LDPOL02 Management of Corporate Induction

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Management of Corporate Induction and Local Orientation

Version: V9

Ratified by: People and Culture Steering Group

Date ratified: 15/10/2024

Job Title of author: Director, Talent and Learning

Reviewed by Committee or Expert Corporate Learning & Development Group

Equality Impact Assessed by: Learning Manager, Health

Related procedural documents

LDPOL03 - Statutory and Mandatory Training Policy

HRPOL11 - Recruitment and Selection Policy

LDPOL01 - Continuous Professional Development Policy

LDPOL04 - Performance & Development Review Policy

HRPOL44 – Fit & Proper Person Policy

HRPOL34 - Probationary Policy

HRPOL48 - Engaging Volunteers and Work Placements Policy

Review date: 15/10/2027

It is the responsibility of users to ensure that you are using the most up to date document template – i.e. obtained via the intranet

In developing/reviewing this policy Provide Community has had regard to the principles of the NHS Constitution.

Version Control Sheet

Version Date

Author Status Comment

V1 25/03/09 Learning and Development Ratified Revised in line with NHSLA

V2 November 2010 Head of Learning and Development Ratified Revised Policy

V3 March 2011 Head of Learning and Development Reviewed in line with transition to Provide CIC Approved

V4 September 2011 Head of Learning and Development Reviewed to Reflect Engagement of Temporary Workers Policy Approved

V5 December 2013 Head of Learning and Development Revised Policy Approved

V6 April 2016 Head of Learning & Development Revised Policy Approved

V7 April 2019 L&D Business Partner Revised Policy Approved

V8 August 2023 Head of Learning Revised Policy Approved

V9 September 2024 Learning Manager, Health/and Learning Manager Social Care Reviewed to reflect Corporate wide policy Approved

1. Introduction

Induction plays a vital role in enabling colleagues to do their jobs safely and to provide a good service. Induction is important in helping colleagues feel part of the organisation and understand what is expected of them. It builds upon the messages communicated throughout the recruitment process, and it is the means by which colleagues are able to understand and adopt the vision and values of the organisation. Induction helps new starters to understand the role of Provide as a business, the wider health and social care context and their role in supporting this.

Good induction assists in reducing colleague turnover, absenteeism and poor performance and in developing a management style where the emphasis is on leadership, involvement and valuing contributions.

It is vital that all colleagues are properly inducted, with information provided about their role, the organisation’s culture, values, objectives and structure as well as information about the individual’s team.

2. Purpose

• To provide a comprehensive and tailored induction for all colleagues within Provide and a positive welcome to the organisation. This includes all permanent and fixed term employees on full time and part time contracts, and Workforce Solutions

• To ensure that all new starters have the relevant knowledge and skills in order to conduct their roles safely

• To enable managers to follow good practice in the induction of new colleagues

• All agency and temporary colleagues and colleagues on work placements must complete a local orientation which is included in the BSPOL01 Engagement of Contractors and Agency Workers

3. Duties

The Provide Group

• Statutory duty to provide suitable and sufficient information, training, instruction and supervision to colleagues so that they can be competent in performing their duties in an efficient and safe manner.

• Ensure colleagues are not subjected to discrimination in recruitment, promotion, access to training or career advancement.

Board Responsibilities

• To be assured that a comprehensive Corporate Induction is in place and completed by all colleagues

• To be assured that a local orientation process is in place and is completed by all colleagues

Directors and Service Leads

• Ensure that effective systems and procedures are in place, and that all aspects of this policy are implemented and applied to all colleagues under their direction.

• Failure of individuals to complete any elements of Corporate Induction or local orientation must be followed up by the appropriate Director.

Line Managers and Supervisors

• Responsibility to ensure policies and procedures are adhered to.

• Ensure that the local orientation process commences on the first day that a new colleague joins the team.

• Ensure all colleagues within their department receive suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision.

• Ensure all new colleagues complete a corporate induction event within the first week of their employment. For colleagues that commence mid-month a risk assessment must be completed to ensure colleagues are able to work safely until they attend the first available Corporate Induction.

• It is the discretion of the line manager as to whether internal colleagues transferring from one service to another, complete their corporate induction event - this will depend on other factors including how long ago they completed the induction event, what mandatory training has been completed etc. All colleagues including internal transfers must complete the local orientation process.

• Ensure that all colleagues complete mandatory and statutory training – an 8-week grace period is applied to both ESR and Access LMS systems which allows for new starters to complete all mandatory training within 8 weeks of commencement. Therefore, enabling completion of training before impacting compliance reporting.

• Provide any support required in order that individuals can fully participate in the induction and not feel discriminated against in any way. If line managers identify specific needs or requirements for an individual at the time of booking induction, a member of the Talent and Learning team will contact the individual to discuss confidential support. Any additional training or support will be addressed at this time and additional support mechanisms put into place.

• Communicate the requirement for completion of a Corporate Induction and local orientation during the recruitment process so that the expectations for this are clear.

• ‘Reasonable adjustments’ to the post and workplace should be planned well in advance of the post holder commencing work Managers are encouraged to consult the People Partnering Team for additional guidance.

• Request a Provide IT account for new starters before they start to enable them to complete mandatory e learning as soon as possible after they start their new post.

• If new starters are attending the Social Care Corporate (Group) Induction, managers should ensure that the individual has access to a suitable device on which they can access Microsoft Teams. The manager must ensure that the relevant login details are available, and that the camera and microphone are working, ahead of the induction day.


• All employees have a statutory duty to co-operate with their manager and to complete all mandatory training within their Mandatory Training programme - which includes Corporate Induction and local orientation, and training as required All mandatory training needs to be completed within the 8-week grace period.

• Employees may not successfully complete their probation period if they fail to attend any aspect of their mandatory training without an exceptional reason. In the event they have already successfully completed their probation period they may be subject to disciplinary action.

• Responsible for ensuring that they familiarise themselves with the content of any induction material provided to them and to clarify any issues they do not understand with either the relevant induction facilitator or their line manager.

• Responsible for conducting work in the manner explained at the Corporate Induction and local orientation and as instructed by their manager.

• Responsibility to always act safely

• Responsible for highlighting any outstanding training needs in relation to mandatory training and bringing these to the attention of their line manager.

• If new starters are attending the Social Care Corporate (Group) Induction, via Microsoft Teams they must:

• arrive on time

• have a working microphone and camera

• have the camera turned on for the duration of the induction day unless told otherwise by the facilitator

• be suitably dressed for the working day

• access the induction from a suitable venue (branch or service)

Talent and Learning Team

• Responsible for arranging and co-ordinating the corporate induction events.

• Corporate Induction will be informed by changes in legislation, service leads, managers, governance, risk management and feedback from attendees so that the provision is relevant and meets the on-going needs of the organisation.

• Ensuring that all Corporate Induction presentations are updated, and that joining instructions are sent to all new starters in advance before attending a corporate induction (Health) or added to the attendance management events system on Access Workspace by the Branch/ Service (Social Care)

• Ensuring that regular evaluation of the corporate induction event is undertaken, and amendments made when necessary.

• Responsible for the production of the relevant local orientation Checklists (available on the Community Platform: checklist (Health)) or within the Branch/ Service (Social Care) in conjunction with service leads, managers, governance and risk management so that they meet the on-going needs of the organisation.

• Where Corporate Companies, Directorates and departments have developed specific elements for the relevant checklist, this must also be recorded.

Learning Managers

• Report on the respective Corporate Induction and local orientation compliance within the relevant forums and escalate any issues onto the People and Culture Steering Group

All Induction Facilitators / Presenters

• Duty to deliver, in a professional manner, information which is up-to-date and relevant to the subject and aims of the training event. All training is to comply with statutory requirements.

• Required to submit presentation plans, power point slides and notes for their session to the Talent and Learning team before commencing the planned event and must also provide any amendments made to their presentation regardless of cause for such alterations.

• Annually review all their induction slides to ensure they are up to date. Use the Provide presentation template for all presentations.

• Responsible for own printing of handouts/materials if they wish to use these.

• Presenters have the responsibility to arrive on time for their session fully prepared, including knowing how to use any presentation equipment provided

• If facilitators / presenters find they are unable to deliver their session, then it is their responsibility to find a suitable competent replacement prior to the session and inform the Talent and Learning team who this will be.

4. Monitoring

The Talent and Learning team are responsible for developing systems that enable compliance reporting at an individual, departmental and organisational level.

Managers are responsible for actively monitoring their department’s compliance against this policy and acting where below compliance. In the event of repeated failure to attend corporate induction, this should be dealt with as a conduct matter in accordance with the Probation Policy and Procedure; if the employee has already successfully completed their probation period, this should be dealt with in line with the Provide Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. Where a colleague has not attended or not fully completed corporate induction, the manager will be responsible for ensuring that such individuals are booked on to the next available date and a risk assessment has been completed. Managers are responsible for ensuring that the local orientation checklist is completed.

The Talent and Learning Team are responsible for the inputting of all data on to the relevant system that are able to report on attendance / orientation checklist completion to all managers.

Failure to attend on more than one occasion other than exceptional circumstances will require a review with the line manager to identify problems and produce an action plan.

Failure to attend Corporate Induction will be reported to the relevant Director. Failure to complete the local orientation checklist will also be reported to the relevant Director through compliance reporting.

Applications for any Continuing Professional Development will not be approved when the colleague has failed to attend Corporate Induction or completed local orientation

5. Corporate Induction & Local Orientation Processes


Starter Pack - This will be sent to the new starter by the Human Resources Recruitment team with their unconditional offer and contract prior to starting.

The pack contains:

• Colleague Appointment Form

• Pension information

• Information about the start date and arrangements for Corporate Induction

• The unconditional offer letter informs the new starter when the relevant paperwork needs to be sent to Recruitment

• The recruiting manager will also be sent documentation including a final memo and a checklist by the recruitment team reminding them what documentation and processes they need to complete prior to the new colleague starting

First Day

The new starter is required to attend their place of work where an appropriate person will welcome them and discuss the relevant local orientation checklist

Manager confirms booking and arrangements for the Corporate Induction event

Manager and colleague complete the local orientation checklist relating to the first day

Local Orientation

It is a requirement for all managersto ensurethat the relevant local orientation checklist is given to and discussed with the new starter on the first day of employment. The local orientation checklist needs to be completed within 4 weeks of the individual joining the organisation. Completion of this form should be submitted using the online declaration form on the Community Platform or sent to the relevant person within the Corporate Company. Individual employees should keep copy of the local orientation for audit purposes.

The local orientation checklist may be used as evidence in the event of claims, litigation and Employment Tribunals. It may be used in performance management to establish whether the required training was provided.

As part of the checklist managers will ensure individuals understand their role, how the team/department works and how it fits into the organisation. Information regarding health and safety, fire procedures and incident reporting will also be discussed.

The local orientation checklist must be expanded to include all relevant and role-based information regarding the individual’s job, such as key policies, protocols and training.

Information will be provided to enable the individual to carry out their work (for example telephone system, IT systems, key contacts, etc.)

The individual and manager will discuss the Performance & Development Review (PDR) Arrangements. An initial 1:1 meeting and PDR date will be agreed. Any training requirements should be established, and a training plan developed.

A buddy or mentor will be assigned by the line manager to support the new colleague It may be beneficial to provide shadowing opportunities for the individual or have increased supervision when they start.

Corporate Induction

All colleagues are required to attend a CorporateInduction event within their first month of employment

All colleagues are required to review the mandatory training programme with their line manager to identify any additional mandatory training required following the induction event.

It is recognised that for part time colleagues including those on Workforce Solutions contracts, Corporate Induction may take place on days that they are not scheduled to work. These colleagues are still required to attend Corporate Induction A discussion will need to be held with manager, prior to them joining the organisation, regarding changing/adjusting normal working patterns or reorganising work plans so that this can happen.

6. Distribution and Communication

The Learning Managers will arrange for the policy and supporting documentation to be placed on the Community Platform or relevant system. This is also part of MyCompliance that all colleagues are required to read.

7. Equality Impact Assessment

The policy outlines a safe and consistent approach to Corporate Induction and local orientation without discrimination and in a timely fashion. The impact assessment is attached in Appendix A.

8. Monitoring and Review

The policy and associated documents will be reviewed every 3 years or sooner if required, for example if new legislation is passed.

The Learning Managers will ensure any revisions are resubmitted for approval.

Any new statutory provisions affecting this document will automatically take precedence.

Compliance with this policy will be monitored by the Learning Manager The process for monitoring compliance will consist of:

• An annual review against the requirements set out within this document to assess compliance

• A quarterly report on compliance compiled by the Learning Managers and presented to the relevant forum, with recommendations as appropriate to ensure improvement in performance. These reports will be fed through to the Provide Board via the People and Culture Steering Group, in order that they can agree recommendations for changes required for effective and costefficient compliance. Reports will be provided to the Board as part of Key Performance Indicators and compliance


Name of project/policy/strategy (hereafter referred to as “initiative”):

Policy on the Management of Corporate Induction and Local Orientation

Provide a brief summary (bullet points) of the aims of the initiative and main activities:

To provide a comprehensive and tailored induction for all colleagues within Provide and a positive welcome to the organisation. This includes all permanent and fixed term employees on full time and part time contracts, and Workforce Solutions.

Project/Policy Manager: Director, Talent and Learning Date: 11/06/24

This stage establishes whether a proposed initiative will have an impact from an equality perspective on any particular Corporate of people or community – i.e. on the grounds of race (incl. religion/faith), gender (incl. sexual orientation), age, disability, or whether it is “equality neutral” (i.e. have no effect either positive or negative). In the case of gender, consider whether men and women are affected differently.

Q1. Who will benefit fromthis initiative? Is there likely to be a positive impact on specific Corporates/communities (whether or not they are the intended beneficiaries), and if so, how? Or is it clear at this stage that it will be equality “neutral”? i.e. will have no particular effect on any Corporate

This policy applies to all colleague Corporates, regardless of grade or profession, employed by Provide including part time colleagues, and those on fixed term, temporary or zero hours contracts. All new employees, volunteers and managers benefit in that there is a thorough process for introducing the new employee to the organisation, the policies and processes to support their employment. This also gives an opportunity for the employee or volunteer to ask any questions should the need arise. The Induction process will also ensure that the organisation has provided a process for the new employee or volunteer in introducing the new starter to the organisation and provide a best practice approach to employment practice. This process will ensure that all new colleagues are delivering safe and efficient care which is underpinned by up-to-date governance and legal frameworks

Q2 Is there likely to be an adverse impact on one or more minority/under-represented or community Corporates as a result of this initiative? If so, who may be affected and why?

Or is it clear at this stage that it will be equality “neutral”?

Neutral - The Organisation is committed to ensuring that colleagues are not subjected to discrimination in recruitment, promotion, access to training and career advancement, and as such invites requests from all colleagues attending training to identify any support they may require with special needs.

Line managers need to identify any support required in order that individuals can fully participate in the induction and not feel discriminated against in any way. If line

managers do identify specific needs for an individual, then a member of the Talent and Learning team will contact the individual to discuss confidential support for that individual. Skills for Life issues will be addressed at this time and additional support mechanisms put into place.

All new colleagues, irrespective of working patterns, should benefit from both a Corporate Induction and local orientation. Some individuals may have specific needs:

Graduate trainees, shift workers, people returning from long term absence e.g. career breaks or maternity/parental leave, specialist trainees, directors, temporary colleagues, part- timers, job-sharers, transferred colleagues, secondments, school/college leavers, employees with disabilities and colleagues from minority Corporates.

These colleagues may require additional elements within their local orientation and/or limited elements of the Corporate Induction, and this should be supported locally by the line manager. ‘Reasonable adjustments’ to the post and/or the workplace may be necessary to support special needs of some colleagues, and this should be planned well in advance of the post holder commencing work. Managers are encouraged to consult Human Resources/Talent and Learning for additional guidance with the above colleagues, should this be necessary.

The induction process will be fully evaluated at all levels. Should any difficulties arise, these will be addressed immediately, and changes in policy and practices made if necessary.

Q3. Is the impact of the initiative – whether positive or negative - significant enough to warrant a more detailed assessment (Stage 2 – see guidance)? If not, will there be monitoring and review to assess the impact over a period time? Briefly (bullet points) give reasons for your answer and any steps you are taking to address particular issues, including any consultation with colleagues or external Corporates/agencies.

Positive - Managers are required to ensure that ALL colleagues have an induction event. This is also monitored by the Talent and Learning team.

Guidelines: Things to consider

Equality impact assessments at Provide take account of relevant equality legislation and include age, (i.e. young and old,), race and ethnicity, gender, disability, religion and faith, and sexual orientation.

The initiative may have a positive, negative or neutral impact, i.e. have no particular effect on the Corporate/community.

Where a negative (i.e. adverse) impact is identified, it may be appropriate to make a more detailed EIA (see Stage 2), or, as important, take prompt action to redress this – e.g. by abandoning or modifying the initiative. NB: If the initiative contravenes equality legislation, it must be abandoned or modified.

Where an initiative has a positive impact on Corporates/community relations, the EIA should make this explicit, to enable the outcomes to be monitored over its lifespan.

Where there is a positive impact on particular Corporates does this mean there could be an adverse impact on others, and if so, can this be justified? - e.g. are there other existing or planned initiatives which redress this?

It may not be possible to provide detailed answers to some of these questions at the start of the initiative The EIA may identify a lack of relevant data, and that data-gathering is a specific action required to inform the initiative as it develops, and also to form part of a continuing evaluation and review process.

It is envisaged that it will be rare for full impact assessments to be conducted at Provide Usually, where there are particular problems identified in the screening stage, it is envisaged that the approach will be amended at this stage, and/or setting up a monitoring/evaluation system to review a policy’s impact over time.

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