The Buzz Buzz on the Bay
Rhody Gem
Voices of the Bay
O h, The Places You’ll Go Steve Brosnihan is the founder of Good Night Lights and Hasbro’s own Dr. Seuss Steve Brosnihan didn’t always want to be a cartoonist, but that’s exactly what happened. He never knew he’d meet Dr. Seuss, but that happened, too. Brosnihan has been the resident cartoonist at Hasbro Children’s Hospital (HCH) since the fall of 1991, but he is perhaps better known for being the creator and founder of Good Night Lights, the nightly tradition that features local businesses, police, and other well-wishers joining together to flash their lights from locations in Providence and East Providence that are visible to the patients at HCH, a sign of caring and encouragement to the children from the outside world. But the GNL project wouldn’t have happened if not for the cartooning. Photography by Savannah Barkley The Bay • March 2022 9