QA01 - Administration Management Policy and Procedure

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React Homecare

QA01 – Administration Management Policy and Procedure

1. Purpose

1.1 To define accountability, responsibility and lines of communication and authority. To comply with legislation, regulations and quality standards.

1.2 This policy can be read in conjunction with the suite of React Homecare administrative policies and procedures.

1.3 To meet the legal requirements of the regulated activities that React Homecare is registered to provide:

o The Care Act 2014

o The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014

o Data Protection Act 2018

2. Scope

2.1 The following roles may be affected by this policy:

o Registered Manager

o Other management

o Administrator

2.2 The following service users may be affected by this policy:

o Service Users

2.3 The following stakeholders may be affected by this policy:

o Family

o Advocates

o Representatives

o Commissioners

o Local Authority


3. Objectives

3.1 Administration staff are competent in their role, follow due policies and procedures and have access to training and further development.

3.2 There is an effective management system in place that drives continuous improvement and reports performance openly to React Homecare.

3.3 Administration systems and processes at React Homecare are organised, consistent and efficient.

4. Policy

4.1 The day-to-day management of administration within React Homecare, including compliance with policy, legislation and best practice at React Homecare, is the responsibility of the Registered Manager.

Administration is carried out by the Registered Manager, React Homecare and office staff.

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4.2 The Registered Manager is responsible to React Homecare for the standard of administration, including the maintenance of records for the efficient running of the business, ensuring that they remain accurate and up to date, as well as ensuring their safekeeping and security.

4.3 The office will carry out day-to-day quality control of administration, ensuring that all organisational policies, statutory requirements and best practice are complied with, and that changes to promote continuous improvement are supported.

The office staff and the Registered Manager will report to React Homecare in all matters in the areas of:

o Inspection reports

o Accident reports

o Service User feedback and complaints

This is to allow React Homecare to report these matters to the Management Meeting for consideration and action. The Registered Manager will carry out regular Administration Audits and report the results to the Management Meeting.

4.4 No changes to the administration system, service, equipment, staffing, suppliers or supplies specification may be made without consultation with and the agreement of the Registered Manager.

4.5 The Registered Manager will ensure that this policy is disseminated and implemented within areas of responsibility.

The Registered Manager will investigate any failures to comply with the policy and ensure that action is taken to prevent a recurrence.

5. Procedure

5.1 An organisational structure will be in place to inform administration staff of who to report to. Service Users and/or families will also be aware of who they need to discuss administrative issues with.

Administrative staff will have a local system in place to report all immediately concerning issues to the Registered Manager.

5.2 The Registered Manager is responsible for ensuring that administration staff have access to and full awareness of the administration policies, audits and checklists

5.3 Adequate resources will be available in sufficient supplies to enable the provision of a high-quality, efficient and well-run service.

The allocation of admin hours will be agreed between React Homecare and the Registered Manager.

5.4 Equipment will be sourced and provided from an approved supplier. Any concerns in relation to the quality or effectiveness of equipment will be managed in a timely manner to avoid and minimise disruption and failure to meet the service expectation.

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5.5 Audit and Review

Monitoring of performance and practice is vital to ensure that standards remain high.

The audit process at React Homecare will manage quality improvements through a process of continuous improvement and the Registered Manager will oversee this.

All aspects of the administrative duties will be routinely reviewed and updated, staff will be encouraged to contribute to the review of schedules and provided the opportunity to make suggestions.

5.6 Manager meetings will be used as a forum of opportunity to discuss best practice and review trends and themes in relation to the administrative duties. Meetings will be minuted and the minutes retained.


Training and Education

The Registered Manager will ensure that new administrative staff have a robust induction that provides them with the skills, knowledge and competence to do their job well.

Ongoing, staff will be offered opportunities to develop and maintain their knowledge, as well as achieving the mandatory and statutory training offered at React Homecare. This will be achieved through effective supervision, staff meetings, practical observation, audit participation and were deemed of benefit to the provision of a quality service, delivered training and qualifications.

5.8 COVID-19

During times of uncertainty, such as the coronavirus pandemic, React Homecare will ensure that staff are supported to work safely. This may result in staff working remotely in some roles and meetings attended via mediums such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom or Skype.

React Homecare will ensure that staff are supported with any new ways of working.

Where applicable, staff can also refer to PC19 - Home Working Policy and Procedure for further information.

6. Definitions

6.1 Administration Management

o The process of creating information systems and managing its flow from and to others. Most jobs within a business involve performing some form of administrative management in order to store and pass on information to those who need to use it in order to contribute to the business

o For the purposes of this policy, administration management is the overseeing of staff that work within the administrative team whose role involves the financial, contractual (and some operational) elements of the service

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6.2 Organisational Structure

o Organisational structure is a system used to define a hierarchy within an organisation

o It identifies each job, its function and where it reports to within the organisation

7. Key Facts – Professionals

Professionals providing this service should be aware of the following:

 Effective management systems result in better performance and efficient working practices

 Day to day management of administration is the responsibility of office staff. Management of office staff is the responsibility of the Registered Manager

 Administration staff are experts in their field and the Registered Manager will take advice and guidance from them, however ultimate accountability of administrative performance lies with the Registered Manager

 Audits play a large part in the function of the administration of React Homecare. This ensures that best practice is followed and there is an open, honest and transparent culture in relation to continuous improvement and financial management

8. Key Facts - People Affected by the Service

People affected by this service should be aware of the following:

 The administration team deal with the finances at React Homecare and are managed by the Registered Manager

 Administration practices are subject to robust policies and procedures to ensure that staff manage their role with high standards and trustworthiness

 You can expect to be provided with a service that is well managed and led

 You are encouraged to discuss any aspects of your funding or finances with the administration team or the Registered Manager

9. Further Reading

We recommend that you add to your understanding in this policy area by considering the following materials:

 Office Administration Guidance

 SCIE - Leadership and Management Resources:

 ACAS - Working from home during the coronavirus pandemic:

10.Outstanding Practice

To be ‘outstanding’ in this policy area you could provide evidence that:

 Staff know who to report to and there is a system of timely communications to resolve daily minor issues

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 Staff report that they are well managed and supported by the Registered Manager

 Service User feedback, in relation to administration management at React Homecare, is positive

 Audits are completed, and any identified areas addressed in a timely manner and embedded in practice

 Administration performance is discussed at manager meetings

Date Policy Reviewed

10th July 2018

5th February 2019

30th April 2020

4th May 2021

Signature of Reviewer

D Woolley

D Woolley

D Woolley

D Woolley

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