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Neighborhood News
Providence Neighborhood Associations
Blackstone Parks Conservancy
P.O. Box 603141, Providence, RI 02906 Admin@blackstoneparksconservancy.org BlackstoneParksConservancy.org Facebook: Blackstone Parks Conservancy
College Hill Neighborhood Association
Rick Champagne P.O. Box 2442, Providence, RI 02906 CHNA@chnaprovidence.org CHNAProvidence.org
Downtown Neighborhood Association
DNAPVD@gmail.com DNAPVD.com Facebook: Providence Downtown Neighborhood Association, DNA
Elmwood Neighborhood Association
Karen Hlynsky ENA-PVD.org Facebook: Elmwood Neighborhood Association PVD
Fox Point Neighborhood Association
Meeting Date: April 12 Amy Mendillo P.O. Box 2315, Providence, RI 02906 FoxPointNeighborhood@gmail.com FPNA.net
Jewelry District Association
Sharon Steele, President JewelryDistrict.org JDA@jewelrydistrict.org
Mile of History Association
Wendy Marcus c/o Providence Preservation Society 24 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02903 MileOfHistory@gmail.com MileOfHistory.org
Mount Hope Community Center
401-521-8830 MHNAInc@gmail.com Facebook: Mount Hope Neighborhood Association, Inc. Wayland Square
Observatory Neighborhood Association
Ruth Breindel, President ObservatoryPVD@gmail.com
Olneyville Neighborhood Association
Eduardo Sandoval 122 Manton Avenue, Box 8 Providence, RI 02909 ONAProvidence@gmail.com Facebook: Olneyville Library
Providence Coalition of Neighborhood Associations
Info@provcna.org ProvCNA.org
Reservoir Triangle Neighborhood Association
David Talan 25 Santiago St. Providence, RI 02907 401-941-3662 DaveTalan@aol.com
Smith Hill Partners’ Initiative
Wole Akinbi 400 Smith Street Providence, RI 02908 Suite #1 AAkinbi@half-full.com Facebook: Smith Hill Partners’ Initiative
South Elmwood Neighborhood Association
Eleanor Borge and Al Je ries Facebook: So. Elmwood Neighborhood Association SouthElmwoodNA@gmail.com
South Providence Neighborhood Association
c/o Dwayne Keys P.O. Box 5653, Providence, RI 02903 401-369-1334 SouthProvNeighbors@gmail.com Facebook: South Providence Neighborhood Association
Summit Neighborhood Association
Regular Meeting: April 19 Annual Meeting: April 26 P.O. Box 41092, Providence, RI 02940 401-400-0986 SNAProv@gmail.com SummitNeighbors.org
Washington Park Neighborhood Association
237 Washington Avenue Providence, RI 02905 BettyLinda@aol.com Facebook: Washington Park Association
Wayland Neighborhood Association
Meeting Date: April 14 Katherine Touafek Facebook: Wayland Neighborhood Association WaylandSquareNeighbors@gmail.com
West Broadway Neighborhood Association
1560 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02909 401-831-9344, WBNA@wbna.org WBNA.org
Farmacy Herbs
Specialty Shop
We’re on the hunt for Rhody Gems! Every neighborhood has that secret, hidden, cool and unusual, or hole-in-the-wall spot that locals love. Email or tag us on social media using #RhodyGem to suggest yours, and we might just feature it!
What it is:
An herbal shop and education center surrounded by lush gardens boasting over 500 types of herbs, salves and oils, teas, and other extracts to help you feel your best.
Where to find it:
Recognizable by its entrance shadowed beneath a wide awning, find the shop on Cemetery Street on the north end of the North Burial Ground.
What makes it a Rhody Gem?
Setting foot inside Farmacy Herbs is like stepping into an old-timey apothecary: the smell of spices and the wood stove hit you first before noticing the walls stocked with hand-labeled mason jars of bulk herbs and brown-paper bags of tea. Owner and herbalist Mary Blue explains that all products are created in small, handmade batches, many with locally and organically grown herbs from their West Greenwich farm to guarantee the highest quality. “Customers often tell us how e ective our products are, and return time and time again,” Blue says. Farmacy also o ers online and in-person classes and internships, training enthusiasts on how to use herbs to support their health. To adapt to COVID guidelines, window service allows for contact-free shopping, along with a full outdoor store. Long-standing customer Nina Magliocchetti says, “I’ve taken classes, made wonderful friends there, and most of all, have been inspired by Mary Blue’s infectious enthusiasm for community herbalism and healthcare accessibility.”
Farmacy Herbs
28 Cemetery Street 270-5223 • FarmacyHerbs.com