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The Ideology of Sharing

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This idea is extended by the presence of unique program typologies aimed at directly connecting inhabitant squatters to each other through shared infrastructures. Tool sharing rooms, communal gardens, and item exchange rooms (such as books, clothes, and toys) indicated communal use of available resources, while the shared responsibility of managing and maintaining gardens for agricultural production establishes the utilitarian aspect of the commons. These two programs are foundational to every squat, as accumulation of tools for communal use for purposes of modifying the vacant structure is as significant as the structure itself (page 124, Poortgebouw). Just as significant, gardens are significant agricultural infrastructure for the producing ingredients for communal food production (page 24, Poortgebouw). Finally, atypical books, clothes, and other possession sharing programs are significant in establishing a healthy social fabric despite the precarious circumstances of the squats (Poortagebouw, pg 123).

In the Plantage Dok in the Netherlands, for instance, the main structure, and the ground floor of the existing church had been rearranged to create shared spaces, workshops, artist studios and music studios as democratically chosen by the squatters. In the Landbouwbelang in Austria, the communal programs such as the kitchen and garden, the shared bathrooms and toilets are constructed in people’s preferred places throughout the building, spreading the community throughout the entire complex.


Co-ownership and the Commons |

enhance social interaction, the number of entrances was doors located next to each other on the front side.

Ground floor

Spread-out living —The individual rooms, rooms and toilets are constructed in the building, spreading the community the existing church had been rearranged to create shared spaces, workshops, artist studios and mucommunal programs such as the kitchen and garden, the shared bathrooms and toilets are constructed entire complex. first act after surveying the premises of the vacant structure is to carve out and determine communal spaces and facilities necessary for the collective. Inverting the relationships conventional co-living spaces today, the Communal spaces in squats have utmost priority over the private, individual spaces. As such, individual and private spaces tend around the primary infrastructures.

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