Fit and Proper Persons Policy and Procedure
Ratified by: People, Culture and Remuneration Committee
Date ratified: 24/05/2022
Job Title of author: Joanne Dickman, HR Business Partner
Reviewed by Committee or Expert Group Staff Partnership Forum and People and Culture Steering Group
Equality Impact Assessed by: Joanne Dickman, HR Business Partner
Related procedural documents
HRPOL13 – Professional Registration Policy
HRPOL11 – Recruitment & Selection Policy
HRPOL7 – Recruitment of Ex-Offenders and DBS Policy
Review date: 24/05/2025
This is an NHSLA policy. Consult with the Governance Department before you make changes to this document.
It is the responsibility of users to ensure that you are using the most up to date document template – i.e. obtained via the intranet
In developing/reviewing this policy Provide Community has had regard to the principles of the NHS Constitution Version: V3
Version Control Sheet
Version Date Author Status Comment
v1 February 2015 Executive Director of HR & OD Ratified New
v2 February 2018 Head of HR Approved by SPF 01.05.18 Ratified by FRC 31.05.2018
V3 February 2022 HR BP Ratified
1. Introduction
commitment to quality and safety must be reflected in the work and conduct of all its employees.
1.2 This policy lays out the requirements related to Regulation 5 of the Health & Social Care Act - Fit & Proper Persons (FPPR).
1.3 Regulation 5 recognises that individuals who have authority in organisations that deliver care are responsible for the overall quality and safety of that care. For the purpose of these regulations, these individuals are board directors, board members and individuals who perform the functions equivalent to the functions of a board director and member. This regulation is about ensuring that registered providers have individuals who are fit and proper to carry out the important role of Director to make sure that providers meet the existing requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.
2. Scope
2.1 The Fit and Proper Person check process will need to be followed by all Provide Group Companies delivering health and social care services in all Board appointments, including non-executive appointments, in order to give adequate assurance to the Board and the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
2.2 The regulations state that providers must not appoint a person to a Board post unless they are a fit and proper person. Providers must also ensure that during the course of their employment, the person is not unfit. The FPPR applies to all Directors and “equivalents”. The FPPR will apply regardless of a Director’s voting rights on a Board, and will apply to permanent, interim & associate positions (providing they are members of the Board). The Regulations will not therefore apply to those staff who have “Assistant or Associate Director” in their job title but who are not members of the Board.
For the sake of clarity, the Provide CIC positions to which these regulations currently apply are the company directors, who are:
• Chair of the Board
• Non-Executive Directors
• Group Chief Executive
• Group Chief Finance Officer
• CEO, Health and Chief Nurse
• Group Chief People Officer
• Group Chief Commercial Officer
and those other directors who attend Board meetings. These currently are:
• Chair of the Council of Governors
• Director, Delivery and Partnerships
• Chief Medical Director
• Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals
This list will be kept under regular review.
3. Key Principles
3.1 To be a fit and proper person, a person must meet all of the following:
• be of good character1;
• have the qualifications, skills and experience necessary for the office or position2;
• be capable by reason of their health of properly performing tasks intrinsic to their office or position;
• not have been responsible for, privy to, contributed to or facilitated any misconduct or mismanagement (whether unlawful or not) in the course of discharging functions relating to their office or position previously3
• Not be prohibited from holding the office or position
3.2 A person will be deemed unfit if they have/are:
• within the preceding 5 years been convicted in the UK of any criminal offence (or elsewhere if committed in the UK would be a criminal offence), and;
• been sentenced to a period of imprisonment (suspended or not), of not less than 3 months (without the option of a fine), and;
• on appeal the conviction has not been quashed nor the sentence reduced to a sentence other than a sentence of imprisonment, or sentence of imprisonment of less than 3 months (suspended or not);
• an undischarged bankrupt;
• is subject to bankruptcy restrictions;
• has made a composition or arrangement with creditors and has not been discharged in respect of it;
1 This requirement is not absolute. However, in determining whether a Director is “of good character”, the FPPR state that consideration should be given as to whether:
• the person has been convicted in the UK of any offence; or
• the person has been erased, removed or struck-off a register of professionals maintained by a regulator of health care or social work professionals
2 Directors need to have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed by them. This requirement is not absolute, and involves an element of judgement. Although the FPPR make no differentiation between “qualifications”, “competence”, “skills”, and “experience”, the CQC guidance makes it clear that providers may consider appointing an individual to a role based on their qualifications, skills and experience with the expectation that they will develop specific competence to undertake the role within a specified timeframe
3 This applies to any previous misconduct or incompetence in a previous role for a service provider, even if the individual was working in a more junior capacity at that time (or working outside England). Again, judgement is required, though the CQC guidance provides definitions of “Serious misconduct or mismanagement”, “Responsible for, contributed to or facilitated”, and “Privy to”, to assist such judgements
• is included in the children’s or adults’ barred list under Section 2 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (and equivalent in Scotland/Northern Ireland)
• displayed persistent behaviours that contravene the Dignity at Work Policy
4. Key Responsibilities
4.1 Employees
Employees in roles for whom this policy applies to, are expected to comply with the requirements of this policy
4.2 Managers
Managers are responsible for raising awareness of this policy within their own business units, where appropriate and will highlight changes to the post holders, whose role falls within the remit of this policy. In addition, they are expected to comply with the requirements of this policy
4.3 Directors
All Directors are responsible for identifying and ensuring the development of documents relevant to their area of responsibility. The Group Chief People Officer is accountable to the Group Chief Executive and the Provide Board for ensuring this policy is implemented and associated documents become active documents within the Provide CIC Group.
Directors will ensure that this policy is appropriately consulted upon and that all resource implications are highlighted and funding identified. They will ensure that their Senior Managers are informed of progress.
Group Chief Executive
The Group Chief Executive has overall responsibility for the strategic and operational management of Provide which includes ensuring that this policy & associated documents comply with all legal and statutory requirements.
The Provide CIC Board
The Provide Board is responsible for setting the strategic context in which organisational documents are developed, and for ensuring the formal review and approval of documents takes place.
In addition, the Chair of the Board has responsibility to ensure that the Fit & Proper Persons Regulations (FPPR) are adhered to for both new and current appointments. Providers must take necessary and proportionate action to ensure the office/position is held by an individual who meets the requirements, and must also inform the relevant regulator (if appropriate).
5. Procedure / Implementation
5.1 Provide currently has a clear recruitment & selection policy (HRPOL11 Recruitment and Selection Policy) which lays out the policy and the mandatory employment checks for all Provide recruits, in accordance with the NHS Employment Check Standards. The requirements stipulated in this policy which are relevant to the FPPR are:
• person specifications must include professional qualifications or registration required for the role
• requirement for accurate and comprehensive records of recruitment decisions
• two references, one of which must be most recentemployer (see Appendix 4);
• qualification and professional registration checks;
• right to work checks;
• proof of identity checks;
• occupational health clearance;
• DBS checks (where appropriate)
5.2 Existing processes for appointing Board members (which incorporates preemployment checks and processes outlined above) will be followed. In addition to this, Provide has a specific process for its Board members, coordinated by the Human Resources department, and to involve the 5 steps laid out in Appendix 1.
5.3 A new Board Member will be asked to sign a ‘Fit & Proper Person’ Declaration, please see Appendix 2 It is recommended that the declaration forms part of the application process for new Directors and that this be then re-affirmed on appointment and annually thereafter at the same time as the annual Declaration of Interests process. The Declaration of Interests Form can be seen at Appendix 3
5.4 If an individual is unable to sign the declaration, the reasons should be discussed with the Chair of the Board (For Chief Officers, the discussion should involve the Group Chief Executive and for the Chair the discussion will be with the Senior Independent Director). This discussion may result in the declaration being amended to reflect the specific circumstances of that individual. For example, they may have been convicted in the UK of a minor offence, which would prevent them from the signing the declaration, but which, in the judgement of the Chair, would not mean that they were not of “good character”. In this case, the declaration form would be amended to enable the individual to sign it, and a record would be kept (by the Company Secretary) of the reasons why the declaration form was amended.
5.5 To ensure that the organisation meets the regulations, it is expected to undertake an enhanced DBS Check for eligible directors to check that they are on the children’s and/or adults safeguarding barred list where they meet the eligibility criteria. In addition, where a director meets the eligibility criteria Provide should establish whether the person is on the children's and/or adults safeguarding barred list and whether they are prohibited from holding the office in question under other laws such as the Companies Act or Charities Act.
5.6 The Human Resources Team will undertake “due diligence” checks for each Director, to support the declarations, to determine whether the individual:
• is an undischarged bankrupt
• has had sequestration awarded (which has not been discharged) in respect of their estate
• is the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order, or an interim bankruptcy restrictions order, or an order to like effect made in Scotland or Northern Ireland
• is a person to whom a moratorium period under a debt relief order applies (under Part VIIA (debt relief orders) of the Insolvency Act 1986(b))
• has made a composition or arrangement with, or granted a trust deed for, creditors (and not been discharged in respect of it)
• Is not prohibited, by or under any enactment, from holding their office or position, or from carrying on any regulated activities
• has been erased, removed or struck-off a register of professionals maintained by a regulator of health care or social work professionals
• has been responsible for, been privy to, contributed to or facilitated any serious misconduct or mismanagement (whether unlawful or not) in the course of carrying on a regulated activity (for this requirement, Provide will assure that no evidence has been found of this)
Such due diligence checking should also incorporate any specific qualification requirements for Executive roles (e.g. that the Group Chief People Officer should be a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development), and will include (but not be limited to) publicly available registers, such as:
• the Individual Insolvency Register (IIR)
• the Companies House database of disqualified directors (under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986)
• the Insolvency Service's register of Directors they got disqualified
• the List of Registered Medical Practitioners
• Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) register
• Other professional registers e.g. HCPC
• Publicly available investigation reports of failings within health and social care provision
Such checks will be undertaken on appointment, & annually thereafter. Ad-hoc checks will also be undertaken if any information is received that warrants such checks being made. If these checks identify any issues of concern in relation to the FPPR, the Company Secretary will raise these concerns with the Chair of the Board, who will in turn discuss the concerns with the individual, and instigate appropriate action.
5.7 The annual performance development review (PDR) process for all Board members should incorporate a formal review and confirmation that the individual:
• continues to have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience which are necessary for the work to be performed by them; and
• continues to be able by reason of their health (after reasonable adjustments are made) of properly performing tasks which are intrinsic to the work for which they are employed
These aspects should be part of the formal documentation for such PDRs.
Obviously, this step is not intended to prevent any changes in an individual’s circumstances being reviewed and responded to at the time such changes occur (i.e. relevant action should not be deferred until an individual’s annual PDR).
5.8 The contracts of employment/agreements for all Board positions (and the standard contract for any new Chief Officer appointments) should be reviewed, and if necessary amended, to take into account the fact that an individual cannot continue within the role should they meet any of the criteria for being “unfit” (as listed earlier).
5.9 The process described should be applied to all existing post-holders, as well as to new Board appointments.
6. Monitoring and Review
6.1 This policy will be reviewed at least every 3 years in line with the Policy for the Management of Procedural Documents, or more frequently in line with any requirements relating from legislative changes.
6.2 Review will be undertaken by a CIPD registered member of the HR Department and monitoring will be conducted in respect of policy outcomes. The need for improvement or clarification may be identified as lessons learnt, through using the process and where appropriate amendments will be made.
Appendix 1: Diagrammatic representation of proposed process for Board Members in addition to current pre-employment checks