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Handheld record & essential information
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my weight matters record This is your My Weight Matters personal weight management handheld record. We ask that you bring your handheld record to all My Weight Matters sessions so that you can update it for your personal use. You can also use it to record your weight if you are following the programme online.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
introduction My Weight Matters is a weight management prorgamme providing support to people who want to lose weight and keep it off. The programme is offered in community settings and online at: The programme lasts for 12 weeks. For the first six weeks you will work your way through a series of structured weight management guides. The guides should be followed in order as each week’s information builds on the last. The topics include:
Week 1 – The Eatwell Plate • • • •
Eating regularly Eating a healthy balanced diet Motivation and goal setting Keeping a food diary
Week 2 – Portion sizes • Portion (serving) sizes • Snacking and eating out • Alcohol & weight management
Week 3 – Physical activity • Being more active in daily life
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Week 4 – Food labels • Using the traffic light tool and shopping
Week 5 – Gaining control • Managing cravings, lapses and triggers
Week 6 – Taking stock • Review of progress to date • Plans and goals for the next 6 weeks
Weeks 7 – 12 • Self-review & goal setting Sessions 7 – 12 encourage you to conduct a weekly self-review of your progress. Behavioural psychologists know that the key to losing weight for good is all about practicing the new lifestyle changes you are making. This takes effort but it is well worth your investment. After a while these changes will become second nature. We strongly recommend that you continue to keep a food diary, set achievable weekly goals and record your weight.
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If you want to look online for resources to help you, www.acelifestyle/weight-management/ please go to: weight-management/weight-management-resources my-weight-matters-online If you haveaccess any questions Exclusive to the throughout Weight the programme, please call Essex Wellbeing Service and ask to speak to a Weight Management Helpline Management Practitioner. Our team ofthe expert Practitioners is If you have any questions throughout programme, available from Monday-Friday please call our9am-5pm weight management helpline and ask to
0300 303 9988 0800 022 4524 (option 3)
speak to a practitioner. Our team of expert practitioners is available from 9.00 – 17.00 Monday to Friday
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
weight management record height: Week
m Date
my initial 5% weight loss target is: Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Weight (kgs)
Weekly weight loss (kgs)
Total weight loss (kgs)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
waist measurement guidance To measure your waist size: • Find the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips and measure around your middle at a point mid-way between these (for many people this will be at the level of the naval) • Measure after exhaling (breathing out) Women
23.5" (60cm) to 31.5 (80cm)
Green ‘OK’ area
27" (69cm) to 37" (94cm)
31.5" (80cm) to 34.5" (88cm)
Amber ‘Take care’ area
37" (94cm) to 40" (102cm)
34.5" (88cm and over*)
Red ‘Action’ area
40" (102cm or more*)
*For Afro-Caribbean, South Asian and some other minority ethnic group men, the figure is 35" (90 cm) for high health risk. For Afro-Caribbean, South Asian and some other minority ethnic group women, the figure is 31.5" (80cm) for high health risk. (2017)
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body mass index (bmi) guidance Adults and BMI Health professionals use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) as one of the measures to find out if you are in the right weight range for your height. Your BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. BMI MEASUREMENT
19 to 24.9
Healthy weight
25 to 29.9 (pre-obese)
Slightly to moderately overweight
30 or more
Weight reduction is essential. Metabolism, cardiovascular system and bones are all under strain. Lifestyle changes are recommended
You can calculate your BMI at:
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SMART goal setting Goals help you change unhealthy habits to healthier ones. You should set small, achievable goals each week throughout the programme.
Specific Not a vague intention but something that you can ‘pin yourself down to’.
Measurable This means that you can assess how far you have come towards achieving your goal.
Achievable Set a realistic goal, aiming for small, specific steps.
Relevant This means setting a goal that means something to you.
Time-specific Set yourself a realistic time frame for your goal. One week usually works well.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
When thinking about setting goals some people prefer to simplify it to: 1. What will you do? 2. When will you do it? 3. How much? 4. How often? 5. How long for?
Is your goal realistic? Can you imagine yourself doing it? It is important throughout the programme to keep a record of your goals so that you can see your progress and achievements.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Below are some examples of SMART goals. You might like to choose some of these or set your own. Examples of SMART goals towards a healthy balanced diet: I will drink a small glass of pure fruit juice (150 ml) with breakfast for three days of the week for 2 weeks and then review my progress after one week. I will stop putting butter on my vegetables and review my progress after one week. I will cut down to 1 teaspoon of sugar in my tea/coffee for a week and then review my progress. I will eat at least one vegetarian meal a week and review my progress in a week. I will make sure I drink a glass of water with my lunch and dinner for 1 week and review my progress. I will add a piece of fruit to my cereal for at least three days next week and review my progress. I will eat oily fish instead of meat at least once a week for my main meal for a week and review my progress. For a week I will switch to semi-skimmed/skimmed milk for my cereal and then review my progress. I will buy wholemeal/granary bread instead of white bread next week and review my progress. I will eat processed meat (sausages, bacon) just once a week for a week and review my progress. For a week I will eat breakfast on at least 3 weekday mornings and then review my progress. I will buy a lower fat spread instead of butter and use for a week and then review my progress. I will not add salt to my cooking for a week and review my progress.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Examples of SMART goals for physical activity: I will get off the bus a stop earlier all this week and then review my progress. I will go swimming once a week and then review my progress. I will wear my pedometer for 5 days next week and review my number of steps after a week. I will attend my gym for two sessions a week for a week and then review my progress. I will walk upstairs instead of using the lift for a week and then review my progress. I will go for a 15 minute brisk walk during my lunch break for 3 days next week and then review my progress. I will walk the kids to school every day this week instead of taking the car and then review my progress. I will go for a family bike ride this week and then review my progress. I will take the children/grandchildren/dog to the park and play with them outside this week, and then review my progress. I will join one of the health walk groups and aim to do one walk this week, then review my progress. I will walk over to talk to my colleagues at work instead of using the phone where I can this week, then review my progress. I will contact the local leisure centre to find out about the range of classes available and pick one to start the following week.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
SMART goal record Please use this section to record your goals. Under ‘outcome’ use the following code:
3 Achieved
* Keep trying
X Not a goal for now
Don’t forget your reward! Date
SMART goal
I will eat breakfast on 3 days next week
An hour to spend on my favourite hobby
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
SMART goal
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
SMART goal
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
portion size guidance My Weight Matters uses a method of portion sizes to help you manage your weight. This is a summary of the daily number of recommended portions.
Fruit and vegetables
5 or more
5 or more
potatoes, bread, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates
7 portions
8 portions
Dairy and alternatives
3 portions
3 portions
Beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and other proteins
2 portions
2 portions
Oils & spreads
2 portions (max)
2 portions (max)
Other foods and drinks high in fat, salt or sugars
1 serving maximum
1 serving maximum
Reproduced with the kind permission of Weight Concern (University College, London 2016)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
food portions – detailed guide By following this guidance you will be eating between approximately 1500 calories per day (women) or approximately 1800 calories per day (men). The exact calorific value will vary from day to day depending on the choices you make, but it will be in the range to promote weight loss. This guide shows you how much makes up one portion.
pOTATOES, BREAD, RICE, pASTA AND STARChy CARBOhyDRATES Women should aim to eat 7 portions from this group per day. Men should aim to eat 8 portions from this group per day.
Breakfast cereal
3 heaped tablespoons
Shredded wheat/ weetabix
1 biscuit
1 slice
1 small
Pitta bread
1 small
Bread roll
3 heaped tablespoons (cooked)
Plantain/green banana
Potatoes/sweet potatoes
2 egg-sized
2 heaped tablespoons (cooked)
Crumpet/English muffin
Malt loaf
1 small slice
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
FRUIT AND vEGETABlES Aim to eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day
BEANS, pUlSES, FISh, EGGS, MEAT AND OThER pROTEINS Aim to eat 2 each day
DAIRy AND AlTERNATIvES Eat 3 portions each day
Dried fruit (e.g. raisins)
1 tablespoon
Large fruit (e.g. melon, grapefruit)
1 large slice, ½ grapefruit
Small fruit (e.g. grapes, raspberries)
1 cup
Stewed fruit or tinned fruit (in juice)
2-3 tablespoons
Fruit juice/vegetable juice/100% fruit smoothie
1 small glass (150ml) (maximum 1 per day)
Green vegetables
3 tablespoons
Root vegetables
3 tablespoons
Small vegetables (e.g. peas, sweetcorn)
3 tablespoons
1 cereal bowl
Lean meat (e.g. beef, pork, ham, lamb, liver, kidney, chicken)
3 slices (total amount similar to a pack of playing cards)
Size of a pack of playing cards
Fish fingers
Baked beans
5 tablespoons
Nuts or nut products (e.g. peanut butter) or seeds
2 level tablespoons
Pulses, beans, dahl
5 tablespoons
Soya, tofu, quorn
100g (or 4oz)
Milk (semi-skimmed or skimmed)
200ml or 1/3 pint
Yoghurt (low fat)
1 small pot
Cottage cheese
1 small tub
Fromage frais
1 small pot
Cheese (preferably reduced fat)
40g or 1½oz (small matchbox size)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
OIlS AND SpREADS Aim to eat no more than 2 portions each day
OThER FOODS AND DRINkS hIGh IN FAT, SAlT OR SUGARS Aim to eat no more than 1 portion each day.
Margarine or spread
1 teaspoon
Low fat spread
2 teaspoons
Unsaturated oil
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
Mayonnaise/salad cream
1 teaspoon
Oily salad dressing
1 teaspoon
Low calorie mayonnaise or dressing
2 teaspoons
Gravy/white sauce
1 teaspoon
1 teaspoon
Pork pie/sausage roll
1 small
1 small bag
2 teaspoons
3 teaspoons
1 heaped teaspoon
Plain biscuits (e.g. Digestive)
Chocolate biscuit/ cream biscuit
1 thin slice
Doughnut/Danish pastry
1 small (size of pack of cards)
Ice cream
1 scoop
1 small bar or 3-4 squares
Small handful
Sugary drink
Reproduced with the kind permission of Weight Concern (University College, London 2016)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
drinks Aim to drink between 6-8 cups (about 2.5 pints or 1.5 litres) of fluid each day. This can include some tea or coffee, but water is the most thirst quenching drink. Sugar free squash would also be OK. If you have flavoured water (water with a hint of fruit), check that it doesn’t have any added sugar. Limit fruit juice and/or smoothies to a total of 150 ml a day. Also, limit the amount of sugary drinks you have as they can contribute to weight gain and can cause tooth decay. If you have one, count it as one serving of ‘Foods high in fat, salt & sugar’. Fizzy drinks can contain large amounts of sugar. Just one can of an ordinary fizzy drink would exceed your daily allowance for ‘foods high in fat, salt & sugar’. If you drink standard fizzy drinks, you may want to set goals to swap to low calorie options.
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
Alcohol and weight management In terms of overall health, men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol per week. This should be spread over 3 days or more. This guidance is “low risk” rather than “safe” because there is no safe drinking level. You should also have 2 alcohol free days per week. If you are looking to control your weight you will need to take alcohol into consideration as it is seriously fattening. If you have one drink (1 alcohol unit), count it as one serving of ‘Foods high in fast, salt & sugar’. 1 unit of alcohol = • 100 ml of wine (ABV 10%) • ½ pint of ordinary strength beer, lager or cider • ¼ pint of strong beer, lager or cider • 1 single measure of spirits (25ml) • 1 single measure of vermouth or sherry (50ml)
My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
top tips for following the programme • Make one or two small changes at a time - remember to set yourself achievable goals each week and make sure you don’t forget to celebrate your weekly achievements with a non-food reward! • Monitor what you eat & drink - this is fundamental. We know that people who are most successful in losing weight fill in food diaries as a clear record of when and what they eat. This helps to identify where hidden calories are coming from. • Lapses are normal and to be expected – the important thing is to draw a line under them as quickly as possible and get back on track • Eat plenty of fruit & vegetables – this food group is unrestricted on the programme, the more the better! • Eat high fibre foods which make you feel fuller (fibre is found not only in fruit and vegetables but also oats, wholegrain bread, rice and pasta as well as beans and lentils) • Use a smaller plate and eat slowly – it takes about 20 minutes for messages from the stomach to tell the brain it’s full – so stop eating before you are full and wait • Remove junk food from your home (to avoid temptation) and stock up with plenty of healthy snacks • Cut down on alcohol • Read food labels – this will help you identify healthier options • Always pre-plan your meals and snacks
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My Weight Matters | handheld record & essential information
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Provide Community Interest Company, 2021. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner.
0300 303 9988 Essex Wellbeing Service
© Anglian Community Enterprise Community Interest Company, 2018. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the copyright owner.
0800 022 4524
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my weight matters