10 Best Places to Eat in Europe

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Food is one of the most exciting parts of traveling somewhere new. The chance to try different culture’s cuisines and local flavors is an adventureallonitsown.Eatingiseasy,buttryingtofindsomewhere toeatcanbedifficult-especiallyifyou’reonadifferentcontinent.

Europeiswell-knownforitsfoodthankstoallthevariouscuisinesit hosts. If you have a trip coming up and want to sample the best the continenthastooffer,youcan’tgowrongbystoppingatoneofthese 10highlyrecommendedrestaurants.


One of the best places in the world to eat, Noma is highly exclusive with only 12 tables. Run by Chef Rene Redzepi, the restaurant specializes in 20-course meals made entirely of Scandinavian ingredients.Therestaurantiscozyandcoveredinwindowsdesigned forgueststobeabletowitnessthevariousseasonsoftheregion.


This Michelin three-starred restaurant boasts a luxurious and cozy interior that will make you believe you ’ re eating in the home of a French nobleman during the Renaissance. Chef Bernard Pacaud starting cooking at age 15 and opened up L’Ambroisie about ten years later. Two years after opening the restaurant it earned two Michelinstars.


Established in 1961 by Armando Gaglioni and his sons, Armando al Pantheon excels at all your beloved Italian dishes. The restaurant is afavoriteamongtravelandfoodbloggers.


If you find yourself in Lyon, the food capital of the world, you must find time to visit this restaurant. The restaurant was run by French cuisine legend, Paul Bocuse, until his death in January 2018. He was running the restaurant well past his 90th birthday, which goes to show how seriously Bocuse d’Or takes their cuisine and how much heartgoesintoit.


With a seasonal menu and world class chef, Lastage is sure to please. Timely ingredients demonstrate the bounty of food and flavors the city has to offer. The restaurant’s mission is to pay homage to the simplicity and traditional flavors of the area. The best example of their humility is the fact that keep their Michelin star in their basement.



If you want the lavish feeling to continue, book a dinner at Osteria Francescana,a3Michelinstarrestaurant.


This elegant hotel is home to a few restaurants, but the one to take note of is Lorenz Adlon Esszimmer. The eatery boasts 2 Michelin stars, thanks to Chef Hendrik Otto, who runs the restaurant alongside a world-famous Maître Oliver Kraft. With beautiful views and exquisite wine pairing, a meal at Lorenz Adlon Esszimmer is unlikelytobeforgotten.

Lastage(Amsterdam,LoggiadePorcellino (Florence,Italy)Netherlands)

Also called the Loggia del Mercato Nuovo, de Porcellino is a beloved marketplace in the middle of Florence. The market hosts a variety of local flavors and vendors selling well-priced and extra delicious food.Manytravelbloggersandfoodiessuggesttryingthelocalstreet food,thebestofwhichisasandwichmadeoflampredotto,oneofthe fourpartsofacow’sstomach.Ifthatdoesn’tsoundappealingtoyou, check out bistecca alla fiorentina, a large steak that is the symbol of thetown.


Run by Claude Bosi, this restaurant’s name is in homage to The Michelin Man, whose name was Bibendum. Housed in the original U.K.Michelinheadquarters,thecuisinehonorsfoodthatisfancybut not ostentatious, skilled but not stuffy. It offers incredible flavors, textures, wines, and experiences that are far worth the price a meal therecosts.


San Sebastian is lovingly known as the foodie capital of the world, and for good reason. The city boasts “ one of the highest numbers of Michelin stars per meter.” You could put your hand anywhere on a map of the city and find an incredible meal. If you need more direction though, look no further than Mugaritz. The restaurant is the 6th best in the world. The kitchen is home to Andoni Luis Anduriz,oneofthebestchefsintheworld.Whatdoesallthismean? AmealatMugaritzis,quiteliterally,worldclass.

All of the cities listed above are known for their food offerings. Like inSanSebastian,

If you need more guidance or want more relaxed offerings than the oneslistedhere,speaktolocals.Citydwellerswillknowthebestand mostauthenticrestaurantstoeatat,andusuallywithasmallerprice tag. GetInTouchWithUs: contact@mypgmail.com www.prosperityoflifeint.com AlsoFindUsOn: http://bit.ly/3o1Ogl7 http://bit.ly/3nU655H http://bit.ly/3zLBIkI http://bit.ly/3KLQD4E

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