4 minute read
12+ places serving up the sweet stu around the city
HOPE CREAMERY: Picnic tables with colorful umbrellas and streamers make any visit feel like a celebration. 569 Branch Avenue
FRISBIE’S DAIRY BARN HOMEMADE ICE CREAM: Just opened in The Arcade, this growing local franchise specializes in hard serve, sundaes, milkshakes, and more. 65 Weybosset Street
GREEN LINE APOTHECARY: Enjoy ice cream sodas, root beer floats, and shakes at the 1940s era restored soda fountain; vegan flavors available. 905 North Main Street
Community Boating summer camp is enrolling now
GRANIZADAS & ANTOJITOS CHAPINES: Enjoy treats like fresh fruity granizadas (snow cones) and more at this Guatemalan spot. 455 Plainfield Street
HELADO TAIYAKI: Seeking something different? This yummy dessert is a combo of Japanese pastry, ice cream, and Latin flavors. 102 Dean Street

KOW KOW: It all begins with bubble waffle cones at Kow Kow, where a wide selection of ice cream and add-ons await. 120 Ives Street
THE LANDING PROVIDENCE: Another newbie to the ice cream game o ers cool licks by the water. 101 Dyer Street (Read more on page 47)
LIKE NO UDDER: Your go-to for vegan ice cream means no dairy, eggs, animal fats or honey – just unique selections made from cashew, coconut, or peanut butter bases. 170 Ives Street
MISTER TWISTER: This bright pink building serving up banana splits and more has been a fave for over 20 years. 532 Manton Avenue
NEWPORT CREAMERY: The Newport Creamery has served cones, half gallons, cabinets, and Awful Awfuls to generations of Rhode Islanders. 673 Smith Street
THREE SISTERS: An East Side landmark for great flavors, sandwiches, co ee, and cakes. Favorites include Grandma’s Goodies (cookies, brownies, and blondies crushed in vanilla ice cream). 1074 Hope Street
TIZZY K’S: Attention breakfast lovers! Tizzy K’s starts by steeping your favorite cereal in an ice cream base and then topping with added crunch. 365 South Water Street
TRICYCLE ICE CREAM: Started in 2019 as a cart peddled around by trike, find unique and delicious ice cream sandwiches at their West End shop. 70 Battey Street
THE WRIGHT SCOOP: This northern RI fave serving up cow-to-cone ice cream can be found year-round at the Farm Fresh building. 10 Sims Avenue
Did we miss your favorite? Let us know by emailing Marketing@ProvidenceOnline.com
T h e s e e l e g a n t 1 - 4 b e d r o o m , 1 - 2 b a t h l o f t s h a v e i t a l l : s t y l e , l o c a t i o n , c o m f o r t , a n d c o n v e n i e n c e !
E v e r y t h i n g y o u w a n t , r o l l e d i n t o a c h i c , a n i m a l - f r i e n d l y a p a r t m e n t c o m m u n i t y y o u ’ l l l o v e c o m i n g h o m e t o ! R e s i d e n t s a l s o e n j o y a c c e s s t o a n a s s o r t m e n t o f t a s t e f u l l y a p p o i n t e d o n - s i t e a m e n i t i e s i n c l u d i n g f i t n e s s c e n t e r , t h e a t r e r o o m , i n d o o r p u t t i n g g r e e n & b a s k e t b a l l c o u r t , a n i m a l w a s h i n g s t a t i o n , g a m e r o om , r o o f t o p d e c k a n d o u t d o o r p a t i o . C o n v e n i e n t o n - s i t e s t o r a g e a n d g a r a g e p a r k i n g a r e a l s o a v a i l a b l e !
1 2 E a g l e S t r e e t , P r o v i d e n c e , R I

Starry Eyed for the Natural World
Love planetariums? Roger Williams Park has one! More than just a world-class zoo, the expansive property is home to the Museum of Natural History, which includes daily star-studded shows at the state’s only planetarium. Established in 1896, it houses exhibits and educational programs designed to inspire visitors of all ages to enjoy the natural world. Popular exhibits include A Continuous Presence: Celebrating 20 Years on the ISS, and Seismic Shifts: Earth through Time. Don’t forget, the first Saturday of the month is free for Providence residents. 1000 Elmwood Avenue, ProvidencerRI.gov/Museum
Revolutionary Residence
John Adams once noted that the John Brown House was “the most magnificent and elegant private mansion that I have ever seen on this continent.” Located on the East Side, the historic property immerses you in revolutionary era furniture, sculptures, artwork, silver, porcelain, textiles, and historic wall maps. You can also see Washington’s Chariot, a fully restored 18th-century carriage that First President George Washington once rode in. 52 Power Street, RIHS.org
Advance tickets recommended