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Middle School Requirements
Each year, students will take an English, Language Arts, and Reading (ELAR), math, science, and social studies course.
While in middle school (grades 6-8), Texas students must participate in four (4) semesters of physical education, (1) Fine Arts course, health and tech apps required TEKS embedded within courses, and College and Career Readiness instruction. All 6th graders will sign up for a physical education and fine arts course. All 7th grade students will sign up for a physical education course. ● Fine arts courses include: Art, Band, Choir, Dance, Orchestra, and Theatre ● Physical Education include: Pre-Athletics, Athletics, Dance, Outdoor Ed, Partners PE, and Tennis. ● Health TEKS are embedded and earned through all PE credit courses. ● Tech Apps are embedded and earned in core courses and College and Career Readiness.
Students in 7th or 8th grade will be provided instruction in preparing for high school, college, and career through our College and Career Readiness course. All students will be required to take this semester course once in middle school.
Credit by Exams for Acceleration
A student in grades 6-12 may be awarded credit based on performance on a CBE taken with no prior instruction. Students may not attempt to earn credit by exam for the same high school subject more than two times. If a student is given high school credit on the basis of an examination on which the student scored 80% or higher, the school district must enter the examination score on the student' s transcript, and the student is not required to take an applicable end-of-course assessment instrument for the course. If a student fails to earn credit before the beginning of the school year when the student would normally be expected to enroll in the course, the student must enroll in the course. Contact your school counselor for more information.
Prosper Middle School Honors Courses
Honors level courses are designed to academically challenge students. The curriculum focuses on increasing depth and complexity and moves quickly from foundational knowledge to application of the state standards (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills). Middle school level Honors courses are specifically designed to support and prepare students for advanced high school courses.
Advanced courses are open to any student wishing to enroll who has completed the prerequisite coursework (where applicable). The district encourages students to become well-rounded and experience life outside of academics. To that end, students are advised to take advanced coursework in their area(s) of interest allowing time for extracurricular interests and time to spend with family and friends. Entrance guidelines have been developed to provide a profile of students who typically experience success in an Honor level course.
Students should have...
● An interest in the subject. ● Reading and communication skills at grade level or above. ● Successful performance on STAAR exams. ● A willingness to employ study skills and persevere when faced with challenging material that may require them to understand different perspectives and content that has greater depth and complexity. ● An understanding that planning and organization are necessary skills to a successful learning experience. ● An understanding that there may be additional work required outside of the school day to successfully complete the course requirements.
Honors Course Expectations:
As with all courses in Prosper ISD, students in advanced classes are held to a high level of expectation. Every student is required to: ● Attend tutorials as needed. ● Complete and submit all assignments (homework, projects, reports) on the due dates. ● Turn in make-up work promptly following any absence. ● Do his/her own work on all assignments, projects, or exams.
Guidelines for Dropping an Honors Course:
Students may request to level down from an Honors course at the end of the sixth week of school and at the end of the first semester for a course change effective in the second semester. The grade the student earned in the first six-weeks of the honors section will be transferred to the newly scheduled on level academic class with a 10 point addition to the current grade, not to exceed 100. If a student remains in the course beyond the six week period, he/she will not be able to withdraw until the semester ends; please note, students dropping at semester will not receive a 10 point addition to the grade as the semester will have ended. Students and parents/guardians must discuss a plan for success with their teacher by the six week or semester due date.