; I know I will. And I know I have many days ahead of me.



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Music from new perspective Concerts with lawn seating gain popularity among students By Kate Schroeder Editor-in-Chief


Country thunder

“Relaxing and laid back” is how As an eight-year-old, Junior Isabel sophomore Maggie Partridge deBethke was not playing with Barbies scribes Country Thunder, a fouror eating Play-Doh; she was getting day country only music festival in ready to head Twin Lakes, Wis. from July to the Ravinia 22-25. At this concert, Summer Mupeople regularly pursic Festival chase lawn tickets or in Highland the Country Thunder Park with her all-weekend passes family to see to listen to concerts Tom Chapin. while seated on the This particulawn. lar concert “I like lawn conhas forever certs better. You can been endo whatever you graved in want,” Partridge said. her memory “You don’t have to go because she through the hassle of ridge Maggie Part of was messy te ur seats and buying tickPhoto co merized by rtridge (right) poses Pa gie ag M ets for them. In a seatore om Soph the “expeDehis (left) and ed concert, you have to with Juniors Morgan rience and untry Thunder. Co at r) nte stay in the same spot (ce e Rose Georg d an e ambiance” org Ge th wi t up and stay with the same Partridge easily me the that Ravinat a en ar n law people.” en Dehis due to the op ia had to Partridge has been venue offer. hooked on Country “ I t ’ s Thunder since eighth something that I remember even grade and makes an annow even now that I am older,” nual trip to this venue with three or Bethke said. “We could enjoy the confour of her friends every summer. cert without being too invasive.” Since Country Thunder has the Unlike a typical concert venue, Raopen lawn seating and the spread vinia is located outdoors. It holds an out venue, Partridge finds it easy 36-acre lawn area where people listen to meet up with friends she knows to music and can bring food, drinks, are going to be there. According to tables, chairs or anything to make Partridge, even though lawn conthemselves comfortable on the lawn. cert seating is not as exclusive as Also, Ravinia has a 3,200 seat opena regular venue, it doesn’t lessen air covered Pavilion, which is home the excitement if one is near or far to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. from the performance. Since the Chapin concert at Ra“Part of the fun is making your vinia, Bethke has been to numerous way up [to the stage],” Partridge concerts. To her, Ravinia feels “a lot said.

Alpine Valley

closer to home” and a lot safer than large concert venues in the city. “I mean, [city concerts] are great Senior Tom Longpre’s favorite to go to, but you have to take the train part about the Alpine Valley Sumor drive into the city,” Bethke said. mer Concert Festival is that he gets “You feel safer [at Ravinia]. It’s not to spend the entire day tailgating necessarily a group of unruly teenon the lawn surrounding the 7,500agers who decided that this is someseat pavilion. thing they are going to do after they Last year, Longpre and his went to a party.” friends arrived at Alpine to see Bethke thinks that what truly Dave Matthews Band at 2p.m. when makes Ravinia different is that the the concert actually started at 7p.m. concerts are much more personal. They spent the five hours before She finds that during concerts at Rathe show began playing bago, eatvinia, she can “let loose” ing hand-packed meals from home with her friends and and exploring the venue, trying to family. find people that they might know. Her most recent “It’s kind of like goRavinia concert was ing to a basethe previous sumball game,” mer where she and a Longpre said. group of old school “People are alfriends from South ways willing to Middle School, who talk to you.” split into different Besides all high schools, went the pro-concert and saw the Backactivities, Longstreet Boys. pre finds that “For that evetickets, which ning, we could are general admake those mission, are less phot o co connections, urte expensive than a s y of A birds LiveN - eye vie and now we normal stadium ation w t o h f Alpine .com e imme always have concert. thousan nse size of the Valley shows that [concert] d s of pe lawn ar “If you went to a ople co e c o n cer t to talk about,” me t o w a w he r e s. This regular concert, you su at B a nd a Bethke said. nd Jack mmer Dave M ch live could probably find at Johnson “We can altickets for the same a r e p e r t hew s forming ways be like, price,” Longpre said. . ‘Oh yeah, rememYou wouldn’t get as ber that time we went to the good of seats in a staBackstreet Boys concert? It was awedium,” some!’”

‘R and J’, informal play created with ‘a wild process of creativity’ By Tallyn Owens Entertainment Editor

“Romeo and Juliet” is perhaps the most famous romance in history. Filled with feuds, drama and Shakespearean English, it has served as a burden for some and a pleasant read for others. “R and J” is not the “Romeo and Juliet” that was thrust upon students by freshman literature teachers. The last show of the year, “R and J”— a pop-culture infested spin on Shakespeare's classic “Romeo and Juliet”— requires a more invasive creative process than most productions that grace Prospect's stage each year. The fall and winter plays both feature a designated script for the actors and pro-

ducers to work with. “R and J,” however, was created entirely by the students from the script down to each specific mannerism and improvised insult. Senior Laura Winters has been heavily involved in the theater program since her freshman year, which included a first-place finish at this year's state speech team meet. She views “R and J” as a fun opportunity to re-write Shakespeare's tragedy into something more comedic while making the audience enjoy watching it as much as the cast enjoys performing it. While students and staff of all ages were encouraged to attend the performance, the target demographic was the freshman class when it debuted in 2003. The script tries to hold true to the

Sock puppet spouse

photo by tallyn owens

Senior Evelyn Smith, who was originally cast as Lady Capulet, quit the show due to a schedule conflict. This left Lord Capulet, played by sophomore Walker Brewer, without a wife and co-star. Instead of casting a new Lady Capulet, Brewer (pictured at right) suggested that they use a sock puppet. The concept of the puppet is that Brewer thinks she’s real, while the rest of the cast knows she’s fake. The reason for Lady Capulet’s absence wasn’t discussed in the play, and that created humor for both the cast and the audience. In one performance, Brewer attributed the fair complextion of the family to Lady Capulet and Clorox — “It makes whites brighter!” He said.

idea by incorporating pop culture references such a Facebook, Lee DeWyze and figures well-known to the freshman class, such as teachers brought their freshman classes to see the play. Morton decided to start “R and J” in an effort to make teaching the actual play to his Written and Oral Composition class easier. “I wanted to put Shakespeare in terms they could understand and still have fun with it,”Morton said. The script Morton created when “R and J” began has served as the basic outline for writing scenes after year afterward. A new script is written each year to keep the performance fresh so that students won't be seeing the same show year after year. Each actor chooses a scene from Morton's original list of scenes, writes dialogue for it and then presents it to the rest of the cast at rehearsal. As they perform each scene, other cast members interject and suggest alternate wording or anything they think will enhance the scene. Sophomore Riley Mangan, a returning member of “R and J,” explains that this method of writing ensures that everyone contributes to the creation process. “Some people end up writing more than others, but everyone contributes,” Mangan said. Each writer gets inspiration from different things, including each other. Disagreements do arise about what's in good humor and what isn't, but even then, they work through it as a creative unit to devise a solution.

Winters also explained how they keep the performance fresh each year. Before the writing process, the cast decides which mannerisms to give each character. For example, Tybalt, played by senior Beth Rowe, is gender confused in this year's production, and Mangan's character, Paris, has an exuberant French personality and an accent to match. One of the best aspects of the performance according to both Winters and Mangan is the high level of interaction with the audience. In a traditional stage production, something exists called “the fourth wall”, which marks the space at the front of the stage which the actors can't look past in order to avoid making contact with the audience. With “R and J,” the fourth wall doesn't exist, leaving the actors with more freedom to interact with the audience. “You can look at them and talk to them,” Winters said. “You can see how they react. It's so much fun.” For instance, an actor looking for Juliet might ask a member of the audience before asking another cast member. Mangan agrees, saying, “there's no such thing as a bad seat. You're never more than ten feet away from where the action happens.” Overall, Morton attributes the enjoyment the show to the effort put in by the students. “The actors are responsible for the acting and the creating.” Morton said. “It’s their show, and it’s a fun experience.”



Tuesday, June 1,

The Iron Man phenomenon

photo courtesy of

Man” story lines showed, tackling se- million, respectively, and “The Dark rious issues like alcoholism and the Knight” with $158.4 million. However, corporate world of international busi- Iron Man comic books weren’t nearly ness. Either way, many teenagers of the as popular as those centered on Spider60s and 70s, when Iron Man was first Man and Batman. So what caused this introduced to the world, ditched Stark sudden peak in interest for a seemingly for more lighthearted characters like forgotten comic book character like Spider-Man or Superman. Iron Man? Schnell started follow “Iron Man, ... is not re“Demon in a Bottle” ing Iron Man in the 2000’s ally a Marvel character,” By Riley Simpson with the release of the Schnell said. “And I don’t Associate Editor-in-Chief “Iron Man” movie and the think many people would “Extremis” series (a rerecognize him before these In his younger years, World History boot of Iron Man comics). movies; they wouldn’t put teacher Dave Schnell was a fan of MarHis new-found fandom of him in the same category vel Comics’ “The Avengers” stories, the robotic hero marks a as Captain America.” which featured superheroes like Capstrange trend throughout Schnell attributes Iron tain America, Thor and Iron Man. Howthe world: the previously Man’s film popularity to ever, Schnell admits to not being partial unpopular Iron Man is the actors and interesting to any member of the Avengers team; rising to the levels of bigstory line. he definitely was not an Iron Man fan. name superheroes like “I think there was that Fast forward to the present. Schnell Spider-Man and Batman. draw for those characters, not only has a poster of the first “Iron In the first “Iron Man” and then with that second Man” movie in his classroom, but he movie, Stark (played by one ... it was that same also took advantage of no classes durphoto courtesy of Robert Downey Jr.) is capidea that these great acing the AP World History Exam’s to see tured in Afghanistan and tors are coming back to the sequel, “Iron Man 2” on May 13. is forced to build weapons “Demon in a Bottle,” a portray these characters,” Perhaps Schnell’s early indifference for a terrorist group. Be- Marvel comic held in high Schnell said. “I think peotoward Tony Stark and his rofore he can deal with the esteem among super-fans, ple had something investbotic alter-ego came from terrorists’ demands, truly expresses the maturity ed in [them] at this point the absence of a strong he first constructs an of the story lines of Iron Man without being taken as villain in the comarc reactor, which comics because it explores cheesy or silly, but as real ics. Maybe it was the powers his failing alcoholism. characters.” maturity the “Iron heart and eventually “The character [of Iron the Iron Man suit. Stark also as- Man] is natural for the movies,” said sembles the prototype in captivity John Meyers Jr., comic book fan and and uses it to escape back to the Special Ed teacher. “[Stark is] a rich, U.S. handsome scientist and industrialist ... Three weeks ago, the launch He’s funny, he loves models and is kind of “Iron Man 2” generated a of relate-able as a guy. Stark makes his whopping $128.1 million stuff himself ... [Iron Man] is a movie in its opening weekend character; he’s too big for comics.” at the box office. This While Stark’s adult-themed stories number surged past may have inhibited the comic book’s the opening of the popularity, the maturity of the Iron first “Iron Man” Man franchise has transitioned well film — $98.6 mil- into the films. lion. “The comics had a soap-opera feel to These numbers them, and so if you didn’t follow them are in the ballpark from month-to-month, it was hard to of box office per- just pick one up and read it,” Meyers formances of other said. “A six-year-old can appreciate a huge comic book Spider-man comic, but Iron Man was aladaptations like ways like, ‘Why is [he] drunk?’” the first and “Tony Stark is not a kid,” Schnell third “Spider- said. “Clearly, he deals with some seriMan” movies ous issues ... I don’t see him as being a with $114.8 Spider-Man character who kids can conand $151.1 nect with. [Stark’s] not in high school; he’s not figuring out all his powers — all those puberty-esque metaphors you photo can make with Spider-Man. Spider-Man courtesy of or Batman are more for kids and Iron Man [aims] a little bit older. He’s kind of like the grown-up [superhero].” According to Box Office Mojo, over 55 percent of both the first and second “Iron Man’s” audience was over 25 What is the power Who helps Stark What element How did Stark’s of the Mandarin, assemble the first Iron years old. powers Stark’s parents die? The subject Stark’s greatest foe? Man suit in captivity? arc reactor? Schnell connects Iron Man’s successful assimilation into today’s society to the fact that Stark is a whole different Car Ten Friday Dave Palarium? Doesn’t kind of superhero. Normally, superheSchnell accident rings NightKnow roes use their powers to do the right thing — Captain America uses his überWorld History Lights teacher patriotic mentality to preserve freedom and justice, and Peter Parker follows the “With great power comes great reTony Ten sponsibility” rule in “Spider-Man.” Car Ho Yinsen Palladium Stark The same is far from true for Iron rings accident Man, whom Schnell frequently calls The subject “an arrogant jerk.” “You kind of wonder if he’s doing John the right thing because he knows it’s Freak Ten Meyers Ununhexium Doesn’t right, or [if] he’s doing the right thing Rememexperiment rings (Element Jr. to get his name in the paper and it gets Know ber The Special Ed more attention and more publicity,” accident No. 116) teacher Titans Schnell said.

Iron Man builds popularity despite forgotten comic book past





How funny is too funny? One element that the “Iron Man” films have copyrighted is comedy. Instead of a dark and brooding superhero drama like “The Dark Knight” and unintentionally comedic throw-away movies like “Ghost Rider” and “Daredevil,” Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.) is, on the surface, a funny and colorful character. “The first one was funny and fun and then with the second one, they had built that identity into the movie with that type of play,” World History teacher Dave Schnell said. “[But] in the second one, you wonder if that’s studio hands tinkering with it a little bit, saying, ‘We have to get more out of Robert Downey, Jr. We’ve gotta make him funny,’ since that’s what people liked about him. But he may be a little too funny at times.” To Schnell, this is like the Han Solo effect in the “Star Wars” trilogy: He was cool in the first “Star Wars” and had some funny lines. Then, he was even cooler in “Empire Strikes Back,” and he had even funnier and cooler lines. “But then he turned into a total ... buffoon,” Schnell said, “who just went for the joke every time in ‘Return of the Jedi.’ And I think that’s kind of what they did with Stark. “They wanted to make him more of the everyday guy who you could appreciate and you could like because he made you laugh. And, at times it worked, and at times I thought it was too much,” Schnell said. To Schnell, in the beginning of “Iron Man 2,” Stark’s arrogance is clear: he uses the Iron Man suit as a means for showboating. Stark expands on his efforts to “privatize world peace,” as he says in the movie, in order to gain the love of the people for his own “megalomaniac and narcissistic” purposes. Clint Peterson, an employee at Comix Revolution, agrees that Stark is a different type of superhero, which has helped him become successful. “Being such a human character ... made it possible for people to identify with [Tony Stark] and like him,” Peterson said. “If you know anything about [Downey], he has a whole history he has with alcoholism and drug abuse. Tony Stark’s character is a more happy version of it, but has those same demons in his character that [Downey] has and has a history with.” According to Meyers, “Iron Man” wouldn’t work at all without Downey, unlike in the Batman franchise. There is no definitive Bruce Wayne, since four actors have played him in the movies. “You could not put somebody else in [‘Iron Man’] ... [Downey] definitely put his stamp on that role.” Meyers said that other than the Black Sabbath song of the same name, it’s hard to tell what sort of cultural impact “Iron Man” will have after suddenly becoming such a big part of it. “The kids who read [science-fiction, fantasy, comic books, etc] grow up to become tomorrow’s adults,” Meyers said. “But you never really know 30 years out what the cultural impact will be. It’s the little kid that watches it today: how’s that going to inspire them; what’s that going to do to their head?”

These two pages originally ran in the Prospector in April of 2008, more than two years before Lee DeWyze became the American Idol.


ENTERTAINMENT Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grad works up to Goodman stage By Neel Thakkar Editor-in-Chief

In the past 14 years, 2000 Prospect graduate Demetrios Troy has never spent more than a couple months off the stage. In his time at Prospect and in the 10 years since, he has wandered from South Carolina to Utah, playing — despite his Greek-Colombian ethnicity — an Iraqi doctor, a Russian Jew and now an African-American man just in the past year. In the process, he has progressed steadily through the world of Chicago theater, most recently making his debut at the Goodman Theatre with his role in the civil rights drama “The Good Negro.” In the play, Troy, 28, plays black accountant Bill Rutherford who battles segregation in Birmingham, Ala. alongside the main character, based on Martin Luther King. Though it might be his biggest role yet, it was also one of the easiest ones he has gotten. “I went there and I found out that they had been auditioning for ... months,” Troy said. “I did the audition in five minutes, and they called me back in two hours and offered me the role.” In the past, however, roles did not come so easily for Troy. Unlike his more famous peers in the Prospect theater department who are now in Holly-

wood — namely Ian Brennan (class of 1996), the creator of “Glee,” and Jennifer Morrison (class of 1997), an actress on “House” — Troy has taken the more conventional route to success in the acting world. “What he’s doing with stage work and ... this play at the Goodman — that’s hard,” said John Meyers Jr., who was Troy’s acting and speech team coach at Prospect. “I think he’s going to end up being one of those guys you hear

more from, because he’s working the career the hard way.” Doing so has required two degrees in theater — the first from DePaul University and the second from the University of South Carolina — as well as considerable travel and frugality. Coming out of graduate school, Troy criss-crossed the Midwest, going from Milwaukee to Chicago to Iowa City to look for opportunities.

Still, the first few years of Troy’s career were composed mostly of understudy work, in which theaters would hire him to back up their lead actors in case they fell ill. Frequently, Troy understudied more than one role, even if he had his own role — though he was the title character in Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” for example, he was also the understudy for all the other male leads. “It’s a book; you memorize the whole book,” he said,

Photos Courtesy of Demetrios Troy

2000 Prospect graduate Demetrios Troy, an actor, in his current role as Bill Rutherford in the Goodman Theatre’s “The Good Negro” (left) and as King Arthur in a Prospect production of “Camelot” during his senior year. Since graduating, Troy has successfully worked to establish himself in the world of theater, landing roles at almost every major Chicago theater.

adding that it took seven extra hours of daily rehearsal to do just that. Still, such work is, according to Troy, part of most young actors’ careers. “It’s a proving ground,” he said. “A lot of people would consider it paying your dues.” By now, Troy’s dues are paid off — his understudy job was over a year ago and he is “definitely on the higher end of the payscale” of Chicago theater. Troy has worked at nearly all of Chicago’s major theaters. Though acting work is difficult to find, Troy says he has been “very, very fortunate.” “In this business, you’re playing with air,” he said. “I never, ever forget that people I know who were actors — some of them haven’t worked in a couple years.” Aware that the same fate is always a possibility, Troy has lived within his means. He has found jobs on the side — he’ll be teaching kindergarten during the summer — and he bounces between the apartments of friends or his brother and his family’s home in Mount Prospect. “When I have the means to have my own place ... I’ll look into settling down and planting my flag somewhere,” Troy said. “But until then I’m happy being a gypsy.”


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


By Nick Stanojevic Cleveland Rocks

Photo Courtesy of Karly Grouwinkel

Photo Courtesy of Lexi Glennon

Photo Coutesy of Amanda Mlikan

Senior Karly Grouwinkel (left) golfs during her last season at Prospect. Senior Lexi Glennon (center) and senior Kyle Mataloni (right) play in one of their final soccer games for the Knights. Grouwinkel, Glennon and Mataloni along with fellow senior athletes ended their seasons and experienced the emotions that come with their last year on Prospect’s fields.

Final shot on the field With last games, seniors leave Knighthood behind By Maggie Devereux Executive Sports Editor

Senior Kyle Mataloni watched his final soccer season at Prospect come to a close from the bench this fall. After an early-season back injury, he returned to the field after only a few short weeks. Unfortunately, he had not fully healed and had to remove himself halfway through two of the most important games of the season: the conference championship and the team’s first playoff game versus Mount Carmel, which they lost 4-1. “It was hard for me because I [had] never been in that position before,” Mataloni said. “And knowing there was nothing I could do was disappointing.” Mataloni is one of the many seniors who has participated in a sport over the last four years. Throughout the year, fall, winter and spring athletes have played their last games, said goodbye to long-time teammates, and have faced the emotions that come with turning in a Prospect uniform for the last time. At the beginning of the season, Mataloni and the rest of the team knew they had a chance to improve on last year’s 5-11-2 record. With returning players who had started as juniors, such as Mataloni, they looked like a team that could have a winning season. Their excitement carried onto the field as they began winning more and more games, ending the year ~ senior with a 12-5-3 record. “We thought, ‘Hey, we have a chance to make a run,’” Mataloni said. “It motivated us to work harder.” Although the motivation helped them start strong, the team did not

come through with a win at the end. College Plans And that stirred up a lot of regret. Mataloni knows when he looks back Karly Grouwinkel- will be that it was not their best perforattending the University of mance. Iowa where she will play on the “We had a really good team and Hawkeye’s golf team. we worked so hard throughout the season. To see it all just go away... Kenny Halloran- will be attending we knew we shouldn’t have lost [the the University of Wisconsinfirst playoff game],” Mataloni said. Oshkosh and will run cross Senior Karly Grouwinkel also country there. ended her golf season with disappointment. While Grouwinkel also Kyle Mataloni- will be attending played basketball and badminton, Indiana University and will play her main focus was on golf. Her goal club soccer. Also, he will see if he for the season was to qualify for can walk on the Indiana team. state. Unfortunately, she didn’t reach that goal at the sectional meet and Lexi Glennon- will be attending didn’t qualify. Indiana University and will join “I knew I played really bad and clubs and intramural sports. I wouldn’t be going to state, so golf [at Prospect] was over, “ Grouwinkel and sadness, success did manage to said. While the emotional letdowns sneak its way in. The boys’ soccer marked the end for some, others wor- team had a winning record and made ried about losing the team bond they it to the conference championship. Glennon was named allhad developed over the past conference player in not four years. only basketball, but soccer Senior Kenny Halloran, as well. cross country and track Grouwinkel too got her athlete, knew it was his last second chance when she year for pasta parties and made it to state for badlong runs with his team. minton. She and her partAfter meeting almost all of ner, sophomore Shea Galhis friends on cross country lus, were one of the top 16 freshman year, he knew to make the most of their last Sr. Kenny Halloran teams in the state. Although it was differyear together. “It was different because we [se- ent, since “it still wasn’t golf ” — her niors] knew we wanted to go out favorite sport — she was still happy with a bang,” Halloran said. “We with such a good result. Placing top knew we didn’t have another chance 16 was a complete shock to Grouwinkel who did not think they could at it [together].” Similar to Halloran, senior Lexi make it that far. “It made it better because I didn’t Glennon, cross coun- take it for granted,” Grouwinkel try, basket- said. “It was more of an accomplishball and soc- ment.” Regardless of whether seniors cer athlete, experienced felt a letdown or were sad about leavthe thought ing close teammates, they all agree of leaving that their final year created heavy l o n g - t i m e emotions of excitement and anticit e a m m a t e s pation. As the school year comes to t h ro u g h o u t a close, most of the spring athletes all her sea- have finished up their last matches Lexi Glennon and games and are facing the realsons. “I’ll miss ity that they are no longer Prospect the atmosphere, the girls ... and play- Knights. “All the endings have built up,” ing an organized sport [while] getting to represent your team,” Glen- Glennon said. “I was sad after each individual season, but since soccer is non said. Between the disappointment over, it has really hit me.”

“I was sad after each individual season, but since soccer is over, it has really hit me.”

Chicago has cold weather and violence. These things give us the mystique that we are a tough city, which carries into our sports fanhood. Most Chicagoans tend to believe that we have some of the toughest and most dedicated fans in the world. In our defense, we point at Cubs and Bears fans, whom we cheer for regardless of record. But Chicago cannot hold a candle to the most dedicated fans in the world — Cleveland fans. Lost in all the Lebron free agency madness is the most important part of sports: the fan. As Lebron patiently “keeps his options open,” Cleveland fans painfully suffer through yet another hardship. Back in January, Cavs fans were asked for season ticket renewals. Even though it was an “Early Bird Special,” there was nothing special about it. The Cleveland front office is not dumb. They know that their chances of re-signing Lebron are probably worse than Chicago’s, New York’s and New Jersey’s chances, so the management responds accordingly. They ask for money before people know if their team will be harder to watch than “MacGruber.” And deep down, as exciting as it would be to have Lebron, I feel awful for Cleveland fans losing him. What does Cleveland have? As Bulls player Joakim Noah kindly said, “I never heard anybody say ‘I’m going to Cleveland on vacation.’” But Cleveland has sports. Other than maybe the Steelers or Packers, Cleveland has the best NFL fans in the world. They lost their team to Baltimore in 1996 and had no team from 199698. What would Bears fans do if we lost our team for three seasons? We would go crazy, certainly, but we have other teams to lean on. Cleveland had the Cavs (111-103; they won one playoff game,) the Blue Jackets did not even exist until 1997 and the Indians were very good at this time, even making a World Series appearance, but they still lost tragically in game seven of the 1997 World Series to the Marlins. And that is all Cleveland sports have had. Tragedies. Michael Jordan hit “The Shot” against the Cavs and John Elway had “The Drive” against the Browns. If you ever go to Cleveland, do not mention things like “The Fumble” or “Red Right 88” — when the Browns were down two in the 1980 NFL playoffs and chose to go for a touchdown instead of a field goal. Raiders cornerback Mike Davis intercepted the pass in the end zone, and The Raiders went on to win the Superbowl. And so, The Browns have never been to the Super Bowl, despite being founded in 1946. From 1999, when the Browns came back to Cleveland, to 2006, the Browns filled 99.8 percent of its cumulative seats, despite only going 36-76 in this time. The Browns still sell tickets because Cleveland fans are dedicated. Cities like Chicago rally around its teams when they are good — like the Blackhawks. White Sox gear was around in ‘05 when they won it all, but much much less before that. Or the fact that much of Prospect owns a Blackhawks shirt now. They think that memorizing last nights score or knowing how to spell Byfuglien makes them a fan. It doesn’t. Hating Bill Wirtz and following the team (as best as possible) from ‘97 to ‘07 makes someone a fan. Very few people even know who their previous coach was. So while the Bulls fans beg John Paxson to sign Lebron, I want to give a shout out to Cleveland. Hang in there. Your time will come. To quote 2pac, “I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that.”

Sports Tuesday, June 1, 2010

They Said It “I was excited that I get to be on the wall ... not everyone can be a conference champion.” -Junior Nick Batcha on his two conference wins

photo courtesy of daily herald

photo by Ian Magnuson

Junior Nick Batcha practices his long jump just days before state. Batcha qualified for state this year in the long jump and also broke the school record.

Junior Nick Batcha blows away the competition in a preliminary at the Bartlett Invite. In his running events, Batcha qualified for state in the 100-meter dash, 200-meter dash and set school records in both.

Batcha re-writes record books

By Nick Stanojevic Executive Sports Editor

The lights were glowing brightly and the stands were filled for the 42nd Wanner Knight Invite at Prospect, one of the biggest and most prestigious track invites in the state. Featuring teams like defending state champion York and strong teams like Lyons Township. By the end of the invite, however, the lights were shining on just one athlete: junior Nick Batcha. In the 100-meter dash final, Batcha blew away the competition by leading the whole way and finishing in only 10.7 seconds, in the process becoming the first Knight to ever win the 100-meter dash at the Knights’ Invite and breaking a 16-year school record. Batcha did not stop there, placing second in the long jump with a jump of 21 feet, 5.5 inches. These types of performances have become a regular occurrence for Batcha this season. In addition to the 100-meter record, Batcha broke the school record for the 200-meter dash at Buffalo Grove this year when he finished in 22.1 seconds. “It’s going to be awesome,” Batcha said. “I just walk into the gym and see my name up there on top of the board ... in my freshman year, I would have never expected that.” At sectionals this year, Batcha qualified for state in three events: the long jump, 100-meter dash and 4x200 meter relay, with his partners senior Joe Mack, sophomores Nick Meer-

isman and Vito Anzalone. The relay team broke the 4x200 meter school record, that stood for 28 years, by finishing in 1:28.77. Batcha also broke the school record in the long jump at sectionals with a jump of 22 feet, 10.5, and with that jump set a record for Loyola stadium. “It was an amazing feeling ... I really could not believe it. It was kind of unreal to me,” Batcha said. In Mike Kamedula’s 10 years of coaching track, the best athlete he ever coached was ‘05 graduate Jon Astreides, who set five school records at Prospect Kamedula also believed that Astreides was the best athlete to ever come out of Prospect for his ability to both run and jump at the highest level. But Kamedula now believes Astreides’ ability falls short when compared to Batcha. “Nick is the best athlete in this school, and I think he will finish as the best athlete to ever come through here based on what he did as a junior and what Jon did as a junior,” Kamedula said (see “Batcha vs. Astreides”). While Batcha may now be Prospect’s newest star athlete, Kamedula says Batcha was making varsity lineups last year, but “not as a superstar.” Over the summer, Batcha went to the Prospect track camps three days a week for three weeks in June and three weeks in July. While he was there, he lifted and sprinted with a group of track athletes who were not in fall sports. Batcha was also helped by Harper’s cross country and as-

sistant track coach Paul Paynter, who provided workouts and guidance for the group. In addition to attending the Prospect camp, Batcha went

Batcha vs. Astreides (after junior season)

Junior Nick Batcha —Holds long jump, 100-meter dash and 200-meter dash record. Took part in 4x200 meter relay team that broke record ­ Qualified for state in — long jump, 100-meter dash and 4x200 meter relay.

‘05 Grad Jon Astreides —Held high jump record after junior year (still holds record). —Qualified for state in the high jump.

to Tommy Z Pure Speed Clinic three times a week with the football team for the whole summer. At the clinic, he ran on self-propelled treadmills and treadmills with more resistance than usual for short bursts at top speed. According to Batcha, going to the speed camp made him stronger and made running feel more natural. “He’s got great natural ability, and he also does work ... it’s unfortunate; a lot of gifted athletes don’t want to work hard — he does,” Kamedula said. “If he was not the worker he is, he would still be having a good season, but he wouldn’t be doing what he is doing now.” “I just want to be the best,” Batcha said. “I love to win. And for me, off-season training, working and lifting is all fun to me, so I enjoy doing it, and it makes me better.” Beyond Batcha’s work ethic and natural talent, Kamedula credits Batcha’s great success to his control. For example, at the MSL East Division meet on April 26, Batcha jumped just shy of the lead in his favorite event, the long jump. With one jump to go, Batcha was taking a break and standing near the coaches. Before Kamedula could even explain to Batcha what he needed to do, Batcha said “I got it” and walked away. On his next and final jump, Batcha jumped 22 feet, 1 inch, taking first place and setting a personal best at that point. “Jumping 22 feet has

On - A recap of the boys’ water polo season, including an overview of their sectional win. -A recap of the boys’ volleyball season and their regional loss to Palatine. - Coverage of boys’ baseball playoff push. - Recaps of both girls’ and boys’ track performances at state.

been a goal of ours since the beginning of the year, so I was focused,” Batcha said. “I was determined, and it was the only thing I had going on at that time, so I just went up there and did it and didn’t think about it,” Batcha said. Despite all the records and achievements that Batcha has obtained this season, both he and Kamedula agree that Batcha is far off from his highest ability. “I have not reached my maximum potential yet,” Batcha said. “I could easily get stronger and add a couple pounds of muscle.” “I think he can still improve a ton,” Kamedula said. “I do not think he has gotten near his ceiling.”

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