Providence Monthly June 2020

Page 52


Park -ists | by Robert Isenberg

Social Distancing, Social Change Park-ist Residents discover new ways to explore identity in the age of quarantine This year marks the first-ever “Park-ists in Residence,” an artist residency developed by the Providence Parks Department and the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism (ACT). According to plan, two artists were invited to live in historic homes located within parks, and their rent would be subsidized. Over the course of two years, these artists would set up a variety of programs, which would enrich the community with their creative ideas. The artists themselves are established and full of promise: First, there’s Mathew Garza, who moved into Esek Hopkins House with his artist-partner, Anthony AM Marcus. Gar-

za had a number of plans, including dance performances and an interactive landscaping project. Then there’s artist k. funmilayu aileru, who took up residence in Wanskuck Park. Going by the pronouns “ze, zim, and zir,” aileru is a digital artist and designer. Both residents are deeply invested in representing people who identify as “QT BIPoC,” or “queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.” Interestingly, Garza has noted that Esek Hopkins – his residence’s namesake – was a major pioneer in Rhode Island’s slave trade, making it a symbolic setting for his work.

102 Waterman Street, Providence, RI 02906


Photo courtesy of the Department of Art, Culture + Tourism

52 • June 2020

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