CP008 - Service Users' Handbook

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Service User’s Handbook

Reviewed and Updated: November 2019 February 2020

Part 1 – Welcome to React Homecare

 Welcome

 Background of React Homecare

Part 2 – React Homecare’s Statement of Purpose

 Aims & Objectives of React Homecare

 Details of the Registered Provider and Registered Manager

 Staff details

 Description of our Services and facilities

 Communications

 Making a Complaint

 Complaints Form

 Safeguarding Service Users from Abuse

 Privacy & Dignity

Part 3 – The Service User’s Guide

 Care Philosophy, Principles and Value

 Standards that you can expect

 Seeking a service

 Key policies and procedures

 Structure

If you require a copy of this handbook in large print, or in a language other than English, please ask any member of staff.


Welcome to React Homecare

On behalf of React Homecare, and all of our staff, we welcome you, your family and your friends. We hope that you will be happy with the services provided by us and will continue to enjoy your current recreational and social pastimes and contacts in addition to those which we may be able to offer you after joining us.

We will regularly review the service we provide to you to ensure that you are completely satisfied and also to ensure that the package of care we provide meets your needs. If not, we will revise your care plan in order to accommodate your change of circumstance. We will do this in full consultation with yourself and if appropriate, and with your permission, your family and/or friends.

The Background of React Homecare

React Homecare have been delivering domiciliary care for approximately 15 years and cover many areas of the UK, including North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, The Midlands, Derbyshire, Cheshire and Staffordshire. We have extensive experience of delivering care to adults over the age of 18 and we have staff fully trained to care for people with learning and physical disabilities, sensory impairments, people with dementia, people recovering from operations who require rehabilitation care, people who are dependent on alcohol and drugs, end of life care and care for the elderly frail person who needs assistance with their day to day living and personal care. We are fully aware that there is a social aspect to care in the community and to this end we accompany service users to social events, visits to family and friends, shopping trips and any appointments they may wish to make. We also carry out practical tasks to ensure the service user's homes are kept as they wish and how they choose to live. We have experience of working in rural areas and recruit staff that are familiar with the outlying areas.

React Homecare’s Statements of Purpose

AIMS & OBJECTIVES of React Homecare

We aim to provide our service users with a comprehensive service of care of the highest quality within their home environment.

We strive to offer a flexible, efficient and professional service which is tailored to meet each persons individual needs whilst at the same time incorporating their choices and wishes.

We will treat each service user with respect and remain sensitive to his/her individual needs and abilities and aim to promote the service user's independence, personal dignity and human rights at all times. We will do this by:

 Offering fully trained and skilled carers to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.

 Treating all people supported by us and all people who work for us with respect at all times.

 Upholding the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit us and of all Service Users. Supporting individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all Service Users. Respecting and encouraging the right of independence of all Service Users.

 Recognising the individual uniqueness of service users, staff and visitors, and treat them with dignity and respect at all times.

 Respecting individual requirement for privacy at all times and treating all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.

 Recognising the individual need for personal fulfilment and offering individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of Service Users and staff.

Services offered:

Personal Care

Domestic Duties


Social Outings

Escorting to Appointments

Night Sitting Services

Shopping 24 Hour Care

Collecting Prescriptions Palliative Care

Medication Monitoring

Respite Sitting Services

Dementia Care

React Homecare

Fairdale House

Enterprise Close


NG21 0RS Tel No: 01623 332006

CQC Provider Registration No: 1-664763883

Nominated Individual: Sarah Spence


CQC Location No: 1-4522276375

Registered for Personal Care

Registered Manager: Sarah Spence

Unit 3, Langley House

Wykeham Business Centre



YO13 9QD

Tel No: 01723 282888


CQC Location No: 1-6824359119

Registered for Personal Care

Registered Manager: Sarah Spence

57 Beckett Road



Tel No: 01302 590590


CQC Location No: 1-5683600275

Registered for Personal Care

Registered Manager: Sarah Spence 2 Hardy Street



S80 1EH

Tel No: 01909 261221


CQC Location No: 1-3236490831

Registered for Personal Care

Registered Manager: Sarah Spence

Station House




CW12 3JR

Tel No: 01260 720009

Satellite Office React Homecare


Unit 2 Borough House Business Centre

Borough Road

Gallowfields Trading Estate


North Yorkshire DL10 4SX

Telephone number – 01748 349009

Satellite Office React Homecare


First Floor 2 Wrawby Street


DN20 8JW

Tel No: 01652 284005

Satellite Office React Homecare


Unit 2b 11-13 Eagle Parade


Derbyshire SK17 6EQ

Tel No: 01298 27437

A list of current staff and their qualifications is available on request. The staff allocated to support you will be chosen in order to match their skills with your needs, and also to minimise travelling distances in order to support good time attendance. In addition to the direct support staff the Registered Manager is available Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am – 5pm. Outside these hours’ contact can be made with the Registered Manager in an emergency situation. In certain circumstances, the manager may be included within the staffing levels described. Staffing levels may be changed at the discretion of the Manager if there are particular needs. Care staff work on a rota system which ensures that the service is staffed by the appropriate number and skill mix, including weekends and public holidays. New employees are inducted to National Training Organisation standards within 12 weeks of employment. We manage and train our employees with the aim that all of our carers achieve QCF Diploma Level 2. All employees receive annual training in health and safety matters such as moving and handling, fire awareness, adult protection issues, and a range of other areas appropriate to their work.

We provide services to the following service user bands:

 People over the age of 18

 Learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder

 Mental health

 Physical disability

 Sensory impairment

 Dementia

 People who misuse drugs and alcohol

 People with an eating disorder

We provide the following Care and Support Services:

 Alzheimer's


 Autism

 Cancer Care

 Palliative Care

 Cerebal Palsy

 Epilepsy

 Head/Brain Injury

 Auditory Impairment

 Motor Neurone Disease

 Multiple Sclerosis

 Parkinson's Disease

 Schizophrenia

 Stroke

 Visual Impairment

 Speech Impairment

 Convalescence

 Respite Care

Care Plans are reviewed annually on an individual basis, according to assessed need, or sooner if the need arises.

React Homecare has a policy of promoting the maintenance of Service Users’ normal social networks and social activities. The Service User’s Care Plan includes a facility for recording life history, social networks and contacts, and preferences for activities and hobbies in order that the Service User is offered access to those networks and activities which are appropriate and desired.

Making a Complaint and Giving Compliments:

Complaints should, in the first instance, be directed to the Registered Manager at your local branch. If you would like to take a complaint further, please contact our Managing Director, Stuart Carlton on:

01623 332006

We believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of the quality of our service, and an opportunity to improve that quality. We assure all Service Users that no-one will be victimised for making a complaint, and we encourage Service Users to instigate the complaints procedure whenever they feel that this is necessary. We do not wish to confine complaints to major issues. We encourage Service Users to comment when relatively minor matters are a problem to them, such as receiving cold food, or being kept waiting without explanation, or being spoken to in a manner that they do not like. It is our policy that all matters which disturb or upset a Service User should be reported, recorded, and corrective action should be taken. Only in that way can we work towards meeting our aim of continuously improving our service.

Our commitments are that:

 All complaints will be taken seriously;

 All complaints will be acted upon with fairness and impartiality;

 You will receive a response within three working days of the complaint being made, and a final reply within 28 days;

 If the complaint is upheld, you will receive a written apology and appropriate action will be taken to rectify the complaint, and you will be informed of what that action is.

Service Users are entitled to involve an impartial third party in the complaint procedure if they so wish. Service Users and their representatives may take their complaints to persons in authority outside the company. For Service Users funded all or in part by Social Services or the Primary Care Trust, complaints may in the first instance be directed to them. For privately funded clients, a range of advocacy services are available locally and they will be happy to help you deal with the complaint. In the event of a serious issue and complaint, you should contact the CQC or the Local Ombudsman.


North Lincolnshire County Council

Customer Service

Church Square House

30-40 High Street


DN15 6NL

Tel. No: 01724 297000

Care Quality Commission (CQC)

National Correspondence Citygate, Gallowgate

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel. No: 03000 616161

Local Ombudsman PO Box 4771



Tel. No: 03000 610614


Service Users have the right to access external agents who will act in their interests to help them solve problems, discuss concerns etc. The Registered Manager will be happy to provide information on local advocacy groups and other support networks.

Some of those currently known to us are:

Age UK Cheshire East New Horizons Centre Henderson Street Macclesfield SK11 6RA

Tel: 01625 612958

Email: enquiries@ageukcheshireeast.org

Advocacy Alliance (Scarborough, Whitby, Ryedale) Office 28 The Street 12 Lower Clark Street Scarborough YO12 7PW

Telephone: 01723 363910

Email: office@scarboroughadvocacy.co.uk

Bassetlaw MIND 6 Hardy Street Worksop S80 1EH

Telephone: 01909 476075

Email: hello@bassetlawmind.org.uk

North Yorkshire Advocacy Elizabeth House Barker Business Park Melmerby Ripon North Yorkshire

Telephone: 01609 778652

Email: admin@nyadvocacy.org

Other documents:

Peaks & Dales Advocacy 16 Eagle Parade Buxton Derbyshire SK17 6EQ

Tel: 01298 79539

Email: padaf@btconnect.com

Voice Ability 24-26 Wood Street, Doncaster, DN1 3LW

Telephone: 01302 319052

Email: doncaster@voiceability.org

Cloverleaf Advocacy Ashby Clinic Collum Lane Scunthorpe North Lincolnshire DN16 2SZ

Telephone: 01724 854952

Email: northlincs@cloverleaf.advocacy.co.uk

You are invited to review the latest CQC inspection report on the establishment, and the latest summary of Service Users’ and Service Users families’ views on the Services offered. These are not included in this pack because they rapidly become out of date. A copy of each will be given to you on request to the Registered Manager.

React Homecare Complaints Form


Details of complaint:

The outcome that you expect:

Your name: Signed:

Date received:

Received by (sign):

Safeguarding Service User’s from Abuse

If you are being abused or know someone who you think may be being abused, call North Lincolnshire Safeguarding Team on:

01724 297000

Service Users have the right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. React Homecare therefore have a zero-tolerance policy on all types of abuse.

We will work with Service Users and others involved in their care, to ensure Service Users receive the support and protection they may require; that they are listened to and treated with respect (including their property, possessions and personal information) and that they are treated with compassion and dignity.

Our robust governance processes will make sure that staff working for and on behalf of React Homecare recognise and respond to the main forms of abuse. People who require care and support i.e. older people, people with disabilities, are more likely to be abused or neglected. They may be less likely to identify abuse themselves or to report it. Sometimes people may not even be aware that they are being abused, and this is especially likely if they have a cognitive impairment. Abusers may try to prevent access to the person they abuse.

Everybody has the right to live a life that is free from harm and abuse. React Homecare recognises that safeguarding adults at risk of abuse or neglect is everybody's business. React Homecare aims to ensure that all adults at risk of abuse or neglect are enabled to live and work, be cared for and supported in an environment free from abuse, harassment, violence or aggression.

React Homecare's safeguarding policies and procedures will dovetail with the local multi-agency policy and procedures, which we understand take precedence over React Homecare's policy and procedure.

All allegations of abuse will be reported to the local safeguarding team and a full investigation will be completed. We are also required by law, to inform the CQC of any allegations of abuse. If necessary, the Police will also be informed. We recognise our responsibilities in relation to confidentiality and we will always share information appropriately.

Signs of abuse can often be difficult to detect. The following pages aim to help people who come into contact with people with care and support needs to identify abuse and recognise possible indicators. Many types of abuse are also criminal offences and should be treated as such.

ABUSE – Types, Signs and Indicators

There are 10 types of abuse and neglect that cause harm as identified in the Care Act 2014.

Type of Abuse Examples Signs/Indicators

Physical Abuse Assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication, inappropriate restraint

Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse includes rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting to.

Domestic Abuse

Modern Slavery

Threatening behaviour, violence or abuse

(psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality.

Slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment

 Unexplained injuries

 Broken bones

 Bruises

 Unexplained loss of clumps of hair

 Bite, burn or scald marks

 Pain, sores and bruising around the inner thighs and genital, anal or breast areas.

 Bloodstained underwear.

 Pain and discomfort when walking or sitting.

 Sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy are indicators for sexual activity and can indicate abuse if the person does not have the capacity to provide consent.

 Low self-esteem

 Feeling that the abuse is their fault when it is not

 Physical evidence and humiliation in front of others

 Far of outside intervention

 Isolation – not seeing friends and family

 Limited access to money.

 Signs of physical or psychological abuse

 Being malnourished, unkempt or withdrawn

 Isolation from the community, seemingly under the control and influence of others,

 Living in dirty, cramped or overcrowded accommodation and or living and working at the

Financial or material Abuse


The use of a person’s funds and belongings without their permission. This could be theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection to wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

The omission to act or failure to act. Ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or educational services and the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating

same address

 Having few or no personal belongings or documents.

 Avoiding eye contact,

 Appearing frightened or hesitant to talk to strangers and law enforcers.

 Bills not being paid.

 Loss of assets such as a house being sold and the money from the sale disappearing.

 Expenditure higher than the living conditions suggest.

 Not having enough food or clothing.

Self-neglect A person’s failure or refusal to take care of their own basic needs.

Indicators of neglect by others and of self-neglect are similar. They include:

 Poor environment - dirty clothing and bedding

 Poor physical condition and/or personal hygiene

 Pressure sores or ulcers

 Malnutrition/dehydration or unexplained weight loss

 Inconsistent or reluctant contact with medical and social care organisations

 Accumulation of untaken medication

 Uncharacteristic failure to engate in social interaction

Indicators of neglect by others and of self-neglect are similar. They include:

 Malnutrition and/or dehydration

 Unkempt appearance

 Lack of essential food, clothing or shelter

 Living in squalid or unsanitary conditions

 Hoarding

Phycological abuse

Organisational Abuse

It includes emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks.

This happens where services are provided which are focused on the needs of the organisation. Discouraging visits or the involvement of relatives or friends. Lack of leadership and supervision. High turnover of staff resulting in poor quality care. Not offering choice or promoting independence. Misuse of medication. Not taking account of individual’s cultural, religious or ethnic needs. Failure to respond to abuse appropriately and failure to respond to complaints

 Non-compliance with health or care services

 Inability or unwillingness to take medication or treat illness or injury

 An air of silence when a particular person is present

 Withdrawal or change in the psychological state of the person

 Lack of confidence

 Low self-esteem

 Disturbed sleep.

 Uncooperative and aggressive behaviour

 A change of appetite, weight loss/gain

 Signs of distress, tearfulness, anger

 Apparent false claims, by someone involved with the person, to attract unnecessary treatment

 Lack of flexibility and choice for people using the service

 Inadequate staff levels

 People being hungry or dehydrated

 Poor record keeping and missing documents

 Absence of individual care plans

 Poor care standards

 Lack of staff learning, development and support.

Discriminatory Abuse

Refers to an individual or group being treated unequally because of characteristics identified in the Equality Act 2010. It involves ignoring a person’s values, beliefs and culture and includes forms of harassment, slurs or

 The person appears withdrawn and isolated

 Expressions of anger, frustration, fear or anxiety

 Poor service that does not meet the person’s needs

 Verbal abuse and disrespect

 Exclusion of people from activities and/or services

treatment because of race, sex, gender reassignment, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or similar belief, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity.

Professional Boundaries

React Homecare recognises that it is important for their staff to establish a rapport with Service Users and provide friendly, caring and accessible services.

The rights and needs of Service Users and their families and friends will be respected at all times. However, it is acknowledged within React Homecare that the relationship between the Service User and Care Worker is not one of equal balance. React Homecare understands that the relationship with Service Users must focus solely upon meeting the needs of the Individual. It is not established to build personal or social contacts for staff. Moving the focus of care away from meeting the needs of individuals or those who care for them, towards meeting the member of staff's own needs is an unacceptable abuse of power.

This power must not be abused at any time. It is essential, therefore, that all interactions between Service Users, their families and React Homecare staff must be in the context of a professional relationship. Staff will therefore have a clear framework within which to provide care. React Homecare will make it clear that the responsibility to maintain professional boundaries rests with individual members of staff.

We recognise that a member of staff may develop an attachment towards a particular Service User or Service Users and while this may be natural, React Homecare staff or those engaged in work on our behalf, must ensure that this does not lead to a breach of professional boundaries. We take the breach of personal and professional boundaries very seriously and failure to follow this policy may result in disciplinary action. Breaches of professional boundaries may require investigation under React Homecare's Safeguarding procedures, and we will ensure we dovetail with any local policies and procedures alerting CQC and Local Authorities Safeguarding Teams without delay.

Privacy and Dignity:

We aim to respect your privacy and dignity at all times. Please speak out, or speak to the supervisor or Registered Manager if your privacy or dignity is not being respected

Service Users’ privacy:

All Service Users have the right to be alone or undisturbed and to be free from public attention or intrusion into their private affairs. The staff of React Homecare are guests in the home of the Service User.

 Staff will enter a Service User’s property and rooms within the property only with express consent.

 Staff of React Homecare will respect the rights of Service User’ to make telephone calls without being overheard or seen by a worker.

 Records will be designed, used and stored so as to assure privacy. Legislative controls over records, such as the Data Protection Act, will be adhered to, and the Service User’s explicit permission in writing will be sought before information is passed to any person other than those directly concerned with the care of the Service User.

 Records will be made available to the Service User’s principal Carer and family according to the wishes of the Service User.

Service User’s dignity:

Your dignity is a matter of prime importance to us, and all staff receive training in this area. You will be asked for the name by which you wish to be addressed, and this name will be recorded on your Care Plan and used by all staff. You are perfectly entitled to ask that your principal carers use one name, and others use another name. The level of familiarity is under your control. In the absence of information to the contrary, staff will address you formally, using your title and surname.

Staff are trained to be sensitive to your feelings when in company.

React Homecare seeks to reduce any feelings of vulnerability which Service Users may have as a result of disability or illness.


This guide will provide you with an overview of React Homecare and how they can support you in maintaining your independence in your own home.

React Homecare Philosophy of Care

 All people supported by and who work at React Homecare and all people who visit will be treated with respect at all times.

 We aim to offer skilled carers to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.

 We uphold the human and citizenship rights of all Service Users and all who work and visit us. Individual choice and personal decision-making are the right of all Service Users and will be supported by all the people who work at React Homecare.

 The right of independence will be respected and encouraged for all Service Users.

 The individual uniqueness of Service Users, staff and visitors will be recognised and these people will be treated with dignity and respect at all times.

 The individual requirement for privacy will be respected at all times and all information relating to individuals will be treated in a confidential manner.

 We recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and aim to offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy the needs of Service Users and staff.

Principles and Values of React Homecare

React Homecare is committed to supporting vulnerable people so that they can continue their lives with dignity and independence and be participating members of their own communities.

React Homecare is committed to meeting the needs of those people entrusted to our care. Usually we see no conflict between meeting the needs of Service Users and those of workers. Where such conflict exists, the needs of Service Users must take precedence. The basic principles underlying our support to vulnerable people include:

Privacy - The care worker recognises your right to be left alone, undisturbed and free from intrusion and public attention. You have the right to privacy with regard to both your personal affairs and belongings. Written permission will be sought for access to your records.

Confidentiality of Information - Your rights to confidentiality will be safeguarded. The care worker will not disclose any personal information about you to a third party unless this has been agreed with you. Agreement to disclose information should only be sought if it is for your benefit, e.g. for the purpose of assisting in your support.

Fulfilment of Aspirations - Your social, emotional, cultural, political and sexual needs are accepted and respected.

Consultation - You will be consulted about daily living arrangements and enabled to participate in discussions about any proposed changes to those arrangements. You will be fully involved in and fully informed, with respect to the individual assessment of your support needs. You have a right to be involved in a careful and thorough assessment of your needs and wishes, and to be

informed of the outcome. React Homecare’s commitment will be to find the best and most costeffective way of meeting your needs and aspirations.

You will be supported to make informed choices about the future, this will be incorporated into your Care plan.

Personal Choice - Your carer will support you to exercise your personal choice in opportunities and lifestyle. The carer will ensure that you are central to all decisions being made. If, for reasons of mental frailty, you are not able to participate fully in Service User Planning, consideration will nevertheless be given to your wishes, as far as these are expressed and are practical. We welcome designated advocates in this context. Account will also be taken of the needs and rights of carers to lead their lives without unreasonable levels of demand and stress.

Review – We will regularly review your individual circumstances and will invite all the appropriate people to the review i.e. family members, district nurses etc.

Services Information - You will be fully informed about the Services provided by React Homecare.

Legal Rights - You will be fully informed about your legal rights.

Medication - You will be fully informed about your medication needs and supported in making decisions in relation to medical treatment whenever possible.

Family and Friends - You will be supported to maintain access to family, friends, facilities and the overall community.

Complaints - You will have access to a formal complaints procedure and will be able to be represented by a friend or adviser if you so wish.

Supporting your Independence - You will be supported to take risks on the basis of your own, informed opinion. You will have the opportunity to think, act and make decisions. This will include the capacity to incur a degree of calculated risk.

The principles outlined above must be guided by prior commitments imposed by health and safety or statutory Requirements.

Standards that you can expect:

The below standards are from the Care Quality Commission leaflet ‘What standards you have a right to expect from the regulation of agencies that provide care in your own home’.

 To be involved and told what’s happening at every stage of your treatment

 You (or someone acting on your behalf) will be involved in discussions about your care, treatment and support.

 You will get support if you need it to help you make decisions and staff will respect your privacy and dignity.

 Before you receive any examination, care, treatment or support, you will be asked whether or not you agree to it.

 Care, treatment and support that meets your needs

 Your personal needs will be assessed to make sure you get safe and appropriate care that supports your rights.

 You will get the care that you and your social care professional agree will make a difference to your health and wellbeing.

 Your care needs are coordinated if you move from one care provider to another.

 Staff respect your cultural background, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief and your disability if you have one.

 To be safe when using a service

 You will be protected from abuse or the risk of abuse, and staff will respect your human rights.

 If your home care agency is providing nursing care, you will get the medicines you need, when you need them, and in a safe way.

 To be cared for by staff with the right skills to do their jobs properly

 You will be cared for by staff who have the knowledge, skills and experience needed to meet your health and welfare needs.

 You will be looked after by staff who are well managed and have the chance to develop and improve their skills.

 Your home care agency routinely checks the quality of its services

 The managers of your home care agency continuously monitor the quality of their services to make sure you receive the support you need.

 Your personal records will be accurate and kept safe and confidential.

 You or someone acting on your behalf can complain and will be listened to. Your complaint will be dealt with properly.

Seeking a Service:

The first step is to arrange for us to visit you in your own home. The Registered Manager will discuss with you your individual requirements and the range of Services we are able to provide at React Homecare. This process will be formalised into an assessment of your needs, which should form the basis for a decision by both you and React Homecare as to whether the necessary service can be provided. In common with all records regarding Service Users, the assessment(s) will be made with your full knowledge and cooperation, and the records will be shown to you and be available to you at any time.

The Registered Manager or one of our team will visit you in your home, or in hospital if necessary, and develop a Care Plan which illustrates and reviews how your family and our staff gain an understanding of how we can use our skills for an overall improvement to your health and wellbeing.

During this assessment, we will establish your preferred name, personal circumstances, personal history, and social and medical circumstances. Your psychological and physical capabilities will also be assessed.

Previous work and hobbies, preferences with regard to activities and food will be noted and a personal programme of support and/or care devised according to your wishes.

The Registered Manager will be the main point of contact for you and your principal carers/relatives, and will be available to answer any questions, to support your daily care routine and to simply have a chat with you whenever you so wish. They will also arrange for meetings to review your Care Plan periodically with you and your family or friends, and to measure the progress of your Care programme.

Key Policies and Procedures:


Our policy is that any information about you is strictly confidential and that maintaining a position of trust in this regard is paramount. However, because some information is relevant to providing quality support, such information will be shared with members of staff who may be supporting you. Visiting professionals and visitors requiring information will be referred in the first instance to the Registered Manager. You or, where appropriate, your principal Carer will be consulted where appropriate before information is released.

Information about you will be stored both in paper form and on our computer programme. Both forms are treated in the same, strictly confidential way.

Information about you is needed in order to enable staff to provide proper support and treatment. Some of the information may also be used for other purposes, such as:

 Making sure our services meet your needs.

 Helping staff to review the support they provide to you to help them achieve the highest standards.

 Investigating complaints or legal claims.

 Auditing of our services.

Sometimes information about you needs to be passed on to other agencies or organisations, for example if you are receiving care or support from a GP or hospital. The types of organisations with whom we may share information about you are:

 GPs.

 District nurses.

 Other health professionals.

 Social workers.

 Care Quality Commission.

Gifts, Wills and Other Documents

All employees are expressly forbidden to act as witnesses to the signature of any documents such as wills and testaments. Neither employees nor the service may be a beneficiary under a Will of any past or present Service User. Gifts to staff are subject to disclosure to the Registered Manager and may be refused on the basis of conflict of interest.

Service User’s Personal Fulfilment

The aim of React Homecare is to actively help you to lead a fulfilling life within the limits of your abilities and wishes, and to recognise and cater for you should you wish not to be active or socialise.

Staff will take an interest in things that you have done in the past and discuss current interests, particularly those you wish to retain. They will assist you in developing skills and following your interests.

You will be central to the devising of your Care Plans. A family member, friend or external advocate may also be involved as is considered appropriate. Staff will endeavour at all times to create a stimulating environment and to focus on maximising your potential. They will attend to your complete needs irrespective of how your disabilities may affect them. You are an equal and

unique human being and will be offered help and services according to your own unique needs, irrespective of race, gender, sexuality, culture or state of health.

Risk Taking & Risk Management

The assessment of risk is addressed as part of the commencement of service process for each person and the results are integrated into the Care Plan. By this process of integration your views, the views of the principal carer, family members and professional advisors will be fully taken into account, as part of the participative Care Planning process.

The following checklist of issues forms the basis of the risk management assessment. Each issue will be discussed in detail and those discussions will be recorded and will determine the way in which React Homecare aims to undertake to meet your wishes:

 Privacy;

 Visitors;

 Attendance at clubs and centres;

 Going to places of worship and other activities;

 Engaging in leisure and recreational pursuits;

 Carrying identification;

 Bathing;

 Use of stairs;

 Degree of independence;

 Seeking help in an emergency.

Equal Opportunities

You have the right to practice your beliefs, religion or culture without constraint by restrictive or discriminatory practice.

Complaints of discriminatory practice will be thoroughly investigated, and the results of the investigation made known to the complainant.

All complaints will be recorded in such a way as to highlight repeated problems.

Inappropriate Behaviour

Inappropriate behaviour is the systematic maltreatment, or physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse of one person by another.

React Homecare is committed to preventing inappropriate behaviour and if you, a carer, friend or relative has any concerns in this area, they should discuss this immediately with a senior staff member or use the formal complaints procedure.

You, your principal carers and relatives will be kept informed of the progress of the investigation into any complaint.

React Homecare – Structure


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