The Buzz Buzz on the Bay
Voices of the Bay
Rhody Gem
Rocking Out Live from the neighborhood: Bristol PorchFest returns Strumming a guitar on the front porch is a popular American pastime – so much so that an event celebrating the practice has become widespread. In recent years, the “Porchfest,” a unique neighborhood-based music festival, has spread throughout the nation. Several homes, typically in the general vicinity of each other, host musicians on their porch or front lawn, roads in the area are closed off, and additional activities often complement the scene (think food trucks). Music is often acoustic or with minimal amplification. The first Porchfest was held in 2007 in Ithaca, New York, with dozens now held annually around the country. Photo by Boris Apple, courtesy of Nancy Kellner, Bristol PorchFest The Bay • September 2021 9