React Homecare
CM36 – Over the Counter Medication Policy and Procedure
1. Purpose
1.1 To enable Service Users to have access to non-prescription medicines that are available over the counter (OTC) from pharmacies.
1.2 To meet the legal requirements of the regulated activities that React Homecare is registered to provide:
o The Care Act 2014
o Medicines Act 1968
2. Scope
2.1 The following roles may be affected by this policy:
o Registered Manager
o All staff trained and competent to administer medicines
2.2 The following service users may be affected by this policy:
o Service Users
2.3 The following stakeholders may be affected by this policy:
o Family
o Representatives
o GP
o Pharmacist
3. Objectives
3.1 By use of an agreed list of over-the-counter homely remedy medicines, Care Workers can support Service Users in a timely manner to manage minor ailments on a 'when required' basis for a short-defined period of time.
3.2 Trained Care Workers support Service Users to self-care by enabling the purchase and use of over-the-counter medicines, either at the request of the Service User or their relatives, or on the recommendation of a health care professional.
4. Policy
4.1 React Homecare recognises that in order to offer Service Users treatment for minor ailments with homely remedies, a procedure must be in place for safe practice. By partnership working with Local GPs and Community Pharmacists, an agreed list of medication enables React Homecare staff to support Service Users efficiently.
4.2 React Homecare recognises that in order to support Service Users to selfcare with over-the-counter medicines, a procedure must be in place to ensure that the product is fit for purpose, appropriate for use and that there are safeguards in place to protect the Service User. Changes by NHS England to over the counter medicines that should not be routinely prescribed in primary care may also impact Service Users.
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4.3 During times of a pandemic situation, such as COVID-19, React Homecare also recognises that support must be provided to Service Users in line with government guidelines including social distancing and PPE requirements. Further information in relation to the requirements for Coronavirus can be found in the COVID-19 suite of policies.
5. Procedure
Management of Homely Medicines
o Service Users must not be given any of the Care Worker's own medicines
o The Care Worker must not take 'over-the-counter' (OTC) medication bought for the Service User
o OTC remedies must be stored securely and separately from the Service User's prescribed medicines
o Expiry dates must be checked periodically by Care Workers and ideally only small packs and bottles of the OTC medication will be kept. All liquids and suspensions for internal use must have the date of opening recorded on the bottle and will be discarded no longer than 6 months after this date. Individual preparations may specify a shorter expiry
o Community Pharmacists will be approached by Care Workers for advice on the use of any OTC medication to check doses, any possible interactions with the Service User's prescribed medication, shelf life and storage
5.2 Service Users and Homely Medication
o Where a Service User wishes to take an 'over-the-counter' (OTC) medication, their Community Pharmacist or GP will be contacted for advice if the Service User consents and administration of medication is part of the agreed Care Plan
o The outcome of the discussion must be recorded in the Service User's Care Plan and the OTC medication added to their Medicine Administration Record (MAR)
o Relatives who buy OTC medication for Service Users will be encouraged to contact the GP or Pharmacist for their advice regarding proposed OTC medication
o Service Users must not take homely remedies for more than 48 hours. If symptoms continue their GP must be contacted for advice
o Care Workers must keep a record of the purchase, administration and disposal of any OTC medication
5.3 Recording Administration of an Over-the-Counter Medicine
A record of administration of the OTC medication must be made and will include the following (e.g., by using the back of the MAR):
o The date and time administered
o The name of the Service User
o The name of the OTC medication administered, and the dose given
o The reason for administering the OTC medication and the outcome
o The name and signature of the Care Worker supporting the process
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The Daily Visit Log will be used to document any changes; whilst any concerns about the Service User will be escalated immediately to React Homecare.
5.4 Supporting Service Users to Self-Care
Service Users will be supported by the Care Worker to self-care, including access to over the counter (OTC) medicines. The request for an OTC product may come from:
o A GP or other health care professional, recommending a specific product to treat a minor aliment
o The Service User or their relatives
5.5 GP or other Health Care Professional Request for OTC Self-Care Medicine
Care Workers must ask the GP/Health Care Professional to check potential interactions with the Service User's prescribed medicines.
Care Workers will record verbal or written instructions in the Service User's Care Plan to include:
o Dose and directions for use
o Period of treatment
o How long the condition should take to resolve, and what actions to take if it does not resolve
5.6 Service User or Relative Request for OTC Self-Care Medicine
Care Workers must ask a pharmacist (or GP) to check the potential interactions with the Service User's prescribed medicines and suitability for the ailment being treated.
If the product has been supplied by the Service User or their relatives, Care Workers must check that:
o The product is in date
o The product is in good condition
If the Service User lacks mental capacity to make decisions, Care Workers must ask the GP to confirm that the medicine is appropriate and necessary.
Care Workers must record details in the Service User's Care Plan (referring to the Patient Information Leaflet enclosed in the medicine pack) to include:
o Dose and directions
o Period of treatment
o What actions to take if the condition is not resolved
5.7 Use of OTC Medication Over 48 Hours
If OTC medication is required for regular treatment (over 48 hours), a prescription must be obtained from the GP. React Homecare will check that current treatment is not causing the problem by seeking advice from the Community Pharmacist/GP at the dispensing practice with consent from the Service User, if necessary.
React Homecare will ensure that any warnings and directions from the manufacturer are available and strictly followed. The Patient Information Leaflet, if available, will be retained in the Service User's home.
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6. Definitions
6.1 Homely Remedy
o A product that can be purchased (e.g., from a pharmacy or supermarket) for the relief of a minor, self-limiting ailment without the need for a prescription. This is also called an over-the-counter medication
6.2 Coronavirus (COVID-19)
o Novel coronavirus is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, China. The virus was named severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease it causes is called COVID19
6.3 Pandemic
o A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease, COVID-19 was characterised as a Pandemic on 11th March 2020
Key Facts
– Professionals
Professionals providing this service should be aware of the following:
Over-the-counter medication will be stored separately from other medication and expiry dates monitored
Purchased self-care OTC medicines will be checked for potential interactions with prescribed medicines by an appropriate health care professional, before the Service User uses them
Over-the-counter medication will not be taken for longer than 48 hours without consulting a GP
React Homecare will confirm with the Pharmacist, if a Service User wishes to take OTC medication, that the OTC medication will not affect the prescribed medication
Service User consent is required to discuss a Service User's medication with another health professional
Any use of over-the-counter medication for Service Users must be recorded on the Medication Administration Record
Key Facts
- People Affected by the Service
People affected by this service should be aware of the following:
You will be able to use over-the-counter medication for a short period of time after a discussion with your GP
You will be supported to self-care and should be able to obtain over-thecounter medicines to use where it is safe to do so
9. Further Reading
We recommend that you add to your understanding in this policy area by considering the following materials:
Care Quality Commission - Medicines: information for adult social care services:
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NHS - Overview: Medicine’s information:
10.Outstanding Practice
To be ‘outstanding’ in this policy area you could provide evidence that:
The Care Plan reflects the level of medication support required and consent is recorded
Clear and concise records of administration and evidence of audit is taking place
Care Workers are working closely with other members of the multidisciplinary team
Regular date checking of over-the-counter medication takes place
Evidence of provision of support to self-care
Date Policy Reviewed
24th May 2017
12th March 2019
30th October 2019
9th April 2020
29th April 2021
Signature of Reviewer
D Woolley
D Woolley
D Woolley
D Woolley
D Woolley