Outpatient Physiotherapy
Low Risk Back Pain Information Leaflet Recover and return to being you!
Based on your response to the screening tool you have completed you are unlikely to develop persistent symptoms. This is providing you follow the advice given from your initial assessment with your physiotherapist as well as the information provided in this leaflet. About Low Back Pain Back pain is very common but is rarely serious or causes permanent damage. It should be seen as a normal part of life. Your spine is one of the strongest parts of your body. It’s made up of structures to give it strength and flexibility. It’s natural to feel concerned as even minor back strains can cause a lot of pain. Don’t let your back pain get the better of you, there are lots of things you can do to help.
What you can do Stay Active Activity levels may be restricted initially. It’s important not to rest for too long as recovery may take longer. Activities could include: Walking Swimming Cycling In fact, most daily activities and hobbies
Control of Pain Taking painkillers will allow you to remain active. Don’t wait until the pain gets too much. Painkillers will not mask your body’s warning signals or increase the risk of damaging your back. Medication can have side-effects so you should read the label carefully and check with your pharmacist if you have any queries.
Change of Lifestyle Factors There are some things that you do every day that may be aggravating your back. You should restrict repetitive or uncomfortable postures while at work/home, sitting for long periods and reduce your stress levels. Alongside this, increasing general fitness levels and managing your weight will all have a positive impact on managing your back
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. (Position 1) Flatten your back as shown above, hold for 5-10 seconds and release. Repeat 5-10 times.
2 From position 1, bring one knee towards your chest as shown above. Hold for 5-10 seconds and release leg back to position 1. Do the same for the other leg. Repeat 5-10
From position 1, gently roll your knees to one side and rest in this position for 5 seconds, roll legs to the other side and hold for 5 seconds. Return to position 1. Repeat 5-10 times.
Repeat all of the above 3-4 times a day
Summary Back pain is common Most cases are not serious Stay active Make lifestyle changes Control your pain
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Breastfeeding Outpatient Physiotherapy Support Service
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