3 minute read
Looking Forward
This is my final contribution to the Provide Annual Report and it is my job in this section to look forward which, right now, is an incredibly difficult thing to do. What I will say is that I leave you in very good hands and I want to thank each and every one of you for being such wonderful colleagues and friends. It has been the experience and the privilege of my life to lead you. Mark Heasman is the new Chief Executive Officer of Provide and I will leave it to him to write a few words for you looking forward. However, I can say a few things that we have agreed to do before I sign off.

John Niland Chief Executive As we continue to add to our Provide Group by growing our business and purchasing others that complement our existing ones. By doing so we aim to change our governance processes and reporting across our whole group structure to ensure that Provide’s assurance framework for our legal and regulatory accountability is clear. It will enable oversight for the Provide Board of patient safety and risk across the south Essex by establishing a single
entire group structure in a clear and uniform approach through a quality assurance programme of reporting.
We aim to work in multi-disciplinary teams across primary, community and hospital settings to facilitate and lead on the delivery of an integrated community-based care model which supports the physical and mental health the challenges of the past 12 months
of the children and adults that we serve.
We aim to identify services that can be delivered through remote technology, artificial intelligence triaging and digital upgrades. Implementation of the Integrated Shared Care Record (ISCR) will support safe delivery of services ensuring clinically relevant information is available to aid in remote clinical We aim to build on the work of the newly-formed Workforce Solutions Team to improve workforce capacity through targeted recruitment, innovative retention techniques and development of staff through a programme of skills training. This will ensure we have a high performing workforce who are delivering safe and quality services to our patients.
We will play our part in the system reconfiguration with the other community care providers in mid and management structure for out of hospital care in this area. This will allow us to increase team capacity and give some consistency of service across mid and south Essex.
The organisation is in fine fettle despite decision making.
and continues to go from strength to strength. I wish you all the best as you steer your way through what is an extraordinary situation and I know that with the staff and leadership you have, Provide will continue to be outstanding. Farewell.

After six years of sitting on Provide’s Board as a Non-Executive Director, it is a privilege to have been asked to lead such a caring and value-driven organisation and I am honoured to be carrying on the great work that John has done over the years. I am very much looking forward to working with you all, spending time with our services and meeting the community we serve. I am especially excited about the opportunities we have to grow and develop what we do in these exciting new areas as we continue to look to transform lives in the communities in which we work.
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Provide Corporate Offices 900 The Crescent Colchester Business Park Colchester Essex CO4 9YQ T: 0300 303 9999 E: provide.enquiries@nhs.net www.provide.org.uk