Providence Monthly March 2020

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CO N T E N TS Providence Monthly • March 2020

25 City Living How a walkable downtown, luxury amenities, and hip new apartments are luring people to call the city home

DEPARTMENTS Leading Ladies

33 The inspiring stories behind

20 Judy’s Kindness Kitchen helps keep hungry people fed

women making a difference


13 The Providence Public Library

21 RHODY GEM: This art floor and VIP card

14 Rhode Islander reveals what it was like to witness

can’t miss this month and other

the Financial District

city happenings

61 ART: Painter Michael Rich

18 Author Hester Kaplan is writing

cocktails, new noodle place, and another Seven Stars

62 MUSIC: Cherry Pit is PVD’s


offers a range of colorful,

new guitar-driven supergroup

Bakery cooks up a St. Joseph’s

sustainable goods

51 HOME: This Summit Colonial

Day treat

64 ON STAGE: In a contentious election year, local theaters stage

is a book lover’s dream come true

politically charged dramas

54 INFLUENCER: A style chat

Food & Drink

funny, but its health benefits are very serious

70 FOOD NEWS: Zero-proof

49 SHOP: Kreatelier

the Trump impeachment trial

16 Laughter Yoga may sound

Westminster brings brunch to

renders dreamscapes from oils

Life & Style

68 EXPERIENCE: Nick’s on

57 THE MUST LIST: Events you

supply store has a second

prepares to show off a grand renovation

Art & Culture

with Courtland Club’s director

67 SPOTLIGHT: This Federal Hill

of brand and culture

restaurant dares to do donuts

a book – about her father’s book


Pic of PVD 78 #TB to our

Who to Watch 2020 party!


ON THE COVER: Inside a River House unit. Photography by Nick DelGiudice • March 2020



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Publishers Barry Fain Richard Fleischer John Howell

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Our Conversation Series is a bi-monthly discussion group where we’ll talk about quality teaching, different kinds of schools, education in other countries, policy issues like

Education and Learning

school choice, and a host of related topics. This

Brandon Harmon

Contributing Writers Jenny Currier

Caitlin Howle

Karen Greco

Jackie Ignall

Adam Hogue

group is open to the public and hosted at School One on specified dates from 6-7:30 p.m.

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M AR C H 30 , 2 02 0 Educating Esme: Diary of a Teacher’s First Year by Esme Raji Codelia


School One is a small, independent high school serving students from RI and MA.

10 • March 2020

M AY 1 8, 2 02 0 How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough

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PROVIDENCE MEDIA INC. 1070 Main Street, Suite 302, Pawtucket RI 02860 401-305-3391 • Copyright ©2020 by Providence Media. All rights reserved.


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THINK AGAIN The Providence Public Library prepares to reopen its doors – and show off a grand renovation By Robert Isenberg For a year and a half, the PPL has been walled off, a mysterious renovation project in the heart of Downcity. You could still visit and borrow books, but all you’d see was a single room, a ring of shelves, and tables crowded with patrons. Here and there, passersby have caught hints of progress. But when it reopens at the end of March, the state’s largest library will burst from its chrysalis, and visitors will witness the full metamorphosis within. “The library was basically built to be a giant book repository in 1953,” says Jack Martin, executive director of PPL. “It desperately needed a renovation. It got to a point where we said, ‘We have to do this. What else are we going to do? The building is unusable.’” Costing about $26 million, the project is far more than a makeover. The “front” of the building, a beige monolith etched in art-deco patterns, looks

roughly the same as before, but the inner layers are thoroughly gutted. Workers have busily rehabilitated 83,000 square feet from the ground up. Cramped little offices have been ripped open; reconfigured rooms are spacious and bright. The cavernous entrance will soon become a grand atrium, with smooth walls, a graceful staircase, and a second-floor circulation desk. Landings and windows will afford views of the Providence skyline that were, until recently, unimaginable. Soon, the library will become a destination – not just for borrowing books, but for socializing, entertainment, refreshment, hands-on education, and just spending idle hours downtown. At last, PPL promises to reach its full potential, as a busy nexus of civic life. The ribbon-cutting ceremony takes place March 30. Read the full story at

Photography by Nick DelGiudice • March 2020


PULSE • City

Inside Look A Rhode Islander reveals what it was like to witness President Trump’s Impeachment trial By Caitlin Howle

When Senator Jack Reed announced he’d be doing a lottery for tickets to the impeachment trial, I entered and then immediately filed it away as “things that’ll never happen” in my head. Fast forward to me telling my boss I’d be out, an unfortunate amount of time in a car, and arriving at Reed’s office in the Hart Senate Building to claim my ticket. To get to the Capitol, you ride in a tram that is only accessible through a security checkpoint in the basement of the building. The tram takes me through the cleanest tunnel I’ve ever seen in my life. Once arriving, I find my way to the Senate gallery – and, one of my proudest accomplishments, I only had to ask for directions twice. At my first security checkpoint in the Capitol, I am asked to surrender all electronic devices and notebooks, as you are not allowed to take notes. Then, I’m given a run-down on

14 • March 2020

rules, including that you’re not allowed to react audibly or physically to the trial or you can be removed from the gallery (and possibly arrested). I choke down some fleeting anxiety at this one, since I lack a poker face, and continue to the last security checkpoint before entering the gallery. The first people that catch my eye are the Senate pages – teenagers responsible for preparing the chamber, delivering correspondence and legislative material, among other things as part of a program started in 1829. Half an hour later and suddenly all the senators are in their seats. I’m in awe of the people I know of but don’t personally know: Booker, Warren, Harris, Romney, Sanders, McConnell – all intent on getting started. The trial is a weirdly clerical ballet. Senate pages move quickly and effortlessly, passing people notes from across the room,

bringing lawyers information, and refilling water (and milk). The room is tense but focused, but everyone who speaks does it with a passion that makes me think they truly want what is best for the country. I’m captivated and hang onto every spoken word (which, unfortunately, I am not allowed to disclose here), though eventually I must relinquish my time so that other Rhode Islanders can witness the historic event. Almost anticlimactically, I find myself on the tram ride back. I meet a woman who quizzes me on Rhode Island, believing we’re known for our lobsters, which I promptly correct. She finally settles on us being “the small one” and I quip back, “Yeah, small – but mighty!” And suddenly, I’m overcome with pride for my home state, and just how grateful I am to Senator Reed. It was literally the experience of a lifetime.

PULSE • City

Experience. Integrity. Results.

A Good Laugh Laughter Yoga may sound funny, but its health benefits in Providence are very serious By Robert Isenberg

A Trusted Advocate for Buyers & Sellers for 26 Years 16 • March 2020

Larry O’Brien loves a quote from Hafiz, the medieval Persian poet: “Laughter is the sound of a soul waking up.” When you see O’Brien in action, you’d believe it. During his Laughter Yoga sessions, he rides energetically around the room in his wheelchair. As he laughs, he claps out every syllable: “Ho! Ho! Ha-ha-ha! Very good! Very good! Yayyyy!” This particular day, he’s leading Laughter Yoga at the Hope Alzheimer’s Center in Cranston. Dozens of residents encircle him. Some are lucid and vocal; others look skeptical, even grouchy. But then O’Brien leans toward a random face and says, “When you laugh, everybody laughs!” Like clockwork, the resident chuckles. And everybody bursts into laughter. O’Brien’s journey to Laughter Yoga has been long. Years ago, he worked as a technical recruiter, finding jobs for skilled engineers. In 1978, he was diagnosed with multiple

sclerosis. O’Brien is gentle and good-humored, and it makes perfect sense that, a little over a decade ago, he discovered “Laughter Therapy” at Care New England. “It’s an antidepressant,” says O’Brien. “Not that I was depressed. But to live mindfully, you have to have a certain level of mindlessness. You have to have a certain amount of nothought. And this is a no-thought experience.” Laughter Yoga started in the mid-1990s, when physician Dr. Matan Kataria started organizing group laughter sessions in his native India. The phenomenon exploded, and Laughter Clubs have popped up in almost every major city, including Providence. One leader is Rebecca Foster, who hosts a free Laughter Club at Studio@116. Held each Sunday, Laughter Club is more physical, less structured, but adheres to the same lighthearted philosophy as sessions at the Hope Alzheimer’s Center. Like other Laughter Yoga practitioners, Foster points out that “the body cannot differentiate between

Photo courtesy of Providence Laughter Club

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RISDMUSEUM.ORG J. Rogers & Son, manufacturer, Boston State House with Cows Plate, ca. 1820, Gift of Edward B. Aldrich in memory of Lora E. Aldrich. Nancy Elizabeth Prophet, Negro Head, before 1927, Gift of Miss Eleanor B. Green. After Antoine Louis Barye, Bear Erect, 1833–1833, Gift of Mr. Henry D. Sharpe. James Earl, Portrait of Captain Samuel Packard, ca. 1795, Bequest of Miss Louise B. Bowen.

simulated and ‘real’ laughter, if done with willingness. One gets the same physiological and psychological benefits.” “It raises serotonin levels,” says O’Brien, who trained under Foster. “It releases endorphins. It raises dopamine levels in areas of the brain that let you experience good feelings.” This fact is evident at Hope, where sour expressions turn joyful and distant eyes become present. O’Brien mixes his laughter routine with singalongs and rehearsed anecdotes from his own life. At one point, he opens an old telephone book and starts reading random business listings, and everyone bellows. The session ends with a recording of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” The residents close their eyes and go quiet. As the music swells, O’Brien murmurs to the crowd, “My grandfather used to say, ‘You might as well be happy. It doesn’t cost you anything.’” Sundays, 116 Calvery Street. Facebook: Providence Laughter Club • March 2020


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PULSE • City

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Afterword Buoyed by a second NEA fellowship, local author Hester Kaplan is writing a book – about her father’s book

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401-725-2161 *See our listing in this month’s ‘Leading Ladies’! 18 • March 2020

“It’s not comfortable, what I’m doing,” says Hester Kaplan, with a cryptic smile. “I’m protective about showing stuff too early. I’m going to be a little cagey.” Kaplan is being cagey about her latest book project, How Mark Twain Helped Me Find My Father, for which she recently received a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. This is her second such fellowship, but now, after years of writing short stories and novels, Kaplan is drafting a nonfiction manuscript. “The freedoms of fiction were starting to

limit me somewhat,” says Kaplan, who teaches creative writing for both Lesley University and Goat Hill Writers, a local organization she co-founded. “At some point, you have to find your own material. It’s the one thing you own.” Not long ago, Kaplan published a short story, “The Biographer,” in a literary journal. This story was partly based on her father, who became a professional writer in his mid-thirties, when Kaplan was about seven years old. Kaplan grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and both her parents were authors. Before he

Photo courtesy of Hester Kaplan

By Robert Isenberg




Photography by Robert Isenberg


passed away five years ago, Justin Kaplan wrote several biographies, including a first book about Mark Twain. “Writing that story was the turning point for me,” says Kaplan, who had loosely based the short story on her father. “There was only so far I could go before it became nonfiction.” For the duration of her fellowship, Kaplan will write a book about her father’s book. Despite her father’s expertise in Gilded Age wit, Kaplan had never read the biography, nor had she experienced much Twain. “That was my father’s thing,” she says. To Kaplan, the material was too close. “It’s like living in New York and never going to the Empire State Building.” While Kaplan has made significant headway, she is still reluctant to categorize the work, even for her agent. She has fond memories of her father, and the project is not a memoir. In short, she plans to explore his real-life character through his own exploration of a real-life character. “My father was very much an enigma,” she says. “But I think [my parents] gave me a very realistic sense of what it means to spend your life writing. If you choose to spend your life that way, it’s incredibly hard work.” To learn more about Kaplan’s books, awards, and teaching, visit


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Helping buyers and sellers make their best move. • March 2020


PULSE • City

Souped Up How the volunteers at Judy’s Kindness Kitchen help keep hungry people fed

The recipe for Judy Mandelbaum’s Vegetable Soup calls for a lot of simple ingredients: yams, lima beans, potatoes, carrots, celery, salt, and so on. The volunteer cooks at Judy’s Kindness Kitchen boil the soup in two giant pots, before dumping their steaming brew into coolers for transport. Within the hour, those coolers will arrive at a homeless shelter, feeding dozens of hungry people. These are standard facts about a soup kitchen. But one thing never gets mentioned: the soup is really good. Judy Mandelbaum hand-wrote the recipe herself. And because Judy – a family therapist and mother of five – passed away in 1980, she had no idea that her soup would eventually sustain thousands of people in need on the East Side. “By the end of the day, it’s all gone,” says David Mandelbaum, who helped found Judy’s Kindness Kitchen in 2004 and named the initiative after his mother. Each Sunday, 25 volunteers gather at Beth Shalom to assemble sandwiches, cook soup, and package cookies. The foodstuffs are then served at Crossroads, a homeless shelter in downtown Providence. During the week, Mandelbaum works parttime as a child neurologist at Hasbro Children’s Hospital. On Sundays, he coordinates volunteers

20 • March 2020

through an app on his phone, organizes a sandwich assembly line, and arranges transport of food and workers from congregation to shelter. He’s energetic and witty, and he knows exactly how much time each volunteer has helped out – some as long as 18 years. “I say I’m a manager,” says Mandelbaum, “because when people ask how I’m doing, I say, ‘I’m managing.’”

Originally, the Kindness Kitchen was supposed to provide food at Beth Shalom, but only 10 or so people showed up to eat. Because Crossroads provides meals every day of the week but Sunday, Mandelbaum and his team saw their chance to fill the gap. The concept has stayed fairly consistent since then, operating on an annual budget of $10,000-$12,000. The only thing that fluctuates is the volume of food; season and unemployment rates have a significant impact. “In 2008, we saw the economic crisis in the number of sandwiches we were making,” remembers Mandelbaum. “It was alarmingly concrete.” Although the prep work has always been done at Beth Shalom, and the kitchen is technically kosher – which requires specific supervision and ingredients – the Kindness Kitchen is its own entity, and volunteers come from diverse backgrounds. Whole families show up, including children as young as four. “Ninety percent of them,” he says, “come from hither and yon.” Their labor is appreciated, and even life-saving. Mandelbaum brings up a picture on his phone – of a note, hand-written on a sheet of paper by a visitor to Crossroads. It reads: “Thank you for this blessing.” To learn more, make a donation, or volunteer, visit

Photography by Robert Isenberg

By Robert Isenberg

PULSE • Rhody Gem

Jerry’s Artarama Art Supply Store

We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it! What it is: A one-stop art supply store, the first floor of Jerry’s Artarama is a veritable bazaar of paints, pencils, and specialty paper. The second floor is dedicated to custom framing and stretched canvases, both for artists and collectors. While Jerry’s is a national franchise, the Providence location is locally owned and provides demonstrations by and for local artists.

What makes it a Rhody Gem? Providence has several great art supply stores, but Jerry’s is a little more out of the way. Driving past, you would never guess how deep and well-stocked the store is, nor how friendly and knowledgeable the staff. Whether you’re a new hobbyist or an established artist, Jerry’s feels as much like a club as a retail venue: The VIP card entitles you to not-insignificant discounts, and artists can pour themselves a free coffee on “WakeUp Mondays.” Jerry’s has also been known to host free demos and events.

Jerry ’s Artarama

653 North Main Street

Photography by Robert Isenberg

How to find it: Jerry’s stands on an unassuming corner on North Main Street, across from the shopping plaza that contains Whole Foods and Staples. There is almost always street parking out front.

To submit your Rhody Gem, please email

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City Living How a walkable downtown, luxury amenities, and hip apartments are luring people to live downtown By Robert Isenberg photography by Nick DelGiudice

Station Row common space

Picture your life in the middle of the city. A hip little high rise apartment downtown. Pull back the curtains, and you see the skyline spread out before you. Your breakfast nook overlooks the busy sidewalks below. Pass neighbors in the corridor, then the elevator, then the lobby. Step outside, where the streets thrum with activity. Grab coffee from the corner store; trade pleasantries with the clerk, whom you know by name. Casually stroll to work. “It’s nice, living in the city,” says Cliff Wood, executive director for the Providence Foundation. “You can walk everywhere. You get to know the owners of the restaurants. A city like Providence – it’s not overwhelming.” Wood has a special connection to downtown. He used to live in the Westminster Lofts (think: hardwood floors, high ceilings, massive windows, and a rooftop garden) and work for Cornish Associates, the real estate developer that built it and several other impressive habitations in the city. Today, he helps the Foundation champion for “productive downtown development and activation,” carefully cultivating the businesses and nonprofits that make the heart of Providence such a livable ecosystem. Activation is the word. Downtown is now a coveted place to live, and new developments are rising every year, attracting a wide range of eager renters: young professionals, students, retirees, and people who just like to live among tall buildings. And there’s nowhere in Rhode Island quite like the Creative Capital. It’s like a tiny slice of Manhattan, but safer, calmer, and way less expensive. Ever wonder what it’s like to live in one of those glittering towers? Here’s a glimpse inside.


The Residences

Photo courtesy of Providence Warwick CVB

ou’ve seen The Residences before, whether you knew it or not. The redand-white tower soars over Providence, an indelible part of our skyline. Completed in 2006, the 32-story structure is one of the tallest buildings in the state – and if you’ve ever gazed out one of its windows, seeing the city stretching out toward the horizon, you actually feel like you’re on top of the world. The Residences’ slogan says it all: “Welcome to luxury in the heart of Providence.” With their smooth hardwood floors and creamy walls, these apartments look luxurious. The smallest unit boasts a respectable 765 square feet, while the penthouses, with their open-plan kitchens and private patios, cover 1,786 square feet – the same area as a good-sized ranch house. The Residences is a prime example of

luxury living, alongside the contemporary condos in Waterplace Towers, which were built shortly after, and the more recent Avalon at Center Place, which boasts a fitness center, a barbecue, private parking, and a pool. The units are all pet-friendly, and recycling bins are everywhere. But the major appeal to all three of these luxury lodgings? They are located just blocks – or even steps – away from Waterplace Park, Providence Place Mall, and the train station, making it easy to hop a ride to Boston or New York. However, at the cornerstone of downtown living is its earliest pioneer, Regency Plaza, a three-building complex located just beyond the Providence Public Library. Constructed in 1986, Regency Plaza set a high standard for downtown living: 24-hour concierge service, tennis courts, a putting green, onsite spa services, and a heated pool. Such properties like the above offer a bold new lifestyle for low-maintenance, upwardly mobile renters – apartment buildings that resemble resort hotels.

Station Row

Station Row

Waterplace Condos


he Arcade is the oldest shopping mall in the country, and the classical structure on Westminster Street remains one of our most revered buildings. Above the row of shops and restaurants, the Arcade also maintains a number of “micro-lofts.” These studios are tiny, some measuring as small as 225 square feet, but their high ceilings, pristine designs, and generous windows make them attractive places to live. For singles and couples with a Marie Kondo streak, the Arcade is a nifty option – and now, some units are purchasable condos. (The vast majority of downtown apartments are rentals as, Cliff Wood notes, banks often hesitate to provide loans for inner-city real estate.) But

Station Row community spaces

whether you rent or buy, the Arcade represents another genre of downtown living – the fun and fashionable type. Another example is 95 Lofts, a handsome brick block that stands in the Jewelry District. The historic building was first constructed in 1904 as a “pin and charm” factory. Today, 95 Lofts provides six stories of lofts overlooking a grid of quiet backstreets. With their exposed brick walls and peppy color scheme, these apartments exude urban style – and who wouldn’t want to live in a SoHo-style loft minus the SoHo price tag? With so many old buildings to repurpose, Providence is packed with hip habitation, which particularly appeals to young couples, jet-setters, and the newly single. Since many of these buildings are old industrial facilities, the renovation trend thrives on the edges of downtown: The Promenade has two fitness centers, an indoor swimming pool, and a movie theater with stadium seating. Farther down the Woonasquatucket, the US Rubber Lofts boasts gas fireplaces, an indoor basketball court, and rooftop deck, while Rising Sun Mills offers picnic spots on the river, billiards, and event and coworking space. Their proximity to bike trails caters to active lifestyles.

The Arcade Lofts

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30 • March 2020

An apartment at Station Row


he River House is one of the newest residences on the block, having opened only last year. In many ways, it feels like an emissary from the future: In the lobby, a high-tech coffee machine that pours chai lattes. There’s a communal workspace with comfy booths and a laser printer, and printouts are free. The main appeal of River House is its eponymous view of the Providence River. From the rooftop patio, you can sit in a recliner and gaze over the water, India Point Park, and the Point Street Bridge. But River House also seems designed for dynamic, interactive people: On a warm night, you can

bring food and drinks onto the patio, cavort with friends, or catch a game on the waterproof TV. A second rooftop patio, which faces west (read: sunsets), has a spotless gas grill, ready for cooking. For many, urban living means a high-impact, low-maintenance existence. You never need to water a lawn, buy deck furniture, hook up propane tanks, or convert that spare room into a home office – River House provides all that for you. There’s a special storage locker for bicycles, a busy fitness center, and an Amazon Echo in every room, enabling you to change the lighting by voice command.

Specializing in Historic Property on the West Side, Broadway Armory District and Historic Elmwood for the past 18 years.

River House community spaces

Call Jane Driver 401.641.3723 Find similarly sleek digs at Edge College Hill and the brand-new Station Row development, cater-cornered to Avalon and occupying a former parking lot. On one side, Station Row stands over a canal-like section of the Moshassuck River; on the other, sound-proofed windows overlook the railroad tracks and the Capitol Building. Of the 169 units in Station Row, residents can pick from 80 different floor plans. Off the fitness center, there’s a separate yoga and spin room. In its high-tech mailroom, a laser pinpoints newly delivered packages. If all goes well, the property will soon be LEED certified.

As the options grow – this year alone, Westminster Lofts wraps up expansion and Chestnut Commons opens not far from Johnson & Wales – to suit a variety of demographics and lifestyles, apartments have become more affordable. There’s still plenty of luxury out there, but students and families are trickling into the city as well. More residents means more dining, shopping, entertainment, an endless cycle of cross-pollination and innovation. Downcity has long proven itself as an invigorating destination. Now, it’s become a great place to hang your hat.

Happy to assist you with all of your real estate needs • March 2020


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S p o n s o re d C o n t e n t S e c t i o n

Providence Monthly presents



inspiring, passionate, determined leaders who are making a difference in our communities

Photography by Savannah Barkley for Providence Monthly

Regina Bartlett Author & Wellness Influencer

Journey to Wellness “Weight loss stories are powerful. They provide hope and direction,” says Regina Bartlett. “I’ve told my story for five years, and now I’m ready to share other people’s experiences.” Regina’s story began when she took her first step on her awe-inspiring journey to wellness. “I spent 30 years of my life morbidly obese,” she says. “I tried every diet on the planet and nothing ever worked over time. It was hard to admit that I needed help but it became a vital part of gaining better health.” Through a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and “a whole lot of faith,” Regina was able to lose 250 pounds and achieve her lifelong dream of running the New York City Marathon. “I decided to be really open about my surgery for two reasons: to keep myself accountable and to remove the stigma around weight loss loss stories with my small contribution,” she says. A frequent speaker and volunteer at Miriam Hospital’s Center for Bariatric Surgery, Regina is an advocate for surgical intervention for weight loss. “When I show another person a picture of me over 400lbs – they get hope. Watching people experience hope is extraordinary.” THE






project, is inspired by the eight dimensions of wellness Regina identified: spiritual, physical, emotional,




environmental, and occupational. When Regina took a closer at her issues

Photo by Jordan Aptt of Asana Photography

surgery. I love being a part of people’s weight

with weight, she noticed a pattern. “Successful, long-term weight loss isn’t solely about losing weight. When things were out of balance my

loss surgery.” Her blog and book has been read

weighted drumsticks to music. “I get to see the

weight was quite high and when they weren’t

by people around the world.

best part of my community come together to

it wasn’t nearly as high. There was so much to

She’s also finishing up her next book, Living

explore with these 8 factors.” The interactive

the 8 Points: Putting Dimensional Wellness

Regina’s energy and love for life is

forum will allow people to access information

into Practice. “It’s a workbook to help readers

positively contagious. She’s active in her

and interviews, as well as provide a much more private means of connecting with Regina. Power of Storytelling Regina




transformation in her book Food, Sweat, & Fears. “I discovered that the more open I was about how I was feeling, the more I found

share health, wellness, and each other at the Y.”

church, where you can find her singing on

I discovered that sharing my story helped other people share their own.

people were just like me. We tend to isolate

the praise team. She’s currently training to become a Black Belt in Shorin Ryu Karate, and she’s close to completing her Personal Certified Training License. Regina and her husband Jeff fill their empty nest from their combined family of six adult children with two very tiny, yet adorable Chihuahuas. “Courage and faith

ourselves during times of stress, trauma or

determine where they stand on each of the

are best friends. When you have faith you

failure. I discovered that sharing my story - all

8 Points, and how to improve your overall

have all the courage you’ll ever need to get

of it - helped other people share their own.”

wellness when you focus on achieving balance

anything done,” Regina says.

Knowing how difficult long-term weight loss

instead of just focusing on weight loss.”

success can be, Regina continues to share her life

Regina not only talks the talk on her blog, she

adventures on her blog and

walks the walk everyday as a fitness professional.

her Navigating Weight and Wellness Facebook

She is the Membership Director at the Ocean

page. “These peer-to-peer relationships are

Community YMCA, Arcadia Branch, as well as

critical, especially when so many people still

a fitness instructor. She is a licensed POUND

don’t have a thorough understanding of weight

trainer, leading cardio classes that use lightly


Becky Durkin

Owner & Hospitality Leader

Making Memories “Nothing brings me more pleasure than seeing guests enjoy all of the amenities that we have created here,” says Becky. “Our goal has always been to offer a space for memories to be made, and throughout the past five years we’ve seen guests return to The Break to celebrate important milestones.” From bridal showers and weddings to baby showers and birthdays, The Break has become a destination for celebrations. The same can be said for businesses, as Becky is now focused on showcasing the hotel’s meeting space for corporate events. “The intimacy of our hotel creates an ideal location for retreats and off-site gatherings for organizations of any size,” says Becky. “The corporate stays are a natural progression that taps into our exceptional service, attention to detail, and personal touch.”

Photography by Savannah Barkley for Providence Monthly

Narragansett roots run deep with Becky Durkin. Becky, a University of Rhode Island graduate and long-time town resident, and her husband Jim put all of their energy into building the town’s first and only boutique hotel, THE BREAK. The Break will celebrate its five-year anniversary this June, a milestone that brings immense pride to Becky. “We wanted to create a special experience in Narragansett that is authentic to the town, one that captures the essence of life here,” says Becky. “We want The Break to feel like a stay in the most beautiful beach house ever.” Step inside the 16-room boutique property and you’ll immediately see that the Durkins succeeded in embracing the local beach community on many levels. “Narragansett’s early surfers gave the town its original charm,” Becky says, adding that she and her husband collaborated with local surfing legend Peter Pan on the hotel’s retrochic surf vibe. His original photographs are hung throughout the hotel.

With a passion for providing guests with fun and memorable experiences, The Break rings in each year with creative flair. Narragansett may be known for its annual New Year’s Day plunges into chilly ocean waters, but there is a decidedly warmer option at The Break — “The Non-Polar 95-Degree Plunge” at the hotel’s always heated outdoor pool. The heated plunge is followed by a New Year’s Day brunch at CHAIR 5, the hotel’s signature restaurant named after a lifeguard chair and local gathering spot on Narragansett Town Beach. Chair 5 has become a quintessential part of The Break, giving the hotel a unique charm with its local seaside inspired menu.

Nothing brings me more pleasure than seeing guests enjoy all of the amenities that we have created. Hometown Ties South County is lucky Becky didn’t end up at UConn (with all due respect to the Huskies). Becky missed the exit on her way to URI as a freshman and ended up in Connecticut. “I turned around as quickly as I could,” she says with a laugh. That U-turn was significant. While at URI, Becky met Jim, a thirdgeneration owner of Durkin Cottage Realty in Narragansett. Becky and Jim have been successfully working together for 35 years, and hospitality is in their genes. The Break Hotel is the pinnacle of their experiences. “Our team is just phenomenal,” says Becky. “They are immensely dedicated to our guests. Best of all, we get to share what we love most about Narragansett and Rhode Island with everyone who walks in the front door.”

1208 Ocean Rd., Narragansett 363-9800,

Joanne M. Daly, CDFA®

Photography by Savannah Barkley for Providence Monthly

First Vice President, Financial Advisor, Family Wealth Advisor and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst®, Morgan Stanley

JOANNE DALY cares deeply about her clients and their families. She is dedicated to helping them take control of their financial future. “I am passionate about helping others become financially empowered and make smart well-informed decisions about their money, especially women,” she says. Joanne’s clientele include individuals, couples, doctors, small business owners and professors, but many of her clients are women who have become responsible for their financial future after experiencing death of a loved one, divorce, or inheritance of significant wealth. Joanne knows personally how important it is to be involved in your finances, since her mother became a widow at 45 and her sister went through a divorce after 25 years of marriage. Joanne saw firsthand the emotional and financial challenges they faced, which is why she requires that both spouses participate in their meetings. Joanne strives to ensure that if something happens to one of them, the other will be better prepared to handle their financial affairs on their own. “Of course I will be there for them, to guide them and advocate for them,” she says, “helping them navigate through the overwhelming paperwork and helping them preserve their wealth so that they can live a comfortable lifestyle.” As a result of Joanne’s personal experiences, she has truly made it her mission to help her clients become financially informed and engaged in their finances, to help ensure they make smart decisions about their money. “I am their wealth coach, helping them navigate through their financial journey,” Joanne says. “I essentially act as

their personal CFO, helping them in many financial aspects of their life and working in collaboration with their attorneys and CPAs to create a holistic wealth plan that incorporates their personal values and goals. I provide customized financial and investment strategies to help them enhance, preserve and protect their wealth so they can achieve what’s most important to them.” Through ongoing financial education, coaching and planning, her clients feel confident in making informed financial decisions. Joanne enjoys educating others through financial presentations to civic organizations and companies. She is a frequent guest speaker on various topics, including financial empowerment, wealth planning and divorce. She has presented at Bryant’s Women Summit, South County Hospital, OLLI, URI Alumni Foundation and The Rhode Island Society of CPAs, to name a few. Though Joanne’s office is in Providence, she often meets with clients in their home, office or the firm’s Newport office. Joanne has more than 25 years of financial services experience, was a

I am passionate about helping others become financially empowered former CPA Tax Manager for Ernst and Young and earned an M. S. in taxation from Bryant University. Joanne has attained Morgan Stanley’s Family Wealth Advisor (FWA) designation which is granted to those financial advisors who have successfully completed an extensive accreditation program focused on the skills needed to help families communicate about money and values, share their goals and grow and preserve wealth across generations. She is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. Outside of work, Joanne is an active volunteer, including being a member of the: Women’s Fund of RI board, Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England board, RI Elder Info board, South County Hospital Development Committee (past Investment committee), GFWC Women’s Club of South County, United Way’s Alex de Tocqueville Committee, RI Society of CPAs and the Estate Planning Council of RI. Joanne lives in Narragansett with her husband and two daughters.

Providence. 863-8467, 800-488-1241

*Morgan Stanley and its Financial Advisors do not provide tax advice. Individuals should seek advice based on their particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor. The use of the CDFA® designation does not permit the rendering of legal advice by Morgan Stanley or its financial advisors which may only be done by a licensed attorney. The CDFA designation is not intended to imply that either Morgan Stanley or its Financial Advisors are acting as experts in this field. © 2020 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC. Member SIPC. NMLS ID:1510426 CRC2915179 02/2020

KATJE AFONSECA Executive Director

1540 Pontiac Ave., Cranston 921-2434,

“Mentoring is important to me — personally and professionally,” says Katje N. Afonseca, Executive Director at BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF RHODE ISLAND (BBBSRI). “Losing my sister when I was 12 highlighted the importance of connections and support for youth as they navigate life.” Praised as an excellent communicator and visionary leader, Katje and her team ensure kids in Rhode Island have positive role models in their lives. A graduate of Johnson & Wales University, Katje has worked in the non-profit sector for over 15 years, and has multifaceted experience with program management and fund development, including strategic planning, donor cultivation and stewardship, and grant writing. Katje has been with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island since 2013, when she was hired as Director of Development. In 2016 Katje was promoted to Executive Director of two 501(c)3’s: Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), which focuses on youth development; and a social enterprise organization (the Donation

CHERYL VIEIRA Director, Visitor Services

Mission-driven organizations like ROGER WILLIAMS PARK ZOO know that the key to connecting with the public is to craft meaningful interactions for each visitor. Enter Cheryl Vieira, a committed leader dedicated to increasing accessibility, advocating sustainability, and giving every guest an exceptional experience. Cheryl joined the zoo in 2009 as a Systems Specialist, transitioning to lead the team as a Visitor Services Manager just four years later. By 2016, she rose to Director of Visitor Services, the title she proudly holds today. In this role, Cheryl collaborates with zoo leaders to provide strategic oversight of all visitor

38 • March 2020

Center), which raises funds for BBBS. “Running organizations with a human services focus means the work is always evolving. While challenging, it is also very fulfilling. I love it because it truly changes lives, and that feels good,” she says. Described as forward thinking and passionate, Katje and her team are embarking on a new three-year strategic plan, which they look forward to implementing. Katje is especially proud of leading an organization that was named one of PBN “Best Places to Work” in 2019. “I believe happy, healthy employees working in an environment with a positive internal impact will create a greater external impact.” In addition to extensive volunteer work and mentoring, Katje sits on committees that focus on youth empowerment and women’s leadership, to name a few. “I am passionate about building strong relationships,” Katje says. “Mentoring is a deep-rooted investment in our community as a whole.”

experience components, including ticketing, programming, membership sales, private functions, and food/retail services. Thanks largely to her “above and beyond” approach, Cheryl has transformed the way the zoo operates, steadily growing attendance and access. Her signature project showcases a personal commitment to expanding opportunities for individuals with sensory processing disorders. More specifically, she spearheaded a series of exclusive accessibility programs and on-site sensory resources never before found in a New England zoo. Through her tenure, Cheryl has received more than 5.5 million guests at the zoo, and so it comes to no surprise that the department has likewise expanded exponentially. She now manages more than 100 frontline representatives, control of a new sister site (Carousel Village), and record-breaking successes from the annual Jack-o-Lantern Spectacular – all of which would not be possible without her vision, innovation, and adaptability. Cheryl has earned great respect from her peers for practicing what she preaches with passion and consistency. She is admired for her no-excuses attitude and willingness to work hard, even with the most daunting tasks. But perhaps the reason this comes naturally to Cheryl is because she personally aligns with the organization’s mission to protect wildlife and wild places. She serves her hometown East Providence as a Conservation Committee lead, and regularly escapes to the outdoors for hiking, exploring, and is an active marathoner. She is a CF L1 coach and has one son. 1000 Elmwood Ave., Providence. 785-3510,

Cathy Corelli Chianese Marketing Director

Marketing and advertising are usually referred to as an art, but there is also a science to it. A career professional with over 20 years of industry expertise, Cathy Corelli Chianese offers a unique and comprehensive approach to advertising and marketing solutions. “We look at the whole picture,” says the owner of CC MEDIA PARTNERS. “We take the time to get to know each business, and to understand every aspect of it.” Committed to producing results for her clients, Cathy and her team manage the marketing of each business with the experience, personality and relentless drive as if it were their own. “In today’s fast paced and digital-savvy environment, businesses need more than just creative design and production. They need a partner that fully understands their needs and can develop strategies to reach their goals,” she says. CC Media Partners is a full-service advertising/design agency that helps small and large businesses throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts with strategic media buying and marketing plans as well as offering full service design and video production. Cathy, along with her marketing assistant and key creative team partner Rose Cantor, has a proven track record of providing personalized creative solutions. “There are no templates in our advertising campaigns,” she says, adding that the agency’s work is customized for each client and project. “Our focus is always on the client and making their message stand out from their competition; our success is based on their success.” Cathy combines her exceptionally strong experience in graphic design, writing and production for TV and radio with a diverse portfolio of creative services. Her boutique agency provides comprehensive marketing campaigns for all mediums including print, billboard, direct mail, digital, email, and social media. “The key is consistent and compelling messages that are optimized for each medium and built for engagement,”

Cathy Corelli Chianese, President, Graphic Designer and Marketing Director, CC Media Partners she says. In addition to proficient media buying and executing targeted marketing campaigns, CC Media Partners also develops websites with custom content and design, and produces professional quality video and commercials. Current clients range from regional automotive groups and lawyers to retail and healthcare. “We don’t specialize in any one industry,

Our focus is always on the client and making their message stand out from their competition; our success is based on their success. although I am passionate about cars which is one of the reasons I tend to gravitate towards automotive dealers. Results driven marketing is our true specialty,” she says with a smile. With over two decades of impressive market knowledge and media connections, Cathy believes in offering real experience to college students pursuing a career in marketing. “Although we do not currently have an intern working with us, Johnson & Wales University and Rhode Island College have been in touch with me regarding internship candidates for the summer.” In addition, Cathy represents the local business community as a member and 2020 President of the Executives Association of Rhode Island, and supports a variety of non-profits, including Big Cat Rescue and the RISPCA. “I’m proud of the longstanding partnerships I have with my clients and the community,” she says. “I’m honored to know that we’ve been a part of their success.”

Cathy Corelli Chianese and Rose Cantor, Graphic Designer

Warwick. 437-8318


KIMBERLY J. POLAND Advertising Agency President

PAT PAOLINO CRUZ has been connecting Rhode Islanders through her events since 1990. She believes businesses are built by forming relationships, and marketing faceto-face at events brings back the “personal factor that gets lost in emails.” A marketing and event strategist, Pat is known for “bringing the people” to both large and small events. Among other specialties, she produces monthly RI Networking Events, Business





Wellness Events, Empower Women’s Expo and Taste of Rhode Island events. 401-261-3300,

“Delivering results is my passion. There’s nothing more satisfying than creating solutions that help my clients grow,” says Kimberly J. Poland, founder of POLAND MEDIA GROUP, a full-service advertising and public relations agency. Kimberly can create top-to-bottom marketing campaigns, including social media management, public relations. and media planning and buying. She can also work on single projects, like building a website. She prides herself on finding the best return on investment and making any budget work. Kimberly launched Poland Media Group after working at WPRI for 12 years, where she helped clients plan television and digital marketing campaigns. “I started Poland Media Group so I could 100% focus on my clients’ needs. Before working in television I owned and operated my own business, so I understand how business owners think and feel, and can put myself in their

40 • March 2020

a marketing expert who simplifies the decision making for clients. “Business owners get hit up with so many options for their advertising. I help them find their balance.”



DEBRA CHERNICK General Counsel Whether it’s purchasing a home, the birth of a child, divorce, or death of a parent, all these events signal the need for legal help. For well over three decades, Debra Chernick of SAYER REGAN & THAYER, LLP (SRT) has aided families going through their individual joys and sorrows. As General Counsel to SRT, Debra provides support in a wide range of services, including real estate, preparation of wills and powers of attorney, and family court issues. SRT provides additional expertise in cases of automobile accidents, immigration, criminal, and corporate matters. What is the sign of a successful office? How does an attorney know that the service she offers provides the right outcome, is reasonably priced, and is appreciated? “It’s all reflected in our clients themselves,” Debra says, pointing out that the firm is proud to earn their clients repeat business and referrals.

shoes.” In what can be a fast-paced and overwhelming process, Kimberly is

“I’m passionate about making people’s lives easier,” says Mikayla Roberts, owner of CLEANING BY MIKAYLA. Offering professional




commercial and residential properties, she prides herself on her punctuality and

The Law Office of Debra Chernick and Sayer Regan & Thayer are fixtures of the Wakefield community. Feel free to stop in for an appointment and a chat.

attention to detail. “Cleaning gives me a sense of accomplishment. It involves a beginning, a process, and a result.” With a high level of customer satisfaction, Mikayla is excited to expand her business. “There’s nothing more satisfying than

343c Main St., Wakefield. 789-1616

knowing my customers come home to a clean and organized home each week! Serving all of RI. 249-9288


Historically, the advertising industry has been led by men or male archetypes – think Mad Men and the Marlboro Man. PMC MEDIA GROUP, distinctively made up of mostly women, is a noted example of how women can make an impact in a once male-dominated profession. “The women of PMC were instrumental in growing the business from a smaller operation to a now sizable boutique agency serving nearly 90 clients in the New England area and nationwide,” says president Darren Jodoin. “Some of the top agencies in Boston, Los Angeles, and NYC are led by women at all organizational levels. We’re proud to be a small part of that industry shift.”


Locations in Cranston, North Kingstown, Wakefield, Middletown, & Smithfield (opening Mid-March)

From graphic design and social media strategy to finance and project management, each female team member specializes in a designated craft to support the agency. With over 50 years of combined experience between them, this group has proven to be an exceptional asset to the business. Natatia Jodoin has served as PMC’s chief financial officer since its inception in 2013. Both Emily Shlan (operations manager) and Beth Zell (creative director) joined the team soon thereafter in 2015. Briana Tikiryan (social media supervisor) and Brianna Ducey (social media strategist) have assisted with the expansion of PMC’s social media and digital capabilities. New to the team, Kendra Dingley (social media strategist), Taelor Washington (executive administrative assistant), and Zaria Dean (creative specialist) have started their careers after recently graduating college. These new additions to the team came as a result of the growing need to expand PMC’s bandwidth after moving to a new, larger office space on Main Street in East Greenwich. “We get the opportunity to explore our creative sides daily. Whether that involves developing branding concepts and designs for a business or finding a unique way for our clients to engage with consumers on social media,” says Emily. “But most importantly, our jobs are fun.”

THE COLOR HOUSE, a paint and design retailer with four storefronts in Rhode Island, has recently earned state certification as a Woman-Owned Business Enterprise (WBE). To date, The Color House is the first and only RI paint and design retailer to hold the WBE certification. The Color House is a secondgeneration, family-owned paint and decorating business specializing in providing superior quality Benjamin Moore paints, stains, primers, and industrial coatings with the expert knowledge and advice that customers need to get their projects done right. In addition to paint, The Color House offers the largest selection of wallcovering in the state, along with window treatments and color consultations. Jean Hauser, President, inherited ownership of her husband’s family-run paint and wall covering business after he passed away in 2016. It marked a turning point – both for the company started in 1963, and for Jean herself. With four recently-renovated locations and a fifth

694 Main St., East Greenwich. 667-7777

planned to open this spring, The Color House’s phenomenal growth continues under Jean’s leadership. “I believe in women supporting women – whether that means partnering together, promoting one another, or providing support and resources we need to be successful,” she says. “The WBE certification demonstrates how proud we are to be a woman-owned business. It is also a reflection of The Color House as an inclusive team that values and appreciates the diversity of every customer who walks through our door.” Jean is also leading the way for women in the traditionally male-dominated paint industry. Earlier this year, she became the first woman appointed committee chair of the AllPro® Corporation (AllProCorp. com), a business-to-business purchasing cooperative for the international paint and decorating industry. “It is a privilege to represent a 280-member network of international paint and design retailers, but I am especially honored to be a voice for fellow women business owners at the table.” • March 2020


AMAN DANIELS Branch Manager, Chase

Aman Daniels, a native Rhode Islander with a decade of experience in the banking industry, is excited for the new opportunities at CHASE. The bank has big plans for RI, including adding 80 jobs across 12 new branches. The recently opened full-service branch in Downtown Providence




that support consumer/private banking, home lending, and small business. “I’m truly fortunate to be part of Chase’s commitment





partnerships with local organizations like RISD, and how we support our neighbors.” 146 Westminster St., Providence 854-3319,

LAURIE NERONHA Owner & Licensed Esthetician Laurie Neronha is obsessed with healthy skin. “Beautiful skin is a side effect of healthy skin,” says the owner of VIRIDITAS BEAUTIFUL SKIN THERAPIES. “Viriditas is the Latin equivalent of chi, or energy. Lush, green and verdant, we focus on repairing and maintaining your skin’s natural barrier and defense systems. We believe in hydrating and restoring with integrity, care and compassion – because your skin deserves to be nourished, not abused.” Laurie’s career began over two decades ago when she became a licensed esthetician. “I’m also obsessed with skin science,” she says, adding that becoming a certified Acne Specialist was a career game changer. A regional trainer for Oncology Spa Solutions, Laurie teaches skincare professionals the specialized practice of treating oncology patients. “It’s empowering to know we improve the quality of life during such a challenging time.” Laurie is proud to win the Client

42 • March 2020

Sachs 10,000 Small Business program in 2018. “It’s so rewarding to have built a business that not only changed my life, but has changed the lives of others.”

1 Richmond Sq., Suite 215W, Providence. 632-4433


LOCAL AREA DIRECTORS N2 Publishing N2 PUBLISHING creates customized, high-quality color publications that connect businesses with affluent, hard to reach neighborhoods throughout the country, including in Rhode Island. Through resident submitted stories and photos shared on the pages of the magazine, families learn about their neighbors as well as the business sponsors. Their sponsors are further connected to residents online through social media, and in person, through social events - it’s social marketing in action. All of this comes together to fulfill the N2 mission of “turning neighborhoods into communities.” There are nearly 1,000 N2 Area Directors across the nation, and they’re adding to the team. Area Directors are people who make a positive impact on a daily basis – they turn neighborhoods into communities and offer an advertising avenue that places local businesses in the hands of affluent homeowners.

Loyalty Award from, and to have graduated the Goldman

Local N2 Publishing Area Directors: Tanja Carroll (Wickford) Cheryl Baker (East Greenwich), Caroline Maynard (Watch Hill & Groton Long Point, CT), Bethany Mascena Tracy (Warwick Neck & Pawtuxet Village) & Danielle Harbour (North Attleboro, MA) Missing: Danyca Penick (Barrington) & Deirdre O’Connor (Narragansett Pier)

“I want women to know it’s possible to raise a family and also have a rewarding career,” says Jane Driver, mom of two and Realtor with RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES LTD. With a commitment to building community, historic advocacy, and real estate, Jane has built a career helping people buy and sell homes since 2000. “I restored my first house, a Victorian, back to its original beauty,” she says, adding that she’s now restoring her Armory District home. “I love seeing houses that need love

10 Communities in Rhode Island 401-287-8482

transform into something beautiful.” 376 Broadway, Providence. 641-3723,

LEAH CARLSON Owner & Stylist

JOHANNA CORCORAN Community Relations Manager

Leah’s love for hair started at a young age, along with a passion for creating music and art. Realizing she could balance






she pursued her dreams of starting a business and opened LA LA LUXE SALON 10 years ago in Providence. She added a second salon two years ago in Warren’s Tourister Mills. “Every day is a huge balance because I’m also a mom, but I love it. My amazing team, my clients, and my family keep me going.” Providence: 139 Elmgrove Ave., 383-3797 Warren: 91 Main St., 289-3787

Many would consider leaving an established non-profit career for a position with a brick and mortar retail chain a risk. “In a time when many wellknown retailers are closing their doors, I had the opportunity to be a part of a team that brought the new BOSCOV’S DEPARTMENT STORE to Providence,” says Johanna Corcoran. After sixteen years of deep involvement with RI non-profits through positions at Brown University, United Way, and Children’s Friend, Johanna is excited about the opportunities ahead. ”I see this new role as a continuation of my work; another opportunity to make an impact. Boscov’s is dedicated to being a meaningful partner in the community.” In addition to partnering with the community, Johanna also creates instore events that attract customers and make shopping fun. Whether it’s photo opps with Pinkie Pie from My Little Pony,

Providence Place Mall 396-2600, x1202


DIANE FAGAN Co-owner “Our name is our brand so we do everything we can to earn the respect and trust of our clients,” says Diane Fagan, co-owner of FAGAN DOOR. It would not be unusual to find Diane, a hands-on learner, working alongside technicians or climbing up on a ladder. “I don’t mind getting my hands dirty. It’s all part of helping achieve the customers’ goals.” Diane points out that woman-owned companies are hard to come by, especially in male-dominated industries like home improvement. She has been a driving force at Fagan Door since meeting her now husband Shawn at RIC in 1992. In 2001, Diane was honored to be the first woman in New England to pass the International Door Education and Accreditation exam. 2020 is a big year for Diane: Fagan Door is celebrating their 45th year in business, and it’s also her 25th

or tips from a design pro on how to create the perfect tablescape, events are the heartbeat of the store. “I’m excited to help Boscov’s become fully integrated into the RI marketplace and redefine what it means to be a retailer in 2020.”

Mary Marzocchi “We



Victoria Pazienza clients


attention so they can relax knowing we are focused on promoting and growing their business,” says Victoria Pazienza, Sales &

wedding anniversary. A self-described perfectionist, Diane admits to “sweating the small details so my customers don’t have to. We take pride in providing superior quality products at affordable prices, and just being honest everyday.”

Art Director at FOX STUDIOS. “I have a strong eye for details, including staying on budget and deadlines,” adds Production Manager Mary Marzocchi. Both Victoria and Mary have been on the leading team at the creative marketing agency for 30 years. “We’re both passionate about delivering superior customer service and

390 Tiogue Ave., Coventry. 821-2729

great results.” 401-725-2161 • March 2020


MARISA ETTING Owner & Therapist “I’ve always enjoyed listening and helping others,” says Marisa Etting, owner of ME PSYCHOTHERAPY. Marisa knew at an early age that she wanted




therapist. She opened her practice in 2010, and has grown it tremendously since. Open daily with nine therapists onsite or online through Telehealth, the thriving practice is a judgmentfree space and “my dream come true,” says Marisa.

194 Waterman St., Providence.


HEATHER PALIOTTA Executive Director Community Heather has

leader Paliotta




SAMANTHA SCHEER, MBA CEO & Founder Samantha Scheer is a business professional and entrepreneur with over a decade of healthcare industry experience. Armed with an MBA from Bryant University and a Bachelor’s in Management from Umass Amherst, she has held a number of consulting, management, and executive positions at large-scale healthcare clinics and top organizations including CVS Health and Lifespan. Early in her career, Samantha held a management position at Assisted Recovery - an addiction treatment clinic in RI - that was a career game changer. “Working directly with patients and physicians helped me gain a deep understanding of addiction as a disease, and the growing need for simple, effective, long-term medical solutions. I knew that I would one day set out to change this.” Samantha did just that in 2019 when she launched DRINK-LESS, RI’s first outpatient Medication-Assisted Alcohol Moderation Program. The program combines prescription medication and clinical

guidance to eliminate alcohol cravings, suppress anxiety, and rewire addictive habits, enabling people to reduce their drinking to safe levels or abstain entirely. To learn more, visit or call 401-346-1599. For professional connections, Samantha can be reached at 678 Park Ave., Cranston. (855)-Y-SUFFER

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE for 19 years, taking the lead with recruiting


and growing membership. She’s especially proud of tripling the size of the beloved Charlestown Seafood Festival, their largest annual fundraiser. “We are strong advocates for our members, and strong ambassadors for preserving our coastal heritage.” 364-3878,

LISA SWEENOR DUNHAM Sweenor’s Chocolates For LISA SWEENOR DUNHAM, chocolate has been a family business



four Along

with her brother, Lisa runs


CHOCOLATES which specializes in handmade chocolates, fudge, truffles, and sweet novelties. “We take great pride in working for a business that has had continued success for over 60 years. I also get to eat chocolate every day. That’s always a plus!” 21 Charles St., Wakefield, 783-4433; Garden City, Cranston, 942-2720. 44 • March 2020


Marketing & Business Development Laurie Ramaker, owner of RAMAKER COMMUNICATIONS, considers herself an invested partner in her clients’ businesses. With more than 20 years as a South County business owner, advertising director and public relations professional, Laurie has developed deep relationships with RI businesses and organizations. She values her connection to the community and knows the importance of differentiation in a crowded marketplace. She has spearheaded marketing efforts for one of New England’s most popular musical events, the Rhythm & Roots Festival, held every Labor Day weekend in Charlestown. Her diverse client base includes the iconic Coast Guard House Restaurant, the non-profit South County Museum, local businesses and community organizations. “The most important thing I do is listen well. Marketing is not one-size-fits-all, and each business requires a different approach. As a partner in your business, I have your best interests in mind – all within your budget.” Creative and collaborative,

Laurie helps clients define what makes them unique, then implements a plan that targets the right audience with a blend of traditional, digital and social media marketing. As the go-to marketing consultant in southern RI, Laurie frees up her clients to do what they do best – serve their customers.


KRISTEN PRULL MOONAN & AMY STRATTON Estate Planning & Business Attorneys MOONAN, STRATTON & WALDMAN is a women-run, boutique law firm with a focus on trusts and estates and elder law, as well as the business law and transactional matters critical throughout the life of a business. Clients appreciate that partners Kristen Prull Moonan and Amy Stratton offer a depth of legal knowledge but also sensitivity to their current circumstances, which may be challenging and overwhelming. They are known for finding creative solutions to their clients’ problems, explaining all the options — and their potential impact — in a way that is both respectful and understandable. Located on the East Side for more than 30 years, the firm’s roots date back three generations. “We are proud of our long-term relationships with clients and their families.” The MSW team is committed

BONNIE BISIGNANO District Sales Coordinator





Coordinator at AFLAC, is committed to protecting her clients. “Being a trusted resource in their time of need is my greatest reward,” she says. Aflac is an affordable benefit for any business, whether they have a benefit program or need one. Bonnie educates businesses and their employees on the various policies, assists clients with claims, and ensures prompt financial benefits after an illness/injury. Excited to attend the National Convention for top producers in April, she adds, “Aflac offers amazing career opportunities.” 110 Jefferson Blvd., Warwick. 481-2944

Pictured: The MSW team with Kristen Prull Moonan (second from left) & Amy Stratton (center)

to both their community and the profession; they are active in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, the RI Women’s Bar Association, and the Estate Planning Council of RI.

MANDY SYERS Owner, Legacy Letters

Mandy Syers founded LEGACY LETTERS to help parents write keepsake letters to their children – words of love and guidance, wishes,

family financial

history, or





even the stories behind heirlooms. The emotional counterpart to a legal will, a Legacy Letter gives parents the peace of mind of having communicated what’s most important to them, and it gives children a connection to their roots. Mandy says, “I truly believe it’s the most

4 Richmond Sq., Suite 150 Providence. 272-6300

meaningful gift a person can receive.” Based in Providence 714-3736,

VERONICA JUTRAS Admissions Director Education and community were at the heart of Veronica Jutras’ childhood, and have been a part of her core ever since. “My father was Recreation Director of a town for thirty years, and my mother was a teacher. I’ve always been purpose-driven,” says Veronica. As Admissions Director at the GORDON SCHOOL, Veronica gets to know families well and helps them understand the school’s approach. “It’s a place that offers an extraordinary child-centered progressive education and builds and holds community with tremendous intentionality.” Having taught at each grade level (nursery through 8th grade) and having overseen Gordon’s Athletics and Wellness Department, Veronica has a unique ability to communicate about curriculum, crossdivisional and interdisciplinary work, as well school life in comprehensive and even personal ways. She’s proud to be an out gay faculty member, adding that “it’s essential that students and families bring

their whole selves into the community and not feel as though they need to hide any aspect of their identity.” “It’s an honor to be the person who continues to help Gordon build its extraordinary community.”

45 Maxfield Ave., East Providence. 434-3833 x116 • March 2020


The Ladies of Providence Media

Pictured from left to right: Abigail Brown, Elyse Major, Abbie Lahmers, Kristine Mangan, Louann DiMuccio, Sascha Martin, Taylor Gilbert, Ann Gallagher, Megan Schmit, Jeanette St. Pierre, Liz Riel, Stephanie Wilmarth

You see our magazines around the state. Perhaps you pick up a copy as you exit the market or your favorite boutique, or flip through the pages while lingering over a sweet treat at your favorite coffee shop. We’re PROVIDENCE MEDIA, the publisher of Rhode Island’s premier lifestyle magazines, including SO Rhode Island, The Bay Magazine, East Side Monthly, Hey Rhody, and our flagship, Providence Monthly. Our free magazines reach roughly 100,000 readers throughout the state every month, bringing the best of food, arts, culture, fashion and much more, all in our unique local voice. Much of what we do starts from our headquarters in Pawtucket. Media Director Jeanette St. Pierre has been at the helm for twenty years and was the company’s first full-time employee. Today, along with Jeanette, women hold a number of leadership roles in the Editorial, Art, and Sales departments. “We are a dream team that is dedicated to producing superior

products and results for our readers and clients.” Taylor Gilbert, Senior Designer, concurs, “We all work together as one big family, constantly supporting and motivating us all to be a better company.” Editor in Chief Elyse Major joined the team nearly two years ago and soon after created the Rhody Gem program. Started in December of 2019, this column which appears in each of the publications, highlights a reader-nominated small business each month. “Ever walk into a small shop or cafe and think – how did I not know about this wonderful place? – I must share it! That is the goal of each Rhody Gem feature, to clue our readers into each neighborhood’s hidden gem,” says Elyse. Being a free magazine, display ads are crucial to the success of Providence Media, something we all take very seriously. “We are committed and we are proud of our work,” begins Kristine Mangan, Account Manager. “We want readers to learn something about Rhode Island from our

magazines and we want our advertisers to feel good about advertising and reap the benefits of being part of our publications.” Says Managing Editor Meg Schmit, “I want people to know that we have women shining in every kind of role, including sales, graphic design, event planning, web management, writing, editing, and social media. We’re the definition of a team that’s small but mighty.” Editorial Designer Abigail Brown adds, “While we all have different passions, we have one big one in common: Rhode Island! We all work every day finding what makes our state so awesome and putting it out around the state in a beautiful way, hopefully helping to allow all other leading ladies to continue thriving.”

1070 Main Street, Pawtucket. 401-305-3391

134 Collaborative A Leadership Journey A Sweet Creation Youth Organization Academy for Career Exploration ACE Mentor Program of RI ACLU Foundation of Rhode Island Adoption RI African Alliance of RI AIDS Care Ocean State Aldersbridge Communities Alzheimer’s Association RI Chapter Amenity Aid Amos House Art Connection- Rhode Island AS220 Audubon Society of Rhode Island Autism Project Avenue Concept Barrington Farm School Be The Change/Project Hand Up Beachwood Center for Wellbeing Beat the Streets Providence Beautiful Day Best Buddies Rhode Island Better Lives Rhode Island Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island Blackstone Academy Charter School Books Are Wings Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport County Boys & Girls Clubs of Providence Boys & Girls Clubs of Warwick Boys Town New England Bradley Hospital Foundation Brandon M Austin Memorial Fund Camp JORI Center for Leadership and Educational Equity Center for Mediation and Collaboration Rhode Island Center For Reconciliation Center for Sexual Pleasure and Health Center for Southeast Asians Charles Annette Redeemed Empowerment (CARE) Scholarship Foundation Child & Family Childhood Lead Action Project Children’s Friend Children’s Wish RI Choral Collective of Newport County Chorus of Westerly CHS Chorus Parent Association City Year Providence Clean Ocean Access Collaborative, The College Crusade College Unbound College Visions Community Action Partnership of Providence Community Care Alliance Community Provider Network of Rhode Island Comprehensive Community Action Program (CCAP) Confetti Foundation Crossroads Rhode Island Cuddles Of Hope Foundation Cumberland School Volunteers, Inc. DARE (Direct Action for Rights and Equality) Dare to Dream Ranch, Inc. Day One DESIGNxRI Diversity Talks Domestic Violence Resource Center of South County Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island Down Syndrome Society of Rhode Island Dress for Success Providence East Bay Community Action Program East Bay Food Pantry Edesia Nutrition Elisha Project Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center

Empowerment Factory Epilepsy Foundation New England Esperanza-Hope Farm Fresh Rhode Island Federal Hill House Festival Ballet Providence FirstWorks Flickers Arts Collaborative Foster Forward Friends of Animals in Need Friends of the Barrington Public Library Friends Way Gallery Night Providence, Inc. Gamm Theatre Garden Time Genesis Center Girl Scouts of Southeastern New England Girls on the Run Rhode Island Girls Rock! RI Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation Gnome Surf Goodwill of Southern New England Gotta Have Sole Foundation, Inc. Grantmakers Council of Rhode Island Greater Warwick Lions Club Groden Network Groundwork Rhode Island Grow Smart RI Haitian Project Health Help Ministry Inc. Hera Educational Foundation, Inc. Herren Project Herreshoff Marine Museum Higher Ground International NGO Highlander Charter School Highlander Institute Historic Metcalf Franklin Farm Holy Family Home for Mothers and Children Hope & Main Hope Alzheimer’s Center Hope Funds for Cancer Research Hope’s Harvest RI House of Hope Community Development Corporation Housing Network of Rhode Island IN-SIGHT Inspiring Minds Interfaith Counseling Center International Tennis Hall of Fame Island Moving Company Jamestown Arts Center Jewish Alliance of Greater Rhode Island John Hope Settlement House Jonnycake Center of Peace Dale Jonnycake Center of Westerly Judy’s Kindness Kitchen Junior Achievement of Rhode Island Just A.S.K.(Aphasia Stroke Knowledge) JustLeadershipUSA Ladies Climbing Coalition Latino Policy Institute

Leadership Rhode Island Lifespan Foundation Lighthouse Community Development Corporation Lights & Sirens International Literacy Volunteers of Washington County Man Up, Inc. Manton Avenue Project March of Dimes Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center McAuley Ministries Meeting Street Mental Health Association of Rhode Island MINI’s Making A Difference Miriam Hospital Foundation Mount Hope Farm Music on the Hill Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts of America Narrow River Preservation Association NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley New England Humane Society New Urban Arts Newport Hospital Foundation, Inc. Newport Mental Health Newport Restoration Foundation newportFILM Nonviolence Institute Norman Bird Sanctuary Northern Rhode Island Food Pantry Oasis International Ocean State Montessori School Ocean Tides Oliver Hazard Perry Rhode Island ONE Neighborhood Builders Operation Stand Down Rhode Island Partnership for Providence Parks Paul Cuffee School Paws Watch Pawtucket Central Falls Development Pawtucket Soup Kitchen Phoenix Houses of New England, Inc. Planned Parenthood of Southern New England Potter League for Animals Project Broken Wheel Foundation Project GOAL Inc. Project Undercover, Inc. Prout School Providence ¡CityArts! for Youth Providence Animal Rescue League Providence Community Library Providence Gay Flag Football League Providence Public Library Providence Singers RAMP - Real Access Motivates Progress Reach Out and Read Rhode Island Recycle-a-Bike Residents United for Furry Friends Rhode Island and Providence Roller Derby Rhode Island Aviation Hall of Fame, Inc. Rhode Island Black Storytellers (RIBS) Rhode Island Center for Justice Rhode Island Chapter of the Pink Heals Tour, Inc.

Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless Rhode Island Community Food Bank Rhode Island Council for the Humanities Rhode Island Environmental Education Association Rhode Island for Community and Justice Rhode Island Free Clinic Rhode Island Hospital Foundation Rhode Island Latino Arts Rhode Island Parent Information Network Rhode Island Polonia Scholarship Foundation Rhode Island School for Progressive Education Rhode Island SPCA Rhode Island Tutorial & Educational Services Rhode Island Write on Sports Rhode Island Youth Theatre Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education RI Healthy Schools Coalition RI Public Health Institute RI Zoological Society/Roger Williams Park Zoo Riverzedge Arts Rocky Hill Country Day School Ronald McDonald House Charities of New England S.A.L.T.Y. (Seamanship & Leadership Training for Youths) Sail Newport Sail To Prevail Salgi Esophageal Cancer Research Foundation Save One Soul Animal Rescue League Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences SMILE Program Shri Service Corps Smith’s Castle Social Enterprise Greenhouse Sojourner House Sophia Academy South County Habitat for Humanity South Kingstown Land Trust South Kingstown Wellness Southside Community Land Trust Special Olympics Rhode Island St. Mary’s Home for Children Stand Up For Animals Steamship Historical Society of America Steel Yard SVDP Rhode Island Sweet Binks Rescue, Inc. TAPA: Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts Thundermist Health Center Tockwotton on the Waterfront Tomorrow Fund Trinity Repertory Company Turning Around Ministries, Inc. UCAP School United Way of Rhode Island Universal Youth Initiatives Village Common of RI Warwick Commission on Historical Cemeteries Washington County CDC WaterFire Providence West Bay Chorale Westbay Community Action Westerly Land Trust What Cheer Flower Farm What Cheer Writers Club Wilbury Theatre Group Wildlife Rehabilitators Association of Rhode Island Women & Infants Hospital Women’s Fund of Rhode Island Women’s Refugee Care Year Up YMCA of Greater Providence YMCA of Pawtucket Young Voices YESpvd - Youth Empowerment Services Youth In Action YouthBuild Preparatory Academy


South County Health Cancer Center is proud to welcome

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Dr. Angela Taber joins South County Health’s Cancer Center from The Miriam Hospital and Rhode Island Hospital. She is the only physician in Rhode Island board certified in both Oncology and Palliative Care. For the last two years, Dr. Taber has been chosen by her peers as a Rhode Island Monthly “Top Doctor” in Oncology. She leads a multi-disciplinary team of expert physicians and highly trained staff practicing the latest medical advances in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care. And it all happens in one convenient location – the South County Health Cancer Center, one of only 24 accredited cancer programs in the United States to receive the 2018 Outstanding Achievement Award from the Commission on Cancer. re arthe org/st . h t l a e ountyh isit southc To l e a r n m o r e , c a l l 4 0 1 - 7 8 3 - 6 6 7 0 o r v

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48 • March 2020

LIFE & STYLE Shop • Home • Influencer SHOP

by Elyse Major • photography courtesy of Kreatelier






Color Me Happy Gray skies and bare branches getting you down? Walls closing in? Infuse a bit of cheer into your life via something bright, colorful, and even sustainable from Kreatelier. Located on Hope Street beneath a fruit-striped awning, this truly one-of-a-kind shop bills itself as a creative and unique fabric concept store, and rightly so. Find vibrant apparel, reusable goods ranging from produce bags to facial cloths, along with stuffed animals, hair accessories, and more. Says owner Line Daems, “Kreatelier plays a unique role in

the neighborhood and online, not just by offering beautiful textile products but also by fostering a place in which customers get inspired, learn about fabric and home decor solutions, and exchange creative ideas.” Wellknown for their custom services, follow along on Instagram (@kreatelier) to be dazzled by worn armchairs given new life with their upholstery magic. Adds Daems, “Our goal is to make the joy of fabric accessible to every budget, and we work to make sure all of our customers are happy and satisfied.”


Maileg Mice Grandpa & Grandma in Matchbox, $50 2. Kreatelier Fabric Remnant Pillow, $30 3. Fraas Fashion Goats Scarf in Multi, $57 4. Demdaco Overnight Travel Bag in Multi, $85 5. Swedish Dishcloths, $8

Kreatelier 804 Hope Street • 432-7995 • March 2020



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by Elyse Major

Dining room as a stunning home library

SHELF LIFE A Summit neighborhood home is a book lover’s dream come true “I’m a city person. When I looked out the window all I could see was greenery and water,” scoffs Anne Holland, as she recounts first moving to Portsmouth, Rhode Island from DC. “The first day I looked out the window of my new house in Providence, I burst into tears of relief because I could see people walking on the sidewalk right outside.” If Holland’s name is familiar it’s because she Photography by Mike Braca

is co-founder of What Cheer Writers Club, the skyrocketing nonprofit that offers professional support and coworking space for journalists, creative writers, illustrators, and podcasters. Once she and cats Sunny and Freddie moved into the center-hall Colonial built in 1927 by Zelig Fink, Holland began planning renovations which would include turning the dining room into a Want your home featured in Providence Monthly? Email to learn more

Books and plants are key elements throughout the home

GET RHODY STYLE Anne Holland’s home exudes personality. Take note on favorite shops and tips.

52 • March 2020

like $5 chairs reupholstered at Kreatelier. “When I couldn’t find the right thing, I commissioned it. It can be cheaper than high-end stuff, and you get what you want.” Holland also credits Elizabeth Randall Designs for helping with both the rebuild and decorating. For interior spaces, Holland is drawn to rich colors like mossy greens and periwinkle blues; she likes black leather, orange and raspberry velvets, and cites warm lighting as critical to her aesthetic. “I look for light bulbs with warm light, which means preferably 2,200 kelvins; my fixtures are dimmable or multi-setting, and I’m always tweaking to get the perfect warm glow.” “People are always surprised to learn there was a fire and that so much of the house and its contents are new, new to me at least,” Holland says. “It truly feels like I’ve been here for years. That makes me happy.”

HOLLAND’S HAUNTS Look for new RI art at AS220, historic RI art at The Bert Gallery; have things framed at Providence Picture Frame; get windows restored at Heritage Restoration; and head to Hope for Kreatelier, Studio Hop, pH Factor, and more. NATURAL INSTINCTS “When your jobs and hobbies mostly involve being indoors, I think it’s important to have plants and fresh flowers. I always have a bouquet on my desk and houseplants in each room.” says Holland who likes The Floral Reserve and Aquidneck Island’s Rockfarm Gardens (they deliver).

Photography by Mike Braca

library for her massive book collection. However, not long after, a terrible house fire caused by old electrical wires in the attic resulted in severe property damage. Luckily, Holland was working from home that day and was able to save the cats and call the fire department. Also luckily, all the house’s original windows were at Heritage Restoration being restored (she was making do with storm windows only) and her books, along with some art, were in storage. “Pretty much everything else was lost,” says Holland. The rebuild took nearly a year and once complete, Holland was concerned that the interior would look too new and slick. “I wanted it to feel as though I’d lived there for years – with warmth, color, and layers of intimate history.” To achieve this look, she deliberately sought things of varying styles and periods, doing much of her shopping at auctions and having pieces

REFERENCE SECTION Holland stock shelves with books by nationally recognized local authors and recommends K. Chess, Bathsheba Demuth, Vanessa Lillie, Lucas Mann, and Vikki Warner for starters. For book stores, it’s Paper Nautilus, Riff Raff, Symposium, and Twenty Stories.

Providence Monthly presents

to leading ladies! Sponsored by



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LIFE & STYLE • Influencer

by Jackie Ignall

Aarin Bernard Clemons

Photography by Wolf Matthewson

Brand & Culture Director at Courtland Club

54 • March 2020

What do you wear to feel most comfortable? I’ve been a bit of a chameleon over the years when it comes to personal style, but comfort and fun with seasonality has always been a constant. A good pair of tapered denim is a year-round staple, and socks – which add playful color and texture combinations.


Is there an item of clothing you always wear? I’m known as “the guy with the hat.” Truly, I’ve been introduced for an award as such. I enjoy brimmed hats and have more than I should, but I love color coordination and the ease of classing up a fun outfit with one. Can you tell us what you do at Courtland Club? Most days, my job consists of making friends. We are a very intimate venue and making our guests feel like they’ve come to visit a friend is important to our experience. It’s my job to lead our staff through the daily operation of our bar, educate the outside world about our experience, and ensure that those two things receive attention and energy in equal measure. What makes Courtland Club so appealing? We are open to the public, but with a great set of services and opportunities for members to be a part of something a bit larger than having a great drink. Which is of course at the heart of why one would come here – to be a part of something – and to know what’s behind the door with no sign. What do you love about Providence? The city is an ever-growing and ever-evolving collection of people with new ideas and old dreams. I love the heartbeat of the city and everything that percolates beneath the surface. On my days off, I enjoy visiting Bolt Coffee, Music Research Library, and The East End for a late lunch. The only thing better is spending the entire day with my son, which consists of the same things, but includes KNEAD Doughnuts and pizza.


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a gala performance of musical theatre favorites The Graduate Providence, 11 Dorrance Street Reserved Seating Cocktail Attire Silent Auction & L avish Tapas Buffet to Follow

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SUMMER INSTITUTE Encourage your kids to explore their creative side this summer at YASI! 201 WASHINGTON ST. • PROVIDENCE • RI

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#ChooseRI Event


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ide statew For a f events o listing online! s visit u m h R y He


5 essential events this March


March 26:

Photo courtesy of ShutterBooth Event Photos

Network the night away at Millennial RI’s 6th Annual #ChooseRI Celebration at the WaterFire Arts Center. Make connections over tasty treats and fun games! Providence, Facebook: Millennial Rhode Island



The Greenwich Odeum hosts a wealth of RI women’s voices for The Vagina Monologues, a celebration of women presented with humor and grace, based on true stories. East Greenwich,

The 64th Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade will feature the usual roundup of festive marching band music, police and fire units, community organizations, and more for a Celtic celebration! Newport,




Kick off Narragansett Restaurant Week at The Towers on March 19, then dine out at old favorites or visit new hotspots in the vibrant scene all week long! Narragansett,



The Blue Man Group is back with new acts, antics, and instruments! Their Speechless Tour at Providence Performing Arts Center promises a rollicking good time. Providence,


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MUSIC COLUMBUS THEATRE March 3: of Montreal with Lily’s Band. March 6: OM with Wovenhand. March 8: Buddy Wakefield - A Choir of Honest Killers World Tour. March 10: Kyle Kinane The Spring Break Tour. March 11: Dustbowl Revival. March 12: Jonathan Richman with Tommy Larkins and Bonnie “Prince” Billy with Emmett Kelly. March 13: Too-Rye-Ay - A St. Patrick’s Tribute to Dexys Midnight Runners. March 14: Lazy Magnet with Clay Camero. March 17: Dweezil Zappa. March 20: Uniform & The Body with Dreamdecay and Sandworm. March 27: Brian Fallon & The Howling Weather. 270 Broadway, Providence. FETE MUSIC HALL March 2: Wallows with Penelope Isles. March 7: Let’s Danza with High On Hops. March 20: Skyfoot with Good Trees River Band and PEAK. March 21: Consider the Source with Electro Politics and The Cosmic Factory. March 27: Lawrence. March 28: Providence Tattoo and Music

Fest 6. March 31: CAAMP with The Ballroom Thieves. 103 Dike Street, Providence. THE MET March 6: Mullett. March 7: Playing Dead. March 10: Eric D’Alessandro. March 11: Eric Gales. March 13: Against Me! March 14: Greg Hawkes with Eddie Japan. March 15: underEstimated Prophet. March 19: Enter The Haggis. March 21: Popa Chubby. March 22: Melvin Seals & JGB. March 26: Pop Smoke. March 27: SixFoxWhiskey with Daddie Long Legs. March 28: Start Making Sense. 1005 Main Street, Pawtucket. THE STRAND March 7: Carnaval 2020 with Constantino & Anisio. March 14: Fabulous. March 18: Rod Wave. March 29: Moneybagg Yo. 79 Washington Street, Providence.

THEATER PPAC March 3-8: Hello, Dolly! March 20-22: Blue Man Group. March 26: Celtic Woman Cele-

bration - The 15th Anniversary Tour. March 28: The Bachelor Live on Stage. March 31-April 5: Jesus Christ Superstar. 220 Weybosset Street, Providence. TRINITY REPERTORY February 20-March 22: A Tale of Two Cities. Through March 8: Marie Antoinette. March 19: Context and Conversation - “Only Connect.” 201 Washington Street, Providence. TrinityRep. com THE VETS March 8: Rome & Duddy. March 10: Brit Floyd. March 14: TACO Classical 6 - Grieg’s Beloved Piano Concerto. 1 Avenue of the Arts, Providence.

COMEDY COMEDY CONNECTION March 5-7: Langston Kerman. March 12: Frank Santos Jr. March 13-14: Bobcat Goldthwait. 39 Warren Avenue, East Providence.

ART RISD MUSEUM March 7 and 8: Benjamin Nacar Piano Concert. March 8: Ways of Looking Talk. March 19: Think and Drink - Samurai. March 26: Simply Riveting - Broken and Mended Ceramics. March 29: MetroWest Quintet Concert. 20 North Main Street, Providence. AS220 March 4: Brooke Annibale and Anna Vogelzang. March 5: Providence Poetry Slam. March 7: Improv Jones. March 10: Jub, Lily Porter Wright, and Le Grand Gambino. March 11: Bummer Club RI #9. March 18: Geek Dinner. March 25: Mic Madness (Youth Open Mic). 95 Mathewson Street, Unit 204, Providence.

SPORTS BROWN UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S BASKETBALL March 6: vs. Harvard. March 7: vs. Dartmouth. Brown Stadium, Providence.

PROVIDENCE BRUINS March 6: vs. Springfield. March 8: vs. Hershey. March 21: vs. Hartford. March 22: vs. Charlotte. March 28: vs. Bridgeport. March 29: vs. Springfield. 1 La Salle Square, Providence. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE MEN’S BASKETBALL March 4: vs. Xavier. March 7: vs. DePaul. 1 La Salle Square, Providence,

MORE March 1 and 22: Providence Flea Indoor Market. March 3: Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Day. ALZ. org/RI. March 5-7: Motion State Dance Festival. March 7: March of Frogs at Blackstone Park. March 7: Guided Walk on Neutaconkanut Hill. March 8: Hike Hunt’s Mills. BlackstoneHeritageCorridor. org. March 8: Girls Night Out - Celebration of Women in Story and Song. GirlsNightOut. Site. March 8: Museum Concerts Presents Blue Thread at First Unitarian Church. March 9: BANFF Mountain Film Festival. March 13: Residual Noise. March 14: Music for Voices and Viols at St. Martin’s Church. March 18: Conversations in Latinx Art - Firelei Baez. March 19: RIIFF Encore Series. March 19: The Feast of St. Joseph. March 20: The Original Harlem Globetrotters - Pushing the Limits. March 21: Spoken Story Saturdays at The Parlour. Facebook: Spoken Story Saturdays. March 25: Work With Pride - LGBTQIA+ Job Fair. Facebook: Rhode Island Pride. March 25: Miwa Matreyek “Glorious Visions in Animation.” March 26: Backdrop Comedy presents Stand-up Comedy Showcase. March 27-30: Roman’s Road. March 27-April 5: Festival Ballet Providence presents Up Close on Hope. March 28-29: Art & Craft Festival. March 29: Breakfast with the Moon Bears.





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by Robert Isenberg

The Long Conversation

Photo courtesy of Justine Closterman

East Side artist Michael Rich makes dreamscapes out of oils and other media

When he was young, Michael Rich would take summer trips to Nantucket, where his family had a house. He loved the beaches and farms, the coastal grasses and vast stretches of water. Those images would stick with him – through his years at RISD, where he studied architecture, then illustration. Long into adulthood, those colors and forms would migrate through his hand, his brush, and onto canvas. “Nantucket is known for a lot of things,” says Rich, “but one of those things is the landscape.“ At first, you may not “see” Nantucket in Rich’s paintings, which are as abstract as they come. The pigments ooze and overlay, contrast and complement. The shapes are a blend of sharp and wispy. But the color palette often smacks of warm weather, leaves, sunrises. These are the colors you might see when you first wake up, realizing you’ve fallen asleep in a seaside park. The effect is dreamy.

“I drew and sketched my whole life,” says Rich, who did odd jobs and built houses for some years. He also taught art classes and still teaches for Roger Williams University. Through it all, he painted. “One thing leads to another, and it starts to take over and become more of the primary thing you do, not the thing you do on the side. As an artist, I’m much more responsive. I’m not someone who thinks about grand or clever ideas. I want to make, and be responsive to things I’ve seen or experience, in a very direct way.” Today, Rich maintains a sizable studio on the edge of Pawtucket. The high industrial ceilings and broad windows are the portrait of bohemian life; stretched canvases are stacked everywhere, and the space sings with color. Massive oil paintings are the centerpiece of Rich’s portfolio, and he attracts clients from all over – some are corporate, but the

popularity of “open-plan” homes has led to an uptick in large-format artwork. One canvas, recently purchased, will find its way into a San Francisco apartment, and the owners may require a crane to install it safely. Yet Rich is a versatile artist, and he works in several media, including block prints, etchings, collage, and pastels. “I’m obsessed with pastels right now,” he says, flipping through page after page of energetic drawings; the repetitious hairpin lines are reminiscent of grass. A jazz fan, Rich describes his approach as improvisational. “It’s really about a conversation you start to have with your work.” He laughs. “It doesn’t make sense to anyone but me. I’m 30 years into this conversation, but that’s what it is.” Michael Rich’s work will be on display at the Bristol Art Museum as part of Praxis: Abstraction; 4 Strategies, through April 5. • March 2020


Upscale Mexican Cuisine on Historic Federal Hill


by Adam Hogue

Meet Cherry Pit Providence’s new guitar-driven supergroup will bowl you over

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In a relatively short period of time, Cherry Pit has made a presence in the Providence music scene. With a lineup that reads like a who’s who of the music world, the band is comprised of Chelsea Paulhus of Tall Teenagers, Julie Bozek of Eric and the Nothing and former member of Cat Has Claws, and Amelia Rose of Seatbelt – an acoustic project with Cody James – and former member of Thug Honey. This trio has been turning up at venues such as The Parlour, AS220, and the Columbus Theatre, among many others. Perhaps it is the energy of the band live, the undefinable style of their music, or the synergy heard in harmonized vocals and a fully realized scope of sound just daring enough to stray outside of comfort zones. What becomes clear is that Cherry Pit is creating a kind of music unique to itself. Whether live or recorded, Cherry Pit comes off more as friends enjoying the ride rather than an act with intent. “This band was

formed with the understanding that we would be challenging ourselves from the start. Each of us took on new roles – taking different steps out of our comfort zones and, in turn, we wrote songs we love to play,” Paulhus explains. “When we perform our songs in new ways, that allows us to continue to challenge each other and bring a new life to them.” Lyrics capturing actual lived realities accented by impeccable harmonies that create a one-mind-many-voice sort of drift effect, dreamily swaggering in and out of verses and choruses coupled with tremolo rich guitar riffs, and textures within a refreshingly minor-key structure makes the singles released by Cherry Pit stand out as unique pieces of songcraft blissfully unaware of labels or expectations. While Cherry Pit is a live band first, they are able to capture their essence on a track as evidenced on single recordings on Bandcamp like “Building” and “Quake.”

Photography by Savannah Barkley for Providence Monthly


Left to right: Cherry Pit members Amelia Rose, Julie Bozek, and Chelsea Paulhus

As the band puts it, “[We are into] full band live shows for sure – being in the moment, reading each other, feeding off of the energy – that’s what drives us.” Cherry Pit recently brought these sensibilities to Big Nice Studio, a full-service digital and analog recording studio in nearby Lincoln. “When we recorded at Big Nice, we tried to keep it as close to our live sound as possible. Chaimes [Parker], the engineer, even set up our vocals to record simultaneously so we could capture our harmonies in sync. I think with this approach you can preserve that energy that is generated when you play as a band live,” says Paulhus. When asked about any memorable live experiences the band recalls, “Probably when we opened up for Habibi at the Columbus Theater. A good show is made by the combination of good bands, a good sound person, and a good crowd. We had a lot of fun that night. That venue is magical - when you play there you feel like you are a part of something special happening.” Facebook: WeAreCherryPit


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QUAKE: The first track released on Bandcamp captures the kind of freeform energy only first recordings can contain. Complete with those reverb heavy guitars, unique harmonies, a killer riff, and minor-chord progressions, Quake is a great starting point with Cherry Pit. BUILDING: A bouncing boom-bapbap drum intro into fully harmonized verses opens up into a major-chord chorus that swells into a tremolo-rich guitar solo. And that unexpected slow-bridge? That swelling, crescendo outro? Forget about it! This track is better than smoked beets.

Celebrating 85 years | Family Owned and Operated 100 SABRA STREET, CRANSTON • 781-9693 • TWINOAKSREST.COM • March 2020


ART & CULTURE • On Stage

Leaders in Eye Care since 1927


By Robert Isenberg

Rebels with a Cause In a contentious election year, local theaters stage politically charged dramas


A Tale of Two Cities

804 Hope Street, Providence 64 • March 2020

A Tale of Two Cities “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Few novels in history have opened as memorably as the Charles Dickens masterwork. Trinity Repertory Company presents this brand-new adaptation by Brian McEleney, a story of 18th-century greed, poverty, and the anarchic revolution that resulted. The story documents the Reign of Terror, but it also shows the selfless redemption of Sydney Canton, one of the

most memorable characters in Dickensian lore. Reflecting the real-life class struggles that make daily headlines, A Tale of Two Cities dramatizes the conflict between rebel and establishment. Performs through March 22 • 201 Washington Street • Assassins In his own mind, John Wilkes Booth was a daring crusader who had the will and courage to terminate the president who

Photo by Rachel Warren, courtesy of Trinity Rep

Useful Reusable Goods

Spend a night at roger williamS park zoo and wake up with the animals!

had ruthlessly torn his country apart. In this transgressive musical from 1990, playwright John Weidman attempted to humanize some of the most infamous killers in American history – including Lee Harvey Oswald, whose fateful decision in the Dallas book depository is (literally) inspired by all the assassins who preceded him. The Gamm Theatre performs this funny, weird, unsettling musical, with songs and lyrics by the inimitable Stephen Sondheim. Performs March 5-29 • 1245 Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick • In the Next Room One of the most bizarre developments of the Victorian era was the electrical treatment of “female hysteria” – what we now recognize as an over-the-counter sex toy. In 2009, visionary playwright Sarah Ruhl illustrated this peculiar medical history with tension and humor, which led to three Tony Award nominations. Burbage Theatre Company revives In the Next Room (or The Vibrator Play), the story of an obsessive doctor, his sexually frustrated wife, an artist with a rare case of “male hysteria,” and an African-American wet nurse. The Burbage Theatre presents this modern classic, culminating in a jaw-dropping tableau. Performs through April 5 • 59 Blackstone Avenue, Pawtucket • Miss You Like Hell You will never see another musical like Miss You Like Hell. In it, teenage Olivia embarks on a road trip with her mother Beatriz, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico. Timely topics aside, the musical was written by Pulitzer Prize-winner Quiara Alegría Hudes and composed by folkrock performer Erin McKeown – a former artist-in-residence at AS220. The Wilbury Theatre stages this Rhode Island premiere, which follows the acclaimed 2016 run in San Diego. Performs March 5-29 • 40 Sonoma Court •

For information visit

Sea Food

Sea Friends

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Seasonal Specials Prime Time


Candlelight Nights


Wellington Wednesday Throwback Thursday Buck-A-Shuck 40 Ocean Road, Narragansett 401.789.0700 | • March 2020


Derby Day Party Off To The Races! SATURDAY, MAY 2ND, 4PM-8PM Dig out your Derby hat as we bring the spirit of the Kentucky Derby to Bristol! • • • • • • •

Derby-inspired passed & stationed foods by Blackstone Caterers Live streaming of the 145th Kentucky Derby Live Music, Dancing & Entertainment Step right up and place your bets! Bourbon tasting • Mint julep bar Silent & Live Auction Awards for Best Dressed, Best Hat and Most Dapper Couple


66 • March 2020

FOOD & DRINK In the Kitchen • Food News • Experience • Restaurant Guide

LEAVE THE CANNOLI This 96-year-old restaurant on Federal Hill dares to do something different by Jenny Currier “Have you ever had spaghetti pie?” Jamie Antignano asks by way of introducing the latest craze at her restaurant: the spaghetti donut. At only 25 years old, Antignano is now the “President of Pasta” and current owner of Angelo’s Civita Farnese, a staple in Providence that’s been serving Italian food for nearly a century. Known by most as “Angelo’s on the Hill,” it is now in its fourth generation of ownership within the same family, and Antignano bubbles with excitement whenever she discusses its history or its future. One of her hopes is to keep the traditional aspects of the menu that patrons have enjoyed for years (“Some customers have been coming for 70 years!” she explains), while also introducing fresh, new items. It’s a delicate balance, but one such success happens to have its genesis in spaghetti pie. “In Italian families like mine, we would take leftover spaghetti,

mix it with sauce, cheese, and eggs – as a binder – and bake it as a way of eating leftovers. And I thought, why not use a donut tin instead of a baking dish?” Thus, the Spaghetti Donut was born. The donuts are the size of a traditional cake donut and served with a side of warm marinara sauce (a “glaze,” if you will). They make the perfect appetizer, either for yourself or for the table to share. And since Angelo’s is a family restaurant, they thought it would be fun for the kids. “For them, we put a meatball in the middle of it,” Antignano says, which completes the spaghetti donut as a meal with protein. “We like to get creative with it,” Antignano says. “We use a pink vodka sauce for Valentine’s Day; we’ve made pesto versions and mac-and-cheese. I wasn’t sure how it would be received, coming into such a well-established restaurant. But it’s really taken off.”, 141 Atwells Ave, @angelosri_

Photo by Gabyson Bouquet, courtesy of Angelo’s • March 2020


FOOD & DRINK • Experience

by Robert Isenberg

Off-Broadway Nick’s on Westminster brings brunch to the financial district The new Nick’s may surprise you, if you’re accustomed to the famous eatery on Broadway. The restaurant, which opened last July, is inserted into the first floor of 100 Westminster Street. The walls are composed of smooth steel and plate glass. Like the original, the decor is mid-century chic: spherical lamps, glossy furniture, and an abstract mosaic of colored wood blocks; in a word, smashing. It’s no surprise, given the banks and skyscrapers that surround Nick’s on Westminster, that many regular customers arrive in blazers and ties. These are the same kinds of serious professionals you find in hotel bars and Gold Member clubs. At the same time, Nick’s behaves like an old-fashioned bistro, with smiley servers, strong coffee, and a lunch counter lined with stools. In spirit, Nick’s remains the late-night breakfast joint that Nick Sammartino once ran on Federal

Hill for 32 years. Most surprisingly, the prices are comparable to your local Gregg’s. Nick’s serves every meal there is, plus a long list of wines and local beers. For bona fide foodies, Chef Derek Wagner, a semi-finalist for the Best Chef Northeast from the James Beard Foundation, will provide a four-course, prix-fixe tasting menu, or even a seven-course feast with wine pairings, pending a 48-hour reservation. But Nick’s is most famous for brunch; indeed, many have argued that the first location offers the best brunch experience in Providence, and competition for a weekend table can be fierce. In this respect, Nick’s on Westminster is more easy going than the Broadway spot. Despite the suits and din of shop talk, few people will willingly park downtown if they don’t have to, so there’s almost always an open table. Brunch is served almost every

morning, and options rotate regularly. To me, brunch means eggs benedict – or, as they are playfully known at Nick’s, “Eggs Benny.” Served in a spotless white bowl, the eggs looked less like breakfast than a frameable work of art. Eating the entree is an action-packed experience, with detonating yolks and biscuits so moist and delicate that they practically tear themselves apart. I squirted green-chili hot sauce into the hollandaise, to vibrant effect. To truly appreciate a kitchen as sophisticated as Nick’s, you have to embrace the surprises. Fish on Toast showcases Point Judith fish and chargrilled French bread; the polenta is made from cornmeal and Vermont cheddar. I was delighted to see a wine from South Africa, which I hadn’t

CUISINE: Gourmet American PRICES: Brunch $3-14; Lunch $7-16; Dinner $5-32 ATMOSPHERE: Refined Diner

68 • March 2020

Photography by Nick DelGiudice

Chicken Biscuit

more than bagels.

Must-Try Items Brunch Burger Beef patty from Blackbird Farm, greens, grilled onion, and chipotle sauce

Chicken Biscuit Honey-grilled chicken from Baffoni Farm, egg, Vermont cheddar, and chipotle sauce

Point Judith Yellowfin Tuna The famed fish with potatoes and veggies

Celebrate with us!

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tasted since I spent time in Stellenbosch, now 20 years ago. Once the new restaurant has cast its spell, you – like me – will want to try everything.

VIP RECEPTION from 5:30-6:30pm

Nick ’s on Westminster 100 Westminster Street • 443-5100


Restaurants — desserts — music & raffles

Tickets available in advance online • March 2020


FOOD & DRINK • Food News

by Abbie Lahmers



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199 Wayland Avenue, Providence • 421-0250 89 Brown Street, Wickford • 294-6266 70 • March 2020

Ramen bowls and more at Y Noodle & Bar

Ceremony’s zero-proof drinks are steeped in tradition

Y Noodle & Bar, started by three friends with a passion for sharing food from their native regions of China – and whose names all start with Y – brings a blend of authentic Chinese and East Asian cuisine along with creative twists on classic dishes (Pork Belly Cotton Candy, anyone?) to West Fountain Street. Cocktails crafted from Yuzu – a grapefruit-like citrus fruit – are the stars of their drink list, including the Yullini (mixed with sparkling wine), Yuzu Daiquiri, and Blue Trip (with tequila, Blue Curaçao, and melon liqueur). While their ramen bowls tend to be crowd pleasers, dishes like the Shanghai Pan-Fried Dumplings, authentic to the Jiangsu region of China, and bao offerings set Y Noodle & Bar apart in Providence’s already vibrant Asian cuisine scene.

The ritual behind tea-making meets the Thayer Street nightlife scene at Ceremony, where their premium teas are elevated to zero-proof cocktails in complexity and creativity. Owner Michelle Cheng teamed up with a mixologist to “create a social space where you can enjoy a spirit-free beverage without sacrificing the craft drink experience.” And that craft-like care is evident even before the first sip. For example, the Mr. Lawrence cocktail begins with an Oolong base, sweetened with housemade pineapple gum syrup, and poured over hand-cut ice. The Yame Kumo gets its frothy, cloudlike appearance from oat milk foam, which tops the matcha-based, citrusy, rice-flavored drink. Of course, you’re also always welcome to partake in their traditional tea ceremonies and taste the transitions between six separate steeps.

Photos courtesy of Y Noodle & Bar

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Seven Stars breathes new life into former Olga’s bakery While Olga’s Cup & Saucer officially closed its doors in December, rest assured that the cozy spot on Point Street will be in good hands with Bill and Tracy Daugherty, who will open the fifth Seven Stars Bakery on the heels of their most recent in Cranston. “It wasn’t part of the plan to move that quickly to another location,” says Bill, “but the uniqueness of the opportunity was really exciting for our entire team.” Centrally located, the new spot has a lot of charm, patio space, and an ideal layout for expanding their catering service. There’s still a lot of work in store, but Bill cites the enthusiasm and dedication of their bakers, who have made the process “seamless,” and anticipates a late-spring/mid-year opening. • March 2020


Food & Drink • In The Kitchen

by Karen Greco

The Patron Saint of Pastry glass

Experience The Art Of GL ASS BLOWING

LaSalle Bakery cooks up the St. Joseph’s Day treat



521 Atwells Avenue, Providence

While the origins of the zeppole may be murky, Rhode Island’s love affair with the pastry is certain. Some say the fritters come from Naples, where they were first baked at the Santa Patrizia convent in the 16th century. Other sources say they originated in Sicily, when St. Joseph saved the island from a severe drought. Whatever the backstory, the pastries celebrate the Festa di San Giuseppe, or St. Joseph’s Day, which honors Joseph, the patron Saint of fathers, carpenters, and pastry chefs. (Yes, pastry

72 • March 2020

chefs! Doesn’t it all make sense now?) Since 1930, LaSalle Bakery has been Providence’s go-to spot for zeppole, where it sells the sweet treat from February 1 through Easter. St. Joseph’s Day is their second busiest holiday, just behind Christmas. But it is dominated by this one pastry. The bakery sells thousands of zeppole over those weeks, with the zeppole train running full steam in the days leading up to March 19. “From four in the morning until one or two in the afternoon, all we do are

Photography by Brandon Harmon

Mike Manni



A Rhode Island Tradition for over 50 years zeppoles,” says owner Mike Manni. The zeppole’s shell is a pâte à choux – a pastry dough made from butter, water, flour, and eggs – that is twisted into a coil. The high moisture content of the dough puffs it with steam during the baking process. Then they are filled with a decadent Italian cream, which is made in “The Bravo,” a machine that simplified a very labor-intensive process. “Before, we’d pour the filling from the stove into five 10-gallon buckets that we lined up in a sink filled with ice,” says Manni. “Then we’d have to stir it continuously until it got down to temperature.” LaSalle’s Production Manager Rob Gemma laughs. “We all had Popeye arms by the end of the season.” The Bravo Trittico Executive is used to make semi-frozen desserts that need to be cooked, then cooled (think: gelato). The ingredients for the zeppole cream are poured into the upper tank, where they are brought up to temperature and cooked. The cream then moves into the lower tank where it is gently cooled. It makes 10 gallons every 20 minutes. The bakery purchased The Bravo about 10 years ago, after a salmonella outbreak linked to another bakery’s zeppole turned the holiday sour. “The Bravo ensures that the temperature is exact and safe,” Mike says. LaSalle makes four kinds of zeppole: traditional (which is baked), fried, Bailey’s Cream, and chocolate mousse. “We used to make all kinds of different flavors, but we scaled it back to the most popular,” Mike says. “It was madness!” While the shells for the traditional zeppole are piped by a machine, the ones for the non-traditional flavors are done by hand. The cream is hand filled for all. Labor intensive, to be sure. But how else do you pay homage to the Patron Saint of pastry chefs?

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272-3618 | 621-3618 | 621-9190


LaS alle Bakery 993 Smith Street • 831-9563

173 WICKENDEN, PROV. RI | 401.421.5157 M-F 730–6PM SAT 8–5PM | • March 2020


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RESTAURANT GUIDE Key: B breakfast Br brunch L lunch D dinner $ under 10 $$ 10–20 $$$ 20+

Love, redemption, and revolution


318 Broadway, Providence

A Tale of Two


10 Prime Steak & Sushi Fashionable prime steakhouse with award-winning sushi. 55 Pine St, Providence, 453-2333. LD $$$ Caserta Pizzeria Casual kid-friendly pizza spot offering traditional Italian crispcut pizza and calzones. 121 Spruce St, Providence, 621-3818. LD $-$$

Photography by Brandon Harmon

CAV Eclectic cuisine and art in a historic setting. 14 Imperial Place, Providence, 751-9164. BrLD $$-$$$ Chapel Grille Gourmet food overlooking the Providence skyline. 3000 Chapel View Blvd, Cranston, 944-4900. BrLD $$$

level French bistro fare at Chez Pascal. 960 Hope St, Providence, 421-4422. LD $-$$$ Don Jose Tequilas Restaurant Homestyle Mexican fare plus beer, wine, and cocktails in a colorful setting. 351 Atwells Ave, Providence, 454-8951. LD $-$$ Harry’s Bar & Burger Called the “Best Burger in America” by CNN. Over 50 craft beers. 121 North Main St, Providence, 228-7437; 301 Atwells Ave, 228-3336. LD $-$$ Haruki Japanese cuisine and a la carte selections with casual ambience Locations in Cranston and Providence, LD $-$$

Character’s Cafe & Theatre Hybrid art space with all-day breakfast, coffee, and theater-inspired entrees. 82 Rolfe Sq, Cranston, 490-9475. BL $

Joe Marzelli’s Old Canteen Italian Restaurant High-end Italian restaurant serving up specialty dishes and drinks. 120 Atwells Ave, Providence. 751-5544. LD $$$

Chez Pascal & The Wurst Kitchen Housemade hotdogs and sausages can be devoured at the Wurst Kitchen, and next-

Julian’s A must-taste Providence staple celebrating more than 20 years. 318 Broadway, Providence, 861-1770. BBrLD $$

by Brian McEleney adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens


Tickets start at $27 (401) 351-4242 201 Washington St., Prov.





1271 North Main Street, Providence • 437-8421 358 Broad Street, Providence • 273-7050








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Private Parties & Functions 14 Imperial Place, Providence | 751-9164 |

RESTAURANT GUIDE KG Kitchen City neighborhood bistro turning up New American favorite. 771 Hope St, Providence, 331-4100. LD $$-$$$ Lotus Garden Noodle & Sushi House Authentic Cambodian cuisine in the heart of the Hill. 223 Atwells Ave, Providence, 383-4774. LD $-$$$ Luxe Burger Bar Build Your Own Burger: You dream it, we build it! 5 Memorial Blvd, Providence, 621-5893. LD $ Parkside Rotisserie & Bar American bistro specializing in rotisserie meats. 76 South Main St, Providence, 331-0003. LD $-$$ Pizza J Fun, upbeat atmosphere with thin-crust pizza, pub fare, and gluten-free options. 967 Westminster St, Providence, 632-0555. LD $-$$ Rebelle Artisan Bagels Artisan bagels that are uniquely hand-rolled, boiled, and baked. 10 Doyle Ave, Providence, 349-1263. BrL $

76 • March 2020

Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 437-6950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$ The River Social Mediterannean small plates overlooking Waterplace Park for a uniquely social experience. 200 Exchange St, Providence, 256-5686. D $-$$ Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, and Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$

T’s Restaurant RI favorite with all-day breakfast-brunch. Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett; BrLD $$ Twin Oaks Family restaurant serving a great selection of Italian and American staples. 100 Sabra St, Cranston, 781-9693. LD $-$$$ SOUTH COUNTY Celestial Cafe Locally sourced and globally inspired cuisine with a curated craft beer list. 567 South County Trail, Exeter, 295-5559. BrLD $$-$$$

The Salted Slate An agri-driven American restaurant with global influences. 186 Wayland Ave, Providence, 270-3737. BrLD $$-$$$

Chair 5 Hotel haunt with a beach-inspired menu and a dreamy rooftop lounge. 1208 Ocean Rd, Narragansett, 363-9820. LD $$-$$$

Trinity Brewhouse Providence restaurant and brewery reinventing classic American pub fare. 186 Fountain St, Providence, 453-2337. LD $$

Coast Guard House A new American menu with a seafood emphasis and extensive wine list, open seven days a week. 40 Ocean Rd, Narragansett, 789-0700. BrLD $$$




“Magical...unlike anything you’ve seen before.” —Los Angeles Times

Photo credit: Gayle Laird


RESTAURANT GUIDE Colvitto’s Pizza & Bakery Pizza Calzones and baked goods made fresh daily. 91 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 783-8086. BrLD $

fun setting, with live entertainment. 40 Point Judith Rd, Narragansett, 284-3282. LD $$

cuisine in a friendly atmosphere. 7366 Post Rd, North Kingstown, 295-0800. LD $$-$$$

Pasquale’s Pizzeria Napoletana Authentic Neapolitan wood-fired pizza with ingredients imported from Naples. 60 S County Commons Way, South Kingstown, 783-2900. LD $-$$

Sophie’s Brewhouse Espresso drinks and sandwiches with an emphasis on fresh, local ingredients. 699 S County Trail, Exeter, 295-4273. BL $$

Eleven Forty Nine City sophistication in the suburbs. 1149 Division St, Warwick, 884-1149. LD $$$

Red Stripe Casual French-American bistro. 465 Angell St, Providence, 437-6950; 455 Main St, East Greenwich, 398-2900. BrLD $$

T’s Restaurant RI favorite with all-day breakfast-brunch. Cranston, East Greenwich, Narragansett; BrLD $$

Fuel Coffee Bar Breakfast and lunch, including vegan and gluten-free options. 904 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 792-3835. BrL $-$$

The Revival Craft Kitchen & Bar Focusing on American fare and craft beer. 219 Main St, East Greenwich (second location in Warren), 336-3747. D $$-$$$

George’s of Galilee Fresh-caught seafood in an upscale pub atmosphere. 250 Sand Hill Cove Rd, Narragansett, 783-2306. LD $-$$

Siena Impeccable Italian cuisine. Locations in Providence, East Greenwich, and Smithfield, 521-3311. D $$-$$$

Mariner Grille Seafood, steaks, and pasta in a

Sonoma Bistro and Wine Bar New American

The Cove Traditional bar and grill serving burgers, sandwiches, and classic New England seafood favorites. 3963 Old Post Rd, Charlestown, 364-9222. LD $$

Tavern by the Sea Waterfront European/ American bistro. 16 West Main St, Wickford, 294-5771. LD $$ Thirsty Gull New England sourced gastropub. 9 East Ave, Westerly, 596-1936. D $$ Twin Willows Fresh seafood and water views in a family-friendly atmosphere. 865 Boston Neck Rd, Narragansett, 789-8153. LD $-$$ • March 2020


Pic of PVD

We celebrated the city’s movers, shakers, and change-makers for our Who to Watch 2020 Party at Skyline in January! The fantastic food, signature cocktail, and networking – all backed by a stunning view of the city – made it a night to remember!

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