Speach and Language Training Leaflet PLD-2197-1644-01

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Children’s Speech & Language Therapy

Do you work with Children who have Speech and Language difficulties?

Would you like more training in this area? Are you working towards the Essex communication award?

We can help!

Who are we? Provide Speech and Language Therapy Team works with children across the mid Essex area providing NHS speech and language therapy and also therapy commissioned by the Local Authority and schools. Our therapists are highly skilled and experienced in all areas of children’s speech, language and communication. You may have met us working with individual children in your schools and nurseries, but did you know we can also provide training to a range of settings? Teachers




Nursery Nurses

Medical staff


What kind of training? We can deliver a range of options, tailored to specific needs if necessary, including accredited training.

Elklan Talking Sense Twilight sessions We run Half day / whole day INSET Whole school / nursery / Individual Elklan is an accredited programme which can be delivered as 1 - 2 day courses or over 10 days leading to an accredited qualification for teachers / support staff. It can cover all aspects of speech, language and communication skills for children across the whole range of needs and is tailored to suit the desired group. It includes training for parents and also offers a cascaded system leading to a Communication Friendly School Award. See www.elklan.co.uk

Talking Sense is an introduction to speech, language and communication difficulties written by our SLT team. It can be adapted to suit individual needs and can be delivered as half / whole day training or twilight sessions.

What does training cost? This will depend on what is required and can be adapted to suit your budget. Please talk to us about your requirements and we can agree costs accordingly.

Contact: Linda Watkins Principal Speech and Language Therapist 0300 303 2642 provide.safeguardingteam@nhs.net

Delivered by:

Children’s Speech & Language Therapy

If you need this leaflet in braille, audio, large print or another language, please contact our Customer Service Team on: 0300 303 9951 / 0300 303 9952 or by email at: provide.customerservices@nhs.net Provide Corporate Offices 900 The Crescent Colchester Business Park Colchester Essex CO4 9YQ

T: 0300 303 9999 E: provide.enquiries@nhs.net www.provide.org.uk


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