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e Must List
10 essential events this month
August 7-13: The Flickers International Film Festival held at various locations around the state is a week-long Academy Award-qualifying festival that presents over 350 films representing works shot and produced in over 100 countries. Film-Festival.org
August 9-September 10: The Tony Award-winning musical Jersey Boys , an exciting show based on the ‘60s band Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, closes out the summer season. Wakefield, TheatreByTheSea.com
August 12: The 10th Annual Bristol Harbor Festival & Blessing of the Fleet is a family-friendly event on the waterfront that includes live music, a stuffie competition, and the always popular traditional littleneck boil. BristolHarborFest.com
August 11-13: The Japan America Society of Rhode Island hosts the 39th annual Black Ships Festival , celebrating the friendship between the United States and Japan with arts and crafts, Taiko drumming, and martial arts. Bristol and Newport, BlackShipsFestival.com
August 13: Hear soprano Emma Robertson accompanied by pianist Christopher Carson bring the beautiful sounds of Shubert, Rossini, and Mozart to the historic Grace Note Farm for Music at the Farm . Pascoag, GraceNoteFarmWeb.com
August 13: The Diamond Hill Fun Ride is an exciting way to explore Blackstone Valley by bike with the RI Northeast Mountain Biking Association, guiding riders through woodsy trails off the beaten path. Cumberland, RINEMBA.org
August 16-20: The Washington County Fair returns for its 57th year of midway rides, livestock shows, tractor pulls, and everything else that makes this event a week of down-home fun. Richmond, WashingtonCountyFair-RI.com
August 19: Along with a lineup of top local musicians including Julie Rhodes, Z-Boys, and YONKS, the Collaborative’s Warren Folks Fest celebrates the town’s creative spirit with art vendors, local food vendors, and more. Warren, TheCollaborative02885.org
August 23: Avid astronomers and beginners alike are invited to Starry, Starry Night Stargazing at Chase Farm Park, offering wide-open spaces and clear views. Lincoln, HearthsideHouse.org
August 26: Brew at the Zoo returns to Roger Williams Park with over 170 beers, seltzers, and ready-to-drink cocktails from 80+ local, regional, and national brewers, plus live music by The Niteflies, animal encounters, and more. Pro v idence, RWPZoo.org