Outpatient Physiotherapy
Low Risk Musculoskeletal Pain
Recover and return to being you!
Based on your response to the screening tool you completed via the website or at the point of access to Physiotherapy, you are unlikely to develop persistent pain related to your musculoskeletal problem. This is providing you follow the information provided in this leaflet and the self help page of the website. About Musculoskeletal pain Musculoskeletal conditions are injuries or pain that can affect your muscles, bones and joints Musculoskeletal pain is very common but is rarely serious or causes permanent damage. It should be seen as a normal part of life Your body is built to be strong. It is effective at healing and allowing recovery It’s natural to feel concerned as even minor sprains or strains can cause a lot of pain Don’t let your pain get the better of you. There are lots of things you can do to help yourself
What you can do Stay active Initially your activity levels may be restricted due to pain. It is normal to move differently and more slowly in the first few days of having pain. However, too much rest or altered movement can lead to slower recovery if continued in the long-term. Activities could include:
Walking Walking Swimming
Swimming Cycling
In fact, most daily activities and hobbies are appropriate. If these are painful, you are safe to perform them at a lower intensity or level than normal, whilst pain settles. Exercise Your recovery will be helped by performing general and progressive exercises. These are likely to cause some discomfort initially but this is normal and should improve with time. Control of pain Pain relief medication will allow you to remain active and get better sleep. Don’t wait until the pain gets too much. Painkillers will not mask your body’s warning signals or increase the risk of damaging yourself, but should not be taken for too long. Medication can have side-effects so you should read the label carefully and check with your pharmacist if you have any queries.
Change of lifestyle Sometimes your lifestyle can contribute to musculoskeletal pain. Avoid prolonged periods of being still such as sitting. Pace your physical activities with rest breaks throughout the day as best you can. Maintaining a healthy weight, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and reducing your levels of stress will also help with your recovery. If you would like further support to enable you to make changes to your current lifestyle, please contact the Essex Lifestyle Service. Services include: Increasing physical activity Weight management Smoking cessation Alcohol reduction Visit the website for further information: www.essexlifestyleservice.org.uk
0300 303 9988
Musculoskeletal pain is common
Most cases are not serious or lasting
Stay active
lifestyle changes
Control your pain
If symptoms do not improve within a six week period please consult your healthcare practitioner
Want more self help advice? Visit the self help page of our website, which includes specific body areas of pain, for more advice and guidance on how to manage your current symptoms effectively and quickly so that you can return to your normal activities.
Delivered by:
Outpatient Physiotherapy
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T: 0300 303 9999 E: provide.enquiries@nhs.net www.provide.org.uk