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CALENDAR: This month’s
By Abbie Lahmers
10 essential events happening this month
Bowen’s Wharf is the place for seafood lovers during their annual festival
October 16-17:
The Bowen’s Wharf Seafood Festival is the perfect excuse to spend a day sipping Whalers, listening to live music, and eating lobster rolls, fish tacos, calamari, and oysters to your heart’s content. Newport, BowensWharf.com For a statewide listing of events visit us online! HeyRhody.com
September 30-October 31: Through October:
A pumpkin patch of masterfully carved, candlelit gourds, the Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular at Roger Williams Park Zoo is a Halloween favorite, with a carving class on October 24. Providence, RWPZoo.org Frerichs Farm’s Pumpkin Palooza offers special events every weekend, from painting spooky gourds to a DIY scarecrow workshop, and the giant pumpkin weigh off is October 9. Warren, FrerichsFarm.com
Through October:
Bring the family to Simmons Farm Saturdays and Sundays and enjoy a hayride with views of the bay and a stop at the barnyard to get up close with the goats inside the petting area. Middletown, SimmonsOrganicFarmRI.com
October 7-11:
Some of the best nationally and locally acclaimed comedians will get folks laughing the night away with their stand-up performances around Newport during the Rogue Island Comedy Festival. Newport, RogueIslandComedyFest.com
October 11:
As part of the Festa Italiana, the Italian Heritage Parade starts at St. Joseph’s on Broadway and ends at the Columbus statue on Memorial Boulevard and celebrates Italian culture. Newport, NewportFesta.org
October 16:
BYO picnic to Watson Farm to celebrate autumn with a Fall Farm Frolic: an afternoon of animal visits, scenic hikes, local live music, farm demonstrations, treasure hunts, and more. Jamestown, HistoricNewEngland.org
October 16-17:
Spend a brisk fall day indulging in delicious eats and craft brews while playing lawn games at Fort Adams State Park for the Newport Food Truck and Craft Beer Festival. FoodTruckFestivalsOfAmerica.com
October 22-23:
The annual Bristol BookFest is designed to inspire readers and enrich the community with bookish conversations and presentations in a welcoming atmosphere. BristolBookFest.com
October 30:
Search for hidden nature-themed pumpkins throughout the wildlife refuge for Audubon’s Perfect Pumpkin Party, where there will be games, crafts, and fun for the whole family. Bristol, ASRI.org