Decontamination of Toys & Games - Standard operating procedure (SOP)
Version: V1
Ratified by: Infection Prevention and Control Group
Date ratified: 16/10/2024
Job Title of author: Infection Prevention Control Team
Reviewed by Committee or Expert Group Infection Prevention and Control Group
Related procedural documents
IPPOL21 – Standard Principles for Infection Prevention
IPPOL03 - Hand Hygiene Policy and Procedure
IPPOL09 - Decontamination of Medical Equipment Policy and Procedure
Review date: 16/10/2027
It is the responsibility of users to ensure that you are using the most up to date document template – ie obtained via the intranet.
In developing/reviewing this procedure Provide Community has had regard to the principles of the NHS Constitution.
Version Control Sheet
Version Date Author Status Comment
Firstversion 8/8/2024 Infection Prevention ControlTeam
NewSOP New SOP devised for the management of decontamination ofToys
1. Introduction
Age-appropriate toys, games, and equipment may be provided for patients within in-patient areas, and for clients within both outpatient and supported living settings. These may be found both in waiting rooms and as props for clinicians’ assessments, and therefore it is our responsibility to ensure that they do not contribute to the spread of infection. This procedure applies to all toys, games, and play equipment used by staff, patients, clients and visitors
2. Purpose
To ensure the effective decontamination of toys and games used both in waiting rooms and alongside assessments to prevent the spread of infections among patients, clients and visitors.
3. Definition
This procedure applies to all staff responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of toys used within inpatient, outpatient and supported living settings.
4. Duties and Responsibilities
Staff: Ensure that staff understand the importance and the process of decontamination and how to carry this out effectively.
5. Criteria Toys/Games
The words ‘toys/games’ in the context of this SOP refer to all items used for recreational, therapeutic or educational purposes by children, young people, adults and their families or by healthcare staff.
Toy/Games selection and purchase: Shared Toys/games will be chosen with hard surfaces which can withstand cleaning. Where toys/ games with fabric parts must be used, these parts must be able to be laundered and there should be a system in place to undertake laundering. Toys donated must be new and unused, meet British standards and be able to withstand cleaning.
Storage of clean toys/games: Shared toys/games will be stored in a dedicated cupboard/box which can be cleaned as part of a documented regular cleaning schedule. Only clean toys/games will be stored in this cupboard/area/box.
Individual in-patient ward/ department/ toys/games
• The ward/department manager must have a written system in place for staff to ensure that toys are cleaned and examined between patient use.
• Staff will examine each toy/game after use to ensure that it is fit for re-use, i.e. check for broken parts/faults/loose wiring etc.
• Toys/games will be cleaned prior to being returned to the toy cupboard/ box/area.
(See Cleaning Procedure in Section 8)
• A notice will be displayed in each area where toys are located, advising parents/patients to report any dirty, broken or damaged toys to a member of staff.
• In out-patient and waiting areas toys will be kept to a manageable minimum so that appropriate cleaning can be undertaken.
6. Material and Equipment
• Disposable gloves
• Eye protection (if risk of splash or exposure from blood/bodily fluid)
• Clinell wipes
• Mild detergent
• Water
• Soft cloths or sponges
7. Procedure
• Gather all necessary cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE).
• Put on disposable gloves, and eye protection if there is a risk of splashing.
• Collect all toys from the waiting room and place them in a designated area for decontamination
• Inspect toys for any visible dirt or damage. Discard any toys that are broken or cannot be disinfected effectively from blood/bodily fluids and/or from known infection. Broken items may need to be returned to manufacturer where instructed.
• Clean toys using clinell wipes. (These wipes are cleaning & disinfection in one). Wipe in an ‘s’ shape pattern, working from the top to the bottom.
• Allow toys to dry for the sufficient contact time to ensure that adequate disinfection has taken place. (do not dry toys once disinfected with clinell wipes as this will reduce the effectiveness of the decontamination)
• Wipe clean the area in which the toys are placed (i.e. box, table, draw…etc)
• Once toys are dry place them back to their designated area.
• Sign Toy cleaning schedule to maintain audit trail.
If toys are unable to be wiped, then consideration as to whether these are appropriate for communal use.
Ensure that Clinell wipes are stored in a dispenser with the lid closed to prevent the wipes from drying out.
8. Frequency
• Decontamination of toys should be performed at the end of each day the clinic is open within outpatient departments.
• Decontamination of toys should be performed after each use within an inpatient unit.
• Immediate cleaning and disinfection should be carried out if a toy becomes visibly soiled or is suspected to be contaminated during the day.