PCFA Ambassador Handbook

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Ambassador Guide to working with PCFA



AMBASSADOR GUIDE TO WORKING WITH PCFA ........................................................................................................ 1 SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION AND PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 The purpose of this handbook is to: ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 PCFA Ambassador Program Goals ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Values of PCFA ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Implications of PCFA Values for the PCFA Ambassador Program ........................................................................................................ 4 Line of Communications ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 2: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Recruitment ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Role Summary ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Promoting the Role ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Selection Processes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Screening Measures ................................................................................................................................................................................ 7 PCFA Ambassador Role Screening: ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 Orientation .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Gaining Commitment ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8 Process for recruiting and selecting PCFA Ambassadors ...................................................................................................................... 9 Speaking Engagements ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 SECTION 3: SUPPORT ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Support .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Setting Boundaries ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Ongoing Support and Development .................................................................................................................................................... 11 SECTION 4: ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 PCFA Ambassador Administration ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Reimbursement ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 PCFA insurance policy: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Program Evaluation and Review .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 SECTION 5: GRIEVANCE/COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................................. 13



Section 1: Introduction and Purpose Introduction This Handbook provides information that applies to all Ambassadors working with PCFA.

The purpose of this handbook is to: 

Raise awareness of the main issues involved in being a PCFA Ambassador; and

Be an overall guide for any issues affecting PCFA Ambassador area.

This handbook provides a practical framework for PCFA Ambassadors and how PCFA will: 

Engage PCFA Ambassadors in our work;

Highlight the importance of good recruitment, management and training; and

Maintain support practices for PCFA Ambassadors.

PCFA Ambassador Program Goals 

To raise awareness in men and their families about prostate cancer;

To provide information on the importance of people talking to their doctor about prostate checks;

To encourage men to engage with their general practitioners around health issues;

To provide a suite of presentations to address the information needs of people in the community about prostate cancer; and

To provide ways of linking Ambassadors with speaking engagement.

Values of PCFA PCFA’s five value are: Commitment; Compassion; Integrity; Optimism; Respect


AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Implications of PCFA Values for the PCFA Ambassador Program PCFA Ambassadors are expected to implement PCFA core value when representing PCFA. Value


PCFA Staff to Ambassadors

Ambassadors to PCFA Staff


The act of committing; state of being committed; the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself; a pledge or promise; obligation; engagement; involvement.

PCFA staff will assist you with support in maintaining speaking commitments.

PCFA staff recognises our Ambassador may have other commitments. Open communications between Ambassadors and PCFA staff regarding what amount of time you can give to a program and the best times you are available will assist in planning.


Sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

PCFA staff will provide Ambassador presentations that communicate understanding of the issues faced by individuals and their families.

Ambassadors deliver this information in an understanding manner and respects choices people make for themselves.


The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; the state of being whole and undivided; being unified and sound; internal consistency and lack of corruption.

PCFA staff will assist with the documentation framework required for the Ambassador program.

PCFA Ambassadors will maintain correct information about the presentations they conduct and issues they faced in the presentation. This will assist the development of materials and resources so the Ambassador program is proactive as well as responsive to consumer needs.


Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something; the belief that good must ultimately prevail.

PCFA staff will assist Ambassadors with promoting the Ambassador program in a positive and confident way.

Positive communication about the program publically will assist on-going funding. Issues to be raised with PCFA staff can be done using documented procedures as outlined in this Handbook, to assist effective resolution.


A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements; the state of being admired or respected; a person’s polite greeting; due regard for the feelings, wishes or rights of others.

PCFA staff will communicate with Ambassadors respectfully and will provide feedback in a careful and sensitive manner.

Communication with PCFA staff needs to be remain respectful and kind and recognise people’s different opinions on issues.


In giving presentations Ambassadors need to be respectful regardless of people’s family structures and relationship to ensure both heterosexual people, and people in same-sex relationships feel accepted and comfortable in presentations.


Line of Communications Working on the basis of PCFA Values (commitment, compassion, integrity, optimism and respect), communications on a day to day basis as well as for challenging discussions, will follow the following process. PCFA Staff to Ambassadors PCFA Staff will at all times communicate with Ambassadors in line with PCFA Values. Ambassadors to PCFA Staff

PCFA A&E Project Officer ambassadors@pcfa.org.au

Ambassador cc as appropriate, A&E Senor Project Officer and A&E National Manager



Section 2: Recruitment and Selection Successful recruitment, selection and placement are important to ensure potential PCFA Ambassadors are able to: 

Clearly understand the tasks, goals and time commitment of each PCFA Ambassador;

Make an informed choice about their level of involvement;

Be offered speaking opportunities in the area that best suits their skills, background, motivations, time and availability.

Recruitment, selection and placement criteria are based on a clear match between the position requirements and PCFA Ambassador’s attributes and interests. Not all applicants are necessarily suited to be a PCFA Ambassador. The recruitment, interview and screening process helps to determine whether the applicant’s skills and experience match, or PCFA Ambassador has the potential to grow into, the position.

Recruitment Successful recruitment requires well-organised planning. The goal is to identify applicants who meet the advertised criteria. A recruitment plan establishes needs and recognises recurring patterns. The plan should include: 

Type: PCFA will recruit around the type of skills and strengths that enable an Ambassador to experience fulfilment in the role of public speaking.

Timing: Opportunities for speaking engagements occur all year with the peak periods of June (Men’s Health Month), September (International Prostate Cancer Awareness Month) and November (Movember).

Target/Outcome: PCFA seek to have Ambassadors located in key areas as identified by the Needs Analysis Summary that highlighted the areas of Australia to be targeted based population density of men aged 45-60 and areas of high prostate cancer prevalence. Additionally, PCFA will target the top 100 corporations for speaking engagements.


Ongoing needs: Annual analysis will provide PCFA with information that will shape the long term needs of PCFA Ambassador Program.

AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Role Summary A role summary exists for PCFA Ambassador Role.

Role summary: 

Assist in the analysis and definition of the position, clarifying the position responsibilities and relationships with employees;

As a tool for planning, training and recruitment;

As a tool in an interview and as a briefing sheet before PCFA Ambassador starts training;

Evaluating organisational practices and individual job performance.

Role summary for PCFA Ambassador outlines the following:  Role objective; 

Ambassador skills/qualifications;

Who Ambassadors are responsible to;

Key relationships;

Training requirements;

Benefits to PCFA Ambassador.

Promoting the Role PCFA will take a coordinated approach to promoting a PCFA Ambassador role and will include:  Recruitment page on PCFA website; 

Recruitment information provided to Support Groups;

Communications with current PCFA Ambassadors.

Selection Processes Guidelines for the selection process include: 

Selection will be based on the requirements of PCFA Ambassador and the individual’s potential to perform the role to a satisfactory standard.

PCFA recruit in accordance with anti-discrimination, equal opportunity legislation, fairness and equity.

The applicant will be informed of the purpose of PCFA Ambassadors, any follow up interviews and all necessary checks that are required for the position. PCFA Ambassadors will be given a realistic timeline of when and how they will be contacted.

If applicants do not meet the requirements a PCFA Ambassador they may be redirected to another area within PCFA where their skills can be engaged.

Ensure alignment with PCFA values.

Screening Measures PCFA has a duty of care to undertake formal checking of PCFA Ambassadors as they will be the public face of PCFA.  Background Screening o Reference checks, if required 


PCFA Ambassador Role Screening o Initial interview o Training and orientation sessions o Motor vehicle information

AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK PCFA Ambassador Role Screening: 

Interview Applicants to the PCFA Ambassador Program will be interviewed before being offered training. An interview is an opportunity for getting information about the applicant and providing them with necessary information of the PCFA Ambassador role. The interview will: o o o o o o o

Provide the coordinator and applicant with time to get to know each other Explain the role and PCFA Ambassador program Ensure the role suits applicant and to progress to the training and orientation stage Match of required skills, knowledge and experiences of the person to the role Culture / values / organisational fit Motivations for becoming an Ambassador Special needs of the applicant that it may or may not be possible to accommodate

Training: Training and orientation sessions are an opportunity to continue to assess applicant’s suitability for the role. If at any stage during training or orientation PCFA has doubts about the suitability of applicant, the applicant is to be involved in a private meeting to determine if applicant stays with the training or orientation program.

Once an Applicant is engaged as a PCFA Ambassador: Ongoing monitoring via support meetings and feedback from PCFA employees, other PCFA Ambassadors, host organisations and audience members will help ensure the Ambassador is settling into the role.

Orientation Orientation will be provided for all PCFA Ambassadors during the Training Workshops. Each PCFA Ambassador needs orientation to gain their ‘bearings’ on their role as an Ambassador and where they sit within PCFA. Orientation will include: 

Orientation to the work of PCFA

Practical aspects of the PCFA Ambassador role

Ongoing learning opportunities that will improve the quality of the service

Gaining Commitment PCFA Ambassadors are essential to PCFA. We require each person to make a commitment in the initial stage of their PCFA Ambassador role. When a potential PCFA Ambassador has completed the selection, training and orientation process they are asked to sign a PCFA Ambassador Commitment Agreement with PCFA to: 

Ambassador Program Role Summary;

Ambassador Handbook;

Present PCFA Approved material;

Represent PCFA in a professional manner;

Act on behalf of PCFA in alignment with PCFA statements and strategic goals.


AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Process for recruiting and selecting PCFA Ambassadors PCFA is approached by Applicant


PCFA identifies a need for a Ambassadors in specific locations

Ambassador Program advertised

Applicant receives info pack about Ambassador Program

Applicant submits Ambassador Contact Form

Telephone Interview

PCFA & Applicant agree to proceed

Reference Checks

Ambassador Training Session

Commitment Form Signed


AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Speaking Engagements PCFA will endeavour to secure an appropriate speaking engagement for all PCFA Ambassadors as promptly as possible after initial training sessions. PCFA Ambassadors will be made aware of support for their Ambassador position and will have opportunities to debrief and provide feedback on their experiences. PCFA initiates contact to an organisation

Organisation makes contact with PCFA

Ambassador initiated inquiry

Directed to PCFA online booking form (or hard copy posted directly to organisation)

Post Presentation PCFA Follow-Up

PCFA receive & review request

Ambassador notified of request and relevant details

PCFA sends organisation: 1. Presentation material for number in audience 2. Audience Feedback Form / Organisation feedback Form


PCFA follow-up with Ambassador for feedback

Feedback Forms returned to A&E Senior Project Officer. Ongoing evaluation & feedback used to direct changes as required.


Section 3: Support Support Ambassadors will be supported in their role by:  Receiving initial orientation and preparation for the role  Receive contact and support which may include: o o o o 

Telephone contact 1:1 meetings Group meetings with other PCFA Ambassadors Mentoring with existing PCFA Ambassadors

PCFA will give appropriate and timely feedback to PCFA Ambassadors which may include: o o o o o o o

Written feedback Mentoring sessions Opportunities for PCFA Ambassadors to share their experiences and exchange information Time to discuss challenges and make suggestions Following up concerns Monitoring whether expectations are being met Giving access to information that will directly affect PCFA Ambassador role

Setting Boundaries Boundaries are set to protect and support PCFA Ambassadors to avoid PCFA Ambassador burnout. Boundaries include: 

Organisational Boundaries: These give structure to the overall PCFA Ambassador program. Organisational boundaries include PCFA Ambassador policy and procedures.

Personal boundaries: Personal boundaries should be discussed during training sessions and regularly thereafter as this ensures PCFA Ambassadors know the parameters of each PCFA Ambassador role. Personal boundaries may include: o o o o o o o

Being clear about PCFA Ambassador role Respecting different belief systems Setting reasonable time limits and learning to say ‘no’ Accepting others right of choice Negotiating expenses Not personally investigating or following up on complaints but referring them to their supervisor Being clear about the boundaries of gift giving and receiving

Ongoing Support and Development Ongoing support and development opportunities will vary in the different areas of Australia. Ongoing support may take the form of: 

Social gatherings which provide a chance to debrief and share stories with and meet other PCFA Ambassadors. Support meetings can: o o o o

Address the concerns of PCFA Ambassadors Communicate changes in policy and practices Provide ongoing training Give an opportunity for PCFA Ambassadors to meet socially

Additional information sessions that build on the knowledge and experiences of PCFA Ambassadors. These may be in the form of online resources, written resources or face-to-face occasions.



Section 4: Administration PCFA Ambassador Administration The Awareness and Education Team supports the overall PCFA Ambassador program via: 

Training and supporting PCFA Ambassadors in the implementation of PCFA Ambassador procedures

Reviewing and updating PCFA Ambassador procedures

Planning training sessions with PCFA Ambassadors

Communicating with PCFA Ambassadors

Developing targets and recruitment strategies

Managing the annual PCFA Ambassador survey

Providing support and professional assistance to PCFA Ambassadors

Communicating regularly with PCFA Ambassadors and customers

Maintaining PCFA Ambassador files

Assessing program needs

PCFA Ambassador exit surveys

Reimbursement Reimbursement of approved expenses ensures cost is not a barrier to people becoming involved. Reimbursement of PCFA Ambassador expenses will vary. A decision about the reimbursement will be made in consultation with the National Manager and Senior Project Officer and will be communicated to PCFA Ambassador.

Vehicle Usage A schedule from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) prescribes reimbursement per kilometre for motor vehicle usage dependent of the size of the car. This is our guideline for PCFA Ambassador motor vehicle reimbursement. Car reimbursement at the ATO rates as of July 2011: Engine Capacity

Cents per Kilometre

1600 cc (1.6 litre) or less


1601 cc – 2600 cc


2601 cc and over



PCFA insurance policy: PCFA is not liable for any motor vehicle accident even though a mileage is paid for the use of a private vehicle. If a PCFA Ambassador is using their own private vehicle it is essential they have:    

current valid Australian drivers licence; current valid Australian registration of the private vehicle; current valid comprehensive vehicle insurance; A clear understanding that if they are using their own vehicle without insurance cover while in the Ambassador capacity for PCFA, they are not covered by our insurance for any accidents during the use of their private vehicle even if on their way to or from their PCFA Ambassador work.


AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Program Evaluation and Review Ongoing and appropriate reviews will measure the effectiveness of all aspects of PCFA Ambassador Program. PCFA Ambassadors, employees and customers, where appropriate, will be surveyed. The evaluation of PCFA Ambassador Program considers: 

PCFA Ambassador, employee and customer satisfaction

What the employees working with PCFA Ambassadors feel about their interaction and knowledge of coordinating PCFA Ambassadors

Annual recruitment targets

PCFA Ambassador retention rates

Ability to share PCFA Ambassador resources across programs

How PCFA Ambassador programs promote connecting people to their community.

Awareness and Education will undertake formal evaluation of the effectiveness of recruitment, support and work of PCFA Ambassadors in the following ways: 

Formal: Surveys or focus groups of PCFA Ambassadors, employees and customers (where appropriate) to be conducted to evaluate the benefit to PCFA Ambassadors, customers, PCFA Ambassador service, and the appropriateness of the administrative processes.

Research: Supporting appropriate research across PCFA Ambassador programs.

Informal: Informal and anecdotal information helps PCFA improve the quality of our service to PCFA Ambassadors, employees and customers.

Section 5: Grievance/Complaints Procedure A grievance is a real or perceived cause for complaint. A grievance can be anything done, or not done, by an employee, customer or another PCFA Ambassador, which affects a person unfairly or unjustly. A grievance can also be about discrimination, harassment or any other related decision or behaviour which that person sees as unfair, unjust or upsetting. The Grievance/Complaints Procedure allows PCFA Ambassadors experiencing problems to be addressed in a timely and confidential manner. How will a PCFA Ambassador grievance be handled? The steps for resolving grievances are listed in the Ambassador Handbook. Any PCFA Ambassador who comes forward with a grievance will have their concern treated with the utmost confidentiality. It is important that PCFA Ambassador making the complaint / sharing their concern also maintains confidentiality to avoid misunderstandings and the possibility of defamation proceedings. If a PCFA Ambassador decides to go ahead and make a formal complaint it will be taken seriously and investigated in an impartial manner. This may mean that the person complained about, and any witnesses, will be interviewed. No decision will be made until the investigation is completed. PCFA Ambassadors who make a complaint: 

Will be assured they will not be treated unfairly or victimised as a result

Should be informed they can bring a neutral support person with them to any meetings

PCFA Ambassadors who have a complaint made against them:  Will not be pre-judged 

Will have an opportunity to tell their side of the story

Should be informed they can bring a neutral support person with them to any meetings

Each complaint will be dealt with as promptly as possible.


AMBASSADOR HANDBOOK Ambassador Program Grievance Flowchart

Ambassador with Grievance Alternate path

Approach Project Officer if unable to speak directly with individual in question

Speak directly with individual in question.

Individual with whom presumed grievance is held.

Alternate path

Resolved Not resolved

Ambassador makes formal complaint in writing

Not resolved

Grievance Officer National Board


At any time the Project Officer may inform the National Manager


Once a formal complaint is made, the matter will be investigated by the Project Officer, Awareness and Education and National Manager, Awareness and Education and/or Human Resources

The National Manager, Awareness and Education (and Project Officer, Awareness and Education) will interview: o o o

PCFA Ambassador making the complaint (who may have a neutral support person with them) any witnesses the person whom the complaint is made against (who may have a neutral support person with them)

If the complaint is substantiated, appropriate action will be taken (see below)

If the complaint is unsubstantiated, PCFA Ambassador who made the complaint will be given an explanation as to why that finding was made

If the complaint is found to have been fabricated, appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against PCFA Ambassador

What are the outcomes? 

If the investigation reveals that the complaint is a valid one, a number of actions may be taken, depending on the nature of the complaint. The person against whom the complaint was made may be: o o o o o

If the investigation is inconclusive: If the complaint cannot be proved due to the lack of evidence, the organisation may nevertheless take a number of actions. These actions are aimed at changing behaviour or resolving the problem without implicating anyone. This may include: o o

General training for all PCFA Ambassadors on the grievance procedure or training that might address the issue across the board Monitoring behaviour of all PCFA Ambassadors

If the complaint is found to have been completely fabricated, appropriate action may be taken against PCFA Ambassador raising the complaint, depending on the seriousness of the allegations. This may include: o o o o o

Given the option of counselling / given an opportunity to explain their actions Required to give a written apology Given a written warning / verbal warning Asked to take ‘time out’ from their role for an agreed time Dismissed

Counselling – PCFA Ambassador is given an opportunity to explain their actions A written apology to the person complained about An official warning Asked to take ‘time out’ from their PCFA Ambassador role for an agreed time Dismissed

Outside Agencies. If a PCFA Ambassador is not satisfied with the way in which a grievance was handled they may take it to an outside agency, such as the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission or the AntiDiscrimination Board.

Dismissal Dismissing a PCFA Ambassador is a last resort and is serious. It is an option only after alternatives such as, further counselling/training, taking ‘time out’ for an agreed period of time have been tried and have been found to not be appropriate. Exit Interview  The exit interview should be offered to all PCFA Ambassadors leaving PCFA. Exit surveys help determine the reason for leaving and, in turn, help to provide better support, recognition and training to PCFA Ambassadors in the future.


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