Awash in Style
Weste rl y ho m e own ers draw i n s pi rati on f rom the nearby shoreline
t’s that old Rhody Ram love stor y of Westerly boy meets Connecticut girl at URI, they marr y, and keep driving by this house in his hometown for two years. “At the time it didn’t speak to us so it was simply a drive-by,” says Tony Degiacomo. Wife Aerilee chimes in, “ We had even purchased a piece of land to build on but decided to take one last look at the house.” But this time the couple walked the property and fell instantly in love with the location. While the area was the main draw, the house itself was essentially an exterior shell with framing on the inside. “It was an open canvas. We were excited
about the challenge of completing the project,” says Tony of the over 4,000-square-foot structure. “ The whole house was basically a DIY project and we attempted to use as many local vendors as possible. Whether it was sourcing materials or talented skilled contractors, we never ventured outside of our local community and family members.” In addition to structural work, the Degiacomos completed all kinds of smaller projects, which contribute not only personality but sense of place throughout the home. “Our sunroom coffee table is literally a log that got washed up to shore in Watch Hill,” explains Tony. “I was doing a landscaping project and there it was just
Contrasting the dark blue walls with light furniture gives the appearance of a larger space. The driftwood coffee table was a seaside score.
Hey Rhody FEBRUARY 2022 |
Photos by Read McKendree, courtesy of Tony Degiacomo
By Elys e Major