4 minute read
Medicine at School (All Grade Levels
• Notify the school nurse if you find lice/nits on your child.
More information on head lice can be obtained from the DSHS website Managing Head Lice in School Settings and at Home. [See policy FFAA for more information.]
Medicine at School (All Grade Levels)
Medication that must be administered to a student during school hours must be provided by the student’s parent. All medication, whether prescription or nonprescription, must be kept in the nurse’s office and administered by the nurse or another authorized district employee. A student may be authorized to possess his or her own medication because of asthma or a severe allergy as described below or as otherwise allowed by law. District employees will not give a student prescription medication, nonprescription medication, herbal substances, anabolic steroids, or dietary supplements, except that authorized employees, in accordance with policy FFAC, may administer: • Prescription medication, non-expired, in the original, properly labeled container, provided by the parent, along with a written request. (The pharmacy label must include the student’s name, prescribing physician, name of the medication, prescribed dosage, and administration times- all of which must match the information provided by the parent on the written request form.) • Prescription medication from a properly labeled unit dosage container filled by a registered nurse or another qualified district employee from the original, properly labeled container. • Epinephrine auto-injector provided by the district and administered by authorized and trained individuals at any time a person is reasonably believed to be experiencing anaphylaxis on a school campus. • Nonprescription medication, non-expired, including insect repellant. PISD staff will not administer nonprescription medications in dosages higher than the label recommends for age/weight, or for indications the medication is not FDA-approved for in children and adolescents unless additional doctor’s orders are received. o District Provided. PISD school clinics maintain a limited supply of the following District-approved nonprescription medications for unexpected situations at school when no parent-provided nonprescription medication has been provided: ▪ Acetaminophen (Tylenol) ▪ Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) ▪ Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) ▪ Menthol cough drops/throat lozenges ▪ Calcium Carbonate chewable tablets (Tums)
These medications may be given on campus, after assessment by the registered nurse, for up to ten doses (no more than 5 consecutive days of administration) before a specific physician signature is required, in accordance with standing orders by the District’s medical advisor and with appropriate written parent/guardian consent. Upon school enrollment, the parent/guardian is given the opportunity to electronically consent to administration of the above districtapproved nonprescription medications in accordance with Board policy. In the event that the parent/guardian did not give consent to district-provided nonprescription medications during enrollment, the parent may provide written
consent for medication by completing a medication request form. A separate form must be completed for each medication. Verbal consent is not acceptable for administration of medications.
o Parent-provided nonprescription medication from the District-approved list (above), in the original container (which shows the dosage guideline and expiration date for the medication), and properly labeled with the student’s first and last name.
These medications may be kept in the school clinic all year with a parent’s written request form and administered for up to ten doses (no more than 5 consecutive days of administration) before a physician signature is required.
o All other nonprescription medications must be provided by the parent in the original container (which shows the dosage guideline and expiration date for the medication), and properly labeled with the student’s first and last name. These medications may be kept in the school clinic for 10 school days with a parent’s written consent on the District request form. If the medication is needed at school for longer than a 10-day period, a physician signature is required. PISD staff will not administer nonprescription medications in dosages higher than the label recommends for age, or for indications the medication is not FDA-approved for in children and adolescents unless additional doctor’s orders are received. Note:
Aspirin and/or products containing aspirin will not be administered without a doctor’s order.
• Herbal or dietary supplements provided by the parent only if: o The student’s physician has ordered that such product(s) must be administered during school hours; and o The physician statement verifies that the product and requested dosage are safe for the student and provides information about therapeutic and untoward effects and interactions for the prescribed substance for the condition in which it is being prescribed; and o The student’s individualized education program (IEP) or Section 504 plan reflects that the product(s) are necessary for the provision of a free, appropriate public education for a student with a disability.
Students whose schedules provide for regular time spent outdoors, including for recess and physical education classes, should apply sunscreen before coming to school. At the elementary level, a student’s teacher or other district personnel will apply sunscreen to the student’s exposed skin if the student brings the sunscreen to school and asks for help applying it. A student at this level may apply his or her own sunscreen if the student is able to do so.
At the secondary level, a student may possess and apply sunscreen when necessary. If the student needs assistance with sunscreen application, please address the need with the school nurse.
Whether a student is at the elementary or secondary level, if sunscreen needs to be administered to treat any type of medical condition, this should be handled through