Governors Strategy 2024-2027

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it’s my business!

We are the Council of Governors, proudly representing our members in our employee-owned organisation...

20242027 It’s not just my job,

Governors’ Strategy

This document summarises the Provide Community Governors’ Strategy 2024-2027, which sets out how the Council of Governors intend to set their priorities and engage with members of Provide Community over the next three years.


This strategy was developed by:

Reflecting on the achievements of the Governors’ Strategy 2021-2024.

Drawing on the Provide Community Interest Company (CIC) Articles of Association.

Discussion and decisions arising from the Council of Governors meetings.

Responses from the 2023 colleague engagement survey.

Holding a Governor strategy review session attended by members of the Board.

Meeting with other employee-owned organisations to understand their governance procedures around employee ownership.

As Provide CIC is employee-owned, the overall purpose of the strategy is to ensure that there is a planned and well-managed approach to the membership, of which over 99% of our colleagues are members. The key role of the Council of Governors is to engage with, and represent, our members to ensure we make the most of being an employee-owned organisation.

An ambitious, employee-owned social enterprise, growing in size and influence. We transform lives by treating, caring and educating people.

Our Governors’ Strategy Transforming lives

We listen to our members and provide a strong voice representing them at the Board

We create social value by maximising grant giving for the voluntary sector and through our charitable donation initiatives

We collaborate in the communities that we serve across the UK to create long-term impact, enhancing the lives of others

Support Governor Development Delivered by three Strategic Objectives
Underpinned by our values OUR VISION
Engage with our Members Build
our strong partnership with the Board
With responsibility as a Council of Governors for
Our Members
Our Charities
Our Community

The Governors’ 2024-2027

three key objectives

Engage with our Members

Ensure that members feel they have a say in the direction of Provide Community.

We will achieve this by:

Appointing four lead Governors (link, induction, communication, and charity) to work collaboratively together and take responsibility for, and develop, the key Governor activities within their focus areas, as well as maximising engagement with members across the whole organisation.

// Lead Link Governor

• Supporting Governors to have an active link to services across Provide Community, to maintain the links and enhance engagement.

• Liaising with all services across Provide Community to coordinate and facilitate annual Governor visits and collate feedback.

// Lead Induction Governor

• Coordinating the delivery of the Governor information for Corporate Induction and Provide Care Solutions induction, ensuring that the Governor contribution is relevant and compelling.

• Supporting the onboarding of new members from acquisitions.

// Lead Communication Governor

• Leading on all Governor communications including Community Platform updates and Members’ Voice content.

• Developing and distributing content for stakeholder communications and media opportunities, promoting our charitable giving initiative, match funding and community grants, as well as other good news stories.

// Lead Charity Governor

• Leading on the coordination of visits with charities, voluntary sector organisations and services to present charitable donations.

• Encouraging members to use the match funding offer for personal fundraising.

• Following up with all charitable giving, including match funding and community grants, to support the sharing of good news and inform members.


Launching a new strap line to raise awareness of Employee Ownership.

“It’s not just my job, it’s my business”

Celebrating being part of the Employee Ownership Association especially around their annual employee ownership awareness day. Ensuring the voice of our members is heard through the multiple feedback channels and through the Governors annual schedule of service visits.

Working closely with the Colleague Networks (Ethnic Minorities Network, Men’s Network, Disability Network and LGBTQ+ Network) and key colleague groups (Working Well Health Champions, Learning Disability Champions and ‘Freedom to Speak Up’ (Whistleblowing) Champions) to ensure Governors are updated with key information that can be shared to members.

Delivering an ongoing communications strategy, ensuring member information and Governor news is available in different formats.

Continue to be part of the internal communications schedule for Week in Summary and the All Colleague Webinar, distribute regular editions of Members’ Voice, our Governor focused newsletter, and hold bi-monthly Governor drop-in sessions.

Encouraging members to attend our Annual Members Meeting (AMM) and complete the annual colleague engagement survey. Encouraging members to be part of the Provide Community charitable giving initiative, submit match funding and grant requests, and share the impacts our donations have made.

Rewarding members through the outstanding colleague nomination process and our monthly members £100 prize draw.


Build on our strong partnership with the Board

Ensure the Board and the Council of Governors continue to build on their partnership, characterised by collaborative working.

We will achieve this by:

The Chair of Governors representing the Council of Governors at the Board and Provide Leadership Team (PLT), with guest Governors attending each Board meeting to observe.

The Chair and Vice Chair having regular meetings with members of Senior Leadership Team.

All Governors being invited to attend Board, PLT and Governor meetings and away days.

Inviting Senior Leadership Team and Non-Executive Directors to the Governor service visit schedule.


Support Governor Development

Ensure the Council of Governors have the tools and support required to undertake the role to its full potential.

We will achieve this by:

Continuing to develop Governor understanding of how the organisation is run by rotating Governor attendance to observe Board meetings.

Organising and attending Governor away days.

Building a good relationship with the Board by participating in Board and Governor development sessions.

Exploring training and event opportunities for Governors via the Employee Ownership Association and with providers via the Talent and Learning team.

Creating a ‘buddy system’ to support new Governors in their roles whilst giving existing Governors a development opportunity.

Creating a Governor forum within Microsoft Teams for sharing information and building stronger relationships between Governors.

The associated actions for the objectives are set out in the Governors’ Strategy Action Plan 2024-2027 document, which will be monitored by the Council of Governors at their meetings. The strategy and objectives will be reviewed on an annual basis.

To contact the Council of Governors email:

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