Providence Monthly June 2020

Page 41

FOOD & DRINK M a ke -Yo u r - O w n P o p Ta r t s | F a r m F re s h P ro d u c e

Rhody Quarantini Cheers to good health and better days with this refreshing recipe We’ve teamed up with The Industrious Spirit Company to create this subtle porch (or roof) sipper perfect for an evening spent social distancing with the windows open. Whether the ingredients come from a garden or market, what better gin to use in this summer bevvie than the botanical new release from ISCO? For this Rhody Recipe, all you need is four ingredients and you’ll be ready to toast a summer sunset!



• 2 oz Ornamental Gin from The Industrious Spirit Company • 3/4 oz lemon juice

1. Create mint syrup: Muddle a handful of mint leaves with 1/2 cup of sugar until they’re well crushed. Add 1/2 cup of water. Pour all into a pot and bring to a gentle boil; strain into a glass container and allow to cool.

• 1/2 oz homemade mint syrup

2. Add the syrup and the rest of the ingredients to a cocktail shaker full of ice. Shake like crazy.

• Mint leaves

3. Strain into a Nick and Nora glass, or whatever you have on hand – we won’t judge! – and garnish with mint.

(for garnish and syrup)

Photo courtesy of The Industrious Spirit Company • June 2020


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