Equality Scheme 1
Equality Scheme 2017-2020
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Foreword by the Chief Executive
Foreword by the Chief Executive Provide works to deliver outstanding services that care, nurture and empower individuals and communities to live better lives. Fulfilling this vision, promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively are at the core of how we operate. Over the last year we have strengthened our equality data and information about our workforce and the communities we serve. We have further built on our values based recruitment and commitment to being a mindful employer, positive about disability and our support for the Armed Forces Covenant. We were recognised as ‘Good’ overall by the Care Quality Commission with areas of ‘Outstanding’ compassionate care. We have taken this feedback, information and undertaken a self-assessment which has resulted in a refocusing of our equality scheme around five key objectives. To continue to deliver outstanding services, we must ensure that we have a diverse, well trained and supported workforce reflecting the communities we work with, able to challenge injustice and discrimination and remove barriers for those we serve. This equality, diversity and inclusion scheme strategy sets out a clear but ambitious structure and framework for achieving this objective with outcome measures that continue to build on our good practice and achievements to date and to support us in our growth strategy over the next three years. I look forward to working with you to embed these practices and behaviours in everything we do and to continue to make a difference in the communities we serve. John Niland Chief Executive
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Executive summary Provide is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across the organisation and the wider health and social care system. Our Equality Scheme will support us: In delivering our vision: to provide a range of outstanding services that care, nurture and empower individuals and communities to live better lives. Through: •
Promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively both internally within Provide and externally within the communities we serve and across the health and social care system.
Eradicating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
Enabling all of our employees and volunteers to carry out their responsibilities to the equality, diversity and inclusion agenda through providing training, guidance and support.
Promoting a fair, equal and inclusive workforce that is representative of the community.
Our strategy aims to fully embed equality, diversity and inclusion in all of our strategies, systems, processes, policies, leadership, training and behaviour.
Equality Scheme Objectives
Scheme objectives The scheme focuses on achieving five key objectives over three years:
We will proactively involve our customers in the design and delivery of our work to ensure their health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways.
Individuals, communities we serve and stakeholders will understand Provide’s commitment to equality and diversity and the benefits that working inclusively can bring.
Every manager will ensure that Provide delivers an inclusive working environment that cares for, nurtures and empowers individuals.
We will improve the diversity of our workforce and strive towards the most senior levels within the organisation reflecting the broadest possible diversity.
By 2020 we will be recognised as the benchmark for equality, diversity and inclusion amongst health and social care community service providers.
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Managing the scheme The scheme is championed by the Executive Team and owned by the Executive Human Resources and Organisational Development Director. The Provide Workforce Steering Group will monitor the scheme, share best practice and support business units across the organisation in the delivery of the scheme’s activities. The Governors will support senior managers in engaging directly with equality issues and the needs and benefits of a diverse workforce. Our commitment will be reviewed annually and in line with changes to equality and human rights legislation. Although there is not a statutory duty under the Equality Act (2010) to develop an Equality Scheme, we recognise that it is best practice and directly helps us provide better services to the individuals and communities we serve.
Our Vision and Values
Who we are Provide is a Community Interest Company which is a form of social enterprise. We deliver a broad range of health and social care services in the community, and are committed to making sure that they are safe, responsive and of high quality. We work from a variety of community settings, such as three community hospitals, community clinics, schools, nursing homes and primary care settings, as well as within peoples’ homes to provide over 50 services to children, families and adults. We also offer some online services. We provide services across Essex and in Cambridgeshire (including Peterborough), Suffolk and Norfolk as well as two London boroughs: Waltham Forest and Redbridge. We employ over 1,000 people and serve communities with a total population of more than 1.9 million people. We know through our work that vulnerable adults and families are struggling and evidence indicates that early intervention is what works best to transform lives. To continue to deliver outstanding services, we must ensure that we have a diverse, well trained and supported workforce reflecting the communities we work with, able to challenge injustice and discrimination and remove barriers for those we serve.
Our Vision:
To provide a range of outstanding services that care, nurture and empower individuals and communities to live better lives.
Our Values:
Care, Innovation and Compassion with Fun 7
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Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion Provide is committed to promoting equality, valuing diversity and working inclusively across the organisation and the wider health and social care system. This approach will underpin the behaviours and practices as an employer, lead contractor and service provider. Our commitment to equality, diversity and working inclusively will be reviewed annually and in line with changes and requirements of equality and human rights legislation. As lead provider, service provider and an employer, Provide opposes all forms of discrimination and intolerance in the workplace and service settings, and will take a zero tolerance approach to bullying, harassment and victimisation. As an organisation that provides services and promotes improved health outcomes for individuals and the communities it serves, we will ensure that employees and volunteers are equipped to challenge all forms of discrimination, even if the behaviour is undertaken by service users or carers. Provide works proactively to identify and remove or reduce any barriers and inequalities in the access to our employment opportunities and service provision, through consultation, impact assessment, monitoring, reporting, action planning and review. The aim is to break down all barriers of discrimination, prejudice, fear or misunderstanding which can damage service effectiveness for service users and carers.
The Equality Act 2010 introduced the term, “protected characteristics�, to refer to all discrimination strands. The protected characteristics are: Age Disability Gender Gender reassignment Marriage and civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion or belief Sexual orientation.
This framework gives focus to Provide’s equality, diversity and inclusion work and informs our policies, procedures and practice standards. Provide will do this by eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation and having due regard to advancing equality for the relevant protected characteristics. Provide will not tolerate discrimination against employees or customers who have one or more of the protected characteristics.
Key Outcomes
Our objectives and outcomes
The scheme focuses on achieving five key objectives over three years. The objectives and outcomes are set out here: OBJECTIVE 1
We will proactively involve our customers in the design and delivery of our work to ensure their health needs are assessed and met in appropriate and effective ways.
Individuals, communities we serve and stakeholders will understand Provide’s commitment to equality and diversity and the benefits working inclusively can bring.
1. We will increase the number of customers who are actively participating in service design within the organisation. 2. We will ensure that the culture of Provide gives opportunities to individuals and communities we serve to have their voice heard and listened to at every level of the organisation. 3. We will work to ensure services and events are inclusive, relevant, cost effective, meet their users’ needs, improve outcomes and are accessible.
1. All staff include equality, diversity and inclusion approaches in their work with individuals and the communities we serve. 2. Provide will increase its external profile as an organisation that promotes equality within its workforce and the benefits diversity brings for the individuals and communities it serves. 3. All individuals and communities we serve will be supported to recognise discrimination and challenge it within services.
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OBJECTIVE 3 Every manager will ensure that Provide delivers an inclusive working environment that cares for, nurtures and empowers individuals.
KEY OUTCOMES 1. A workplace culture where everyone is treated with respect and dignity and everyone feels valued. 2. Leaders at every level of Provide demonstrate leadership that drives and embeds equality, diversity and inclusion across the organisation. 3. Staff and volunteers are encouraged to develop and agree measurable targets and include them in the annual Performance Development Review process.
Key Outcomes
OBJECTIVE 4 We will improve the diversity of our workforce and strive towards the most senior levels within the organisation reflecting the broadest possible diversity.
KEY OUTCOMES 1. Increased diversity at management levels within the organisation, including at Board level. 2. Accurate monitoring data that evidences an increase in diversity across the organisation between 2017 and 2020. 3. Provide will attract and develop people from the widest social backgrounds, fully realising the benefits of a diverse workforce.
OBJECTIVE 5 By 2020 we will be recognised as the benchmark for equality, diversity and inclusion amongst health and social care community services
KEY OUTCOMES 1. Provide will be in the highest placed Community Health and Social Care Provider in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. 2. Increased employee satisfaction for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, disabled and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning staff, including opportunities for professional and personal development. 3. Provide will attract and retain diverse talent due to having a reputation for an inclusive workplace.
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Provide’s Equality Scheme is owned by the Executive HR and OD Director with the Provide Workforce Steering Group acting in an advisory capacity. The role of the Workforce Steering Group is to monitor progress against the strategy, show leadership in embedding equality, diversity and inclusion and will meet on a quarterly basis. The Workforce Steering Group will scrutinise progress made by each business unit against the scheme objectives and provide an opportunity for challenge and to share good practice. The Group will also identify barriers to progress against the Equality Scheme to drive progress. The Workforce Steering Group will feed into the Quality and Safety Group and the Finance and Risk Committee as appropriate. The Executive HR and OD Director will act as an Executive Inclusion Champion and will promote equalities at the very senior level, raising awareness and supporting the objectives in order for Provide to be a fully inclusive organisation. An annual inclusion report will be provided to the Board to ensure that progress is being tracked and barriers identified.
Governance Arrangements
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Provide recognises the importance of diversity throughout the organisation and regular engagement with the workforce, volunteers and the individuals and communities who use our services. Provide is committed to being a mindful employer, positive about disabled people and is signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant. We are also seeking recognition through the Stonewall Equality Index.
Being an Employer of Choice
Mindful employer We are committed to the mental health of our employees and have signed the Charter for Employers Who Are Positive about Mental Health: www.mindfulemployer.net As an employer we recognise that: People who have mental health issues may have experienced discrimination in recruitment and selection procedures. This may discourage them from seeking employment. Whilst some people will acknowledge their experience of mental health issues in a frank and open way, others fear that stigma will jeopardise their chances of getting a job. Given appropriate support, the vast majority of people who have experienced mental ill health continue to work successfully, as do many with ongoing issues.
Armed Forces Covenant We have signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant that means we:
Positive about Disabled People We are committed to employing disabled people and have been awarded the Positive About Disabled People Two Tick symbol. The accreditation is awarded to employers who demonstrate to the Department for Work and Pensions that they are committed to the employment of disabled people. https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ department-for-work-pensions
Offer guaranteed interviews to veterans, young and old, if they meet the essential selection criteria laid out in a person specification. Recognise military skills and qualifications when interviewing for new positions. Support the employment, where appropriate, of wounded, injured or sick veterans, perhaps by working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP Assist) or through a guaranteed interview scheme.
As an employer that is positive about disabled people, we work to: Challenge attitudes towards disability. Increase understanding of disability. Remove barriers to disabled people and those with long-term health conditions. Ensure that disabled people have the opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations.
Contact details Equality & Diversity Lead Richard Atienza-Hawkes, Executive Human Resources & Organisational Development Director Richard.atienza-hawkes@nhs.net Telephone 01206 587306
Stonewall Equality Index In the next year we will work towards being recognised in the Stonewall Equality Index. The Stonewall Equality Index is the definitive benchmarking tool for employers to measure their progress on lesbian, gay, bi and trans inclusion in the workplace.
If you need this booklet in braille, audio, large print or another language, please contact our Customer Service Team on: 0300 303 9951 / 9952 or by email at: provide.customerservices@nhs.net Provide Corporate Offices 900 The Crescent Colchester Business Park Colchester Essex CO4 9YQ
T: 0300 303 9999 E: provide.enquiries@nhs.net www.provide.org.uk
Correct at time of publication. PBO-2570-1846-02