Prosumer Partners - Creating Ethical SECOND INCOME opportunities

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Prosumer Partners Creating ethical SECOND INCOME opportunities

'Prosum' means 'to be useful' (or) 'do good' (or) 'to bring benefit' Prosumer partners mentors ordinary people to become extraordinary achievers by helping them create sustainable wealth and achieve financial security and freedom through pursuit of ethical SECOND INCOME opportunities Prosumer Partners is present in Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai and Dubai and rapidly expanding across India and worldwide. Why is a SECOND INCOME important? Time and You The single most important demand that all of us struggle to meet up with is that of TIME. Why is it that Time along with Money, never seems enough? The reason is because the manner in which each one of us is busy creating income either through a job, profession, business or industry. Let us consider each one and see where you stand in life today and whether that is really what you want to be throughout your life

If you a Job Holder / Salaried Professional? Jobs are not only difficult to get, but more difficult to retain. Agreed? Ask the question, DOES THE SALARY YOU GET, MATCH YOUR WORTH? Another truth - Your employer controls you and your destiny, decides how much you deserve to earn, that in turn decides - Where you should live?

- Where your children can study? - Where and when you can take a vacation? (without disturbing office work !!) - What kind of vehicle you need to drive? and much more ... After a year of efforts, you get 10-15% increment. The long hours you have put in have helped your employer realize their big dreams so that they can live in a big home, drive a luxury car, take vacation abroad whenever they please!! So, to summarize you are on the 50-40-30 plan (Work atleast 50 hrs per week, atleast for 40 years and retire on 30% pension / gratuity) Why not find out exactly how much you are worth and do what it takes to enjoy the benefits of financial and personal freedom, rather than remain in debt and keep living in the same house, through the same job, for the rest of your life? Why not work hard for YOUR OWN DREAMS and retire financially free in the next 5-7 years?

If you a Self-Employed Professional? Professionals which ever field they belong to (Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, Consultant etc.,) face a no-win situation today. They are either making lot of money because of their talent and experience in their field, but have no time to enjoy it all with their family (or) they endup having neither money nor time at the end of the day. You as a professional may be having an income that is much higher than a salaried person, but you have to constantly update your knowledge to maintain that income and work long hours!! The more money you make, the lesser time you have to enjoy that money. You are practically never away from your mobile phone or laptop Agreed? More importantly, you are earning solely on the basis of your ability to perform, hence it will not be possible for your spouse to replace in your absence nor can you afford to get sick for a long time!! This leads to high

insecurity about your income source which is very risky as it is entirely dependent on one person - YOU!!

If you Small Manufacturing (or) Services Sector business person? You may be the owner of your small company, but the reality is, you don't control the business, the business controls you!! Why? You face day to day hassles due to increased competition, incur recurring expenses to update know-how and technology, inventory, debtors, creditors and thinning profit margins etc., Running an industry or business means constant stress due to employees/workers, unions, tight competition, rapidly changing customer preferences etc., and all this contributing to 'high stress' leading to ill-health. At times, investments done may not provide adequate returns and just a few corrupt employees can damage your organization forever. Family life practically does not exist, so the fun of making so much money is completely lost with you not spending quality time with the near and dear family members Inspite of all these problems, why do you work so hard in your job / business / profession? You do it to fulfil the dreams of: • • • • • • •

Sufficiently providing for your family when you are fit and young Acquire material luxuries - Car, Home, Durables etc Provide good higher education to children in international institutions of repute Close / Pay-off loans / debts - personal or business related Enjoy breaks with travel and vacations at nice locations Provide funds to charity / social causes Pursue things close to your heart like a hobby, music, sport or other personal or spiritual goals in life

How about fulfilling these dreams and getting much more namely: • •

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Wealth, Lifestyle and Security Get the time to spend on personal development, quality time with family, time to pursue your hobbies, travel the world when young (instead of visiting grandchildren abroad when you are old and weak!!) Achieve true financial freedom (i.e, freedom from having to worry at all about money and where it will come from!!) Create a steady, recurring residual income stream for yourself and your loved ones as your legacy and blessing (which they can receive ethically, legally and willable, even after you are gone) Provide quality education to your children in the best universities internationally Continue to earn income even when you are not at work (say on vacation, unwell, caring for parents - without worrying about your job or profession) Realize early retirement (say in 5 to 7 years time) and enjoy things at the right age Make donations to charity, without thinking twice Avoid dependence on children in old age as the second income is of a recurring nature to always keep you financially free Achieve tremendous personal development by associating with genuine, honest, positive group of like minded people that are willing to help you to grow and prosper

How can we help you? We chart the path for you to create sustainable wealth through SECOND INCOME opportunities and realize financial security and freedom. Here is our roadmap... • • • • • •

Introduce relevant SECOND INCOME opportunity - in elaborate detail Onboard and Induct Help build your dreams, formally Give hope and motivate - thru' team events, seminars, association and support systems Build positive thinking and leadership qualities (by 'doing things' we talk about) Partner all thru' to help realize your dreams and build a recurring SECOND INCOME which will even outlive your life time!!

If you would like to transition out from where you are and truly realize your real worth and become financially free through pursuing ethical SECOND INCOME opportunity in 5-7 years, do visit to know more….

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